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path: root/deka.py
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1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deka.py b/deka.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ade7f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deka.py
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ Copyright 2009 Adam Schreiber <sadam@gnome.org>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import gtk
+import math
+class DrawShapesArea(gtk.DrawingArea):
+ def __init__(self):
+ gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self)
+ self.connect_after("expose_event", self.expose)
+ self.ones = 0
+ self.tens = 0
+ self.hundreds = 0
+ self.thousands = 0
+ self.tenthousands = 0
+ self.hundredthousands = 0
+ def expose(self, widget, event):
+ #print widget.window
+ self.context = widget.window.cairo_create()
+ #print self.context
+ # set a clip region for the expose event
+ self.context.rectangle(event.area.x, event.area.y,
+ event.area.width, event.area.height)
+ self.context.clip()
+ self.draw(self.context)
+ return False
+ def draw (self, context):
+ rect = self.get_allocation()
+ context.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ context.move_to (rect.x+rect.width/6, rect.y)
+ context.line_to (rect.x+rect.width/6, rect.y + rect.height)
+ context.move_to (rect.x+2*rect.width/6, rect.y)
+ context.line_to (rect.x+2*rect.width/6, rect.y + rect.height)
+ context.move_to (rect.x+3*rect.width/6, rect.y)
+ context.line_to (rect.x+3*rect.width/6, rect.y + rect.height)
+ context.move_to (rect.x+4*rect.width/6, rect.y)
+ context.line_to (rect.x+4*rect.width/6, rect.y + rect.height)
+ context.move_to (rect.x+5*rect.width/6, rect.y)
+ context.line_to (rect.x+5*rect.width/6, rect.y + rect.height)
+ context.stroke()
+ for m in range (0,5):
+ for n in range (0,2):
+ if (((5-m) + ((n+1)%2)*5) <= self.ones):
+ opacity = 1
+ else:
+ opacity = 0.25
+ self.drawBar (context, rect.x + 5*rect.width/6 + n*rect.width/12,
+ rect.y + m*rect.height/6, rect.width/12, rect.height/6, opacity)
+ for m in range (0,5):
+ for n in range (0,2):
+ if (((5-m) + ((n+1)%2)*5) <= self.tens):
+ opacity = 1
+ else:
+ opacity = 0.25
+ self.drawCircle (context, rect.x + 4*rect.width/6 + n*rect.width/12,
+ rect.y + m*rect.height/6, rect.width/12, rect.height/6, opacity)
+ for m in range (0,5):
+ for n in range (0,2):
+ if (((5-m) + ((n+1)%2)*5) <= self.hundreds):
+ opacity = 1
+ else:
+ opacity = 0.25
+ self.drawTriangle (context, rect.x + 3*rect.width/6 + n*rect.width/12,
+ rect.y + m*rect.height/6, rect.width/12, rect.height/6, opacity)
+ for m in range (0,5):
+ for n in range (0,2):
+ if (((5-m) + ((n+1)%2)*5) <= self.thousands):
+ opacity = 1
+ else:
+ opacity = 0.25
+ self.drawSquare (context, rect.x + 2*rect.width/6 + n*rect.width/12,
+ rect.y + m*rect.height/6, rect.width/12, rect.height/6, opacity)
+ for m in range (0,5):
+ for n in range (0,2):
+ if (((5-m) + ((n+1)%2)*5) <= self.tenthousands):
+ opacity = 1
+ else:
+ opacity = 0.25
+ self.drawPentagon (context, rect.x + 1*rect.width/6 + n*rect.width/12,
+ rect.y + m*rect.height/6, rect.width/12, rect.height/6, opacity)
+ for m in range (0,5):
+ for n in range (0,2):
+ if (((5-m) + ((n+1)%2)*5) <= self.hundredthousands):
+ opacity = 1
+ else:
+ opacity = 0.25
+ self.drawHexagon (context, rect.x + 0*rect.width/6 + n*rect.width/12,
+ rect.y + m*rect.height/6, rect.width/12, rect.height/6, opacity)
+ def set_count (self, count):
