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path: root/Speak.activity/aiml/Kernel.py
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authorAleksey Lim <alsroot@member.fsf.org>2009-04-14 21:41:19 (GMT)
committer Aleksey Lim <alsroot@member.fsf.org>2009-04-14 21:41:19 (GMT)
commit9524662ce1c5f662ba684c1681178cdc9237e5b9 (patch)
tree796d7cb89dc7abd74e2565fecba2bee8177ab519 /Speak.activity/aiml/Kernel.py
parentd30dd27d2214652ff4c1f9c28bb92dc7640c60d5 (diff)
Initial commit of HablarConSara
Diffstat (limited to 'Speak.activity/aiml/Kernel.py')
1 files changed, 1183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Speak.activity/aiml/Kernel.py b/Speak.activity/aiml/Kernel.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..413f26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Speak.activity/aiml/Kernel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1183 @@
+# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
+"""This file contains the public interface to the aiml module."""
+import AimlParser
+import DefaultSubs
+import Utils
+from PatternMgr import PatternMgr
+from WordSub import WordSub
+from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
+import copy
+import glob
+import os
+import random
+import re
+import string
+import sys
+import time
+import threading
+import xml.sax
+class Kernel:
+ # module constants
+ _globalSessionID = "_global" # key of the global session (duh)
+ _maxHistorySize = 10 # maximum length of the _inputs and _responses lists
+ _maxRecursionDepth = 100 # maximum number of recursive <srai>/<sr> tags before the response is aborted.
+ # special predicate keys
+ _inputHistory = "_inputHistory" # keys to a queue (list) of recent user input
+ _outputHistory = "_outputHistory" # keys to a queue (list) of recent responses.
+ _inputStack = "_inputStack" # Should always be empty in between calls to respond()
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._verboseMode = True
+ self._version = "PyAIML 0.8.5"
+ self._brain = PatternMgr()
+ self._respondLock = threading.RLock()
+ self._textEncoding = "utf-8"
+ # set up the sessions
+ self._sessions = {}
+ self._addSession(self._globalSessionID)
+ # Set up the bot predicates
+ self._botPredicates = {}
+ self.setBotPredicate("name", "Nameless")
+ # set up the word substitutors (subbers):
+ self._subbers = {}
+ self._subbers['gender'] = WordSub(DefaultSubs.defaultGender)
+ self._subbers['person'] = WordSub(DefaultSubs.defaultPerson)
+ self._subbers['person2'] = WordSub(DefaultSubs.defaultPerson2)
+ self._subbers['normal'] = WordSub(DefaultSubs.defaultNormal)
+ # set up the element processors
+ self._elementProcessors = {
+ "bot": self._processBot,
+ "condition": self._processCondition,
+ "date": self._processDate,
+ "formal": self._processFormal,
+ "gender": self._processGender,
+ "get": self._processGet,
+ "gossip": self._processGossip,
+ "id": self._processId,
+ "input": self._processInput,
+ "javascript": self._processJavascript,
+ "learn": self._processLearn,
+ "li": self._processLi,
+ "lowercase": self._processLowercase,
+ "person": self._processPerson,
+ "person2": self._processPerson2,
+ "random": self._processRandom,
+ "text": self._processText,
+ "sentence": self._processSentence,
+ "set": self._processSet,
+ "size": self._processSize,
+ "sr": self._processSr,
+ "srai": self._processSrai,
+ "star": self._processStar,
+ "system": self._processSystem,
+ "template": self._processTemplate,
+ "that": self._processThat,
+ "thatstar": self._processThatstar,
+ "think": self._processThink,
+ "topicstar": self._processTopicstar,
+ "uppercase": self._processUppercase,
+ "version": self._processVersion,
+ }
+ def bootstrap(self, brainFile = None, learnFiles = [], commands = []):
+ """Prepare a Kernel object for use.
+ If a brainFile argument is provided, the Kernel attempts to
+ load the brain at the specified filename.
+ If learnFiles is provided, the Kernel attempts to load the
+ specified AIML files.
+ Finally, each of the input strings in the commands list is
+ passed to respond().
+ """
+ start = time.clock()
+ if brainFile:
+ self.loadBrain(brainFile)
+ # learnFiles might be a string, in which case it should be
+ # turned into a single-element list.
+ learns = learnFiles
+ try: learns = [ learnFiles + "" ]
+ except: pass
+ for file in learns:
+ self.learn(file)
+ # ditto for commands
+ cmds = commands
+ try: cmds = [ commands + "" ]
+ except: pass
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ print self._respond(cmd, self._globalSessionID)
+ if self._verboseMode:
+ print "Kernel bootstrap completed in %.2f seconds" % (time.clock() - start)
+ def verbose(self, isVerbose = True):
+ """Enable/disable verbose output mode."""
+ self._verboseMode = isVerbose
+ def version(self):
+ """Return the Kernel's version string."""
