# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Aleksey Lim # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import re import time import shutil import logging from os.path import exists, join import xapian from sugar_network import toolkit from sugar_network.db.metadata import IndexedProperty, GUID_PREFIX, LIST_TYPES from sugar_network.toolkit import Option, coroutine, exception, enforce index_flush_timeout = Option( 'flush index index after specified seconds since the last change', default=60, type_cast=int) index_flush_threshold = Option( 'flush index every specified changes', default=1024, type_cast=int) index_write_queue = Option( 'if active-document is being used for the scheme with one writer ' 'process and multiple reader processes, this option specifies ' 'the writer\'s queue size', default=256, type_cast=int) # Additional Xapian term prefix for exact search terms _EXACT_PREFIX = 'X' # The regexp to extract exact search terms from a query string _EXACT_QUERY_RE = re.compile('([a-zA-Z0-9_]+):=(")?((?(2)[^"]+|\\S+))(?(2)")') # How many times to call Xapian database reopen() before fail _REOPEN_LIMIT = 10 _logger = logging.getLogger('db.index') class IndexReader(object): """Read-only access to an index.""" def __init__(self, root, metadata, commit_cb=None): self.metadata = metadata self._db = None self._props = {} self._path = root self._mtime_path = join(self._path, 'mtime') self._commit_cb = commit_cb for name, prop in self.metadata.items(): if isinstance(prop, IndexedProperty): self._props[name] = prop @property def mtime(self): """UNIX seconds of the last `commit()` call.""" return int(os.stat(self._mtime_path).st_mtime) def checkpoint(self): ts = time.time() os.utime(self._mtime_path, (ts, ts)) return int(ts) def ensure_open(self): if not exists(self._mtime_path): with file(self._mtime_path, 'w'): pass # Outter code should understand the initial state os.utime(self._mtime_path, (0, 0)) def get_cached(self, guid): """Return cached document. Only in case if index support caching updates. :param guid: document GUID to get cache for :returns: dictionary with cached properties or `None` """ pass def store(self, guid, properties, pre_cb=None, post_cb=None, *args): """Store new document in the index. :param guid: document's GUID to store :param properties: document's properties to store; for non new entities, not necessary all document's properties :param pre_cb: callback to execute before storing; will be called with passing `guid` and `properties` :param post_cb: callback to execute after storing; will be called with passing `guid` and `properties` """ raise NotImplementedError() def delete(self, guid, post_cb=None, *args): """Delete a document from the index. :param guid: document's GUID to remove :param post_cb: callback to execute after deleting; will be called with passing `guid` """ raise NotImplementedError() def find(self, offset=0, limit=None, query='', reply=('guid',), order_by=None, no_cache=False, group_by=None, **request): """Search resources within the index. The result will be an array of dictionaries with found documents' properties. :param offset: the resulting list should start with this offset; 0 by default :param limit: the resulting list will be at least `limit` size :param query: a string in Xapian serach format, empty to avoid text search :param reply: an array of property names to use only in the resulting list; only GUID property will be used by default :param order_by: property name to sort resulting list; might be prefixed with ``+`` (or without any prefixes) for ascending order, and ``-`` for descending order :param group_by: property name to group resulting list by; no groupping by default :param request: a dictionary with property values to restrict the search :returns: a tuple of (`documents`, `total_count`); where the `total_count` is the total number of documents conforming the search parameters, i.e., not only documents that are included to the resulting list """ self.ensure_open() start_timestamp = time.time() if limit is None: limit = self._db.get_doccount() # This will assure that the