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path: root/html/enyo/enyo.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'html/enyo/enyo.js')
1 files changed, 3627 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/html/enyo/enyo.js b/html/enyo/enyo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f65fb62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/enyo/enyo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3627 @@
+// enyo.js
+(function() {
+var a = "enyo.js";
+enyo = window.enyo || {}, enyo.locateScript = function(a) {
+var b = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
+for (var c = b.length - 1, d, e, f = a.length; c >= 0 && (d = b[c]); c--) if (!d.located) {
+e = d.getAttribute("src") || "";
+if (e.slice(-f) == a) return d.located = !0, {
+path: e.slice(0, Math.max(0, e.lastIndexOf("/"))),
+node: d
+}, enyo.args = enyo.args || {};
+var b = enyo.locateScript(a);
+if (b) {
+enyo.args.root = (enyo.args.root || b.path).replace("/source", "");
+for (var c = 0, d; d = b.node.attributes.item(c); c++) enyo.args[d.nodeName] = d.value;
+// ../../loader.js
+(function() {
+enyo = window.enyo || {}, enyo.path = {
+paths: {},
+addPath: function(a, b) {
+return this.paths[a] = b;
+addPaths: function(a) {
+if (a) for (var b in a) this.addPath(b, a[b]);
+includeTrailingSlash: function(a) {
+return a && a.slice(-1) !== "/" ? a + "/" : a;
+rewritePattern: /\$([^\/\\]*)(\/)?/g,
+rewrite: function(a) {
+var b, c = this.includeTrailingSlash, d = this.paths, e = function(a, e) {
+return b = !0, c(d[e]) || "";
+}, f = a;
+do b = !1, f = f.replace(this.rewritePattern, e); while (b);
+return f;
+}, enyo.loaderFactory = function(a) {
+this.machine = a, this.packages = [], this.modules = [], this.sheets = [], this.stack = [];
+}, enyo.loaderFactory.prototype = {
+packageName: "",
+packageFolder: "",
+verbose: !1,
+loadScript: function(a) {
+loadSheet: function(a) {
+loadPackage: function(a) {
+report: function() {},
+load: function() {
+index: 0,
+depends: arguments || []
+more: function(a) {
+if (a && this.continueBlock(a)) return;
+var b = this.stack.pop();
+b ? (this.verbose && console.groupEnd("* finish package (" + (b.packageName || "anon") + ")"), this.packageFolder = b.folder, this.packageName = "", this.more(b)) : this.finish();
+finish: function() {
+this.packageFolder = "", this.verbose && console.log("-------------- fini");
+continueBlock: function(a) {
+while (a.index < a.depends.length) {
+var b = a.depends[a.index++];
+if (b) if (typeof b == "string") {
+if (this.require(b, a)) return !0;
+} else enyo.path.addPaths(b);
+require: function(a, b) {
+var c = enyo.path.rewrite(a), d = this.getPathPrefix(a);
+c = d + c;
+if (c.slice(-3) == "css") this.verbose && console.log("+ stylesheet: [" + d + "][" + a + "]"), this.requireStylesheet(c); else {
+if (c.slice(-2) != "js" || c.slice(-10) == "package.js") return this.requirePackage(c, b), !0;
+this.verbose && console.log("+ module: [" + d + "][" + a + "]"), this.requireScript(a, c);
+getPathPrefix: function(a) {
+var b = a.slice(0, 1);
+return b != "/" && b != "\\" && b != "$" && a.slice(0, 5) != "http:" ? this.packageFolder : "";
+requireStylesheet: function(a) {
+this.sheets.push(a), this.loadSheet(a);
+requireScript: function(a, b) {
+packageName: this.packageName,
+rawPath: a,
+path: b
+}), this.loadScript(b);
+decodePackagePath: function(a) {
+var b = "", c = "", d = "", e = "package.js", f = a.replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/\/\//g, "/").replace(/:\//, "://").split("/");
+if (f.length) {
+var g = f.pop() || f.pop() || "";
+g.slice(-e.length) !== e ? f.push(g) : e = g, d = f.join("/"), d = d ? d + "/" : "", e = d + e;
+for (var h = f.length - 1; h >= 0; h--) if (f[h] == "source") {
+f.splice(h, 1);
+c = f.join("/");
+for (var h = f.length - 1, i; i = f[h]; h--) if (i == "lib" || i == "enyo") {
+f = f.slice(h + 1);
+for (var h = f.length - 1, i; i = f[h]; h--) (i == ".." || i == ".") && f.splice(h, 1);
+b = f.join("-");
+return {
+alias: b,
+target: c,
+folder: d,
+manifest: e
+aliasPackage: function(a) {
+var b = this.decodePackagePath(a);
+this.manifest = b.manifest, b.alias && (enyo.path.addPath(b.alias, b.target), this.packageName = b.alias, this.packages.push({
+name: b.alias,
+folder: b.folder
+})), this.packageFolder = b.folder;
+requirePackage: function(a, b) {
+b.folder = this.packageFolder, this.aliasPackage(a), b.packageName = this.packageName, this.stack.push(b), this.report("loading package", this.packageName), this.verbose && console.group("* start package [" + this.packageName + "]"), this.loadPackage(this.manifest);
+// boot.js
+enyo.machine = {
+sheet: function(a) {
+document.write('<link href="' + a + '" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />');
+script: function(a, b, c) {
+document.write('<script src="' + a + '"' + (b ? ' onload="' + b + '"' : "") + (c ? ' onerror="' + c + '"' : "") + "></scri" + "pt>");
+inject: function(a) {
+document.write('<script type="text/javascript">' + a + "</script>");
+}, enyo.loader = new enyo.loaderFactory(enyo.machine), enyo.depends = function() {
+var a = enyo.loader;
+if (!a.packageFolder) {
+var b = enyo.locateScript("package.js");
+b && b.path && (a.aliasPackage(b.path), a.packageFolder = b.path + "/");
+a.load.apply(a, arguments);
+}, enyo.path.addPaths({
+enyo: enyo.args.root,
+lib: "$enyo/../lib"
+// log.js
+enyo.logging = {
+level: 99,
+levels: {
+log: 20,
+warn: 10,
+error: 0
+shouldLog: function(a) {
+var b = parseInt(this.levels[a], 0);
+return b <= this.level;
+_log: function(a, b) {
+var c = enyo.isArray(b) ? b : enyo.cloneArray(b);
+enyo.dumbConsole && (c = [ c.join(" ") ]);
+var d = console[a];
+d && d.apply ? d.apply(console, c) : console.log.apply ? console.log.apply(console, c) : console.log(c.join(" "));
+log: function(a, b) {
+window.console && this.shouldLog(a) && this._log(a, b);
+}, enyo.setLogLevel = function(a) {
+var b = parseInt(a, 0);
+isFinite(b) && (enyo.logging.level = b);
+}, enyo.log = function() {
+enyo.logging.log("log", arguments);
+}, enyo.warn = function() {
+enyo.logging.log("warn", arguments);
+}, enyo.error = function() {
+enyo.logging.log("error", arguments);
+// lang.js
+(function() {
+enyo.global = this, enyo._getProp = function(a, b, c) {
+var d = c || enyo.global;
+for (var e = 0, f; d && (f = a[e]); e++) d = f in d ? d[f] : b ? d[f] = {} : undefined;
+return d;
+}, enyo.setObject = function(a, b, c) {
+var d = a.split("."), e = d.pop(), f = enyo._getProp(d, !0, c);
+return f && e ? f[e] = b : undefined;
+}, enyo.getObject = function(a, b, c) {
+return enyo._getProp(a.split("."), b, c);
+}, enyo.irand = function(a) {
+return Math.floor(Math.random() * a);
+}, enyo.cap = function(a) {
+return a.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + a.slice(1);
+}, enyo.uncap = function(a) {
+return a.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase() + a.slice(1);
+}, enyo.format = function(a) {
+var b = /\%./g, c = 0, d = a, e = arguments, f = function(a) {
+return e[++c];
+return d.replace(b, f);
+var a = Object.prototype.toString;
+enyo.isString = function(b) {
+return a.call(b) === "[object String]";
+}, enyo.isFunction = function(b) {
+return a.call(b) === "[object Function]";
+}, enyo.isArray = Array.isArray || function(b) {
+return a.call(b) === "[object Array]";
+}, enyo.indexOf = function(a, b, c) {
+if (b.indexOf) return b.indexOf(a, c);
+if (c) {
+c < 0 && (c = 0);
+if (c > b.length) return -1;
+for (var d = c || 0, e = b.length, f; (f = b[d]) || d < e; d++) if (f == a) return d;
+return -1;
+}, enyo.remove = function(a, b) {
+var c = enyo.indexOf(a, b);
+c >= 0 && b.splice(c, 1);
+}, enyo.forEach = function(a, b, c) {
+if (a) {
+var d = c || this;
+if (enyo.isArray(a) && a.forEach) a.forEach(b, d); else {
+var e = Object(a), f = e.length >>> 0;
+for (var g = 0; g < f; g++) g in e && b.call(d, e[g], g, e);
+}, enyo.map = function(a, b, c) {
+var d = c || this;
+if (enyo.isArray(a) && a.map) return a.map(b, d);
+var e = [], f = function(a, c, f) {
+e.push(b.call(d, a, c, f));
+return enyo.forEach(a, f, d), e;
+}, enyo.filter = function(a, b, c) {
+var d = c || this;
+if (enyo.isArray(a) && a.filter) return a.filter(b, d);
+var e = [], f = function(a, c, f) {
+var g = a;
+b.call(d, a, c, f) && e.push(g);
+return enyo.forEach(a, f, d), e;
+}, enyo.keys = Object.keys || function(a) {
+var b = [], c = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+for (var d in a) c.call(a, d) && b.push(d);
+if (!{
+toString: null
+}.propertyIsEnumerable("toString")) {
+var e = [ "toString", "toLocaleString", "valueOf", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "constructor" ];
+for (var f = 0, g; g = e[f]; f++) c.call(a, g) && b.push(g);
+return b;
+}, enyo.cloneArray = function(a, b, c) {
+var d = c || [];
+for (var e = b || 0, f = a.length; e < f; e++) d.push(a[e]);
+return d;
+}, enyo.toArray = enyo.cloneArray, enyo.clone = function(a) {
+return enyo.isArray(a) ? enyo.cloneArray(a) : enyo.mixin({}, a);
+var b = {};
+enyo.mixin = function(a, c) {
+a = a || {};
+if (c) {
+var d, e, f;
+for (d in c) e = c[d], b[d] !== e && (a[d] = e);
+return a;
+}, enyo.bind = function(a, b) {
+b || (b = a, a = null), a = a || enyo.global;
+if (enyo.isString(b)) {
+if (!a[b]) throw [ 'enyo.bind: scope["', b, '"] is null (scope="', a, '")' ].join("");
+b = a[b];
+if (enyo.isFunction(b)) {
+var c = enyo.cloneArray(arguments, 2);
+return b.bind ? b.bind.apply(b, [ a ].concat(c)) : function() {
+var d = enyo.cloneArray(arguments);
+return b.apply(a, c.concat(d));
+throw [ 'enyo.bind: scope["', b, '"] is not a function (scope="', a, '")' ].join("");
+}, enyo.asyncMethod = function(a, b) {
+return setTimeout(enyo.bind.apply(enyo, arguments), 1);
+}, enyo.call = function(a, b, c) {
+var d = a || this;
+if (b) {
+var e = d[b] || b;
+if (e && e.apply) return e.apply(d, c || []);
+}, enyo.now = Date.now || function() {
+return (new Date).getTime();
+}, enyo.nop = function() {}, enyo.nob = {}, enyo.nar = [], enyo.instance = function() {}, enyo.setPrototype || (enyo.setPrototype = function(a, b) {
+a.prototype = b;
+}), enyo.delegate = function(a) {
+return enyo.setPrototype(enyo.instance, a), new enyo.instance;
+// job.js
+enyo.job = function(a, b, c) {
+enyo.job.stop(a), enyo.job._jobs[a] = setTimeout(function() {
+enyo.job.stop(a), b();
+}, c);
+}, enyo.job.stop = function(a) {
+enyo.job._jobs[a] && (clearTimeout(enyo.job._jobs[a]), delete enyo.job._jobs[a]);
+}, enyo.job._jobs = {};
+// macroize.js