+ return self._version
+ def numCategories(self):
+ """Return the number of categories the Kernel has learned."""
+ # there's a one-to-one mapping between templates and categories
+ return self._brain.numTemplates()
+ def resetBrain(self):
+ """Reset the brain to its initial state.
+ This is essentially equivilant to:
+ del(kern)
+ kern = aiml.Kernel()
+ """
+ del(self._brain)
+ self.__init__()
+ def loadBrain(self, filename):
+ """Attempt to load a previously-saved 'brain' from the
+ specified filename.
+ NOTE: the current contents of the 'brain' will be discarded!
+ """
+ if self._verboseMode: print "Loading brain from %s..." % filename,
+ start = time.clock()
+ self._brain.restore(filename)
+ if self._verboseMode:
+ end = time.clock() - start
+ print "done (%d categories in %.2f seconds)" % (self._brain.numTemplates(), end)
+ def saveBrain(self, filename):
+ """Dump the contents of the bot's brain to a file on disk."""
+ if self._verboseMode: print "Saving brain to %s..." % filename,
+ start = time.clock()
+ self._brain.save(filename)
+ if self._verboseMode:
+ print "done (%.2f seconds)" % (time.clock() - start)
+ def getPredicate(self, name, sessionID = _globalSessionID):
+ """Retrieve the current value of the predicate 'name' from the
+ specified session.
+ If name is not a valid predicate in the session, the empty
+ string is returned.
+ """
+ try: return self._sessions[sessionID][name]
+ except KeyError: return ""
+ def setPredicate(self, name, value, sessionID = _globalSessionID):
+ """Set the value of the predicate 'name' in the specified
+ session.
+ If sessionID is not a valid session, it will be created. If
+ name is not a valid predicate in the session, it will be
+ created.
+ """
+ self._addSession(sessionID) # add the session, if it doesn't already exist.
+ self._sessions[sessionID][name] = value
+ def getBotPredicate(self, name):
+ """Retrieve the value of the specified bot predicate.
+ If name is not a valid bot predicate, the empty string is returned.
+ """
+ try: return self._botPredicates[name]
+ except KeyError: return ""
+ def setBotPredicate(self, name, value):
+ """Set the value of the specified bot predicate.
+ If name is not a valid bot predicate, it will be created.
+ """
+ self._botPredicates[name] = value
+ # Clumsy hack: if updating the bot name, we must update the
+ # name in the brain as well
+ if name == "name":
+ self._brain.setBotName(self.getBotPredicate("name"))
+ def setTextEncoding(self, encoding):
+ """Set the text encoding used when loading AIML files (Latin-1, UTF-8, etc.)."""
+ self._textEncoding = encoding
+ def loadSubs(self, filename):
+ """Load a substitutions file.
+ The file must be in the Windows-style INI format (see the
+ standard ConfigParser module docs for information on this
+ format). Each section of the file is loaded into its own
+ substituter.
+ """
+ inFile = file(filename)
+ parser = ConfigParser()
+ parser.readfp(inFile, filename)
+ inFile.close()
+ for s in parser.sections():
+ # Add a new WordSub instance for this section. If one already
+ # exists, delete it.
+ if self._subbers.has_key(s):
+ del(self._subbers[s])
+ self._subbers[s] = WordSub()
+ # iterate over the key,value pairs and add them to the subber
+ for k,v in parser.items(s):
+ self._subbers[s][k] = v
+ def _addSession(self, sessionID):
+ """Create a new session with the specified ID string."""
+ if self._sessions.has_key(sessionID):
+ return
+ # Create the session.
+ self._sessions[sessionID] = {
+ # Initialize the special reserved predicates
+ self._inputHistory: [],
+ self._outputHistory: [],
+ self._inputStack: []
+ }
+ def _deleteSession(self, sessionID):
+ """Delete the specified session."""
+ if self._sessions.has_key(sessionID):
+ _sessions.pop(sessionID)
+ def getSessionData(self, sessionID = None):
+ """Return a copy of the session data dictionary for the
+ specified session.
+ If no sessionID is specified, return a dictionary containing
+ *all* of the individual session dictionaries.
+ """
+ s = None
+ if sessionID is not None:
+ try: s = self._sessions[sessionID]
+ except KeyError: s = {}
+ else:
+ s = self._sessions
+ return copy.deepcopy(s)
+ def learn(self, filename):
+ """Load and learn the contents of the specified AIML file.
+ If filename includes wildcard characters, all matching files
+ will be loaded and learned.
+ """
+ for f in glob.glob(filename):
+ if self._verboseMode: print "Loading %s..." % f,
+ start = time.clock()
+ # Load and parse the AIML file.
+ parser = AimlParser.create_parser()
+ handler = parser.getContentHandler()
+ handler.setEncoding(self._textEncoding)
+ try: parser.parse(f)
+ except xml.sax.SAXParseException, msg:
+ err = "\nFATAL PARSE ERROR in file %s:\n%s\n" % (f,msg)
+ sys.stderr.write(err)
+ continue
+ # store the pattern/template pairs in the PatternMgr.
