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path: root/creactiweb/_templates/lib/werkzeug/http.py
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diff --git a/creactiweb/_templates/lib/werkzeug/http.py b/creactiweb/_templates/lib/werkzeug/http.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/creactiweb/_templates/lib/werkzeug/http.py
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ werkzeug.http
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Werkzeug comes with a bunch of utilities that help Werkzeug to deal with
+ HTTP data. Most of the classes and functions provided by this module are
+ used by the wrappers, but they are useful on their own, too, especially if
+ the response and request objects are not used.
+ This covers some of the more HTTP centric features of WSGI, some other
+ utilities such as cookie handling are documented in the `werkzeug.utils`
+ module.
+ :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Werkzeug Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
+import re
+import inspect
+ from email.utils import parsedate_tz
+except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
+ from email.Utils import parsedate_tz
+from urllib2 import parse_http_list as _parse_list_header
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+ from hashlib import md5
+except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
+ from md5 import new as md5
+#: HTTP_STATUS_CODES is "exported" from this module.
+#: XXX: move to werkzeug.consts or something
+from werkzeug._internal import HTTP_STATUS_CODES
+_accept_re = re.compile(r'([^\s;,]+)(?:[^,]*?;\s*q=(\d*(?:\.\d+)?))?')
+_token_chars = frozenset("!#$%&'*+-.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ '^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|~')
+_etag_re = re.compile(r'([Ww]/)?(?:"(.*?)"|(.*?))(?:\s*,\s*|$)')
+_unsafe_header_chars = set('()<>@,;:\"/[]?={} \t')
+_quoted_string_re = r'"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"'
+_option_header_piece_re = re.compile(r';\s*([^\s;=]+|%s)\s*(?:=\s*([^;]+|%s))?\s*' %
+ (_quoted_string_re, _quoted_string_re))
+_entity_headers = frozenset([
+ 'allow', 'content-encoding', 'content-language', 'content-length',
+ 'content-location', 'content-md5', 'content-range', 'content-type',
+ 'expires', 'last-modified'
+_hop_by_pop_headers = frozenset([
+ 'connection', 'keep-alive', 'proxy-authenticate',
+ 'proxy-authorization', 'te', 'trailers', 'transfer-encoding',
+ 'upgrade'
+def quote_header_value(value, extra_chars='', allow_token=True):
+ """Quote a header value if necessary.
+ .. versionadded:: 0.5
+ :param value: the value to quote.
+ :param extra_chars: a list of extra characters to skip quoting.
+ :param allow_token: if this is enabled token values are returned
+ unchanged.
+ """
+ value = str(value)
+ if allow_token:
+ token_chars = _token_chars | set(extra_chars)
+ if set(value).issubset(token_chars):
+ return value
+ return '"%s"' % value.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
+def unquote_header_value(value, is_filename = False):
+ r"""Unquotes a header value. (Reversal of :func:`quote_header_value`).
+ This does not use the real unquoting but what browsers are actually
+ using for quoting.
+ .. versionadded:: 0.5
+ :param value: the header value to unquote.
+ """
+ if value and value[0] == value[-1] == '"':
+ # this is not the real unquoting, but fixing this so that the
+ # RFC is met will result in bugs with internet explorer and
+ # probably some other browsers as well. IE for example is
+ # uploading files with "C:\foo\bar.txt" as filename
+ value = value[1:-1]
+ # if this is a filename and the starting characters look like
+ # a UNC path, then just return the value without quotes. Using the
+ # replace sequence below on a UNC path has the effect of turning
+ # the leading double slash into a single slash and then
+ # _fix_ie_filename() doesn't work correctly. See #458.
+ if not is_filename or value[:2] != '\\\\':
+ return value.replace('\\\\', '\\').replace('\\"', '"')
+ return value
+def dump_options_header(header, options):
+ """The reverse function to :func:`parse_options_header`.
+ :param header: the header to dump
+ :param options: a dict of options to append.
+ """
+ segments = []
+ if header is not None:
+ segments.append(header)
+ for key, value in options.iteritems():
+ if value is None:
+ segments.append(key)
+ else:
+ segments.append('%s=%s' % (key, quote_header_value(value)))
+ return '; '.join(segments)
+def dump_header(iterable, allow_token=True):
+ """Dump an HTTP header again. This is the reversal of
+ :func:`parse_list_header`, :func:`parse_set_header` and
+ :func:`parse_dict_header`. This also quotes strings that include an
+ equals sign unless you pass it as dict of key, value pairs.