+enyo.macroize = function(a, b, c) {
+var d, e, f = a, g = c || enyo.macroize.pattern, h = function(a, c) {
+return d = enyo.getObject(c, !1, b), d === undefined || d === null ? "{$" + c + "}" : (e = !0, d);
+}, i = 0;
+do {
+e = !1, f = f.replace(g, h);
+if (++i >= 20) throw "enyo.macroize: recursion too deep";
+} while (e);
+return f;
+}, enyo.quickMacroize = function(a, b, c) {
+var d, e, f = a, g = c || enyo.macroize.pattern, h = function(a, c) {
+return c in b ? d = b[c] : d = enyo.getObject(c, !1, b), d === undefined || d === null ? "{$" + c + "}" : d;
+return f = f.replace(g, h), f;
+}, enyo.macroize.pattern = /\{\$([^{}]*)\}/g;
+// animation.js
+(function() {
+var a = Math.round(1e3 / 60), b = [ "webkit", "moz", "ms", "o", "" ], c = "requestAnimationFrame", d = "cancel" + enyo.cap(c), e = function(b) {
+return window.setTimeout(b, a);
+}, f = function(a) {
+return window.clearTimeout(a);
+for (var g = 0, h = b.length, i, j, k; (i = b[g]) || g < h; g++) {
+j = i ? i + enyo.cap(d) : d, k = i ? i + enyo.cap(c) : c;
+if (window[j]) {
+f = window[j], e = window[k], i == "webkit" && f(e(enyo.nop));
+enyo.requestAnimationFrame = function(a, b) {
+return e(a, b);
+}, enyo.cancelRequestAnimationFrame = function(a) {
+return f(a);
+})(), enyo.easing = {
+cubicIn: function(a) {
+return Math.pow(a, 3);
+cubicOut: function(a) {
+return Math.pow(a - 1, 3) + 1;
+expoOut: function(a) {
+return a == 1 ? 1 : -1 * Math.pow(2, -10 * a) + 1;
+quadInOut: function(a) {
+return a *= 2, a < 1 ? Math.pow(a, 2) / 2 : -1 * (--a * (a - 2) - 1) / 2;
+linear: function(a) {
+return a;
+}, enyo.easedLerp = function(a, b, c, d) {
+var e = (enyo.now() - a) / b;
+return d ? e >= 1 ? 0 : 1 - c(1 - e) : e >= 1 ? 1 : c(e);
+// Oop.js
+enyo.kind = function(a) {
+enyo._kindCtors = {};
+var b = a.name || "";
+delete a.name;
+var c = "kind" in a, d = a.kind;
+delete a.kind;
+var e = enyo.constructorForKind(d), f = e && e.prototype || null;
+if (c && d !== null && e == null) throw "enyo.kind: Attempt to subclass an undefined kind. Check dependencies for [" + b + "].";
+var g = enyo.kind.makeCtor();
+return a.hasOwnProperty("constructor") && (a._constructor = a.constructor, delete a.constructor), enyo.setPrototype(g, f ? enyo.delegate(f) : {}), enyo.mixin(g.prototype, a), g.prototype.kindName = b, g.prototype.base = e, g.prototype.ctor = g, enyo.forEach(enyo.kind.features, function(b) {
+b(g, a);
+}), enyo.setObject(b, g), g;
+}, enyo.kind.makeCtor = function() {
+return function() {
+var a;
+this._constructor && (a = this._constructor.apply(this, arguments)), this.constructed && this.constructed.apply(this, arguments);
+if (a) return a;
+}, enyo.kind.defaultNamespace = "enyo", enyo.kind.features = [], enyo.kind.features.push(function(a, b) {
+var c = a.prototype;
+c.inherited || (c.inherited = enyo.kind.inherited);
+if (c.base) for (var d in b) {
+var e = b[d];
+enyo.isFunction(e) && (e._inherited = c.base.prototype[d] || enyo.nop, e.nom = c.kindName + "." + d + "()");
+}), enyo.kind.inherited = function(a, b) {
+return a.callee._inherited.apply(this, b || a);
+}, enyo.kind.features.push(function(a, b) {
+enyo.mixin(a, enyo.kind.statics), b.statics && (enyo.mixin(a, b.statics), delete a.prototype.statics);
+var c = a.prototype.base;
+while (c) c.subclass(a, b), c = c.prototype.base;
+}), enyo.kind.statics = {
+subclass: function(a, b) {},
+extend: function(a) {
+enyo.mixin(this.prototype, a);
+var b = this;
+enyo.forEach(enyo.kind.features, function(c) {
+c(b, a);
+}, enyo._kindCtors = {}, enyo.constructorForKind = function(a) {
+if (a === null || enyo.isFunction(a)) return a;
+if (a) {
+var b = enyo._kindCtors[a];
+return b ? b : enyo._kindCtors[a] = enyo.Theme[a] || enyo[a] || enyo.getObject(a, !1, enyo) || window[a] || enyo.getObject(a);
+return enyo.defaultCtor;
+}, enyo.Theme = {}, enyo.registerTheme = function(a) {
+enyo.mixin(enyo.Theme, a);
+// Object.js
+name: "enyo.Object",
+kind: null,
+constructor: function() {
+setPropertyValue: function(a, b, c) {
+if (this[c]) {
+var d = this[a];
+this[a] = b, this[c](d);
+} else this[a] = b;
+_setProperty: function(a, b, c) {
+this.setPropertyValue(a, b, this.getProperty(a) !== b && c);
+destroyObject: function(a) {
+this[a] && this[a].destroy && this[a].destroy(), this[a] = null;
+getProperty: function(a) {
+var b = "get" + enyo.cap(a);
+return this[b] ? this[b]() : this[a];
+setProperty: function(a, b) {
+var c = "set" + enyo.cap(a);
+this[c] ? this[c](b) : this._setProperty(a, b, a + "Changed");
+log: function() {
+var a = arguments.callee.caller, b = ((a ? a.nom : "") || "(instance method)") + ":";
+enyo.logging.log("log", [ b ].concat(enyo.cloneArray(arguments)));
+warn: function() {
+this._log("warn", arguments);
+error: function() {
+this._log("error", arguments);
+_log: function(a, b) {
+if (enyo.logging.shouldLog(a)) try {
+throw new Error;
+} catch (c) {
+enyo.logging._log(a, [ b.callee.caller.nom + ": " ].concat(enyo.cloneArray(b))), console.log(c.stack);
+}), enyo._objectCount = 0, enyo.Object.subclass = function(a, b) {
+this.publish(a, b);
+}, enyo.Object.publish = function(a, b) {
+var c = b.published;
+if (c) {
+var d = a.prototype;
+for (var e in c) enyo.Object.addGetterSetter(e, c[e], d);
+}, enyo.Object.addGetterSetter = function(a, b, c) {
+var d = a;
+c[d] = b;
+var e = enyo.cap(d), f = "get" + e;
+c[f] || (c[f] = function() {
+return this[d];
+var g = "set" + e, h = d + "Changed";
+c[g] || (c[g] = function(a) {
+this._setProperty(d, a, h);
+// Component.js
+name: "enyo.Component",
+kind: enyo.Object,
+published: {
+name: "",
+id: "",
+owner: null
+statics: {
+_kindPrefixi: {}
+defaultKind: "Component",
+handlers: {},
+toString: function() {
+return this.kindName;
+constructor: function() {
+this._componentNameMap = {}, this.$ = {}, this.inherited(arguments);
+constructed: function(a) {
+this.importProps(a), this.create();
+importProps: function(a) {
+if (a) for (var b in a) this[b] = a[b];
+this.handlers = enyo.mixin(enyo.clone(this.kindHandlers), this.handlers);
+create: function() {
+this.ownerChanged(), this.initComponents();
+initComponents: function() {
+this.createChrome(this.kindComponents), this.createClientComponents(this.components);
+createChrome: function(a) {
+this.createComponents(a, {
+isChrome: !0
+createClientComponents: function(a) {
+this.createComponents(a, {
+owner: this.getInstanceOwner()
+getInstanceOwner: function() {
+return !this.owner || this.owner.notInstanceOwner ? this : this.owner;
+destroy: function() {
+this.destroyComponents(), this.setOwner(null), this.destroyed = !0;
+destroyComponents: function() {
+enyo.forEach(this.getComponents(), function(a) {
+a.destroyed || a.destroy();
+makeId: function() {
+var a = "_", b = this.owner && this.owner.getId();
+return this.name ? (b ? b + a : "") + this.name : "";
+ownerChanged: function(a) {
+a && a.removeComponent(this), this.owner && this.owner.addComponent(this), this.id || (this.id = this.makeId());
+nameComponent: function(a) {
+var b = enyo.Component.prefixFromKindName(a.kindName), c, d = this._componentNameMap[b] || 0;
+do c = b + (++d > 1 ? String(d) : ""); while (this.$[c]);
+return this._componentNameMap[b] = Number(d), a.name = c;
+addComponent: function(a) {
+var b = a.getName();
+b || (b = this.nameComponent(a)), this.$[b] && this.warn('Duplicate component name "' + b + '" in owner "' + this.id + '" violates unique-name-under-owner rule, replacing existing component in the hash and continuing, but this is an error condition and should be fixed.'), this.$[b] = a;
+removeComponent: function(a) {
+delete this.$[a.getName()];
+getComponents: function() {
+var a = [];
+for (var b in this.$) a.push(this.$[b]);
+return a;
+adjustComponentProps: function(a) {
+this.defaultProps && enyo.mixin(a, this.defaultProps), a.kind = a.kind || a.isa || this.defaultKind, a.owner = a.owner || this;
+_createComponent: function(a, b) {
+var c = enyo.mixin(enyo.clone(b), a);
+return this.adjustComponentProps(c), enyo.Component.create(c);
+createComponent: function(a, b) {
+return this._createComponent(a, b);
+createComponents: function(a, b) {
+if (a) {
+var c = [];
+for (var d = 0, e; e = a[d]; d++) c.push(this._createComponent(e, b));
+return c;
+getBubbleTarget: function() {
+return this.owner;
+bubble: function(a, b, c) {
+var d = b || {};
+return "originator" in d || (d.originator = c || this), this.dispatchBubble(a, d, c);
+dispatchBubble: function(a, b, c) {
+return this.dispatchEvent(a, b, c) ? !0 : this.bubbleUp(a, b, c);
+bubbleUp: function(a, b, c) {
+var d = this.getBubbleTarget();
+return d ? d.dispatchBubble(a, b, this) : !1;
+dispatchEvent: function(a, b, c) {
+this.decorateEvent(a, b, c);
+if (this.handlers[a] && this.dispatch(this.handlers[a], b, c)) return !0;
+if (this[a]) return this.bubbleDelegation(this.owner, this[a], a, b, this);
+decorateEvent: function(a, b, c) {},
+bubbleDelegation: function(a, b, c, d, e) {
+var f = this.getBubbleTarget();
+if (f) return f.delegateEvent(a, b, c, d, e);
+delegateEvent: function(a, b, c, d, e) {
+return this.decorateEvent(c, d, e), a == this ? this.dispatch(b, d, e) : this.bubbleDelegation(a, b, c, d, e);
+dispatch: function(a, b, c) {
+var d = a && this[a];
+if (d) return d.call(this, c || this, b);
+waterfall: function(a, b, c) {
+if (this.dispatchEvent(a, b, c)) return !0;
+this.waterfallDown(a, b, c || this);
+waterfallDown: function(a, b, c) {
+for (var d in this.$) this.$[d].waterfall(a, b, c);
+}), enyo.defaultCtor = enyo.Component, enyo.create = enyo.Component.create = function(a) {
+if (!a.kind && "kind" in a) throw "enyo.create: Attempt to create a null kind. Check dependencies.";
+var b = a.kind || a.isa || enyo.defaultCtor, c = enyo.constructorForKind(b);
+return c || (console.error('no constructor found for kind "' + b + '"'), c = enyo.Component), new c(a);
+}, enyo.Component.subclass = function(a, b) {
+var c = a.prototype;
+b.components && (c.kindComponents = b.components, delete c.components);
+if (b.handlers) {
+var d = c.kindHandlers;
+c.kindHandlers = enyo.mixin(enyo.clone(d), c.handlers), c.handlers = null;
+b.events && this.publishEvents(a, b);
+}, enyo.Component.publishEvents = function(a, b) {
+var c = b.events;
+if (c) {
+var d = a.prototype;
+for (var e in c) this.addEvent(e, c[e], d);
+}, enyo.Component.addEvent = function(a, b, c) {
+var d, e;
+enyo.isString(b) ? (a.slice(0, 2) != "on" && (console.warn("enyo.Component.addEvent: event names must start with 'on'. " + c.kindName + " event '" + a + "' was auto-corrected to 'on" + a + "'."), a = "on" + a), d = b, e = "do" + enyo.cap(a.slice(2))) : (d = b.value, e = b.caller), c[a] = d, c[e] || (c[e] = function(b) {