+ for key,tem in handler.categories.items():
+ self._brain.add(key,tem)
+ # Parsing was successful.
+ if self._verboseMode:
+ print "done (%.2f seconds)" % (time.clock() - start)
+ def respond(self, input, sessionID = _globalSessionID):
+ """Return the Kernel's response to the input string."""
+ if len(input) == 0:
+ return ""
+ #ensure that input is a unicode string
+ try: input = input.decode(self._textEncoding, 'replace')
+ except UnicodeError: pass
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ # prevent other threads from stomping all over us.
+ self._respondLock.acquire()
+ # Add the session, if it doesn't already exist
+ self._addSession(sessionID)
+ # split the input into discrete sentences
+ sentences = Utils.sentences(input)
+ finalResponse = ""
+ for s in sentences:
+ # Add the input to the history list before fetching the
+ # response, so that <input/> tags work properly.
+ inputHistory = self.getPredicate(self._inputHistory, sessionID)
+ inputHistory.append(s)
+ while len(inputHistory) > self._maxHistorySize:
+ inputHistory.pop(0)
+ self.setPredicate(self._inputHistory, inputHistory, sessionID)
+ # Fetch the response
+ response = self._respond(s, sessionID)
+ # add the data from this exchange to the history lists
+ outputHistory = self.getPredicate(self._outputHistory, sessionID)
+ outputHistory.append(response)
+ while len(outputHistory) > self._maxHistorySize:
+ outputHistory.pop(0)
+ self.setPredicate(self._outputHistory, outputHistory, sessionID)
+ # append this response to the final response.
+ finalResponse += (response + " ")
+ finalResponse = finalResponse.strip()
+ assert(len(self.getPredicate(self._inputStack, sessionID)) == 0)
+ # release the lock and return
+ self._respondLock.release()
+ try: return finalResponse.encode(self._textEncoding)
+ except UnicodeError: return finalResponse
+ # This version of _respond() just fetches the response for some input.
+ # It does not mess with the input and output histories. Recursive calls
+ # to respond() spawned from tags like <srai> should call this function
+ # instead of respond().
+ def _respond(self, input, sessionID):
+ """Private version of respond(), does the real work."""
+ if len(input) == 0:
+ return ""
+ # guard against infinite recursion
+ inputStack = self.getPredicate(self._inputStack, sessionID)
+ if len(inputStack) > self._maxRecursionDepth:
+ if self._verboseMode:
+ err = "WARNING: maximum recursion depth exceeded (input='%s')" % input.encode(self._textEncoding, 'replace')
+ sys.stderr.write(err)
+ return ""
+ # push the input onto the input stack
+ inputStack = self.getPredicate(self._inputStack, sessionID)
+ inputStack.append(input)
+ self.setPredicate(self._inputStack, inputStack, sessionID)
+ # run the input through the 'normal' subber
+ subbedInput = self._subbers['normal'].sub(input)
+ # fetch the bot's previous response, to pass to the match()
+ # function as 'that'.
+ outputHistory = self.getPredicate(self._outputHistory, sessionID)
+ try: that = outputHistory[-1]
+ except IndexError: that = ""
+ subbedThat = self._subbers['normal'].sub(that)
+ # fetch the current topic
+ topic = self.getPredicate("topic", sessionID)
+ subbedTopic = self._subbers['normal'].sub(topic)
+ # Determine the final response.
+ response = ""
+ elem = self._brain.match(subbedInput, subbedThat, subbedTopic)
+ if elem is None:
+ if self._verboseMode:
+ err = "WARNING: No match found for input: %s\n" % input.encode(self._textEncoding)
+ sys.stderr.write(err)
+ else:
+ # Process the element into a response string.
+ response += self._processElement(elem, sessionID).strip()
+ response += " "
+ response = response.strip()
+ # pop the top entry off the input stack.
+ inputStack = self.getPredicate(self._inputStack, sessionID)
+ inputStack.pop()
+ self.setPredicate(self._inputStack, inputStack, sessionID)
+ return response
+ def _processElement(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process an AIML element.
+ The first item of the elem list is the name of the element's
+ XML tag. The second item is a dictionary containing any
+ attributes passed to that tag, and their values. Any further
+ items in the list are the elements enclosed by the current
+ element's begin and end tags; they are handled by each
+ element's handler function.
+ """
+ try:
+ handlerFunc = self._elementProcessors[elem[0]]
+ except:
+ # Oops -- there's no handler function for this element
+ # type!
+ if self._verboseMode:
+ err = "WARNING: No handler found for <%s> element\n" % elem[0].encode(self._textEncoding, 'replace')
+ sys.stderr.write(err)
+ return ""
+ return handlerFunc(elem, sessionID)
+ ######################################################
+ ### Individual element-processing functions follow ###
+ ######################################################
+ # <bot>
+ def _processBot(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <bot> AIML element.
