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path: root/abacus_window.py
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authorWalter Bender <walter@sugarlabs.org>2010-04-02 16:27:20 (GMT)
committer Walter Bender <walter@sugarlabs.org>2010-04-02 16:27:20 (GMT)
commit8162f477074c485f417ffc7e5b2eb0f1022d3068 (patch)
treeaf0ee443b1537019e5743cf40aa70c93ca80b0ae /abacus_window.py
New project
Diffstat (limited to 'abacus_window.py')
1 files changed, 507 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/abacus_window.py b/abacus_window.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32aa053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abacus_window.py
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#Copyright (c) 2010, Walter Bender
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+from constants import *
+import pygtk
+import gtk
+from gettext import gettext as _
+import math
+import os
+ from sugar.graphics import style
+from sprites import *
+def load_image(path, name, w, h):
+ """ create a pixbuf from a SVG stored in a file """
+ return gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(
+ os.path.join(path+name+'.svg'), int(w), int(h))
+class Abacus():
+ def __init__(self, canvas, path, parent=None):
+ """ Abacus class """
+ self.path = path
+ self.activity = parent
+ if parent is None: # Starting from command line
+ self.sugar = False
+ self.canvas = canvas
+ else: # Starting from Sugar
+ self.sugar = True
+ self.canvas = canvas
+ parent.show_all()
+ self.canvas.set_flags(gtk.CAN_FOCUS)
+ self.canvas.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK)
+ self.canvas.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK)
+ self.canvas.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK)
+ self.canvas.connect("expose-event", self._expose_cb)
+ self.canvas.connect("button-press-event", self._button_press_cb)
+ self.canvas.connect("button-release-event", self._button_release_cb)
+ self.canvas.connect("motion-notify-event", self._mouse_move_cb)
+ self.width = gtk.gdk.screen_width()
+ self.height = gtk.gdk.screen_height()-GRID_CELL_SIZE
+ self.sprites = Sprites(self.canvas)
+ self.scale = gtk.gdk.screen_height()/900.0
+ self.dragpos = 0
+ self.press = None
+ self.chinese = Suanpan(self)
+ self.japanese = Soroban(self)
+ self.russian = Schety(self)
+ self.chinese.show()
+ self.japanese.hide()
+ self.russian.hide()
+ self.mode = self.chinese
+ def _button_press_cb(self, win, event):
+ win.grab_focus()
+ x, y = map(int, event.get_coords())
+ self.dragpos = y
+ self.press = self.sprites.find_sprite((x,y))
+ if self.press is not None and self.press.type != 'bead':
+ self.press = None
+ return True
+ def _mouse_move_cb(self, win, event):
+ if self.press is None:
+ self.dragpos = 0
+ return True
+ win.grab_focus()
+ x, y = map(int, event.get_coords())
+ dy = y-self.dragpos
+ self.mode.move_bead(self.press, dy)
+ def _button_release_cb(self, win, event):
+ if self.press == None:
+ return True
+ self.press = None
+ self.mode.label(self.mode.value())
+ return True
+ def _expose_cb(self, win, event):
+ self.sprites.redraw_sprites()
+ return True
+ def _destroy_cb(self, win, event):
+ gtk.main_quit()
+class Suanpan():
+ def __init__(self, abacus):
+ """ create a Chinese abacus: 15 by (5,2) """
+ self.abacus = abacus
+ self.num_rods = 15
+ self.bot_beads = 5
+ self.top_beads = 2
+ # 5 beads + 2 spaces, divider, 2 bead + 2 spaces
+ h = (self.bot_beads+2+1+self.top_beads+2)*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale
+ w = (self.num_rods+1)*(BWIDTH+BOFFSET)*self.abacus.scale
+ dy = 4*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale
+ x = (self.abacus.width-w)/2
+ y = (self.abacus.height-h)/2
+ # Draw the rods...
+ self.rods = []
+ o = (BWIDTH+BOFFSET-5)*self.abacus.scale/2
+ dx = (BWIDTH+BOFFSET)*self.abacus.scale
+ for i in range(self.num_rods):
+ self.rods.append(Sprite(self.abacus.sprites, x+i*dx+o, y,
+ load_image(self.abacus.path, "chinese_rod",
+ 10*self.abacus.scale, h)))
+ for i in self.rods:
+ i.type = 'rod'
+ # and then the beads.
