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path: root/BlockHeadActivity.py
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1 files changed, 1600 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/BlockHeadActivity.py b/BlockHeadActivity.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..901194f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BlockHeadActivity.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1600 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# BlockHeadActivity.py -- visual calculator for addition and subtraction of whole numbers
+# Copyright 2008, 2009 John Posner
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+BlockHeadActivity -- visual calculator
+add or subtract two multiple-digit numbers,
+with number base <= 10
+__date__ = '26-Aug-2009'
+__version__ = 2075.1 # only diff: SUGAR_ACTIVITY setting
+# set to True to run as an OLPC/Sugar "activity"
+# set to False to run as a standard Python program
+import pygtk
+import gtk
+import pango
+ from sugar.activity import activity
+ import logging
+import os
+import sys
+from time import sleep
+SnapX = SnapY = ClickX = ClickY = TargetColumn = None
+CarryCount = 0
+DropOk = False
+class P():
+ """
+ overall parameters
+ """
+ # debug flag
+ DEBUG = False
+ # show help button and help window?
+ # show exit button?
+ # number of columns
+ # number base
+ BASE = 10
+ VALID_DIGITS = map(str, range(BASE))
+ # animation times
+ IN_COL = 0.10
+ COL_TO_COL = 0.20
+ PAUSE = 0.25
+ ###
+ ### sizes
+ ###
+ # block width
+ BLOCK_WID = 24
+ # padding between block and column edge
+ BLOCK_PAD = 12
+ # height of one unit
+ # column width (make the columns contiguous)
+ # column height
+ # offset between bottom of column and carry/borrow arrow
+ ARROW_OFFSET = (-10, 10)
+ # distance between carry/borrow arrow and digit
+ # height of total label (text is centered vertically)
+ # height adjustment for control panel, to ensure display of carry/borrow blocks
+ # operations, modes
+ # fonts
+ FONTNAME = "Sans Bold"
+ FONT = pango.FontDescription("%s 12" % FONTNAME)
+ EQUAL_SIGN_FONT = pango.FontDescription("%s 24" % FONTNAME)
+ HELP_FONT = pango.FontDescription("%s 11" % FONTNAME)
+ ###
+ ### colors
+ ###
+ CAN_DROP_COLOR = 0x00FF0000
+ CANNOT_DROP_COLOR = 0x22222200
+ # colors repeat every N columns
+ COLUMN_PIXEL_COLORS = [0xA6E2F400, 0xFFD5D700, 0xD3FFD300, 0xFEEDB100, 0xD1B5F300, 0xD8C3C100,
+ 0xA6E2F400, 0xFFD5D700, 0xD3FFD300, 0xFEEDB100,
+ ]
+ # get rid of unneeded column colors
+ # gray column for final carry
+ COLUMN_PIXEL_COLORS.append(0xE8E8E800)
+ BLOCK_PIXEL_COLORS = [0x3280EA00, 0xE35BA000, 0x6FD48A00, 0xF2BC0200, 0xCB00FF00, 0x99667600,
+ 0x3280EA00, 0xE35BA000, 0x6FD48A00, 0xF2BC0200,
+ ]
+ # get rid of unneeded block colors
+ # gray color for block created by final carry
+ BLOCK_PIXEL_COLORS.append(0xC0C0C000)
+ # texts and strings
+ # widths set to None, will be populated by SetDisplayStringWidths()
+ 'first': ["First Number", None],
+ 'second': ["Second Number", None],
+ 'larger': ["Larger Number", None],
+ 'smaller': ["Smaller Number", None],
+ 'answer': ["Answer", None],
+ }
+class HelpWindow(gtk.Window):
+ """
+ window to display help text for ADD mode or SUB mode
+ """
+ WID = 470
+ HGT = 250
+ FONT_STR = "Sans Bold 11"
+ HEAD_COLOR_STR = 'red'
+ # help texts
+Enter two numbers to be added, then click "Draw Blocks".
+Drag each block to the corresponding (same-color) answer column at the right.
+If an answer column's total is 10 or more, click the "carry" arrow that appears below the answer column.
+Click the "+" operator between the numbers to change it to "-".
+Enter the larger and smaller numbers, then click "Draw Blocks".
+Drag the blocks for the smaller number to the corresponding columns of the larger number.
+In the larger number, you may need to click one or more "borrow" arrows -- they appear below columns whose blocks are too short to subtract from.
+Click the "-" operator between the numbers to change it to "+".
+ def __init__(self):
+ gtk.Window.__init__(self)
+ self.set_title("BlockHead Help")
+ self.set_transient_for(MainWin)
+ self.connect('destroy', lambda _: self.Cleanup())
+ self.set_size_request(self.WID, self.HGT)
+ self.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER)
+ # buffer
+ self.tbuf = gtk.TextBuffer()
+ # view
+ tv = gtk.TextView(self.tbuf)
+ tv.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, tv.get_colormap().alloc_color(self.BG_COLOR_STR))
+ tv.set_left_margin(10)
+ tv.set_pixels_above_lines(10)
+ tv.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD)
+ tv.set_cursor_visible(False)
+ self.add(tv)
+ # format tags
+ self.heading_tag = self.tbuf.create_tag(None, font=self.FONT_STR, foreground=self.HEAD_COLOR_STR)
+ self.text_tag = self.tbuf.create_tag(None, font=self.FONT_STR)
+ def Update(self):
+ """
+ get rid of old text, display new text
+ """
+ help_text = self.HELP_ADD if Mode == P.ADD_MODE else self.HELP_SUB
+ self.tbuf.set_text(help_text)
+ start = self.tbuf.get_start_iter()
+ end = self.tbuf.get_end_iter()
+ # heading is first text line
+ end_of_hd = self.tbuf.get_iter_at_offset(help_text.index("\n"))
+ self.tbuf.apply_tag(self.heading_tag, start, end_of_hd)
+ self.tbuf.apply_tag(self.text_tag, end_of_hd, end)
+ # show help, but main window always gets focus back
+ self.show_all()
+ MainWin.present()
+ def Cleanup(self):
+ """
+ remove help window
+ """
+ global HelpWin
+ self.destroy()
+ HelpWin = None
+class AnswerLabel(gtk.EventBox):
+ """
+ widget that implements a background for a gtk.Label
+ """
+ # standard bg color (in NORMAL state), to make label seem transparent
+ # value is gtk.gdk.Color
+ std_bgcolor = tuple(gtk.Fixed().get_style().bg)[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
+ def __init__(self):
+ gtk.EventBox.__init__(self)
+ # add a label that displays its text centered NSEW
+ lab = gtk.Label()
+ lab.set_alignment(0.5, 0.5)
+ self.add(lab)
