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path: root/html/enyo/lib/layout/layout.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'html/enyo/lib/layout/layout.js')
1 files changed, 2449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/html/enyo/lib/layout/layout.js b/html/enyo/lib/layout/layout.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ef6738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/enyo/lib/layout/layout.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2449 @@
+// minifier: path aliases
+enyo.path.addPaths({drawer: "drawer/", drawer: "drawer/source/", fittable: "fittable/", fittable: "fittable/source/", list: "list/", list: "list/source/", slideable: "slideable/", slideable: "slideable/source/", panels: "panels/", panels: "panels/source/", tree: "tree/", tree: "tree/source/", imageview: "imageview/", imageview: "imageview/source/"});
+// Drawer.js
+name: "enyo.Drawer",
+published: {
+open: !0,
+orient: "v",
+animated: !0
+style: "overflow: hidden; position: relative;",
+tools: [ {
+kind: "Animator",
+onStep: "animatorStep",
+onEnd: "animatorEnd"
+}, {
+name: "client",
+style: "position: relative;",
+classes: "enyo-border-box"
+} ],
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.animatedChanged(), this.openChanged();
+initComponents: function() {
+this.createChrome(this.tools), this.inherited(arguments);
+animatedChanged: function() {
+!this.animated && this.hasNode() && this.$.animator.isAnimating() && (this.$.animator.stop(), this.animatorEnd());
+openChanged: function() {
+if (this.hasNode()) if (this.$.animator.isAnimating()) this.$.animator.reverse(); else {
+var e = this.orient == "v", t = e ? "height" : "width", n = e ? "top" : "left";
+this.applyStyle(t, null);
+var r = this.hasNode()[e ? "scrollHeight" : "scrollWidth"];
+this.animated ? this.$.animator.play({
+startValue: this.open ? 0 : r,
+endValue: this.open ? r : 0,
+dimension: t,
+position: n
+}) : this.animatorEnd();
+} else this.$.client.setShowing(this.open);
+animatorStep: function(e) {
+if (this.hasNode()) {
+var t = e.dimension;
+this.node.style[t] = this.domStyles[t] = e.value + "px";
+var n = this.$.client.hasNode();
+if (n) {
+var r = e.position, i = this.open ? e.endValue : e.startValue;
+n.style[r] = this.$.client.domStyles[r] = e.value - i + "px";
+this.container && this.container.resized();
+animatorEnd: function() {
+if (!this.open) this.$.client.hide(); else {
+this.$.client.domCssText = enyo.Control.domStylesToCssText(this.$.client.domStyles);
+var e = this.orient == "v", t = e ? "height" : "width", n = e ? "top" : "left", r = this.$.client.hasNode();
+r && (r.style[n] = this.$.client.domStyles[n] = null), this.node && (this.node.style[t] = this.domStyles[t] = null);
+this.container && this.container.resized();
+// FittableLayout.js
+name: "enyo.FittableLayout",
+kind: "Layout",
+calcFitIndex: function() {
+for (var e = 0, t = this.container.children, n; n = t[e]; e++) if (n.fit && n.showing) return e;
+getFitControl: function() {
+var e = this.container.children, t = e[this.fitIndex];
+return t && t.fit && t.showing || (this.fitIndex = this.calcFitIndex(), t = e[this.fitIndex]), t;
+getLastControl: function() {
+var e = this.container.children, t = e.length - 1, n = e[t];
+while ((n = e[t]) && !n.showing) t--;
+return n;
+_reflow: function(e, t, n, r) {
+this.container.addRemoveClass("enyo-stretch", !this.container.noStretch);
+var i = this.getFitControl();
+if (!i) return;
+var s = 0, o = 0, u = 0, a, f = this.container.hasNode();
+f && (a = enyo.dom.calcPaddingExtents(f), s = f[t] - (a[n] + a[r]));
+var l = i.getBounds();
+o = l[n] - (a && a[n] || 0);
+var c = this.getLastControl();
+if (c) {
+var h = enyo.dom.getComputedBoxValue(c.hasNode(), "margin", r) || 0;
+if (c != i) {
+var p = c.getBounds(), d = l[n] + l[e], v = p[n] + p[e] + h;
+u = v - d;
+} else u = h;
+var m = s - (o + u);
+i.applyStyle(e, m + "px");
+reflow: function() {
+this.orient == "h" ? this._reflow("width", "clientWidth", "left", "right") : this._reflow("height", "clientHeight", "top", "bottom");
+}), enyo.kind({
+name: "enyo.FittableColumnsLayout",
+kind: "FittableLayout",
+orient: "h",
+layoutClass: "enyo-fittable-columns-layout"
+}), enyo.kind({
+name: "enyo.FittableRowsLayout",
+kind: "FittableLayout",
+layoutClass: "enyo-fittable-rows-layout",
+orient: "v"
+// FittableRows.js
+name: "enyo.FittableRows",
+layoutKind: "FittableRowsLayout",
+noStretch: !1
+// FittableColumns.js
+name: "enyo.FittableColumns",
+layoutKind: "FittableColumnsLayout",
+noStretch: !1
+// FlyweightRepeater.js
+name: "enyo.FlyweightRepeater",
+published: {
+count: 0,
+noSelect: !1,
+multiSelect: !1,
+toggleSelected: !1,
+clientClasses: "",
+clientStyle: "",
+rowOffset: 0
+events: {
+onSetupItem: "",
+onRenderRow: ""
+bottomUp: !1,
+components: [ {
+kind: "Selection",
+onSelect: "selectDeselect",
+onDeselect: "selectDeselect"
+}, {
+name: "client"
+} ],
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.noSelectChanged(), this.multiSelectChanged(), this.clientClassesChanged(), this.clientStyleChanged();
+noSelectChanged: function() {
+this.noSelect && this.$.selection.clear();
+multiSelectChanged: function() {
+clientClassesChanged: function() {
+clientStyleChanged: function() {
+setupItem: function(e) {
+index: e,
+selected: this.isSelected(e)
+generateChildHtml: function() {
+var e = "";
+this.index = null;
+for (var t = 0, n = 0; t < this.count; t++) n = this.rowOffset + (this.bottomUp ? this.count - t - 1 : t), this.setupItem(n), this.$.client.setAttribute("data-enyo-index", n), e += this.inherited(arguments), this.$.client.teardownRender();
+return e;
+previewDomEvent: function(e) {
+var t = this.index = this.rowForEvent(e);
+e.rowIndex = e.index = t, e.flyweight = this;
+decorateEvent: function(e, t, n) {
+var r = t && t.index != null ? t.index : this.index;
+t && r != null && (t.index = r, t.flyweight = this), this.inherited(arguments);
+tap: function(e, t) {
+if (this.noSelect || t.index === -1) return;
+this.toggleSelected ? this.$.selection.toggle(t.index) : this.$.selection.select(t.index);
+selectDeselect: function(e, t) {
+getSelection: function() {
+return this.$.selection;
+isSelected: function(e) {
+return this.getSelection().isSelected(e);
+renderRow: function(e) {
+if (e < this.rowOffset || e >= this.count + this.rowOffset) return;
+var t = this.fetchRowNode(e);
+t && (enyo.dom.setInnerHtml(t, this.$.client.generateChildHtml()), this.$.client.teardownChildren(), this.doRenderRow({
+rowIndex: e
+fetchRowNode: function(e) {
+if (this.hasNode()) return this.node.querySelector('[data-enyo-index="' + e + '"]');
+rowForEvent: function(e) {
+if (!this.hasNode()) return -1;
+var t = e.target;
+while (t && t !== this.node) {
+var n = t.getAttribute && t.getAttribute("data-enyo-index");
+if (n !== null) return Number(n);
+t = t.parentNode;
+return -1;
+prepareRow: function(e) {
+if (e < 0 || e >= this.count) return;
+var t = this.fetchRowNode(e);
+enyo.FlyweightRepeater.claimNode(this.$.client, t);
+lockRow: function() {
+performOnRow: function(e, t, n) {
+if (e < 0 || e >= this.count) return;
+t && (this.prepareRow(e), enyo.call(n || null, t), this.lockRow());
+statics: {
+claimNode: function(e, t) {
+var n;
+t && (t.id !== e.id ? n = t.querySelector("#" + e.id) : n = t), e.generated = Boolean(n || !e.tag), e.node = n, e.node && e.rendered();
+for (var r = 0, i = e.children, s; s = i[r]; r++) this.claimNode(s, t);
+// List.js
+name: "enyo.List",
+kind: "Scroller",
+classes: "enyo-list",
+published: {
+count: 0,
+rowsPerPage: 50,
+bottomUp: !1,
+noSelect: !1,
+multiSelect: !1,
+toggleSelected: !1,
+fixedHeight: !1,
+reorderable: !1,
+centerReorderContainer: !0,
+reorderComponents: [],
+pinnedReorderComponents: [],
+swipeableComponents: [],
+enableSwipe: !1,
+persistSwipeableItem: !1
+events: {
+onSetupItem: "",
+onSetupReorderComponents: "",
+onSetupPinnedReorderComponents: "",
+onReorder: "",
+onSetupSwipeItem: "",
+onSwipeDrag: "",
+onSwipe: "",
+onSwipeComplete: ""
+handlers: {
+onAnimateFinish: "animateFinish",
+onRenderRow: "rowRendered",
+ondragstart: "dragstart",
+ondrag: "drag",
+ondragfinish: "dragfinish",
+onup: "up",
+onholdpulse: "holdpulse"
+rowHeight: 0,
+listTools: [ {
+name: "port",
+classes: "enyo-list-port enyo-border-box",
+components: [ {
+name: "generator",
+kind: "FlyweightRepeater",
+canGenerate: !1,
+components: [ {
+tag: null,
+name: "client"
+} ]
+}, {
+name: "holdingarea",
+allowHtml: !0,
+classes: "enyo-list-holdingarea"
+}, {
+name: "page0",
+allowHtml: !0,
+classes: "enyo-list-page"
+}, {
+name: "page1",
+allowHtml: !0,
+classes: "enyo-list-page"
+}, {
+name: "placeholder"
+}, {
+name: "swipeableComponents",
+style: "position:absolute; display:block; top:-1000px; left:0;"
+} ]
+} ],
+reorderHoldTimeMS: 600,
+draggingRowIndex: -1,
+draggingRowNode: null,
+placeholderRowIndex: -1,
+dragToScrollThreshold: .1,
+prevScrollTop: 0,
+autoScrollTimeoutMS: 20,
+autoScrollTimeout: null,
+autoscrollPageY: 0,
+pinnedReorderMode: !1,
+initialPinPosition: -1,
+itemMoved: !1,
+currentPageNumber: -1,
+completeReorderTimeout: null,
+swipeIndex: null,
+swipeDirection: null,
+persistentItemVisible: !1,
+persistentItemOrigin: null,
+swipeComplete: !1,
+completeSwipeTimeout: null,
+completeSwipeDelayMS: 500,
+normalSwipeSpeedMS: 200,
+fastSwipeSpeedMS: 100,
+percentageDraggedThreshold: .2,
+importProps: function(e) {
+e && e.reorderable && (this.touch = !0), this.inherited(arguments);
+create: function() {
+this.pageHeights = [], this.inherited(arguments), this.getStrategy().translateOptimized = !0, this.bottomUpChanged(), this.noSelectChanged(), this.multiSelectChanged(), this.toggleSelectedChanged(), this.$.generator.setRowOffset(0), this.$.generator.setCount(this.count);
+initComponents: function() {
+this.createReorderTools(), this.inherited(arguments), this.createSwipeableComponents();
+createReorderTools: function() {
+name: "reorderContainer",
+classes: "enyo-list-reorder-container",
+ondown: "sendToStrategy",
+ondrag: "sendToStrategy",
+ondragstart: "sendToStrategy",
+ondragfinish: "sendToStrategy",
+onflick: "sendToStrategy"
+createStrategy: function() {
+this.controlParentName = "strategy", this.inherited(arguments), this.createChrome(this.listTools), this.controlParentName = "client", this.discoverControlParent();
+createSwipeableComponents: function() {
+for (var e = 0; e < this.swipeableComponents.length; e++) this.$.swipeableComponents.createComponent(this.swipeableComponents[e], {
+owner: this.owner
