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path: root/lib/pytweener.py
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diff --git a/lib/pytweener.py b/lib/pytweener.py
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index f5cacd7..0000000
--- a/lib/pytweener.py
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-# pyTweener
-# Tweening functions for python
-# Heavily based on caurina Tweener: http://code.google.com/p/tweener/
-# Released under M.I.T License - see above url
-# Python version by Ben Harling 2009
-# All kinds of slashing and dashing by Toms Baugis 2010
-import math
-import collections
-import datetime as dt
-import time
-import re
-class Tweener(object):
- def __init__(self, default_duration = None, tween = None):
- """Tweener
- This class manages all active tweens, and provides a factory for
- creating and spawning tween motions."""
- self.current_tweens = collections.defaultdict(set)
- self.default_easing = tween or Easing.Cubic.ease_in_out
- self.default_duration = default_duration or 1.0
- def has_tweens(self):
- return len(self.current_tweens) > 0
- def add_tween(self, obj, duration = None, easing = None, on_complete = None, on_update = None, **kwargs):
- """
- Add tween for the object to go from current values to set ones.
- Example: add_tween(sprite, x = 500, y = 200, duration = 0.4)
- This will move the sprite to coordinates (500, 200) in 0.4 seconds.
- For parameter "easing" you can use one of the pytweener.Easing
- functions, or specify your own.
- The tweener can handle numbers, dates and color strings in hex ("#ffffff").
- This function performs overwrite style conflict solving - in case
- if a previous tween operates on same attributes, the attributes in
- question are removed from that tween.
- """
- if duration is None:
- duration = self.default_duration
- easing = easing or self.default_easing
- tw = Tween(obj, duration, easing, on_complete, on_update, **kwargs )
- if obj in self.current_tweens:
- for current_tween in tuple(self.current_tweens[obj]):
- prev_keys = set((key for (key, tweenable) in current_tween.tweenables))
- dif = prev_keys & set(kwargs.keys())
- for key, tweenable in tuple(current_tween.tweenables):
- if key in dif:
- current_tween.tweenables.remove((key, tweenable))
- if not current_tween.tweenables:
- current_tween.finish()
- self.current_tweens[obj].remove(current_tween)
- self.current_tweens[obj].add(tw)
- return tw
- def get_tweens(self, obj):
- """Get a list of all tweens acting on the specified object
- Useful for manipulating tweens on the fly"""
- return self.current_tweens.get(obj, None)
- def kill_tweens(self, obj = None):
- """Stop tweening an object, without completing the motion or firing the
- on_complete"""
- if obj:
- try:
- del self.current_tweens[obj]
- except:
- pass
- else:
- self.current_tweens = collections.defaultdict(set)
- def remove_tween(self, tween):
- """"remove given tween without completing the motion or firing the on_complete"""
- if tween.target in self.current_tweens and tween in self.current_tweens[tween.target]:
- self.current_tweens[tween.target].remove(tween)
- if not self.current_tweens[tween.target]:
- del self.current_tweens[tween.target]
- def finish(self):
- """jump the the last frame of all tweens"""
- for obj in self.current_tweens:
- for tween in self.current_tweens[obj]:
- tween.finish()
- self.current_tweens = {}
- def update(self, delta_seconds):
- """update tweeners. delta_seconds is time in seconds since last frame"""
- for obj in tuple(self.current_tweens):
- for tween in tuple(self.current_tweens[obj]):
- done = tween._update(delta_seconds)
- if done:
- self.current_tweens[obj].remove(tween)
- if tween.on_complete: tween.on_complete(tween.target)
- if not self.current_tweens[obj]:
- del self.current_tweens[obj]
- return self.current_tweens
-class Tween(object):
- __slots__ = ('tweenables', 'target', 'delta', 'duration', 'ease', 'delta',
- 'on_complete', 'on_update', 'complete')
- def __init__(self, obj, duration, easing, on_complete, on_update, **kwargs):
- """Tween object use Tweener.add_tween( ... ) to create"""
- self.duration = duration
- self.target = obj
- self.ease = easing
- # list of (property, start_value, delta)
- self.tweenables = set()
- for key, value in kwargs.items():
- self.tweenables.add((key, Tweenable(self.target.__dict__[key], value)))
- self.delta = 0
- self.on_complete = on_complete
- self.on_update = on_update
- self.complete = False
- def finish(self):
- self._update(self.duration)
- def _update(self, ptime):
- """Update tween with the time since the last frame"""
- self.delta = self.delta + ptime
- if self.delta > self.duration:
- self.delta = self.duration
- if self.delta == self.duration:
- for key, tweenable in self.tweenables:
- self.target.__setattr__(key, tweenable.target_value)
- else:
- fraction = self.ease(self.delta / self.duration)
- for key, tweenable in self.tweenables:
- self.target.__setattr__(key, tweenable.update(fraction))
- if self.delta == self.duration or len(self.tweenables) == 0:
- self.complete = True
- if self.on_update:
- self.on_update(self.target)
- return self.complete
-class Tweenable(object):
- """a single attribute that has to be tweened from start to target"""
- __slots__ = ('start_value', 'change', 'decode_func', 'target_value', 'update')
