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path: root/elements/elements.py
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authorGary Martin <gary@garycmartin.com>2012-10-24 00:40:54 (GMT)
committer Gary Martin <gary@garycmartin.com>2012-10-24 00:40:54 (GMT)
commitdb517f0b40c441158203d69aa34627058f2ab2e9 (patch)
tree3416eca5bca558b995d9c8feff24d76b18e3430f /elements/elements.py
parente6cff9307917aa97019785c32fbf0e412ba0e7ea (diff)
Use recent versions of Box2D and elements and ARM platform compatibility.
The version of Box2D and elements as used by the current version of Physics has been migrated over into Bridge and the old versions removed. The Elements egg needed some minor patches for a function used in Bridge hence the change in name to Elements-0.13-py2.5-bridge.egg. The binary blob paths are appended to the system path rather than inserted as the first choice so that builds that included newer versions of Box2d, or versions build for different architectures, will still work (tested on ARM XO-1.75 and XO-4 platforms). Due to the change in Elements/Box2D api some additional code changes were necessary, particularly the calculations in Bridge.py for calculating the joint stress on the rivits.
Diffstat (limited to 'elements/elements.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 383 deletions
diff --git a/elements/elements.py b/elements/elements.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e821b3..0000000
--- a/elements/elements.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-This file is part of the 'Elements' Project
-Elements is a 2D Physics API for Python (supporting Box2D2)
-Copyright (C) 2008, The Elements Team, <elements@linuxuser.at>
-Home: http://elements.linuxuser.at
-IRC: #elements on irc.freenode.org
-Code: http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/elements
- svn co http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/elements
-License: GPLv3 | See LICENSE for the full text
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-__version__= '0.1'
-__contact__ = '<elements@linuxuser.at>'
-# Load Box2D
-import box2d
-# Standard Imports
-from random import shuffle
-# Load Elements Definitions
-from locals import *
-# Load Elements Modules
-import tools
-import drawing
-import add_objects
-import callbacks
-import camera
-# Main Class
-class Elements:
- """The class which handles all interaction with the box2d engine
- """
- # Settings
- run_physics = True # Can pause the simulation
- element_count = 0 # Element Count
- renderer = None # Drawing class (from drawing.py)
- input = INPUT_PIXELS # Default Input in Pixels! (can change to INPUT_METERS)
- line_width = 0 # Line Width in Pixels (0 for fill)
- klistener = None
- screen_offset = (0, 0) # Offset screen from world coordinate system (x, y) [meter5]
- screen_offset_pixel = (0, 0) # Offset screen from world coordinate system (x, y) [pixel]
- # The internal coordination system is y+=up, x+=right
- # But it's possible to change the input coords to something else,
- # they will then be translated on input
- inputAxis_x_left = False # positive to the right by default
- inputAxis_y_down = True # positive to up by default
- mouseJoint = None
- def __init__(self, screen_size, gravity=(0.0,-9.0), ppm=100.0, renderer='pygame'):
- """ Init the world with boundaries and gravity, and init colors.
- Parameters:
- screen_size .. (w, h) -- screen size in pixels [int]
- gravity ...... (x, y) in m/s^2 [float] default: (0.0, -9.0)
- ppm .......... pixels per meter [float] default: 100.0
- renderer ..... which drawing method to use (str) default: 'pygame'
- Return: class Elements()
- """
- self.set_screenSize(screen_size)
- self.set_drawingMethod(renderer)
- # Create Subclasses
- self.add = add_objects.Add(self)
- self.callbacks = callbacks.CallbackHandler(self)
- self.camera = camera.Camera(self)
- # Set Boundaries
- self.worldAABB=box2d.b2AABB()
- self.worldAABB.lowerBound.Set(-100.0, -100.0)
- self.worldAABB.upperBound.Set(100.0, 100.0)
- # Gravity + Bodies will sleep on outside
- gx, gy = gravity
- self.gravity = box2d.b2Vec2(gx, gy);
- self.doSleep = True
- # Create the World
- self.world = box2d.b2World(self.worldAABB, self.gravity, self.doSleep)
- # Init Colors
- self.init_colors()
- # Set Pixels per Meter
- self.ppm = ppm
- def set_inputUnit(self, input):
- """ Change the input unit to either meter or pixels
- Parameters:
- Return: -
- """
- self.input = input
- def set_inputAxisOrigin(self, left=True, top=False):
- """ Change the origin of the input coordinate system axis
- Parameters:
- left ... True or False -- x = 0 is at the left?