+rendered: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.$.generator.node = this.$.port.hasNode(), this.$.generator.generated = !0, this.reset();
+resizeHandler: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.refresh();
+bottomUpChanged: function() {
+this.$.generator.bottomUp = this.bottomUp, this.$.page0.applyStyle(this.pageBound, null), this.$.page1.applyStyle(this.pageBound, null), this.pageBound = this.bottomUp ? "bottom" : "top", this.hasNode() && this.reset();
+noSelectChanged: function() {
+multiSelectChanged: function() {
+toggleSelectedChanged: function() {
+countChanged: function() {
+this.hasNode() && this.updateMetrics();
+sendToStrategy: function(e, t) {
+this.$.strategy.dispatchEvent("on" + t.type, t, e);
+updateMetrics: function() {
+this.defaultPageHeight = this.rowsPerPage * (this.rowHeight || 100), this.pageCount = Math.ceil(this.count / this.rowsPerPage), this.portSize = 0;
+for (var e = 0; e < this.pageCount; e++) this.portSize += this.getPageHeight(e);
+holdpulse: function(e, t) {
+if (!this.getReorderable() || this.isReordering()) return;
+if (t.holdTime >= this.reorderHoldTimeMS && this.shouldStartReordering(e, t)) return t.preventDefault(), this.startReordering(t), !1;
+dragstart: function(e, t) {
+if (this.isReordering()) return !0;
+if (this.isSwipeable()) return this.swipeDragStart(e, t);
+drag: function(e, t) {
+if (this.shouldDoReorderDrag(t)) return t.preventDefault(), this.reorderDrag(t), !0;
+if (this.isSwipeable()) return t.preventDefault(), this.swipeDrag(e, t), !0;
+dragfinish: function(e, t) {
+this.isReordering() ? this.finishReordering(e, t) : this.isSwipeable() && this.swipeDragFinish(e, t);
+up: function(e, t) {
+this.isReordering() && this.finishReordering(e, t);
+generatePage: function(e, t) {
+this.page = e;
+var n = this.rowsPerPage * this.page;
+var r = Math.min(this.count - n, this.rowsPerPage);
+var i = this.$.generator.generateChildHtml();
+t.setContent(i), this.getReorderable() && this.draggingRowIndex > -1 && this.hideReorderingRow();
+var s = t.getBounds().height;
+!this.rowHeight && s > 0 && (this.rowHeight = Math.floor(s / r), this.updateMetrics());
+if (!this.fixedHeight) {
+var o = this.getPageHeight(e);
+this.pageHeights[e] = s, this.portSize += s - o;
+pageForRow: function(e) {
+return Math.floor(e / this.rowsPerPage);
+preserveDraggingRowNode: function(e) {
+this.draggingRowNode && this.pageForRow(this.draggingRowIndex) === e && (this.$.holdingarea.hasNode().appendChild(this.draggingRowNode), this.draggingRowNode = null, this.removedInitialPage = !0);
+update: function(e) {
+var t = !1, n = this.positionToPageInfo(e), r = n.pos + this.scrollerHeight / 2, i = Math.floor(r / Math.max(n.height, this.scrollerHeight) + .5) + n.no, s = i % 2 === 0 ? i : i - 1;
+this.p0 != s && this.isPageInRange(s) && (this.preserveDraggingRowNode(this.p0), this.generatePage(s, this.$.page0), this.positionPage(s, this.$.page0), this.p0 = s, t = !0, this.p0RowBounds = this.getPageRowHeights(this.$.page0)), s = i % 2 === 0 ? Math.max(1, i - 1) : i, this.p1 != s && this.isPageInRange(s) && (this.preserveDraggingRowNode(this.p1), this.generatePage(s, this.$.page1), this.positionPage(s, this.$.page1), this.p1 = s, t = !0, this.p1RowBounds = this.getPageRowHeights(this.$.page1)), t && (this.$.generator.setRowOffset(0), this.$.generator.setCount(this.count), this.fixedHeight || (this.adjustBottomPage(), this.adjustPortSize()));
+getPageRowHeights: function(e) {
+var t = {}, n = e.hasNode().querySelectorAll("div[data-enyo-index]");
+for (var r = 0, i, s; r < n.length; r++) i = n[r].getAttribute("data-enyo-index"), i !== null && (s = enyo.dom.getBounds(n[r]), t[parseInt(i, 10)] = {
+height: s.height,
+width: s.width
+return t;
+updateRowBounds: function(e) {
+this.p0RowBounds[e] ? this.updateRowBoundsAtIndex(e, this.p0RowBounds, this.$.page0) : this.p1RowBounds[e] && this.updateRowBoundsAtIndex(e, this.p1RowBounds, this.$.page1);
+updateRowBoundsAtIndex: function(e, t, n) {
+var r = n.hasNode().querySelector('div[data-enyo-index="' + e + '"]'), i = enyo.dom.getBounds(r);
+t[e].height = i.height, t[e].width = i.width;
+updateForPosition: function(e) {
+calcPos: function(e) {
+return this.bottomUp ? this.portSize - this.scrollerHeight - e : e;
+adjustBottomPage: function() {
+var e = this.p0 >= this.p1 ? this.$.page0 : this.$.page1;
+this.positionPage(e.pageNo, e);
+adjustPortSize: function() {
+this.scrollerHeight = this.getBounds().height;
+var e = Math.max(this.scrollerHeight, this.portSize);
+this.$.port.applyStyle("height", e + "px");
+positionPage: function(e, t) {
+t.pageNo = e;
+var n = this.pageToPosition(e);
+t.applyStyle(this.pageBound, n + "px");
+pageToPosition: function(e) {
+var t = 0, n = e;
+while (n > 0) n--, t += this.getPageHeight(n);
+return t;
+positionToPageInfo: function(e) {
+var t = -1, n = this.calcPos(e), r = this.defaultPageHeight;
+while (n >= 0) t++, r = this.getPageHeight(t), n -= r;
+return t = Math.max(t, 0), {
+no: t,
+height: r,
+pos: n + r,
+startRow: t * this.rowsPerPage,
+endRow: Math.min((t + 1) * this.rowsPerPage - 1, this.count - 1)
+isPageInRange: function(e) {
+return e == Math.max(0, Math.min(this.pageCount - 1, e));
+getPageHeight: function(e) {
+var t = this.pageHeights[e];
+if (!t) {
+var n = this.rowsPerPage * e, r = Math.min(this.count - n, this.rowsPerPage);
+t = this.defaultPageHeight * (r / this.rowsPerPage);
+return Math.max(1, t);
+invalidatePages: function() {
+this.p0 = this.p1 = null, this.p0RowBounds = {}, this.p1RowBounds = {}, this.$.page0.setContent(""), this.$.page1.setContent("");
+invalidateMetrics: function() {
+this.pageHeights = [], this.rowHeight = 0, this.updateMetrics();
+scroll: function(e, t) {
+var n = this.inherited(arguments), r = this.getScrollTop();
+return this.lastPos === r ? n : (this.lastPos = r, this.update(r), this.pinnedReorderMode && this.reorderScroll(e, t), n);
+setScrollTop: function(e) {
+this.update(e), this.inherited(arguments), this.twiddle();
+getScrollPosition: function() {
+return this.calcPos(this.getScrollTop());
+setScrollPosition: function(e) {
+scrollToBottom: function() {
+this.update(this.getScrollBounds().maxTop), this.inherited(arguments);
+scrollToRow: function(e) {
+var t = this.pageForRow(e), n = e % this.rowsPerPage, r = this.pageToPosition(t);
+this.updateForPosition(r), r = this.pageToPosition(t), this.setScrollPosition(r);
+if (t == this.p0 || t == this.p1) {
+var i = this.$.generator.fetchRowNode(e);
+if (i) {
+var s = i.offsetTop;
+this.bottomUp && (s = this.getPageHeight(t) - i.offsetHeight - s);
+var o = this.getScrollPosition() + s;
+scrollToStart: function() {
+this[this.bottomUp ? "scrollToBottom" : "scrollToTop"]();
+scrollToEnd: function() {
+this[this.bottomUp ? "scrollToTop" : "scrollToBottom"]();
+refresh: function() {
+this.invalidatePages(), this.update(this.getScrollTop()), this.stabilize(), enyo.platform.android === 4 && this.twiddle();
+reset: function() {
+this.getSelection().clear(), this.invalidateMetrics(), this.invalidatePages(), this.stabilize(), this.scrollToStart();
+getSelection: function() {
+return this.$.generator.getSelection();
+select: function(e, t) {
+return this.getSelection().select(e, t);
+deselect: function(e) {
+return this.getSelection().deselect(e);
+isSelected: function(e) {
+return this.$.generator.isSelected(e);
+renderRow: function(e) {
+rowRendered: function(e, t) {
+prepareRow: function(e) {
+lockRow: function() {
+performOnRow: function(e, t, n) {
+this.$.generator.performOnRow(e, t, n);
+animateFinish: function(e) {
+return this.twiddle(), !0;
+twiddle: function() {
+var e = this.getStrategy();
+enyo.call(e, "twiddle");
+pageForPageNumber: function(e, t) {
+return e % 2 === 0 ? !t || e === this.p0 ? this.$.page0 : null : !t || e === this.p1 ? this.$.page1 : null;
+shouldStartReordering: function(e, t) {
+return !!this.getReorderable() && t.rowIndex >= 0 && !this.pinnedReorderMode && e === this.$.strategy && t.index >= 0 ? !0 : !1;
+startReordering: function(e) {
+this.$.strategy.listReordering = !0, this.buildReorderContainer(), this.doSetupReorderComponents(e), this.styleReorderContainer(e), this.draggingRowIndex = this.placeholderRowIndex = e.rowIndex, this.draggingRowNode = e.target, this.removedInitialPage = !1, this.itemMoved = !1, this.initialPageNumber = this.currentPageNumber = this.pageForRow(e.rowIndex), this.prevScrollTop = this.getScrollTop(), this.replaceNodeWithPlaceholder(e.rowIndex);
+buildReorderContainer: function() {
+for (var e = 0; e < this.reorderComponents.length; e++) this.$.reorderContainer.createComponent(this.reorderComponents[e], {
+owner: this.owner
+styleReorderContainer: function(e) {
+this.setItemPosition(this.$.reorderContainer, e.rowIndex), this.setItemBounds(this.$.reorderContainer, e.rowIndex), this.$.reorderContainer.setShowing(!0), this.centerReorderContainer && this.centerReorderContainerOnPointer(e);
+appendNodeToReorderContainer: function(e) {
+allowHtml: !0,
+content: e.innerHTML
+centerReorderContainerOnPointer: function(e) {
+var t = enyo.dom.calcNodePosition(this.hasNode()), n = e.pageX - t.left - parseInt(this.$.reorderContainer.domStyles.width, 10) / 2, r = e.pageY - t.top + this.getScrollTop() - parseInt(this.$.reorderContainer.domStyles.height, 10) / 2;
+this.getStrategyKind() != "ScrollStrategy" && (n -= this.getScrollLeft(), r -= this.getScrollTop()), this.positionReorderContainer(n, r);
+positionReorderContainer: function(e, t) {
+this.$.reorderContainer.addClass("enyo-animatedTopAndLeft"), this.$.reorderContainer.addStyles("left:" + e + "px;top:" + t + "px;"), this.setPositionReorderContainerTimeout();
+setPositionReorderContainerTimeout: function() {
+this.clearPositionReorderContainerTimeout(), this.positionReorderContainerTimeout = setTimeout(enyo.bind(this, function() {
+this.$.reorderContainer.removeClass("enyo-animatedTopAndLeft"), this.clearPositionReorderContainerTimeout();
+}), 100);
+clearPositionReorderContainerTimeout: function() {
+this.positionReorderContainerTimeout && (clearTimeout(this.positionReorderContainerTimeout), this.positionReorderContainerTimeout = null);
+shouldDoReorderDrag: function() {
+return !this.getReorderable() || this.draggingRowIndex < 0 || this.pinnedReorderMode ? !1 : !0;
+reorderDrag: function(e) {
+this.positionReorderNode(e), this.checkForAutoScroll(e), this.updatePlaceholderPosition(e.pageY);
+updatePlaceholderPosition: function(e) {
+var t = this.getRowIndexFromCoordinate(e);
+t !== -1 && (t >= this.placeholderRowIndex ? this.movePlaceholderToIndex(Math.min(this.count, t + 1)) : this.movePlaceholderToIndex(t));
