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path: root/creactivistore/_templates/lib/jinja2/parser.py
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1 files changed, 896 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/creactivistore/_templates/lib/jinja2/parser.py b/creactivistore/_templates/lib/jinja2/parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d44229a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/creactivistore/_templates/lib/jinja2/parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ jinja2.parser
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Implements the template parser.
+ :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
+from jinja2 import nodes
+from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateSyntaxError, TemplateAssertionError
+from jinja2.utils import next
+from jinja2.lexer import describe_token, describe_token_expr
+#: statements that callinto
+_statement_keywords = frozenset(['for', 'if', 'block', 'extends', 'print',
+ 'macro', 'include', 'from', 'import',
+ 'set'])
+_compare_operators = frozenset(['eq', 'ne', 'lt', 'lteq', 'gt', 'gteq'])
+class Parser(object):
+ """This is the central parsing class Jinja2 uses. It's passed to
+ extensions and can be used to parse expressions or statements.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, environment, source, name=None, filename=None,
+ state=None):
+ self.environment = environment
+ self.stream = environment._tokenize(source, name, filename, state)
+ self.name = name
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.closed = False
+ self.extensions = {}
+ for extension in environment.iter_extensions():
+ for tag in extension.tags:
+ self.extensions[tag] = extension.parse
+ self._last_identifier = 0
+ self._tag_stack = []
+ self._end_token_stack = []
+ def fail(self, msg, lineno=None, exc=TemplateSyntaxError):
+ """Convenience method that raises `exc` with the message, passed
+ line number or last line number as well as the current name and
+ filename.
+ """
+ if lineno is None:
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ raise exc(msg, lineno, self.name, self.filename)
+ def _fail_ut_eof(self, name, end_token_stack, lineno):
+ expected = []
+ for exprs in end_token_stack:
+ expected.extend(map(describe_token_expr, exprs))
+ if end_token_stack:
+ currently_looking = ' or '.join(
+ "'%s'" % describe_token_expr(expr)
+ for expr in end_token_stack[-1])
+ else:
+ currently_looking = None
+ if name is None:
+ message = ['Unexpected end of template.']
+ else:
+ message = ['Encountered unknown tag \'%s\'.' % name]
+ if currently_looking:
+ if name is not None and name in expected:
+ message.append('You probably made a nesting mistake. Jinja '
+ 'is expecting this tag, but currently looking '
+ 'for %s.' % currently_looking)
+ else:
+ message.append('Jinja was looking for the following tags: '
+ '%s.' % currently_looking)
+ if self._tag_stack:
+ message.append('The innermost block that needs to be '
+ 'closed is \'%s\'.' % self._tag_stack[-1])
+ self.fail(' '.join(message), lineno)
+ def fail_unknown_tag(self, name, lineno=None):
+ """Called if the parser encounters an unknown tag. Tries to fail
+ with a human readable error message that could help to identify
+ the problem.
+ """
+ return self._fail_ut_eof(name, self._end_token_stack, lineno)
+ def fail_eof(self, end_tokens=None, lineno=None):
+ """Like fail_unknown_tag but for end of template situations."""
+ stack = list(self._end_token_stack)
+ if end_tokens is not None:
+ stack.append(end_tokens)
+ return self._fail_ut_eof(None, stack, lineno)
+ def is_tuple_end(self, extra_end_rules=None):
+ """Are we at the end of a tuple?"""
+ if self.stream.current.type in ('variable_end', 'block_end', 'rparen'):
+ return True
+ elif extra_end_rules is not None:
+ return self.stream.current.test_any(extra_end_rules)
+ return False
+ def free_identifier(self, lineno=None):
+ """Return a new free identifier as :class:`~jinja2.nodes.InternalName`."""
+ self._last_identifier += 1
+ rv = object.__new__(nodes.InternalName)
+ nodes.Node.__init__(rv, 'fi%d' % self._last_identifier, lineno=lineno)
+ return rv
+ def parse_statement(self):
+ """Parse a single statement."""