+ self.Reset()
+ def Reset(self):
+ """
+ empty the label
+ """
+ lab = self.child
+ lab.set_text("")
+ SetBgColor(self, self.std_bgcolor)
+ def set_text(self, textstr):
+ """
+ like gtk.Label.set_text()
+ """
+ self.child.set_text(textstr)
+ SetBgColor(self, P.ANSW_COLOR_STR)
+ def set_sensitive(self, arg):
+ """
+ like gtk.Widget.set_sensitive()
+ enables AnswerLabel to be processed in a list of gtk.Entry objects
+ """
+ pass
+ def modify_font(self, font):
+ self.child.modify_font(font)
+class BlockPanel(object):
+ """
+ canvas on which columns and blocks are drawn by program
+ and dragged by user
+ """
+ def __init__(self, wid, hgt):
+ self.canv = gtk.Fixed()
+ self.canv.set_size_request(wid, hgt)
+class CtrlPanel(gtk.Frame):
+ """
+ input fields, labels, and buttons at bottom of BlockHead window
+ """
+ # offsets into buttons list
+ DRAW, NEW, HELP, EXIT = range(4)
+ # offsets into entries/labels lists
+ N1, N2, ANS = range(3)
+ def __init__(self):
+ gtk.Frame.__init__(self)
+ ###
+ ### create control widgets
+ ###
+ # entry fields and labels (includes answer field, too)
+ self.entries = [gtk.Entry(max=P.COL_COUNT), gtk.Entry(max=P.COL_COUNT), AnswerLabel()]
+ self.entry_labels = [gtk.Label(P.DISPLAY_STR["first"][0]),
+ gtk.Label(P.DISPLAY_STR["second"][0]),
+ gtk.Label(P.DISPLAY_STR["answer"][0]),
+ ]
+ for i in self.N1, self.N2:
+ self.entries[i].set_width_chars(P.COL_COUNT)
+ self.entries[i].connect("key_release_event", self.ValidateInput)
+ self.entries[i].set_alignment(0.5)
+ self.entries[self.ANS].child.set_width_chars(P.COL_COUNT+1)
+ self.entries[self.ANS].child.set_alignment(0.5, 0.5)
+ # operator button (toggles "+" and "-")
+ self.opbtn = gtk.Button()
+ self.opbtn.connect("clicked", self.ChangeSign)
+ self.algn_op = gtk.Alignment(0.5, 0.5)
+ self.algn_op.add(self.opbtn)
+ # equals sign
+ equ = gtk.Label("=")
+ self.algn_equ = gtk.Alignment(0.5, 0.5)
+ self.algn_equ.add(equ)
+ # control buttons
+ self.ctrlbtns = [None, None, None, None]
+ self.ctrlbtns[self.DRAW] = gtk.Button("Draw Blocks")
+ self.ctrlbtns[self.DRAW].connect("clicked", self.DrawBlocksCmd)
+ self.ctrlbtns[self.NEW] = gtk.Button("New")
+ self.ctrlbtns[self.NEW].connect("clicked", self.NewCmd)
+ self.ctrlbtns[self.EXIT] = gtk.Button("Exit")
+ self.ctrlbtns[self.EXIT].connect("clicked", gtk.main_quit)
+ else:
+ del self.ctrlbtns[self.EXIT]
+ self.ctrlbtns[self.HELP] = gtk.Button("Help")
+ self.ctrlbtns[self.HELP].connect("clicked", self.HelpCmd)
+ else:
+ del self.ctrlbtns[self.HELP]
+ # font settings
+ for wgt in (self.entries + self.entry_labels):
+ wgt.modify_font(P.FONT)
+ for wgt in self.ctrlbtns:
+ # gtk.Label is the "child" of gtk.Button
+ wgt.child.modify_font(P.FONT)
+ equ.modify_font(P.EQUAL_SIGN_FONT)
+ ###
+ ### lay out widgets
+ ###
+ # top level: HBox with lots of columns, each one a VBox
+ # SA, SB, etc. are spacer columns
+ SA, COL_1, SB, COL_OP, SC, COL_2, SD, COL_EQ, SE, COL_ANS, SF = range(11)
+ overall_box = gtk.HBox()
+ self.cols = []
+ for i in range(11):
+ onecol = gtk.VBox()
+ self.cols.append(onecol)
+ overall_box.pack_start(onecol)
+ ##
+ ## process the "real" columns
+ ##
+ self.cols[COL_1].pack_start(self.entries[self.N1])
+ # fixed-width spacer prevents jitter when switching ADD/SUB modes
+ fx1 = gtk.Fixed()
+ fx1.set_size_request(max(P.DISPLAY_STR['first'][1], P.DISPLAY_STR['larger'][1]), 5)
+ self.cols[COL_1].pack_start(fx1)
+ self.cols[COL_1].pack_start(self.entry_labels[self.N1])
+ self.cols[COL_OP].pack_start(self.algn_op)
+ self.cols[COL_2].pack_start(self.entries[self.N2])
+ # fixed-width spacer prevents jitter when switched ADD/SUB modes
+ fx2 = gtk.Fixed()
+ fx2.set_size_request(max(P.DISPLAY_STR['second'][1], P.DISPLAY_STR['smaller'][1]), 5)
+ self.cols[COL_2].pack_start(fx2)
+ self.cols[COL_2].pack_start(self.entry_labels[self.N2])
+ self.cols[COL_EQ].pack_start(self.algn_equ)
+ self.cols[COL_ANS].pack_start(self.entries[self.ANS])
+ self.cols[COL_ANS].pack_start(self.entry_labels[self.ANS])
+ ##
+ ## process the spacer columns
+ ##
+ # use gtk.Fixed objects to set widths
+ self.spacer_wgts = {}
+ for key in [SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, SF]:
+ self.spacer_wgts[key] = gtk.Fixed()
+ self.cols[key].pack_start(self.spacer_wgts[key])
+ # use largest width of enclosed "real" column to determine proper width
+ for i in [SA, SB]:
+ self.spacer_wgts[i].set_size_request(SpacerWidth(('first', 'larger')), 13)
+ for i in [SC, SD]:
+ self.spacer_wgts[i].set_size_request(SpacerWidth(('second', 'smaller')), 13)
+ # to left of answer: flag indicates need for extra space, for carry column
+ self.spacer_wgts[SE].set_size_request(SpacerWidth(('answer',), True), 13)
+ # to right of answer: not much space needed, can overlap buttons at right
+ self.spacer_wgts[SF].set_size_request(25, 13)
+ # box of buttons goes into the horizontal box flush-right
+ ctrlbtns_box = gtk.HBox()
+ for btn in self.ctrlbtns:
+ ctrlbtns_box.pack_start(btn)
+ # ... gtk.Alignment keeps buttons from filling vertical space
+ buttons_box_algn = gtk.Alignment(0.5, 0.5)
+ buttons_box_algn.add(ctrlbtns_box)
+ overall_box.pack_end(buttons_box_algn, padding=5)
+ # place horizontal box into control panel frame
+ self.add(overall_box)
+ self.show_all()
+ def ChangeSign(self, _btn="not used"):
+ """
+ toggle between ADD/SUB modes
+ """
+ global Mode
+ if Mode == P.ADD_MODE:
+ elif Mode == P.SUBTRACT_MODE:
+ Mode = P.ADD_MODE
+ InitializeMode()
+ if HelpWin:
+ HelpWin.Update()
+ # might need to enable/disable "Draw Blocks" button
+ self.ValidateInput(None, None)
+ def HelpCmd(self, _btn="not used"):
+ """
+ display help text in top-level window
+ """
+ global HelpWin
+ if not HelpWin:
+ HelpWin = HelpWindow()
+ HelpWin.Update()
+ def NewCmd(self, _btn="not used"):
+ """
+ start over
+ """
+ # empty the canvas
+ for obj in Bpnl.canv.get_children():
+ try:
+ obj.destroy()
+ except Exception, exc_data: # ?? what kinds of exceptions can be raised?