+ self.beads = []
+ o = (BWIDTH-BOFFSET)/2*self.abacus.scale/2
+ for i in range(self.num_rods):
+ for b in range(self.top_beads):
+ self.beads.append(Sprite(self.abacus.sprites, x+i*dx+o,
+ y+b*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale,
+ load_image(self.abacus.path, "white",
+ BWIDTH*self.abacus.scale,
+ BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale)))
+ for b in range(self.bot_beads):
+ self.beads.append(Sprite(self.abacus.sprites, x+i*dx+o,
+ y+(7+b)*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale,
+ load_image(self.abacus.path, "white",
+ BWIDTH*self.abacus.scale,
+ BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale)))
+ for i in self.beads:
+ i.type = 'bead'
+ i.state = 0
+ # Draw the dividing bar on top
+ self.bar = Sprite(self.abacus.sprites, x, y+dy,
+ load_image(self.abacus.path, "divider_bar",
+ w, BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ self.bar.type = 'frame'
+ self.bar.set_label_color('white')
+ def value(self):
+ """ Return a string representing the value of each rod """
+ string = ''
+ v = []
+ for r in range(self.num_rods+1): # +1 for overflow
+ v.append(0)
+ # Tally the values on each rod.
+ for i, b in enumerate(self.beads):
+ r = i/(self.top_beads+self.bot_beads)
+ j = i%(self.top_beads+self.bot_beads)
+ if b.state == 1:
+ if j < self.top_beads:
+ v[r+1] += 5
+ else:
+ v[r+1] += 1
+ # Carry to the left if a rod has a value > 9.
+ for j in range(self.num_rods):
+ if v[len(v)-j-1] > 9:
+ v[len(v)-j-1] -= 10
+ v[len(v)-j-2] += 1
+ # Convert values to a string.
+ for j in v:
+ if string != '' or j > 0:
+ string += str(j)
+ return(string)
+ def hide(self):
+ for i in self.rods:
+ i.hide()
+ for i in self.beads:
+ i.hide()
+ self.bar.hide()
+ def show(self):
+ for i in self.rods:
+ i.set_layer(100)
+ for i in self.beads:
+ i.set_layer(101)
+ self.bar.set_layer(102)
+ def label(self, string):
+ """ Label the crossbar with the string. (USed with self.value) """
+ self.bar.set_label(string)
+ def move_bead(self, bead, dy):
+ """ Move a bead (or beads) up or down a rod. """
+ i = self.beads.index(bead)
+ b = i%(self.top_beads+self.bot_beads)
+ if b < self.top_beads:
+ if dy > 0 and bead.state == 0:
+ bead.move_relative((0, 2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ bead.state = 1
+ # make sure beads below this bead are also moved
+ if b == 0 and self.beads[i+1].state == 0:
+ self.beads[i+1].move_relative((0,
+ 2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ self.beads[i+1].state = 1
+ elif dy < 0 and bead.state == 1:
+ bead.move_relative((0, -2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ # make sure beads above this bead are also moved
+ if b == 1 and self.beads[i-1].state == 1:
+ self.beads[i-1].move_relative((0,
+ -2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ self.beads[i-1].state = 0
+ bead.state = 0
+ else:
+ if dy < 0 and bead.state == 0:
+ bead.move_relative((0, -2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ bead.state = 1
+ # make sure beads above this bead are also moved
+ for ii in range(b-self.top_beads+1):
+ if self.beads[i-ii].state == 0:
+ self.beads[i-ii].move_relative((0,
+ -2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ self.beads[i-ii].state = 1
+ elif dy > 0 and bead.state == 1:
+ bead.move_relative((0, 2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ bead.state = 0
+ # make sure beads below this bead are also moved
+ for ii in range(self.top_beads+self.bot_beads-b):
+ if self.beads[i+ii].state == 1:
+ self.beads[i+ii].move_relative((0,
+ 2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ self.beads[i+ii].state = 0
+class Soroban():
+ def __init__(self, abacus):
+ """ create a Japanese abacus: 15 by (4,1) """
+ self.abacus = abacus
+ self.num_rods = 15
+ self.bot_beads = 4
+ self.top_beads = 1
+ # 4 beads + 2 spaces, divider, 1 bead + 2 spaces
+ h = (self.bot_beads+2+1+self.top_beads+2)*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale
+ w = (self.num_rods+1)*(BWIDTH+BOFFSET)*self.abacus.scale
+ dy = 3*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale
+ x = (self.abacus.width-w)/2
+ y = (self.abacus.height-h)/2
+ # Draw the rods...
