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path: root/buildbot/buildbot/scheduler.py
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1 files changed, 837 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/scheduler.py b/buildbot/buildbot/scheduler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4341617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildbot/buildbot/scheduler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_dependencies -*-
+import time, os.path
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.application import service, internet, strports
+from twisted.python import log, runtime
+from twisted.protocols import basic
+from twisted.cred import portal, checkers
+from twisted.spread import pb
+from buildbot import interfaces, buildset, util, pbutil
+from buildbot.status import builder
+from buildbot.sourcestamp import SourceStamp
+from buildbot.changes.maildir import MaildirService
+from buildbot.process.properties import Properties
+class BaseScheduler(service.MultiService, util.ComparableMixin):
+ """
+ A Schduler creates BuildSets and submits them to the BuildMaster.
+ @ivar name: name of the scheduler
+ @ivar properties: additional properties specified in this
+ scheduler's configuration
+ @type properties: Properties object
+ """
+ implements(interfaces.IScheduler)
+ def __init__(self, name, properties={}):
+ """
+ @param name: name for this scheduler
+ @param properties: properties to be propagated from this scheduler
+ @type properties: dict
+ """
+ service.MultiService.__init__(self)
+ self.name = name
+ self.properties = Properties()
+ self.properties.update(properties, "Scheduler")
+ self.properties.setProperty("scheduler", name, "Scheduler")
+ def __repr__(self):
+ # TODO: why can't id() return a positive number? %d is ugly.
+ return "<Scheduler '%s' at %d>" % (self.name, id(self))
+ def submitBuildSet(self, bs):
+ self.parent.submitBuildSet(bs)
+ def addChange(self, change):
+ pass
+class BaseUpstreamScheduler(BaseScheduler):
+ implements(interfaces.IUpstreamScheduler)
+ def __init__(self, name, properties={}):
+ BaseScheduler.__init__(self, name, properties)
+ self.successWatchers = []
+ def subscribeToSuccessfulBuilds(self, watcher):
+ self.successWatchers.append(watcher)
+ def unsubscribeToSuccessfulBuilds(self, watcher):
+ self.successWatchers.remove(watcher)
+ def submitBuildSet(self, bs):
+ d = bs.waitUntilFinished()
+ d.addCallback(self.buildSetFinished)
+ BaseScheduler.submitBuildSet(self, bs)
+ def buildSetFinished(self, bss):
+ if not self.running:
+ return
+ if bss.getResults() == builder.SUCCESS:
+ ss = bss.getSourceStamp()
+ for w in self.successWatchers:
+ w(ss)
+class Scheduler(BaseUpstreamScheduler):
+ """The default Scheduler class will run a build after some period of time
+ called the C{treeStableTimer}, on a given set of Builders. It only pays
+ attention to a single branch. You you can provide a C{fileIsImportant}
+ function which will evaluate each Change to decide whether or not it
+ should trigger a new build.
+ """
+ fileIsImportant = None
+ compare_attrs = ('name', 'treeStableTimer', 'builderNames', 'branch',
+ 'fileIsImportant', 'properties', 'categories')
+ def __init__(self, name, branch, treeStableTimer, builderNames,
+ fileIsImportant=None, properties={}, categories=None):
+ """
+ @param name: the name of this Scheduler
+ @param branch: The branch name that the Scheduler should pay
+ attention to. Any Change that is not on this branch
+ will be ignored. It can be set to None to only pay
+ attention to the default branch.
+ @param treeStableTimer: the duration, in seconds, for which the tree
+ must remain unchanged before a build will be
+ triggered. This is intended to avoid builds
+ of partially-committed fixes.
+ @param builderNames: a list of Builder names. When this Scheduler
+ decides to start a set of builds, they will be
+ run on the Builders named by this list.
+ @param fileIsImportant: A callable which takes one argument (a Change
+ instance) and returns True if the change is
+ worth building, and False if it is not.
+ Unimportant Changes are accumulated until the
+ build is triggered by an important change.
+ The default value of None means that all
+ Changes are important.