+positionReorderNode: function(e) {
+var t = this.$.reorderContainer.getBounds(), n = t.left + e.ddx, r = t.top + e.ddy;
+r = this.getStrategyKind() == "ScrollStrategy" ? r + (this.getScrollTop() - this.prevScrollTop) : r, this.$.reorderContainer.addStyles("top: " + r + "px ; left: " + n + "px"), this.prevScrollTop = this.getScrollTop();
+checkForAutoScroll: function(e) {
+var t = enyo.dom.calcNodePosition(this.hasNode()), n = this.getBounds(), r;
+this.autoscrollPageY = e.pageY, e.pageY - t.top < n.height * this.dragToScrollThreshold ? (r = 100 * (1 - (e.pageY - t.top) / (n.height * this.dragToScrollThreshold)), this.scrollDistance = -1 * r) : e.pageY - t.top > n.height * (1 - this.dragToScrollThreshold) ? (r = 100 * ((e.pageY - t.top - n.height * (1 - this.dragToScrollThreshold)) / (n.height - n.height * (1 - this.dragToScrollThreshold))), this.scrollDistance = 1 * r) : this.scrollDistance = 0, this.scrollDistance === 0 ? this.stopAutoScrolling() : this.autoScrollTimeout || this.startAutoScrolling();
+stopAutoScrolling: function() {
+this.autoScrollTimeout && (clearTimeout(this.autoScrollTimeout), this.autoScrollTimeout = null);
+startAutoScrolling: function() {
+this.autoScrollTimeout = setInterval(enyo.bind(this, this.autoScroll), this.autoScrollTimeoutMS);
+autoScroll: function() {
+this.scrollDistance === 0 ? this.stopAutoScrolling() : this.autoScrollTimeout || this.startAutoScrolling(), this.setScrollPosition(this.getScrollPosition() + this.scrollDistance), this.positionReorderNode({
+ddx: 0,
+ddy: 0
+}), this.updatePlaceholderPosition(this.autoscrollPageY);
+movePlaceholderToIndex: function(e) {
+var t, n;
+if (e < 0) return;
+e >= this.count ? (t = null, n = this.pageForPageNumber(this.pageForRow(this.count - 1)).hasNode()) : (t = this.$.generator.fetchRowNode(e), n = t.parentNode);
+var r = this.pageForRow(e);
+r >= this.pageCount && (r = this.currentPageNumber), n.insertBefore(this.placeholderNode, t), this.currentPageNumber !== r && (this.updatePageHeight(this.currentPageNumber), this.updatePageHeight(r), this.updatePagePositions(r)), this.placeholderRowIndex = e, this.currentPageNumber = r, this.itemMoved = !0;
+finishReordering: function(e, t) {
+if (!this.isReordering() || this.pinnedReorderMode || this.completeReorderTimeout) return;
+return this.stopAutoScrolling(), this.$.strategy.listReordering = !1, this.moveReorderedContainerToDroppedPosition(t), this.completeReorderTimeout = setTimeout(enyo.bind(this, this.completeFinishReordering, t), 100), t.preventDefault(), !0;
+moveReorderedContainerToDroppedPosition: function() {
+var e = this.getRelativeOffset(this.placeholderNode, this.hasNode()), t = this.getStrategyKind() == "ScrollStrategy" ? e.top : e.top - this.getScrollTop(), n = e.left - this.getScrollLeft();
+this.positionReorderContainer(n, t);
+completeFinishReordering: function(e) {
+this.completeReorderTimeout = null, this.placeholderRowIndex > this.draggingRowIndex && (this.placeholderRowIndex = Math.max(0, this.placeholderRowIndex - 1));
+if (this.draggingRowIndex == this.placeholderRowIndex && this.pinnedReorderComponents.length && !this.pinnedReorderMode && !this.itemMoved) {
+this.removeDraggingRowNode(), this.removePlaceholderNode(), this.emptyAndHideReorderContainer(), this.pinnedReorderMode = !1, this.reorderRows(e), this.draggingRowIndex = this.placeholderRowIndex = -1, this.refresh();
+beginPinnedReorder: function(e) {
+this.buildPinnedReorderContainer(), this.doSetupPinnedReorderComponents(enyo.mixin(e, {
+index: this.draggingRowIndex
+})), this.pinnedReorderMode = !0, this.initialPinPosition = e.pageY;
+emptyAndHideReorderContainer: function() {
+this.$.reorderContainer.destroyComponents(), this.$.reorderContainer.setShowing(!1);
+buildPinnedReorderContainer: function() {
+for (var e = 0; e < this.pinnedReorderComponents.length; e++) this.$.reorderContainer.createComponent(this.pinnedReorderComponents[e], {
+owner: this.owner
+reorderRows: function(e) {
+this.doReorder(this.makeReorderEvent(e)), this.positionReorderedNode(), this.updateListIndices();
+makeReorderEvent: function(e) {
+return e.reorderFrom = this.draggingRowIndex, e.reorderTo = this.placeholderRowIndex, e;
+positionReorderedNode: function() {
+if (!this.removedInitialPage) {
+var e = this.$.generator.fetchRowNode(this.placeholderRowIndex);
+e && (e.parentNode.insertBefore(this.hiddenNode, e), this.showNode(this.hiddenNode)), this.hiddenNode = null;
+if (this.currentPageNumber != this.initialPageNumber) {
+var t, n, r = this.pageForPageNumber(this.currentPageNumber), i = this.pageForPageNumber(this.currentPageNumber + 1);
+this.initialPageNumber < this.currentPageNumber ? (t = r.hasNode().firstChild, i.hasNode().appendChild(t)) : (t = r.hasNode().lastChild, n = i.hasNode().firstChild, i.hasNode().insertBefore(t, n)), this.correctPageHeights(), this.updatePagePositions(this.initialPageNumber);
+updateListIndices: function() {
+if (this.shouldDoRefresh()) {
+this.refresh(), this.correctPageHeights();
+var e = Math.min(this.draggingRowIndex, this.placeholderRowIndex), t = Math.max(this.draggingRowIndex, this.placeholderRowIndex), n = this.draggingRowIndex - this.placeholderRowIndex > 0 ? 1 : -1, r, i, s, o;
+if (n === 1) {
+r = this.$.generator.fetchRowNode(this.draggingRowIndex), r && r.setAttribute("data-enyo-index", "reordered");
+for (i = t - 1, s = t; i >= e; i--) {
+r = this.$.generator.fetchRowNode(i);
+if (!r) continue;
+o = parseInt(r.getAttribute("data-enyo-index"), 10), s = o + 1, r.setAttribute("data-enyo-index", s);
+r = this.hasNode().querySelector('[data-enyo-index="reordered"]'), r.setAttribute("data-enyo-index", this.placeholderRowIndex);
+} else {
+r = this.$.generator.fetchRowNode(this.draggingRowIndex), r && r.setAttribute("data-enyo-index", this.placeholderRowIndex);
+for (i = e + 1, s = e; i <= t; i++) {
+r = this.$.generator.fetchRowNode(i);
+if (!r) continue;
+o = parseInt(r.getAttribute("data-enyo-index"), 10), s = o - 1, r.setAttribute("data-enyo-index", s);
+shouldDoRefresh: function() {
+return Math.abs(this.initialPageNumber - this.currentPageNumber) > 1;
+getNodeStyle: function(e) {
+var t = this.$.generator.fetchRowNode(e);
+if (!t) return;
+var n = this.getRelativeOffset(t, this.hasNode()), r = enyo.dom.getBounds(t);
+return {
+h: r.height,
+w: r.width,
+left: n.left,
+top: n.top
+getRelativeOffset: function(e, t) {
+var n = {
+top: 0,
+left: 0
+if (e !== t && e.parentNode) do n.top += e.offsetTop || 0, n.left += e.offsetLeft || 0, e = e.offsetParent; while (e && e !== t);
+return n;
+replaceNodeWithPlaceholder: function(e) {
+var t = this.$.generator.fetchRowNode(e);
+if (!t) {
+enyo.log("No node - " + e);
+this.placeholderNode = this.createPlaceholderNode(t), this.hiddenNode = this.hideNode(t);
+var n = this.pageForPageNumber(this.currentPageNumber);
+n.hasNode().insertBefore(this.placeholderNode, this.hiddenNode);
+createPlaceholderNode: function(e) {
+var t = this.$.placeholder.hasNode().cloneNode(!0), n = enyo.dom.getBounds(e);
+return t.style.height = n.height + "px", t.style.width = n.width + "px", t;
+removePlaceholderNode: function() {
+this.removeNode(this.placeholderNode), this.placeholderNode = null;
+removeDraggingRowNode: function() {
+this.draggingRowNode = null;
+var e = this.$.holdingarea.hasNode();
+e.innerHTML = "";
+removeNode: function(e) {
+if (!e || !e.parentNode) return;
+updatePageHeight: function(e) {
+if (e < 0) return;
+var t = this.pageForPageNumber(e, !0);
+if (t) {
+var n = this.pageHeights[e], r = Math.max(1, t.getBounds().height);
+this.pageHeights[e] = r, this.portSize += r - n;
+updatePagePositions: function(e) {
+this.positionPage(this.currentPageNumber, this.pageForPageNumber(this.currentPageNumber)), this.positionPage(e, this.pageForPageNumber(e));
+correctPageHeights: function() {
+this.updatePageHeight(this.currentPageNumber), this.initialPageNumber != this.currentPageNumber && this.updatePageHeight(this.initialPageNumber);
+hideNode: function(e) {
+return e.style.display = "none", e;
+showNode: function(e) {
+return e.style.display = "block", e;
+dropPinnedRow: function(e) {
+this.moveReorderedContainerToDroppedPosition(e), this.completeReorderTimeout = setTimeout(enyo.bind(this, this.completeFinishReordering, e), 100);
+cancelPinnedMode: function(e) {
+this.placeholderRowIndex = this.draggingRowIndex, this.dropPinnedRow(e);
+getRowIndexFromCoordinate: function(e) {
+var t = this.getScrollTop() + e - enyo.dom.calcNodePosition(this.hasNode()).top;
+if (t < 0) return -1;
+var n = this.positionToPageInfo(t), r = n.no == this.p0 ? this.p0RowBounds : this.p1RowBounds;
+if (!r) return this.count;
+var i = n.pos, s = this.placeholderNode ? enyo.dom.getBounds(this.placeholderNode).height : 0, o = 0;
+for (var u = n.startRow; u <= n.endRow; ++u) {
+if (u === this.placeholderRowIndex) {
+o += s;
+if (o >= i) return -1;
+if (u !== this.draggingRowIndex) {
+o += r[u].height;
+if (o >= i) return u;
+return u;
+getIndexPosition: function(e) {
+return enyo.dom.calcNodePosition(this.$.generator.fetchRowNode(e));
+setItemPosition: function(e, t) {
+var n = this.getNodeStyle(t), r = this.getStrategyKind() == "ScrollStrategy" ? n.top : n.top - this.getScrollTop(), i = "top:" + r + "px; left:" + n.left + "px;";
+setItemBounds: function(e, t) {
+var n = this.getNodeStyle(t), r = "width:" + n.w + "px; height:" + n.h + "px;";
+reorderScroll: function(e, t) {
+this.getStrategyKind() == "ScrollStrategy" && this.$.reorderContainer.addStyles("top:" + (this.initialPinPosition + this.getScrollTop() - this.rowHeight) + "px;"), this.updatePlaceholderPosition(this.initialPinPosition);
+hideReorderingRow: function() {
+var e = this.hasNode().querySelector('[data-enyo-index="' + this.draggingRowIndex + '"]');
+e && (this.hiddenNode = this.hideNode(e));
+isReordering: function() {
+return this.draggingRowIndex > -1;
+isSwiping: function() {
+return this.swipeIndex != null && !this.swipeComplete && this.swipeDirection != null;
+swipeDragStart: function(e, t) {
+return t.index == null || t.vertical ? !0 : (this.completeSwipeTimeout && this.completeSwipe(t), this.swipeComplete = !1, this.swipeIndex != t.index && (this.clearSwipeables(), this.swipeIndex = t.index), this.swipeDirection = t.xDirection, this.persistentItemVisible || this.startSwipe(t), this.draggedXDistance = 0, this.draggedYDistance = 0, !0);
+swipeDrag: function(e, t) {
+return this.persistentItemVisible ? (this.dragPersistentItem(t), this.preventDragPropagation) : this.isSwiping() ? (this.dragSwipeableComponents(this.calcNewDragPosition(t.ddx)), this.draggedXDistance = t.dx, this.draggedYDistance = t.dy, !0) : !1;
