# Copyright 2009 One Laptop Per Child # Author: Sayamindu Dasgupta # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import logging from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon from sugar3.graphics.xocolor import XoColor from sugar3 import profile from sugar3.util import timestamp_to_elapsed_string from sugar3.graphics import style from readdialog import BookmarkAddDialog, BookmarkEditDialog from gettext import gettext as _ _logger = logging.getLogger('read-activity') # TODO: Add support for multiple bookmarks in a single page # (required when sharing) class BookmarkView(Gtk.EventBox): __gsignals__ = { 'bookmark-changed': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, GObject.TYPE_NONE, ([])), } def __init__(self): Gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) self.set_size_request(style.GRID_CELL_SIZE, style.GRID_CELL_SIZE * 2) self._xo_color = profile.get_color() self._fill_color = style.Color(self._xo_color.get_fill_color()) self._stroke_color = style.Color(self._xo_color.get_stroke_color()) self._box = Gtk.VButtonBox() self._box.set_layout(Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle.CENTER) self.add(self._box) self._box.show() self._bookmark_icon = None self._bookmark_manager = None self._is_showing_local_bookmark = False self.add_events(Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self._box.connect('draw', self.__draw_cb) def __draw_cb(self, widget, ctx): width = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE height = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE * 2 ctx.rectangle(0, 0, width, height) ctx.set_source_rgba(*self._fill_color.get_rgba()) ctx.paint() ctx.new_path() ctx.move_to(0, 0) ctx.line_to(width, 0) ctx.line_to(width, height) ctx.line_to(width / 2, height - width / 2) ctx.line_to(0, height) ctx.close_path() ctx.set_source_rgba(*self._stroke_color.get_rgba()) ctx.fill() def _add_bookmark_icon(self, bookmark): xocolor = XoColor(str(bookmark.color)) self._bookmark_icon = Icon(icon_name='emblem-favorite', xo_color=xocolor, icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR) self._box.props.has_tooltip = True self.__box_query_tooltip_cb_id = self._box.connect( 'query_tooltip', self.__bookmark_icon_query_tooltip_cb, bookmark) self.__event_cb_id = \ self.connect('event', self.__event_cb, bookmark) self._box.pack_start(self._bookmark_icon, False, False, 0) self._bookmark_icon.show_all() if bookmark.is_local(): self._is_showing_local_bookmark = True def __bookmark_icon_query_tooltip_cb(self, widget, x, y, keyboard_mode, tip, bookmark): tooltip_header = bookmark.get_note_title() tooltip_body = bookmark.get_note_body() time = timestamp_to_elapsed_string(bookmark.timestamp) #TRANS: This goes like Bookmark added by User 5 days ago #TRANS: (the elapsed string gets translated automatically) tooltip_footer = ( _('Bookmark added by %(user)s %(time)s') % {'user': bookmark.nick.decode('utf-8'), 'time': time.decode('utf-8')}) vbox = Gtk.VBox() l = Gtk.Label('%s' % tooltip_header) l.set_use_markup(True) l.set_width_chars(40) l.set_line_wrap(True) vbox.pack_start(l, False, False, 0) l.show() l = Gtk.Label('%s' % tooltip_body) l.set_use_markup(True) l.set_alignment(0, 0) l.set_padding(2, 6) l.set_width_chars(40) l.set_line_wrap(True) l.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.FILL) vbox.pack_start(l, True, True, 0) l.show() l = Gtk.Label('%s' % tooltip_footer) l.set_use_markup(True) l.set_width_chars(40) l.set_line_wrap(True) vbox.pack_start(l, False, False, 0) l.show() tip.set_custom(vbox) return True def __event_cb(self, widget, event, bookmark): if event.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS and \ self._bookmark_icon is not None: bookmark_title = bookmark.get_note_title() bookmark_content = bookmark.get_note_body() dialog = BookmarkEditDialog( parent_xid=self.get_toplevel().get_window(), dialog_title=_("Add notes for bookmark: "), bookmark_title=bookmark_title, bookmark_content=bookmark_content, page=bookmark.page_no, sidebarinstance=self) dialog.show_all() return False def _clear_bookmarks(self): for bookmark_icon in self._box.get_children(): self._box.disconnect(self.__box_query_tooltip_cb_id) self.disconnect(self.__event_cb_id) bookmark_icon.hide() # XXX: Is this needed?? bookmark_icon.destroy() self._bookmark_icon = None self._is_showing_local_bookmark = False def set_bookmarkmanager(self, bookmark_manager): self._bookmark_manager = bookmark_manager def get_bookmarkmanager(self): return (self._bookmark_manager) def update_for_page(self, page): self._clear_bookmarks() if self._bookmark_manager is None: return bookmarks = self._bookmark_manager.get_bookmarks_for_page(page) if bookmarks: self.show() else: self.hide() for bookmark in bookmarks: self._add_bookmark_icon(bookmark) self.notify_bookmark_change() def notify_bookmark_change(self): self.emit('bookmark-changed') def add_bookmark(self, page): bookmark_title = (_("%s's bookmark") % profile.get_nick_name()) bookmark_content = (_("Bookmark for page %d") % (int(page) + 1)) dialog = BookmarkAddDialog( parent_xid=self.get_toplevel().get_window(), dialog_title=_("Add notes for bookmark: "), bookmark_title=bookmark_title, bookmark_content=bookmark_content, page=page, sidebarinstance=self) dialog.show_all() def _real_add_bookmark(self, page, content): self._bookmark_manager.add_bookmark(page, unicode(content)) self.update_for_page(page) def del_bookmark(self, page): self._bookmark_manager.del_bookmark(page) self.update_for_page(page) def is_showing_local_bookmark(self): return self._is_showing_local_bookmark