+return this.bubble(a, b);
+}, enyo.Component.prefixFromKindName = function(a) {
+var b = enyo.Component._kindPrefixi[a];
+if (!b) {
+var c = a.lastIndexOf(".");
+b = c >= 0 ? a.slice(c + 1) : a, b = b.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + b.slice(1), enyo.Component._kindPrefixi[a] = b;
+return b;
+// UiComponent.js
+name: "enyo.UiComponent",
+kind: enyo.Component,
+published: {
+container: null,
+parent: null,
+controlParentName: "client",
+layoutKind: ""
+handlers: {
+onresize: "resizeHandler"
+statics: {
+_resizeFlags: {
+showingOnly: !0
+create: function() {
+this.controls = [], this.children = [], this.containerChanged(), this.inherited(arguments), this.layoutKindChanged();
+destroy: function() {
+this.destroyClientControls(), this.setContainer(null), this.inherited(arguments);
+importProps: function(a) {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.owner || (this.owner = enyo.master);
+createComponents: function() {
+var a = this.inherited(arguments);
+return this.discoverControlParent(), a;
+discoverControlParent: function() {
+this.controlParent = this.$[this.controlParentName] || this.controlParent;
+adjustComponentProps: function(a) {
+a.container = a.container || this, this.inherited(arguments);
+containerChanged: function(a) {
+a && a.removeControl(this), this.container && this.container.addControl(this);
+parentChanged: function(a) {
+a && a != this.parent && a.removeChild(this);
+isDescendantOf: function(a) {
+var b = this;
+while (b && b != a) b = b.parent;
+return a && b == a;
+getControls: function() {
+return this.controls;
+getClientControls: function() {
+var a = [];
+for (var b = 0, c = this.controls, d; d = c[b]; b++) d.isChrome || a.push(d);
+return a;
+destroyClientControls: function() {
+var a = this.getClientControls();
+for (var b = 0, c; c = a[b]; b++) c.destroy();
+addControl: function(a) {
+this.controls.push(a), this.addChild(a);
+removeControl: function(a) {
+return a.setParent(null), enyo.remove(a, this.controls);
+indexOfControl: function(a) {
+return enyo.indexOf(a, this.controls);
+indexOfClientControl: function(a) {
+return enyo.indexOf(a, this.getClientControls());
+indexInContainer: function() {
+return this.container.indexOfControl(this);
+clientIndexInContainer: function() {
+return this.container.indexOfClientControl(this);
+controlAtIndex: function(a) {
+return this.controls[a];
+addChild: function(a) {
+this.controlParent ? this.controlParent.addChild(a) : (a.setParent(this), this.children[this.prepend ? "unshift" : "push"](a));
+removeChild: function(a) {
+return enyo.remove(a, this.children);
+indexOfChild: function(a) {
+return enyo.indexOf(a, this.children);
+layoutKindChanged: function() {
+this.layout && this.layout.destroy(), this.layout = enyo.createFromKind(this.layoutKind, this), this.generated && this.render();
+flow: function() {
+this.layout && this.layout.flow();
+reflow: function() {
+this.layout && this.layout.reflow();
+resized: function() {
+this.waterfall("onresize", enyo.UiComponent._resizeFlags), this.waterfall("onpostresize", enyo.UiComponent._resizeFlags);
+resizeHandler: function() {
+waterfallDown: function(a, b, c) {
+for (var d in this.$) this.$[d] instanceof enyo.UiComponent || this.$[d].waterfall(a, b, c);
+for (var e = 0, f = this.children, g; g = f[e]; e++) (g.showing || !b || !b.showingOnly) && g.waterfall(a, b, c);
+getBubbleTarget: function() {
+return this.parent;
+}), enyo.createFromKind = function(a, b) {
+var c = a && enyo.constructorForKind(a);
+if (c) return new c(b);
+}, enyo.master = new enyo.Component({
+name: "master",
+notInstanceOwner: !0,
+eventFlags: {
+showingOnly: !0
+getId: function() {
+return "";
+isDescendantOf: enyo.nop,
+bubble: function(a, b, c) {
+a == "onresize" ? (enyo.master.waterfallDown("onresize", this.eventFlags), enyo.master.waterfallDown("onpostresize", this.eventFlags)) : enyo.Signals.send(a, b);
+// Layout.js
+name: "enyo.Layout",
+kind: null,
+layoutClass: "",
+constructor: function(a) {
+this.container = a, a && a.addClass(this.layoutClass);
+destroy: function() {
+this.container && this.container.removeClass(this.layoutClass);
+flow: function() {},
+reflow: function() {}
+// Signals.js
+name: "enyo.Signals",
+kind: enyo.Component,
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), enyo.Signals.addListener(this);
+destroy: function() {
+enyo.Signals.removeListener(this), this.inherited(arguments);
+notify: function(a, b) {
+this.dispatchEvent(a, b);
+statics: {
+listeners: [],
+addListener: function(a) {
+removeListener: function(a) {
+enyo.remove(a, this.listeners);
+send: function(a, b) {
+enyo.forEach(this.listeners, function(c) {
+c.notify(a, b);
+// Async.js
+name: "enyo.Async",
+kind: enyo.Object,
+failed: !1,
+context: null,
+constructor: function() {
+this.responders = [], this.errorHandlers = [];
+accumulate: function(a, b) {
+var c = b.length < 2 ? b[0] : enyo.bind(b[0], b[1]);
+response: function() {
+return this.accumulate(this.responders, arguments), this;
+error: function() {
+return this.accumulate(this.errorHandlers, arguments), this;
+route: function(a, b) {
+var c = enyo.bind(this, "respond");
+a.response(function(a, b) {
+var d = enyo.bind(this, "fail");
+a.error(function(a, b) {
+}), a.go(b);
+handle: function(a, b) {
+var c = b.shift();
+if (c) if (c instanceof enyo.Async) this.route(c, a); else {
+var d = enyo.call(this.context || this, c, [ this, a ]);
+d = d !== undefined ? d : a, (this.failed ? this.fail : this.respond).call(this, d);
+startTimer: function() {
+this.startTime = enyo.now(), this.timeout && (this.timeoutJob = setTimeout(enyo.bind(this, "timeoutComplete"), this.timeout));
+endTimer: function() {
+this.timeoutJob && (this.endTime = enyo.now(), clearTimeout(this.timeoutJob), this.timeoutJob = null, this.latency = this.endTime - this.startTime);
+timeoutComplete: function() {
+this.timedout = !0, this.fail("timeout");
+respond: function(a) {
+this.failed = !1, this.endTimer(), this.handle(a, this.responders);
+fail: function(a) {
+this.failed = !0, this.endTimer(), this.handle(a, this.errorHandlers);
+recover: function() {
+this.failed = !1;
+go: function(a) {
+return enyo.asyncMethod(this, function() {
+}), this;
+// json.js
+enyo.json = {
+stringify: function(a, b, c) {
+return JSON.stringify(a, b, c);
+parse: function(a, b) {
+return a ? JSON.parse(a, b) : null;
+// cookie.js
+enyo.getCookie = function(a) {
+var b = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )" + a + "=([^;]*)"));
+return b ? decodeURIComponent(b[1]) : undefined;
+}, enyo.setCookie = function(a, b, c) {
+var d = a + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b), e = c || {}, f = e.expires;
+if (typeof f == "number") {
+var g = new Date;
+g.setTime(g.getTime() + f * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3), f = g;
+f && f.toUTCString && (e.expires = f.toUTCString());
+var h, i;
+for (h in e) d += "; " + h, i = e[h], i !== !0 && (d += "=" + i);
+document.cookie = d;
+// xhr.js
+enyo.xhr = {
+request: function(a) {
+var b = this.getXMLHttpRequest(), c = a.method || "GET", d = "sync" in a ? !a.sync : !0;
+a.username ? b.open(c, enyo.path.rewrite(a.url), d, a.username, a.password) : b.open(c, enyo.path.rewrite(a.url), d), enyo.mixin(b, a.xhrFields), this.makeReadyStateHandler(b, a.callback);
+if (a.headers) for (var e in a.headers) b.setRequestHeader(e, a.headers[e]);
+return b.send(a.body || null), d || b.onreadystatechange(b), b;
+makeReadyStateHandler: function(a, b) {
+a.onreadystatechange = function() {
+a.readyState == 4 && b && b.apply(null, [ a.responseText, a ]);
+getXMLHttpRequest: function() {
+try {
+return new XMLHttpRequest;
+} catch (a) {}
+try {
+return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
+} catch (a) {}
+try {
+return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+} catch (a) {}
+return null;
+// AjaxProperties.js
+enyo.AjaxProperties = {
+cacheBust: !0,
+url: "",
+method: "GET",
+handleAs: "json",
+contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+sync: !1,
+headers: null,
+postBody: "",
+username: "",
+password: "",
+xhrFields: null
+// Ajax.js
+name: "enyo.Ajax",
+kind: enyo.Async,
+published: enyo.AjaxProperties,
+constructor: function(a) {
+enyo.mixin(this, a), this.inherited(arguments);
+go: function(a) {
+return this.startTimer(), this.request(a), this;
+request: function(a) {
+var b = this.url.split("?"), c = b.shift() || "", d = b.join("?").split("&"), e = enyo.isString(a) ? a : enyo.Ajax.objectToQuery(a);
+this.method == "GET" && (e && (d.push(e), e = null), this.cacheBust && d.push(Math.random()));
+var f = [ c, d.join("&") ].join("?"), g = {
+"Content-Type": this.contentType
+enyo.mixin(g, this.headers), this.xhr = enyo.xhr.request({
+url: f,
+method: this.method,
+callback: enyo.bind(this, "receive"),
+body: this.postBody || e,
+headers: g,
+sync: window.PalmSystem ? !1 : this.sync,
+username: this.username,
+password: this.password,
+xhrFields: this.xhrFields
+receive: function(a, b) {
+this.destroyed || (this.isFailure(b) ? this.fail(b.status) : this.respond(this.xhrToResponse(b)));
+xhrToResponse: function(a) {
+if (a) return this[(this.handleAs || "text") + "Handler"](a);
+isFailure: function(a) {
+return a.status !== 0 && (a.status < 200 || a.status >= 300);
+xmlHandler: function(a) {
+return a.responseXML;
+textHandler: function(a) {
+return a.responseText;
+jsonHandler: function(a) {
+var b = a.responseText;
+try {
+return b && enyo.json.parse(b);
+} catch (c) {
+return console.warn("Ajax request set to handleAs JSON but data was not in JSON format"), b;
+statics: {
+objectToQuery: function(a) {
+var b = encodeURIComponent, c = [], d = {};
+for (var e in a) {
+var f = a[e];
+if (f != d[e]) {
+var g = b(e) + "=";
+if (enyo.isArray(f)) for (var h = 0; h < f.length; h++) c.push(g + b(f[h])); else c.push(g + b(f));
+return c.join("&");
+// Jsonp.js
+name: "enyo.JsonpRequest",
+kind: enyo.Async,
+published: {
+url: "",
+charset: null,
+callbackName: "callback",
+cacheBust: !0
+statics: {
+nextCallbackID: 0
+addScriptElement: function() {
+var a = document.createElement("script");
+a.src = this.src, a.async = "async", this.charset && (a.charset = this.charset), a.onerror = enyo.bind(this, function() {
+this.fail(400), this.removeScriptElement();
+var b = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