+ Required element attributes:
+ name: The name of the bot predicate to retrieve.
+ <bot> elements are used to fetch the value of global,
+ read-only "bot predicates." These predicates cannot be set
+ from within AIML; you must use the setBotPredicate() function.
+ """
+ attrName = elem[1]['name']
+ return self.getBotPredicate(attrName)
+ # <condition>
+ def _processCondition(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <condition> AIML element.
+ Optional element attributes:
+ name: The name of a predicate to test.
+ value: The value to test the predicate for.
+ <condition> elements come in three flavors. Each has different
+ attributes, and each handles their contents differently.
+ The simplest case is when the <condition> tag has both a 'name'
+ and a 'value' attribute. In this case, if the predicate
+ 'name' has the value 'value', then the contents of the element
+ are processed and returned.
+ If the <condition> element has only a 'name' attribute, then
+ its contents are a series of <li> elements, each of which has
+ a 'value' attribute. The list is scanned from top to bottom
+ until a match is found. Optionally, the last <li> element can
+ have no 'value' attribute, in which case it is processed and
+ returned if no other match is found.
+ If the <condition> element has neither a 'name' nor a 'value'
+ attribute, then it behaves almost exactly like the previous
+ case, except that each <li> subelement (except the optional
+ last entry) must now include both 'name' and 'value'
+ attributes.
+ """
+ attr = None
+ response = ""
+ attr = elem[1]
+ # Case #1: test the value of a specific predicate for a
+ # specific value.
+ if attr.has_key('name') and attr.has_key('value'):
+ val = self.getPredicate(attr['name'], sessionID)
+ if val == attr['value']:
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ response += self._processElement(e,sessionID)
+ return response
+ else:
+ # Case #2 and #3: Cycle through <li> contents, testing a
+ # name and value pair for each one.
+ try:
+ name = None
+ if attr.has_key('name'):
+ name = attr['name']
+ # Get the list of <li> elemnents
+ listitems = []
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ if e[0] == 'li':
+ listitems.append(e)
+ # if listitems is empty, return the empty string
+ if len(listitems) == 0:
+ return ""
+ # iterate through the list looking for a condition that
+ # matches.
+ foundMatch = False
+ for li in listitems:
+ try:
+ liAttr = li[1]
+ # if this is the last list item, it's allowed
+ # to have no attributes. We just skip it for now.
+ if len(liAttr.keys()) == 0 and li == listitems[-1]:
+ continue
+ # get the name of the predicate to test
+ liName = name
+ if liName == None:
+ liName = liAttr['name']
+ # get the value to check against
+ liValue = liAttr['value']
+ # do the test
+ if self.getPredicate(liName, sessionID) == liValue:
+ foundMatch = True
+ response += self._processElement(li,sessionID)
+ break
+ except:
+ # No attributes, no name/value attributes, no
+ # such predicate/session, or processing error.
+ if self._verboseMode: print "Something amiss -- skipping listitem", li
+ raise
+ if not foundMatch:
+ # Check the last element of listitems. If it has
+ # no 'name' or 'value' attribute, process it.
+ try:
+ li = listitems[-1]
+ liAttr = li[1]
+ if not (liAttr.has_key('name') or liAttr.has_key('value')):
+ response += self._processElement(li, sessionID)
+ except:
+ # listitems was empty, no attributes, missing
+ # name/value attributes, or processing error.
+ if self._verboseMode: print "error in default listitem"
+ raise
+ except:
+ # Some other catastrophic cataclysm
+ if self._verboseMode: print "catastrophic condition failure"
+ raise
+ return response
+ # <date>
+ def _processDate(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <date> AIML element.
+ <date> elements resolve to the current date and time. The
+ AIML specification doesn't require any particular format for
+ this information, so I go with whatever's simplest.
+ """
+ return time.asctime()
+ # <formal>
+ def _processFormal(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <formal> AIML element.
+ <formal> elements process their contents recursively, and then
+ capitalize the first letter of each word of the result.
+ """
+ response = ""
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ response += self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ return string.capwords(response)
+ # <gender>
+ def _processGender(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <gender> AIML element.
+ <gender> elements process their contents, and then swap the
+ gender of any third-person singular pronouns in the result.
+ This subsitution is handled by the aiml.WordSub module.
+ """
+ response = ""
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ response += self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ return self._subbers['gender'].sub(response)
+ # <get>
+ def _processGet(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <get> AIML element.
+ Required element attributes:
+ name: The name of the predicate whose value should be
+ retrieved from the specified session and returned. If the
+ predicate doesn't exist, the empty string is returned.
+ <get> elements return the value of a predicate from the
+ specified session.
+ """
+ return self.getPredicate(elem[1]['name'], sessionID)
+ # <gossip>
+ def _processGossip(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <gossip> AIML element.