+swipeDragFinish: function(e, t) {
+if (this.persistentItemVisible) this.dragFinishPersistentItem(t); else {
+if (!this.isSwiping()) return !1;
+var n = this.calcPercentageDragged(this.draggedXDistance);
+n > this.percentageDraggedThreshold && t.xDirection === this.swipeDirection ? this.swipe(this.fastSwipeSpeedMS) : this.backOutSwipe(t);
+return this.preventDragPropagation;
+isSwipeable: function() {
+return this.enableSwipe && this.$.swipeableComponents.controls.length !== 0 && !this.isReordering() && !this.pinnedReorderMode;
+positionSwipeableContainer: function(e, t) {
+var n = this.$.generator.fetchRowNode(e);
+if (!n) return;
+var r = this.getRelativeOffset(n, this.hasNode()), i = enyo.dom.getBounds(n), s = t == 1 ? -1 * i.width : i.width;
+this.$.swipeableComponents.addStyles("top: " + r.top + "px; left: " + s + "px; height: " + i.height + "px; width: " + i.width + "px;");
+calcNewDragPosition: function(e) {
+var t = this.$.swipeableComponents.getBounds(), n = t.left, r = this.$.swipeableComponents.getBounds(), i = this.swipeDirection == 1 ? 0 : -1 * r.width, s = this.swipeDirection == 1 ? n + e > i ? i : n + e : n + e < i ? i : n + e;
+return s;
+dragSwipeableComponents: function(e) {
+this.$.swipeableComponents.applyStyle("left", e + "px");
+startSwipe: function(e) {
+e.index = this.swipeIndex, this.positionSwipeableContainer(this.swipeIndex, e.xDirection), this.$.swipeableComponents.setShowing(!0), this.setPersistentItemOrigin(e.xDirection), this.doSetupSwipeItem(e);
+dragPersistentItem: function(e) {
+var t = 0, n = this.persistentItemOrigin == "right" ? Math.max(t, t + e.dx) : Math.min(t, t + e.dx);
+this.$.swipeableComponents.applyStyle("left", n + "px");
+dragFinishPersistentItem: function(e) {
+var t = this.calcPercentageDragged(e.dx) > .2, n = e.dx > 0 ? "right" : e.dx < 0 ? "left" : null;
+this.persistentItemOrigin == n ? t ? this.slideAwayItem() : this.bounceItem(e) : this.bounceItem(e);
+setPersistentItemOrigin: function(e) {
+this.persistentItemOrigin = e == 1 ? "left" : "right";
+calcPercentageDragged: function(e) {
+return Math.abs(e / this.$.swipeableComponents.getBounds().width);
+swipe: function(e) {
+this.swipeComplete = !0, this.animateSwipe(0, e);
+backOutSwipe: function(e) {
+var t = this.$.swipeableComponents.getBounds(), n = this.swipeDirection == 1 ? -1 * t.width : t.width;
+this.animateSwipe(n, this.fastSwipeSpeedMS), this.swipeDirection = null;
+bounceItem: function(e) {
+var t = this.$.swipeableComponents.getBounds();
+t.left != t.width && this.animateSwipe(0, this.normalSwipeSpeedMS);
+slideAwayItem: function() {
+var e = this.$.swipeableComponents, t = e.getBounds().width, n = this.persistentItemOrigin == "left" ? -1 * t : t;
+this.animateSwipe(n, this.normalSwipeSpeedMS), this.persistentItemVisible = !1, this.setPersistSwipeableItem(!1);
+clearSwipeables: function() {
+this.$.swipeableComponents.setShowing(!1), this.persistentItemVisible = !1, this.setPersistSwipeableItem(!1);
+completeSwipe: function(e) {
+this.completeSwipeTimeout && (clearTimeout(this.completeSwipeTimeout), this.completeSwipeTimeout = null), this.getPersistSwipeableItem() ? this.persistentItemVisible = !0 : (this.$.swipeableComponents.setShowing(!1), this.swipeComplete && this.doSwipeComplete({
+index: this.swipeIndex,
+xDirection: this.swipeDirection
+})), this.swipeIndex = null, this.swipeDirection = null;
+animateSwipe: function(e, t) {
+var n = enyo.now(), r = 0, i = this.$.swipeableComponents, s = parseInt(i.domStyles.left, 10), o = e - s;
+var u = enyo.bind(this, function() {
+var e = enyo.now() - n, r = e / t, a = s + o * Math.min(r, 1);
+i.applyStyle("left", a + "px"), this.job = enyo.requestAnimationFrame(u), e / t >= 1 && (this.stopAnimateSwipe(), this.completeSwipeTimeout = setTimeout(enyo.bind(this, function() {
+}), this.completeSwipeDelayMS));
+this.job = enyo.requestAnimationFrame(u);
+stopAnimateSwipe: function() {
+this.job && (this.job = enyo.cancelRequestAnimationFrame(this.job));
+// PulldownList.js
+name: "enyo.PulldownList",
+kind: "List",
+touch: !0,
+pully: null,
+pulldownTools: [ {
+name: "pulldown",
+classes: "enyo-list-pulldown",
+components: [ {
+name: "puller",
+kind: "Puller"
+} ]
+} ],
+events: {
+onPullStart: "",
+onPullCancel: "",
+onPull: "",
+onPullRelease: "",
+onPullComplete: ""
+handlers: {
+onScrollStart: "scrollStartHandler",
+onScrollStop: "scrollStopHandler",
+ondragfinish: "dragfinish"
+pullingMessage: "Pull down to refresh...",
+pulledMessage: "Release to refresh...",
+loadingMessage: "Loading...",
+pullingIconClass: "enyo-puller-arrow enyo-puller-arrow-down",
+pulledIconClass: "enyo-puller-arrow enyo-puller-arrow-up",
+loadingIconClass: "",
+create: function() {
+var e = {
+kind: "Puller",
+showing: !1,
+text: this.loadingMessage,
+iconClass: this.loadingIconClass,
+onCreate: "setPully"
+this.listTools.splice(0, 0, e), this.inherited(arguments), this.setPulling();
+initComponents: function() {
+this.createChrome(this.pulldownTools), this.accel = enyo.dom.canAccelerate(), this.translation = this.accel ? "translate3d" : "translate", this.strategyKind = this.resetStrategyKind(), this.inherited(arguments);
+resetStrategyKind: function() {
+return enyo.platform.android >= 3 ? "TranslateScrollStrategy" : "TouchScrollStrategy";
+setPully: function(e, t) {
+this.pully = t.originator;
+scrollStartHandler: function() {
+this.firedPullStart = !1, this.firedPull = !1, this.firedPullCancel = !1;
+scroll: function(e, t) {
+var n = this.inherited(arguments);
+this.completingPull && this.pully.setShowing(!1);
+var r = this.getStrategy().$.scrollMath || this.getStrategy(), i = -1 * this.getScrollTop();
+return r.isInOverScroll() && i > 0 && (enyo.dom.transformValue(this.$.pulldown, this.translation, "0," + i + "px" + (this.accel ? ",0" : "")), this.firedPullStart || (this.firedPullStart = !0, this.pullStart(), this.pullHeight = this.$.pulldown.getBounds().height), i > this.pullHeight && !this.firedPull && (this.firedPull = !0, this.firedPullCancel = !1, this.pull()), this.firedPull && !this.firedPullCancel && i < this.pullHeight && (this.firedPullCancel = !0, this.firedPull = !1, this.pullCancel())), n;
+scrollStopHandler: function() {
+this.completingPull && (this.completingPull = !1, this.doPullComplete());
+dragfinish: function() {
+if (this.firedPull) {
+var e = this.getStrategy().$.scrollMath || this.getStrategy();
+e.setScrollY(-1 * this.getScrollTop() - this.pullHeight), this.pullRelease();
+completePull: function() {
+this.completingPull = !0;
+var e = this.getStrategy().$.scrollMath || this.getStrategy();
+e.setScrollY(this.pullHeight), e.start();
+pullStart: function() {
+this.setPulling(), this.pully.setShowing(!1), this.$.puller.setShowing(!0), this.doPullStart();
+pull: function() {
+this.setPulled(), this.doPull();
+pullCancel: function() {
+this.setPulling(), this.doPullCancel();
+pullRelease: function() {
+this.$.puller.setShowing(!1), this.pully.setShowing(!0), this.doPullRelease();
+setPulling: function() {
+this.$.puller.setText(this.pullingMessage), this.$.puller.setIconClass(this.pullingIconClass);
+setPulled: function() {
+this.$.puller.setText(this.pulledMessage), this.$.puller.setIconClass(this.pulledIconClass);
+}), enyo.kind({
+name: "enyo.Puller",
+classes: "enyo-puller",
+published: {
+text: "",
+iconClass: ""
+events: {
+onCreate: ""
+components: [ {
+name: "icon"
+}, {
+name: "text",
+tag: "span",
+classes: "enyo-puller-text"
+} ],
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.doCreate(), this.textChanged(), this.iconClassChanged();
+textChanged: function() {
+iconClassChanged: function() {
+// AroundList.js
+name: "enyo.AroundList",
+kind: "enyo.List",
+listTools: [ {
+name: "port",
+classes: "enyo-list-port enyo-border-box",
+components: [ {
+name: "aboveClient"
+}, {
+name: "generator",
+kind: "FlyweightRepeater",
+canGenerate: !1,
+components: [ {
+tag: null,
+name: "client"
+} ]
+}, {
+name: "holdingarea",
+allowHtml: !0,
+classes: "enyo-list-holdingarea"
+}, {
+name: "page0",
+allowHtml: !0,
+classes: "enyo-list-page"
+}, {
+name: "page1",
+allowHtml: !0,
+classes: "enyo-list-page"
+}, {
+name: "belowClient"
+}, {
+name: "placeholder"
+}, {
+name: "swipeableComponents",
+style: "position:absolute; display:block; top:-1000px; left:0px;"
+} ]
+} ],
+aboveComponents: null,
+initComponents: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.aboveComponents && this.$.aboveClient.createComponents(this.aboveComponents, {
+owner: this.owner
+}), this.belowComponents && this.$.belowClient.createComponents(this.belowComponents, {
+owner: this.owner
+updateMetrics: function() {
+this.defaultPageHeight = this.rowsPerPage * (this.rowHeight || 100), this.pageCount = Math.ceil(this.count / this.rowsPerPage), this.aboveHeight = this.$.aboveClient.getBounds().height, this.belowHeight = this.$.belowClient.getBounds().height, this.portSize = this.aboveHeight + this.belowHeight;
+for (var e = 0; e < this.pageCount; e++) this.portSize += this.getPageHeight(e);
+positionPage: function(e, t) {
+t.pageNo = e;
+var n = this.pageToPosition(e), r = this.bottomUp ? this.belowHeight : this.aboveHeight;
+n += r, t.applyStyle(this.pageBound, n + "px");
+scrollToContentStart: function() {
+var e = this.bottomUp ? this.belowHeight : this.aboveHeight;
+// Slideable.js
+name: "enyo.Slideable",
+kind: "Control",
+published: {
+axis: "h",
+value: 0,
+unit: "px",
+min: 0,
+max: 0,
+accelerated: "auto",
+overMoving: !0,
+draggable: !0
+events: {
+onAnimateFinish: "",
+onChange: ""
+preventDragPropagation: !1,
+tools: [ {
+kind: "Animator",
+onStep: "animatorStep",
+onEnd: "animatorComplete"
+} ],
+handlers: {
+ondragstart: "dragstart",
+ondrag: "drag",
+ondragfinish: "dragfinish"
+kDragScalar: 1,
+dragEventProp: "dx",
+unitModifier: !1,
+canTransform: !1,
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.acceleratedChanged(), this.transformChanged(), this.axisChanged(), this.valueChanged(), this.addClass("enyo-slideable");
+initComponents: function() {
+this.createComponents(this.tools), this.inherited(arguments);
+rendered: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.canModifyUnit(), this.updateDragScalar();
+resizeHandler: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.updateDragScalar();
+canModifyUnit: function() {
+if (!this.canTransform) {
+var e = this.getInitialStyleValue(this.hasNode(), this.boundary);
+e.match(/px/i) && this.unit === "%" && (this.unitModifier = this.getBounds()[this.dimension]);