+b.parentNode.insertBefore(a, b), this.scriptTag = a;
+removeScriptElement: function() {
+var a = this.scriptTag;
+this.scriptTag = null, a.onerror = null, a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a);
+constructor: function(a) {
+enyo.mixin(this, a), this.inherited(arguments);
+go: function(a) {
+return this.startTimer(), this.jsonp(a), this;
+jsonp: function(a) {
+var b = "enyo_jsonp_callback_" + enyo.JsonpRequest.nextCallbackID++;
+this.src = this.buildUrl(a, b), this.addScriptElement(), window[b] = enyo.bind(this, this.respond);
+var c = enyo.bind(this, function() {
+this.removeScriptElement(), window[b] = null;
+this.response(c), this.error(c);
+buildUrl: function(a, b) {
+var c = this.url.split("?"), d = c.shift() || "", e = c.join("?").split("&"), f = this.bodyArgsFromParams(a, b);
+return e.push(f), this.cacheBust && e.push(Math.random()), [ d, e.join("&") ].join("?");
+bodyArgsFromParams: function(a, b) {
+if (enyo.isString(a)) return a.replace("=?", "=" + b);
+var c = enyo.mixin({}, a);
+return c[this.callbackName] = b, enyo.Ajax.objectToQuery(c);
+// WebService.js
+name: "enyo._AjaxComponent",
+kind: enyo.Component,
+published: enyo.AjaxProperties
+}), enyo.kind({
+name: "enyo.WebService",
+kind: enyo._AjaxComponent,
+published: {
+jsonp: !1,
+callbackName: "callback",
+charset: null
+events: {
+onResponse: "",
+onError: ""
+constructor: function(a) {
+send: function(a) {
+return this.jsonp ? this.sendJsonp(a) : this.sendAjax(a);
+sendJsonp: function(a) {
+var b = new enyo.JsonpRequest;
+for (var c in {
+url: 1,
+callbackName: 1,
+charset: 1
+}) b[c] = this[c];
+return this.sendAsync(b, a);
+sendAjax: function(a) {
+var b = new enyo.Ajax;
+for (var c in enyo.AjaxProperties) b[c] = this[c];
+return this.sendAsync(b, a);
+sendAsync: function(a, b) {
+return a.go(b).response(this, "response").error(this, "error");
+response: function(a, b) {
+ajax: a,
+data: b
+error: function(a, b) {
+ajax: a,
+data: b
+// dom.js
+enyo.requiresWindow = function(a) {
+}, enyo.dom = {
+byId: function(a, b) {
+return typeof a == "string" ? (b || document).getElementById(a) : a;
+escape: function(a) {
+return a !== null ? String(a).replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;") : "";
+getComputedStyle: function(a) {
+return window.getComputedStyle && a && window.getComputedStyle(a, null);
+getComputedStyleValue: function(a, b, c) {
+var d = c || this.getComputedStyle(a);
+return d ? d.getPropertyValue(b) : null;
+getFirstElementByTagName: function(a) {
+var b = document.getElementsByTagName(a);
+return b && b[0];
+applyBodyFit: function() {
+var a = this.getFirstElementByTagName("html");
+a && (a.className += " enyo-document-fit");
+var b = this.getFirstElementByTagName("body");
+b && (b.className += " enyo-body-fit"), enyo.bodyIsFitting = !0;
+getWindowWidth: function() {
+return window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : document.body && document.body.offsetWidth ? document.body.offsetWidth : document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.offsetWidth ? document.documentElement.offsetWidth : 320;
+// transform.js
+(function() {
+enyo.dom.calcCanAccelerate = function() {
+if (enyo.platform.android <= 2) return !1;
+var a = [ "perspective", "WebkitPerspective", "MozPerspective", "msPerspective", "OPerspective" ];
+for (var b = 0, c; c = a[b]; b++) if (typeof document.body.style[c] != "undefined") return !0;
+return !1;
+var a = [ "transform", "-webkit-transform", "-moz-transform", "-ms-transform", "-o-transform" ], b = [ "transform", "webkitTransform", "MozTransform", "msTransform", "OTransform" ];
+enyo.dom.getCssTransformProp = function() {
+if (this._cssTransformProp) return this._cssTransformProp;
+var c = enyo.indexOf(this.getStyleTransformProp(), b);
+return this._cssTransformProp = a[c];
+}, enyo.dom.getStyleTransformProp = function() {
+if (this._styleTransformProp || !document.body) return this._styleTransformProp;
+for (var a = 0, c; c = b[a]; a++) if (typeof document.body.style[c] != "undefined") return this._styleTransformProp = c;
+}, enyo.dom.domTransformsToCss = function(a) {
+var b, c, d = "";
+for (b in a) c = a[b], c !== null && c !== undefined && c !== "" && (d += b + "(" + c + ") ");
+return d;
+}, enyo.dom.transformsToDom = function(a) {
+var b = this.domTransformsToCss(a.domTransforms), c = a.hasNode() ? a.node.style : null, d = a.domStyles, e = this.getStyleTransformProp(), f = this.getCssTransformProp();
+e && f && (d[f] = b, c ? c[e] = b : a.domStylesChanged());
+}, enyo.dom.canTransform = function() {
+return Boolean(this.getStyleTransformProp());
+}, enyo.dom.canAccelerate = function() {
+return this.accelerando !== undefined ? this.accelerando : document.body && (this.accelerando = this.calcCanAccelerate());
+}, enyo.dom.transform = function(a, b) {
+var c = a.domTransforms = a.domTransforms || {};
+enyo.mixin(c, b), this.transformsToDom(a);
+}, enyo.dom.transformValue = function(a, b, c) {
+var d = a.domTransforms = a.domTransforms || {};
+d[b] = c, this.transformsToDom(a);
+}, enyo.dom.accelerate = function(a, b) {
+var c = b == "auto" ? this.canAccelerate() : b;
+this.transformValue(a, "translateZ", c ? 0 : null);
+// Control.js
+name: "enyo.Control",
+kind: enyo.UiComponent,
+published: {
+tag: "div",
+attributes: null,
+classes: "",
+style: "",
+content: "",
+showing: !0,
+allowHtml: !1,
+src: "",
+canGenerate: !0,
+fit: !1,
+isContainer: !1
+handlers: {
+ontap: "tap"
+defaultKind: "Control",
+controlClasses: "",
+node: null,
+generated: !1,
+create: function() {
+this.initStyles(), this.inherited(arguments), this.showingChanged(), this.addClass(this.kindClasses), this.addClass(this.classes), this.initProps([ "id", "content", "src" ]);
+destroy: function() {
+this.removeNodeFromDom(), this.inherited(arguments);
+importProps: function(a) {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.attributes = enyo.mixin(enyo.clone(this.kindAttributes), this.attributes);
+initProps: function(a) {
+for (var b = 0, c, d; c = a[b]; b++) this[c] && (d = c + "Changed", this[d] && this[d]());
+classesChanged: function(a) {
+this.removeClass(a), this.addClass(this.classes);
+addChild: function(a) {
+a.addClass(this.controlClasses), this.inherited(arguments);
+removeChild: function(a) {
+this.inherited(arguments), a.removeClass(this.controlClasses);
+strictlyInternalEvents: {
+onenter: 1,
+onleave: 1
+dispatchEvent: function(a, b, c) {
+return this.strictlyInternalEvents[a] && this.isInternalEvent(b) ? !0 : this.inherited(arguments);
+isInternalEvent: function(a) {
+var b = enyo.dispatcher.findDispatchTarget(a.relatedTarget);
+return b && b.isDescendantOf(this);
+hasNode: function() {
+return this.generated && (this.node || this.findNodeById());
+addContent: function(a) {
+this.setContent(this.content + a);
+getAttribute: function(a) {
+return this.hasNode() ? this.node.getAttribute(a) : this.attributes[a];
+setAttribute: function(a, b) {
+this.attributes[a] = b, this.hasNode() && this.attributeToNode(a, b), this.invalidateTags();
+getNodeProperty: function(a, b) {
+return this.hasNode() ? this.node[a] : b;
+setNodeProperty: function(a, b) {
+this.hasNode() && (this.node[a] = b);
+setClassAttribute: function(a) {
+this.setAttribute("class", a);
+getClassAttribute: function() {
+return this.attributes["class"] || "";
+hasClass: function(a) {
+return a && (" " + this.getClassAttribute() + " ").indexOf(" " + a + " ") >= 0;
+addClass: function(a) {
+if (a && !this.hasClass(a)) {
+var b = this.getClassAttribute();
+this.setClassAttribute(b + (b ? " " : "") + a);
+removeClass: function(a) {
+if (a && this.hasClass(a)) {
+var b = this.getClassAttribute();
+b = (" " + b + " ").replace(" " + a + " ", " ").slice(1, -1), this.setClassAttribute(b);
+addRemoveClass: function(a, b) {
+this[b ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](a);
+initStyles: function() {
+this.domStyles = this.domStyles || {}, enyo.Control.cssTextToDomStyles(this.kindStyle, this.domStyles), this.domCssText = enyo.Control.domStylesToCssText(this.domStyles);
+styleChanged: function() {
+this.invalidateTags(), this.renderStyles();
+applyStyle: function(a, b) {
+this.domStyles[a] = b, this.domStylesChanged();
+addStyles: function(a) {
+enyo.Control.cssTextToDomStyles(a, this.domStyles), this.domStylesChanged();
+getComputedStyleValue: function(a, b) {
+return this.hasNode() ? enyo.dom.getComputedStyleValue(this.node, a) : b;
+domStylesChanged: function() {
+this.domCssText = enyo.Control.domStylesToCssText(this.domStyles), this.invalidateTags(), this.renderStyles();
+stylesToNode: function() {
+this.node.style.cssText = this.style + (this.style[this.style.length - 1] == ";" ? " " : "; ") + this.domCssText;
+render: function() {
+if (this.parent) {
+if (!this.parent.generated) return this;
+return this.hasNode() || this.renderNode(), this.hasNode() && (this.renderDom(), this.rendered()), this;
+renderInto: function(a) {
+var b = enyo.dom.byId(a);
+return b == document.body ? this.setupBodyFitting() : this.fit && this.addClass("enyo-fit enyo-clip"), b.innerHTML = this.generateHtml(), this.rendered(), this;
+write: function() {
+return this.fit && this.setupBodyFitting(), document.write(this.generateHtml()), this.rendered(), this;
+setupBodyFitting: function() {
+enyo.dom.applyBodyFit(), this.addClass("enyo-fit enyo-clip");
+rendered: function() {
+for (var a = 0, b; b = this.children[a]; a++) b.rendered();
+show: function() {
+hide: function() {
+getBounds: function() {
+var a = this.node || this.hasNode() || 0;
+return {
+left: a.offsetLeft,
+top: a.offsetTop,
+width: a.offsetWidth,
+height: a.offsetHeight
+setBounds: function(a, b) {
+var c = this.domStyles, d = b || "px", e = [ "width", "height", "left", "top", "right", "bottom" ];
+for (var f = 0, g, h; h = e[f]; f++) {
+g = a[h];
+if (g || g === 0) c[h] = g + (enyo.isString(g) ? "" : d);
+findNodeById: function() {
+return this.id && (this.node = enyo.dom.byId(this.id));
+idChanged: function(a) {
+a && enyo.Control.unregisterDomEvents(a), this.setAttribute("id", this.id), this.id && enyo.Control.registerDomEvents(this.id, this);
+contentChanged: function() {
+this.hasNode() && this.renderContent();
+getSrc: function() {
+return this.getAttribute("src");
+srcChanged: function() {
+this.setAttribute("src", enyo.path.rewrite(this.src));
+attributesChanged: function() {
+this.invalidateTags(), this.renderAttributes();
+generateHtml: function() {
+if (this.canGenerate === !1) return "";
+var a = this.generateInnerHtml(), b = this.generateOuterHtml(a);