+ self.rods = []
+ o = (BWIDTH+BOFFSET-5)*self.abacus.scale/2
+ dx = (BWIDTH+BOFFSET)*self.abacus.scale
+ for i in range(self.num_rods):
+ self.rods.append(Sprite(self.abacus.sprites, x+i*dx+o, y,
+ load_image(self.abacus.path, "japanese_rod",
+ 10, h)))
+ for i in self.rods:
+ i.type = 'rod'
+ # and then the beads.
+ self.beads = []
+ o = (BWIDTH-BOFFSET)/2*self.abacus.scale/2
+ for i in range(self.num_rods):
+ for b in range(self.top_beads):
+ self.beads.append(Sprite(self.abacus.sprites, x+i*dx+o,
+ y+b*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale,
+ load_image(self.abacus.path, "white",
+ BWIDTH*self.abacus.scale,
+ BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale)))
+ for b in range(self.bot_beads):
+ self.beads.append(Sprite(self.abacus.sprites, x+i*dx+o,
+ y+(6+b)*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale,
+ load_image(self.abacus.path, "white",
+ BWIDTH*self.abacus.scale,
+ BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale)))
+ for i in self.beads:
+ i.type = 'bead'
+ i.state = 0
+ # Draw the dividing bar on top
+ self.bar = Sprite(self.abacus.sprites, x, y+dy,
+ load_image(self.abacus.path, "divider_bar",
+ w, BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ self.bar.type = 'frame'
+ self.bar.set_label_color('white')
+ def hide(self):
+ for i in self.rods:
+ i.hide()
+ for i in self.beads:
+ i.hide()
+ self.bar.hide()
+ def show(self):
+ for i in self.rods:
+ i.set_layer(100)
+ for i in self.beads:
+ i.set_layer(101)
+ self.bar.set_layer(102)
+ def value(self):
+ """ Return a string with the value of each rod. """
+ string = ''
+ v = 0
+ for i, b in enumerate(self.beads):
+ if b.state == 1:
+ if i%(self.top_beads+self.bot_beads) < self.top_beads:
+ v += 5
+ else:
+ v += 1
+ if i%(self.top_beads+self.bot_beads) == \
+ self.top_beads+self.bot_beads-1:
+ if string != '' or v > 0:
+ string += str(v)
+ v = 0
+ return(string)
+ def label(self, string):
+ """ Label the crossbar with the string. (USed with self.value) """
+ self.bar.set_label(string)
+ def move_bead(self, bead, dy):
+ """ Move a bead (or beads) up or down a rod. """
+ i = self.beads.index(bead)
+ b = i%(self.top_beads+self.bot_beads)
+ if b < self.top_beads:
+ if dy > 0 and bead.state == 0:
+ bead.move_relative((0, 2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ bead.state = 1
+ elif dy < 0 and bead.state == 1:
+ bead.move_relative((0, -2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ bead.state = 0
+ else:
+ if dy < 0 and bead.state == 0:
+ bead.move_relative((0, -2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ bead.state = 1
+ # make sure beads above this bead are also moved
+ for ii in range(b-self.top_beads+1):
+ if self.beads[i-ii].state == 0:
+ self.beads[i-ii].move_relative((0,
+ -2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ self.beads[i-ii].state = 1
+ elif dy > 0 and bead.state == 1:
+ bead.move_relative((0, 2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ bead.state = 0
+ # make sure beads below this bead are also moved
+ for ii in range(self.top_beads+self.bot_beads-b):
+ if self.beads[i+ii].state == 1:
+ self.beads[i+ii].move_relative((0,
+ 2*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ self.beads[i+ii].state = 0
+class Schety():
+ def __init__(self, abacus):
+ """ create a Russian abacus: 15 by 10 """
+ self.abacus = abacus
+ self.num_rods = 15
+ self.bot_beads = 10
+ # 10 beads + 2 spaces
+ h = (self.bot_beads+2)*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale
+ w = (self.num_rods+1)*(BWIDTH+BOFFSET)*self.abacus.scale
+ x = (self.abacus.width-w)/2
+ y = (self.abacus.height-h)/2
+ # Draw the rods...