- hex_color_normal = re.compile("#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})")
- hex_color_short = re.compile("#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])")
- def __init__(self, start_value, target_value):
- self.decode_func = lambda x: x
- self.target_value = target_value
- def float_update(fraction):
- return self.start_value + self.change * fraction
- def date_update(fraction):
- return dt.date.fromtimestamp(self.start_value + self.change * fraction)
- def datetime_update(fraction):
- return dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.start_value + self.change * fraction)
- def color_update(fraction):
- val = [max(min(self.start_value[i] + self.change[i] * fraction, 255), 0) for i in range(3)]
- return "#%02x%02x%02x" % (val[0], val[1], val[2])
- if isinstance(start_value, int) or isinstance(start_value, float):
- self.start_value = start_value
- self.change = target_value - start_value
- self.update = float_update
- else:
- if isinstance(start_value, dt.datetime) or isinstance(start_value, dt.date):
- if isinstance(start_value, dt.datetime):
- self.update = datetime_update
- else:
- self.update = date_update
- self.decode_func = lambda x: time.mktime(x.timetuple())
- self.start_value = self.decode_func(start_value)
- self.change = self.decode_func(target_value) - self.start_value
- elif isinstance(start_value, basestring) \
- and (self.hex_color_normal.match(start_value) or self.hex_color_short.match(start_value)):
- self.update = color_update
- if self.hex_color_normal.match(start_value):
- self.decode_func = lambda val: [int(match, 16)
- for match in self.hex_color_normal.match(val).groups()]
- elif self.hex_color_short.match(start_value):
- self.decode_func = lambda val: [int(match + match, 16)
- for match in self.hex_color_short.match(val).groups()]
- if self.hex_color_normal.match(target_value):
- target_value = [int(match, 16)
- for match in self.hex_color_normal.match(target_value).groups()]
- else:
- target_value = [int(match + match, 16)
- for match in self.hex_color_short.match(target_value).groups()]
- self.start_value = self.decode_func(start_value)
- self.change = [target - start for start, target in zip(self.start_value, target_value)]
-"""Robert Penner's classes stripped from the repetetive c,b,d mish-mash
-(discovery of Patryk Zawadzki). This way we do the math once and apply to
-all the tweenables instead of repeating it for each attribute
-def inverse(method):
- def real_inverse(t, *args, **kwargs):
- t = 1 - t
- return 1 - method(t, *args, **kwargs)
- return real_inverse
-def symmetric(ease_in, ease_out):
- def real_symmetric(t, *args, **kwargs):
- if t < 0.5:
- return ease_in(t * 2, *args, **kwargs) / 2
- return ease_out((t - 0.5) * 2, *args, **kwargs) / 2 + 0.5
- return real_symmetric
-class Symmetric(object):
- def __init__(self, ease_in = None, ease_out = None):
- self.ease_in = ease_in or inverse(ease_out)
- self.ease_out = ease_out or inverse(ease_in)
- self.ease_in_out = symmetric(self.ease_in, self.ease_out)
-class Easing(object):
- """Class containing easing classes to use together with the tweener.
- All of the classes have :func:`ease_in`, :func:`ease_out` and
- :func:`ease_in_out` functions."""
- Linear = Symmetric(lambda t: t, lambda t: t)
- Quad = Symmetric(lambda t: t*t)
- Cubic = Symmetric(lambda t: t*t*t)
- Quart = Symmetric(lambda t: t*t*t*t)
- Quint = Symmetric(lambda t: t*t*t*t*t)
- Strong = Quint #oh i wonder why but the ported code is the same as in Quint
- Circ = Symmetric(lambda t: 1 - math.sqrt(1 - t * t))
- Sine = Symmetric(lambda t: 1 - math.cos(t * (math.pi / 2)))
- def _back_in(t, s=1.70158):
- return t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s)
- Back = Symmetric(_back_in)
- def _bounce_out(t):
- if t < 1 / 2.75:
- return 7.5625 * t * t
- elif t < 2 / 2.75:
- t = t - 1.5 / 2.75
- return 7.5625 * t * t + 0.75
- elif t < 2.5 / 2.75:
- t = t - 2.25 / 2.75
- return 7.5625 * t * t + .9375
- else:
- t = t - 2.625 / 2.75
- return 7.5625 * t * t + 0.984375
- Bounce = Symmetric(ease_out = _bounce_out)
- def _elastic_in(t, springiness = 0, wave_length = 0):
- if t in(0, 1):
- return t
- wave_length = wave_length or (1 - t) * 0.3
- if springiness <= 1:
- springiness = t
- s = wave_length / 4
- else:
- s = wave_length / (2 * math.pi) * math.asin(t / springiness)
- t = t - 1
- return -(springiness * math.pow(2, 10 * t) * math.sin((t * t - s) * (2 * math.pi) / wave_length))
- Elastic = Symmetric(_elastic_in)
- def _expo_in(t):
- if t in (0, 1): return t
- return math.pow(2, 10 * t) * 0.001
- Expo = Symmetric(_expo_in)
-class _Dummy(object):
- def __init__(self, a, b, c):
- self.a = a
- self.b = b
- self.c = c
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import datetime as dt
- tweener = Tweener()
- objects = []
- for i in range(10000):
- objects.append(_Dummy(dt.datetime.now(), i-100, i-100))
- total = dt.datetime.now()
- t = dt.datetime.now()
- print "Adding 10000 objects..."
- for i, o in enumerate(objects):
- tweener.add_tween(o, a = dt.datetime.now() - dt.timedelta(days=3),
- b = i,
- c = i,
- duration = 1.0,
- easing=Easing.Circ.ease_in_out)
- print dt.datetime.now() - t
- t = dt.datetime.now()
- print "Updating 10 times......"
- for i in range(11): #update 1000 times
- tweener.update(0.1)
- print dt.datetime.now() - t