+return this.generated = !0, b;
+generateInnerHtml: function() {
+return this.flow(), this.children.length ? this.generateChildHtml() : this.allowHtml ? this.content : enyo.Control.escapeHtml(this.content);
+generateChildHtml: function() {
+var a = "";
+for (var b = 0, c; c = this.children[b]; b++) {
+var d = c.generateHtml();
+c.prepend ? a = d + a : a += d;
+return a;
+generateOuterHtml: function(a) {
+return this.tag ? (this.tagsValid || this.prepareTags(), this._openTag + a + this._closeTag) : a;
+invalidateTags: function() {
+this.tagsValid = !1;
+prepareTags: function() {
+var a = this.domCssText + this.style;
+this._openTag = "<" + this.tag + (a ? ' style="' + a + '"' : "") + enyo.Control.attributesToHtml(this.attributes), enyo.Control.selfClosing[this.tag] ? (this._openTag += "/>", this._closeTag = "") : (this._openTag += ">", this._closeTag = "</" + this.tag + ">"), this.tagsValid = !0;
+attributeToNode: function(a, b) {
+b === null || b === !1 || b === "" ? this.node.removeAttribute(a) : this.node.setAttribute(a, b);
+attributesToNode: function() {
+for (var a in this.attributes) this.attributeToNode(a, this.attributes[a]);
+getParentNode: function() {
+return this.parentNode || this.parent && this.parent.hasNode();
+addNodeToParent: function() {
+if (this.node) {
+var a = this.getParentNode();
+a && this[this.prepend ? "insertNodeInParent" : "appendNodeToParent"](a);
+appendNodeToParent: function(a) {
+insertNodeInParent: function(a, b) {
+a.insertBefore(this.node, b || a.firstChild);
+removeNodeFromDom: function() {
+this.hasNode() && this.node.parentNode && this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node);
+teardownRender: function() {
+this.generated && this.teardownChildren(), this.node = null, this.generated = !1;
+teardownChildren: function() {
+for (var a = 0, b; b = this.children[a]; a++) b.teardownRender();
+renderNode: function() {
+this.teardownRender(), this.node = document.createElement(this.tag), this.addNodeToParent(), this.generated = !0;
+renderDom: function() {
+this.renderAttributes(), this.renderStyles(), this.renderContent();
+renderContent: function() {
+this.generated && this.teardownChildren(), this.node.innerHTML = this.generateInnerHtml();
+renderStyles: function() {
+this.hasNode() && this.stylesToNode();
+renderAttributes: function() {
+this.hasNode() && this.attributesToNode();
+beforeChildRender: function() {
+this.generated && this.flow();
+syncDisplayToShowing: function() {
+var a = this.domStyles;
+this.showing ? a.display == "none" && this.applyStyle("display", this._displayStyle || "") : (this._displayStyle = a.display == "none" ? "" : a.display, this.applyStyle("display", "none"));
+showingChanged: function() {
+getShowing: function() {
+return this.showing = this.domStyles.display != "none";
+fitChanged: function(a) {
+statics: {
+escapeHtml: function(a) {
+return a != null ? String(a).replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;") : "";
+registerDomEvents: function(a, b) {
+enyo.$[a] = b;
+unregisterDomEvents: function(a) {
+enyo.$[a] = null;
+selfClosing: {
+img: 1,
+hr: 1,
+br: 1,
+area: 1,
+base: 1,
+basefont: 1,
+input: 1,
+link: 1,
+meta: 1,
+command: 1,
+embed: 1,
+keygen: 1,
+wbr: 1,
+param: 1,
+source: 1,
+track: 1,
+col: 1
+cssTextToDomStyles: function(a, b) {
+if (a) {
+var c = a.replace(/; /g, ";").split(";");
+for (var d = 0, e, f, g, h; h = c[d]; d++) e = h.split(":"), f = e.shift(), g = e.join(":"), b[f] = g;
+domStylesToCssText: function(a) {
+var b, c, d = "";
+for (b in a) c = a[b], c !== null && c !== undefined && c !== "" && (d += b + ":" + c + ";");
+return d;
+stylesToHtml: function(a) {
+var b = enyo.Control.domStylesToCssText(a);
+return b ? ' style="' + b + '"' : "";
+escapeAttribute: function(a) {
+return enyo.isString(a) ? String(a).replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/\"/g, "&quot;") : a;
+attributesToHtml: function(a) {
+var b, c, d = "";
+for (b in a) c = a[b], c !== null && c !== !1 && c !== "" && (d += " " + b + '="' + enyo.Control.escapeAttribute(c) + '"');
+return d;
+}), enyo.defaultCtor = enyo.Control, enyo.Control.subclass = function(a, b) {
+var c = a.prototype;
+if (c.classes) {
+var d = c.kindClasses;
+c.kindClasses = (d ? d + " " : "") + c.classes, c.classes = "";
+if (c.style) {
+var e = c.kindStyle;
+c.kindStyle = (e ? e + ";" : "") + c.style, c.style = "";
+if (b.attributes) {
+var f = c.kindAttributes;
+c.kindAttributes = enyo.mixin(enyo.clone(f), c.attributes), c.attributes = null;
+// platform.js
+enyo.platform = {
+touch: Boolean("ontouchstart" in window || window.navigator.msPointerEnabled),
+gesture: Boolean("ongesturestart" in window || window.navigator.msPointerEnabled)
+}, function() {
+var a = navigator.userAgent, b = enyo.platform, c = [ {
+platform: "android",
+regex: /Android (\d+)/
+}, {
+platform: "android",
+regex: /Silk\//,
+forceVersion: 2
+}, {
+platform: "ie",
+regex: /MSIE (\d+)/
+}, {
+platform: "ios",
+regex: /iP(?:hone|ad;(?: U;)? CPU) OS (\d+)/
+}, {
+platform: "webos",
+regex: /(?:web|hpw)OS\/(\d+)/
+}, {
+platform: "safari",
+regex: /Version\/(\d+)[.\d]+\s+Safari/
+} ];
+for (var d = 0, e, f, g; e = c[d]; d++) {
+f = e.regex.exec(a);
+if (f) {
+e.forceVersion ? g = e.forceVersion : g = Number(f[1]), b[e.platform] = g;
+enyo.dumbConsole = Boolean(b.android || b.ios || b.webos);
+// phonegap.js
+(function() {
+if (window.cordova || window.PhoneGap) {
+var a = [ "deviceready", "pause", "resume", "online", "offline", "backbutton", "batterycritical", "batterylow", "batterystatus", "menubutton", "searchbutton", "startcallbutton", "endcallbutton", "volumedownbutton", "volumeupbutton" ];
+for (var b = 0, c; c = a[b]; b++) document.addEventListener(c, enyo.bind(enyo.Signals, "send", "on" + c), !1);
+// dispatcher.js
+enyo.$ = {}, enyo.dispatcher = {
+events: [ "mousedown", "mouseup", "mouseover", "mouseout", "mousemove", "mousewheel", "click", "dblclick", "change", "keydown", "keyup", "keypress", "input" ],
+windowEvents: [ "resize", "load", "unload", "message" ],
+features: [],
+connect: function() {
+var a = enyo.dispatcher;
+for (var b = 0, c; c = a.events[b]; b++) a.listen(document, c);
+for (b = 0, c; c = a.windowEvents[b]; b++) a.listen(window, c);
+listen: function(a, b) {
+var c = enyo.dispatch;
+a.addEventListener ? this.listen = function(a, b) {
+a.addEventListener(b, c, !1);
+} : this.listen = function(a, b, e) {
+a.attachEvent("on" + b, function(a) {
+return a.target = a.srcElement, a.preventDefault || (a.preventDefault = enyo.iePreventDefault), c(a);
+}, this.listen(a, b);
+dispatch: function(a) {
+var b = this.findDispatchTarget(a.target) || this.findDefaultTarget(a);
+a.dispatchTarget = b;
+for (var c = 0, d; d = this.features[c]; c++) if (d.call(this, a) === !0) return;
+b && !a.preventDispatch && this.dispatchBubble(a, b);
+findDispatchTarget: function(a) {
+var b, c = a;
+try {
+while (c) {
+if (b = enyo.$[c.id]) {
+b.eventNode = c;
+c = c.parentNode;
+} catch (d) {
+console.log(d, c);
+return b;
+findDefaultTarget: function(a) {
+return enyo.master;
+dispatchBubble: function(a, b) {
+return b.bubble("on" + a.type, a, b);
+}, enyo.iePreventDefault = function() {
+this.returnValue = !1;
+}, enyo.dispatch = function(a) {
+return enyo.dispatcher.dispatch(a);
+}, enyo.bubble = function(a) {
+var b = a || window.event;
+b && (b.target || (b.target = b.srcElement), enyo.dispatch(b));
+}, enyo.bubbler = "enyo.bubble(arguments[0])", enyo.requiresWindow(enyo.dispatcher.connect);
+// preview.js
+(function() {
+var a = "previewDomEvent", b = {
+feature: function(a) {
+b.dispatch(a, a.dispatchTarget);
+dispatch: function(b, c) {
+var d = this.buildLineage(c);
+for (var e = 0, f; f = d[e]; e++) if (f[a] && f[a](b) === !0) {
+b.preventDispatch = !0;
+buildLineage: function(a) {
+var b = [], c = a;
+while (c) b.unshift(c), c = c.parent;
+return b;
+// modal.js
+enyo.dispatcher.features.push(function(a) {
+var b = a.dispatchTarget, c = this.captureTarget && !this.noCaptureEvents[a.type], d = c && !(b && b.isDescendantOf && b.isDescendantOf(this.captureTarget));
+if (d) {
+var e = a.captureTarget = this.captureTarget, f = this.autoForwardEvents[a.type] || this.forwardEvents;
+this.dispatchBubble(a, e), f || (a.preventDispatch = !0);
+}), enyo.mixin(enyo.dispatcher, {
+noCaptureEvents: {
+load: 1,
+unload: 1,
+error: 1
+autoForwardEvents: {
+leave: 1,
+resize: 1
+captures: [],
+capture: function(a, b) {
+var c = {
+target: a,
+forward: b
+this.captures.push(c), this.setCaptureInfo(c);
+release: function() {
+this.captures.pop(), this.setCaptureInfo(this.captures[this.captures.length - 1]);
+setCaptureInfo: function(a) {
+this.captureTarget = a && a.target, this.forwardEvents = a && a.forward;
+// gesture.js
+enyo.gesture = {
+eventProps: [ "target", "relatedTarget", "clientX", "clientY", "pageX", "pageY", "screenX", "screenY", "altKey", "ctrlKey", "metaKey", "shiftKey", "detail", "identifier", "dispatchTarget", "which", "srcEvent" ],
+makeEvent: function(a, b) {
+var c = {
+type: a
+for (var d = 0, e; e = this.eventProps[d]; d++) c[e] = b[e];
+c.srcEvent = c.srcEvent || b, c.preventDefault = this.preventDefault, c.disablePrevention = this.disablePrevention;
+if (enyo.platform.ie) {
+var f = window.event && window.event.button;
+c.which = f & 1 ? 1 : f & 2 ? 2 : f & 4 ? 3 : 0;
+return c;
+down: function(a) {
+var b = this.makeEvent("down", a);
+enyo.dispatch(b), this.downEvent = b;
+move: function(a) {
+var b = this.makeEvent("move", a);
+b.dx = b.dy = b.horizontal = b.vertical = 0, b.which && this.downEvent && (b.dx = a.clientX - this.downEvent.clientX, b.dy = a.clientY - this.downEvent.clientY, b.horizontal = Math.abs(b.dx) > Math.abs(b.dy), b.vertical = !b.horizontal), enyo.dispatch(b);
+up: function(a) {
+var b = this.makeEvent("up", a), c = !1;
+b.preventTap = function() {
+c = !0;
+}, enyo.dispatch(b), !c && this.downEvent && this.downEvent.which == 1 && this.sendTap(b), this.downEvent = null;
+over: function(a) {
+enyo.dispatch(this.makeEvent("enter", a));
+out: function(a) {
+enyo.dispatch(this.makeEvent("leave", a));
+sendTap: function(a) {
+var b = this.findCommonAncestor(this.downEvent.target, a.target);
+if (b) {
+var c = this.makeEvent("tap", a);
+c.target = b, enyo.dispatch(c);
+findCommonAncestor: function(a, b) {
+var c = b;
+while (c) {
+if (this.isTargetDescendantOf(a, c)) return c;
+c = c.parentNode;
+isTargetDescendantOf: function(a, b) {
+var c = a;
+while (c) {
+if (c == b) return !0;
+c = c.parentNode;