+ @param properties: properties to apply to all builds started from this
+ scheduler
+ @param categories: A list of categories of changes to accept
+ """
+ BaseUpstreamScheduler.__init__(self, name, properties)
+ self.treeStableTimer = treeStableTimer
+ errmsg = ("The builderNames= argument to Scheduler must be a list "
+ "of Builder description names (i.e. the 'name' key of the "
+ "Builder specification dictionary)")
+ assert isinstance(builderNames, (list, tuple)), errmsg
+ for b in builderNames:
+ assert isinstance(b, str), errmsg
+ self.builderNames = builderNames
+ self.branch = branch
+ if fileIsImportant:
+ assert callable(fileIsImportant)
+ self.fileIsImportant = fileIsImportant
+ self.importantChanges = []
+ self.unimportantChanges = []
+ self.nextBuildTime = None
+ self.timer = None
+ self.categories = categories
+ def listBuilderNames(self):
+ return self.builderNames
+ def getPendingBuildTimes(self):
+ if self.nextBuildTime is not None:
+ return [self.nextBuildTime]
+ return []
+ def addChange(self, change):
+ if change.branch != self.branch:
+ log.msg("%s ignoring off-branch %s" % (self, change))
+ return
+ if self.categories is not None and change.category not in self.categories:
+ log.msg("%s ignoring non-matching categories %s" % (self, change))
+ return
+ if not self.fileIsImportant:
+ self.addImportantChange(change)
+ elif self.fileIsImportant(change):
+ self.addImportantChange(change)
+ else:
+ self.addUnimportantChange(change)
+ def addImportantChange(self, change):
+ log.msg("%s: change is important, adding %s" % (self, change))
+ self.importantChanges.append(change)
+ self.nextBuildTime = max(self.nextBuildTime,
+ change.when + self.treeStableTimer)
+ self.setTimer(self.nextBuildTime)
+ def addUnimportantChange(self, change):
+ log.msg("%s: change is not important, adding %s" % (self, change))
+ self.unimportantChanges.append(change)
+ def setTimer(self, when):
+ log.msg("%s: setting timer to %s" %
+ (self, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(when))))
+ now = util.now()
+ if when < now:
+ when = now
+ if self.timer:
+ self.timer.cancel()
+ self.timer = reactor.callLater(when - now, self.fireTimer)
+ def stopTimer(self):
+ if self.timer:
+ self.timer.cancel()
+ self.timer = None
+ def fireTimer(self):
+ # clear out our state
+ self.timer = None
+ self.nextBuildTime = None
+ changes = self.importantChanges + self.unimportantChanges
+ self.importantChanges = []
+ self.unimportantChanges = []
+ # create a BuildSet, submit it to the BuildMaster
+ bs = buildset.BuildSet(self.builderNames,
+ SourceStamp(changes=changes),
+ properties=self.properties)
+ self.submitBuildSet(bs)
+ def stopService(self):
+ self.stopTimer()
+ return service.MultiService.stopService(self)
+class AnyBranchScheduler(BaseUpstreamScheduler):
+ """This Scheduler will handle changes on a variety of branches. It will
+ accumulate Changes for each branch separately. It works by creating a
+ separate Scheduler for each new branch it sees."""
+ schedulerFactory = Scheduler
+ fileIsImportant = None
+ compare_attrs = ('name', 'branches', 'treeStableTimer', 'builderNames',
+ 'fileIsImportant', 'properties')
+ def __init__(self, name, branches, treeStableTimer, builderNames,
+ fileIsImportant=None, properties={}):
+ """
+ @param name: the name of this Scheduler
+ @param branches: The branch names that the Scheduler should pay
+ attention to. Any Change that is not on one of these
+ branches will be ignored. It can be set to None to
+ accept changes from any branch. Don't use [] (an
+ empty list), because that means we don't pay
+ attention to *any* branches, so we'll never build
+ anything.
+ @param treeStableTimer: the duration, in seconds, for which the tree
+ must remain unchanged before a build will be
+ triggered. This is intended to avoid builds
+ of partially-committed fixes.
+ @param builderNames: a list of Builder names. When this Scheduler
+ decides to start a set of builds, they will be
+ run on the Builders named by this list.
+ @param fileIsImportant: A callable which takes one argument (a Change
+ instance) and returns True if the change is
+ worth building, and False if it is not.
+ Unimportant Changes are accumulated until the
+ build is triggered by an important change.
+ The default value of None means that all
+ Changes are important.