- top .... True or False -- y = 0 is at the top?
- Return: -
- """
- self.inputAxis_x_left = not left
- self.inputAxis_y_down = top
- def set_drawingMethod(self, m, *kw):
- """ Set a drawing method (from drawing.py)
- Parameters:
- m .... 'pygame' or 'cairo'
- *kw .. keywords to pass to the initializer of the drawing method
- Return: True if ok, False if no method identifier m found
- """
- try:
- self.renderer = getattr(drawing, "draw_%s" % m) (*kw)
- return True
- except AttributeError:
- return False
- def set_screenSize(self, size):
- """ Set the current screen size
- Parameters:
- size ... (int(width), int(height)) in pixels
- Return: -
- """
- self.display_width, self.display_height = size
- def init_colors(self):
- """ Init self.colors with a fix set of hex colors
- Return: -
- """
- self.fixed_color = None
- self.cur_color = 0
- self.colors = [
- "#737934", "#729a55", "#040404", "#1d4e29", "#ae5004", "#615c57",
- "#6795ce", "#203d61", "#8f932b"
- ]
- shuffle(self.colors)
- def set_color(self, clr):
- """ Set a fixed color for all future Elements (until reset_color() is called)
- Parameters:
- clr ... Hex '#123123' or RGB ((r), (g), (b))
- Return: -
- """
- self.fixed_color = clr
- def reset_color(self):
- """ All Elements from now on will be drawn in random colors
- Return: -
- """
- self.fixed_color = None
- def get_color(self):
- """ Get a color - either the fixed one or the next from self.colors
- Return: clr = ((R), (G), (B))
- """
- if self.fixed_color != None:
- return self.fixed_color
- if self.cur_color == len(self.colors):
- self.cur_color = 0
- shuffle(self.colors)
- clr = self.colors[self.cur_color]
- if clr[0] == "#":
- clr = tools.hex2rgb(clr)
- self.cur_color += 1
- return clr
- def update(self, fps=50.0, iterations=10):
- """ Update the physics, if not paused (self.run_physics)
- Parameters:
- fps ......... fps with which the physics engine shall work
- iterations .. substeps per step for smoother simulation
- Return: -
- """
- if self.run_physics:
- self.world.Step(1.0 / fps, iterations);
- def translate_coord(self, point):
- """ Flips the coordinates in another coordinate system orientation, if necessary
- (screen <> world coordinate system)
- """
- x, y = point
- if self.inputAxis_x_left:
- x = self.display_width - x
- if self.inputAxis_y_down:
- y = self.display_height - y
- return (x, y)
- def translate_coords(self, pointlist):
- """ Flips the coordinates in another coordinate system orientation, if necessary
- (screen <> world coordinate system)
- """
- p_out = []
- for p in pointlist:
- p_out.append(self.translate_coord(p))
- return p_out
- def to_world(self, pos):
- """ Transfers a coordinate from the screen to the world coordinate system (pixels)
- - Change to the right axis orientation
- - Include the offset: screen -- world coordinate system
- """
- dx, dy = self.screen_offset_pixel
- x = pos[0] / self.camera.scale_factor
- y = pos[1] / self.camera.scale_factor
- x, y = self.translate_coord((round(x), round(y)))
- return (x+dx, y+dy)
- def to_screen(self, pos):
- """ Transfers a coordinate from the world to the screen coordinate system (pixels)
- and by the screen offset
- """
- dx, dy = self.screen_offset_pixel
- x = pos[0] - dx
- y = pos[1] - dy
- sx, sy = self.translate_coord((x, y))
- return (sx * self.camera.scale_factor, sy * self.camera.scale_factor)
- def meter_to_screen(self, i):
- return i * self.ppm * self.camera.scale_factor
- def get_bodies_at_pos(self, search_point, include_static=False, area=0.01):
- """ Check if given point (screen coordinates) is inside any body.
