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diff options
authorAleksey Lim <alsroot@sugarlabs.org>2012-01-15 04:04:55 (GMT)
committer Aleksey Lim <alsroot@sugarlabs.org>2012-01-15 04:04:55 (GMT)
commitb4560a8504bc2d3daffe302ca2be1c0e50acb9a7 (patch)
parent0b3bc7dabbe9c3bf344174539fdcef608a894bbf (diff)
Use util from ad module
9 files changed, 27 insertions, 821 deletions
diff --git a/restful_document/__init__.py b/restful_document/__init__.py
index 22f427e..4ceff8f 100644
--- a/restful_document/__init__.py
+++ b/restful_document/__init__.py
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from active_document import util
from restful_document.document import Document, restful_method
from restful_document.metadata import Metadata, Method
from restful_document.router import Router
from restful_document.user import User
+from restful_document.env import principal, request
diff --git a/restful_document/document.py b/restful_document/document.py
index 2f9adca..d3cae55 100644
--- a/restful_document/document.py
+++ b/restful_document/document.py
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
from gettext import gettext as _
import active_document as ad
+enforce = ad.util.enforce
from restful_document import env
from restful_document.metadata import restful_method
-from restful_document.util import enforce
class Document(ad.Document):
diff --git a/restful_document/env.py b/restful_document/env.py
index 52f04d7..a1fb97f 100644
--- a/restful_document/env.py
+++ b/restful_document/env.py
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ import threading
from urlparse import parse_qsl
from gettext import gettext as _
-from restful_document import util
-from restful_document.util import enforce
+import active_document as ad
+enforce = ad.util.enforce
+util = ad.util
_default = object()
@@ -187,9 +188,12 @@ class Principal(threading.local):
"""Authenticated user."""
_cache = {}
+ _user = None
def user(self):
+ if self._user is not None:
+ return self._user
enforce('sugar_user' in request and 'sugar_user_signature' in request,
Unauthorized, _('Sugar user credentials were not specified'))
signature = request['sugar_user_signature']
diff --git a/restful_document/metadata.py b/restful_document/metadata.py
index 9fa0669..8cd9e47 100644
--- a/restful_document/metadata.py
+++ b/restful_document/metadata.py
@@ -16,8 +16,11 @@
import types
from gettext import gettext as _
-from restful_document import util, env
-from restful_document.util import enforce
+import active_document as ad
+enforce = ad.util.enforce
+util = ad.util
+from restful_document import env
def restful_method(**kwargs):
diff --git a/restful_document/router.py b/restful_document/router.py
index 367e335..1725e15 100644
--- a/restful_document/router.py
+++ b/restful_document/router.py
@@ -20,10 +20,11 @@ import logging
from gettext import gettext as _
import active_document as ad
+enforce = ad.util.enforce
+util = ad.util
-from restful_document import util, env
+from restful_document import env
from restful_document.metadata import Metadata
-from restful_document.util import enforce
_logger = logging.getLogger('rd.router')
diff --git a/restful_document/server.py b/restful_document/server.py
index caa79b7..28562a2 100644
--- a/restful_document/server.py
+++ b/restful_document/server.py
@@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer
import active_document as ad
import restful_document as rd
+enforce = ad.util.enforce
+util = ad.util
-from restful_document import env, util, printf
-from restful_document.util import enforce
+from restful_document import env, printf
class Server(object):
diff --git a/restful_document/user.py b/restful_document/user.py
index 300c0ea..6135328 100644
--- a/restful_document/user.py
+++ b/restful_document/user.py
@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@ from gettext import gettext as _
from M2Crypto import DSA
import active_document as ad
+enforce = ad.util.enforce
+util = ad.util
-from restful_document import env, util
+from restful_document import env
from restful_document.metadata import restful_method
from restful_document.document import Document
-from restful_document.util import enforce
class User(Document):
diff --git a/restful_document/util.py b/restful_document/util.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aebd86e..0000000
--- a/restful_document/util.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,809 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2011, Aleksey Lim
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-"""Swiss knife module.
