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path: root/flaskext/themes.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 443 deletions
diff --git a/flaskext/themes.py b/flaskext/themes.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 65d2e28..0000000
--- a/flaskext/themes.py
+++ /dev/null
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-This provides infrastructure for theming support in your Flask applications.
-It takes care of:
-- Loading themes
-- Rendering their templates
-- Serving their static media
-- Letting themes reference their templates and static media
-:copyright: 2010 Matthew "LeafStorm" Frazier
-:license: MIT/X11, see LICENSE for details
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import itertools
-import os
-import os.path
-import re
-from flask import (Module, send_from_directory, render_template, json,
- _request_ctx_stack, abort, url_for)
-from jinja2 import contextfunction, Undefined
-from jinja2.loaders import FileSystemLoader, BaseLoader, TemplateNotFound
-from operator import attrgetter
-from werkzeug import cached_property
-DOCTYPES = 'html4 html5 xhtml'.split()
-IDENTIFIER = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$')
-containable = lambda i: i if hasattr(i, '__contains__') else tuple(i)
-def starchain(i):
- return itertools.chain(*i)
-class Theme(object):
- """
- This contains a theme's metadata.
- :param path: The path to the theme directory.
- """
- def __init__(self, path):
- #: The theme's root path. All the files in the theme are under this
- #: path.
- self.path = os.path.abspath(path)
- with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'info.json')) as fd:
- self.info = i = json.load(fd)
- #: The theme's name, as given in info.json. This is the human
- #: readable name.
- self.name = i['name']
- #: The application identifier given in the theme's info.json. Your
- #: application will probably want to validate it.
- self.application = i['application']
- #: The theme's identifier. This is an actual Python identifier,
- #: and in most situations should match the name of the directory the
- #: theme is in.
- self.identifier = i['identifier']
- #: The human readable description. This is the default (English)
- #: version.
- self.description = i.get('description')
- #: This is a dictionary of localized versions of the description.
- #: The language codes are all lowercase, and the ``en`` key is
- #: preloaded with the base description.
- self.localized_desc = dict(
- (k.split('_', 1)[1].lower(), v) for k, v in i.items()
- if k.startswith('description_')
- )
- self.localized_desc.setdefault('en', self.description)
- #: The author's name, as given in info.json. This may or may not
- #: include their email, so it's best just to display it as-is.
- self.author = i['author']
- #: A short phrase describing the license, like "GPL", "BSD", "Public
- #: Domain", or "Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0".
- self.license = i.get('license')
- #: A URL pointing to the license text online.
- self.license_url = i.get('license_url')
- #: The URL to the theme's or author's Web site.
- self.website = i.get('website')
- #: The theme's preview image, within the static folder.
- self.preview = i.get('preview')
- #: The theme's doctype. This can be ``html4``, ``html5``, or ``xhtml``
- #: with html5 being the default if not specified.
- self.doctype = i.get('doctype', 'html5')
- #: Any additional options. These are entirely application-specific,
- #: and may determine other aspects of the application's behavior.
- self.options = i.get('options', {})
- @cached_property
- def static_path(self):
- """
- The absolute path to the theme's static files directory.
- """
- return os.path.join(self.path, 'static')
- @cached_property
- def templates_path(self):
- """
- The absolute path to the theme's templates directory.
- """
- return os.path.join(self.path, 'templates')
- @cached_property
- def license_text(self):
- """
- The contents of the theme's license.txt file, if it exists. This is
- used to display the full license text if necessary. (It is `None` if
- there was not a license.txt.)
- """
- lt_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'license.txt')
- if os.path.exists(lt_path):
- with open(lt_path) as fd:
- return fd.read()
- else:
- return None
- @cached_property
- def jinja_loader(self):
- """
- This is a Jinja2 template loader that loads templates from the theme's
- ``templates`` directory.
- """
- return FileSystemLoader(self.templates_path)
-### theme loaders
-def list_folders(path):
- """
- This is a helper function that only returns the directories in a given
- folder.
- :param path: The path to list directories in.
- """
- return (name for name in os.listdir(path)
- if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, name)))
-def load_themes_from(path):
- """
- This is used by the default loaders. You give it a path, and it will find
- valid themes and yield them one by one.