+ >>> dump_header({'foo': 'bar baz'})
+ 'foo="bar baz"'
+ >>> dump_header(('foo', 'bar baz'))
+ 'foo, "bar baz"'
+ :param iterable: the iterable or dict of values to quote.
+ :param allow_token: if set to `False` tokens as values are disallowed.
+ See :func:`quote_header_value` for more details.
+ """
+ if isinstance(iterable, dict):
+ items = []
+ for key, value in iterable.iteritems():
+ if value is None:
+ items.append(key)
+ else:
+ items.append('%s=%s' % (
+ key,
+ quote_header_value(value, allow_token=allow_token)
+ ))
+ else:
+ items = [quote_header_value(x, allow_token=allow_token)
+ for x in iterable]
+ return ', '.join(items)
+def parse_list_header(value):
+ """Parse lists as described by RFC 2068 Section 2.
+ In particular, parse comma-separated lists where the elements of
+ the list may include quoted-strings. A quoted-string could
+ contain a comma. A non-quoted string could have quotes in the
+ middle. Quotes are removed automatically after parsing.
+ It basically works like :func:`parse_set_header` just that items
+ may appear multiple times and case sensitivity is preserved.
+ The return value is a standard :class:`list`:
+ >>> parse_list_header('token, "quoted value"')
+ ['token', 'quoted value']
+ To create a header from the :class:`list` again, use the
+ :func:`dump_header` function.
+ :param value: a string with a list header.
+ :return: :class:`list`
+ """
+ result = []
+ for item in _parse_list_header(value):
+ if item[:1] == item[-1:] == '"':
+ item = unquote_header_value(item[1:-1])
+ result.append(item)
+ return result
+def parse_dict_header(value):
+ """Parse lists of key, value pairs as described by RFC 2068 Section 2 and
+ convert them into a python dict:
+ >>> d = parse_dict_header('foo="is a fish", bar="as well"')
+ >>> type(d) is dict
+ True
+ >>> sorted(d.items())
+ [('bar', 'as well'), ('foo', 'is a fish')]
+ If there is no value for a key it will be `None`:
+ >>> parse_dict_header('key_without_value')
+ {'key_without_value': None}
+ To create a header from the :class:`dict` again, use the
+ :func:`dump_header` function.
+ :param value: a string with a dict header.
+ :return: :class:`dict`
+ """
+ result = {}
+ for item in _parse_list_header(value):
+ if '=' not in item:
+ result[item] = None
+ continue
+ name, value = item.split('=', 1)
+ if value[:1] == value[-1:] == '"':
+ value = unquote_header_value(value[1:-1])
+ result[name] = value
+ return result
+def parse_options_header(value):
+ """Parse a ``Content-Type`` like header into a tuple with the content
+ type and the options:
+ >>> parse_options_header('Content-Type: text/html; mimetype=text/html')
+ ('Content-Type: text/html', {'mimetype': 'text/html'})
+ This should not be used to parse ``Cache-Control`` like headers that use
+ a slightly different format. For these headers use the
+ :func:`parse_dict_header` function.
+ .. versionadded:: 0.5
+ :param value: the header to parse.
+ :return: (str, options)
+ """
+ def _tokenize(string):
+ for match in _option_header_piece_re.finditer(string):
+ key, value = match.groups()
+ key = unquote_header_value(key)
+ if value is not None:
+ value = unquote_header_value(value, key == 'filename')
+ yield key, value
+ if not value:
+ return '', {}
+ parts = _tokenize(';' + value)
+ name = parts.next()[0]
+ extra = dict(parts)
+ return name, extra
+def parse_accept_header(value, cls=None):
+ """Parses an HTTP Accept-* header. This does not implement a complete
+ valid algorithm but one that supports at least value and quality
+ extraction.
+ Returns a new :class:`Accept` object (basically a list of ``(value, quality)``
+ tuples sorted by the quality with some additional accessor methods).
+ The second parameter can be a subclass of :class:`Accept` that is created
+ with the parsed values and returned.
+ :param value: the accept header string to be parsed.
+ :param cls: the wrapper class for the return value (can be
+ :class:`Accept` or a subclass thereof)
+ :return: an instance of `cls`.
+ """
+ if cls is None:
+ cls = Accept
+ if not value:
+ return cls(None)
+ result = []
+ for match in _accept_re.finditer(value):
+ quality = match.group(2)
+ if not quality:
+ quality = 1
+ else:
+ quality = max(min(float(quality), 1), 0)
+ result.append((match.group(1), quality))
+ return cls(result)
+def parse_cache_control_header(value, on_update=None, cls=None):
+ """Parse a cache control header. The RFC differs between response and
+ request cache control, this method does not. It's your responsibility
+ to not use the wrong control statements.