-$Repo: git://git.sugarlabs.org/alsroot/codelets.git$
-$File: src/util.py$
-$Data: 2012-01-05$
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import fcntl
-import shutil
-import atexit
-import logging
-import tempfile
-import datetime
-import subprocess
-from os.path import exists, join, islink, isdir, dirname, basename, lexists
-from os.path import abspath, expanduser
-from gettext import gettext as _
- import json
- if not hasattr(json, 'dumps'):
- raise ImportError()
-except ImportError:
- import simplejson as json
-def enforce(condition, error=None, *args):
- """Make an assertion in runtime.
- In comparing with `assert`, it will all time present in the code.
- Just a bit of syntax sugar.
- :param condition:
- the condition to assert; if not False then return,
- otherse raise an RuntimeError exception
- :param error:
- error message to pass to RuntimeError object
- or Exception class to raise
- :param args:
- optional '%' arguments for the `error`
- """
- if condition:
- return
- if isinstance(error, type):
- exception_class = error
- if args:
- error = args[0]
- args = args[1:]
- else:
- error = None
- else:
- exception_class = RuntimeError
- if args:
- error = error % args
- elif not error:
- # pylint: disable-msg=W0212
- frame = sys._getframe(1)
- error = _('Runtime assertion failed at %s:%s') % \
- (frame.f_globals['__file__'], frame.f_lineno - 1)
- raise exception_class(error)
-def exception(*args):
- """Log about exception on low log level.
- That might be useful for non-critial exception. Input arguments are the
- same as for `logging.exception` function.
- :param args:
- optional arguments to pass to logging function;
- the first argument might be a `logging.Logger` to use instead of
- using direct `logging` calls
- """
- if args and isinstance(args[0], logging.Logger):
- logger = args[0]
- args = args[1:]
- else:
- logger = logging
- klass, error, tb = sys.exc_info()
- import traceback
- tb = [i.rstrip() for i in traceback.format_exception(klass, error, tb)]
- error = str(error) or _('Something weird happened')
- if args:
- if len(args) == 1:
- message = args[0]
- else:
- message = args[0] % args[1:]
- error = '%s: %s' % (message, error)
- logger.error(error)
- logger.debug('\n'.join(tb))
-def assert_call(cmd, stdin=None, **kwargs):
- """Variant of `call` method with raising exception of errors.
- :param cmd:
- commad to execute, might be string or argv list
- :param stdin:
- text that will be used as an input for executed process
- """
- return call(cmd, stdin=stdin, asserts=True, **kwargs)
-def call(cmd, stdin=None, asserts=False, raw=False, error_cb=None, **kwargs):
- """Convenient wrapper around subprocess call.
- Note, this function is intended for processes that output finite
- and not big amount of text.
- :param cmd:
- commad to execute, might be string or argv list
- :param stdin:
- text that will be used as an input for executed process
- :param asserts:
- whether to raise `RuntimeError` on fail execution status
- :param error_cb:
- call callback(stderr) on getting error exit status from the process
- :returns:
- `None` on errors, otherwise `str` value of stdout
- """
- stdout, stderr = None, None
- returncode = 1
- try:
- logging.debug('Exec %r', cmd)
- process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs)
- if stdin is not None:
- process.stdin.write(stdin)
- process.stdin.close()
- # Avoid using Popen.communicate()
- # http://bugs.python.org/issue4216#msg77582
- process.wait()
- stdout = _nb_read(process.stdout)
- stderr = _nb_read(process.stderr)
- if not raw:
- stdout = stdout.strip()
- stderr = stderr.strip()
- returncode = process.returncode
- enforce(returncode == 0, _('Exit status is an error'))
- logging.debug('Successfully executed stdout=%r stderr=%r',
- stdout.split('\n'), stderr.split('\n'))
- return stdout
- except Exception, error:
- logging.debug('Failed to execute error="%s" stdout=%r stderr=%r',
- error, str(stdout).split('\n'), str(stderr).split('\n'))
- if asserts:
- raise RuntimeError(_('Failed to execute %r command: %s') % \
- (cmd, error))
- elif error_cb is not None:
- error_cb(returncode, stdout, stderr)
-def rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True, **kwargs):
- """Remove directory with all its content.
