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path: root/pgu/gui/table.py
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1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pgu/gui/table.py b/pgu/gui/table.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ff6c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/table.py
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+from const import *
+import container
+class Table(container.Container):
+ """A table style container.
+ <p>If you know HTML, this should all work roughly how you would expect. If you are not
+ familiar with HTML, please read <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/tables.html">Tables in HTML Documents</a>. Pay attention to TABLE, TR, TD related parts of the document.</p>
+ <pre>Table()</pre>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ t = gui.Table()
+ t.tr()
+ t.td(gui.Label("First Name"), align=-1)
+ t.td(gui.Input())
+ t.tr()
+ t.td(gui.Label("Last Name"), align=-1)
+ t.td(gui.Input())
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','table')
+ container.Container.__init__(self, **params)
+ self._rows = []
+ self._curRow = 0
+ self._trok = False
+ def getRows(self):
+ return len(self._rows)
+ def getColumns(self):
+ if self._rows:
+ return len(self._rows[0])
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def remove_row(self, n): #NOTE: won't work in all cases.
+ if n >= self.getRows():
+ print "Trying to remove a nonexistant row:", n, "there are only", self.getRows(), "rows"
+ return
+ for cell in self._rows[n]:
+ if isinstance(cell, dict) and cell["widget"] in self.widgets:
+ #print 'removing widget'
+ self.widgets.remove(cell["widget"])
+ del self._rows[n]
+ #print "got here"
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ if w.style.row > n: w.style.row -= 1
+ if self._curRow >= n:
+ self._curRow -= 1
+ #self.rect.w, self.rect.h = self.resize()
+ #self.repaint()
+ self.chsize()
+ def clear(self):
+ self._rows = []
+ self._curRow = 0
+ self._trok = False
+ self.widgets = []
+ self.chsize()
+ #print 'clear',self,self._rows
+ def _addRow(self):
+ self._rows.append([None for x in xrange(self.getColumns())])
+ def tr(self):
+ """Start on the next row."""
+ if not self._trok:
+ self._trok = True
+ return
+ self._curRow += 1
+ if self.getRows() <= self._curRow:
+ self._addRow()
+ def _addColumn(self):
+ if not self._rows:
+ self._addRow()
+ for row in self._rows:
+ row.append(None)
+ def _setCell(self, w, col, row, colspan=1, rowspan=1):
+ #make room for the widget by adding columns and rows
+ while self.getColumns() < col + colspan:
+ self._addColumn()
+ while self.getRows() < row + rowspan:
+ self._addRow()
+ #print w.__class__.__name__,col,row,colspan,rowspan
+ #actual widget setting and modification stuff
+ w.container = self
+ w.style.row = row #HACK - to work with gal's list
+ w.style.col = col #HACK - to work with gal's list
+ self._rows[row][col] = {"widget":w, "colspan":colspan, "rowspan":rowspan}
+ self.widgets.append(self._rows[row][col]["widget"])
+ #set the spanned columns
+ #for acell in xrange(col + 1, col + colspan):
+ # self._rows[row][acell] = True
+ #set the spanned rows and the columns on them
+ #for arow in xrange(row + 1, row + rowspan):
+ # for acell in xrange(col, col + colspan): #incorrect?
+ # self._rows[arow][acell] = True
+ for arow in xrange(row, row + rowspan):
+ for acell in xrange(col, col + colspan): #incorrect?
+ if row != arow or col != acell:
+ self._rows[arow][acell] = True
+ def td(self, w, col=None, row=None, colspan=1, rowspan=1, **params):
+ """Add a widget to a table after wrapping it in a TD container.
+ <pre>Table.td(w,col=None,row=None,colspan=1,rowspan=1,**params)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>w<dd>widget
+ <dt>col<dd>column
+ <dt>row<dd>row
+ <dt>colspan<dd>colspan
+ <dt>rowspan<dd>rowspan
+ <dt>align<dd>horizontal alignment (-1,0,1)
+ <dt>valign<dd>vertical alignment (-1,0,1)
+ <dt>params<dd>other params for the TD container, style information, etc
+ </dl>
+ """
+ Table.add(self,_Table_td(w, **params), col=col, row=row, colspan=colspan, rowspan=rowspan)
+ def add(self, w, col=None, row=None, colspan=1, rowspan=1):
+ """Add a widget directly into the table, without wrapping it in a TD container.
+ <pre>Table.add(w,col=None,row=None,colspan=1,rowspan=1)</pre>
+ <p>See Table.td for an explanation of the parameters.</p>
+ """
+ self._trok = True
+ #if no row was specifically specified, set it to the current row
+ if row is None:
+ row = self._curRow
+ #print row
+ #if its going to be a new row, have it be on the first column
+ if row >= self.getRows():
+ col = 0
+ #try to find an open cell for the widget
+ if col is None:
+ for cell in xrange(self.getColumns()):
+ if col is None and not self._rows[row][cell]:
+ col = cell
+ break
+ #otherwise put the widget in a new column
+ if col is None:
+ col = self.getColumns()
+ self._setCell(w, col, row, colspan=colspan, rowspan=rowspan)
+ self.chsize()
+ return
+ def remove(self,w):
+ if hasattr(w,'_table_td'): w = w._table_td
+ row,col = w.style.row,w.style.col
+ cell = self._rows[row][col]
+ colspan,rowspan = cell['colspan'],cell['rowspan']
+ for arow in xrange(row , row + rowspan):
+ for acell in xrange(col, col + colspan): #incorrect?
