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path: root/creactistore/_templates/lib/peak/util/imports.py
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diff --git a/creactistore/_templates/lib/peak/util/imports.py b/creactistore/_templates/lib/peak/util/imports.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 36ab04d..0000000
--- a/creactistore/_templates/lib/peak/util/imports.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-"""Tools for doing dynamic imports"""
-__all__ = [
- 'importString', 'importObject', 'importSequence', 'importSuite',
- 'lazyModule', 'joinPath', 'whenImported', 'getModuleHooks',
-import __main__, sys
-from types import StringTypes, ModuleType
-from sys import modules
-from imp import acquire_lock, release_lock
-defaultGlobalDict = __main__.__dict__
- from peak.util.EigenData import AlreadyRead
-except ImportError:
- class AlreadyRead(Exception):pass
-def importSuite(specs, globalDict=defaultGlobalDict):
- """Create a test suite from import specs"""
- from unittest import TestSuite
- return TestSuite(
- [t() for t in importSequence(specs,globalDict)]
- )
-def joinPath(modname, relativePath):
- """Adjust a module name by a '/'-separated, relative or absolute path"""
- module = modname.split('.')
- for p in relativePath.split('/'):
- if p=='..':
- module.pop()
- elif not p:
- module = []
- elif p!='.':
- module.append(p)
- return '.'.join(module)
-def importString(name, globalDict=defaultGlobalDict):
- """Import an item specified by a string
- Example Usage::
- attribute1 = importString('some.module:attribute1')
- attribute2 = importString('other.module:nested.attribute2')
- 'importString' imports an object from a module, according to an
- import specification string: a dot-delimited path to an object
- in the Python package namespace. For example, the string
- '"some.module.attribute"' is equivalent to the result of
- 'from some.module import attribute'.
- For readability of import strings, it's sometimes helpful to use a ':' to
- separate a module name from items it contains. It's optional, though,
- as 'importString' will convert the ':' to a '.' internally anyway."""
- if ':' in name:
- name = name.replace(':','.')
- parts = filter(None,name.split('.'))
- item = __import__(parts.pop(0), globalDict, globalDict, ['__name__'])
- # Fast path for the common case, where everything is imported already
- for attr in parts:
- try:
- item = getattr(item, attr)
- except AttributeError:
- break # either there's an error, or something needs importing
- else:
- return item
- # We couldn't get there with just getattrs from the base import. So now
- # we loop *backwards* trying to import longer names, then shorter, until
- # we find the longest possible name that can be handled with __import__,
- # then loop forward again with getattr. This lets us give more meaningful
- # error messages than if we only went forwards.
- attrs = []
- exc = None
- try:
- while True:
- try:
- # Exit as soon as we find a prefix of the original `name`
- # that's an importable *module* or package
- item = __import__(name, globalDict, globalDict, ['__name__'])
- break
- except ImportError:
- if not exc:
- # Save the first ImportError, as it's usually the most
- # informative, especially w/Python < 2.4
- exc = sys.exc_info()
- if '.' not in name:
- # We've backed up all the way to the beginning, so reraise
- # the first ImportError we got
- raise exc[0],exc[1],exc[2]
- # Otherwise back up one position and try again
- parts = name.split('.')
- attrs.append(parts[-1])
- name = '.'.join(parts[:-1])
- finally:
- exc = None
- # Okay, the module object is now in 'item', so we can just loop forward
- # to retrieving the desired attribute.
- #
- while attrs:
- attr = attrs.pop()
- try:
- item = getattr(item,attr)
- except AttributeError:
- raise ImportError("%r has no %r attribute" % (item,attr))
- return item
-def lazyModule(modname, relativePath=None):
- """Return module 'modname', but with its contents loaded "on demand"
- This function returns 'sys.modules[modname]', if present. Otherwise
- it creates a 'LazyModule' object for the specified module, caches it
- in 'sys.modules', and returns it.
- 'LazyModule' is a subclass of the standard Python module type, that
- remains empty until an attempt is made to access one of its
- attributes. At that moment, the module is loaded into memory, and
- any hooks that were defined via 'whenImported()' are invoked.
- Note that calling 'lazyModule' with the name of a non-existent or
- unimportable module will delay the 'ImportError' until the moment
- access is attempted. The 'ImportError' will occur every time an
- attribute access is attempted, until the problem is corrected.
- This function also takes an optional second parameter, 'relativePath',
- which will be interpreted as a '/'-separated path string relative to
- 'modname'. If a 'relativePath' is supplied, the module found by
- traversing the path will be loaded instead of 'modname'. In the path,
- '.' refers to the current module, and '..' to the current module's
- parent. For example::
- fooBaz = lazyModule('foo.bar','../baz')
- will return the module 'foo.baz'. The main use of the 'relativePath'
- feature is to allow relative imports in modules that are intended for
- use with module inheritance. Where an absolute import would be carried
- over as-is into the inheriting module, an import relative to '__name__'
- will be relative to the inheriting module, e.g.::
- something = lazyModule(__name__,'../path/to/something')
- The above code will have different results in each module that inherits
- it.