+ <gossip> elements are used to capture and store user input in
+ an implementation-defined manner, theoretically allowing the
+ bot to learn from the people it chats with. I haven't
+ descided how to define my implementation, so right now
+ <gossip> behaves identically to <think>.
+ """
+ return self._processThink(elem, sessionID)
+ # <id>
+ def _processId(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """ Process an <id> AIML element.
+ <id> elements return a unique "user id" for a specific
+ conversation. In PyAIML, the user id is the name of the
+ current session.
+ """
+ return sessionID
+ # <input>
+ def _processInput(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process an <input> AIML element.
+ Optional attribute elements:
+ index: The index of the element from the history list to
+ return. 1 means the most recent item, 2 means the one
+ before that, and so on.
+ <input> elements return an entry from the input history for
+ the current session.
+ """
+ inputHistory = self.getPredicate(self._inputHistory, sessionID)
+ try: index = int(elem[1]['index'])
+ except: index = 1
+ try: return inputHistory[-index]
+ except IndexError:
+ if self._verboseMode:
+ err = "No such index %d while processing <input> element.\n" % index
+ sys.stderr.write(err)
+ return ""
+ # <javascript>
+ def _processJavascript(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <javascript> AIML element.
+ <javascript> elements process their contents recursively, and
+ then run the results through a server-side Javascript
+ interpreter to compute the final response. Implementations
+ are not required to provide an actual Javascript interpreter,
+ and right now PyAIML doesn't; <javascript> elements are behave
+ exactly like <think> elements.
+ """
+ return self._processThink(elem, sessionID)
+ # <learn>
+ def _processLearn(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <learn> AIML element.
+ <learn> elements process their contents recursively, and then
+ treat the result as an AIML file to open and learn.
+ """
+ filename = ""
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ filename += self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ self.learn(filename)
+ return ""
+ # <li>
+ def _processLi(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process an <li> AIML element.
+ Optional attribute elements:
+ name: the name of a predicate to query.
+ value: the value to check that predicate for.
+ <li> elements process their contents recursively and return
+ the results. They can only appear inside <condition> and
+ <random> elements. See _processCondition() and
+ _processRandom() for details of their usage.
+ """
+ response = ""
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ response += self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ return response
+ # <lowercase>
+ def _processLowercase(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <lowercase> AIML element.
+ <lowercase> elements process their contents recursively, and
+ then convert the results to all-lowercase.
+ """
+ response = ""
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ response += self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ return string.lower(response)
+ # <person>
+ def _processPerson(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <person> AIML element.
+ <person> elements process their contents recursively, and then
+ convert all pronouns in the results from 1st person to 2nd
+ person, and vice versa. This subsitution is handled by the
+ aiml.WordSub module.
+ If the <person> tag is used atomically (e.g. <person/>), it is
+ a shortcut for <person><star/></person>.
+ """
+ response = ""
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ response += self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ if len(elem[2:]) == 0: # atomic <person/> = <person><star/></person>
+ response = self._processElement(['star',{}], sessionID)
+ return self._subbers['person'].sub(response)
+ # <person2>
+ def _processPerson2(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <person2> AIML element.
+ <person2> elements process their contents recursively, and then
+ convert all pronouns in the results from 1st person to 3rd
+ person, and vice versa. This subsitution is handled by the
+ aiml.WordSub module.
+ If the <person2> tag is used atomically (e.g. <person2/>), it is
+ a shortcut for <person2><star/></person2>.
+ """
+ response = ""
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ response += self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ if len(elem[2:]) == 0: # atomic <person2/> = <person2><star/></person2>
+ response = self._processElement(['star',{}], sessionID)
+ return self._subbers['person2'].sub(response)
+ # <random>
+ def _processRandom(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <random> AIML element.
+ <random> elements contain zero or more <li> elements. If
+ none, the empty string is returned. If one or more <li>
+ elements are present, one of them is selected randomly to be
+ processed recursively and have its results returned. Only the
+ chosen <li> element's contents are processed. Any non-<li> contents are
+ ignored.
+ """
+ listitems = []
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ if e[0] == 'li':
+ listitems.append(e)
+ if len(listitems) == 0:
+ return ""
+ # select and process a random listitem.
+ random.shuffle(listitems)
+ return self._processElement(listitems[0], sessionID)
+ # <sentence>
+ def _processSentence(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <sentence> AIML element.
+ <sentence> elements process their contents recursively, and
+ then capitalize the first letter of the results.
+ """
+ response = ""
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ response += self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ try:
+ response = response.strip()
+ words = string.split(response, " ", 1)
+ words[0] = string.capitalize(words[0])
+ response = string.join(words)
+ return response
+ except IndexError: # response was empty
+ return ""
+ # <set>
+ def _processSet(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <set> AIML element.
+ Required element attributes:
+ name: The name of the predicate to set.
+ <set> elements process their contents recursively, and assign the results to a predicate
+ (given by their 'name' attribute) in the current session. The contents of the element
+ are also returned.