results count is exact. check_at_least = offset + limit + 1 enquire = self._enquire(request, query, order_by, group_by) mset = self._call_db(enquire.get_mset, offset, limit, check_at_least) _logger.debug('Found in %s: query=%r time=%s total=%s parsed=%s', self.metadata.name, query, time.time() - start_timestamp, mset.get_matches_estimated(), enquire.get_query()) return mset def commit(self): """Flush index changes to the disk.""" raise NotImplementedError() def _enquire(self, request, query, order_by, group_by): enquire = xapian.Enquire(self._db) all_queries = [] and_not_queries = [] boolean_queries = [] if query: query = self._extract_exact_search_terms(query, request) if query: parser = xapian.QueryParser() parser.set_database(self._db) for name, prop in self._props.items(): if not prop.prefix: continue if prop.boolean: parser.add_boolean_prefix(name, prop.prefix) else: parser.add_prefix(name, prop.prefix) parser.add_prefix('', prop.prefix) if prop.slot is not None and \ prop.sortable_serialise is not None: value_range = xapian.NumberValueRangeProcessor( prop.slot, name + ':') parser.add_valuerangeprocessor(value_range) parser.add_prefix('', '') query = parser.parse_query(query, xapian.QueryParser.FLAG_PHRASE | xapian.QueryParser.FLAG_BOOLEAN | xapian.QueryParser.FLAG_LOVEHATE | xapian.QueryParser.FLAG_PARTIAL | xapian.QueryParser.FLAG_WILDCARD | xapian.QueryParser.FLAG_PURE_NOT, '') all_queries.append(query) for name, value in request.items(): queries = sub_queries = [] if name.startswith('!'): queries = and_not_queries name = name[1:] elif name.startswith('not_'): queries = and_not_queries name = name[4:] prop = self._props.get(name) if prop is None or not prop.prefix: continue for needle in value if type(value) in (tuple, list) else [value]: if needle is None: continue if prop.parse is not None: needle = prop.parse(needle) needle = next(_fmt_prop_value(prop, needle)) queries.append(xapian.Query(_term(prop.prefix, needle))) if len(sub_queries) == 1: all_queries.append(sub_queries[0]) elif sub_queries: all_queries.append( xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, sub_queries)) final = None if len(all_queries) == 1: final = all_queries[0] elif all_queries: final = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_AND, all_queries) if boolean_queries: query = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_AND, boolean_queries) if final is None: final = query else: final = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_FILTER, [final, query]) if final is None: final = xapian.Query('') for i in and_not_queries: final = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_AND_NOT, [final, i]) enquire.set_query(final) if hasattr(xapian, 'MultiValueKeyMaker'): sorter = xapian.MultiValueKeyMaker() if order_by: if order_by.startswith('+'): reverse = False order_by = order_by[1:] elif order_by.startswith('-'): reverse = True order_by = order_by[1:] else: reverse = False prop = self._props.get(order_by) enforce(prop is not None and prop.slot is not None, 'Cannot sort using %r property of %r', order_by, self.metadata.name) sorter.add_value(prop.slot, reverse) # Sort by ascending GUID to make order predictable all time sorter.add_value(0, False) enquire.set_sort_by_key(sorter, reverse=False) else: _logger.warning('In order to support sorting, ' 'Xapian should be at least 1.2.0') if group_by: prop = self._props.get(group_by) enforce(prop is not None and prop.slot is not None, 'Cannot group by %r property of %r', group_by, self.metadata.name) enquire.set_collapse_key(prop.slot) return enquire def _call_db(self, op, *args): tries = 0 while True: try: return op(*args) except xapian.DatabaseError, error: if tries >= _REOPEN_LIMIT: _logger.warning('Cannot open %r index', self.metadata.name) raise _logger.debug('Fail to %r %r index, will reopen it %sth ' 'time: %s', op, self.metadata.name, tries, error) time.sleep(tries * .1) self._db.reopen() tries += 1 def _extract_exact_search_terms(self, query, props): while True: exact_term = _EXACT_QUERY_RE.search(query) if exact_term is None: break query = query[:exact_term.start()] + query[exact_term.end():] term, __, value = exact_term.groups() prop = self.metadata.get(term) if isinstance(prop, IndexedProperty) and prop.prefix: props[term] = value return query class IndexWriter(IndexReader): """Write access to Xapian databases.""" def __init__(self, root, metadata, commit_cb=None): IndexReader.