# Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Aleksey Lim # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # pylint: disable-msg=W0611 import logging from contextlib import contextmanager from sugar_network import toolkit from sugar_network.db.metadata import Aggregated, Author from sugar_network.toolkit.router import ACL, File from sugar_network.toolkit.router import route, fallbackroute, preroute from sugar_network.toolkit.coroutine import this from sugar_network.toolkit import http, ranges, enforce _logger = logging.getLogger('db.routes') class Routes(object): def __init__(self, volume, find_limit=None): this.volume = self.volume = volume this.add_property('resource', _get_resource) self._find_limit = find_limit @preroute def __preroute__(self, op): this.reset_property('resource') @route('POST', [None], acl=ACL.AUTH, mime_type='application/json') def create(self): with self._post(ACL.CREATE) as doc: doc.created() if this.principal: authors = doc.posts['author'] = {} self._useradd(authors, this.principal, Author.ORIGINAL) self.volume[this.request.resource].create(doc.posts) this.request.guid = doc.guid return doc.guid @route('PUT', [None, None], acl=ACL.AUTH | ACL.AUTHOR) def update(self): with self._post(ACL.WRITE) as doc: if not doc.posts: return doc.updated() self.volume[this.request.resource].update(doc.guid, doc.posts) @route('PUT', [None, None, None], acl=ACL.AUTH | ACL.AUTHOR) def update_prop(self): request = this.request request.content = {request.prop: request.content} self.update() @route('DELETE', [None, None], acl=ACL.AUTH | ACL.AUTHOR) def delete(self): # Node data should not be deleted immediately # to make master-slave synchronization possible directory = self.volume[this.request.resource] doc = directory[this.request.guid] enforce(doc.available, http.NotFound, 'Resource not found') doc.posts['state'] = 'deleted' doc.updated() directory.update(doc.guid, doc.posts, 'delete') @route('GET', [None], arguments={'offset': int, 'limit': int, 'reply': ('guid',)}, mime_type='application/json') def find(self, reply, limit): self._preget() request = this.request if not limit: request['limit'] = self._find_limit elif self._find_limit and limit > self._find_limit: _logger.warning('The find limit is restricted to %s', self._find_limit) request['limit'] = self._find_limit documents, total = self.volume[request.resource].find( not_state='deleted', **request) result = [self._postget(i, reply) for i in documents] return {'total': total, 'result': result} @route('GET', [None, None], cmd='exists', mime_type='application/json') def exists(self): return self.volume[this.request.resource][this.request.guid].available @route('GET', [None, None], arguments={'reply': list}, mime_type='application/json') def get(self, reply): if not reply: reply = [] for prop in self.volume[this.request.resource].metadata.values(): if prop.acl & ACL.READ and not isinstance(prop, Aggregated): reply.append(prop.name) self._preget() doc = self.volume[this.request.resource].get(this.request.guid) enforce(doc.available, http.NotFound, 'Resource not found') return self._postget(doc, reply) @route('GET', [None, None, None], mime_type='application/json') def get_prop(self): request = this.request directory = self.volume[request.resource] directory.metadata[request.prop].assert_access(ACL.READ) return directory[request.guid].repr(request.prop) @route('HEAD', [None, None, None]) def get_prop_meta(self): return self.get_prop() @route('POST', [None, None, None], acl=ACL.AUTH | ACL.AGG_AUTHOR, mime_type='application/json') def insert_to_aggprop(self): return self._aggpost(ACL.INSERT) @route('PUT', [None, None, None, None], acl=ACL.AUTH | ACL.AGG_AUTHOR, mime_type='application/json') def update_aggprop(self): self._aggpost(ACL.REPLACE) @route('DELETE', [None, None, None, None], acl=ACL.AUTH | ACL.AGG_AUTHOR, mime_type='application/json') def remove_from_aggprop(self): self._aggpost(ACL.REMOVE) @route('GET', [None, None, None, None], mime_type='application/json') def get_aggprop(self): doc = self.volume[this.request.resource][this.request.guid] prop = doc.metadata[this.request.prop] prop.assert_access(ACL.READ) enforce(isinstance(prop, Aggregated), http.BadRequest, 