+ """
+ value = ""
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ value += self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ self.setPredicate(elem[1]['name'], value, sessionID)
+ return value
+ # <size>
+ def _processSize(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <size> AIML element.
+ <size> elements return the number of AIML categories currently
+ in the bot's brain.
+ """
+ return str(self.numCategories())
+ # <sr>
+ def _processSr(self,elem,sessionID):
+ """Process an <sr> AIML element.
+ <sr> elements are shortcuts for <srai><star/></srai>.
+ """
+ star = self._processElement(['star',{}], sessionID)
+ response = self._respond(star, sessionID)
+ return response
+ # <srai>
+ def _processSrai(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <srai> AIML element.
+ <srai> elements recursively process their contents, and then
+ pass the results right back into the AIML interpreter as a new
+ piece of input. The results of this new input string are
+ returned.
+ """
+ newInput = ""
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ newInput += self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ return self._respond(newInput, sessionID)
+ # <star>
+ def _processStar(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <star> AIML element.
+ Optional attribute elements:
+ index: Which "*" character in the current pattern should
+ be matched?
+ <star> elements return the text fragment matched by the "*"
+ character in the current input pattern. For example, if the
+ input "Hello Tom Smith, how are you?" matched the pattern
+ "HELLO * HOW ARE YOU", then a <star> element in the template
+ would evaluate to "Tom Smith".
+ """
+ try: index = int(elem[1]['index'])
+ except KeyError: index = 1
+ # fetch the user's last input
+ inputStack = self.getPredicate(self._inputStack, sessionID)
+ input = self._subbers['normal'].sub(inputStack[-1])
+ # fetch the Kernel's last response (for 'that' context)
+ outputHistory = self.getPredicate(self._outputHistory, sessionID)
+ try: that = self._subbers['normal'].sub(outputHistory[-1])
+ except: that = "" # there might not be any output yet
+ topic = self.getPredicate("topic", sessionID)
+ response = self._brain.star("star", input, that, topic, index)
+ return response
+ # <system>
+ def _processSystem(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <system> AIML element.
+ <system> elements process their contents recursively, and then
+ attempt to execute the results as a shell command on the
+ server. The AIML interpreter blocks until the command is
+ complete, and then returns the command's output.
+ For cross-platform compatibility, any file paths inside
+ <system> tags should use Unix-style forward slashes ("/") as a
+ directory separator.
+ """
+ # build up the command string
+ command = ""
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ command += self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ # normalize the path to the command. Under Windows, this
+ # switches forward-slashes to back-slashes; all system
+ # elements should use unix-style paths for cross-platform
+ # compatibility.
+ #executable,args = command.split(" ", 1)
+ #executable = os.path.normpath(executable)
+ #command = executable + " " + args
+ command = os.path.normpath(command)
+ # execute the command.
+ response = ""
+ try:
+ out = os.popen(command)
+ except RuntimeError, msg:
+ if self._verboseMode:
+ err = "WARNING: RuntimeError while processing \"system\" element:\n%s\n" % msg.encode(self._textEncoding, 'replace')
+ sys.stderr.write(err)
+ return "There was an error while computing my response. Please inform my botmaster."
+ for line in out:
+ response += line + "\n"
+ response = string.join(response.splitlines()).strip()
+ return response
+ # <template>
+ def _processTemplate(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <template> AIML element.
+ <template> elements recursively process their contents, and
+ return the results. <template> is the root node of any AIML
+ response tree.
+ """
+ response = ""
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ response += self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ return response
+ # text
+ def _processText(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a raw text element.
+ Raw text elements aren't really AIML tags. Text elements cannot contain
+ other elements; instead, the third item of the 'elem' list is a text
+ string, which is immediately returned. They have a single attribute,
+ automatically inserted by the parser, which indicates whether whitespace
+ in the text should be preserved or not.
+ """
+ try: elem[2] + ""
+ except TypeError: raise TypeError, "Text element contents are not text"
+ # If the the whitespace behavior for this element is "default",
+ # we reduce all stretches of >1 whitespace characters to a single
+ # space. To improve performance, we do this only once for each
+ # text element encountered, and save the results for the future.
+ if elem[1]["xml:space"] == "default":
+ elem[2] = re.sub("\s+", " ", elem[2])
+ elem[1]["xml:space"] = "preserve"
+ return elem[2]
+ # <that>
+ def _processThat(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <that> AIML element.
+ Optional element attributes:
+ index: Specifies which element from the output history to
+ return. 1 is the most recent response, 2 is the next most
+ recent, and so on.
+ <that> elements (when they appear inside <template> elements)
+ are the output equivilant of <input> elements; they return one
+ of the Kernel's previous responses.
+ """
+ outputHistory = self.getPredicate(self._outputHistory, sessionID)
+ index = 1
+ try:
+ # According to the AIML spec, the optional index attribute
+ # can either have the form "x" or "x,y". x refers to how
+ # far back in the output history to go. y refers to which
+ # sentence of the specified response to return.