+ @param properties: properties to apply to all builds started from this
+ scheduler
+ """
+ BaseUpstreamScheduler.__init__(self, name, properties)
+ self.treeStableTimer = treeStableTimer
+ for b in builderNames:
+ assert isinstance(b, str)
+ self.builderNames = builderNames
+ self.branches = branches
+ if self.branches == []:
+ log.msg("AnyBranchScheduler %s: branches=[], so we will ignore "
+ "all branches, and never trigger any builds. Please set "
+ "branches=None to mean 'all branches'" % self)
+ # consider raising an exception here, to make this warning more
+ # prominent, but I can vaguely imagine situations where you might
+ # want to comment out branches temporarily and wouldn't
+ # appreciate it being treated as an error.
+ if fileIsImportant:
+ assert callable(fileIsImportant)
+ self.fileIsImportant = fileIsImportant
+ self.schedulers = {} # one per branch
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<AnyBranchScheduler '%s'>" % self.name
+ def listBuilderNames(self):
+ return self.builderNames
+ def getPendingBuildTimes(self):
+ bts = []
+ for s in self.schedulers.values():
+ if s.nextBuildTime is not None:
+ bts.append(s.nextBuildTime)
+ return bts
+ def buildSetFinished(self, bss):
+ # we don't care if a build has finished; one of the per-branch builders
+ # will take care of it, instead.
+ pass
+ def addChange(self, change):
+ branch = change.branch
+ if self.branches is not None and branch not in self.branches:
+ log.msg("%s ignoring off-branch %s" % (self, change))
+ return
+ s = self.schedulers.get(branch)
+ if not s:
+ if branch:
+ name = self.name + "." + branch
+ else:
+ name = self.name + ".<default>"
+ s = self.schedulerFactory(name, branch,
+ self.treeStableTimer,
+ self.builderNames,
+ self.fileIsImportant)
+ s.successWatchers = self.successWatchers
+ s.setServiceParent(self)
+ s.properties = self.properties
+ # TODO: does this result in schedulers that stack up forever?
+ # When I make the persistify-pass, think about this some more.
+ self.schedulers[branch] = s
+ s.addChange(change)
+class Dependent(BaseUpstreamScheduler):
+ """This scheduler runs some set of 'downstream' builds when the
+ 'upstream' scheduler has completed successfully."""
+ implements(interfaces.IDownstreamScheduler)
+ compare_attrs = ('name', 'upstream', 'builderNames', 'properties')
+ def __init__(self, name, upstream, builderNames, properties={}):
+ assert interfaces.IUpstreamScheduler.providedBy(upstream)
+ BaseUpstreamScheduler.__init__(self, name, properties)
+ self.upstream = upstream
+ self.builderNames = builderNames
+ def listBuilderNames(self):
+ return self.builderNames
+ def getPendingBuildTimes(self):
+ # report the upstream's value
+ return self.upstream.getPendingBuildTimes()
+ def startService(self):
+ service.MultiService.startService(self)
+ self.upstream.subscribeToSuccessfulBuilds(self.upstreamBuilt)
+ def stopService(self):
+ d = service.MultiService.stopService(self)
+ self.upstream.unsubscribeToSuccessfulBuilds(self.upstreamBuilt)
+ return d
+ def upstreamBuilt(self, ss):
+ bs = buildset.BuildSet(self.builderNames, ss,
+ properties=self.properties)
+ self.submitBuildSet(bs)
+ def checkUpstreamScheduler(self):
+ # find our *active* upstream scheduler (which may not be self.upstream!) by name
+ up_name = self.upstream.name
+ upstream = None
+ for s in self.parent.allSchedulers():
+ if s.name == up_name and interfaces.IUpstreamScheduler.providedBy(s):
+ upstream = s
+ if not upstream:
+ log.msg("ERROR: Couldn't find upstream scheduler of name <%s>" %
+ up_name)
+ # if it's already correct, we're good to go
+ if upstream is self.upstream:
+ return
+ # otherwise, associate with the new upstream. We also keep listening
+ # to the old upstream, in case it's in the middle of a build
+ upstream.subscribeToSuccessfulBuilds(self.upstreamBuilt)
+ self.upstream = upstream
+ log.msg("Dependent <%s> connected to new Upstream <%s>" %
+ (self.name, up_name))
+class Periodic(BaseUpstreamScheduler):
+ """Instead of watching for Changes, this Scheduler can just start a build
+ at fixed intervals. The C{periodicBuildTimer} parameter sets the number
+ of seconds to wait between such periodic builds. The first build will be
+ run immediately."""