+ val = int(count)
+ self.hundredthousands = int(math.floor(val/math.pow(10,5)))
+ self.tenthousands = int(math.floor(math.fmod(val,math.pow(10,5))/math.pow(10,4)))
+ self.thousands = int(math.floor(math.fmod(val,math.pow(10,4))/math.pow(10,3)))
+ self.hundreds = int(math.floor(math.fmod(val,math.pow(10,3))/math.pow(10,2)))
+ self.tens = int(math.floor(math.fmod(val,math.pow(10,2))/math.pow(10,1)))
+ self.ones = int(math.floor(math.fmod(val,math.pow(10,1))))
+ self.queue_draw ()
+ def get_count ():
+ return (self.hundredthousands * 10**5 + self.tenthousands * 10**4
+ + self.thousands * 10**3 + self.hundreds * 10**2
+ + self.tens * 10 + self.ones)
+ def drawBar (self, context, x, y, width, height, opacity):
+ context.rectangle(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(x + width/3,
+ y+height/6,
+ width/3,
+ height*2/3))
+ context.set_source_rgba(0.933, 0.510, 0.933, opacity)
+ context.fill_preserve()
+ context.set_source_rgba(0.933, 0.510, 0.933, 1.0)
+ context.stroke()
+ def drawCircle (self, context, x, y, width, height, opacity):
+ x = x + width / 2
+ y = y + height / 2
+ radius = min(width / 2, height / 2) - 5
+ context.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * math.pi)
+ context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 1, opacity)
+ context.fill_preserve()
+ context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 1)
+ context.stroke()
+ def drawTriangle (self, context, x, y, width, height, opacity):
+ x = x + width / 2
+ y = y + height / 2
+ radius = min(width / 2, height / 2) - 5
+ context.move_to (x, y - radius)
+ context.line_to (x+radius*math.cos(-30.0/180.0*math.pi), y - radius*math.sin(-30.0/180.0*math.pi))
+ context.line_to (x-radius*math.cos(-30.0/180.0*math.pi), y - radius*math.sin(-30.0/180.0*math.pi))
+ context.line_to (x, y - radius)
+ context.set_source_rgba(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, opacity)
+ context.fill_preserve()
+ context.set_source_rgba(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ context.stroke()
+ def drawSquare (self, context, x, y, width, height, opacity):
+ x = x + width / 2
+ y = y + height / 2
+ radius = min(width / 2, height / 2) - 5
+ context.rectangle (gtk.gdk.Rectangle (int(x-.5*radius*math.sqrt(2.0)),
+ int(y-.5*radius*math.sqrt(2.0)),
+ int(radius*math.sqrt(2.0)),
+ int(radius*math.sqrt(2.0))))
+ context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, opacity)
+ context.fill_preserve()
+ context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ context.stroke()
+ def drawPentagon (self, context, x, y, width, height, opacity):
+ x = x + width / 2
+ y = y + height / 2
+ radius = min(width / 2, height / 2) - 5
+ context.move_to (x, y - radius)
+ context.line_to (x+radius*math.cos(13.0/180.0*math.pi), y - radius*math.sin(13.0/180.0*math.pi))
+ context.line_to (x+radius*math.cos(54.0/180.0*math.pi), y + radius*math.sin(54.0/180.0*math.pi))
+ context.line_to (x-radius*math.cos(54.0/180.0*math.pi), y + radius*math.sin(54.0/180.0*math.pi))
+ context.line_to (x-radius*math.cos(13.0/180.0*math.pi), y - radius*math.sin(13.0/180.0*math.pi))
+ context.line_to (x, y - radius)
+ context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 0.647, 0.0, opacity)
+ context.fill_preserve()
+ context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 0.647, 0.0, 1.0)
+ context.stroke()
+ def drawHexagon (self, context, x, y, width, height, opacity):
+ x = x + width / 2
+ y = y + height / 2
