lang en_US.UTF-8 keyboard us timezone US/Eastern auth --useshadow --enablemd5 selinux --disabled firewall --disabled xconfig --startxonboot bootloader --timeout=1 --append="acpi=force" network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 --onboot=on services --enabled=network --disabled=acpid,avahi-daemon,auditd,cups,dnsmasq, ip6tables,iptables,irda,kerneloops,mdmonitor,netfs,nfs,nfslock,nscd,portreserve,rpcbind,rpcgssd,rpcidmapd,sshd device virtio_blk device virtio_pci device scsi_wait_scan part / --size 2048 --fstype ext3 --ondisk sda repo --name=sugar --baseurl= # Fedora 12 is out now! repo --name=released --mirrorlist= --excludepkgs=plymouth* repo --name=updates --mirrorlist= --excludepkgs=plymouth* %packages # basic package set @base-x @base @core kernel # glucose modules sugar etoys hulahop squeak-vm # sugar platform csound-python espeak gnome-python2-evince libffi libxml2-python metacity numpy pyabiword pygame # additional packages DeviceKit-disks evince-djvu gdm gvfs python-decorator vte # dependencies for Epub support in Read pywebkitgtk python-BeautifulSoup python-lxml # fix selinux issue system-config-firewall-base # e-mail client alpine # multimedia implementations gnash-plugin # screencasts are great gtk-recordmydesktop # include to get better feedback smolt # pull plymouth theme plymouth-theme-soas # include tools for backup support ds-backup-client # include delta rpm support yum-presto # sound pulseaudio alsa-plugins-pulseaudio alsa-utils # fonts google-droid-fonts-common google-droid-sans-fonts google-droid-sans-mono-fonts google-droid-serif-fonts # no need for kudzu if the hardware doesn't change -kudzu -prelink -setserial -ed # Remove the authconfig pieces -authconfig -rhpl -wireless-tools # Remove the kbd bits -kbd -usermode # these are all kind of overkill but get pulled in by mkinitrd ordering -mkinitrd -kpartx -dmraid -mdadm -lvm2 -tar # save some space -cracklib-dicts -nss_db -acpid -mailcap -nano -wavpack -createrepo -irqbalance -specspo -esc -samba-client -a2ps -mpage -redhat-lsb -sox -hplip -hpijs -numactl -isdn4k-utils -autofs # exclude input methods -scim* -m17n* # dictionaries are big -aspell-* -hunspell-* -man-pages-* -words # smartcards won't really work on the livecd. -coolkey -ccid # duplicate functionality -pinfo -vorbis-tools # lose the compat stuff -compat* # scanning takes quite a bit of space :/ -xsane -xsane-gimp -sane-backends # no printing -system-config-printer -cups* -foomatic* -gutenprint* # attempt to remove dependencies on perl -w3m -logwatch -lftp -fbset -exim -deltarpm # remove SELinux stack -setroubleshoot -policycoreutils -policycoreutils-gui -checkpolicy -selinux-* -libselinux-python -libselinux # other random stuff -bluez* -samba* -*-backgrounds -compiz-gnome -PackageKit* -firstboot # strip fedora trademarks and use the soas release package -fedora-logos -fedora-release -fedora-release-notes generic-logos generic-release generic-release-notes %end %post --nochroot # fructose collection ASLO="$ASLO 4024" # Browse ASLO="$ASLO 4027" # Turtle Art ASLO="$ASLO 4028" # Read ASLO="$ASLO 4032" # Imageviewer ASLO="$ASLO 4041" # Pippy ASLO="$ASLO 4043" # Terminal ASLO="$ASLO 4045" # Jukebox ASLO="$ASLO 4056" # Log ASLO="$ASLO 4069" # Chat ASLO="$ASLO 4076" # Calculator ASLO="$ASLO 4201" # Write # honey selection ASLO="$ASLO 4026" # Typing Turtle ASLO="$ASLO 4029" # IRC ASLO="$ASLO 4034" # Moon ASLO="$ASLO 4035" # Read ETexts ASLO="$ASLO 4037" # CartoonBuilder ASLO="$ASLO 4038" # Speak ASLO="$ASLO 4039" # ViewSlides ASLO="$ASLO 4041" # Pippy