+ self.rods = []
+ o = (BWIDTH+BOFFSET-5)*self.abacus.scale/2
+ dx = (BWIDTH+BOFFSET)*self.abacus.scale
+ for i in range(self.num_rods):
+ self.rods.append(Sprite(self.abacus.sprites, x+i*dx+o, y,
+ load_image(self.abacus.path, "russian_rod",
+ 10, h)))
+ for i in self.rods:
+ i.type = 'rod'
+ # and then the beads.
+ self.beads = []
+ o = (BWIDTH-BOFFSET)/2*self.abacus.scale/2
+ for i in range(self.num_rods):
+ if i == 10:
+ for b in range(4):
+ if b in [1,2]:
+ color = 'black'
+ else:
+ color = 'white'
+ self.beads.append(Sprite(self.abacus.sprites, x+i*dx+o,
+ y+(8+b)*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale,
+ load_image(self.abacus.path, color,
+ BWIDTH*self.abacus.scale,
+ BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale)))
+ else:
+ for b in range(self.bot_beads):
+ if b in [4,5]:
+ color = 'black'
+ else:
+ color = 'white'
+ self.beads.append(Sprite(self.abacus.sprites, x+i*dx+o,
+ y+(2+b)*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale,
+ load_image(self.abacus.path, color,
+ BWIDTH*self.abacus.scale,
+ BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale)))
+ for i in self.beads:
+ i.type = 'bead'
+ i.state = 0
+ # Draw a bar for the label on top
+ self.bar = Sprite(self.abacus.sprites, x, y-BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale,
+ load_image(self.abacus.path, "divider_bar",
+ w, BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ self.bar.type = 'frame'
+ self.bar.set_label_color('white')
+ def hide(self):
+ for i in self.rods:
+ i.hide()
+ for i in self.beads:
+ i.hide()
+ self.bar.hide()
+ def show(self):
+ for i in self.rods:
+ i.set_layer(100)
+ for i in self.beads:
+ i.set_layer(101)
+ self.bar.set_layer(102)
+ def value(self):
+ # TODO: cascade and account for short rod
+ """ Return a string with the value of each rod. """
+ string = ''
+ v = 0
+ for i, b in enumerate(self.beads):
+ if b.state == 1:
+ v += 1
+ if i%self.bot_beads == self.bot_beads-1:
+ if string != '' or v > 0:
+ string += str(v)
+ v = 0
+ return(string)
+ def label(self, string):
+ """ Label the crossbar with the string. (USed with self.value) """
+ self.bar.set_label(string)
+ def move_bead(self, bead, dy):
+ # TODO: take into account short rod in rod calculations
+ i = self.beads.index(bead)
+ r = i/self.bot_beads
+ if r < 10:
+ o = 2
+ b = i%self.bot_beads
+ n = self.bot_beads
+ elif r == 10:
+ o = 8
+ b = i%self.bot_beads
+ n = 4
+ else:
+ s = 2
+ b = (i+6)%self.bot_beads
+ n = self.bot_beads
+ if dy < 0 and bead.state == 0:
+ bead.move_relative((0, -o*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ bead.state = 1
+ # make sure beads above this bead are also moved
+ for ii in range(b+1):
+ if self.beads[i-ii].state == 0:
+ self.beads[i-ii].move_relative((0,
+ -o*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ self.beads[i-ii].state = 1
+ elif dy > 0 and bead.state == 1:
+ bead.move_relative((0, o*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ bead.state = 0
+ # make sure beads below this bead are also moved
+ for ii in range(n-b):
+ if self.beads[i+ii].state == 1:
+ self.beads[i+ii].move_relative((0,
+ o*BHEIGHT*self.abacus.scale))
+ self.beads[i+ii].state = 0