+ radius = min(width / 2, height / 2) - 5
+ context.move_to (x+radius*math.cos(60.0/180.0*math.pi), y - radius*math.sin(60.0/180.0*math.pi))
+ context.line_to (x+radius, y)
+ context.line_to (x+radius*math.cos(60.0/180.0*math.pi), y + radius*math.sin(60.0/180.0*math.pi))
+ context.line_to (x-radius*math.cos(60.0/180.0*math.pi), y + radius*math.sin(60.0/180.0*math.pi))
+ context.line_to (x-radius, y)
+ context.line_to (x - radius*math.cos(60.0/180.0*math.pi), y - radius*math.sin(60.0/180.0*math.pi))
+ context.line_to (x+radius*math.cos(60.0/180.0*math.pi), y - radius*math.sin(60.0/180.0*math.pi))
+ context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, opacity)
+ context.fill_preserve()
+ context.set_source_rgba(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ context.stroke()
+def main():
+ window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
+ window.connect("delete_event", delete_event)
+ window.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)
+ window.set_border_width(10)
+ window.set_default_size(640, 480)
+ window.set_title("Deka")
+ vbox = gtk.VBox (False, 10)
+ window.add(vbox)
+ # Scrollbar Value Label
+ hbox = gtk.HBox()
+ spinbut = gtk.SpinButton()
+ spinbut.set_range(0,999999)
+ spinbut.set_increments(1,100)
+ spinbut.set_numeric(True)
+ hbox.pack_start(spinbut, True, False)
+ vbox.pack_start(hbox, False)
+ # Scrollbar
+ hscrollbar = gtk.HScrollbar()
+ hscrollbar.set_range(0,999999)
+ hscrollbar.set_increments(1,100)
+ vbox.pack_start(hscrollbar, False)
+ # Equivalent Label
+ equivlab = gtk.Label("0 * 100000 + 0 * 10000 + 0 * 1000 + 0 * 100 + 0 * 10 + 0 * 1 = 0")
+ vbox.pack_start(equivlab, False)
+ # Power of 10 Equivalent Label
+ powequivlab = gtk.Label("0 * 10<sup>5</sup> + 0 * 10<sup>4</sup> + 0 * 10<sup>3</sup> + 0 * 10<sup>2</sup> + 0 * 10<sup>1</sup> + 0 * 10<sup>0</sup> = 0")
+ powequivlab.set_use_markup(True)
+ vbox.pack_start(powequivlab, False)
+ # Start Figure Box
+ drawshapesarea = DrawShapesArea()
+ vbox.add(drawshapesarea)
+ spinbut.connect("value-changed", scrollbar_changed, [spinbut, hscrollbar, equivlab, powequivlab, drawshapesarea])
+ hscrollbar.connect("value-changed", scrollbar_changed, [spinbut, hscrollbar, equivlab, powequivlab, drawshapesarea])
+ window.show_all()
+ gtk.main()
+def scrollbar_changed(range, data=None):
+ spinbut = data[0]
+ hscrollbar = data[1]
+ equivlab = data[2]
+ powequivlab = data[3]
+ drawshapesarea = data[4]
+ val = round(range.get_value())
+ if abs(val) < abs(1e-2):
+ val = 0
+ val = int(val)
+ val5 = int(math.floor(val/math.pow(10,5)))
+ val4 = int(math.floor(math.fmod(val,math.pow(10,5))/math.pow(10,4)))
+ val3 = int(math.floor(math.fmod(val,math.pow(10,4))/math.pow(10,3)))
+ val2 = int(math.floor(math.fmod(val,math.pow(10,3))/math.pow(10,2)))
+ val1 = int(math.floor(math.fmod(val,math.pow(10,2))/math.pow(10,1)))
+ val0 = int(math.floor(math.fmod(val,math.pow(10,1))))
+ spinbut.set_value(int(val))
+ hscrollbar.set_value(int(val))
+ equivlab.set_text("{0} * 100000 + {1} * 10000 + {2} * 1000 + {3} * 100 + {4} * 10 + {5} * 1 = {6}".format(val5, val4, val3, val2, val1, val0, val))
+ powequivlab.set_markup("{0} * 10<sup>5</sup> + {1} * 10<sup>4</sup> + {2} * 10<sup>3</sup> + {3} * 10<sup>2</sup> + {4} * 10<sup>1</sup> + {5} * 10<sup>0</sup> = {6}".format(val5, val4, val3, val2, val1, val0, val))
+ drawshapesarea.set_count (val)
+def delete_event(widget, event, data=None):
+ return False
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()