''' This is the release process of the sugar packages sugar(shell), sugar-toolkit and sugar-base described in a pytish way ''' for package in [sugar, sugar-toolkit, sugar-base, sugar-artwork]: # Release a new version in git Pull the latest sources. Increase the version number in configure.ac # this will create you a tarball and does a check if it builds fine # e.g. it will check if all the files containing translations are # in po/POTFILES.in make distcheck if that succeed: # commit the change, log it as "Release [version_number]" (e.g. 0.79.1) git commit -a # Tag the release: git tag v[version_number] # Then push both the tag and the change: git push --tags git push else: break # Upload the package Upload the tarball to dev.laptop.org:/var/www/sugar/sources/[package] # Verify the upload of the package Check that the package has been uploaded fine: \ http://dev.laptop.org/pub/sugar/sources/[package] # Build and release a new rpm # more info on fedora packaging: # http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/UpdatingPackageHowTo # request permissions to contribute to the fedora package: # https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/packages/name/[package] if not cvs_package: # Get sugar from fedora cvs: CVSROOT=:ext:erikos@cvs.fedoraproject.org:/cvs/pkgs cvs co [package] cd cvs_package else: cd cvs_package cvs update cd OLPC-2 make new-sources FILES="[tarball-created-with-make_distcheck]" # Change the version in the spec Bump the release number Edit the Changelog # verify your changes cvs diff -u make srpm make clog cvs commit # and put the output of 'make clog' as message make tag make build # Do the same for the other branches e.g. devel