+getInitialStyleValue: function(e, t) {
+var n = enyo.dom.getComputedStyle(e);
+return n ? n.getPropertyValue(t) : e && e.currentStyle ? e.currentStyle[t] : "0";
+updateBounds: function(e, t) {
+var n = {};
+n[this.boundary] = e, this.setBounds(n, this.unit), this.setInlineStyles(e, t);
+updateDragScalar: function() {
+if (this.unit == "%") {
+var e = this.getBounds()[this.dimension];
+this.kDragScalar = e ? 100 / e : 1, this.canTransform || this.updateBounds(this.value, 100);
+transformChanged: function() {
+this.canTransform = enyo.dom.canTransform();
+acceleratedChanged: function() {
+enyo.platform.android > 2 || enyo.dom.accelerate(this, this.accelerated);
+axisChanged: function() {
+var e = this.axis == "h";
+this.dragMoveProp = e ? "dx" : "dy", this.shouldDragProp = e ? "horizontal" : "vertical", this.transform = e ? "translateX" : "translateY", this.dimension = e ? "width" : "height", this.boundary = e ? "left" : "top";
+setInlineStyles: function(e, t) {
+var n = {};
+this.unitModifier ? (n[this.boundary] = this.percentToPixels(e, this.unitModifier), n[this.dimension] = this.unitModifier, this.setBounds(n)) : (t ? n[this.dimension] = t : n[this.boundary] = e, this.setBounds(n, this.unit));
+valueChanged: function(e) {
+var t = this.value;
+this.isOob(t) && !this.isAnimating() && (this.value = this.overMoving ? this.dampValue(t) : this.clampValue(t)), enyo.platform.android > 2 && (this.value ? (e === 0 || e === undefined) && enyo.dom.accelerate(this, this.accelerated) : enyo.dom.accelerate(this, !1)), this.canTransform ? enyo.dom.transformValue(this, this.transform, this.value + this.unit) : this.setInlineStyles(this.value, !1), this.doChange();
+getAnimator: function() {
+return this.$.animator;
+isAtMin: function() {
+return this.value <= this.calcMin();
+isAtMax: function() {
+return this.value >= this.calcMax();
+calcMin: function() {
+return this.min;
+calcMax: function() {
+return this.max;
+clampValue: function(e) {
+var t = this.calcMin(), n = this.calcMax();
+return Math.max(t, Math.min(e, n));
+dampValue: function(e) {
+return this.dampBound(this.dampBound(e, this.min, 1), this.max, -1);
+dampBound: function(e, t, n) {
+var r = e;
+return r * n < t * n && (r = t + (r - t) / 4), r;
+percentToPixels: function(e, t) {
+return Math.floor(t / 100 * e);
+pixelsToPercent: function(e) {
+var t = this.unitModifier ? this.getBounds()[this.dimension] : this.container.getBounds()[this.dimension];
+return e / t * 100;
+shouldDrag: function(e) {
+return this.draggable && e[this.shouldDragProp];
+isOob: function(e) {
+return e > this.calcMax() || e < this.calcMin();
+dragstart: function(e, t) {
+if (this.shouldDrag(t)) return t.preventDefault(), this.$.animator.stop(), t.dragInfo = {}, this.dragging = !0, this.drag0 = this.value, this.dragd0 = 0, this.preventDragPropagation;
+drag: function(e, t) {
+if (this.dragging) {
+var n = this.canTransform ? t[this.dragMoveProp] * this.kDragScalar : this.pixelsToPercent(t[this.dragMoveProp]), r = this.drag0 + n, i = n - this.dragd0;
+return this.dragd0 = n, i && (t.dragInfo.minimizing = i < 0), this.setValue(r), this.preventDragPropagation;
+dragfinish: function(e, t) {
+if (this.dragging) return this.dragging = !1, this.completeDrag(t), t.preventTap(), this.preventDragPropagation;
+completeDrag: function(e) {
+this.value !== this.calcMax() && this.value != this.calcMin() && this.animateToMinMax(e.dragInfo.minimizing);
+isAnimating: function() {
+return this.$.animator.isAnimating();
+play: function(e, t) {
+startValue: e,
+endValue: t,
+node: this.hasNode()
+animateTo: function(e) {
+this.play(this.value, e);
+animateToMin: function() {
+animateToMax: function() {
+animateToMinMax: function(e) {
+e ? this.animateToMin() : this.animateToMax();
+animatorStep: function(e) {
+return this.setValue(e.value), !0;
+animatorComplete: function(e) {
+return this.doAnimateFinish(e), !0;
+toggleMinMax: function() {
+// Arranger.js
+name: "enyo.Arranger",
+kind: "Layout",
+layoutClass: "enyo-arranger",
+accelerated: "auto",
+dragProp: "ddx",
+dragDirectionProp: "xDirection",
+canDragProp: "horizontal",
+incrementalPoints: !1,
+destroy: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels();
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) n._arranger = null;
+arrange: function(e, t) {},
+size: function() {},
+start: function() {
+var e = this.container.fromIndex, t = this.container.toIndex, n = this.container.transitionPoints = [ e ];
+if (this.incrementalPoints) {
+var r = Math.abs(t - e) - 2, i = e;
+while (r >= 0) i += t < e ? -1 : 1, n.push(i), r--;
+finish: function() {},
+calcArrangementDifference: function(e, t, n, r) {},
+canDragEvent: function(e) {
+return e[this.canDragProp];
+calcDragDirection: function(e) {
+return e[this.dragDirectionProp];
+calcDrag: function(e) {
+return e[this.dragProp];
+drag: function(e, t, n, r, i) {
+var s = this.measureArrangementDelta(-e, t, n, r, i);
+return s;
+measureArrangementDelta: function(e, t, n, r, i) {
+var s = this.calcArrangementDifference(t, n, r, i), o = s ? e / Math.abs(s) : 0;
+return o *= this.container.fromIndex > this.container.toIndex ? -1 : 1, o;
+_arrange: function(e) {
+this.containerBounds || this.reflow();
+var t = this.getOrderedControls(e);
+this.arrange(t, e);
+arrangeControl: function(e, t) {
+e._arranger = enyo.mixin(e._arranger || {}, t);
+flow: function() {
+this.c$ = [].concat(this.container.getPanels()), this.controlsIndex = 0;
+for (var e = 0, t = this.container.getPanels(), n; n = t[e]; e++) {
+enyo.dom.accelerate(n, this.accelerated);
+if (enyo.platform.safari) {
+var r = n.children;
+for (var i = 0, s; s = r[i]; i++) enyo.dom.accelerate(s, this.accelerated);
+reflow: function() {
+var e = this.container.hasNode();
+this.containerBounds = e ? {
+width: e.clientWidth,
+height: e.clientHeight
+} : {}, this.size();
+flowArrangement: function() {
+var e = this.container.arrangement;
+if (e) for (var t = 0, n = this.container.getPanels(), r; r = n[t]; t++) this.flowControl(r, e[t]);
+flowControl: function(e, t) {
+enyo.Arranger.positionControl(e, t);
+var n = t.opacity;
+n != null && enyo.Arranger.opacifyControl(e, n);
+getOrderedControls: function(e) {
+var t = Math.floor(e), n = t - this.controlsIndex, r = n > 0, i = this.c$ || [];
+for (var s = 0; s < Math.abs(n); s++) r ? i.push(i.shift()) : i.unshift(i.pop());
+return this.controlsIndex = t, i;
+statics: {
+positionControl: function(e, t, n) {
+var r = n || "px";
+if (!this.updating) if (enyo.dom.canTransform() && !enyo.platform.android && enyo.platform.ie !== 10) {
+var i = t.left, s = t.top;
+i = enyo.isString(i) ? i : i && i + r, s = enyo.isString(s) ? s : s && s + r, enyo.dom.transform(e, {
+translateX: i || null,
+translateY: s || null
+} else e.setBounds(t, n);
+opacifyControl: function(e, t) {
+var n = t;
+n = n > .99 ? 1 : n < .01 ? 0 : n, enyo.platform.ie < 9 ? e.applyStyle("filter", "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=" + n * 100 + ")") : e.applyStyle("opacity", n);
+// CardArranger.js
+name: "enyo.CardArranger",
+kind: "Arranger",
+layoutClass: "enyo-arranger enyo-arranger-fit",
+calcArrangementDifference: function(e, t, n, r) {
+return this.containerBounds.width;
+arrange: function(e, t) {
+for (var n = 0, r, i, s; r = e[n]; n++) s = n === 0 ? 1 : 0, this.arrangeControl(r, {
+opacity: s
+start: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels();
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) {
+var r = n.showing;
+n.setShowing(t == this.container.fromIndex || t == this.container.toIndex), n.showing && !r && n.resized();
+finish: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels();
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) n.setShowing(t == this.container.toIndex);
+destroy: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels();
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) enyo.Arranger.opacifyControl(n, 1), n.showing || n.setShowing(!0);
+// CardSlideInArranger.js
+name: "enyo.CardSlideInArranger",
+kind: "CardArranger",
+start: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels();
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) {
+var r = n.showing;
+n.setShowing(t == this.container.fromIndex || t == this.container.toIndex), n.showing && !r && n.resized();
+var i = this.container.fromIndex;
+t = this.container.toIndex, this.container.transitionPoints = [ t + "." + i + ".s", t + "." + i + ".f" ];
+finish: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels();
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) n.setShowing(t == this.container.toIndex);
+arrange: function(e, t) {
+var n = t.split("."), r = n[0], i = n[1], s = n[2] == "s", o = this.containerBounds.width;
+for (var u = 0, a = this.container.getPanels(), f, l; f = a[u]; u++) l = o, i == u && (l = s ? 0 : -o), r == u && (l = s ? o : 0), i == u && i == r && (l = 0), this.arrangeControl(f, {
+left: l
+destroy: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels();
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) enyo.Arranger.positionControl(n, {
+left: null
+// CarouselArranger.js
+name: "enyo.CarouselArranger",
+kind: "Arranger",
+size: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels(), t = this.containerPadding = this.container.hasNode() ? enyo.dom.calcPaddingExtents(this.container.node) : {}, n = this.containerBounds, r, i, s, o, u;
+n.height -= t.top + t.bottom, n.width -= t.left + t.right;
+var a;
+for (r = 0, s = 0; u = e[r]; r++) o = enyo.dom.calcMarginExtents(u.hasNode()), u.width = u.getBounds().width, u.marginWidth = o.right + o.left, s += (u.fit ? 0 : u.width) + u.marginWidth, u.fit && (a = u);
+if (a) {
+var f = n.width - s;
+a.width = f >= 0 ? f : a.width;
+for (r = 0, i = t.left; u = e[r]; r++) u.setBounds({
+top: t.top,
+bottom: t.bottom,
+width: u.fit ? u.width : null
+arrange: function(e, t) {
+this.container.wrap ? this.arrangeWrap(e, t) : this.arrangeNoWrap(e, t);
+arrangeNoWrap: function(e, t) {
+var n, r, i, s, o = this.container.getPanels(), u = this.container.clamp(t), a = this.containerBounds.width;
+for (n = u, i = 0; s = o[n]; n++) {
+i += s.width + s.marginWidth;
+if (i > a) break;
+var f = a - i, l = 0;
+if (f > 0) {
+var c = u;
+for (n = u - 1, r = 0; s = o[n]; n--) {
+r += s.width + s.marginWidth;
+if (f - r <= 0) {
+l = f - r, u = n;
+var h, p;
+for (n = 0, p = this.containerPadding.left + l; s = o[n]; n++) h = s.width + s.marginWidth, n < u ? this.arrangeControl(s, {
+left: -h
+}) : (this.arrangeControl(s, {
+left: Math.floor(p)
+}), p += h);
+arrangeWrap: function(e, t) {