+}, enyo.gesture.preventDefault = function() {
+this.srcEvent && this.srcEvent.preventDefault();
+}, enyo.gesture.disablePrevention = function() {
+this.preventDefault = enyo.nop, this.srcEvent && (this.srcEvent.preventDefault = enyo.nop);
+}, enyo.dispatcher.features.push(function(a) {
+if (enyo.gesture.events[a.type]) return enyo.gesture.events[a.type](a);
+}), enyo.gesture.events = {
+mousedown: function(a) {
+mouseup: function(a) {
+mousemove: function(a) {
+mouseover: function(a) {
+mouseout: function(a) {
+}, enyo.requiresWindow(function() {
+document.addEventListener && document.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", function(a) {
+var b = enyo.clone(a);
+b.preventDefault = function() {
+}, b.type = "mousewheel";
+var c = b.VERTICAL_AXIS == b.axis ? "wheelDeltaY" : "wheelDeltaX";
+b[c] = b.detail * -12, enyo.dispatch(b);
+}, !1);
+// drag.js
+enyo.dispatcher.features.push(function(a) {
+if (enyo.gesture.drag[a.type]) return enyo.gesture.drag[a.type](a);
+}), enyo.gesture.drag = {
+hysteresisSquared: 16,
+holdPulseDelay: 200,
+trackCount: 5,
+minFlick: .1,
+minTrack: 8,
+down: function(a) {
+this.stopDragging(a), this.cancelHold(), this.target = a.target, this.startTracking(a), this.beginHold(a);
+move: function(a) {
+if (this.tracking) {
+if (!a.which) {
+this.stopDragging(a), this.cancelHold(), this.tracking = !1;
+this.dragEvent ? this.sendDrag(a) : this.dy * this.dy + this.dx * this.dx >= this.hysteresisSquared && (this.sendDragStart(a), this.cancelHold());
+up: function(a) {
+this.endTracking(a), this.stopDragging(a), this.cancelHold();
+leave: function(a) {
+this.dragEvent && this.sendDragOut(a);
+stopDragging: function(a) {
+if (this.dragEvent) {
+var b = this.sendDragFinish(a);
+return this.dragEvent = null, b;
+makeDragEvent: function(a, b, c, d) {
+var e = Math.abs(this.dx), f = Math.abs(this.dy), g = e > f, h = (g ? f / e : e / f) < .414, i = {
+type: a,
+dx: this.dx,
+dy: this.dy,
+ddx: this.dx - this.lastDx,
+ddy: this.dy - this.lastDy,
+xDirection: this.xDirection,
+yDirection: this.yDirection,
+pageX: c.pageX,
+pageY: c.pageY,
+clientX: c.clientX,
+clientY: c.clientY,
+horizontal: g,
+vertical: !g,
+lockable: h,
+target: b,
+dragInfo: d,
+ctrlKey: c.ctrlKey,
+altKey: c.altKey,
+metaKey: c.metaKey,
+shiftKey: c.shiftKey,
+srcEvent: c.srcEvent
+return enyo.platform.ie == 8 && i.target && (i.pageX = i.clientX + i.target.scrollLeft, i.pageY = i.clientY + i.target.scrollTop), i.preventDefault = enyo.gesture.preventDefault, i.disablePrevention = enyo.gesture.disablePrevention, i;
+sendDragStart: function(a) {
+this.dragEvent = this.makeDragEvent("dragstart", this.target, a), enyo.dispatch(this.dragEvent);
+sendDrag: function(a) {
+var b = this.makeDragEvent("dragover", a.target, a, this.dragEvent.dragInfo);
+enyo.dispatch(b), b.type = "drag", b.target = this.dragEvent.target, enyo.dispatch(b);
+sendDragFinish: function(a) {
+var b = this.makeDragEvent("dragfinish", this.dragEvent.target, a, this.dragEvent.dragInfo);
+b.preventTap = function() {
+a.preventTap && a.preventTap();
+}, enyo.dispatch(b);
+sendDragOut: function(a) {
+var b = this.makeDragEvent("dragout", a.target, a, this.dragEvent.dragInfo);
+sendDrop: function(a) {
+var b = this.makeDragEvent("drop", a.target, a, this.dragEvent.dragInfo);
+b.preventTap = function() {
+a.preventTap && a.preventTap();
+}, enyo.dispatch(b);
+startTracking: function(a) {
+this.tracking = !0, this.px0 = a.clientX, this.py0 = a.clientY, this.flickInfo = {
+startEvent: a,
+moves: []
+}, this.track(a);
+track: function(a) {
+this.lastDx = this.dx, this.lastDy = this.dy, this.dx = a.clientX - this.px0, this.dy = a.clientY - this.py0, this.xDirection = this.calcDirection(this.dx - this.lastDx, 0), this.yDirection = this.calcDirection(this.dy - this.lastDy, 0);
+var b = this.flickInfo;
+x: a.clientX,
+y: a.clientY,
+t: enyo.now()
+}), b.moves.length > this.trackCount && b.moves.shift();
+endTracking: function(a) {
+this.tracking = !1;
+var b = this.flickInfo, c = b && b.moves;
+if (c && c.length > 1) {
+var d = c[c.length - 1], e = enyo.now();
+for (var f = c.length - 2, g = 0, h = 0, i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0, m = 0, n; n = c[f]; f--) {
+g = e - n.t, h = (d.x - n.x) / g, i = (d.y - n.y) / g, l = l || (h < 0 ? -1 : h > 0 ? 1 : 0), m = m || (i < 0 ? -1 : i > 0 ? 1 : 0);
+if (h * l > j * l || i * m > k * m) j = h, k = i;
+var o = Math.sqrt(j * j + k * k);
+o > this.minFlick && this.sendFlick(b.startEvent, j, k, o);
+this.flickInfo = null;
+calcDirection: function(a, b) {
+return a > 0 ? 1 : a < 0 ? -1 : b;
+beginHold: function(a) {
+this.holdStart = enyo.now(), this.holdJob = setInterval(enyo.bind(this, "sendHoldPulse", a), this.holdPulseDelay);
+cancelHold: function() {
+clearInterval(this.holdJob), this.holdJob = null, this.sentHold && (this.sentHold = !1, this.sendRelease(this.holdEvent));
+sendHoldPulse: function(a) {
+this.sentHold || (this.sentHold = !0, this.sendHold(a));
+var b = enyo.gesture.makeEvent("holdpulse", a);
+b.holdTime = enyo.now() - this.holdStart, enyo.dispatch(b);
+sendHold: function(a) {
+this.holdEvent = a;
+var b = enyo.gesture.makeEvent("hold", a);
+sendRelease: function(a) {
+var b = enyo.gesture.makeEvent("release", a);
+sendFlick: function(a, b, c, d) {
+var e = enyo.gesture.makeEvent("flick", a);
+e.xVelocity = b, e.yVelocity = c, e.velocity = d, enyo.dispatch(e);
+// touch.js
+enyo.requiresWindow(function() {
+var a = enyo.gesture;
+a.events.touchstart = function(c) {
+a.events = b, a.events.touchstart(c);
+var b = {
+touchstart: function(b) {
+this.excludedTarget = null;
+var c = this.makeEvent(b);
+a.down(c), c = this.makeEvent(b), this.overEvent = c, a.over(c);
+touchmove: function(b) {
+var c = a.drag.dragEvent;
+this.excludedTarget = c && c.dragInfo && c.dragInfo.node;
+var d = this.makeEvent(b);
+a.move(d), enyo.bodyIsFitting && b.preventDefault(), this.overEvent && this.overEvent.target != d.target && (this.overEvent.relatedTarget = d.target, d.relatedTarget = this.overEvent.target, a.out(this.overEvent), a.over(d)), this.overEvent = d;
+touchend: function(b) {
+a.up(this.makeEvent(b)), a.out(this.overEvent);
+makeEvent: function(a) {
+var b = enyo.clone(a.changedTouches[0]);
+return b.srcEvent = a, b.target = this.findTarget(b.clientX, b.clientY), b.which = 1, b;
+calcNodeOffset: function(a) {
+if (a.getBoundingClientRect) {
+var b = a.getBoundingClientRect();
+return {
+left: b.left,
+top: b.top,
+width: b.width,
+height: b.height
+findTarget: function(a, b) {
+return document.elementFromPoint(a, b);
+findTargetTraverse: function(a, b, c) {
+var d = a || document.body, e = this.calcNodeOffset(d);
+if (e && d != this.excludedTarget) {
+var f = b - e.left, g = c - e.top;
+if (f > 0 && g > 0 && f <= e.width && g <= e.height) {
+var h;
+for (var i = d.childNodes, j = i.length - 1, k; k = i[j]; j--) {
+h = this.findTargetTraverse(k, b, c);
+if (h) return h;
+return d;
+connect: function() {
+enyo.forEach([ "ontouchstart", "ontouchmove", "ontouchend", "ongesturestart", "ongesturechange", "ongestureend" ], function(a) {
+document[a] = enyo.dispatch;
+}), document.elementFromPoint || (this.findTarget = function(a, b) {
+return this.findTargetTraverse(null, a, b);
+// msevents.js
+(function() {
+if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) {
+var a = [ "MSPointerDown", "MSPointerUp", "MSPointerMove", "MSPointerOver", "MSPointerOut", "MSPointerCancel", "MSGestureTap", "MSGestureDoubleTap", "MSGestureHold", "MSGestureStart", "MSGestureChange", "MSGestureEnd" ];
+enyo.forEach(a, function(a) {
+enyo.dispatcher.listen(document, a);
+}), enyo.dispatcher.features.push(function(a) {
+c[a.type] && c[a.type](a);
+var b = function(a, b) {
+var c = enyo.clone(b);
+return enyo.mixin(c, {
+pageX: b.translationX || 0,
+pageY: b.translationY || 0,
+rotation: b.rotation * (180 / Math.PI) || 0,
+type: a,
+srcEvent: b,
+preventDefault: enyo.gesture.preventDefault,
+disablePrevention: enyo.gesture.disablePrevention
+}, c = {
+MSGestureStart: function(a) {
+enyo.dispatch(b("gesturestart", a));
+MSGestureChange: function(a) {
+enyo.dispatch(b("gesturechange", a));
+MSGestureEnd: function(a) {
+enyo.dispatch(b("gestureend", a));
+// gesture.js
+(function() {
+!enyo.platform.gesture && enyo.platform.touch && enyo.dispatcher.features.push(function(c) {
+a[c.type] && b[c.type](c);
+var a = {
+touchstart: !0,
+touchmove: !0,
+touchend: !0
+}, b = {
+orderedTouches: [],
+gesture: null,
+touchstart: function(a) {
+enyo.forEach(a.changedTouches, function(a) {
+var b = a.identifier;
+enyo.indexOf(b, this.orderedTouches) < 0 && this.orderedTouches.push(b);
+}, this);
+if (a.touches.length >= 2 && !this.gesture) {
+var b = this.gesturePositions(a);
+this.gesture = this.gestureVector(b), this.gesture.angle = this.gestureAngle(b), this.gesture.scale = 1, this.gesture.rotation = 0;
+var c = this.makeGesture("gesturestart", a, {
+vector: this.gesture,
+scale: 1,
+rotation: 0
+touchend: function(a) {
+enyo.forEach(a.changedTouches, function(a) {
+enyo.remove(a.identifier, this.orderedTouches);
+}, this);
+if (a.touches.length <= 1 && this.gesture) {
+var b = a.touches[0] || a.changedTouches[a.changedTouches.length - 1];
+enyo.dispatch(this.makeGesture("gestureend", a, {
+vector: {
+xcenter: b.pageX,
+ycenter: b.pageY
+scale: this.gesture.scale,
+rotation: this.gesture.rotation
+})), this.gesture = null;
+touchmove: function(a) {
+if (this.gesture) {
+var b = this.makeGesture("gesturechange", a);
+this.gesture.scale = b.scale, this.gesture.rotation = b.rotation, enyo.dispatch(b);
+findIdentifiedTouch: function(a, b) {
+for (var c = 0, d; d = a[c]; c++) if (d.identifier === b) return d;
+gesturePositions: function(a) {
+var b = this.findIdentifiedTouch(a.touches, this.orderedTouches[0]), c = this.findIdentifiedTouch(a.touches, this.orderedTouches[this.orderedTouches.length - 1]), d = b.pageX, e = c.pageX, f = b.pageY, g = c.pageY, h = e - d, i = g - f, j = Math.sqrt(h * h + i * i);
+return {
+x: h,
+y: i,
+h: j,
+fx: d,
+lx: e,
+fy: f,
+ly: g
+gestureAngle: function(a) {
+var b = a, c = Math.asin(b.y / b.h) * (180 / Math.PI);
+return b.x < 0 && (c = 180 - c), b.x > 0 && b.y < 0 && (c += 360), c;
+gestureVector: function(a) {
+var b = a;
+return {
+magnitude: b.h,
+xcenter: Math.abs(Math.round(b.fx + b.x / 2)),
+ycenter: Math.abs(Math.round(b.fy + b.y / 2))
+makeGesture: function(a, b, c) {
+var d, e, f;
+if (c) d = c.vector, e = c.scale, f = c.rotation; else {
+var g = this.gesturePositions(b);