'Property is not aggregated') agg_value = doc[prop.name].get(this.request.key) enforce(agg_value is not None, http.NotFound, 'Aggregated item not found') return prop.subreprcast(agg_value['value']) @route('PUT', [None, None], cmd='useradd', arguments={'role': 0}, acl=ACL.AUTH | ACL.AUTHOR) def useradd(self, user, role): request = this.request enforce(user, "Argument 'user' is not specified") directory = self.volume[request.resource] authors = directory.get(request.guid)['author'] self._useradd(authors, user, role) directory.update(request.guid, {'author': authors}) @route('PUT', [None, None], cmd='userdel', acl=ACL.AUTH | ACL.AUTHOR) def userdel(self, user): request = this.request enforce(user, "Argument 'user' is not specified") enforce(user != this.principal, 'Cannot remove yourself') directory = self.volume[request.resource] authors = directory.get(request.guid)['author'] enforce(user in authors, 'No such user') del authors[user] directory.update(request.guid, {'author': authors}) @fallbackroute('GET', ['blobs']) def blobs(self): return self.volume.blobs.get(this.request.path[1:]) @fallbackroute('GET', ['assets']) def assets(self): return self.volume.blobs.get(this.request.path) @contextmanager def _post(self, access): content = this.request.content enforce(isinstance(content, dict), http.BadRequest, 'Invalid value') if access == ACL.CREATE: guid = content.get('guid') or toolkit.uuid() doc = self.volume[this.request.resource][guid] enforce(not doc.exists, 'Resource already exists') doc.posts['guid'] = guid for name, prop in doc.metadata.items(): if name not in content and prop.default is not None: doc.posts[name] = prop.default else: enforce('guid' not in content, http.BadRequest, 'GUID in cannot be changed') doc = self.volume[this.request.resource][this.request.guid] enforce(doc.available, 'Resource not found') def teardown(new, old): for name, value in new.items(): if old.get(name) != value: doc.metadata[name].teardown(value) try: for name, value in content.items(): prop = doc.metadata[name] prop.assert_access(access, doc.orig(name)) if value is None: doc.posts[name] = prop.default continue try: doc.posts[name] = prop.typecast(value) except Exception, error: error = 'Value %r for %r property is invalid: %s' % \ (value, prop.name, error) _logger.exception(error) raise http.BadRequest(error) yield doc except Exception: teardown(doc.posts, doc.origs) raise else: teardown(doc.origs, doc.posts) def _preget(self): reply = this.request.get('reply') if not reply: this.request['reply'] = ('guid',) else: directory = self.volume[this.request.resource] for prop in reply: directory.metadata[prop].assert_access(ACL.READ) def _postget(self, doc, props): result = {} for name in props: result[name] = doc.repr(name) return result def _useradd(self, authors, user, role): props = {} user_doc = self.volume['user'][user] if user_doc.available: props['name'] = user_doc['name'] role |= Author.INSYSTEM else: role &= ~Author.INSYSTEM props['role'] = role & (Author.INSYSTEM | Author.ORIGINAL) if user in authors: authors[user].update(props) else: authors[user] = props def _aggpost(self, acl): request = this.request doc = self.volume[request.resource][request.guid] prop = doc.metadata[request.prop] enforce(isinstance(prop, Aggregated), http.BadRequest, 'Property is not aggregated') prop.assert_access(acl) aggid = request.key if aggid and aggid in doc[request.prop]: aggvalue = doc[request.prop][aggid] prop.subteardown(aggvalue['value']) else: enforce(acl != ACL.REMOVE, http.NotFound, 'No aggregated item') aggvalue = {} if acl != ACL.REMOVE: value = prop.subtypecast(request.content) if type(value) is tuple: aggid_, value = value enforce(not aggid or aggid == aggid_, http.BadRequest, 'Wrong aggregated id') aggid = aggid_ elif not aggid: aggid = toolkit.uuid() aggvalue['value'] = value if this.principal: authors = aggvalue['author'] = {} role = Author.ORIGINAL if this.principal in doc['author'] else 0 self._useradd(authors, this.principal, role) doc.posts[request.prop] = {aggid: aggvalue} doc.updated() self.volume[request.resource].update(request.guid, doc.posts) return aggid def _get_resource(): request = this.request return this.volume[request.resource][request.guid]