- Function will check if owner has permissions for removing directories
- (it makes sense for 0install implementaion caches).
- :param path:
- path to the directory to remove
- :param ignore_errors:
- ignore all errors while removing
- :returns:
- `None` on errors, otherwise `str` value of stdout
- """
- if isdir(path):
- def fix_dir(path):
- # 0install removes owner permissions
- stat = os.stat(path).st_mode & 0777
- if stat & 0700 != 0700:
- os.chmod(path, stat | 0700)
- fix_dir(path)
- for root, dirs, __ in os.walk(path):
- for i in dirs:
- fix_dir(join(root, i))
- shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, **kwargs)
- elif lexists(path):
- os.unlink(path)
-def cptree(src, dst):
- """Efficient version of copying directories.
- Function will try to make hard links for copying files at first and
- will fallback to regular copying overwise.
- :param src:
- path to the source directory
- :param dst:
- path to the new directory
- """
- if abspath(src) == abspath(dst):
- return
- do_copy = []
- def link(src, dst):
- if not exists(dirname(dst)):
- os.makedirs(dirname(dst))
- if islink(src):
- link_to = os.readlink(src)
- os.symlink(link_to, dst)
- elif isdir(src):
- cptree(src, dst)
- else:
- if do_copy:
- shutil.copy(src, dst)
- else:
- try:
- os.link(src, dst)
- except OSError:
- do_copy.append(True)
- shutil.copy(src, dst)
- shutil.copystat(src, dst)
- if isdir(src):
- for root, __, files in os.walk(src):
- dst_root = join(dst, root[len(src):].lstrip(os.sep))
- if not exists(dst_root):
- os.makedirs(dst_root)
- for i in files:
- link(join(root, i), join(dst_root, i))
- else:
- link(src, dst)
-def new_file(path, mode=None):
- """Atomic new file creation.
- Method will create temporaty file in the same directory as the specified
- one. When file object associated with this temporaty file will be closed,
- temporaty file will be renamed to the final destination.
- :param path:
- path to save final file to
- :param mode:
- mode for new file
- :returns:
- file object
- """
- tmp_path = TempFilePath(dir=dirname(path), prefix=basename(path))
- result = _NewFile(tmp_path, 'w')
- if mode:
- os.fchmod(result.fileno(), mode)
- result.tmp_path = tmp_path
- result.dst_path = path
- return result
-def get_frame(frame_no):
- """Return Python call stack frame.
- The reason to have this wrapper is that this stack information is a private
- data and might depend on Python implementaion.
- :param frame_no:
- number of stack frame starting from caller's stack position
- :returns:
- frame object
- """
- # +1 since the calling `get_frame` adds one more frame
- # pylint: disable-msg=W0212
- return sys._getframe(frame_no + 1)
-def utcnow():
- """Return local time in UTC.
- Support testing workflow on multi processes level.
- :returns:
- `datetime.datetime.utcnow()` value
- """
- direct_time_path = '/tmp/.utcnow'
- if exists(direct_time_path):
- ts = os.stat(direct_time_path).st_mtime
- return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts)
- else:
- return datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-def _set_utcnow(value):
- direct_time_path = '/tmp/.utcnow'
- file(direct_time_path, 'w').close()
- os.utime(direct_time_path, (value, value))
-def _unset_utcnow():
- direct_time_path = '/tmp/.utcnow'
- if exists(direct_time_path):
- os.unlink(direct_time_path)
-class Option(object):
- """Configuration option.