- If yes, return all found bodies, if not found return False
- """
- sx, sy = self.to_world(search_point)
- sx /= self.ppm # le sigh, screen2world returns pixels, so convert them to meters here.
- sy /= self.ppm
- f = area/self.camera.scale_factor
- AABB=box2d.b2AABB()
- AABB.lowerBound.Set(sx-f, sy-f);
- AABB.upperBound.Set(sx+f, sy+f);
- amount, shapes = self.world.Query(AABB, 2)
- if amount == 0:
- return False
- else:
- bodylist = []
- for s in shapes:
- body = s.GetBody()
- if not include_static:
- if body.IsStatic() or body.GetMass() == 0.0:
- continue
- if s.TestPoint(body.GetXForm(), box2d.b2Vec2(sx, sy)):
- bodylist.append(body)
- return bodylist
- def draw(self):
- """ If a drawing method is specified, this function passes the objects
- to the module in pixels.
- Return: True if the objects were successfully drawn
- False if the renderer was not set or another error occurred
- """
- self.callbacks.start(CALLBACK_DRAWING_START)
- # No need to run through the loop if there's no way to draw
- if not self.renderer:
- return False
- if self.camera.track_body:
- # Get Body Center
- p1 = self.camera.track_body.GetWorldCenter()
- # Center the Camera There, False = Don't stop the tracking
- self.camera.center(self.to_screen((p1.x*self.ppm, p1.y*self.ppm)), stopTrack=False)
- # Walk through all known elements
- body = self.world.GetBodyList()
- self.renderer.start_drawing()
- while body:
- xform = body.GetXForm()
- shape = body.GetShapeList()
- angle = body.GetAngle()
- if shape:
- userdata = body.GetUserData()
- clr = userdata['color']
- while shape:
- type = shape.GetType()
- if type == box2d.e_circleShape:
- circle = shape.asCircle()
- position = box2d.b2Mul(xform, circle.GetLocalPosition())
- pos = self.to_screen((position.x*self.ppm, position.y*self.ppm))
- self.renderer.draw_circle(clr, pos, self.meter_to_screen(circle.GetRadius()), angle)
- elif type == box2d.e_polygonShape:
- poly = shape.asPolygon()
- points = []
- for i in xrange(poly.GetVertexCount()):
- pt = box2d.b2Mul(xform, poly.getVertex(i))
- x, y = self.to_screen((pt.x*self.ppm, pt.y*self.ppm))
- points.append([x, y])
- self.renderer.draw_polygon(clr, points)
- else:
- print " unknown shape type:%d" % shape.GetType()
- shape = shape.GetNext()
- body = body.GetNext()
- joint = self.world.GetJointList()
- while joint:
- p2 = joint.GetAnchor1()
- p2 = self.to_screen((p2.x*self.ppm, p2.y*self.ppm))
- p1 = joint.GetAnchor2()
- p1 = self.to_screen((p1.x*self.ppm, p1.y*self.ppm))
- if p1 == p2: # Fixation
- self.renderer.draw_circle((255,0,0), p1, 4, 0)
- else: # Object to object joint
- self.renderer.draw_lines((0,0,0), False, [p1, p2], 3)
- joint = joint.GetNext()
- self.callbacks.start(CALLBACK_DRAWING_END)
- self.renderer.after_drawing()
- return True
- def mouse_move(self, pos):
- pos = self.to_world(pos)
- x, y = pos
- x /= self.ppm
- y /= self.ppm
- if self.mouseJoint:
- self.mouseJoint.SetTarget(box2d.b2Vec2(x,y))