+ token = self.stream.current
+ if token.type != 'name':
+ self.fail('tag name expected', token.lineno)
+ self._tag_stack.append(token.value)
+ pop_tag = True
+ try:
+ if token.value in _statement_keywords:
+ return getattr(self, 'parse_' + self.stream.current.value)()
+ if token.value == 'call':
+ return self.parse_call_block()
+ if token.value == 'filter':
+ return self.parse_filter_block()
+ ext = self.extensions.get(token.value)
+ if ext is not None:
+ return ext(self)
+ # did not work out, remove the token we pushed by accident
+ # from the stack so that the unknown tag fail function can
+ # produce a proper error message.
+ self._tag_stack.pop()
+ pop_tag = False
+ self.fail_unknown_tag(token.value, token.lineno)
+ finally:
+ if pop_tag:
+ self._tag_stack.pop()
+ def parse_statements(self, end_tokens, drop_needle=False):
+ """Parse multiple statements into a list until one of the end tokens
+ is reached. This is used to parse the body of statements as it also
+ parses template data if appropriate. The parser checks first if the
+ current token is a colon and skips it if there is one. Then it checks
+ for the block end and parses until if one of the `end_tokens` is
+ reached. Per default the active token in the stream at the end of
+ the call is the matched end token. If this is not wanted `drop_needle`
+ can be set to `True` and the end token is removed.
+ """
+ # the first token may be a colon for python compatibility
+ self.stream.skip_if('colon')
+ # in the future it would be possible to add whole code sections
+ # by adding some sort of end of statement token and parsing those here.
+ self.stream.expect('block_end')
+ result = self.subparse(end_tokens)
+ # we reached the end of the template too early, the subparser
+ # does not check for this, so we do that now
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'eof':
+ self.fail_eof(end_tokens)
+ if drop_needle:
+ next(self.stream)
+ return result
+ def parse_set(self):
+ """Parse an assign statement."""
+ lineno = next(self.stream).lineno
+ target = self.parse_assign_target()
+ self.stream.expect('assign')
+ expr = self.parse_tuple()
+ return nodes.Assign(target, expr, lineno=lineno)
+ def parse_for(self):
+ """Parse a for loop."""
+ lineno = self.stream.expect('name:for').lineno
+ target = self.parse_assign_target(extra_end_rules=('name:in',))
+ self.stream.expect('name:in')
+ iter = self.parse_tuple(with_condexpr=False,
+ extra_end_rules=('name:recursive',))
+ test = None
+ if self.stream.skip_if('name:if'):
+ test = self.parse_expression()
+ recursive = self.stream.skip_if('name:recursive')
+ body = self.parse_statements(('name:endfor', 'name:else'))
+ if next(self.stream).value == 'endfor':
+ else_ = []
+ else:
+ else_ = self.parse_statements(('name:endfor',), drop_needle=True)
+ return nodes.For(target, iter, body, else_, test,
+ recursive, lineno=lineno)
+ def parse_if(self):
+ """Parse an if construct."""
+ node = result = nodes.If(lineno=self.stream.expect('name:if').lineno)
+ while 1:
+ node.test = self.parse_tuple(with_condexpr=False)
+ node.body = self.parse_statements(('name:elif', 'name:else',
+ 'name:endif'))
+ token = next(self.stream)
+ if token.test('name:elif'):
+ new_node = nodes.If(lineno=self.stream.current.lineno)
+ node.else_ = [new_node]
+ node = new_node
+ continue
+ elif token.test('name:else'):
+ node.else_ = self.parse_statements(('name:endif',),
+ drop_needle=True)
+ else:
+ node.else_ = []
+ break
+ return result
+ def parse_block(self):
+ node = nodes.Block(lineno=next(self.stream).lineno)
+ node.name = self.stream.expect('name').value
+ node.scoped = self.stream.skip_if('name:scoped')
+ # common problem people encounter when switching from django
+ # to jinja. we do not support hyphens in block names, so let's
+ # raise a nicer error message in that case.
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'sub':
+ self.fail('Block names in Jinja have to be valid Python '
+ 'identifiers and may not contain hypens, use an '
+ 'underscore instead.')