+for (var n = 0, r = this.containerPadding.left, i, s; s = e[n]; n++) this.arrangeControl(s, {
+left: r
+}), r += s.width + s.marginWidth;
+calcArrangementDifference: function(e, t, n, r) {
+var i = Math.abs(e % this.c$.length);
+return t[i].left - r[i].left;
+destroy: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels();
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) enyo.Arranger.positionControl(n, {
+left: null,
+top: null
+}), n.applyStyle("top", null), n.applyStyle("bottom", null), n.applyStyle("left", null), n.applyStyle("width", null);
+// CollapsingArranger.js
+name: "enyo.CollapsingArranger",
+kind: "CarouselArranger",
+peekWidth: 0,
+size: function() {
+this.clearLastSize(), this.inherited(arguments);
+clearLastSize: function() {
+for (var e = 0, t = this.container.getPanels(), n; n = t[e]; e++) n._fit && e != t.length - 1 && (n.applyStyle("width", null), n._fit = null);
+constructor: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.peekWidth = this.container.peekWidth != null ? this.container.peekWidth : this.peekWidth;
+arrange: function(e, t) {
+var n = this.container.getPanels();
+for (var r = 0, i = this.containerPadding.left, s, o, u = 0; o = n[r]; r++) o.getShowing() ? (this.arrangeControl(o, {
+left: i + u * this.peekWidth
+}), r >= t && (i += o.width + o.marginWidth - this.peekWidth), u++) : (this.arrangeControl(o, {
+left: i
+}), r >= t && (i += o.width + o.marginWidth)), r == n.length - 1 && t < 0 && this.arrangeControl(o, {
+left: i - t
+calcArrangementDifference: function(e, t, n, r) {
+var i = this.container.getPanels().length - 1;
+return Math.abs(r[i].left - t[i].left);
+flowControl: function(e, t) {
+if (this.container.realtimeFit) {
+var n = this.container.getPanels(), r = n.length - 1, i = n[r];
+e == i && this.fitControl(e, t.left);
+finish: function() {
+if (!this.container.realtimeFit && this.containerBounds) {
+var e = this.container.getPanels(), t = this.container.arrangement, n = e.length - 1, r = e[n];
+this.fitControl(r, t[n].left);
+fitControl: function(e, t) {
+e._fit = !0, e.applyStyle("width", this.containerBounds.width - t + "px"), e.resized();
+// DockRightArranger.js
+name: "enyo.DockRightArranger",
+kind: "Arranger",
+basePanel: !1,
+overlap: 0,
+layoutWidth: 0,
+constructor: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.overlap = this.container.overlap != null ? this.container.overlap : this.overlap, this.layoutWidth = this.container.layoutWidth != null ? this.container.layoutWidth : this.layoutWidth;
+size: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels(), t = this.containerPadding = this.container.hasNode() ? enyo.dom.calcPaddingExtents(this.container.node) : {}, n = this.containerBounds, r, i, s;
+n.width -= t.left + t.right;
+var o = n.width, u = e.length;
+this.container.transitionPositions = {};
+for (r = 0; s = e[r]; r++) s.width = r === 0 && this.container.basePanel ? o : s.getBounds().width;
+for (r = 0; s = e[r]; r++) {
+r === 0 && this.container.basePanel && s.setBounds({
+width: o
+}), s.setBounds({
+top: t.top,
+bottom: t.bottom
+for (j = 0; s = e[j]; j++) {
+var a;
+if (r === 0 && this.container.basePanel) a = 0; else if (j < r) a = o; else {
+if (r !== j) break;
+var f = o > this.layoutWidth ? this.overlap : 0;
+a = o - e[r].width + f;
+this.container.transitionPositions[r + "." + j] = a;
+if (j < u) {
+var l = !1;
+for (k = r + 1; k < u; k++) {
+var f = 0;
+if (l) f = 0; else if (e[r].width + e[k].width - this.overlap > o) f = 0, l = !0; else {
+f = e[r].width - this.overlap;
+for (i = r; i < k; i++) {
+var c = f + e[i + 1].width - this.overlap;
+if (!(c < o)) {
+f = o;
+f = c;
+f = o - f;
+this.container.transitionPositions[r + "." + k] = f;
+arrange: function(e, t) {
+var n, r, i = this.container.getPanels(), s = this.container.clamp(t);
+for (n = 0; r = i[n]; n++) {
+var o = this.container.transitionPositions[n + "." + s];
+this.arrangeControl(r, {
+left: o
+calcArrangementDifference: function(e, t, n, r) {
+var i = this.container.getPanels(), s = e < n ? i[n].width : i[e].width;
+return s;
+destroy: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels();
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) enyo.Arranger.positionControl(n, {
+left: null,
+top: null
+}), n.applyStyle("top", null), n.applyStyle("bottom", null), n.applyStyle("left", null), n.applyStyle("width", null);
+// OtherArrangers.js
+name: "enyo.LeftRightArranger",
+kind: "Arranger",
+margin: 40,
+axisSize: "width",
+offAxisSize: "height",
+axisPosition: "left",
+constructor: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.margin = this.container.margin != null ? this.container.margin : this.margin;
+size: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels(), t = this.containerBounds[this.axisSize], n = t - this.margin - this.margin;
+for (var r = 0, i, s; s = e[r]; r++) i = {}, i[this.axisSize] = n, i[this.offAxisSize] = "100%", s.setBounds(i);
+start: function() {
+var e = this.container.fromIndex, t = this.container.toIndex, n = this.getOrderedControls(t), r = Math.floor(n.length / 2);
+for (var i = 0, s; s = n[i]; i++) e > t ? i == n.length - r ? s.applyStyle("z-index", 0) : s.applyStyle("z-index", 1) : i == n.length - 1 - r ? s.applyStyle("z-index", 0) : s.applyStyle("z-index", 1);
+arrange: function(e, t) {
+var n, r, i, s;
+if (this.container.getPanels().length == 1) {
+s = {}, s[this.axisPosition] = this.margin, this.arrangeControl(this.container.getPanels()[0], s);
+var o = Math.floor(this.container.getPanels().length / 2), u = this.getOrderedControls(Math.floor(t) - o), a = this.containerBounds[this.axisSize] - this.margin - this.margin, f = this.margin - a * o;
+for (n = 0; r = u[n]; n++) s = {}, s[this.axisPosition] = f, this.arrangeControl(r, s), f += a;
+calcArrangementDifference: function(e, t, n, r) {
+if (this.container.getPanels().length == 1) return 0;
+var i = Math.abs(e % this.c$.length);
+return t[i][this.axisPosition] - r[i][this.axisPosition];
+destroy: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels();
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) enyo.Arranger.positionControl(n, {
+left: null,
+top: null
+}), enyo.Arranger.opacifyControl(n, 1), n.applyStyle("left", null), n.applyStyle("top", null), n.applyStyle("height", null), n.applyStyle("width", null);
+}), enyo.kind({
+name: "enyo.TopBottomArranger",
+kind: "LeftRightArranger",
+dragProp: "ddy",
+dragDirectionProp: "yDirection",
+canDragProp: "vertical",
+axisSize: "height",
+offAxisSize: "width",
+axisPosition: "top"
+}), enyo.kind({
+name: "enyo.SpiralArranger",
+kind: "Arranger",
+incrementalPoints: !0,
+inc: 20,
+size: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels(), t = this.containerBounds, n = this.controlWidth = t.width / 3, r = this.controlHeight = t.height / 3;
+for (var i = 0, s; s = e[i]; i++) s.setBounds({
+width: n,
+height: r
+arrange: function(e, t) {
+var n = this.inc;
+for (var r = 0, i = e.length, s; s = e[r]; r++) {
+var o = Math.cos(r / i * 2 * Math.PI) * r * n + this.controlWidth, u = Math.sin(r / i * 2 * Math.PI) * r * n + this.controlHeight;
+this.arrangeControl(s, {
+left: o,
+top: u
+start: function() {
+var e = this.getOrderedControls(this.container.toIndex);
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) n.applyStyle("z-index", e.length - t);
+calcArrangementDifference: function(e, t, n, r) {
+return this.controlWidth;
+destroy: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels();
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) n.applyStyle("z-index", null), enyo.Arranger.positionControl(n, {
+left: null,
+top: null
+}), n.applyStyle("left", null), n.applyStyle("top", null), n.applyStyle("height", null), n.applyStyle("width", null);
+}), enyo.kind({
+name: "enyo.GridArranger",
+kind: "Arranger",
+incrementalPoints: !0,
+colWidth: 100,
+colHeight: 100,
+size: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels(), t = this.colWidth, n = this.colHeight;
+for (var r = 0, i; i = e[r]; r++) i.setBounds({
+width: t,
+height: n
+arrange: function(e, t) {
+var n = this.colWidth, r = this.colHeight, i = Math.max(1, Math.floor(this.containerBounds.width / n)), s;
+for (var o = 0, u = 0; u < e.length; o++) for (var a = 0; a < i && (s = e[u]); a++, u++) this.arrangeControl(s, {
+left: n * a,
+top: r * o
+flowControl: function(e, t) {
+this.inherited(arguments), enyo.Arranger.opacifyControl(e, t.top % this.colHeight !== 0 ? .25 : 1);
+calcArrangementDifference: function(e, t, n, r) {
+return this.colWidth;
+destroy: function() {
+var e = this.container.getPanels();
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) enyo.Arranger.positionControl(n, {
+left: null,
+top: null
+}), n.applyStyle("left", null), n.applyStyle("top", null), n.applyStyle("height", null), n.applyStyle("width", null);
+// Panels.js
+name: "enyo.Panels",
+classes: "enyo-panels",
+published: {
+index: 0,
+draggable: !0,
+animate: !0,
+wrap: !1,
+arrangerKind: "CardArranger",
+narrowFit: !0
+events: {
+onTransitionStart: "",
+onTransitionFinish: ""
+handlers: {
+ondragstart: "dragstart",
+ondrag: "drag",
+ondragfinish: "dragfinish",
+onscroll: "domScroll"
+tools: [ {
+kind: "Animator",
+onStep: "step",
+onEnd: "completed"
+} ],
+fraction: 0,
+create: function() {
+this.transitionPoints = [], this.inherited(arguments), this.arrangerKindChanged(), this.narrowFitChanged(), this.indexChanged();
+rendered: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), enyo.makeBubble(this, "scroll");
+domScroll: function(e, t) {
+this.hasNode() && this.node.scrollLeft > 0 && (this.node.scrollLeft = 0);
+initComponents: function() {
+this.createChrome(this.tools), this.inherited(arguments);
+arrangerKindChanged: function() {
+narrowFitChanged: function() {
+this.addRemoveClass("enyo-panels-fit-narrow", this.narrowFit);
+destroy: function() {
+this.destroying = !0, this.inherited(arguments);
+removeControl: function(e) {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.destroying && this.controls.length > 0 && this.isPanel(e) && (this.setIndex(Math.max(this.index - 1, 0)), this.flow(), this.reflow());
+isPanel: function() {
+return !0;
+flow: function() {
+this.arrangements = [], this.inherited(arguments);
+reflow: function() {
+this.arrangements = [], this.inherited(arguments), this.refresh();
+getPanels: function() {
+var e = this.controlParent || this;
+return e.children;
+getActive: function() {
+var e = this.getPanels(), t = this.index % e.length;
+return t < 0 && (t += e.length), e[t];
+getAnimator: function() {
+return this.$.animator;
+setIndex: function(e) {
