# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from gettext import gettext as _ LEVEL2 = [ 1, _('Cities'), ['lineasDepto', 'capitales', 'ciudades'], [], [ (_('the city of %s') % _('Fray Bentos'), 2, _('Fray Bentos'), _("It's the capital of\nthe department")), (_('the town of %s') % _('Merinos'), 2, _('Merinos'), _("It's in the northeast")), (_('the town of %s') % _('Algorta'), 2, _('Algorta'), _("It's in the north")), (_('the town of %s') % _('P. de los Mellizos'), 2, _('P. de los Mellizos'), _("It's in the northeast")), (_('the town of %s') % _('Sarandí de Navarro'), 2, _('Sarandí de Navarro'), _("It's in the northeast")), (_('the town of %s') % _('Paso de la Cruz'), 2, _('Paso de la Cruz'), _("It's in the north")), (_('the town of %s') % _('San Javier'), 2, _('San Javier'), _("It's in the northwest")), (_('the town of %s') % _('Young'), 2, _('Young'), _('Está en el centro')), (_('the town of %s') % _('Tres Quintas'), 2, _('Tres Quintas'), _("It's in the west")), (_('the town of %s') % _('Bellaco'), 2, _('Bellaco'), _("It's in the west")), (_('the town of %s') % _('Grecco'), 2, _('Grecco'), _("It's in the southeast")), (_('the town of %s') % _('Nuevo Berlín'), 2, _('Nuevo Berlín'), _("It's in the southwest")) ] ] LEVEL3 = [ 1, _('Waterways'), ['lineasDepto', 'rios'], [], [ (_('the %s') % _('Río Uruguay'), 3, _('Río Uruguay'), _("It's in the west")), (_('the %s') % _('Río Negro'), 3, _('Río Negro'), _("It's in the south")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Grande'), 3, _('A. Grande'), _("It's in the south")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo de las Flores'), 3, _('A. de las Flores'), _("It's in the southeast")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Averías Gr.'), 3, _('A. Averías Gr.'), _("It's in the northeast")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Averías Ch.'), 3, _('. Averías Ch.'), _('Está en el centro')), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Ñandubay'), 3, _('A. Ñandubay'), _("It's in the south")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Don Esteban'), 3, _('A. Don Esteban'), _("It's in the north")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Santa María'), 3, _('A. Santa María'), _("It's in the north")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Negro'), 3, _('A. Negro'), _("It's in the northwest")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Bellaco'), 3, _('A. Bellaco'), _("It's in the northwest")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Gutiérrez'), 3, _('A. Gutiérrez'), _("It's in the northwest")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Coladeras'), 3, _('A. Coladeras'), _("It's in the southwest")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Sánchez'), 3, _('A. Sánchez'), _("It's in the southwest")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Salsipuedes Gr.'), 3, _('A. Salsipuedes Gr.'), _("It's in the northeast")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Tres Árboles'), 3, _('A. Tres Árboles'), _("It's in the northeast")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Rolón'), 3, _('A. Rolón'), _("It's in the northwest")), (_('the %s') % _('Arroyo Molles'), 3, _('A. Molles'), _("It's in the southeast")) ] ] LEVEL4 = [ 1, _('Elevations'), ['cuchillas', 'cerros'], [], [ (_('the %s') % _('Cuchilla de Haedo'), 4, _('Cuchilla de Haedo'), _('Dále, probá de nuevo')), (_('the %s') % _('Cuchilla de Navarro'), 4, _('Cuchilla de Navarro'), _('Dále, probá de nuevo')), (_('the %s') % _('Cerro Pelado'), 5, _('Co. Pelado'), _('Queda al sur')), (_('the %s') % _('Cerro del Quebracho'), 5, _('Co. del Quebracho'), _('Queda en el centro')) ] ] LEVEL5 = [ 5, _('Routes'), ['rutas', 'capitales'], ['capitales', 'ciudades'], [ (_('Route %s') % 2, _('Viene de Mercedes')), (_('Route %s') % 24, _('Va a Paysandú')), (_('Route %s') % 3, _('Pasa por Young')), (_('Route %s') % 20, _('Va hacia el este')), (_('Route %s') % 25, _('Pasa por Young')), (_('Route %s') % 4, _('Pasa por la represa\nde Baygorria')) ] ] LEVELS = [LEVEL2, LEVEL3, LEVEL4, LEVEL5]