+ node.body = self.parse_statements(('name:endblock',), drop_needle=True)
+ self.stream.skip_if('name:' + node.name)
+ return node
+ def parse_extends(self):
+ node = nodes.Extends(lineno=next(self.stream).lineno)
+ node.template = self.parse_expression()
+ return node
+ def parse_import_context(self, node, default):
+ if self.stream.current.test_any('name:with', 'name:without') and \
+ self.stream.look().test('name:context'):
+ node.with_context = next(self.stream).value == 'with'
+ self.stream.skip()
+ else:
+ node.with_context = default
+ return node
+ def parse_include(self):
+ node = nodes.Include(lineno=next(self.stream).lineno)
+ node.template = self.parse_expression()
+ if self.stream.current.test('name:ignore') and \
+ self.stream.look().test('name:missing'):
+ node.ignore_missing = True
+ self.stream.skip(2)
+ else:
+ node.ignore_missing = False
+ return self.parse_import_context(node, True)
+ def parse_import(self):
+ node = nodes.Import(lineno=next(self.stream).lineno)
+ node.template = self.parse_expression()
+ self.stream.expect('name:as')
+ node.target = self.parse_assign_target(name_only=True).name
+ return self.parse_import_context(node, False)
+ def parse_from(self):
+ node = nodes.FromImport(lineno=next(self.stream).lineno)
+ node.template = self.parse_expression()
+ self.stream.expect('name:import')
+ node.names = []
+ def parse_context():
+ if self.stream.current.value in ('with', 'without') and \
+ self.stream.look().test('name:context'):
+ node.with_context = next(self.stream).value == 'with'
+ self.stream.skip()
+ return True
+ return False
+ while 1:
+ if node.names:
+ self.stream.expect('comma')
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'name':
+ if parse_context():
+ break
+ target = self.parse_assign_target(name_only=True)
+ if target.name.startswith('_'):
+ self.fail('names starting with an underline can not '
+ 'be imported', target.lineno,
+ exc=TemplateAssertionError)
+ if self.stream.skip_if('name:as'):
+ alias = self.parse_assign_target(name_only=True)
+ node.names.append((target.name, alias.name))
+ else:
+ node.names.append(target.name)
+ if parse_context() or self.stream.current.type != 'comma':
+ break
+ else:
+ break
+ if not hasattr(node, 'with_context'):
+ node.with_context = False
+ self.stream.skip_if('comma')
+ return node
+ def parse_signature(self, node):
+ node.args = args = []
+ node.defaults = defaults = []
+ self.stream.expect('lparen')
+ while self.stream.current.type != 'rparen':
+ if args:
+ self.stream.expect('comma')
+ arg = self.parse_assign_target(name_only=True)
+ arg.set_ctx('param')
+ if self.stream.skip_if('assign'):
+ defaults.append(self.parse_expression())
+ args.append(arg)
+ self.stream.expect('rparen')
+ def parse_call_block(self):
+ node = nodes.CallBlock(lineno=next(self.stream).lineno)
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'lparen':
+ self.parse_signature(node)
+ else:
+ node.args = []
+ node.defaults = []
+ node.call = self.parse_expression()
+ if not isinstance(node.call, nodes.Call):
+ self.fail('expected call', node.lineno)
+ node.body = self.parse_statements(('name:endcall',), drop_needle=True)
+ return node
+ def parse_filter_block(self):
+ node = nodes.FilterBlock(lineno=next(self.stream).lineno)
+ node.filter = self.parse_filter(None, start_inline=True)
+ node.body = self.parse_statements(('name:endfilter',),
+ drop_needle=True)
+ return node
+ def parse_macro(self):
+ node = nodes.Macro(lineno=next(self.stream).lineno)
+ node.name = self.parse_assign_target(name_only=True).name
+ self.parse_signature(node)
+ node.body = self.parse_statements(('name:endmacro',),
+ drop_needle=True)
+ return node
+ def parse_print(self):
+ node = nodes.Output(lineno=next(self.stream).lineno)
+ node.nodes = []
+ while self.stream.current.type != 'block_end':
+ if node.nodes:
+ self.stream.expect('comma')
+ node.nodes.append(self.parse_expression())
+ return node
+ def parse_assign_target(self, with_tuple=True, name_only=False,
+ extra_end_rules=None):
+ """Parse an assignment target. As Jinja2 allows assignments to
+ tuples, this function can parse all allowed assignment targets. Per
+ default assignments to tuples are parsed, that can be disable however
+ by setting `with_tuple` to `False`. If only assignments to names are
+ wanted `name_only` can be set to `True`. The `extra_end_rules`
+ parameter is forwarded to the tuple parsing function.