+ print "exception in NewCmd():", exc_data
+ pass
+ # reinit entry fields, reset focus
+ for ent in self.entries:
+ ent.set_text("")
+ ent.set_sensitive(True)
+ self.entries[self.N1].grab_focus()
+ # reinit buttons
+ for btn in self.ctrlbtns + [self.opbtn]:
+ btn.set_sensitive(True)
+ self.ctrlbtns[self.DRAW].set_sensitive(False)
+ # reinit answer label
+ self.entries[self.ANS].Reset()
+ # continue with mode-specific initialization
+ InitializeMode()
+ def DrawBlocksCmd(self, _btn="not used"):
+ """
+ get values from Entry fields
+ draw columns
+ draw a block to represent each digit
+ """
+ global Num1, Num2, NumA
+ # these are STRINGs, not INTs, normalize to P.COL_COUNT width
+ digits = [ self.entries[i].get_text().zfill(P.COL_COUNT) for i in (0,1) ]
+ # base y-coordinate for columns
+ bottomY = 2 * P.COL_HGT
+ # get left-edge coordinates of entry fields and answer field,
+ # relative to the control panel
+ entry_posns = [ent.allocation for ent in self.entries]
+ cpnl_offset = self.allocation.x
+ if Mode == P.ADD_MODE:
+ # center column block over first input number
+ Num1 = Number("n1", digits[0],
+ entry_posns[0].x - cpnl_offset + entry_posns[0].width // 2,
+ bottomY)
+ # center column block over second input number
+ Num2 = Number("n2", digits[1],
+ entry_posns[1].x - cpnl_offset + entry_posns[1].width // 2,
+ bottomY)
+ # center column block over first answer number
+ NumA = AnswerNumber("nA", None,
+ entry_posns[2].x - cpnl_offset + entry_posns[2].width // 2,
+ bottomY)
+ elif Mode == P.SUBTRACT_MODE:
+ # Answer in SUB mode is a little higher
+ NumA = AnswerNumber("nA", digits[0],
+ entry_posns[0].x - cpnl_offset + entry_posns[0].width // 2,
+ bottomY - P.UNIT_HGT)
+ Num2 = Number("n2", digits[1],
+ entry_posns[1].x - cpnl_offset + entry_posns[1].width // 2,
+ bottomY)
+ # enable borrow buttons (maybe)
+ DrawBorrowButtons()
+ # disable buttons and entry fields
+ for obj in [self.ctrlbtns[self.DRAW], self.opbtn] + self.entries:
+ obj.set_sensitive(False)
+ # update panel
+ Bpnl.canv.show_all()
+ def ValidateInput(self, fld, event):
+ """
+ after a keystroke, determine whether the two input fields have valid numbers
+ """
+ if event:
+ # remove invalid characters
+ char = event.string
+ if (char
+ and
+ char not in P.VALID_DIGITS
+ and
+ # is the offending character still there?
+ # it might have been deleted already by field's max-length property
+ char in fld.get_text()
+ ):
+ cur = fld.get_position()
+ fld.delete_text(cur-1, cur)
+ # input values are STRINGs not INTs, to support non-decimal arithmetic
+ entry_strings = [ self.entries[i].get_text() for i in (0,1) ]
+ # enable Draw button if entries are valid
+ # cannot enable if one or both of the input fields is blank
+ if (all(entry_strings)
+ and
+ (Mode == P.ADD_MODE
+ or
+ (Mode == P.SUBTRACT_MODE and int(entry_strings[0]) >= int(entry_strings[1]))
+ )
+ ):
+ self.ctrlbtns[self.DRAW].set_sensitive(True)
+ else:
+ self.ctrlbtns[self.DRAW].set_sensitive(False)
+class Number(object):
+ """
+ one number, to be added or subtracted
+ (the answer number is subtype: AnswerNumber)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, id, digits, x, y):
+ self.id = id
+ # STRING of digits, not INT
+ self.digits = digits
+ # X-coordinate of center of column-set
+ self.centerX = x
+ # Y-coordinate of bottom of column-set
+ self.bottomY = y
+ self.columns = self.InitColumns(P.COL_COUNT)
+ self.InitBlocks()
+ def InitColumns(self, count):
+ """
+ create Column objects in self.columns list
+ determine proper location for the entire "column set",
+ then invoke Draw() to draw each column
+ """
+ # all X-coordinates are offsets from the middle column's position
+ if count % 2 == 1:
+ # odd number of columns
+ middle_idx = count // 2 # which is the middle column?