+ # TODO: consider having this watch another (changed-based) scheduler and
+ # merely enforce a minimum time between builds.
+ compare_attrs = ('name', 'builderNames', 'periodicBuildTimer', 'branch', 'properties')
+ def __init__(self, name, builderNames, periodicBuildTimer,
+ branch=None, properties={}):
+ BaseUpstreamScheduler.__init__(self, name, properties)
+ self.builderNames = builderNames
+ self.periodicBuildTimer = periodicBuildTimer
+ self.branch = branch
+ self.reason = ("The Periodic scheduler named '%s' triggered this build"
+ % name)
+ self.timer = internet.TimerService(self.periodicBuildTimer,
+ self.doPeriodicBuild)
+ self.timer.setServiceParent(self)
+ def listBuilderNames(self):
+ return self.builderNames
+ def getPendingBuildTimes(self):
+ # TODO: figure out when self.timer is going to fire next and report
+ # that
+ return []
+ def doPeriodicBuild(self):
+ bs = buildset.BuildSet(self.builderNames,
+ SourceStamp(branch=self.branch),
+ self.reason,
+ properties=self.properties)
+ self.submitBuildSet(bs)
+class Nightly(BaseUpstreamScheduler):
+ """Imitate 'cron' scheduling. This can be used to schedule a nightly
+ build, or one which runs are certain times of the day, week, or month.
+ Pass some subset of minute, hour, dayOfMonth, month, and dayOfWeek; each
+ may be a single number or a list of valid values. The builds will be
+ triggered whenever the current time matches these values. Wildcards are
+ represented by a '*' string. All fields default to a wildcard except
+ 'minute', so with no fields this defaults to a build every hour, on the
+ hour.
+ For example, the following master.cfg clause will cause a build to be
+ started every night at 3:00am::
+ s = Nightly('nightly', ['builder1', 'builder2'], hour=3, minute=0)
+ c['schedules'].append(s)
+ This scheduler will perform a build each monday morning at 6:23am and
+ again at 8:23am::
+ s = Nightly('BeforeWork', ['builder1'],
+ dayOfWeek=0, hour=[6,8], minute=23)
+ The following runs a build every two hours::
+ s = Nightly('every2hours', ['builder1'], hour=range(0, 24, 2))
+ And this one will run only on December 24th::
+ s = Nightly('SleighPreflightCheck', ['flying_circuits', 'radar'],
+ month=12, dayOfMonth=24, hour=12, minute=0)
+ For dayOfWeek and dayOfMonth, builds are triggered if the date matches
+ either of them. All time values are compared against the tuple returned
+ by time.localtime(), so month and dayOfMonth numbers start at 1, not
+ zero. dayOfWeek=0 is Monday, dayOfWeek=6 is Sunday.
+ onlyIfChanged functionality
+ s = Nightly('nightly', ['builder1', 'builder2'],
+ hour=3, minute=0, onlyIfChanged=True)
+ When the flag is True (False by default), the build is trigged if
+ the date matches and if the branch has changed
+ fileIsImportant parameter is implemented as defined in class Scheduler
+ """
+ compare_attrs = ('name', 'builderNames',
+ 'minute', 'hour', 'dayOfMonth', 'month',
+ 'dayOfWeek', 'branch', 'onlyIfChanged',
+ 'fileIsImportant', 'properties')
+ def __init__(self, name, builderNames, minute=0, hour='*',
+ dayOfMonth='*', month='*', dayOfWeek='*',
+ branch=None, fileIsImportant=None, onlyIfChanged=False, properties={}):
+ # Setting minute=0 really makes this an 'Hourly' scheduler. This
+ # seemed like a better default than minute='*', which would result in
+ # a build every 60 seconds.