+d = this.gestureVector(g), e = d.magnitude / this.gesture.magnitude, f = (360 + this.gestureAngle(g) - this.gesture.angle) % 360;
+var h = enyo.clone(b);
+return enyo.mixin(h, {
+type: a,
+scale: e,
+pageX: d.xcenter,
+pageY: d.ycenter,
+rotation: f
+// ScrollMath.js
+name: "enyo.ScrollMath",
+kind: enyo.Component,
+published: {
+vertical: !0,
+horizontal: !0
+events: {
+onScrollStart: "",
+onScroll: "",
+onScrollStop: ""
+kSpringDamping: .93,
+kDragDamping: .5,
+kFrictionDamping: .97,
+kSnapFriction: .9,
+kFlickScalar: 15,
+kMaxFlick: enyo.platform.android > 2 ? 2 : 1e9,
+kFrictionEpsilon: .01,
+topBoundary: 0,
+rightBoundary: 0,
+bottomBoundary: 0,
+leftBoundary: 0,
+interval: 20,
+fixedTime: !0,
+x0: 0,
+x: 0,
+y0: 0,
+y: 0,
+destroy: function() {
+this.stop(), this.inherited(arguments);
+verlet: function(a) {
+var b = this.x;
+this.x += b - this.x0, this.x0 = b;
+var c = this.y;
+this.y += c - this.y0, this.y0 = c;
+damping: function(a, b, c, d) {
+var e = .5, f = a - b;
+return Math.abs(f) < e ? b : a * d > b * d ? c * f + b : a;
+boundaryDamping: function(a, b, c, d) {
+return this.damping(this.damping(a, b, d, 1), c, d, -1);
+constrain: function() {
+var a = this.boundaryDamping(this.y, this.topBoundary, this.bottomBoundary, this.kSpringDamping);
+a != this.y && (this.y0 = a - (this.y - this.y0) * this.kSnapFriction, this.y = a);
+var b = this.boundaryDamping(this.x, this.leftBoundary, this.rightBoundary, this.kSpringDamping);
+b != this.x && (this.x0 = b - (this.x - this.x0) * this.kSnapFriction, this.x = b);
+friction: function(a, b, c) {
+var d = this[a] - this[b], e = Math.abs(d) > this.kFrictionEpsilon ? c : 0;
+this[a] = this[b] + e * d;
+frame: 10,
+simulate: function(a) {
+while (a >= this.frame) a -= this.frame, this.dragging || this.constrain(), this.verlet(), this.friction("y", "y0", this.kFrictionDamping), this.friction("x", "x0", this.kFrictionDamping);
+return a;
+animate: function() {
+var a = enyo.now(), b = 0, c, d, e = enyo.bind(this, function() {
+var f = enyo.now();
+this.job = enyo.requestAnimationFrame(e);
+var g = f - a;
+a = f, this.dragging && (this.y0 = this.y = this.uy, this.x0 = this.x = this.ux), b += Math.max(16, g), this.fixedTime && !this.isInOverScroll() && (b = this.interval), b = this.simulate(b), d != this.y || c != this.x ? this.scroll() : this.dragging || (this.stop(!0), this.scroll()), d = this.y, c = this.x;
+this.job = enyo.requestAnimationFrame(e);
+start: function() {
+this.job || (this.animate(), this.doScrollStart());
+stop: function(a) {
+this.job = enyo.cancelRequestAnimationFrame(this.job), a && this.doScrollStop();
+stabilize: function() {
+var a = Math.min(this.topBoundary, Math.max(this.bottomBoundary, this.y)), b = Math.min(this.leftBoundary, Math.max(this.rightBoundary, this.x));
+this.y = this.y0 = a, this.x = this.x0 = b, this.scroll(), this.stop(!0);
+startDrag: function(a) {
+this.dragging = !0, this.my = a.pageY, this.py = this.uy = this.y, this.mx = a.pageX, this.px = this.ux = this.x;
+drag: function(a) {
+if (this.dragging) {
+var b = this.vertical ? a.pageY - this.my : 0;
+this.uy = b + this.py, this.uy = this.boundaryDamping(this.uy, this.topBoundary, this.bottomBoundary, this.kDragDamping);
+var c = this.horizontal ? a.pageX - this.mx : 0;
+return this.ux = c + this.px, this.ux = this.boundaryDamping(this.ux, this.leftBoundary, this.rightBoundary, this.kDragDamping), this.start(), !0;
+dragDrop: function(a) {
+if (this.dragging && !window.PalmSystem) {
+var b = .5;
+this.y = this.uy, this.y0 = this.y - (this.y - this.y0) * b, this.x = this.ux, this.x0 = this.x - (this.x - this.x0) * b;
+dragFinish: function() {
+this.dragging = !1;
+flick: function(a) {
+var b;
+this.vertical && (b = a.yVelocity > 0 ? Math.min(this.kMaxFlick, a.yVelocity) : Math.max(-this.kMaxFlick, a.yVelocity), this.y = this.y0 + b * this.kFlickScalar), this.horizontal && (b = a.xVelocity > 0 ? Math.min(this.kMaxFlick, a.xVelocity) : Math.max(-this.kMaxFlick, a.xVelocity), this.x = this.x0 + b * this.kFlickScalar), this.start();
+mousewheel: function(a) {
+var b = this.vertical ? a.wheelDeltaY || a.wheelDelta : 0;
+if (b > 0 && this.y < this.topBoundary || b < 0 && this.y > this.bottomBoundary) return this.stop(!0), this.y = this.y0 = this.y0 + b, this.start(), !0;
+scroll: function() {
+scrollTo: function(a, b) {
+a !== null && (this.y = this.y0 - (a + this.y0) * (1 - this.kFrictionDamping)), b !== null && (this.x = this.x0 - (b + this.x0) * (1 - this.kFrictionDamping)), this.start();
+setScrollX: function(a) {
+this.x = this.x0 = a;
+setScrollY: function(a) {
+this.y = this.y0 = a;
+setScrollPosition: function(a) {
+isScrolling: function() {
+return Boolean(this.job);
+isInOverScroll: function() {
+return this.job && (this.x > this.leftBoundary || this.x < this.rightBoundary || this.y > this.topBoundary || this.y < this.bottomBoundary);
+// ScrollStrategy.js
+name: "enyo.ScrollStrategy",
+tag: null,
+published: {
+vertical: "default",
+horizontal: "default",
+scrollLeft: 0,
+scrollTop: 0,
+maxHeight: null
+handlers: {
+ondragstart: "dragstart",
+ondragfinish: "dragfinish",
+ondown: "down",
+onmove: "move"
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.horizontalChanged(), this.verticalChanged(), this.maxHeightChanged(), this.container.setAttribute("onscroll", enyo.bubbler);
+rendered: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.scrollNode = this.calcScrollNode();
+teardownRender: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.scrollNode = null;
+calcScrollNode: function() {
+return this.container.hasNode();
+horizontalChanged: function() {
+this.container.applyStyle("overflow-x", this.horizontal == "default" ? "auto" : this.horizontal);
+verticalChanged: function() {
+this.container.applyStyle("overflow-y", this.vertical == "default" ? "auto" : this.vertical);
+maxHeightChanged: function() {
+this.container.applyStyle("max-height", this.maxHeight);
+scrollTo: function(a, b) {
+this.scrollNode && (this.setScrollLeft(a), this.setScrollTop(b));
+scrollToNode: function(a, b) {
+if (this.scrollNode) {
+var c = this.getScrollBounds(), d = a, e = {
+height: d.offsetHeight,
+width: d.offsetWidth,
+top: 0,
+left: 0
+while (d && d.parentNode && d.id != this.scrollNode.id) e.top += d.offsetTop, e.left += d.offsetLeft, d = d.parentNode;
+this.setScrollTop(Math.min(c.maxTop, b === !1 ? e.top - c.clientHeight + e.height : e.top)), this.setScrollLeft(Math.min(c.maxLeft, b === !1 ? e.left - c.clientWidth + e.width : e.left));
+scrollIntoView: function(a, b) {
+a.hasNode() && a.node.scrollIntoView(b);
+isInView: function(a) {
+var b = this.getScrollBounds(), c = a.offsetTop, d = a.offsetHeight, e = a.offsetLeft, f = a.offsetWidth;
+return c >= b.top && c + d <= b.top + b.clientHeight && e >= b.left && e + f <= b.left + b.clientWidth;
+setScrollTop: function(a) {
+this.scrollTop = a, this.scrollNode && (this.scrollNode.scrollTop = this.scrollTop);
+setScrollLeft: function(a) {
+this.scrollLeft = a, this.scrollNode && (this.scrollNode.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft);
+getScrollLeft: function() {
+return this.scrollNode ? this.scrollNode.scrollLeft : this.scrollLeft;
+getScrollTop: function() {
+return this.scrollNode ? this.scrollNode.scrollTop : this.scrollTop;
+_getScrollBounds: function() {
+var a = this.getScrollSize(), b = this.container.hasNode(), c = {
+left: this.getScrollLeft(),
+top: this.getScrollTop(),
+clientHeight: b ? b.clientHeight : 0,
+clientWidth: b ? b.clientWidth : 0,
+height: a.height,
+width: a.width
+return c.maxLeft = Math.max(0, c.width - c.clientWidth), c.maxTop = Math.max(0, c.height - c.clientHeight), c;
+getScrollSize: function() {
+var a = this.scrollNode;
+return {
+width: a ? a.scrollWidth : 0,
+height: a ? a.scrollHeight : 0
+getScrollBounds: function() {
+return this._getScrollBounds();
+calcStartInfo: function() {
+var a = this.getScrollBounds(), b = this.getScrollTop(), c = this.getScrollLeft();
+this.canVertical = a.maxTop > 0 && this.vertical != "hidden", this.canHorizontal = a.maxLeft > 0 && this.horizontal != "hidden", this.startEdges = {
+top: b === 0,
+bottom: b === a.maxTop,
+left: c === 0,
+right: c === a.maxLeft
+shouldDrag: function(a) {
+var b = a.vertical;
+return b && this.canVertical || !b && this.canHorizontal;
+dragstart: function(a, b) {
+this.dragging = this.shouldDrag(b);
+if (this.dragging) return this.preventDragPropagation;
+dragfinish: function(a, b) {
+this.dragging && (this.dragging = !1, b.preventTap());
+down: function(a, b) {
+move: function(a, b) {
+b.which && (this.canVertical && b.vertical || this.canHorizontal && b.horizontal) && b.disablePrevention();
+// Thumb.js
+name: "enyo.ScrollThumb",
+axis: "v",
+minSize: 4,
+cornerSize: 6,
+classes: "enyo-thumb",
+create: function() {
+var a = this.axis == "v";
+this.dimension = a ? "height" : "width", this.offset = a ? "top" : "left", this.translation = a ? "translateY" : "translateX", this.positionMethod = a ? "getScrollTop" : "getScrollLeft", this.sizeDimension = a ? "clientHeight" : "clientWidth", this.addClass("enyo-" + this.axis + "thumb"), this.transform = enyo.dom.canTransform(), enyo.dom.canAccelerate() && enyo.dom.transformValue(this, "translateZ", 0);
+sync: function(a) {
+this.scrollBounds = a._getScrollBounds(), this.update(a);
+update: function(a) {
+if (this.showing) {
+var b = this.dimension, c = this.offset, d = this.scrollBounds[this.sizeDimension], e = this.scrollBounds[b], f = 0, g = 0, h = 0;
+if (d >= e) {
+a.isOverscrolling() && (h = a.getOverScrollBounds()["over" + c], f = Math.abs(h), g = Math.max(h, 0));
+var i = a[this.positionMethod]() - h, j = d - this.cornerSize, k = Math.floor(d * d / e - f);
+k = Math.max(this.minSize, k);
+var l = Math.floor(j * i / e + g);
+l = Math.max(0, Math.min(j - this.minSize, l)), this.needed = k < d, this.needed && this.hasNode() ? (this._pos !== l && (this._pos = l, this.transform ? enyo.dom.transformValue(this, this.translation, l + "px") : this.axis == "v" ? this.setBounds({
+top: l + "px"
+}) : this.setBounds({
+left: l + "px"
+})), this._size !== k && (this._size = k, this.node.style[b] = this.domStyles[b] = k + "px")) : this.hide();
+setShowing: function(a) {
+if (a && a != this.showing && this.scrollBounds[this.sizeDimension] >= this.scrollBounds[this.dimension]) return;
+this.hasNode() && this.cancelDelayHide();
+if (a != this.showing) {
+var b = this.showing;
+this.showing = a, this.showingChanged(b);
+delayHide: function(a) {
+this.showing && enyo.job(this.id + "hide", enyo.bind(this, "hide"), a || 0);