+ offset = -P.COL_WID / 2 # middle column does not start at center of column-set
+ else:
+ # even number of columns
+ middle_idx = count / 2 - 1
+ offset = 0 # middle column DOES start at center of column-set
+ # create columns
+ col_list = [Column(i) for i in range(count)]
+ # configure column locations
+ for idx,col in enumerate(col_list):
+ col.number_obj = self
+ # (x,y) of column lower-left corner
+ col.x = self.centerX + (middle_idx - idx) * P.COL_WID + offset
+ col.y = self.bottomY
+ col.Draw()
+ # column total
+ # flush left on column, since label width == column width
+ Bpnl.canv.put(col.total_label, col.x, col.y + P.TOTAL_OFFSET)
+ # record list in attribute
+ return col_list
+ def InitBlocks(self):
+ """
+ create Block objects in each Column of self.columns list,
+ using self.digits
+ """
+ if isinstance(self, AnswerNumber) and Mode == P.ADD_MODE:
+ return
+ assert(len(self.columns) == len(self.digits))
+ # convert STRING to list of INTs
+ digit_list = map(int, list(self.digits))
+ # we will process digits starting at the ONES column
+ digit_list.reverse()
+ # draw a block in each column
+ for col in self.columns:
+ # block size is corresponding digit in digit_list
+ val = digit_list[col.Index()]
+ # nothing to do if size is ZERO
+ if val == 0:
+ continue
+ # create block, and place it in column
+ # block's color is determined by column's position
+ blk = Block(val, col)
+ #DbgPrint("before initial add:", tuple(blk.drag_wgt.allocation))
+ # do not enable dragging in the answer column (occurs in SUB mode only)
+ if not isinstance(self, AnswerNumber):
+ blk.EnableDrag()
+ #DbgPrint("before initial show", tuple(blk.drag_wgt.allocation))
+ col.ShowBlocks()
+ #DbgPrint("after initial show", tuple(blk.drag_wgt.allocation))
+class AnswerNumber(Number):
+ """
+ a Number object to be used as the answer
+ """
+ def __init__(self, id, digits, x, y):
+ self.id = id
+ # STRING of digits, not INT
+ self.digits = digits
+ # X-coordinate of center of column-set
+ self.centerX = x
+ # Y-coordinate of bottom of column-set
+ self.bottomY = y
+ self.columns = (self.InitColumns(P.COL_COUNT+1)
+ if Mode == P.ADD_MODE else
+ self.InitColumns(P.COL_COUNT))
+ if Mode == P.SUBTRACT_MODE:
+ self.InitBlocks()
+class Column():
+ """
+ represents one column (ones, tens, hundreds)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, colnumber):
+ """
+ initialize a column, either input or answer
+ """
+ self.color = P.COLUMN_PIXEL_COLORS[colnumber]
+ # list of Block objects in this column
+ self.blocks = []
+ # will be created later
+ self.carryarrow = self.borrowarrow = None
+ # will be filled in by Column.Draw()
+ self.image = None
+ self.total_label = gtk.Label()
+ self.total_label.modify_font(P.FONT)
+ self.total_label.set_size_request(P.COL_WID, P.TOTAL_LABEL_HGT)
+ self.total_label.set_alignment(0.5, 0.5)
+ self.total_label.show()
+ def Index(self):
+ """
+ return index within Number.columns
+ (to indicate ones column, tens column, etc.)
+ """
+ return self.number_obj.columns.index(self)
+ def UpperLeft(self):
+ """
+ return (x,y) of the column's upper-left corner
+ i.e. corner of its Image (self.image)
+ """
+ return self.x, self.y - P.COL_HGT
+ def Draw(self):
+ """
+ draw a column
+ """
+ # sized image
+ img = gtk.Image()
+ img.set_size_request(P.COL_WID, P.COL_HGT)
+ # color it in
+ PixelFill(img, self.color)
+ # place column on canvas (gtk.Fixed)
+ Bpnl.canv.put(img, *self.UpperLeft())
+ # cross-register gtk.Image and app's Column object
+ self.image = img
+ img.column = self
+ def ColumnToRight(self):
+ """
+ return Column to right of this column
+ """
+ return self.number_obj.columns[self.Index() - 1]
+ def ColumnToLeft(self):
+ """
+ return Column to left of this column
+ """
+ return self.number_obj.columns[self.Index() + 1]
+ def Remove(self, blk):
+ """
+ remove the specified block from this column
+ """
+ self.blocks.remove(blk)
+ def PlaceBlock(self, blk, carry_button_suppress=False):
+ """
+ send an existing block to this column
+ """
+ # carry_button_suppress is needed when creating a P.BASE-size ("filled") block
+ # during execution of Carry() method
+ global CarryCount
+ # save current column total, before adding new block
+ old_total = self.Total()
+ # cross-register Block and Column objects
+ self.blocks.append(blk)
+ blk.column = self
+ # SUB: maybe we're done
+ if Mode == P.SUBTRACT_MODE or blk.value == 0:
+ return
+ # ADD maybe create carry arrow
+ if self.Total() >= P.BASE and not carry_button_suppress and not self.carryarrow:
+ self.carryarrow = gtk.Button()
+ self.carryarrow.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_pixbuf(Pix[P.CARRY]))
+ Bpnl.canv.put(self.carryarrow,
+ self.x + P.ARROW_OFFSET[0],
+ self.y + P.ARROW_OFFSET[1])
+ self.carryarrow.connect("clicked", self.Carry)
+ self.carryarrow.hide_all()