+ BaseUpstreamScheduler.__init__(self, name, properties)
+ self.builderNames = builderNames
+ self.minute = minute
+ self.hour = hour
+ self.dayOfMonth = dayOfMonth
+ self.month = month
+ self.dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek
+ self.branch = branch
+ self.onlyIfChanged = onlyIfChanged
+ self.delayedRun = None
+ self.nextRunTime = None
+ self.reason = ("The Nightly scheduler named '%s' triggered this build"
+ % name)
+ self.importantChanges = []
+ self.unimportantChanges = []
+ self.fileIsImportant = None
+ if fileIsImportant:
+ assert callable(fileIsImportant)
+ self.fileIsImportant = fileIsImportant
+ def addTime(self, timetuple, secs):
+ return time.localtime(time.mktime(timetuple)+secs)
+ def findFirstValueAtLeast(self, values, value, default=None):
+ for v in values:
+ if v >= value: return v
+ return default
+ def setTimer(self):
+ self.nextRunTime = self.calculateNextRunTime()
+ self.delayedRun = reactor.callLater(self.nextRunTime - time.time(),
+ self.doPeriodicBuild)
+ def startService(self):
+ BaseUpstreamScheduler.startService(self)
+ self.setTimer()
+ def stopService(self):
+ BaseUpstreamScheduler.stopService(self)
+ self.delayedRun.cancel()
+ def isRunTime(self, timetuple):
+ def check(ourvalue, value):
+ if ourvalue == '*': return True
+ if isinstance(ourvalue, int): return value == ourvalue
+ return (value in ourvalue)
+ if not check(self.minute, timetuple[4]):
+ #print 'bad minute', timetuple[4], self.minute
+ return False
+ if not check(self.hour, timetuple[3]):
+ #print 'bad hour', timetuple[3], self.hour
+ return False
+ if not check(self.month, timetuple[1]):
+ #print 'bad month', timetuple[1], self.month
+ return False
+ if self.dayOfMonth != '*' and self.dayOfWeek != '*':
+ # They specified both day(s) of month AND day(s) of week.
+ # This means that we only have to match one of the two. If
+ # neither one matches, this time is not the right time.
+ if not (check(self.dayOfMonth, timetuple[2]) or
+ check(self.dayOfWeek, timetuple[6])):
+ #print 'bad day'
+ return False
+ else:
+ if not check(self.dayOfMonth, timetuple[2]):
+ #print 'bad day of month'
+ return False
+ if not check(self.dayOfWeek, timetuple[6]):
+ #print 'bad day of week'
+ return False
+ return True
+ def calculateNextRunTime(self):
+ return self.calculateNextRunTimeFrom(time.time())
+ def calculateNextRunTimeFrom(self, now):
+ dateTime = time.localtime(now)
+ # Remove seconds by advancing to at least the next minue
+ dateTime = self.addTime(dateTime, 60-dateTime[5])
+ # Now we just keep adding minutes until we find something that matches
+ # It not an efficient algorithm, but it'll *work* for now
+ yearLimit = dateTime[0]+2
+ while not self.isRunTime(dateTime):
+ dateTime = self.addTime(dateTime, 60)
+ #print 'Trying', time.asctime(dateTime)
+ assert dateTime[0] < yearLimit, 'Something is wrong with this code'
+ return time.mktime(dateTime)
+ def listBuilderNames(self):
+ return self.builderNames
+ def getPendingBuildTimes(self):
+ # TODO: figure out when self.timer is going to fire next and report
+ # that
+ if self.nextRunTime is None: return []
+ return [self.nextRunTime]
+ def doPeriodicBuild(self):
+ # Schedule the next run
+ self.setTimer()
+ if self.onlyIfChanged:
+ if len(self.importantChanges) > 0:
+ changes = self.importantChanges + self.unimportantChanges
+ # And trigger a build
+ log.msg("Nightly Scheduler <%s>: triggering build" % self.name)
+ bs = buildset.BuildSet(self.builderNames,
+ SourceStamp(changes=changes),
+ self.reason,
+ properties=self.properties)
+ self.submitBuildSet(bs)
+ # Reset the change lists
+ self.importantChanges = []
+ self.unimportantChanges = []
+ else:
+ log.msg("Nightly Scheduler <%s>: skipping build - No important change" % self.name)
+ else:
+ # And trigger a build
+ bs = buildset.BuildSet(self.builderNames,
+ SourceStamp(branch=self.branch),
+ self.reason,
+ properties=self.properties)
+ self.submitBuildSet(bs)
+ def addChange(self, change):
+ if self.onlyIfChanged:
+ if change.branch != self.branch:
+ log.msg("Nightly Scheduler <%s>: ignoring change %d on off-branch %s" % (self.name, change.revision, change.branch))
+ return
+ if not self.fileIsImportant:
+ self.addImportantChange(change)
+ elif self.fileIsImportant(change):
+ self.addImportantChange(change)
+ else:
+ self.addUnimportantChange(change)
+ else:
+ log.msg("Nightly Scheduler <%s>: no add change" % self.name)
+ pass
+ def addImportantChange(self, change):
+ log.msg("Nightly Scheduler <%s>: change %s from %s is important, adding it" % (self.name, change.revision, change.who))
+ self.importantChanges.append(change)
+ def addUnimportantChange(self, change):
+ log.msg("Nightly Scheduler <%s>: change %s from %s is not important, adding it" % (self.name, change.revision, change.who))
+ self.unimportantChanges.append(change)
+class TryBase(BaseScheduler):
+ def __init__(self, name, builderNames, properties={}):
+ BaseScheduler.__init__(self, name, properties)
+ self.builderNames = builderNames
+ def listBuilderNames(self):
+ return self.builderNames
+ def getPendingBuildTimes(self):
+ # we can't predict what the developers are going to do in the future
+ return []
+ def addChange(self, change):
+ # Try schedulers ignore Changes
+ pass
+ def processBuilderList(self, builderNames):
+ # self.builderNames is the configured list of builders
+ # available for try. If the user supplies a list of builders,
+ # it must be restricted to the configured list. If not, build
+ # on all of the configured builders.
+ if builderNames:
+ for b in builderNames:
+ if not b in self.builderNames:
+ log.msg("%s got with builder %s" % (self, b))
+ log.msg(" but that wasn't in our list: %s"
+ % (self.builderNames,))
+ return []
+ else:
+ builderNames = self.builderNames
+ return builderNames
+class BadJobfile(Exception):
+ pass
+class JobFileScanner(basic.NetstringReceiver):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.strings = []
+ self.transport = self # so transport.loseConnection works
+ self.error = False
+ def stringReceived(self, s):
+ self.strings.append(s)
+ def loseConnection(self):
+ self.error = True
+class Try_Jobdir(TryBase):
+ compare_attrs = ( 'name', 'builderNames', 'jobdir', 'properties' )
+ def __init__(self, name, builderNames, jobdir, properties={}):
+ TryBase.__init__(self, name, builderNames, properties)
+ self.jobdir = jobdir
+ self.watcher = MaildirService()
+ self.watcher.setServiceParent(self)
+ def setServiceParent(self, parent):
+ self.watcher.setBasedir(os.path.join(parent.basedir, self.jobdir))
+ TryBase.setServiceParent(self, parent)
+ def parseJob(self, f):
+ # jobfiles are serialized build requests. Each is a list of
+ # serialized netstrings, in the following order:
+ # "1", the version number of this format
+ # buildsetID, arbitrary string, used to find the buildSet later
+ # branch name, "" for default-branch
+ # base revision, "" for HEAD
+ # patchlevel, usually "1"
+ # patch
+ # builderNames...
+ p = JobFileScanner()
+ p.dataReceived(f.read())
+ if p.error:
+ raise BadJobfile("unable to parse netstrings")
+ s = p.strings
+ ver = s.pop(0)
+ if ver != "1":
+ raise BadJobfile("unknown version '%s'" % ver)
+ buildsetID, branch, baserev, patchlevel, diff = s[:5]
+ builderNames = s[5:]
+ if branch == "":
+ branch = None
+ if baserev == "":
+ baserev = None
+ patchlevel = int(patchlevel)
+ patch = (patchlevel, diff)
+ ss = SourceStamp(branch, baserev, patch)
+ return builderNames, ss, buildsetID
+ def messageReceived(self, filename):
+ md = os.path.join(self.parent.basedir, self.jobdir)
+ if runtime.platformType == "posix":
+ # open the file before moving it, because I'm afraid that once
+ # it's in cur/, someone might delete it at any moment
+ path = os.path.join(md, "new", filename)
+ f = open(path, "r")
+ os.rename(os.path.join(md, "new", filename),
+ os.path.join(md, "cur", filename))
+ else:
+ # do this backwards under windows, because you can't move a file
+ # that somebody is holding open. This was causing a Permission
+ # Denied error on bear's win32-twisted1.3 buildslave.