+ """
+ if name_only:
+ token = self.stream.expect('name')
+ target = nodes.Name(token.value, 'store', lineno=token.lineno)
+ else:
+ if with_tuple:
+ target = self.parse_tuple(simplified=True,
+ extra_end_rules=extra_end_rules)
+ else:
+ target = self.parse_primary()
+ target.set_ctx('store')
+ if not target.can_assign():
+ self.fail('can\'t assign to %r' % target.__class__.
+ __name__.lower(), target.lineno)
+ return target
+ def parse_expression(self, with_condexpr=True):
+ """Parse an expression. Per default all expressions are parsed, if
+ the optional `with_condexpr` parameter is set to `False` conditional
+ expressions are not parsed.
+ """
+ if with_condexpr:
+ return self.parse_condexpr()
+ return self.parse_or()
+ def parse_condexpr(self):
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ expr1 = self.parse_or()
+ while self.stream.skip_if('name:if'):
+ expr2 = self.parse_or()
+ if self.stream.skip_if('name:else'):
+ expr3 = self.parse_condexpr()
+ else:
+ expr3 = None
+ expr1 = nodes.CondExpr(expr2, expr1, expr3, lineno=lineno)
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ return expr1
+ def parse_or(self):
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ left = self.parse_and()
+ while self.stream.skip_if('name:or'):
+ right = self.parse_and()
+ left = nodes.Or(left, right, lineno=lineno)
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ return left
+ def parse_and(self):
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ left = self.parse_not()
+ while self.stream.skip_if('name:and'):
+ right = self.parse_not()
+ left = nodes.And(left, right, lineno=lineno)
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ return left
+ def parse_not(self):
+ if self.stream.current.test('name:not'):
+ lineno = next(self.stream).lineno
+ return nodes.Not(self.parse_not(), lineno=lineno)
+ return self.parse_compare()
+ def parse_compare(self):
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ expr = self.parse_add()
+ ops = []
+ while 1:
+ token_type = self.stream.current.type
+ if token_type in _compare_operators:
+ next(self.stream)
+ ops.append(nodes.Operand(token_type, self.parse_add()))
+ elif self.stream.skip_if('name:in'):
+ ops.append(nodes.Operand('in', self.parse_add()))
+ elif self.stream.current.test('name:not') and \
+ self.stream.look().test('name:in'):
+ self.stream.skip(2)
+ ops.append(nodes.Operand('notin', self.parse_add()))
+ else:
+ break
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ if not ops:
+ return expr
+ return nodes.Compare(expr, ops, lineno=lineno)
+ def parse_add(self):
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ left = self.parse_sub()
+ while self.stream.current.type == 'add':
+ next(self.stream)
+ right = self.parse_sub()
+ left = nodes.Add(left, right, lineno=lineno)
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ return left
+ def parse_sub(self):
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ left = self.parse_concat()
+ while self.stream.current.type == 'sub':
+ next(self.stream)
+ right = self.parse_concat()
+ left = nodes.Sub(left, right, lineno=lineno)
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ return left
+ def parse_concat(self):
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ args = [self.parse_mul()]
+ while self.stream.current.type == 'tilde':
+ next(self.stream)
+ args.append(self.parse_mul())
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ return args[0]
+ return nodes.Concat(args, lineno=lineno)
+ def parse_mul(self):
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ left = self.parse_div()
+ while self.stream.current.type == 'mul':
+ next(self.stream)
+ right = self.parse_div()
+ left = nodes.Mul(left, right, lineno=lineno)
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ return left
+ def parse_div(self):
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ left = self.parse_floordiv()
+ while self.stream.current.type == 'div':
+ next(self.stream)
+ right = self.parse_floordiv()
+ left = nodes.Div(left, right, lineno=lineno)
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ return left
+ def parse_floordiv(self):
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ left = self.parse_mod()