__init__(self, root, metadata, commit_cb) self._pending_updates = 0 self._commit_cond = coroutine.Event() self._commit_job = coroutine.spawn(self._commit_handler) # Let `_commit_handler()` call `wait()` to not miss immediate commit coroutine.dispatch() self.ensure_open() def close(self): """Flush index write pending queue and close the index.""" if self._db is None: return self._commit() self._commit_job.kill() self._commit_job = None self._db = None def store(self, guid, properties, pre_cb=None, post_cb=None, *args): self.ensure_open() if pre_cb is not None: pre_cb(guid, properties, *args) _logger.debug('Index %r object: %r', self.metadata.name, properties) doc = xapian.Document() term_generator = xapian.TermGenerator() term_generator.set_document(doc) for name, prop in self._props.items(): value = guid \ if prop.slot == 0 \ else properties.get(name, prop.default) if prop.slot is not None: if prop.sortable_serialise is not None: slotted_value = xapian.sortable_serialise( prop.sortable_serialise(value)) elif prop.localized: slotted_value = toolkit.gettext(value) or '' else: slotted_value = next(_fmt_prop_value(prop, value)) doc.add_value(prop.slot, slotted_value) if prop.prefix or prop.full_text: for value_ in _fmt_prop_value(prop, value): if prop.prefix: if prop.boolean: doc.add_boolean_term(_term(prop.prefix, value_)) else: doc.add_term(_term(prop.prefix, value_)) if prop.full_text: term_generator.index_text(value_, 1, prop.prefix or '') term_generator.increase_termpos() self._db.replace_document(_term(GUID_PREFIX, guid), doc) self._pending_updates += 1 if post_cb is not None: post_cb(guid, properties, *args) self._check_for_commit() def delete(self, guid, post_cb=None, *args): self.ensure_open() _logger.debug('Delete %r document from %r', guid, self.metadata.name) self._db.delete_document(_term(GUID_PREFIX, guid)) self._pending_updates += 1 if post_cb is not None: post_cb(guid, *args) self._check_for_commit() def commit(self): if self._db is None: return self._commit() # Trigger condition to reset waiting for `index_flush_timeout` timeout self._commit_cond.set() def ensure_open(self): if self._db is None: try: self._db = xapian.WritableDatabase(self._path, xapian.DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN) except xapian.DatabaseError: exception('Cannot open Xapian index in %r, will rebuild it', self.metadata.name) shutil.rmtree(self._path, ignore_errors=True) self._db = xapian.WritableDatabase(self._path, xapian.DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN) IndexReader.ensure_open(self) def _commit(self): if self._pending_updates <= 0: return _logger.debug('Commiting %s changes of %r index to the disk', self._pending_updates, self.metadata.name) ts = time.time() if hasattr(self._db, 'commit'): self._db.commit() else: self._db.flush() ts = self.checkpoint() - ts self._pending_updates = 0 _logger.debug('Commit to %r took %s seconds', self.metadata.name, ts) if self._commit_cb is not None: self._commit_cb() def _check_for_commit(self): if index_flush_threshold.value > 0 and \ self._pending_updates >= index_flush_threshold.value: # Avoid processing heavy commits in the same coroutine self._commit_cond.set() def _commit_handler(self): if index_flush_timeout.value > 0: timeout = index_flush_timeout.value else: timeout = None while True: self._commit_cond.wait(timeout) self._commit() self._commit_cond.clear() def _term(prefix, value): return _EXACT_PREFIX + prefix + str(value).split('\n')[0][:243] def _fmt_prop_value(prop, value): def fmt(value): if type(value) is unicode: yield value.encode('utf8') elif isinstance(value, basestring): yield value elif type(value) in LIST_TYPES: for i in value: for j in fmt(i): yield j elif value is not None: yield str(value) return fmt(value if prop.fmt is None else prop.fmt(value))