+ index = int(elem[1]['index'].split(',')[0])
+ except:
+ pass
+ try: return outputHistory[-index]
+ except IndexError:
+ if self._verboseMode:
+ err = "No such index %d while processing <that> element.\n" % index
+ sys.stderr.write(err)
+ return ""
+ # <thatstar>
+ def _processThatstar(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <thatstar> AIML element.
+ Optional element attributes:
+ index: Specifies which "*" in the <that> pattern to match.
+ <thatstar> elements are similar to <star> elements, except
+ that where <star/> returns the portion of the input string
+ matched by a "*" character in the pattern, <thatstar/> returns
+ the portion of the previous input string that was matched by a
+ "*" in the current category's <that> pattern.
+ """
+ try: index = int(elem[1]['index'])
+ except KeyError: index = 1
+ # fetch the user's last input
+ inputStack = self.getPredicate(self._inputStack, sessionID)
+ input = self._subbers['normal'].sub(inputStack[-1])
+ # fetch the Kernel's last response (for 'that' context)
+ outputHistory = self.getPredicate(self._outputHistory, sessionID)
+ try: that = self._subbers['normal'].sub(outputHistory[-1])
+ except: that = "" # there might not be any output yet
+ topic = self.getPredicate("topic", sessionID)
+ response = self._brain.star("thatstar", input, that, topic, index)
+ return response
+ # <think>
+ def _processThink(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <think> AIML element.
+ <think> elements process their contents recursively, and then
+ discard the results and return the empty string. They're
+ useful for setting predicates and learning AIML files without
+ generating any output.
+ """
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ return ""
+ # <topicstar>
+ def _processTopicstar(self, elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <topicstar> AIML element.
+ Optional element attributes:
+ index: Specifies which "*" in the <topic> pattern to match.
+ <topicstar> elements are similar to <star> elements, except
+ that where <star/> returns the portion of the input string
+ matched by a "*" character in the pattern, <topicstar/>
+ returns the portion of current topic string that was matched
+ by a "*" in the current category's <topic> pattern.
+ """
+ try: index = int(elem[1]['index'])
+ except KeyError: index = 1
+ # fetch the user's last input
+ inputStack = self.getPredicate(self._inputStack, sessionID)
+ input = self._subbers['normal'].sub(inputStack[-1])
+ # fetch the Kernel's last response (for 'that' context)
+ outputHistory = self.getPredicate(self._outputHistory, sessionID)
+ try: that = self._subbers['normal'].sub(outputHistory[-1])
+ except: that = "" # there might not be any output yet
+ topic = self.getPredicate("topic", sessionID)
+ response = self._brain.star("topicstar", input, that, topic, index)
+ return response
+ # <uppercase>
+ def _processUppercase(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process an <uppercase> AIML element.
+ <uppercase> elements process their contents recursively, and
+ return the results with all lower-case characters converted to
+ upper-case.
+ """
+ response = ""
+ for e in elem[2:]:
+ response += self._processElement(e, sessionID)
+ return string.upper(response)
+ # <version>
+ def _processVersion(self,elem, sessionID):
+ """Process a <version> AIML element.
+ <version> elements return the version number of the AIML
+ interpreter.
+ """
+ return self.version()
+### Self-test functions follow ###
+def _testTag(kern, tag, input, outputList):
+ """Tests 'tag' by feeding the Kernel 'input'. If the result
+ matches any of the strings in 'outputList', the test passes.
+ """
+ global _numTests, _numPassed
+ _numTests += 1
+ print "Testing <" + tag + ">:",
+ response = kern.respond(input).decode(kern._textEncoding)
+ if response in outputList:
+ print "PASSED"
+ _numPassed += 1
+ return True
+ else:
+ print "FAILED (response: '%s')" % response.encode(kern._textEncoding, 'replace')
+ return False
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Run some self-tests
+ k = Kernel()
+ k.bootstrap(learnFiles="self-test.aiml")
+ global _numTests, _numPassed
+ _numTests = 0
+ _numPassed = 0
+ _testTag(k, 'bot', 'test bot', ["My name is Nameless"])
+ k.setPredicate('gender', 'male')
+ _testTag(k, 'condition test #1', 'test condition name value', ['You are handsome'])
+ k.setPredicate('gender', 'female')
+ _testTag(k, 'condition test #2', 'test condition name value', [''])
+ _testTag(k, 'condition test #3', 'test condition name', ['You are beautiful'])
+ k.setPredicate('gender', 'robot')
+ _testTag(k, 'condition test #4', 'test condition name', ['You are genderless'])
+ _testTag(k, 'condition test #5', 'test condition', ['You are genderless'])
+ k.setPredicate('gender', 'male')
+ _testTag(k, 'condition test #6', 'test condition', ['You are handsome'])
+ # the date test will occasionally fail if the original and "test"
+ # times cross a second boundary. There's no good way to avoid
+ # this problem and still do a meaningful test, so we simply
+ # provide a friendly message to be printed if the test fails.