+ while self.stream.current.type == 'floordiv':
+ next(self.stream)
+ right = self.parse_mod()
+ left = nodes.FloorDiv(left, right, lineno=lineno)
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ return left
+ def parse_mod(self):
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ left = self.parse_pow()
+ while self.stream.current.type == 'mod':
+ next(self.stream)
+ right = self.parse_pow()
+ left = nodes.Mod(left, right, lineno=lineno)
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ return left
+ def parse_pow(self):
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ left = self.parse_unary()
+ while self.stream.current.type == 'pow':
+ next(self.stream)
+ right = self.parse_unary()
+ left = nodes.Pow(left, right, lineno=lineno)
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ return left
+ def parse_unary(self, with_filter=True):
+ token_type = self.stream.current.type
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ if token_type == 'sub':
+ next(self.stream)
+ node = nodes.Neg(self.parse_unary(False), lineno=lineno)
+ elif token_type == 'add':
+ next(self.stream)
+ node = nodes.Pos(self.parse_unary(False), lineno=lineno)
+ else:
+ node = self.parse_primary()
+ node = self.parse_postfix(node)
+ if with_filter:
+ node = self.parse_filter_expr(node)
+ return node
+ def parse_primary(self):
+ token = self.stream.current
+ if token.type == 'name':
+ if token.value in ('true', 'false', 'True', 'False'):
+ node = nodes.Const(token.value in ('true', 'True'),
+ lineno=token.lineno)
+ elif token.value in ('none', 'None'):
+ node = nodes.Const(None, lineno=token.lineno)
+ else:
+ node = nodes.Name(token.value, 'load', lineno=token.lineno)
+ next(self.stream)
+ elif token.type == 'string':
+ next(self.stream)
+ buf = [token.value]
+ lineno = token.lineno
+ while self.stream.current.type == 'string':
+ buf.append(self.stream.current.value)
+ next(self.stream)
+ node = nodes.Const(''.join(buf), lineno=lineno)
+ elif token.type in ('integer', 'float'):
+ next(self.stream)
+ node = nodes.Const(token.value, lineno=token.lineno)
+ elif token.type == 'lparen':
+ next(self.stream)
+ node = self.parse_tuple(explicit_parentheses=True)
+ self.stream.expect('rparen')
+ elif token.type == 'lbracket':
+ node = self.parse_list()
+ elif token.type == 'lbrace':
+ node = self.parse_dict()
+ else:
+ self.fail("unexpected '%s'" % describe_token(token), token.lineno)
+ return node
+ def parse_tuple(self, simplified=False, with_condexpr=True,
+ extra_end_rules=None, explicit_parentheses=False):
+ """Works like `parse_expression` but if multiple expressions are
+ delimited by a comma a :class:`~jinja2.nodes.Tuple` node is created.
+ This method could also return a regular expression instead of a tuple
+ if no commas where found.
+ The default parsing mode is a full tuple. If `simplified` is `True`
+ only names and literals are parsed. The `no_condexpr` parameter is
+ forwarded to :meth:`parse_expression`.
+ Because tuples do not require delimiters and may end in a bogus comma
+ an extra hint is needed that marks the end of a tuple. For example
+ for loops support tuples between `for` and `in`. In that case the
+ `extra_end_rules` is set to ``['name:in']``.
+ `explicit_parentheses` is true if the parsing was triggered by an
+ expression in parentheses. This is used to figure out if an empty
+ tuple is a valid expression or not.
+ """
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ if simplified:
+ parse = self.parse_primary
+ elif with_condexpr:
+ parse = self.parse_expression
+ else:
+ parse = lambda: self.parse_expression(with_condexpr=False)
+ args = []
+ is_tuple = False
+ while 1:
+ if args:
+ self.stream.expect('comma')
+ if self.is_tuple_end(extra_end_rules):
+ break
+ args.append(parse())
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'comma':
+ is_tuple = True
+ else:
+ break
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ if not is_tuple:
+ if args:
+ return args[0]
+ # if we don't have explicit parentheses, an empty tuple is
+ # not a valid expression. This would mean nothing (literally
+ # nothing) in the spot of an expression would be an empty
+ # tuple.