+ .. versionadded:: 0.5
+ The `cls` was added. If not specified an immutable
+ :class:`RequestCacheControl` is returned.
+ :param value: a cache control header to be parsed.
+ :param on_update: an optional callable that is called every time a
+ value on the :class:`CacheControl` object is changed.
+ :param cls: the class for the returned object. By default
+ :class:`RequestCacheControl` is used.
+ :return: a `cls` object.
+ """
+ if cls is None:
+ cls = RequestCacheControl
+ if not value:
+ return cls(None, on_update)
+ return cls(parse_dict_header(value), on_update)
+def parse_set_header(value, on_update=None):
+ """Parse a set-like header and return a :class:`HeaderSet` object:
+ >>> hs = parse_set_header('token, "quoted value"')
+ The return value is an object that treats the items case-insensitively
+ and keeps the order of the items:
+ >>> 'TOKEN' in hs
+ True
+ >>> hs.index('quoted value')
+ 1
+ >>> hs
+ HeaderSet(['token', 'quoted value'])
+ To create a header from the :class:`HeaderSet` again, use the
+ :func:`dump_header` function.
+ :param value: a set header to be parsed.
+ :param on_update: an optional callable that is called every time a
+ value on the :class:`HeaderSet` object is changed.
+ :return: a :class:`HeaderSet`
+ """
+ if not value:
+ return HeaderSet(None, on_update)
+ return HeaderSet(parse_list_header(value), on_update)
+def parse_authorization_header(value):
+ """Parse an HTTP basic/digest authorization header transmitted by the web
+ browser. The return value is either `None` if the header was invalid or
+ not given, otherwise an :class:`Authorization` object.
+ :param value: the authorization header to parse.
+ :return: a :class:`Authorization` object or `None`.
+ """
+ if not value:
+ return
+ try:
+ auth_type, auth_info = value.split(None, 1)
+ auth_type = auth_type.lower()
+ except ValueError:
+ return
+ if auth_type == 'basic':
+ try:
+ username, password = auth_info.decode('base64').split(':', 1)
+ except Exception, e:
+ return
+ return Authorization('basic', {'username': username,
+ 'password': password})
+ elif auth_type == 'digest':
+ auth_map = parse_dict_header(auth_info)
+ for key in 'username', 'realm', 'nonce', 'uri', 'nc', 'cnonce', \
+ 'response':
+ if not key in auth_map:
+ return
+ return Authorization('digest', auth_map)
+def parse_www_authenticate_header(value, on_update=None):
+ """Parse an HTTP WWW-Authenticate header into a :class:`WWWAuthenticate`
+ object.
+ :param value: a WWW-Authenticate header to parse.
+ :param on_update: an optional callable that is called every time a
+ value on the :class:`WWWAuthenticate` object is changed.
+ :return: a :class:`WWWAuthenticate` object.
+ """
+ if not value:
+ return WWWAuthenticate(on_update=on_update)
+ try:
+ auth_type, auth_info = value.split(None, 1)
+ auth_type = auth_type.lower()
+ except (ValueError, AttributeError):
+ return WWWAuthenticate(value.strip().lower(), on_update=on_update)
+ return WWWAuthenticate(auth_type, parse_dict_header(auth_info),
+ on_update)
+def quote_etag(etag, weak=False):
+ """Quote an etag.
+ :param etag: the etag to quote.
+ :param weak: set to `True` to tag it "weak".
+ """
+ if '"' in etag:
+ raise ValueError('invalid etag')
+ etag = '"%s"' % etag
+ if weak:
+ etag = 'w/' + etag
+ return etag
+def unquote_etag(etag):
+ """Unquote a single etag:
+ >>> unquote_etag('w/"bar"')
+ ('bar', True)
+ >>> unquote_etag('"bar"')
+ ('bar', False)
+ :param etag: the etag identifier to unquote.
+ :return: a ``(etag, weak)`` tuple.
+ """
+ if not etag:
+ return None, None
+ etag = etag.strip()
+ weak = False
+ if etag[:2] in ('w/', 'W/'):
+ weak = True
+ etag = etag[2:]
+ if etag[:1] == etag[-1:] == '"':
+ etag = etag[1:-1]
+ return etag, weak
+def parse_etags(value):
+ """Parse an etag header.
+ :param value: the tag header to parse
+ :return: an :class:`ETags` object.