+ CarryCount += 1
+ DbgPrint("Created carry arrow:", self.carryarrow)
+ def ShowBlocks(self):
+ """
+ display the column's blocks
+ display the total of the blocks in a label below the column
+ """
+ # calculation of total is always performed in base-10
+ total = 0
+ for blk in self.blocks:
+ Bpnl.canv.move(blk.drag_wgt,
+ self.x + P.BLOCK_PAD,
+ # first, adjust upward by height of block
+ # second, adjust upward to account for earlier blocks in this column
+ self.y - (blk.value * P.UNIT_HGT) - (total * P.UNIT_HGT))
+ # update column total
+ total += blk.value
+ # maybe: carry arrow
+ if self.carryarrow:
+ self.carryarrow.show_all()
+ # convert total value to string, using P.BASE, and display it
+ ## single digit
+ if total < P.BASE:
+ strval = str(total)
+ ## two digits
+ else:
+ digit_list = map(str, divmod(total, P.BASE))
+ strval = "".join(digit_list)
+ self.total_label.set_text(strval)
+ self.total_label.show()
+ # display new column configuration: blocks, carry arrow, and total label
+ UpdateScreen()
+ def Total(self):
+ """
+ base-10 total of column's blocks
+ """
+ return sum([blk.value for blk in self.blocks])
+ def Carry(self, event):
+ """
+ calculate carry for specified column
+ btn = ID of dynamically-created carry button, to be deleted
+ """
+ global CarryCount
+ srccol = self
+ destcol = srccol.ColumnToLeft()
+ # delete carry arrow
+ srccol.carryarrow.destroy()
+ srccol.carryarrow = None
+ CarryCount -= 1
+ # save total value of blocks, for creation of new blocks
+ total = srccol.Total()
+ # clear out all the blocks in this column
+ for blk in srccol.blocks:
+ blk.DisableDrag()
+ blk.drag_wgt.destroy()
+ srccol.blocks = []
+ # "full-column" block -- P.BASE units
+ fullblk = Block(P.BASE, srccol, carry_button_suppress=True)
+ #DbgPrint("before carry add:", tuple(fullblk.drag_wgt.allocation))
+ #DbgPrint("after carry add:", tuple(fullblk.drag_wgt.allocation))
+ # "excess" block (1+ units)
+ excessblk = (Block(total - P.BASE, srccol, carry_button_suppress=True)
+ if total > P.BASE else
+ None)
+ srccol.ShowBlocks()
+ sleep(P.PAUSE)
+ # collapse the block of P.BASE units into a single unit
+ # TBD: change the color to that of the "carry-to" column
+ pbufs = fullblk.GenScaledPixbufs(P.ADD_MODE)
+ for smaller_pbuf in pbufs:
+ eventbox = fullblk.drag_wgt
+ # get rid of old image, add new one
+ eventbox.remove(eventbox.get_child())
+ eventbox.add(gtk.image_new_from_pixbuf(smaller_pbuf))
+ # show animation step
+ UpdateScreen()
+ sleep(P.PAUSE)
+ # move the shrunken (1-unit-high) block to the next column
+ AniMove(fullblk.drag_wgt,
+ destcol.x + P.BLOCK_PAD,
+ destcol.y - (destcol.Total() + 1) * P.UNIT_HGT)
+ # dest column: replace shrunken P.BASE-unit block with 1-unit "carry block"
+ Block(1, destcol)
+ destcol.ShowBlocks()
+ # drop the "excess block" into position
+ if excessblk:
+ AniMove(excessblk.drag_wgt,
+ srccol.x + P.BLOCK_PAD,
+ srccol.y - excessblk.value * P.UNIT_HGT)
+ # source column: delete the "full-column" block, and update column total
+ fullblk.drag_wgt.destroy()
+ srccol.Remove(fullblk)
+ srccol.ShowBlocks()
+ # are we done?
+ CalcAnswer()
+ def Borrow(self, event):
+ """
+ borrow 1 unit FROM this column:
+ send P.BASE units to the column to the right
+ """
+ # can we borrow from this column?
+ # if not, first borrow from column to the left
+ if self.Total() == 0:
+ self.ColumnToLeft().Borrow(event)
+ sleep(P.PAUSE)
+ srccol = self
+ destcol = srccol.ColumnToRight()
+ srccol_index = srccol.Index()
+ # decompose last block in this column (ex: 8 --> 7+1)
+ original_blk = srccol.blocks[-1]
+ # delete the topmost block from this column
+ original_blk.drag_wgt.destroy()
+ srccol.Remove(original_blk)
+ # delete the borrow arrow
+ if srccol.borrowarrow:
+ srccol.borrowarrow.destroy()
+ srccol.borrowarrow = None
+ # create block of size N-1, to be left behind in this column
+ if original_blk.value > 1:
+ remaining_blk = Block(original_blk.value-1, srccol)
+ srccol.ShowBlocks()
+ # create block of size 1, which will get borrowed
+ borrow_blk = Block(1, srccol)
+ srccol.ShowBlocks()
+ # at GTK level, move the unexpanded (1-unit-high) block to next column
+ top_of_destblock_Y = destcol.y - destcol.Total()*P.UNIT_HGT
+ AniMove(borrow_blk.drag_wgt,
+ destcol.x + P.BLOCK_PAD,
+ top_of_destblock_Y - 1*P.UNIT_HGT)
+ # expand vertically from 1 unit to P.BASE units
+ newblk_color = P.BLOCK_PIXEL_COLORS[self.Index()-1]
+ eventbox = borrow_blk.drag_wgt
+ for i in range(1, P.BASE+1):
+ eventbox.remove(eventbox.get_child())
+ img, _ = CreateBlockImage(i, newblk_color, borrow_block_flag=True)
+ eventbox.add(img)
+ Bpnl.canv.move(eventbox,
+ eventbox.allocation.x,
+ top_of_destblock_Y - i*P.UNIT_HGT)
+ # show animation step
+ UpdateScreen()
+ # at application level, replace "borrow from" block in source column ...