+ date_warning = """
+ NOTE: the <date> test will occasionally report failure even if it
+ succeeds. So long as the response looks like a date/time string,
+ there's nothing to worry about.
+ """
+ if not _testTag(k, 'date', 'test date', ["The date is %s" % time.asctime()]):
+ print date_warning
+ _testTag(k, 'formal', 'test formal', ["Formal Test Passed"])
+ _testTag(k, 'gender', 'test gender', ["He'd told her he heard that her hernia is history"])
+ _testTag(k, 'get/set', 'test get and set', ["I like cheese. My favorite food is cheese"])
+ _testTag(k, 'gossip', 'test gossip', ["Gossip is not yet implemented"])
+ _testTag(k, 'id', 'test id', ["Your id is _global"])
+ _testTag(k, 'input', 'test input', ['You just said: test input'])
+ _testTag(k, 'javascript', 'test javascript', ["Javascript is not yet implemented"])
+ _testTag(k, 'lowercase', 'test lowercase', ["The Last Word Should Be lowercase"])
+ _testTag(k, 'person', 'test person', ['HE think i knows that my actions threaten him and his.'])
+ _testTag(k, 'person2', 'test person2', ['YOU think me know that my actions threaten you and yours.'])
+ _testTag(k, 'person2 (no contents)', 'test person2 I Love Lucy', ['YOU Love Lucy'])
+ _testTag(k, 'random', 'test random', ["response #1", "response #2", "response #3"])
+ _testTag(k, 'random empty', 'test random empty', ["Nothing here!"])
+ _testTag(k, 'sentence', "test sentence", ["My first letter should be capitalized."])
+ _testTag(k, 'size', "test size", ["I've learned %d categories" % k.numCategories()])
+ _testTag(k, 'sr', "test sr test srai", ["srai results: srai test passed"])
+ _testTag(k, 'sr nested', "test nested sr test srai", ["srai results: srai test passed"])
+ _testTag(k, 'srai', "test srai", ["srai test passed"])
+ _testTag(k, 'srai infinite', "test srai infinite", [""])
+ _testTag(k, 'star test #1', 'You should test star begin', ['Begin star matched: You should'])
+ _testTag(k, 'star test #2', 'test star creamy goodness middle', ['Middle star matched: creamy goodness'])
+ _testTag(k, 'star test #3', 'test star end the credits roll', ['End star matched: the credits roll'])
+ _testTag(k, 'star test #4', 'test star having multiple stars in a pattern makes me extremely happy',
+ ['Multiple stars matched: having, stars in a pattern, extremely happy'])
+ _testTag(k, 'system', "test system", ["The system says hello!"])
+ _testTag(k, 'that test #1', "test that", ["I just said: The system says hello!"])
+ _testTag(k, 'that test #2', "test that", ["I have already answered this question"])
+ _testTag(k, 'thatstar test #1', "test thatstar", ["I say beans"])
+ _testTag(k, 'thatstar test #2', "test thatstar", ["I just said \"beans\""])
+ _testTag(k, 'thatstar test #3', "test thatstar multiple", ['I say beans and franks for everybody'])
+ _testTag(k, 'thatstar test #4', "test thatstar multiple", ['Yes, beans and franks for all!'])
+ _testTag(k, 'think', "test think", [""])
+ k.setPredicate("topic", "fruit")
+ _testTag(k, 'topic', "test topic", ["We were discussing apples and oranges"])
+ k.setPredicate("topic", "Soylent Green")
+ _testTag(k, 'topicstar test #1', 'test topicstar', ["Solyent Green is made of people!"])
+ k.setPredicate("topic", "Soylent Ham and Cheese")
+ _testTag(k, 'topicstar test #2', 'test topicstar multiple', ["Both Soylents Ham and Cheese are made of people!"])
+ _testTag(k, 'unicode support', u"ΤΗΙΟΊΓ", [u"Hey, you speak Chinese! ΤΗΙΟΊΓ"])
+ _testTag(k, 'uppercase', 'test uppercase', ["The Last Word Should Be UPPERCASE"])
+ _testTag(k, 'version', 'test version', ["PyAIML is version %s" % k.version()])
+ _testTag(k, 'whitespace preservation', 'test whitespace', ["Extra Spaces\n Rule! (but not in here!) But Here They Do!"])
+ # Report test results
+ print "--------------------"
+ if _numTests == _numPassed:
+ print "%d of %d tests passed!" % (_numPassed, _numTests)
+ else:
+ print "%d of %d tests passed (see above for detailed errors)" % (_numPassed, _numTests)
+ # Run an interactive interpreter
+ #print "\nEntering interactive mode (ctrl-c to exit)"
+ #while True: print k.respond(raw_input("> "))