+ os.rename(os.path.join(md, "new", filename),
+ os.path.join(md, "cur", filename))
+ path = os.path.join(md, "cur", filename)
+ f = open(path, "r")
+ try:
+ builderNames, ss, bsid = self.parseJob(f)
+ except BadJobfile:
+ log.msg("%s reports a bad jobfile in %s" % (self, filename))
+ log.err()
+ return
+ # Validate/fixup the builder names.
+ builderNames = self.processBuilderList(builderNames)
+ if not builderNames:
+ return
+ reason = "'try' job"
+ bs = buildset.BuildSet(builderNames, ss, reason=reason,
+ bsid=bsid, properties=self.properties)
+ self.submitBuildSet(bs)
+class Try_Userpass(TryBase):
+ compare_attrs = ( 'name', 'builderNames', 'port', 'userpass', 'properties' )
+ implements(portal.IRealm)
+ def __init__(self, name, builderNames, port, userpass, properties={}):
+ TryBase.__init__(self, name, builderNames, properties)
+ if type(port) is int:
+ port = "tcp:%d" % port
+ self.port = port
+ self.userpass = userpass
+ c = checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse()
+ for user,passwd in self.userpass:
+ c.addUser(user, passwd)
+ p = portal.Portal(self)
+ p.registerChecker(c)
+ f = pb.PBServerFactory(p)
+ s = strports.service(port, f)
+ s.setServiceParent(self)
+ def getPort(self):
+ # utility method for tests: figure out which TCP port we just opened.
+ return self.services[0]._port.getHost().port
+ def requestAvatar(self, avatarID, mind, interface):
+ log.msg("%s got connection from user %s" % (self, avatarID))
+ assert interface == pb.IPerspective
+ p = Try_Userpass_Perspective(self, avatarID)
+ return (pb.IPerspective, p, lambda: None)
+class Try_Userpass_Perspective(pbutil.NewCredPerspective):
+ def __init__(self, parent, username):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.username = username
+ def perspective_try(self, branch, revision, patch, builderNames, properties={}):
+ log.msg("user %s requesting build on builders %s" % (self.username,
+ builderNames))
+ # Validate/fixup the builder names.
+ builderNames = self.parent.processBuilderList(builderNames)
+ if not builderNames:
+ return
+ ss = SourceStamp(branch, revision, patch)
+ reason = "'try' job from user %s" % self.username
+ # roll the specified props in with our inherited props
+ combined_props = Properties()
+ combined_props.updateFromProperties(self.parent.properties)
+ combined_props.update(properties, "try build")
+ bs = buildset.BuildSet(builderNames,
+ ss,
+ reason=reason,
+ properties=combined_props)
+ self.parent.submitBuildSet(bs)
+ # return a remotely-usable BuildSetStatus object
+ from buildbot.status.client import makeRemote
+ return makeRemote(bs.status)
+class Triggerable(BaseUpstreamScheduler):
+ """This scheduler doesn't do anything until it is triggered by a Trigger
+ step in a factory. In general, that step will not complete until all of
+ the builds that I fire have finished.
+ """
+ compare_attrs = ('name', 'builderNames', 'properties')
+ def __init__(self, name, builderNames, properties={}):
+ BaseUpstreamScheduler.__init__(self, name, properties)
+ self.builderNames = builderNames
+ def listBuilderNames(self):
+ return self.builderNames
+ def getPendingBuildTimes(self):
+ return []
+ def trigger(self, ss, set_props=None):
+ """Trigger this scheduler. Returns a deferred that will fire when the
+ buildset is finished.
+ """
+ # properties for this buildset are composed of our own properties,
+ # potentially overridden by anything from the triggering build
+ props = Properties()
+ props.updateFromProperties(self.properties)
+ if set_props: props.updateFromProperties(set_props)
+ bs = buildset.BuildSet(self.builderNames, ss, properties=props)
+ d = bs.waitUntilFinished()
+ self.submitBuildSet(bs)
+ return d