+this.setPropertyValue("index", e, "indexChanged");
+setIndexDirect: function(e) {
+this.setIndex(e), this.completed();
+selectPanelByName: function(e) {
+if (!e) return;
+var t = 0, n = this.getPanels(), r = n.length;
+for (; t < r; ++t) if (e === n[t].name) return this.setIndex(t), t;
+previous: function() {
+this.setIndex(this.index - 1);
+next: function() {
+this.setIndex(this.index + 1);
+clamp: function(e) {
+var t = this.getPanels().length - 1;
+return this.wrap ? e : Math.max(0, Math.min(e, t));
+indexChanged: function(e) {
+this.lastIndex = e, this.index = this.clamp(this.index), !this.dragging && this.$.animator && (this.$.animator.isAnimating() && this.completed(), this.$.animator.stop(), this.hasNode() && (this.animate ? (this.startTransition(), this.$.animator.play({
+startValue: this.fraction
+})) : this.refresh()));
+step: function(e) {
+this.fraction = e.value, this.stepTransition();
+completed: function() {
+return this.$.animator.isAnimating() && this.$.animator.stop(), this.fraction = 1, this.stepTransition(), this.finishTransition(), !0;
+dragstart: function(e, t) {
+if (this.draggable && this.layout && this.layout.canDragEvent(t)) return t.preventDefault(), this.dragstartTransition(t), this.dragging = !0, this.$.animator.stop(), !0;
+drag: function(e, t) {
+this.dragging && (t.preventDefault(), this.dragTransition(t));
+dragfinish: function(e, t) {
+this.dragging && (this.dragging = !1, t.preventTap(), this.dragfinishTransition(t));
+dragstartTransition: function(e) {
+if (!this.$.animator.isAnimating()) {
+var t = this.fromIndex = this.index;
+this.toIndex = t - (this.layout ? this.layout.calcDragDirection(e) : 0);
+} else this.verifyDragTransition(e);
+this.fromIndex = this.clamp(this.fromIndex), this.toIndex = this.clamp(this.toIndex), this.fireTransitionStart(), this.layout && this.layout.start();
+dragTransition: function(e) {
+var t = this.layout ? this.layout.calcDrag(e) : 0, n = this.transitionPoints, r = n[0], i = n[n.length - 1], s = this.fetchArrangement(r), o = this.fetchArrangement(i), u = this.layout ? this.layout.drag(t, r, s, i, o) : 0, a = t && !u;
+a, this.fraction += u;
+var f = this.fraction;
+if (f > 1 || f < 0 || a) (f > 0 || a) && this.dragfinishTransition(e), this.dragstartTransition(e), this.fraction = 0;
+dragfinishTransition: function(e) {
+this.verifyDragTransition(e), this.setIndex(this.toIndex), this.dragging && this.fireTransitionFinish();
+verifyDragTransition: function(e) {
+var t = this.layout ? this.layout.calcDragDirection(e) : 0, n = Math.min(this.fromIndex, this.toIndex), r = Math.max(this.fromIndex, this.toIndex);
+if (t > 0) {
+var i = n;
+n = r, r = i;
+n != this.fromIndex && (this.fraction = 1 - this.fraction), this.fromIndex = n, this.toIndex = r;
+refresh: function() {
+this.$.animator && this.$.animator.isAnimating() && this.$.animator.stop(), this.startTransition(), this.fraction = 1, this.stepTransition(), this.finishTransition();
+startTransition: function() {
+this.fromIndex = this.fromIndex != null ? this.fromIndex : this.lastIndex || 0, this.toIndex = this.toIndex != null ? this.toIndex : this.index, this.layout && this.layout.start(), this.fireTransitionStart();
+finishTransition: function() {
+this.layout && this.layout.finish(), this.transitionPoints = [], this.fraction = 0, this.fromIndex = this.toIndex = null, this.fireTransitionFinish();
+fireTransitionStart: function() {
+var e = this.startTransitionInfo;
+this.hasNode() && (!e || e.fromIndex != this.fromIndex || e.toIndex != this.toIndex) && (this.startTransitionInfo = {
+fromIndex: this.fromIndex,
+toIndex: this.toIndex
+}, this.doTransitionStart(enyo.clone(this.startTransitionInfo)));
+fireTransitionFinish: function() {
+var e = this.finishTransitionInfo;
+this.hasNode() && (!e || e.fromIndex != this.lastIndex || e.toIndex != this.index) && (this.finishTransitionInfo = {
+fromIndex: this.lastIndex,
+toIndex: this.index
+}, this.doTransitionFinish(enyo.clone(this.finishTransitionInfo))), this.lastIndex = this.index;
+stepTransition: function() {
+if (this.hasNode()) {
+var e = this.transitionPoints, t = (this.fraction || 0) * (e.length - 1), n = Math.floor(t);
+t -= n;
+var r = e[n], i = e[n + 1], s = this.fetchArrangement(r), o = this.fetchArrangement(i);
+this.arrangement = s && o ? enyo.Panels.lerp(s, o, t) : s || o, this.arrangement && this.layout && this.layout.flowArrangement();
+fetchArrangement: function(e) {
+return e != null && !this.arrangements[e] && this.layout && (this.layout._arrange(e), this.arrangements[e] = this.readArrangement(this.getPanels())), this.arrangements[e];
+readArrangement: function(e) {
+var t = [];
+for (var n = 0, r = e, i; i = r[n]; n++) t.push(enyo.clone(i._arranger));
+return t;
+statics: {
+isScreenNarrow: function() {
+return enyo.dom.getWindowWidth() <= 800;
+lerp: function(e, t, n) {
+var r = [];
+for (var i = 0, s = enyo.keys(e), o; o = s[i]; i++) r.push(this.lerpObject(e[o], t[o], n));
+return r;
+lerpObject: function(e, t, n) {
+var r = enyo.clone(e), i, s;
+if (t) for (var o in e) i = e[o], s = t[o], i != s && (r[o] = i - (i - s) * n);
+return r;
+// Node.js
+name: "enyo.Node",
+published: {
+expandable: !1,
+expanded: !1,
+icon: "",
+onlyIconExpands: !1,
+selected: !1
+style: "padding: 0 0 0 16px;",
+content: "Node",
+defaultKind: "Node",
+classes: "enyo-node",
+components: [ {
+name: "icon",
+kind: "Image",
+showing: !1
+}, {
+kind: "Control",
+name: "caption",
+Xtag: "span",
+style: "display: inline-block; padding: 4px;",
+allowHtml: !0
+}, {
+kind: "Control",
+name: "extra",
+tag: "span",
+allowHtml: !0
+} ],
+childClient: [ {
+kind: "Control",
+name: "box",
+classes: "enyo-node-box",
+Xstyle: "border: 1px solid orange;",
+components: [ {
+kind: "Control",
+name: "client",
+classes: "enyo-node-client",
+Xstyle: "border: 1px solid lightblue;"
+} ]
+} ],
+handlers: {
+ondblclick: "dblclick"
+events: {
+onNodeTap: "nodeTap",
+onNodeDblClick: "nodeDblClick",
+onExpand: "nodeExpand",
+onDestroyed: "nodeDestroyed"
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.selectedChanged(), this.iconChanged();
+destroy: function() {
+this.doDestroyed(), this.inherited(arguments);
+initComponents: function() {
+this.expandable && (this.kindComponents = this.kindComponents.concat(this.childClient)), this.inherited(arguments);
+contentChanged: function() {
+iconChanged: function() {
+this.$.icon.setSrc(this.icon), this.$.icon.setShowing(Boolean(this.icon));
+selectedChanged: function() {
+this.addRemoveClass("enyo-selected", this.selected);
+rendered: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.expandable && !this.expanded && this.quickCollapse();
+addNodes: function(e) {
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) this.createComponent(n);
+addTextNodes: function(e) {
+for (var t = 0, n; n = e[t]; t++) this.createComponent({
+content: n
+tap: function(e, t) {
+return this.onlyIconExpands ? t.target == this.$.icon.hasNode() ? this.toggleExpanded() : this.doNodeTap() : (this.toggleExpanded(), this.doNodeTap()), !0;
+dblclick: function(e, t) {
+return this.doNodeDblClick(), !0;
+toggleExpanded: function() {
+quickCollapse: function() {
+this.removeClass("enyo-animate"), this.$.box.applyStyle("height", "0");
+var e = this.$.client.getBounds().height;
+top: -e
+_expand: function() {
+var e = this.$.client.getBounds().height;
+height: e
+}), this.$.client.setBounds({
+top: 0
+}), setTimeout(enyo.bind(this, function() {
+this.expanded && (this.removeClass("enyo-animate"), this.$.box.applyStyle("height", "auto"));
+}), 225);
+_collapse: function() {
+var e = this.$.client.getBounds().height;
+height: e
+}), setTimeout(enyo.bind(this, function() {
+this.addClass("enyo-animate"), this.$.box.applyStyle("height", "0"), this.$.client.setBounds({
+top: -e
+}), 25);
+expandedChanged: function(e) {
+if (!this.expandable) this.expanded = !1; else {
+var t = {
+expanded: this.expanded
+this.doExpand(t), t.wait || this.effectExpanded();
+effectExpanded: function() {
+this.$.client && (this.expanded ? this._expand() : this._collapse());
+// ImageViewPin.js
+name: "enyo.ImageViewPin",
+kind: "enyo.Control",
+published: {
+highlightAnchorPoint: !1,
+anchor: {
+top: 0,
+left: 0
+position: {
+top: 0,
+left: 0
+style: "position:absolute;z-index:1000;width:0px;height:0px;",
+handlers: {
+onPositionPin: "reAnchor"
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.styleClientControls(), this.positionClientControls(), this.highlightAnchorPointChanged(), this.anchorChanged();
+styleClientControls: function() {
+var e = this.getClientControls();
+for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t].applyStyle("position", "absolute");
+positionClientControls: function() {
+var e = this.getClientControls();
+for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) for (var n in this.position) e[t].applyStyle(n, this.position[n] + "px");
+highlightAnchorPointChanged: function() {
+this.addRemoveClass("pinDebug", this.highlightAnchorPoint);
+anchorChanged: function() {
+var e = null, t = null;
+for (t in this.anchor) {
+e = this.anchor[t].toString().match(/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(.*)$/);
+if (!e) continue;
+this.anchor[t + "Coords"] = {
+value: e[1],
+units: e[2] || "px"
+reAnchor: function(e, t) {
+var n = t.scale, r = t.bounds, i = this.anchor.right ? this.anchor.rightCoords.units == "px" ? r.width + r.x - this.anchor.rightCoords.value * n : r.width * (100 - this.anchor.rightCoords.value) / 100 + r.x : this.anchor.leftCoords.units == "px" ? this.anchor.leftCoords.value * n + r.x : r.width * this.anchor.leftCoords.value / 100 + r.x, s = this.anchor.bottom ? this.anchor.bottomCoords.units == "px" ? r.height + r.y - this.anchor.bottomCoords.value * n : r.height * (100 - this.anchor.bottomCoords.value) / 100 + r.y : this.anchor.topCoords.units == "px" ? this.anchor.topCoords.value * n + r.y : r.height * this.anchor.topCoords.value / 100 + r.y;
+this.applyStyle("left", i + "px"), this.applyStyle("top", s + "px");
+// ImageView.js
+name: "enyo.ImageView",
+kind: enyo.Scroller,
+touchOverscroll: !1,
+thumb: !1,
+animate: !0,
+verticalDragPropagation: !0,
+horizontalDragPropagation: !0,
+published: {
+scale: "auto",
+disableZoom: !1,
+src: undefined
+events: {
+onZoom: ""
+touch: !0,
+preventDragPropagation: !1,
+handlers: {
+ondragstart: "dragPropagation"
+components: [ {
+name: "animator",
+kind: "Animator",
+onStep: "zoomAnimationStep",
+onEnd: "zoomAnimationEnd"
+}, {
+name: "viewport",
+style: "overflow:hidden;min-height:100%;min-width:100%;",
+classes: "enyo-fit",
