# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import logging import os import time import dbus import ConfigParser from sugar import dispatch from sugar import env DEVICE_TYPE_802_3_ETHERNET = 1 DEVICE_TYPE_802_11_WIRELESS = 2 DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0 DEVICE_STATE_UNMANAGED = 1 DEVICE_STATE_UNAVAILABLE = 2 DEVICE_STATE_DISCONNECTED = 3 DEVICE_STATE_PREPARE = 4 DEVICE_STATE_CONFIG = 5 DEVICE_STATE_NEED_AUTH = 6 DEVICE_STATE_IP_CONFIG = 7 DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED = 8 DEVICE_STATE_FAILED = 9 NM_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0 NM_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_STATE_ACTIVATING = 1 NM_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_STATE_ACTIVATED = 2 NM_802_11_AP_FLAGS_NONE = 0x00000000 NM_802_11_AP_FLAGS_PRIVACY = 0x00000001 NM_802_11_AP_SEC_NONE = 0x00000000 NM_802_11_AP_SEC_PAIR_WEP40 = 0x00000001 NM_802_11_AP_SEC_PAIR_WEP104 = 0x00000002 NM_802_11_AP_SEC_PAIR_TKIP = 0x00000004 NM_802_11_AP_SEC_PAIR_CCMP = 0x00000008 NM_802_11_AP_SEC_GROUP_WEP40 = 0x00000010 NM_802_11_AP_SEC_GROUP_WEP104 = 0x00000020 NM_802_11_AP_SEC_GROUP_TKIP = 0x00000040 NM_802_11_AP_SEC_GROUP_CCMP = 0x00000080 NM_802_11_AP_SEC_KEY_MGMT_PSK = 0x00000100 NM_802_11_AP_SEC_KEY_MGMT_802_1X = 0x00000200 NM_802_11_MODE_UNKNOWN = 0 NM_802_11_MODE_ADHOC = 1 NM_802_11_MODE_INFRA = 2 NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_NONE = 0x00000000 NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_WEP40 = 0x00000001 NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_WEP104 = 0x00000002 NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_TKIP = 0x00000004 NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_CCMP = 0x00000008 NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_WPA = 0x00000010 NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_RSN = 0x00000020 SETTINGS_SERVICE = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerUserSettings' NM_SETTINGS_PATH = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManagerSettings' NM_SETTINGS_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSettings' NM_CONNECTION_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSettings.Connection' NM_SECRETS_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSettings.Connection.Secrets' _nm_settings = None _conn_counter = 0 class WirelessSecurity(object): def __init__(self): self.key_mgmt = None self.proto = None self.group = None self.pairwise = None def get_dict(self): wireless_security = {} if self.key_mgmt is not None: wireless_security['key-mgmt'] = self.key_mgmt if self.proto is not None: wireless_security['proto'] = self.proto if self.pairwise is not None: wireless_security['pairwise'] = self.pairwise if self.group is not None: wireless_security['group'] = self.group return wireless_security class Wireless(object): def __init__(self): self.ssid = None self.security = None def get_dict(self): wireless = {'ssid': self.ssid} if self.security: wireless['security'] = self.security return wireless class Connection(object): def __init__(self): self.id = None self.uuid = None self.type = None self.autoconnect = False self.timestamp = None def get_dict(self): connection = {'id': self.id, 'uuid': self.uuid, 'type': self.type, 'autoconnect': self.autoconnect} if self.timestamp: connection['timestamp'] = self.timestamp return connection class Settings(object): def __init__(self): self.connection = Connection() self.wireless = Wireless() self.wireless_security = None def get_dict(self): settings = {} settings['connection'] = self.connection.get_dict() settings['802-11-wireless'] = self.wireless.get_dict() if self.wireless_security is not None: settings['802-11-wireless-security'] = \ self.wireless_security.get_dict() return settings class Secrets(object): def __init__(self): self.wep_key = None self.psk = None self.auth_alg = None def get_dict(self): secrets = {} if self.wep_key is not None: secrets['wep-key0'] = self.wep_key if self.psk is not None: secrets['psk'] = self.psk if self.auth_alg is not None: secrets['auth-alg'] = self.auth_alg return {'802-11-wireless-security': secrets} class NMSettings(dbus.service.Object): def __init__(self): bus = dbus.SystemBus() bus_name = dbus.service.BusName(SETTINGS_SERVICE, bus=bus) dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, NM_SETTINGS_PATH) self.connections = {} self.secrets_request = dispatch.Signal() @dbus.service.method(dbus_interface=NM_SETTINGS_IFACE, in_signature='', out_signature='ao') def ListConnections(self): return self.connections.values() @dbus.service.signal(NM_SETTINGS_IFACE, signature='o') def NewConnection(self, connection_path): pass def add_connection(self, ssid, conn): self.connections[ssid] = conn conn.secrets_request.connect(self.__secrets_request_cb) self.NewConnection(conn.path) def __secrets_request_cb(self, sender, **kwargs): self.secrets_request.send(self, connection=sender, response=kwargs['response']) class SecretsResponse(object): ''' Intermediate object to report the secrets from the dialog back to the connection object and which will inform NM ''' def __init__(self, connection, reply_cb, error_cb): self._connection = connection self._reply_cb = reply_cb self._error_cb = error_cb def set_secrets(self, secrets): self._connection.set_secrets(secrets) self._reply_cb(secrets.get_dict()) def set_error(self, error): self._error_cb(error) class NMSettingsConnection(dbus.service.Object): def __init__(self, path, settings, secrets): bus = dbus.SystemBus() bus_name = dbus.service.BusName(SETTINGS_SERVICE, bus=bus) dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, path) self.path = path self.secrets_request = dispatch.Signal() self._settings = settings self._secrets = secrets def set_connected(self): self._settings.connection.autoconnect = True self._settings.connection.timestamp = int(time.time()) self.save() def set_secrets(self, secrets): self._secrets = secrets self.save() def save(self): profile_path = env.get_profile_path() config_path = os.path.join(profile_path, 'nm', 'connections.cfg') config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() try: try: if not config.read(config_path): logging.error('Error reading the nm config file') return except ConfigParser.ParsingError, e: logging.error('Error reading the nm config file: %s' % e) return identifier = self._settings.connection.id if identifier not in config.sections(): config.add_section(identifier) config.set(identifier, 'type', self._settings.connection.type) config.set(identifier, 'ssid', self._settings.wireless.ssid) config.set(identifier, 'uuid', self._settings.connection.uuid) config.set(identifier, 'autoconnect', self._settings.connection.autoconnect) if self._settings.connection.timestamp is not None: config.set(identifier, 'timestamp', self._settings.connection.timestamp) if self._settings.wireless_security is not None: if self._settings.wireless_security.key_mgmt is not None: config.set(identifier, 'key-mgmt', self._settings.wireless_security.key_mgmt) if self._settings.wireless_security.proto is not None: config.set(identifier, 'proto', self._settings.wireless_security.proto) if self._settings.wireless_security.pairwise is not None: config.set(identifier, 'pairwise', self._settings.wireless_security.pairwise) if self._settings.wireless_security.group is not None: config.set(identifier, 'group', self._settings.wireless_security.group) if self._settings.wireless.security is not None: config.set(identifier, 'security', self._settings.wireless.security) if self._secrets is not None: if self._settings.wireless_security.key_mgmt == 'none': config.set(identifier, 'key', self._secrets.wep_key) config.set(identifier, 'auth-alg', self._secrets.auth_alg) elif self._settings.wireless_security.key_mgmt == 'wpa-psk': config.set(identifier, 'key', self._secrets.psk) except ConfigParser.Error, e: logging.error('Error constructing %s: %s' % (identifier, e)) else: f = open(config_path, 'w') try: config.write(f) except ConfigParser.Error, e: logging.error('Can not write %s error: %s' % (config_path, e)) f.close() @dbus.service.method(dbus_interface=NM_CONNECTION_IFACE, in_signature='', out_signature='a{sa{sv}}') def GetSettings(self): return self._settings.get_dict() @dbus.service.method(dbus_interface=NM_SECRETS_IFACE, async_callbacks=('reply', 'error'), in_signature='sasb', out_signature='a{sa{sv}}') def GetSecrets(self, setting_name, hints, request_new, reply, error): logging.debug('Secrets requested for connection %s request_new=%s' % (self.path, request_new)) if request_new or self._secrets is None: # request_new is for example the case when the pw on the AP changes response = SecretsResponse(self, reply, error) try: self.secrets_request.send(self, response=response) except Exception, e: logging.error('Error requesting the secrets via dialog: %s' % e) else: reply(self._secrets.get_dict()) def get_settings(): global _nm_settings if _nm_settings is None: try: _nm_settings = NMSettings() except dbus.DBusException, e: logging.error('Cannot create the UserSettings service %s.', e) load_connections() return _nm_settings def find_connection(ssid): connections = get_settings().connections if ssid in connections: return connections[ssid] else: return None def add_connection(ssid, settings, secrets=None): global _conn_counter path = NM_SETTINGS_PATH + '/' + str(_conn_counter) _conn_counter += 1 conn = NMSettingsConnection(path, settings, secrets) _nm_settings.add_connection(ssid, conn) return conn def load_connections(): profile_path = env.get_profile_path() config_path = os.path.join(profile_path, 'nm', 'connections.cfg') config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if not os.path.exists(config_path): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(config_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(config_path), 0755) f = open(config_path, 'w') config.write(f) f.close() try: if not config.read(config_path): logging.error('Error reading the nm config file') return except ConfigParser.ParsingError, e: logging.error('Error reading the nm config file: %s' % e) return for section in config.sections(): try: settings = Settings() settings.connection.id = section ssid = config.get(section, 'ssid') settings.wireless.ssid = dbus.ByteArray(ssid) uuid = config.get(section, 'uuid') settings.connection.uuid = uuid nmtype = config.get(section, 'type') settings.connection.type = nmtype autoconnect = bool(config.get(section, 'autoconnect')) settings.connection.autoconnect = autoconnect if config.has_option(section, 'timestamp'): timestamp = int(config.get(section, 'timestamp')) settings.connection.timestamp = timestamp secrets = None if config.has_option(section, 'key-mgmt'): secrets = Secrets() settings.wireless_security = WirelessSecurity() mgmt = config.get(section, 'key-mgmt') settings.wireless_security.key_mgmt = mgmt security = config.get(section, 'security') settings.wireless.security = security key = config.get(section, 'key') if mgmt == 'none': secrets.wep_key = key auth_alg = config.get(section, 'auth-alg') secrets.auth_alg = auth_alg elif mgmt == 'wpa-psk': secrets.psk = key if config.has_option(section, 'proto'): value = config.get(section, 'proto') settings.wireless_security.proto = value if config.has_option(section, 'group'): value = config.get(section, 'group') settings.wireless_security.group = value if config.has_option(section, 'pairwise'): value = config.get(section, 'pairwise') settings.wireless_security.pairwise = value except ConfigParser.Error, e: logging.error('Error reading section: %s' % e) else: add_connection(ssid, settings, secrets)