ASLO="$ASLO 4042" # InfoSlicer ASLO="$ASLO 4044" # FlipSticks ASLO="$ASLO 4046" # JigsawPuzzle ASLO="$ASLO 4047" # SliderPuzzle ASLO="$ASLO 4050" # Colors ASLO="$ASLO 4054" # FreeCell ASLO="$ASLO 4063" # Memorize ASLO="$ASLO 4064" # JokeMachine ASLO="$ASLO 4073" # StoryBuilder ASLO="$ASLO 4074" # Poll ASLO="$ASLO 4078" # Labyrinth ASLO="$ASLO 4081" # Record ASLO="$ASLO 4082" # Paint ASLO="$ASLO 4089" # Library ASLO="$ASLO 4191" # Clock ASLO="$ASLO 4193" # Physics ASLO="$ASLO 4194" # Get Internet Archive Books ASLO="$ASLO 4204" # Arithmetic WD=$PWD BUNDLES_DIR=$INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/sugar/bundles mkdir -p $BUNDLES_DIR cd $BUNDLES_DIR for id in $ASLO ; do wget$id done # get the script to install the activities wget # pull sample content for the journal PDFS="$PDFS south_america.pdf" PDFS="$PDFS africa.pdf" PDFS="$PDFS asia.pdf" PDFS="$PDFS central_america.pdf" PDFS="$PDFS europe.pdf" PDFS="$PDFS middle_east.pdf" PDFS="$PDFS north_america.pdf" PDFS="$PDFS oceania.pdf" PDFS="$PDFS southeast_asia.pdf" for pdf in $PDFS ; do wget$pdf done # get sample content setup script directly from git wget chown -R 500:500 $BUNDLES_DIR cd $WD %end %post cat > /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys << EOF #!/bin/bash # # live: Init script for live image # # chkconfig: 345 00 99 # description: Init script for live image. # unzip activities and clean up cd /usr/share/sugar/bundles ACTIVITY_DIR=/home/liveuser/Activities mkdir -p \$ACTIVITY_DIR chown -R 500:500 \$ACTIVITY_DIR chmod a+x for file in *.xo; do su liveuser -c "./ \$file" rm -f \$file done # execute sample content script and clean up afterwards chmod a+x su liveuser -c ./ rm -f *.pdf EOF # change build strings echo "SoaS release 2 (Snapshot)" > /etc/fedora-release echo "cpe://o:sugarlabs:soas:2" > /etc/system-release-cpe # enable script to install stuff at boot time chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys /sbin/restorecon /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys /sbin/chkconfig --add livesys # turn off firstboot service chkconfig --level 345 firstboot off 2>/dev/null # create soas user /usr/sbin/useradd -m -c "SoaS user" -G audio,wheel liveuser /usr/bin/passwd -d liveuser # allow sudo for liveuser user echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers # make sure to own home directory chown liveuser /home/liveuser chgrp liveuser /home/liveuser # set up auto-login cat >> /etc/gdm/custom.conf << FOE [daemon] AutomaticLoginEnable=true AutomaticLogin=liveuser FOE # setup e-mail for bug reports sed -i 's/root@localhost/' /etc/abrt/plugins/Mailx.conf # try to work-around issues with NM and APs rm -f /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/05-netfs # fix issues with dbus and ck rm /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ # add Sugar repository to yum cat >> /etc/yum.repos.d/sugar.repo << FOE [sugar] name=Sugar failovermethod=priority baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 FOE # setup Xclients cat > /home/liveuser/.Xclients </dev/null # add more activities to the favorites cat > /usr/share/sugar/data/activities.defaults << FOE com.garycmartin.Moon org.laptop.AbiWordActivity org.laptop.Calculate org.laptop.Chat org.sugarlabs.InfoSlicer org.sugarlabs.IRC org.laptop.Memorize org.laptop.Pippy org.laptop.TurtleArtActivity org.laptop.WebActivity org.vpri.EtoysActivity org.laptop.Oficina org.laptop.RecordActivity org.gnome.Labyrinth org.laptop.physics vu.lux.olpc.Speak org.worldwideworkshop.olpc.JigsawPuzzle FOE %end