+ongesturechange: "gestureTransform",
+ongestureend: "saveState",
+ontap: "singleTap",
+ondblclick: "doubleClick",
+onmousewheel: "mousewheel",
+components: [ {
+kind: "Image",
+ondown: "down"
+} ]
+} ],
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.canTransform = enyo.dom.canTransform(), this.canTransform || this.$.image.applyStyle("position", "relative"), this.canAccelerate = enyo.dom.canAccelerate(), this.bufferImage = new Image, this.bufferImage.onload = enyo.bind(this, "imageLoaded"), this.bufferImage.onerror = enyo.bind(this, "imageError"), this.srcChanged(), this.getStrategy().setDragDuringGesture(!1), this.getStrategy().$.scrollMath && this.getStrategy().$.scrollMath.start();
+down: function(e, t) {
+dragPropagation: function(e, t) {
+var n = this.getStrategy().getScrollBounds(), r = n.top === 0 && t.dy > 0 || n.top >= n.maxTop - 2 && t.dy < 0, i = n.left === 0 && t.dx > 0 || n.left >= n.maxLeft - 2 && t.dx < 0;
+return !(r && this.verticalDragPropagation || i && this.horizontalDragPropagation);
+mousewheel: function(e, t) {
+t.pageX |= t.clientX + t.target.scrollLeft, t.pageY |= t.clientY + t.target.scrollTop;
+var n = (this.maxScale - this.minScale) / 10, r = this.scale;
+if (t.wheelDelta > 0 || t.detail < 0) this.scale = this.limitScale(this.scale + n); else if (t.wheelDelta < 0 || t.detail > 0) this.scale = this.limitScale(this.scale - n);
+return this.eventPt = this.calcEventLocation(t), this.transformImage(this.scale), r != this.scale && this.doZoom({
+scale: this.scale
+}), this.ratioX = this.ratioY = null, t.preventDefault(), !0;
+srcChanged: function() {
+this.src && this.src.length > 0 && this.bufferImage && this.src != this.bufferImage.src && (this.bufferImage.src = this.src);
+imageLoaded: function(e) {
+this.originalWidth = this.bufferImage.width, this.originalHeight = this.bufferImage.height, this.scaleChanged(), this.$.image.setSrc(this.bufferImage.src), enyo.dom.transformValue(this.getStrategy().$.client, "translate3d", "0px, 0px, 0"), this.positionClientControls(this.scale), this.alignImage();
+resizeHandler: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.$.image.src && this.scaleChanged();
+scaleChanged: function() {
+var e = this.hasNode();
+if (e) {
+this.containerWidth = e.clientWidth, this.containerHeight = e.clientHeight;
+var t = this.containerWidth / this.originalWidth, n = this.containerHeight / this.originalHeight;
+this.minScale = Math.min(t, n), this.maxScale = this.minScale * 3 < 1 ? 1 : this.minScale * 3, this.scale == "auto" ? this.scale = this.minScale : this.scale == "width" ? this.scale = t : this.scale == "height" ? this.scale = n : this.scale == "fit" ? (this.fitAlignment = "center", this.scale = Math.max(t, n)) : (this.maxScale = Math.max(this.maxScale, this.scale), this.scale = this.limitScale(this.scale));
+this.eventPt = this.calcEventLocation(), this.transformImage(this.scale);
+imageError: function(e) {
+enyo.error("Error loading image: " + this.src), this.bubble("onerror", e);
+alignImage: function() {
+if (this.fitAlignment && this.fitAlignment === "center") {
+var e = this.getScrollBounds();
+this.setScrollLeft(e.maxLeft / 2), this.setScrollTop(e.maxTop / 2);
+gestureTransform: function(e, t) {
+this.eventPt = this.calcEventLocation(t), this.transformImage(this.limitScale(this.scale * t.scale));
+calcEventLocation: function(e) {
+var t = {
+x: 0,
+y: 0
+if (e && this.hasNode()) {
+var n = this.node.getBoundingClientRect();
+t.x = Math.round(e.pageX - n.left - this.imageBounds.x), t.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.imageBounds.width, t.x)), t.y = Math.round(e.pageY - n.top - this.imageBounds.y), t.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.imageBounds.height, t.y));
+return t;
+transformImage: function(e) {
+this.tapped = !1;
+var t = this.imageBounds || this.innerImageBounds(e);
+this.imageBounds = this.innerImageBounds(e), this.scale > this.minScale ? this.$.viewport.applyStyle("cursor", "move") : this.$.viewport.applyStyle("cursor", null), this.$.viewport.setBounds({
+width: this.imageBounds.width + "px",
+height: this.imageBounds.height + "px"
+}), this.ratioX = this.ratioX || (this.eventPt.x + this.getScrollLeft()) / t.width, this.ratioY = this.ratioY || (this.eventPt.y + this.getScrollTop()) / t.height;
+var n, r;
+this.$.animator.ratioLock ? (n = this.$.animator.ratioLock.x * this.imageBounds.width - this.containerWidth / 2, r = this.$.animator.ratioLock.y * this.imageBounds.height - this.containerHeight / 2) : (n = this.ratioX * this.imageBounds.width - this.eventPt.x, r = this.ratioY * this.imageBounds.height - this.eventPt.y), n = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.imageBounds.width - this.containerWidth, n)), r = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.imageBounds.height - this.containerHeight, r));
+if (this.canTransform) {
+var i = {
+scale: e
+this.canAccelerate ? i = enyo.mixin({
+translate3d: Math.round(this.imageBounds.left) + "px, " + Math.round(this.imageBounds.top) + "px, 0px"
+}, i) : i = enyo.mixin({
+translate: this.imageBounds.left + "px, " + this.imageBounds.top + "px"
+}, i), enyo.dom.transform(this.$.image, i);
+} else this.$.image.setBounds({
+width: this.imageBounds.width + "px",
+height: this.imageBounds.height + "px",
+left: this.imageBounds.left + "px",
+top: this.imageBounds.top + "px"
+this.setScrollLeft(n), this.setScrollTop(r), this.positionClientControls(e);
+limitScale: function(e) {
+return this.disableZoom ? e = this.scale : e > this.maxScale ? e = this.maxScale : e < this.minScale && (e = this.minScale), e;
+innerImageBounds: function(e) {
+var t = this.originalWidth * e, n = this.originalHeight * e, r = {
+x: 0,
+y: 0,
+transX: 0,
+transY: 0
+return t < this.containerWidth && (r.x += (this.containerWidth - t) / 2), n < this.containerHeight && (r.y += (this.containerHeight - n) / 2), this.canTransform && (r.transX -= (this.originalWidth - t) / 2, r.transY -= (this.originalHeight - n) / 2), {
+left: r.x + r.transX,
+top: r.y + r.transY,
+width: t,
+height: n,
+x: r.x,
+y: r.y
+saveState: function(e, t) {
+var n = this.scale;
+this.scale *= t.scale, this.scale = this.limitScale(this.scale), n != this.scale && this.doZoom({
+scale: this.scale
+}), this.ratioX = this.ratioY = null;
+doubleClick: function(e, t) {
+enyo.platform.ie == 8 && (this.tapped = !0, t.pageX = t.clientX + t.target.scrollLeft, t.pageY = t.clientY + t.target.scrollTop, this.singleTap(e, t), t.preventDefault());
+singleTap: function(e, t) {
+setTimeout(enyo.bind(this, function() {
+this.tapped = !1;
+}), 300), this.tapped ? (this.tapped = !1, this.smartZoom(e, t)) : this.tapped = !0;
+smartZoom: function(e, t) {
+var n = this.hasNode(), r = this.$.image.hasNode();
+if (n && r && this.hasNode() && !this.disableZoom) {
+var i = this.scale;
+this.scale != this.minScale ? this.scale = this.minScale : this.scale = this.maxScale, this.eventPt = this.calcEventLocation(t);
+if (this.animate) {
+var s = {
+x: (this.eventPt.x + this.getScrollLeft()) / this.imageBounds.width,
+y: (this.eventPt.y + this.getScrollTop()) / this.imageBounds.height
+duration: 350,
+ratioLock: s,
+baseScale: i,
+deltaScale: this.scale - i
+} else this.transformImage(this.scale), this.doZoom({
+scale: this.scale
+zoomAnimationStep: function(e, t) {
+var n = this.$.animator.baseScale + this.$.animator.deltaScale * this.$.animator.value;
+zoomAnimationEnd: function(e, t) {
+scale: this.scale
+}), this.$.animator.ratioLock = undefined;
+positionClientControls: function(e) {
+this.waterfallDown("onPositionPin", {
+scale: e,
+bounds: this.imageBounds
+// ImageCarousel.js
+name: "enyo.ImageCarousel",
+kind: enyo.Panels,
+arrangerKind: "enyo.CarouselArranger",
+defaultScale: "auto",
+disableZoom: !1,
+lowMemory: !1,
+published: {
+images: []
+handlers: {
+onTransitionStart: "transitionStart",
+onTransitionFinish: "transitionFinish"
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.imageCount = this.images.length, this.images.length > 0 && (this.initContainers(), this.loadNearby());
+initContainers: function() {
+for (var e = 0; e < this.images.length; e++) this.$["container" + e] || (this.createComponent({
+name: "container" + e,
+style: "height:100%; width:100%;"
+}), this.$["container" + e].render());
+for (e = this.images.length; e < this.imageCount; e++) this.$["image" + e] && this.$["image" + e].destroy(), this.$["container" + e].destroy();
+this.imageCount = this.images.length;
+loadNearby: function() {
+var e = this.getBufferRange();
+for (var t in e) this.loadImageView(e[t]);
+getBufferRange: function() {
+var e = [];
+if (this.layout.containerBounds) {
+var t = 1, n = this.layout.containerBounds, r, i, s, o, u, a;
+o = this.index - 1, u = 0, a = n.width * t;
+while (o >= 0 && u <= a) s = this.$["container" + o], u += s.width + s.marginWidth, e.unshift(o), o--;
+o = this.index, u = 0, a = n.width * (t + 1);
+while (o < this.images.length && u <= a) s = this.$["container" + o], u += s.width + s.marginWidth, e.push(o), o++;
+return e;
+reflow: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.loadNearby();
+loadImageView: function(e) {
+return this.wrap && (e = (e % this.images.length + this.images.length) % this.images.length), e >= 0 && e <= this.images.length - 1 && (this.$["image" + e] ? this.$["image" + e].src != this.images[e] && (this.$["image" + e].setSrc(this.images[e]), this.$["image" + e].setScale(this.defaultScale), this.$["image" + e].setDisableZoom(this.disableZoom)) : (this.$["container" + e].createComponent({
+name: "image" + e,
+kind: "ImageView",
+scale: this.defaultScale,
+disableZoom: this.disableZoom,
+src: this.images[e],
+verticalDragPropagation: !1,
+style: "height:100%; width:100%;"
+}, {
+owner: this
+}), this.$["image" + e].render())), this.$["image" + e];
+setImages: function(e) {
+this.setPropertyValue("images", e, "imagesChanged");
+imagesChanged: function() {
+this.initContainers(), this.loadNearby();
+indexChanged: function() {
+this.loadNearby(), this.lowMemory && this.cleanupMemory(), this.inherited(arguments);
+transitionStart: function(e, t) {
+if (t.fromIndex == t.toIndex) return !0;
+transitionFinish: function(e, t) {
+this.loadNearby(), this.lowMemory && this.cleanupMemory();
+getActiveImage: function() {
+return this.getImageByIndex(this.index);
+getImageByIndex: function(e) {
+return this.$["image" + e] || this.loadImageView(e);
+cleanupMemory: function() {
+var e = getBufferRange();
+for (var t = 0; t < this.images.length; t++) enyo.indexOf(t, e) === -1 && this.$["image" + t] && this.$["image" + t].destroy();