- :param path: The path to search for themes in.
- """
- for basename in (b for b in list_folders(path) if IDENTIFIER.match(b)):
- try:
- t = Theme(os.path.join(path, basename))
- except:
- pass
- else:
- if t.identifier == basename:
- yield t
-def packaged_themes_loader(app):
- """
- This theme will find themes that are shipped with the application. It will
- look in the application's root path for a ``themes`` directory - for
- example, the ``someapp`` package can ship themes in the directory
- ``someapp/themes/``.
- """
- themes_path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'themes')
- if os.path.exists(themes_path):
- return load_themes_from(themes_path)
- else:
- return ()
-def theme_paths_loader(app):
- """
- This checks the app's `THEME_PATHS` configuration variable to find
- directories that contain themes. The theme's identifier must match the
- name of its directory.
- """
- theme_paths = app.config.get('THEME_PATHS', ())
- if isinstance(theme_paths, basestring):
- theme_paths = [p.strip() for p in theme_paths.split(';')]
- return starchain(
- load_themes_from(path) for path in theme_paths
- )
-class ThemeManager(object):
- """
- This is responsible for loading and storing all the themes for an
- application. Calling `refresh` will cause it to invoke all of the theme
- loaders.
- A theme loader is simply a callable that takes an app and returns an
- iterable of `Theme` instances. You can implement your own loaders if your
- app has another way to load themes.
- :param app: The app to bind to. (Each instance is only usable for one
- app.)
- :param app_identifier: The value that the info.json's `application` key
- is required to have. If you require a more complex
- check, you can subclass and override the
- `valid_app_id` method.
- :param loaders: An iterable of loaders to use. The defaults are
- `packaged_themes_loader` and `theme_paths_loader`, in that
- order.
- """
- def __init__(self, app, app_identifier, loaders=None):
- self.bind_app(app)
- self.app_identifier = app_identifier
- self._themes = None
- #: This is a list of the loaders that will be used to load the themes.
- self.loaders = []
- if loaders:
- self.loaders.extend(loaders)
- else:
- self.loaders.extend((packaged_themes_loader, theme_paths_loader))
- @property
- def themes(self):
- """
- This is a dictionary of all the themes that have been loaded. The keys
- are the identifiers and the values are `Theme` objects.
- """
- if self._themes is None:
- self.refresh()
- return self._themes
- def list_themes(self):
- """
- This yields all the `Theme` objects, in sorted order.
- """
- return sorted(self.themes.itervalues(), key=attrgetter('identifier'))
- def bind_app(self, app):
- """
- If an app wasn't bound when the manager was created, this will bind
- it. The app must be bound for the loaders to work.
- :param app: A `~flask.Flask` instance.
- """
- self.app = app
- app.theme_manager = self
- def valid_app_id(self, app_identifier):
- """
- This checks whether the application identifier given will work with
- this application. The default implementation checks whether the given
- identifier matches the one given at initialization.
- :param app_identifier: The application identifier to check.
- """
- return self.app_identifier == app_identifier
- def refresh(self):
- """
- This loads all of the themes into the `themes` dictionary. The loaders
- are invoked in the order they are given, so later themes will override
- earlier ones. Any invalid themes found (for example, if the
- application identifier is incorrect) will be skipped.
- """
- self._themes = themes = {}
- for theme in starchain(ldr(self.app) for ldr in self.loaders):
- if self.valid_app_id(theme.application):
- self.themes[theme.identifier] = theme
-def get_theme(ident):
- """
- This gets the theme with the given identifier from the current app's
- theme manager.
- :param ident: The theme identifier.
- """
- ctx = _request_ctx_stack.top
- return ctx.app.theme_manager.themes[ident]
-def get_themes_list():
- """
- This returns a list of all the themes in the current app's theme manager,
- sorted by identifier.
- """
- ctx = _request_ctx_stack.top
- return list(ctx.app.theme_manager.list_themes())
-### theme template loader
-class ThemeTemplateLoader(BaseLoader):
- """
- This is a template loader that loads templates from the current app's
- loaded themes.
