#A4# ## ## ## ## #*# ## ## ## ## #*# #Context# #Resource# #Composite object that contains Resource objects# #type# #[enum] [R WN]# ## #Context type; see Wiki for details# #title# #str [R WA F I]# ## #Context name in free form# #summary# #str [R WA F I]# ## #One line short description# #description# #markdown [R WA F I]# ## #Multilined long description# #homepage# #str [R WA F]# #""# #Home page for the Context project# #mime_types# #[str] [R WA F]# #[]# #List of MIME types that supported for Artifacts created within the Context# #icon# #blob [R WA]# ## #Icon in PNG and 55x55 size# #artifact_icon# #blob [R WA]# ## #Icon, in SVG format, to represent the Context's Artifacts; icon should conform rules for Sugar icons# #logo# #blob [R WA]# ## #Logo in PNG and 140x140 size# #previews# #[blob] [R WA]# ## #List of screenshot in PNG and arbitrary sizes# #downloads# #int [R S]# ## #Number of Release downloads# #rating# #[int, int] [R S]# ## #A list of two integers, number of voting Posts and a sum of all votes# #User# #Resource# #Represents real people# #name# #str [R WA S F]# ## #User name (the same as Sugar nickname); the only users friendly identifier# #location# #str [R WA F]# #""# #User's real address in arbitrary form# #birthday# #int [R WA S]# #0# # User's birthday in seconds from UNIX epoch# #pubkey# #str [WN]# ## #DSA public key for the key generated by Sugar Shell in user's profile# #Resource# ## #Common properties for all objects# #guid# #str [R]# ## #The global unique identifier of the object# #ctime# #int [R S]# ## #Seconds from UNIX epoch when the object was created# #mtime# #int [R S]# ## #Seconds from UNIX epoch when the object was modified# #author# #list [R S F]# ## #Users related to this object; see the Wiki for details# #layer# #[enum] [R WA]# #[]# #List of layers this object belongs to; see the Wiki for details# #tags# #[str] [R WA F]# #[]# #List of tags# ## ## ## ## #*# #Post# #Resource# #Users' posts, text messages or files# #context# #Context [R WN]# ## #The Context this Post belongs to# #topic# #Post [R WN]# #null# #Set if current Post is a dependent messsage, e.g., an answer to a question# #type# #enum [R WN]# ## #Post type; see Wiki for details# #title# #str [R WN F I]# ## #One line summary# #message# #markdown [R WN F I]# ## #Multilined text message# #solution# #Post [R W]# #null# #If current Post has a "solution" Post, e.g., an answer to a question or issue resolution# #vote# #int [R WN S]# #0# #The value from 0 to 5; If more than 0, the Post is ranking the Context or the topic# #comments# #[object] [R W S]# #[]# #List of JSON objects with users' comments; see Wiki for details# #preview# #blob [R WN]# #null# #PNG image to represent the Post# #data# #blob [R WN]# #null# #Attachments to the Post# #downloads# #int [R S]# ## #Number of attachemtns downloads# #rating# #[int, int] [R S]# ## #A list of two integers, number of voting Posts and a sum of all votes# #Report# #Resource# #Reports about issues with Releases# #context# #Context [R WN]# ## #Context current Report is uploaded for# #release# #Release [R WN]# #""# #Implementation the Report belongs to; if empty, there is no way to detect what exact Implementation is affected# #environ# #dict [R WN]# ## #Dictionary with useful information about failure environment# #data# #blob [R WN]# ## #Tarball with logs# #[R] Property can be read# #[WA] Property can be changed only by +author(s) *# #[WC] Property can be changed only the Context +author# #[WN] Property can be set only on creation# #[WE] Property can be changed only by Network editors# #[W] Property can be set by anyone# #* Edits are still allowed but will be reviewd by +author# #[F] Property takes part in full-text search# #[S] Property can be sorted, grouped or searched by ranges# #See http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Network/Resources for details.# #[I] Property that supports i18n# #Release# #Resource# #Implementation of the Context, e.g., Sugar activity bundle or .xol content# #context# #Context [R WN]# ## #The Context this Version belongs to# #license# #[enum] [R WN F]# ## #List of licenses that the Implementation is covered by; see the Wiki for details# #version# #str [R WN S]# ## #Version number# #stability# #enum [R WN F]# ## #Version stability level in Zero Install notation; see the Wiki for details# #notes# #markdown [R WN F I]# ## #Release notes# #requires# #[str] [R]# ## #List of dependencies; see Wiki for details# #data# #blob [R WN]# ## #Contain implementation data#