+ borrow_blk.drag_wgt.destroy()
+ srccol.Remove(borrow_blk)
+ srccol.ShowBlocks()
+ # ... with "borrow to" block in destination column
+ Block(P.BASE, destcol)
+ destcol.ShowBlocks()
+ # recalc the borrow buttons
+ DrawBorrowButtons()
+class Block(object):
+ """
+ represents one digit of a number
+ """
+ def __init__(self, value, colobj, carry_button_suppress=False):
+ self.value = value
+ self.column = colobj
+ self.color = P.BLOCK_PIXEL_COLORS[self.column.Index()]
+ # create rectangle image for the block
+ # EventBox -> Image -> Pixmap -> Pixbuf
+ # draw unit-lines on Pixmap
+ # no image for zero value
+ if self.value == 0:
+ return
+ # event box with sized image
+ ebox = gtk.EventBox()
+ # self.pmap to be used by GenScaledPixbufs()
+ img, self.pmap = CreateBlockImage(self.value, self.color)
+ ebox.add(img)
+ # cross-link draggable gtk.EventBox widget and app's Block object
+ ebox.block = self
+ self.drag_wgt = ebox
+ # put the image in upper left corner, but make it invisible
+ Bpnl.canv.put(self.drag_wgt, 0, 0)
+ self.drag_wgt.hide_all()
+ # allocate list for dragging callback IDs
+ self.callback_ids = []
+ # add the Block to the specified Column
+ self.column.PlaceBlock(self, carry_button_suppress)
+ def UpperLeft(self):
+ """
+ return (x,y) of the block's upper-left corner
+ i.e. corner of its EventBox (self.drag_wgt) which contains an Image
+ """
+ alloc = self.drag_wgt.allocation
+ return (alloc.x, alloc.y)
+ def GenScaledPixbufs(self, mode):
+ """
+ generate a set of scaled Pixbufs for this block,
+ in decreasing size
+ """
+ # set the target vertical scaling factor
+ start = 1.0
+ end = 1.0/P.BASE if mode == P.ADD_MODE else 1.0*P.BASE
+ mysize = (P.BLOCK_WID, self.value * P.UNIT_HGT)
+ img = gtk.Image()
+ img.set_size_request(*mysize)
+ orig_pbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, *mysize)
+ # initialize Pixbuf to original image, which was stored as a Pixmap
+ orig_pbuf.get_from_drawable(self.pmap, img.get_colormap(), 0, 0, 0, 0, *mysize)
+ # generator loop: yield a series of Pixbufs, of decreasing size
+ x0, y0 = mysize
+ count = 12
+ # "sf" is scale factor
+ for sf in (end*(1.0*i/count) + start*(1-1.0*i/count) for i in range(1, count+1)):
+ # scale vertically, but not horizontally
+ y = int(sf * y0)
+ newpbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, x0, y)
+ orig_pbuf.scale(newpbuf, 0,0, x0,y, 0,0, 1.0,sf, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
+ yield newpbuf
+ def EnableDrag(self):
+ """
+ make block draggable
+ """
+ self.callback_ids.append(self.drag_wgt.connect("button_press_event", BlockClicked))
+ self.callback_ids.append(self.drag_wgt.connect("motion_notify_event", MoveBlock))
+ self.callback_ids.append(self.drag_wgt.connect("button_release_event", DropBlock))
+ def DisableDrag(self):
+ """
+ make block undraggable
+ """
+ for id in self.callback_ids:
+ self.drag_wgt.disconnect(id)
+ self.callback_ids = []
+### functions
+def BlockClicked(widget, context):
+ """
+ callback: mouse clicked on a Block
+ """
+ global SnapX, SnapY, ClickX, ClickY, TargetColumn
+ alloc = widget.allocation
+ # global (SnapX, SnapY) is location of Block when first clicked
+ SnapX = alloc.x
+ SnapY = alloc.y
+ ClickX = int(context.x)
+ ClickY = int(context.y)
+ # raise widget to top of stack
+ widget.window.raise_()
+ # set the corresponding answer column as the drag-drop target
+ col_number = widget.block.column.Index()
+ TargetColumn = NumA.columns[col_number]
+ #DbgPrint("widget allocation: (%d,%d) width=%d, height=%d" % (SnapX, SnapY, alloc.width, alloc.height))
+ #DbgPrint("offset within widget: (%d,%d)" % (ClickX, ClickY))
+def MoveBlock(widget, context):
+ """
+ callback: dragging a Block
+ """
+ global DropOk
+ # where is mouse pointer now, in canvas coordinates?
+ parentX, parentY = widget.translate_coordinates(Bpnl.canv, int(context.x), int(context.y))
+ # move Block widget, taking into account position of mouse click (ClickX, ClickY)
+ # within the Block
+ Bpnl.canv.move(widget, parentX - ClickX, parentY - ClickY)
+ if InTargetColumn(widget):
+ if Mode == P.ADD_MODE:
+ PixelFill(TargetColumn.image, P.CAN_DROP_COLOR)
+ DropOk = True
+ elif Mode == P.SUBTRACT_MODE:
+ if widget.block.value <= TargetColumn.Total():
+ # can subtract now, without borrowing
+ PixelFill(TargetColumn.image, P.CAN_DROP_COLOR)
+ DropOk = True
+ else:
+ # cannot subtract now, need to borrow
+ PixelFill(TargetColumn.image, P.CANNOT_DROP_COLOR)
+ DropOk = False
+ else:
+ # reset target column background
+ PixelFill(TargetColumn.image, TargetColumn.color)
+ DropOk = False
+def DropBlock(widget, context):
+ """
+ callback: mouse released on a Block being dragged
+ """
+ global DropOk, TargetColumn
+ if Mode == P.ADD_MODE:
+ DropBlock_Add(widget)
+ elif Mode == P.SUBTRACT_MODE:
+ DropBlock_Sub(widget)
+ # in all cases, reset target column background
+ PixelFill(TargetColumn.image, TargetColumn.color)
+ # reset parms
+ DropOk = False
+ TargetColumn = None
+ # are we done?
+ CalcAnswer()
+def DropBlock_Sub(widget):
+ """
+ callback: mouse released on a Block being dragged (SUBTRACT mode)
+ """
+ blk = widget.block
+ origcol = blk.column
+ if DropOk:
+ # superimpose block to be subtracted at top of current set of blocks
+ current_value = TargetColumn.Total()
+ sub_value = blk.value
+ endX, endY = TargetColumn.blocks[-1].UpperLeft()
+ # move the block to be subtracted
+ AniMove(widget, endX, endY)
+ # delete block from original column
+ blk.drag_wgt.destroy()
+ origcol.Remove(blk)
+ origcol.ShowBlocks()
+ ##
+ ## process result
+ ##
+ result = current_value - sub_value
+ # clear target column
+ for blk in TargetColumn.blocks:
+ blk.DisableDrag()
+ blk.drag_wgt.destroy()
+ TargetColumn.blocks = []
+ # create result block (maybe) and show value
+ if result > 0:
+ blk = Block(result, TargetColumn)
+ TargetColumn.ShowBlocks()
+ # recalc the borrow buttons
+ DrawBorrowButtons()
+ else:
+ # snap back
+ AniMove(widget,
+ origcol.x + P.BLOCK_PAD,
+ origcol.y - blk.value*P.UNIT_HGT)
+def DropBlock_Add(widget):
+ """
+ callback: mouse released on a Block being dragged (ADD mode)
+ """
+ if DropOk:
+ blk = widget.block
+ origcol = blk.column
+ destcolX, destcolY = TargetColumn.UpperLeft()
+ # place block at target location
+ endX = destcolX + P.BLOCK_PAD
+ # y-coord takes into account column's existing blocks,
+ # and reflects "offset downward from top of column" calculation
+ endY = destcolY + P.UNIT_HGT * (P.BASE - TargetColumn.Total() - blk.value)
+ # perform the move at GUI level
+ AniMove(widget, endX, endY)
+ # perform the move at object level, disable further interactions
+ TargetColumn.PlaceBlock(blk)
+ origcol.Remove(blk)
+ blk.DisableDrag()
+ # show results
+ origcol.ShowBlocks()
+ TargetColumn.ShowBlocks()
+ else:
+ # snap back
+ AniMove(widget, SnapX, SnapY)
+def AniMove(widget, endX, endY):
+ """
+ animate the move of a widget from current position to (endX,endY)
+ """
+ origX = widget.allocation.x
+ origY = widget.allocation.y
+ count = 12
+ for i in range(1, count+1):
+ sleep(P.IN_COL/count)
+ # set progress factor, and move a little
+ pf = i * 1.0 / count
+ widget.parent.move(widget,
+ int(pf*endX + (1-pf)*origX),
+ int(pf*endY + (1-pf)*origY))
+ # show animation step
+ UpdateScreen()
+ # final move, to take care of roundoff errors
+ widget.parent.move(widget, endX, endY)
+ # pause for effect
+ sleep(P.PAUSE)
+def InTargetColumn(widget):
+ """
+ is the mouse in the drag-and-drop target column?