+ """
+ if not value:
+ return ETags()
+ strong = []
+ weak = []
+ end = len(value)
+ pos = 0
+ while pos < end:
+ match = _etag_re.match(value, pos)
+ if match is None:
+ break
+ is_weak, quoted, raw = match.groups()
+ if raw == '*':
+ return ETags(star_tag=True)
+ elif quoted:
+ raw = quoted
+ if is_weak:
+ weak.append(raw)
+ else:
+ strong.append(raw)
+ pos = match.end()
+ return ETags(strong, weak)
+def generate_etag(data):
+ """Generate an etag for some data."""
+ return md5(data).hexdigest()
+def parse_date(value):
+ """Parse one of the following date formats into a datetime object:
+ .. sourcecode:: text
+ Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123
+ Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036
+ Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 ; ANSI C's asctime() format
+ If parsing fails the return value is `None`.
+ :param value: a string with a supported date format.
+ :return: a :class:`datetime.datetime` object.
+ """
+ if value:
+ t = parsedate_tz(value.strip())
+ if t is not None:
+ try:
+ year = t[0]
+ # unfortunately that function does not tell us if two digit
+ # years were part of the string, or if they were prefixed
+ # with two zeroes. So what we do is to assume that 69-99
+ # refer to 1900, and everything below to 2000
+ if year >= 0 and year <= 68:
+ year += 2000
+ elif year >= 69 and year <= 99:
+ year += 1900
+ return datetime(*((year,) + t[1:7])) - \
+ timedelta(seconds=t[-1] or 0)
+ except (ValueError, OverflowError):
+ return None
+def is_resource_modified(environ, etag=None, data=None, last_modified=None):
+ """Convenience method for conditional requests.
+ :param environ: the WSGI environment of the request to be checked.
+ :param etag: the etag for the response for comparison.
+ :param data: or alternatively the data of the response to automatically
+ generate an etag using :func:`generate_etag`.
+ :param last_modified: an optional date of the last modification.
+ :return: `True` if the resource was modified, otherwise `False`.
+ """
+ if etag is None and data is not None:
+ etag = generate_etag(data)
+ elif data is not None:
+ raise TypeError('both data and etag given')
+ if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] not in ('GET', 'HEAD'):
+ return False
+ unmodified = False
+ if isinstance(last_modified, basestring):
+ last_modified = parse_date(last_modified)
+ modified_since = parse_date(environ.get('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'))
+ if modified_since and last_modified and last_modified <= modified_since:
+ unmodified = True
+ if etag:
+ if_none_match = parse_etags(environ.get('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'))
+ if if_none_match:
+ unmodified = if_none_match.contains_raw(etag)
+ return not unmodified
+def remove_entity_headers(headers, allowed=('expires', 'content-location')):
+ """Remove all entity headers from a list or :class:`Headers` object. This
+ operation works in-place. `Expires` and `Content-Location` headers are
+ by default not removed. The reason for this is :rfc:`2616` section
+ 10.3.5 which specifies some entity headers that should be sent.
+ .. versionchanged:: 0.5
+ added `allowed` parameter.
+ :param headers: a list or :class:`Headers` object.
+ :param allowed: a list of headers that should still be allowed even though
+ they are entity headers.
+ """
+ allowed = set(x.lower() for x in allowed)
+ headers[:] = [(key, value) for key, value in headers if
+ not is_entity_header(key) or key.lower() in allowed]
+def remove_hop_by_hop_headers(headers):
+ """Remove all HTTP/1.1 "Hop-by-Hop" headers from a list or
+ :class:`Headers` object. This operation works in-place.
+ .. versionadded:: 0.5
+ :param headers: a list or :class:`Headers` object.
+ """
+ headers[:] = [(key, value) for key, value in headers if
+ not is_hop_by_hop_header(key)]
+def is_entity_header(header):
+ """Check if a header is an entity header.
+ .. versionadded:: 0.5
+ :param header: the header to test.
+ :return: `True` if it's an entity header, `False` otherwise.
+ """
+ return header.lower() in _entity_headers
+def is_hop_by_hop_header(header):
+ """Check if a header is an HTTP/1.1 "Hop-by-Hop" header.
+ .. versionadded:: 0.5
+ :param header: the header to test.
+ :return: `True` if it's an entity header, `False` otherwise.
+ """
+ return header.lower() in _hop_by_pop_headers
+# circular dependency fun
+from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers, Accept, RequestCacheControl, \
+ ResponseCacheControl, HeaderSet, ETags, Authorization, \
+ WWWAuthenticate
+# backwards compatible imports
+from werkzeug.datastructures import MIMEAccept, CharsetAccept, LanguageAccept