+ if not explicit_parentheses:
+ self.fail('Expected an expression, got \'%s\'' %
+ describe_token(self.stream.current))
+ return nodes.Tuple(args, 'load', lineno=lineno)
+ def parse_list(self):
+ token = self.stream.expect('lbracket')
+ items = []
+ while self.stream.current.type != 'rbracket':
+ if items:
+ self.stream.expect('comma')
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'rbracket':
+ break
+ items.append(self.parse_expression())
+ self.stream.expect('rbracket')
+ return nodes.List(items, lineno=token.lineno)
+ def parse_dict(self):
+ token = self.stream.expect('lbrace')
+ items = []
+ while self.stream.current.type != 'rbrace':
+ if items:
+ self.stream.expect('comma')
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'rbrace':
+ break
+ key = self.parse_expression()
+ self.stream.expect('colon')
+ value = self.parse_expression()
+ items.append(nodes.Pair(key, value, lineno=key.lineno))
+ self.stream.expect('rbrace')
+ return nodes.Dict(items, lineno=token.lineno)
+ def parse_postfix(self, node):
+ while 1:
+ token_type = self.stream.current.type
+ if token_type == 'dot' or token_type == 'lbracket':
+ node = self.parse_subscript(node)
+ # calls are valid both after postfix expressions (getattr
+ # and getitem) as well as filters and tests
+ elif token_type == 'lparen':
+ node = self.parse_call(node)
+ else:
+ break
+ return node
+ def parse_filter_expr(self, node):
+ while 1:
+ token_type = self.stream.current.type
+ if token_type == 'pipe':
+ node = self.parse_filter(node)
+ elif token_type == 'name' and self.stream.current.value == 'is':
+ node = self.parse_test(node)
+ # calls are valid both after postfix expressions (getattr
+ # and getitem) as well as filters and tests
+ elif token_type == 'lparen':
+ node = self.parse_call(node)
+ else:
+ break
+ return node
+ def parse_subscript(self, node):
+ token = next(self.stream)
+ if token.type == 'dot':
+ attr_token = self.stream.current
+ next(self.stream)
+ if attr_token.type == 'name':
+ return nodes.Getattr(node, attr_token.value, 'load',
+ lineno=token.lineno)
+ elif attr_token.type != 'integer':
+ self.fail('expected name or number', attr_token.lineno)
+ arg = nodes.Const(attr_token.value, lineno=attr_token.lineno)
+ return nodes.Getitem(node, arg, 'load', lineno=token.lineno)
+ if token.type == 'lbracket':
+ priority_on_attribute = False
+ args = []
+ while self.stream.current.type != 'rbracket':
+ if args:
+ self.stream.expect('comma')
+ args.append(self.parse_subscribed())
+ self.stream.expect('rbracket')
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ arg = args[0]
+ else:
+ arg = nodes.Tuple(args, 'load', lineno=token.lineno)
+ return nodes.Getitem(node, arg, 'load', lineno=token.lineno)
+ self.fail('expected subscript expression', self.lineno)
+ def parse_subscribed(self):
+ lineno = self.stream.current.lineno
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'colon':
+ next(self.stream)
+ args = [None]
+ else:
+ node = self.parse_expression()
+ if self.stream.current.type != 'colon':
+ return node
+ next(self.stream)
+ args = [node]
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'colon':
+ args.append(None)
+ elif self.stream.current.type not in ('rbracket', 'comma'):
+ args.append(self.parse_expression())
+ else:
+ args.append(None)
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'colon':
+ next(self.stream)
+ if self.stream.current.type not in ('rbracket', 'comma'):
+ args.append(self.parse_expression())
+ else:
+ args.append(None)
+ else:
+ args.append(None)
+ return nodes.Slice(lineno=lineno, *args)
+ def parse_call(self, node):
+ token = self.stream.expect('lparen')
+ args = []
+ kwargs = []
+ dyn_args = dyn_kwargs = None
+ require_comma = False
+ def ensure(expr):
+ if not expr:
+ self.fail('invalid syntax for function call expression',
+ token.lineno)
+ while self.stream.current.type != 'rparen':
+ if require_comma:
+ self.stream.expect('comma')