+ """
+ sect_tuple = tuple(widget.allocation.intersect(TargetColumn.image.allocation))
+ return True if any(sect_tuple) else False
+def PixelFill(image, color_int, wid=P.COL_WID, hgt=P.COL_HGT):
+ """
+ fill in a background image (for a column) with a color, specd as integer
+ """
+ pbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, wid, hgt)
+ pbuf.fill(color_int)
+ image.set_from_pixbuf(pbuf)
+def DbgPrint(*arglist):
+ """
+ display debug data
+ """
+ if P.DEBUG:
+ for arg in arglist:
+ print arg,
+ print
+def InitializeMode():
+ """
+ adjust labels on entry fields for ADD/SUB mode
+ display help text
+ """
+ # adjust labels
+ if Mode == P.ADD_MODE:
+ Cpnl.entry_labels[0].set_text(P.DISPLAY_STR['first'][0])
+ Cpnl.entry_labels[1].set_text(P.DISPLAY_STR['second'][0])
+ elif Mode == P.SUBTRACT_MODE:
+ Cpnl.entry_labels[0].set_text(P.DISPLAY_STR['larger'][0])
+ Cpnl.entry_labels[1].set_text(P.DISPLAY_STR['smaller'][0])
+ Cpnl.opbtn.set_property("image", Pix[Mode])
+def DrawBorrowButtons():
+ """
+ reconfigure borrow buttons for all columns
+ """
+ # "-1" because largest column cannot be the "to" of a borrow operation
+ for idx in range(P.COL_COUNT-1):
+ srccol = NumA.columns[idx+1]
+ destcol = NumA.columns[idx]
+ # as appropriate, create borrow image and set binding
+ if destcol.Total() < Num2.columns[idx].Total() and not srccol.borrowarrow:
+ srccol.borrowarrow = gtk.Button()
+ srccol.borrowarrow.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_pixbuf(Pix[P.BORROW]))
+ srccol.borrowarrow.show_all()
+ Bpnl.canv.put(srccol.borrowarrow,
+ destcol.x + P.ARROW_OFFSET[0],
+ destcol.y + P.ARROW_OFFSET[1])
+ srccol.borrowarrow.connect("clicked", srccol.Borrow)
+ DbgPrint("Created borrow arrow:", srccol.borrowarrow)
+def CalcAnswer():
+ """
+ show the final answer, if all original blocks have been "played"
+ and no more carrying/borrowing needs to be done
+ """
+ # are we ready to calculate?
+ if Mode == P.ADD_MODE:
+ if CarryCount > 0 or any([col.Total() for col in Num1.columns + Num2.columns]):
+ return
+ elif Mode == P.SUBTRACT_MODE: # note: there is no 'BorrowCount' to check
+ if any([col.Total() for col in Num2.columns]):
+ return
+ # transcribe column totals
+ digit_list = [col.Total() for col in NumA.columns]
+ # special case: ZERO answer
+ if sum(digit_list) == 0:
+ strval = "0"
+ # std case: INT list -> STRING
+ else:
+ # get rid of leading ZEROs (which are at the end of the list)
+ while digit_list[-1] == 0:
+ del digit_list[-1]
+ # reverse digit list, and construct string value
+ strval = "".join(map(str, reversed(digit_list)))
+ # show and bell
+ Cpnl.entries[Cpnl.ANS].set_text(strval)
+ gtk.gdk.beep()
+def SetBgColor(widget, colorstr):
+ """
+ set background color of a widget
+ """
+ widget.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, widget.get_colormap().alloc_color(colorstr))
+def SetLabelColor(widget, colorstr):
+ """
+ set foreground color of a gtk.Label
+ """
+ widget.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, widget.get_colormap().alloc_color(colorstr))
+def UpdateScreen():
+ """
+ update the display screen
+ """
+ MainWin.show_all()
+ while gtk.events_pending():
+ gtk.main_iteration(False)
+def CreateBlockImage(value, pixelcolor, borrow_block_flag=False):
+ img = gtk.Image()
+ wid, hgt = P.BLOCK_WID, value * P.UNIT_HGT
+ img.set_size_request(wid, hgt)
+ # color it in
+ pbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, wid, hgt)
+ pbuf.fill(pixelcolor)
+ pmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(MyDrawable, wid, hgt, -1)
+ pmap.set_colormap(img.get_colormap())
+ pmap.draw_pixbuf(None, pbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ # get ready to lines on pixmap, in black
+ gc = gtk.gdk.GC(pmap)
+ gc.set_rgb_fg_color(gtk.gdk.Color(0,0,0))
+ # draw unit-lines
+ if borrow_block_flag:
+ line_count = P.BASE
+ segment_hgt = value * P.UNIT_HGT // P.BASE
+ else:
+ line_count = value
+ segment_hgt = P.UNIT_HGT
+ for i in range(1, line_count):
+ line_y = i * segment_hgt
+ pmap.draw_line(gc,
+ 0, line_y,
+ P.BLOCK_WID, line_y)
+ # draw overall outline
+ pmap.draw_rectangle(gc, False, 0,0, P.BLOCK_WID - 1,
+ value * P.UNIT_HGT -1)
+ # set final image
+ img.set_from_pixmap(pmap, None)
+ # return both final image and the pixmap
+ return img, pmap
+def SetDisplayStringWidths():
+ """
+ determine, and save, the pixel widths of the control
+ panel labels
+ """
+ # create layout for setting text in a font
+ lay = gtk.TextView().create_pango_layout("")
+ lay.set_font_description(P.FONT)
+ # store string widths
+ for k in P.DISPLAY_STR.keys():
+ lay.set_text(P.DISPLAY_STR[k][0])
+ P.DISPLAY_STR[k][1] = lay.get_pixel_size()[0]
+def LoadImages():
+ """
+ create images/pixbufs from XPM data
+ """
+ "30 12 2 1",
+ " c black",
+ ". c None",
+ ".. ........................",
+ ".. ......................",
+ ".. ................. ",
+ ". ................. ",
+ ". ................. ",
+ " ................. .",
+ " .. ................. .",
+ "..... ............. .......",
+ ".......... .... ......",
+ "......... .. ......",
+ ".......... .. .......",
+ "............ .... ........."
