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path: root/olpcgames/_cairoimage.py
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authorPootle daemon <pootle@pootle.sugarlabs.org>2012-10-24 04:31:32 (GMT)
committer Pootle daemon <pootle@pootle.sugarlabs.org>2012-10-24 04:31:32 (GMT)
commit7270747ee5ccc68e7dadbd6cd54a3fc2431fe7ea (patch)
treebf8b772d9461f9c9c882ac4145f03f8de8b42340 /olpcgames/_cairoimage.py
parentf30384403e97c4c13b81b81280be6a59481a59c0 (diff)
parent5aa22891b07153d2b1df07ba3621d8d22e9ae252 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of git.sugarlabs.org:bridge/mainline
Diffstat (limited to 'olpcgames/_cairoimage.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/olpcgames/_cairoimage.py b/olpcgames/_cairoimage.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3cfa22c..0000000
--- a/olpcgames/_cairoimage.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-"""Utility functions for cairo-specific operations
-USE_BASE_ARRAY -- if False (default), uses numpy arrays,
- currently this is the only version that works on 32-bit
- machines.
-import pygame, struct, logging
-big_endian = struct.pack( '=i', 1 ) == struct.pack( '>i', 1 )
-log = logging.getLogger( 'olpcgames._cairoimage' )
-##log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-def newContext( width, height ):
- """Create a new render-to-image context
- width, height -- pixel dimensions to be rendered
- Produces an ARGB format Cairo ImageSurface for
- rendering your data into using rsvg, Cairo or Pango.
- returns (ImageSurface, CairoContext) for rendering
- """
- import cairo
- csrf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height)
- context = cairo.Context (csrf)
- #log.info( 'Format (expect: %s): %s', cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, csrf.get_format())
- return csrf, context
-def mangle_color(color):
- """Mange a colour depending on endian-ness, and swap-necessity
- Converts a 3 or 4 int (or float) value in the range 0-255 into a
- 4-float value in the range 0.0-1.0
- """
- r,g,b = color[:3]
- if len(color) > 3:
- a = color[3]
- else:
- a = 255.0
- return map(_fixColorBase, (r,g,b,a) )
-def _fixColorBase( v ):
- """Return a properly clamped colour in floating-point space"""
- return max((0,min((v,255.0))))/255.0
-def asImage( csrf ):
- """Get the pixels in csrf as a Pygame image
- Note that Pygame 1.7.1 on (Gentoo Linux) AMD64 is incorrectly
- calculating the required size ARGB images, so this code will *not* work
- on that platform with that version of the library. Pygame-ctypes
- does work correctly there.
- Note also that Pygame 1.7.1 is showing a strange colour rotation
- bug on 32-bit platforms, such that ARGB mode cannot be used for
- images there. Instead we have to do an expensive bit-shift operation
- to produce an RGBA image from the ARGB native Cairo format.
- Will raise a ValueError if passed a Null image (i.e. dimension of 0)
- returns Pygame.Surface (image) with convert_alpha() called for it.
- """
- # Create and return a new Pygame Image derived from the Cairo Surface
- format = 'ARGB'
- if hasattr(csrf,'get_data'):
- # more recent API, native-format, but have to (potentially) convert the format...
- log.debug( 'Native-mode api (get_data)' )
- data = csrf.get_data()
- if not big_endian:
- # we use array here because it's considerably lighter-weight
- # to import than the numpy module
- log.debug( 'Not big-endian, byte-swapping array' )
- import array
- a = array.array( 'I' )
- a.fromstring( data )
- a.byteswap()
- data = a.tostring()
- else:
- import numpy
- n = numpy.fromstring( data, dtype='I' )
- n = ((n & 0xff000000) >> 24 ) | ((n & 0x00ffffff) << 8 )
- n = n.byteswap()
- data = n.tostring()
- format = 'RGBA'
- else:
- log.debug( 'Big-endian, array unchanged' )
- data = str(data) # there's one copy
- else:
- # older api, not native, but we know what it is...
- log.debug( 'Non-native mode api, explicitly RGBA' )
- data = csrf.get_data_as_rgba()
- data = str(data) # there's one copy
- format = 'RGBA'
- width, height = csrf.get_width(),csrf.get_height()
- try:
- log.info( 'Format = %s', format )
- return pygame.image.fromstring(
- data,
- (width,height),
- format
- ) # there's the next
- except ValueError, err:
- err.args += (len(data), (width,height), width*height*4,format )
- raise
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import unittest
- logging.basicConfig()
- class Tests( unittest.TestCase ):
- def test_colours( self ):
- """Test that colours are correctly translated
- If we draw a given colour in cairo, we want the same
- colour to show up in Pygame, let's test that...
- """
- for sourceColour in [
- (255,0,0, 255),
- (0,255,0, 255),
- (0,0,255, 255),
- (255,255,0, 255),
- (0,255,255,255),
- (255,0,255,255),
- ]:
- csrf,cctx = newContext( 1,1 )
- background = mangle_color( sourceColour )
- cctx.set_source_rgba(*background)
- cctx.paint()
- img = asImage( csrf )
- colour = img.get_at( (0,0))
- assert colour == sourceColour, (sourceColour,mangle_color(sourceColour),colour)
- unittest.main()