- `Option` object will be used as command-line argument and
- configuration file option. All these objects will be automatically
- collected from `sugar_server.env` module and from `etc` module from
- all services.
- """
- #: Collected by `Option.seek()` options in original order.
- unsorted_items = []
- #: Collected by `Option.seek()` options by name.
- items = {}
- #: Collected by `Option.seek()` options by section.
- sections = {}
- _config = None
- def __init__(self, description=None, default=None, short_option=None,
- type_cast=None, type_repr=None, action=None):
- """
- :param description:
- description string
- :param default:
- default value for the option
- :param short_option:
- value in for of `-<char>` to use as a short option for command-line
- parser
- :param type_cast:
- function that will be uses to type cast to option type
- while setting option value
- :param type_repr:
- function that will be uses to type cast from option type
- while converting option value to string
- :param action:
- value for `action` argument of `OptionParser.add_option()`
- """
- if default is not None and type_cast is not None:
- default = type_cast(default)
- self._value = default
- self.description = description
- self.type_cast = type_cast
- self.type_repr = type_repr
- self.short_option = short_option or ''
- self.action = action
- self.section = None
- self.name = None
- self.attr_name = None
- @property
- def long_option(self):
- """Long command-line argument name."""
- return '--%s' % self.name
- # pylint: disable-msg=E0202
- @property
- def value(self):
- """Get option raw value."""
- return self._value
- # pylint: disable-msg=E1101, E0102, E0202
- @value.setter
- def value(self, x):
- """Set option value.
- The `Option.type_cast` function will be used for type casting specified
- value to option.
- """
- if x is None:
- self._value = None
- elif self.type_cast is not None:
- self._value = self.type_cast(x)
- else:
- self._value = str(x) or None
- @staticmethod
- def seek(section, mod=None):
- """Collect `Option` objects.
- Function will populate `Option.unsorted_items`, `Option.items` and
- `Option.sections` values. Call this function before any usage
- of `Option` objects.
- :param section:
- arbitrary name to group options per section
- :param mod:
- mdoule object to search for `Option` objects;
- if omited, use caller's module
- """
- if mod is None:
- mod_name = get_frame(1).f_globals['__name__']
- mod = sys.modules[mod_name]
- for name in sorted(dir(mod)):
- attr = getattr(mod, name)
- # Options might be from different `util` modules
- if not (type(attr).__name__ == 'Option' and \
- type(attr).__module__.split('.')[-1] == 'util'):
- continue
- attr.attr_name = name
- attr.name = name.replace('_', '-')
- attr.module = mod
- attr.section = section
- Option.unsorted_items.append(attr)
- Option.items[attr.name] = attr
- if section not in Option.sections:
- Option.sections[section] = {}
- Option.sections[section][attr.name] = attr
- @staticmethod
- def bind(parser, config_files=None, notice=None):
- """Initilize option usage.
- Call this function after invoking `Option.seek()`.
- :param parser:
- if not `None`, `OptionParser` object to export,
- collected by `Option.seek` options, to
- :param config_files:
- list of paths to files that will be used to read default
- option values; this value will initiate `Option.config` variable
- :param notice:
- optional notice to print with arguments' description
- """
- if config_files:
- Option._config = Option()
- Option._config.name = 'config'
- Option._config.attr_name = 'config'
- Option._config.description = \
- _('colon separated list of paths to alternative ' \
- 'configuration file(s)')
- Option._config.short_option = '-c'
- Option._config.type_cast = \
- lambda x: [i for i in re.split('[\s:;,]+', x) if i]
- Option._config.type_repr = \
- lambda x: ':'.join(x)
- Option._config.value = ':'.join(config_files)
- for prop in [Option._config] + Option.items.values():
- desc = prop.description
- if prop.value is not None:
- desc += ' [%s]' % prop
- if notice:
- desc += '; ' + notice
- if parser is not None:
- parser.add_option(prop.short_option, prop.long_option,
- action=prop.action, help=desc)
- @staticmethod
- def merge(options, config_files=None):
- """Combine default values with command-line arguments and config files.
