%include soas-sugar.ks repo --name=olpc-kernel-xo-1 --cost=5 --baseurl=http://dev.laptop.org/~mdengler/xo-1 #repo --name=olpc-kernel --cost=5 --baseurl=http://dev.laptop.org/~dilinger/olpc-2.6.30-xo1 repo --name=olpc --cost=3 --baseurl=http://dev.laptop.org/~dsd/xo1-rpms --excludepkgs=olpc-bootanim %packages --excludedocs --instLangs en:es:ar:pl:pt_BR:pt:it:fr:ht:el:mn:mr_IN:th:am_ET:km_KH:ne_NP:ur_PK:rw:ja:de:tr:te:ps:fa_AF:si libertas-usb8388-firmware -kernel.i686 kernel*2.6.30_xo1* olpc-powerd olpc-kbdshim dracut dracut-modules-olpc ntpdate xcompmgr # sound backend -alsa-plugins-pulseaudio -pulseaudio # FIXME: remove when livecd-tools's perl dependency is split out # http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/soas/2009-November/000383.html # don't remove syslinux as the image otherwise won't built -livecd-tools # -syslinux -perl %end %post # help OOM killer by changing Rainbow and tmpfs parameters per m_stone/cscott sed -i -e "185s/''/'size=1M,nr_inodes=1024'/" /usr/lib/python2.*/site-packages/rainbow/inject.py sed -i -e 's/RW_OPTIONS=/RW_OPTIONS="-o size=1M -o nr_inodes=1024"/' /etc/sysconfig/readonly-root # add ofw mount point & fstab entry cat >> /etc/fstab < /etc/rpm/macros.rpmdb # amend build string sed -i -e 's/SoaS/SoaS-XO/g' /etc/fedora-release # disable screensaver locking gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults -s -t bool /apps/gnome-screensaver/lock_enabled false >/dev/null # nicer console font for our little screen # FIXME: olpc-configure sets this up too, but it's too late for first boot. # but perhaps we could fix that so that it gets applied. echo "SYSFONT=sun12x22" >> /etc/sysconfig/i18n # dpms settings # FIXME: get olpc-powerd to do this cat >> /home/$CREATE_USERNAME/.xsession </dev/null # enable serial console # FIXME: olpc-utils needs a patch to fix ttyS0 not starting, without which rtcwake is broken # see http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2009-August/018378.html echo ttyS0 >> /etc/securetty cat > /etc/event.d/ttyS0 <> /etc/yum.repos.d/olpc-xo-1.repo << FOE [olpc-xo-1] name=OLPC XO-1 failovermethod=priority baseurl=http://dev.laptop.org/~mdengler/xo-1 enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 FOE cat >> /etc/yum.repos.d/olpc.repo << FOE [olpc] name=OLPC XO-1 failovermethod=priority baseurl=http://dev.laptop.org/~dsd/xo1-rpms enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 FOE # ensure ul-warning only shows when shutting down # FIXME: remove when dev.laptop.org #9452 is fixed sed -ie 's/chkconfig: 5 1 0/chkconfig: 3 4 5 1 0/' /etc/init.d/ul-warning # configure powerd mv /etc/powerd/powerd.conf /etc/powerd/standard.conf ln -s soas.conf /etc/powerd/powerd.conf cat > /etc/powerd/soas.conf </sys/power/wlan-enabled"), which may override this # setting. # # config_CPU_IDLE_LIMIT # If the cpu is idle less than this percentage, then the laptop # won't suspend. # # config_SLEEP_WHEN_LID_CLOSED # This is normally left enabled, and causes the laptop to go to sleep # when closed. If disabled, it will stay awake when the lid is # closed, and will only sleep because of other timeouts. # config_BATTERY_TIME_DIM="180" config_BATTERY_TIME_SLEEP="360" config_BATTERY_TIME_BLANK="99999" config_EBOOK_TIME_DIM="99999" config_EBOOK_TIME_SLEEP="20" config_EBOOK_TIME_BLANK="99999" config_PLUGGED_TIME_DIM="99999" config_PLUGGED_TIME_SLEEP="99999" config_PLUGGED_TIME_BLANK="99999" config_IDLE_DIM_LEVEL="0" config_MESH_DURING_SUSPEND="no" config_MAX_SLEEP_BEFORE_SHUTDOWN="99999" config_ALLOW_SHUTDOWN_WHEN_PLUGGED="no" config_CONFIRM_SECONDS="7" config_CPU_IDLE_LIMIT="10" config_SLEEP_WHEN_LID_CLOSED="yes" FOE %end %post --nochroot # olpc-utils ships 30-keymap-olpc.fdi, but we don't want all that olpc-utils brings # FIXME: can be removed when https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=514081 is resolved better curl -4 http://dev.laptop.org/git/projects/olpc-utils/plain/etc/hal/fdi/information/30-keymap-olpc.fdi >> $INSTALL_ROOT/etc/hal/fdi/information/30-keymap-olpc.fdi %end