+ ]
+ "30 12 2 1",
+ " c black",
+ ". c None",
+ "........................ ..",
+ "...................... ..",
+ " ................. ..",
+ " ................. .",
+ " ................. .",
+ ". ................. ",
+ ". ................. .. ",
+ "....... ............. .....",
+ "...... .... ..........",
+ "...... .. .........",
+ "....... .. ..........",
+ "......... .... ............"
+ ]
+ PLUS = [
+ "26 20 2 1",
+ " c black",
+ ". c None",
+ "..........................",
+ "........... ...........",
+ "........... ...........",
+ "........... ...........",
+ "........... ...........",
+ "........... ...........",
+ "........... ...........",
+ "........... ...........",
+ ".... ....",
+ ".... ....",
+ ".... ....",
+ ".... ....",
+ "........... ...........",
+ "........... ...........",
+ "........... ...........",
+ "........... ...........",
+ "........... ...........",
+ "........... ...........",
+ "........... ...........",
+ ".........................."
+ ]
+ MINUS = [
+ "26 20 2 1",
+ " c black",
+ ". c None",
+ "..........................",
+ "..........................",
+ "..........................",
+ "..........................",
+ "..........................",
+ "..........................",
+ "..........................",
+ "..........................",
+ ".... ....",
+ ".... ....",
+ ".... ....",
+ ".... ....",
+ "..........................",
+ "..........................",
+ "..........................",
+ "..........................",
+ "..........................",
+ "..........................",
+ "..........................",
+ ".........................."
+ ]
+ def _image_new_from_xpm_data(datalist):
+ """
+ create image using XPM data list
+ (missing from standard GTK/GDK library)
+ """
+ pbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data(datalist)
+ return gtk.image_new_from_pixbuf(pbuf)
+ # operator images (Image and Pixbuf objects)
+ pix = {
+ P.ADD_MODE: _image_new_from_xpm_data(PLUS),
+ P.SUBTRACT_MODE: _image_new_from_xpm_data(MINUS),
+ P.CARRY: gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data(LEFT_ARROW),
+ P.BORROW: gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data(RIGHT_ARROW),
+ }
+ return pix
+def SpacerWidth(label_keys, answ_col_flag=False):
+ """
+ determine width for spacer Frame for one or both sides of a label
+ label_keys specs a *set* of labels; will use max label width from this set
+ flag indicates this is answer column (needs wider spacer in ADD mode, for carry column)
+ """
+ # width of column set; extra answer column for carry in ADD mode
+ col_set_width = ((P.COL_COUNT + 1) * P.COL_WID
+ if answ_col_flag else
+ half_col = P.COL_WID // 2
+ # calculate max width of label that appears in this column
+ max_label_wid = max(P.DISPLAY_STR[key][1] for key in label_keys)
+ # spacer width depends on whether label width exceeds column-set width
+ return (half_col
+ if max_label_wid > col_set_width else
+ (col_set_width - max_label_wid) // 2 + half_col)
+### main routine
+# for Sugar activity, encapsulate the main-routine code in a class
+mytype = activity.Activity if SUGAR_ACTIVITY else object
+class BlockHeadActivity(mytype):
+ def __init__(self, handle=None):
+ global Mode, HelpWin, MyDrawable, Pix, MainWin, Bpnl, Cpnl
+ activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle)
+ Mode = P.ADD_MODE
+ HelpWin = None
+ # we need an invisible Drawable, for use by SetDisplayStringWidths()
+ # also, CreateBlockImage() needs it to establish pixel-depth of a Pixmap
+ _tempwin = gtk.Window()
+ _tempwin.realize()
+ MyDrawable = _tempwin.window
+ # establish string widths
+ SetDisplayStringWidths()
+ # load images for operator button and carry/borrow buttons
+ Pix = LoadImages()
+ # set up main window
+ MainWin = gtk.Frame()
+ MainWin.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_NONE)
+ else:
+ MainWin = gtk.Window()
+ MainWin.set_title("BlockHead -- Addition/Subtraction Calculator")
+ #MainWin.set_size_request(1300, 900)
+ MainWin.set_resizable(False)
+ MainWin.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER)
+ MainWin.connect('destroy', lambda _: gtk.main_quit())
+ # vertical box holds block canvas (BlockPanel) and control panel (CtrlPanel)
+ vb = gtk.VBox()
+ algn = gtk.Alignment(0.5, 0.5)
+ algn.add(vb)
+ MainWin.add(algn)
+ # canvas where columns/blocks appear, at top
+ Bpnl = BlockPanel(111, 2*P.BASE*P.UNIT_HGT + P.WINDOW_HGT_ADJ)
+ # ?? why is next statement necessary for correct block-position calculations?
+ Bpnl.canv.set_has_window(True)
+ SetBgColor(Bpnl.canv, P.CANV_COLOR_STR)
+ vb.pack_start(Bpnl.canv, expand=True, fill=True)
+ # control panel, at bottom
+ Cpnl = CtrlPanel()
+ Cpnl.NewCmd(None)
+ vb.pack_start(Cpnl, expand=True, fill=True)
+ # go
+ MainWin.show_all()
+ toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)
+ self.set_toolbox(toolbox)
+ toolbox.show()
+ self.set_canvas(MainWin)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ BlockHeadActivity()
+ gtk.main()
+ sys.exit(0)