+ # support for trailing comma
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'rparen':
+ break
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'mul':
+ ensure(dyn_args is None and dyn_kwargs is None)
+ next(self.stream)
+ dyn_args = self.parse_expression()
+ elif self.stream.current.type == 'pow':
+ ensure(dyn_kwargs is None)
+ next(self.stream)
+ dyn_kwargs = self.parse_expression()
+ else:
+ ensure(dyn_args is None and dyn_kwargs is None)
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'name' and \
+ self.stream.look().type == 'assign':
+ key = self.stream.current.value
+ self.stream.skip(2)
+ value = self.parse_expression()
+ kwargs.append(nodes.Keyword(key, value,
+ lineno=value.lineno))
+ else:
+ ensure(not kwargs)
+ args.append(self.parse_expression())
+ require_comma = True
+ self.stream.expect('rparen')
+ if node is None:
+ return args, kwargs, dyn_args, dyn_kwargs
+ return nodes.Call(node, args, kwargs, dyn_args, dyn_kwargs,
+ lineno=token.lineno)
+ def parse_filter(self, node, start_inline=False):
+ while self.stream.current.type == 'pipe' or start_inline:
+ if not start_inline:
+ next(self.stream)
+ token = self.stream.expect('name')
+ name = token.value
+ while self.stream.current.type == 'dot':
+ next(self.stream)
+ name += '.' + self.stream.expect('name').value
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'lparen':
+ args, kwargs, dyn_args, dyn_kwargs = self.parse_call(None)
+ else:
+ args = []
+ kwargs = []
+ dyn_args = dyn_kwargs = None
+ node = nodes.Filter(node, name, args, kwargs, dyn_args,
+ dyn_kwargs, lineno=token.lineno)
+ start_inline = False
+ return node
+ def parse_test(self, node):
+ token = next(self.stream)
+ if self.stream.current.test('name:not'):
+ next(self.stream)
+ negated = True
+ else:
+ negated = False
+ name = self.stream.expect('name').value
+ while self.stream.current.type == 'dot':
+ next(self.stream)
+ name += '.' + self.stream.expect('name').value
+ dyn_args = dyn_kwargs = None
+ kwargs = []
+ if self.stream.current.type == 'lparen':
+ args, kwargs, dyn_args, dyn_kwargs = self.parse_call(None)
+ elif self.stream.current.type in ('name', 'string', 'integer',
+ 'float', 'lparen', 'lbracket',
+ 'lbrace') and not \
+ self.stream.current.test_any('name:else', 'name:or',
+ 'name:and'):
+ if self.stream.current.test('name:is'):
+ self.fail('You cannot chain multiple tests with is')
+ args = [self.parse_expression()]
+ else:
+ args = []
+ node = nodes.Test(node, name, args, kwargs, dyn_args,
+ dyn_kwargs, lineno=token.lineno)
+ if negated:
+ node = nodes.Not(node, lineno=token.lineno)
+ return node
+ def subparse(self, end_tokens=None):
+ body = []
+ data_buffer = []
+ add_data = data_buffer.append
+ if end_tokens is not None:
+ self._end_token_stack.append(end_tokens)
+ def flush_data():
+ if data_buffer:
+ lineno = data_buffer[0].lineno
+ body.append(nodes.Output(data_buffer[:], lineno=lineno))
+ del data_buffer[:]
+ try:
+ while self.stream:
+ token = self.stream.current
+ if token.type == 'data':
+ if token.value:
+ add_data(nodes.TemplateData(token.value,
+ lineno=token.lineno))
+ next(self.stream)
+ elif token.type == 'variable_begin':
+ next(self.stream)
+ add_data(self.parse_tuple(with_condexpr=True))
+ self.stream.expect('variable_end')
+ elif token.type == 'block_begin':
+ flush_data()
+ next(self.stream)
+ if end_tokens is not None and \
+ self.stream.current.test_any(*end_tokens):
+ return body
+ rv = self.parse_statement()
+ if isinstance(rv, list):
+ body.extend(rv)
+ else:
+ body.append(rv)
+ self.stream.expect('block_end')
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError('internal parsing error')
+ flush_data()
+ finally:
+ if end_tokens is not None:
+ self._end_token_stack.pop()
+ return body
+ def parse(self):
+ """Parse the whole template into a `Template` node."""
+ result = nodes.Template(self.subparse(), lineno=1)
+ result.set_environment(self.environment)
+ return result