- Call this function after invoking `Option.bind()`.
- :param options:
- the first value from a tuple returned by
- `OptionParser.parse_args()` function
- :param config_files:
- list of paths to files that will be used to read default
- option values instead of reusing `--config` value
- """
- from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
- if config_files is None:
- if Option._config is None:
- raise RuntimeError(_('Method Option.merge was not called or ' \
- 'its config_files argument was None'))
- config_files = Option._config.value
- config = ConfigParser()
- for i in config_files:
- if exists(expanduser(i)):
- config.read(expanduser(i))
- for prop in Option.items.values():
- if hasattr(options, prop.attr_name) and \
- getattr(options, prop.attr_name) is not None:
- prop.value = getattr(options, prop.attr_name)
- elif config.has_option(prop.section, prop.name):
- prop.value = config.get(prop.section, prop.name)
- @staticmethod
- def export():
- """Current configuration in human readable form.
- :returns:
- list of lines
- """
- import textwrap
- lines = []
- sections = set()
- for prop in Option.unsorted_items:
- if prop.section not in sections:
- if sections:
- lines.append('')
- lines.append('[%s]' % prop.section)
- sections.add(prop.section)
- lines.append('\n'.join(
- ['# %s' % i for i in textwrap.wrap(prop.description, 78)]))
- value = '\n\t'.join(str(prop).split('\n'))
- lines.append('%s = %s' % (prop.name, value))
- return lines
- @staticmethod
- def bool_cast(x):
- if not x or str(x).strip().lower() in ['', 'false', 'none']:
- return False
- else:
- return bool(x)
- @staticmethod
- def list_cast(x):
- if isinstance(x, str) or isinstance(x, unicode):
- return [i for i in x.strip().split(':') if i]
- else:
- return x
- @staticmethod
- def list_repr(x):
- return ':'.join(x)
- def __str__(self):
- if self.value is None:
- return ''
- else:
- if self.type_repr is None:
- return str(self.value)
- else:
- return self.type_repr(self.value)
- def __unicode__(self):
- return self.__str__()
-class Command(object):
- """Service command.
- `Command` is a way to have custom sub-commands in services. All these
- objects will be automatically collected from `etc` module
- from all services.
- """
- #: Collected by `Command.seek()` commands by name.
- items = {}
- #: Collected by `Command.seek()` commands by section.
- sections = {}
- def __init__(self, description=None, cmd_format=None):
- """
- :param description:
- command description
- :param cmd_format:
- part of description to explain additional command arguments
- """
- self.description = description or ''
- self.cmd_format = cmd_format or ''
- self.name = None
- self.attr_name = None
- @staticmethod
- def seek(section, mod=None):
- """Collect `Command` objects.
- Function will populate `Command.items` and `Command.sections` values.
- Call this function before any usage of `Command` objects.
- :param section:
- arbitrary name to group options per section
- :param mod:
- mdoule object to search for `Option` objects;
- if omited, use caller's module
- """
- if mod is None:
- mod_name = get_frame(1).f_globals['__name__']
- mod = sys.modules[mod_name]
- for name in sorted(dir(mod)):
- attr = getattr(mod, name)
- # Commands might be from different `util` modules
- if not (type(attr).__name__ == 'Command' and \
- type(attr).__module__.split('.')[-1] == 'util'):
- continue
- attr.name = name.replace('_', '-')
- attr.attr_name = name
- attr.module = mod
- attr.section = section
- Command.items[attr.name] = attr
- if section not in Command.sections:
- Command.sections[section] = {}
- Command.sections[section][attr.name] = attr
- @staticmethod
- def call(mod, name, *args, **kwargs):
- """Call the command.
- Specfied module should contain a function with a name
- `CMD_<command-name>()`. All additional `Command.call()` arguments
- will be passed as-is to command implementaion function.