- """
- def get_source(self, environment, template):
- try:
- themename, templatename = template.split('/', 1)
- ctx = _request_ctx_stack.top
- theme = ctx.app.theme_manager.themes[themename]
- except (ValueError, KeyError):
- raise TemplateNotFound(template)
- try:
- return theme.jinja_loader.get_source(environment, templatename)
- except TemplateNotFound:
- raise TemplateNotFound(template)
- def list_templates(self):
- res = []
- ctx = _request_ctx_stack.top
- for ident, theme in ctx.app.theme_manager.themes.iteritems():
- res.extend('%s/%s' % (ident, t)
- for t in theme.jinja_loader.list_templates())
- return res
-def template_exists(templatename):
- ctx = _request_ctx_stack.top
- return templatename in containable(ctx.app.jinja_env.list_templates())
-### theme functionality
-themes_mod = Module(__name__, name='_themes', url_prefix='/_themes')
-themes_mod.jinja_loader # prevent any of the property's methods from
- # taking effect
-themes_mod.jinja_loader = ThemeTemplateLoader()
-def static(themeid, filename):
- try:
- ctx = _request_ctx_stack.top
- theme = ctx.app.theme_manager.themes[themeid]
- except KeyError:
- abort(404)
- return send_from_directory(theme.static_path, filename)
-def setup_themes(app, loaders=None, app_identifier=None,
- manager_cls=ThemeManager, theme_url_prefix='/_themes'):
- """
- This sets up the theme infrastructure by adding a `ThemeManager` to the
- given app and registering the module containing the views and templates
- needed.
- :param app: The `~flask.Flask` instance to set up themes for.
- :param loaders: An iterable of loaders to use. It defaults to
- `packaged_themes_loader` and `theme_paths_loader`.
- :param app_identifier: The application identifier to use. If not given,
- it defaults to the app's import name.
- :param manager_cls: If you need a custom manager class, you can pass it
- in here.
- :param theme_url_prefix: The prefix to use for the URLs on the themes
- module. (Defaults to ``/_themes``.)
- """
- if app_identifier is None:
- app_identifier = app.import_name
- manager = manager_cls(app, app_identifier, loaders=loaders)
- app.jinja_env.globals['theme'] = global_theme_template
- app.jinja_env.globals['theme_static'] = global_theme_static
- app.register_module(themes_mod, url_prefix=theme_url_prefix)
-def active_theme(ctx):
- if '_theme' in ctx:
- return ctx['_theme']
- elif ctx.name.startswith('_themes/'):
- return ctx.name[8:].split('/', 1)[0]
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Could not find the active theme")
-def global_theme_template(ctx, templatename, fallback=True):
- theme = active_theme(ctx)
- templatepath = '_themes/%s/%s' % (theme, templatename)
- if (not fallback) or template_exists(templatepath):
- return templatepath
- else:
- return templatename
-def global_theme_static(ctx, filename, external=False):
- theme = active_theme(ctx)
- return static_file_url(theme, filename, external)
-def static_file_url(theme, filename, external=False):
- """
- This is a shortcut for getting the URL of a static file in a theme.
- :param theme: A `Theme` instance or identifier.
- :param filename: The name of the file.
- :param external: Whether the link should be external or not. Defaults to
- `False`.
- """
- if isinstance(theme, Theme):
- theme = theme.identifier
- return url_for('_themes.static', themeid=theme, filename=filename,
- _external=external)
-def render_theme_template(theme, template_name, _fallback=True, **context):
- """
- This renders a template from the given theme. For example::
- return render_theme_template(g.user.theme, 'index.html', posts=posts)
- If `_fallback` is True and the themplate does not exist within the theme,
- it will fall back on trying to render the template using the application's
- normal templates. (The "active theme" will still be set, though, so you
- can try to extend or include other templates from the theme.)
- :param theme: Either the identifier of the theme to use, or an actual
- `Theme` instance.
- :param template_name: The name of the template to render.
- :param _fallback: Whether to fall back to the default
- """
- if isinstance(theme, Theme):
- theme = theme.identifier
- context['_theme'] = theme
- try:
- return render_template('_themes/%s/%s' % (theme, template_name),
- **context)
- except TemplateNotFound:
- if _fallback:
- return render_template(template_name, **context)
- else:
- raise