# Speak.activity # A simple front end to the espeak text-to-speech engine on the XO laptop # http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Speak # # Copyright (C) 2008 Joshua Minor # This file is part of Speak.activity # # Parts of Speak.activity are based on code from Measure.activity # Copyright (C) 2007 Arjun Sarwal - arjun@laptop.org # # Speak.activity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Speak.activity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Speak.activity. If not, see . import re import os from gettext import gettext as _ import logging logger = logging.getLogger('speak') import espeak # Lets trick gettext into generating entries for the voice names we expect espeak to have # If espeak actually has new or different names then they won't get translated, but they # should still show up in the interface. expectedVoiceNames = [ _("Brazil"), _("Swedish"), _("Icelandic"), _("Romanian"), _("Swahili"), _("Hindi"), _("Dutch"), _("Latin"), _("Hungarian"), _("Macedonian"), _("Welsh"), _("French"), _("Norwegian"), _("Russian"), _("Afrikaans"), _("Finnish"), _("Default"), _("Cantonese"), _("Scottish"), _("Greek"), _("Vietnam"), _("English"), _("Lancashire"), _("Italian"), _("Portugal"), _("German"), _("Whisper"), _("Croatian"), _("Czech"), _("Slovak"), _("Spanish"), _("Polish"), _("Esperanto") ] _allVoices = {} #_allVoicesRP = {} _defaultVoice = None class Voice: def __init__(self, language, name): self.language = language self.name = name friendlyname = name friendlyname = friendlyname.replace('-test','') friendlyname = friendlyname.replace('_test','') friendlyname = friendlyname.replace('en-','') friendlyname = friendlyname.replace('english-wisper','whisper') friendlyname = friendlyname.replace('english-us', 'us') friendlynameRP = name #friendlyname for RP friendlynameRP = friendlynameRP.replace('english_rp', 'rp') friendlynameRP = friendlynameRP.replace('english_wmids', 'wmids') parts = re.split('[ _-]', friendlyname) partsRP = re.split('[ _]', friendlynameRP) #RE for english_RP #print friendlynameRP self.short_name = _(parts[0].capitalize()) self.friendlyname = ' '.join([self.short_name] + parts[1:]) friendlynameRP1 = None if friendlynameRP == 'rp': #self.short_nameRP = _(partsRP[0].capitalize()) #self.friendlynameRP1 = ''.join([self.short_nameRP] + ['Required']) friendlynameRP1 = 'English (Required Pronunciation)' print friendlynameRP1 friendlynameUS = None if friendlyname == 'us': friendlynameUS = 'English (USA)' print friendlynameUS friendlynameWMIDS = None if friendlynameRP == 'wmids': friendlynameWMIDS = 'English (West Midlands)' print friendlynameWMIDS def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.friendlyname, other.friendlyname if other else '') # def __cmpRP__(self, other): # return cmpf(self.friendlynameRP1, other.friendlynameRP if other else '') def allVoices(): if _allVoices: return _allVoices for language, name in espeak.voices(): voice = Voice(language, name) _allVoices[voice.friendlyname] = voice return _allVoices #def allVoicesRP(): # if _allVoicesRP: # return _allVoicesRP # for language, name in espeak.voices(): # voiceRP = VoiceRP(language, name) # _allVoicesRP[voiceRP.friendlynameRP1] = voiceRP # return _allVoicesRP def by_name(name): return allVoices().get(name, defaultVoice()) #def by_nameRP(name): # return allVoicesRP().get(name, defaultVoice()) def defaultVoice(): """Try to figure ofuft the default voice, from the current locale ($LANG). Fall back to espeak's voice called Default.""" global _defaultVoice if _defaultVoice: return _defaultVoice voices = allVoices() # voicesRP = allVoicesRP() def fit(a,b): "Compare two language ids to see if they are similar." as_ = re.split(r'[^a-z]+', a.lower()) bs = re.split(r'[^a-z]+', b.lower()) for count in range(0, min(len(as_),len(bs))): if as_[count] != bs[count]: count -= 1 break return count try: lang = os.environ["LANG"] except: lang = "" best = voices[_("Default")] for voice in voices.values(): voiceMetric = fit(voice.language, lang) bestMetric = fit(best.language, lang) if voiceMetric > bestMetric: best = voice print "Best voice for LANG %s seems to be %s %s" % (lang, best.language, best.friendlyname) _defaultVoice = best return best