- :param mod:
- module to search for command implementaion
- :param name:
- command name
- :returns:
- what command implementaion returns
- """
- cmd = Command.items.get(name)
- enforce(cmd is not None, _('No such command, %s'), name)
- func_name = 'CMD_%s' % cmd.attr_name
- if not hasattr(mod, func_name):
- raise RuntimeError(_('No such command, %s, in module %s') % \
- (name, mod.__name__))
- getattr(mod, func_name)(*args, **kwargs)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name
- def __unicode__(self):
- return self.__str__()
-class TempFilePath(unicode):
- """Auto removed temporary file.
- Right after creating `TempFilePath` object, temporaty file will be
- created. On `TempFilePath` object deleting, this file will be removed.
- The key difference with `tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile` is that
- `TempFilePath` doesn't keep open file descriptor with removing file
- right after closing it (though starting form Python 2.6,
- `tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile` supports `delete` argument).
- """
- def __new__(cls, path=None, text=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Function supports the same arguments as `tempfile.mkstemp`.
- :param path:
- instead of generating temporary file name, exact `path` value
- will be used
- :param text:
- content for newly created file
- """
- if path:
- if not exists(dirname(path)):
- os.makedirs(dirname(path))
- fd = None
- else:
- if 'dir' in kwargs:
- dir_value = kwargs['dir']
- if not exists(dir_value):
- os.makedirs(dir_value)
- fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(**kwargs)
- _temp_file_paths.add(path)
- if text is not None:
- if fd is None:
- fd = os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT)
- os.write(fd, text)
- if fd is not None:
- os.close(fd)
- return unicode.__new__(cls, path)
- def __del__(self):
- if _temp_file_paths and self in _temp_file_paths:
- _temp_file_paths.remove(self)
- if exists(self):
- os.unlink(self)
-class TempDir(unicode):
- """Auto removed temporary directory.
- Right after creating `TempDir` object, temporaty directory will be
- created. On `TempDir` object deleting, this directory will be removed.
- """
- def __new__(cls, path=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Function supports the same arguments as `tempfile.mkdtemp`.
- :param path:
- instead of generating temporary file name, exact `path` value
- will be used
- """
- if path is not None:
- if not exists(path):
- os.makedirs(path)
- else:
- if 'dir' in kwargs:
- dir_value = kwargs['dir']
- if not exists(dir_value):
- os.makedirs(dir_value)
- path = tempfile.mkdtemp(**kwargs)
- _temp_dirs.add(path)
- return unicode.__new__(cls, path)
- def __del__(self):
- if _temp_dirs and self in _temp_dirs:
- _temp_dirs.remove(self)
- if exists(self):
- rmtree(self)
- def persist(self):
- """Do not auto remove this directory."""
- if self in _temp_dirs:
- _temp_dirs.remove(self)
-class _NewFile(file):
- dst_path = None
- tmp_path = None
- def close(self):
- file.close(self)
- if self.tmp_path is not None:
- os.rename(self.tmp_path, self.dst_path)
- self.tmp_path = None
- def __del__(self):
- self.tmp_path = None
-def _cleanup_temp_files():
- for path in _temp_file_paths:
- if exists(path):
- os.unlink(path)
- for path in _temp_dirs:
- if exists(path):
- rmtree(path)
-_temp_file_paths = set()
-_temp_dirs = set()
-def _nb_read(stream):
- if stream is None:
- return ''
- fd = stream.fileno()
- orig_flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
- try:
- fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, orig_flags | os.O_NONBLOCK)
- return stream.read()
- except Exception:
- return ''
- finally:
- fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, orig_flags)
diff --git a/tests/units/user.py b/tests/units/user.py
index f436aed..e91d1b5 100755
--- a/tests/units/user.py
+++ b/tests/units/user.py
@@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ from __init__ import tests
from tests import Resource
import restful_document as rd
-from restful_document import env, util
+import active_document as ad
+util = ad.util
+from restful_document import env
class UserTest(tests.Test):