- (Note: 'relativePath' can also be an absolute path (starting with '/');
- this is mainly useful for module '__bases__' lists.)"""
- def _loadModule(module):
- oldGA = LazyModule.__getattribute__
- oldSA = LazyModule.__setattr__
- modGA = ModuleType.__getattribute__
- modSA = ModuleType.__setattr__
- LazyModule.__getattribute__ = modGA
- LazyModule.__setattr__ = modSA
- acquire_lock()
- try:
- try:
- # don't reload if already loaded!
- if module.__dict__.keys()==['__name__']:
- # Get Python to do the real import!
- reload(module)
- try:
- for hook in getModuleHooks(module.__name__):
- hook(module)
- finally:
- # Ensure hooks are not called again, even if they fail
- postLoadHooks[module.__name__] = None
- except:
- # Reset our state so that we can retry later
- if '__file__' not in module.__dict__:
- LazyModule.__getattribute__ = oldGA.im_func
- LazyModule.__setattr__ = oldSA.im_func
- raise
- try:
- # Convert to a real module (if under 2.2)
- module.__class__ = ModuleType
- except TypeError:
- pass # 2.3 will fail, but no big deal
- finally:
- release_lock()
- class LazyModule(ModuleType):
- __slots__ = ()
- def __init__(self, name):
- ModuleType.__setattr__(self,'__name__',name)
- #super(LazyModule,self).__init__(name)
- def __getattribute__(self,attr):
- _loadModule(self)
- return ModuleType.__getattribute__(self,attr)
- def __setattr__(self,attr,value):
- _loadModule(self)
- return ModuleType.__setattr__(self,attr,value)
- if relativePath:
- modname = joinPath(modname, relativePath)
- acquire_lock()
- try:
- if modname not in modules:
- getModuleHooks(modname) # force an empty hook list into existence
- modules[modname] = LazyModule(modname)
- if '.' in modname:
- # ensure parent module/package is in sys.modules
- # and parent.modname=module, as soon as the parent is imported
- splitpos = modname.rindex('.')
- whenImported(
- modname[:splitpos],
- lambda m: setattr(m,modname[splitpos+1:],modules[modname])
- )
- return modules[modname]
- finally:
- release_lock()
-postLoadHooks = {}
-def getModuleHooks(moduleName):
- """Get list of hooks for 'moduleName'; error if module already loaded"""
- acquire_lock()
- try:
- hooks = postLoadHooks.setdefault(moduleName,[])
- if hooks is None:
- raise AlreadyRead("Module already imported", moduleName)
- return hooks
- finally:
- release_lock()
-def _setModuleHook(moduleName, hook):
- acquire_lock()
- try:
- if moduleName in modules and postLoadHooks.get(moduleName) is None:
- # Module is already imported/loaded, just call the hook
- module = modules[moduleName]
- hook(module)
- return module
- getModuleHooks(moduleName).append(hook)
- return lazyModule(moduleName)
- finally:
- release_lock()
-def whenImported(moduleName, hook=None):
- """Call 'hook(module)' when module named 'moduleName' is first used
- 'hook' must accept one argument: the module object named by 'moduleName',
- which must be a fully qualified (i.e. absolute) module name. The hook
- should not raise any exceptions, or it may prevent later hooks from
- running.
- If the module has already been imported normally, 'hook(module)' is
- called immediately, and the module object is returned from this function.
- If the module has not been imported, or has only been imported lazily,
- then the hook is called when the module is first used, and a lazy import
- of the module is returned from this function. If the module was imported
- lazily and used before calling this function, the hook is called
- immediately, and the loaded module is returned from this function.
- Note that using this function implies a possible lazy import of the
- specified module, and lazy importing means that any 'ImportError' will be
- deferred until the module is used.
- """
- if hook is None:
- def decorate(func):
- whenImported(moduleName, func)
- return func
- return decorate
- if '.' in moduleName:
- # If parent is not yet imported, delay hook installation until the
- # parent is imported.
- splitpos = moduleName.rindex('.')
- whenImported(
- moduleName[:splitpos], lambda m: _setModuleHook(moduleName,hook)
- )
- else:
- return _setModuleHook(moduleName,hook)
-def importObject(spec, globalDict=defaultGlobalDict):
- """Convert a possible string specifier to an object
- If 'spec' is a string or unicode object, import it using 'importString()',
- otherwise return it as-is.
- """
- if isinstance(spec,StringTypes):
- return importString(spec, globalDict)
- return spec
-def importSequence(specs, globalDict=defaultGlobalDict):
- """Convert a string or list specifier to a list of objects.
- If 'specs' is a string or unicode object, treat it as a
- comma-separated list of import specifications, and return a
- list of the imported objects.
- If the result is not a string but is iterable, return a list
- with any string/unicode items replaced with their corresponding
- imports.
- """
- if isinstance(specs,StringTypes):
- return [importString(x.strip(),globalDict) for x in specs.split(',')]
- else:
- return [importObject(s,globalDict) for s in specs]