+ self._rows[arow][acell] = False
+ self.widgets.remove(w)
+ self.chsize()
+ def resize(self, width=None, height=None):
+ #if 1 or self.getRows() == 82:
+ #print ''
+ #print 'resize',self.getRows(),self.getColumns(),width,height
+ #import inspect
+ #for obj,fname,line,fnc,code,n in inspect.stack()[9:20]:
+ # print fname,line,':',fnc,code[0].strip()
+ #resize the widgets to their smallest size
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ w.rect.w, w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ #calculate row heights and column widths
+ rowsizes = [0 for y in xrange(self.getRows())]
+ columnsizes = [0 for x in xrange(self.getColumns())]
+ for row in xrange(self.getRows()):
+ for cell in xrange(self.getColumns()):
+ if self._rows[row][cell] and self._rows[row][cell] is not True:
+ if not self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"] > 1:
+ columnsizes[cell] = max(columnsizes[cell], self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.w)
+ if not self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"] > 1:
+ rowsizes[row] = max(rowsizes[row], self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.h)
+ #distribute extra space if necessary for wide colspanning/rowspanning
+ for row in xrange(self.getRows()):
+ for cell in xrange(self.getColumns()):
+ if self._rows[row][cell] and self._rows[row][cell] is not True:
+ if self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"] > 1:
+ columns = xrange(cell, cell + self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"])
+ totalwidth = 0
+ for acol in columns:
+ totalwidth += columnsizes[acol]
+ if totalwidth < self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.w:
+ for acol in columns:
+ columnsizes[acol] += _table_div(self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.w - totalwidth, self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"],acol)
+ if self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"] > 1:
+ rows = xrange(row, row + self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"])
+ totalheight = 0
+ for arow in rows:
+ totalheight += rowsizes[arow]
+ if totalheight < self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.h:
+ for arow in rows:
+ rowsizes[arow] += _table_div(self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.h - totalheight, self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"],arow)
+ #make everything fill out to self.style.width, self.style.heigh, not exact, but pretty close...
+ w, h = sum(columnsizes), sum(rowsizes)
+ if w > 0 and w < self.style.width and len(columnsizes):
+ d = (self.style.width - w)
+ for n in xrange(0, len(columnsizes)):
+ v = columnsizes[n]
+ columnsizes[n] += v * d / w
+ if h > 0 and h < self.style.height and len(rowsizes):
+ d = (self.style.height - h) / len(rowsizes)
+ for n in xrange(0, len(rowsizes)):
+ v = rowsizes[n]
+ rowsizes[n] += v * d / h
+ #set the widget's position by calculating their row/column x/y offset
+ cellpositions = [[[sum(columnsizes[0:cell]), sum(rowsizes[0:row])] for cell in xrange(self.getColumns())] for row in xrange(self.getRows())]
+ for row in xrange(self.getRows()):
+ for cell in xrange(self.getColumns()):
+ if self._rows[row][cell] and self._rows[row][cell] is not True:
+ x, y = cellpositions[row][cell]
+ w = sum(columnsizes[cell:cell+self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"]])
+ h = sum(rowsizes[row:row+self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"]])
+ widget = self._rows[row][cell]["widget"]
+ widget.rect.x = x
+ widget.rect.y = y
+ if 1 and (w,h) != (widget.rect.w,widget.rect.h):
+# if h > 20:
+# print widget.widget.__class__.__name__, (widget.rect.w,widget.rect.h),'=>',(w,h)
+ widget.rect.w, widget.rect.h = widget.resize(w, h)
+ #print self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect
+ #print columnsizes
+ #print sum(columnsizes)
+ #size = sum(columnsizes), sum(rowsizes); print size
+ #return the tables final size
+ return sum(columnsizes),sum(rowsizes)
+def _table_div(a,b,c):
+ v,r = a/b, a%b
+ if r != 0 and (c%b)<r: v += 1
+ return v
+class _Table_td(container.Container):
+ def __init__(self,widget,**params):#hexpand=0,vexpand=0,
+ container.Container.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.widget = widget
+ #self.hexpand=hexpand
+ #self.vexpand=vexpand
+ widget._table_td = self
+ self.add(widget,0,0)
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ w = self.widget
+ #expansion code, but i didn't like the idea that much..
+ #a bit obscure, fairly useless when a user can just
+ #add a widget to a table instead of td it in.
+ #ww,hh=None,None
+ #if self.hexpand: ww = self.style.width
+ #if self.vexpand: hh = self.style.height
+ #if self.hexpand and width != None: ww = max(ww,width)
+ #if self.vexpand and height != None: hh = max(hh,height)
+ #w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize(ww,hh)
+ #why bother, just do the lower mentioned item...
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ #this should not be needed, widgets should obey their sizing on their own.
+# if (self.style.width!=0 and w.rect.w > self.style.width) or (self.style.height!=0 and w.rect.h > self.style.height):
+# ww,hh = None,None
+# if self.style.width: ww = self.style.width
+# if self.style.height: hh = self.style.height
+# w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize(ww,hh)
+ #in the case that the widget is too big, we try to resize it
+ if (width != None and width < w.rect.w) or (height != None and height < w.rect.h):
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize(width,height)
+ width = max(width,w.rect.w,self.style.width) #,self.style.cell_width)
+ height = max(height,w.rect.h,self.style.height) #,self.style.cell_height)
+ dx = width-w.rect.w
+ dy = height-w.rect.h
+ w.rect.x = (self.style.align+1)*dx/2
+ w.rect.y = (self.style.valign+1)*dy/2
+ return width,height