+cancelDelayHide: function() {
+enyo.job.stop(this.id + "hide");
+// TouchScrollStrategy.js
+name: "enyo.TouchScrollStrategy",
+kind: "ScrollStrategy",
+overscroll: !0,
+preventDragPropagation: !0,
+published: {
+vertical: "default",
+horizontal: "default",
+thumb: !0,
+scrim: !1
+events: {
+onShouldDrag: ""
+handlers: {
+onscroll: "domScroll",
+onflick: "flick",
+onhold: "hold",
+ondragstart: "dragstart",
+onShouldDrag: "shouldDrag",
+ondrag: "drag",
+ondragfinish: "dragfinish",
+onmousewheel: "mousewheel"
+tools: [ {
+kind: "ScrollMath",
+onScrollStart: "scrollMathStart",
+onScroll: "scrollMathScroll",
+onScrollStop: "scrollMathStop"
+}, {
+name: "vthumb",
+kind: "ScrollThumb",
+axis: "v",
+showing: !1
+}, {
+name: "hthumb",
+kind: "ScrollThumb",
+axis: "h",
+showing: !1
+} ],
+scrimTools: [ {
+name: "scrim",
+classes: "enyo-fit",
+style: "z-index: 1;",
+showing: !1
+} ],
+components: [ {
+name: "client",
+attributes: {
+onscroll: enyo.bubbler
+classes: "enyo-touch-scroller"
+} ],
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.transform = enyo.dom.canTransform(), this.transform || this.overscroll && this.$.client.applyStyle("position", "relative"), this.accel = enyo.dom.canAccelerate();
+var a = "enyo-touch-strategy-container";
+enyo.platform.ios && this.accel && (a += " enyo-composite"), this.scrimChanged(), this.container.addClass(a), this.translation = this.accel ? "translate3d" : "translate";
+initComponents: function() {
+this.createChrome(this.tools), this.inherited(arguments);
+destroy: function() {
+this.container.removeClass("enyo-touch-strategy-container"), this.inherited(arguments);
+rendered: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.calcBoundaries(), this.syncScrollMath(), this.thumb && this.alertThumbs();
+scrimChanged: function() {
+this.scrim && !this.$.scrim && this.makeScrim(), !this.scrim && this.$.scrim && this.$.scrim.destroy();
+makeScrim: function() {
+var a = this.controlParent;
+this.controlParent = null, this.createChrome(this.scrimTools), this.controlParent = a;
+var b = this.container.hasNode();
+b && (this.$.scrim.parentNode = b, this.$.scrim.render());
+isScrolling: function() {
+return this.$.scrollMath.isScrolling();
+isOverscrolling: function() {
+return this.overscroll ? this.$.scrollMath.isInOverScroll() : !1;
+domScroll: function() {
+this.isScrolling() || (this.calcBoundaries(), this.syncScrollMath(), this.thumb && this.alertThumbs());
+horizontalChanged: function() {
+this.$.scrollMath.horizontal = this.horizontal != "hidden";
+verticalChanged: function() {
+this.$.scrollMath.vertical = this.vertical != "hidden";
+maxHeightChanged: function() {
+this.$.client.applyStyle("max-height", this.maxHeight), this.$.client.addRemoveClass("enyo-scrollee-fit", !this.maxHeight);
+thumbChanged: function() {
+stop: function() {
+this.isScrolling() && this.$.scrollMath.stop(!0);
+stabilize: function() {
+scrollTo: function(a, b) {
+this.stop(), this.$.scrollMath.scrollTo(b || b === 0 ? b : null, a);
+scrollIntoView: function() {
+this.stop(), this.inherited(arguments);
+setScrollLeft: function() {
+this.stop(), this.inherited(arguments);
+setScrollTop: function() {
+this.stop(), this.inherited(arguments);
+getScrollLeft: function() {
+return this.isScrolling() ? this.scrollLeft : this.inherited(arguments);
+getScrollTop: function() {
+return this.isScrolling() ? this.scrollTop : this.inherited(arguments);
+calcScrollNode: function() {
+return this.$.client.hasNode();
+calcAutoScrolling: function() {
+var a = this.vertical == "auto", b = this.horizontal == "auto" || this.horizontal == "default";
+if ((a || b) && this.scrollNode) {
+var c = this.getScrollBounds();
+a && (this.$.scrollMath.vertical = c.height > c.clientHeight), b && (this.$.scrollMath.horizontal = c.width > c.clientWidth);
+shouldDrag: function(a, b) {
+var c = b.vertical, d = this.$.scrollMath.horizontal && !c, e = this.$.scrollMath.vertical && c, f = b.dy < 0, g = b.dx < 0, h = !f && this.startEdges.top || f && this.startEdges.bottom, i = !g && this.startEdges.left || g && this.startEdges.right;
+!b.boundaryDragger && (d || e) && (b.boundaryDragger = this);
+if (!h && e || !i && d) return b.dragger = this, !0;
+flick: function(a, b) {
+var c = Math.abs(b.xVelocity) > Math.abs(b.yVelocity) ? this.$.scrollMath.horizontal : this.$.scrollMath.vertical;
+if (c && this.dragging) return this.$.scrollMath.flick(b), this.preventDragPropagation;
+hold: function(a, b) {
+if (this.isScrolling() && !this.isOverscrolling()) return this.$.scrollMath.stop(b), !0;
+move: function(a, b) {},
+dragstart: function(a, b) {
+this.doShouldDrag(b), this.dragging = b.dragger == this || !b.dragger && b.boundaryDragger == this;
+if (this.dragging) {
+b.preventDefault(), this.syncScrollMath(), this.$.scrollMath.startDrag(b);
+if (this.preventDragPropagation) return !0;
+drag: function(a, b) {
+this.dragging && (b.preventDefault(), this.$.scrollMath.drag(b), this.scrim && this.$.scrim.show());
+dragfinish: function(a, b) {
+this.dragging && (b.preventTap(), this.$.scrollMath.dragFinish(), this.dragging = !1, this.scrim && this.$.scrim.hide());
+mousewheel: function(a, b) {
+if (!this.dragging && this.$.scrollMath.mousewheel(b)) return b.preventDefault(), !0;
+scrollMathStart: function(a) {
+this.scrollNode && (this.calcBoundaries(), this.thumb && this.showThumbs());
+scrollMathScroll: function(a) {
+this.overscroll ? this.effectScroll(-a.x, -a.y) : this.effectScroll(-Math.min(a.leftBoundary, Math.max(a.rightBoundary, a.x)), -Math.min(a.topBoundary, Math.max(a.bottomBoundary, a.y))), this.thumb && this.updateThumbs();
+scrollMathStop: function(a) {
+this.effectScrollStop(), this.thumb && this.delayHideThumbs(100);
+calcBoundaries: function() {
+var a = this.$.scrollMath, b = this._getScrollBounds();
+a.bottomBoundary = b.clientHeight - b.height, a.rightBoundary = b.clientWidth - b.width;
+syncScrollMath: function() {
+var a = this.$.scrollMath;
+a.setScrollX(-this.getScrollLeft()), a.setScrollY(-this.getScrollTop());
+effectScroll: function(a, b) {
+this.scrollNode && (this.scrollLeft = this.scrollNode.scrollLeft = a, this.scrollTop = this.scrollNode.scrollTop = b, this.effectOverscroll(Math.round(a), Math.round(b)));
+effectScrollStop: function() {
+this.effectOverscroll(null, null);
+effectOverscroll: function(a, b) {
+var c = this.scrollNode, d = "0", e = "0", f = this.accel ? ",0" : "";
+b !== null && Math.abs(b - c.scrollTop) > 1 && (e = c.scrollTop - b), a !== null && Math.abs(a - c.scrollLeft) > 1 && (d = c.scrollLeft - a), this.transform ? enyo.dom.transformValue(this.$.client, this.translation, d + "px, " + e + "px" + f) : this.$.client.setBounds({
+left: d + "px",
+top: e + "px"
+getOverScrollBounds: function() {
+var a = this.$.scrollMath;
+return {
+overleft: Math.min(a.leftBoundary - a.x, 0) || Math.max(a.rightBoundary - a.x, 0),
+overtop: Math.min(a.topBoundary - a.y, 0) || Math.max(a.bottomBoundary - a.y, 0)
+_getScrollBounds: function() {
+var a = this.inherited(arguments);
+return enyo.mixin(a, this.getOverScrollBounds()), a;
+getScrollBounds: function() {
+return this.stop(), this.inherited(arguments);
+alertThumbs: function() {
+this.showThumbs(), this.delayHideThumbs(500);
+syncThumbs: function() {
+this.$.vthumb.sync(this), this.$.hthumb.sync(this);
+updateThumbs: function() {
+this.$.vthumb.update(this), this.$.hthumb.update(this);
+showThumbs: function() {
+this.syncThumbs(), this.$.vthumb.show(), this.$.hthumb.show();
+hideThumbs: function() {
+this.$.vthumb.hide(), this.$.hthumb.hide();
+delayHideThumbs: function(a) {
+this.$.vthumb.delayHide(a), this.$.hthumb.delayHide(a);
+// TranslateScrollStrategy.js
+name: "enyo.TranslateScrollStrategy",
+kind: "TouchScrollStrategy",
+components: [ {
+name: "clientContainer",
+classes: "enyo-touch-scroller",
+attributes: {
+onscroll: enyo.bubbler
+components: [ {
+name: "client"
+} ]
+} ],
+translateOptimized: !1,
+getScrollSize: function() {
+var a = this.$.client.hasNode();
+return {
+width: a ? a.scrollWidth : 0,
+height: a ? a.scrollHeight : 0
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), enyo.dom.transformValue(this.$.client, this.translation, "0,0,0");
+calcScrollNode: function() {
+return this.$.clientContainer.hasNode();
+maxHeightChanged: function() {
+this.$.client.applyStyle("min-height", this.maxHeight ? null : "100%"), this.$.client.applyStyle("max-height", this.maxHeight), this.$.clientContainer.addRemoveClass("enyo-scrollee-fit", !this.maxHeight);
+shouldDrag: function(a, b) {
+return this.stop(), this.calcStartInfo(), this.inherited(arguments);
+syncScrollMath: function() {
+this.translateOptimized || this.inherited(arguments);
+setScrollLeft: function(a) {
+if (this.translateOptimized) {
+var b = this.$.scrollMath;
+b.setScrollX(-a), b.stabilize();
+} else this.inherited(arguments);
+setScrollTop: function(a) {
+if (this.translateOptimized) {
+var b = this.$.scrollMath;
+b.setScrollY(-a), b.stabilize();
+} else this.inherited(arguments);
+getScrollLeft: function() {
+return this.translateOptimized ? this.scrollLeft : this.inherited(arguments);
+getScrollTop: function() {
+return this.translateOptimized ? this.scrollTop : this.inherited(arguments);
+scrollMathStart: function(a) {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.scrollStarting = !0, this.startX = 0, this.startY = 0, !this.translateOptimized && this.scrollNode && (this.startX = this.getScrollLeft(), this.startY = this.getScrollTop());
+scrollMathScroll: function(a) {
+this.overscroll ? (this.scrollLeft = -a.x, this.scrollTop = -a.y) : (this.scrollLeft = -Math.min(a.leftBoundary, Math.max(a.rightBoundary, a.x)), this.scrollTop = -Math.min(a.topBoundary, Math.max(a.bottomBoundary, a.y))), this.isScrolling() && (this.$.scrollMath.isScrolling() && this.effectScroll(this.startX - this.scrollLeft, this.startY - this.scrollTop), this.thumb && this.updateThumbs());
+effectScroll: function(a, b) {
+var c = a + "px, " + b + "px" + (this.accel ? ",0" : "");
+enyo.dom.transformValue(this.$.client, this.translation, c);
+effectScrollStop: function() {
+if (!this.translateOptimized) {
+var a = "0,0" + (this.accel ? ",0" : ""), b = this.$.scrollMath, c = this._getScrollBounds(), d = Boolean(c.maxTop + b.bottomBoundary || c.maxLeft + b.rightBoundary);
+enyo.dom.transformValue(this.$.client, this.translation, d ? null : a), this.setScrollLeft(this.scrollLeft), this.setScrollTop(this.scrollTop), d && enyo.dom.transformValue(this.$.client, this.translation, a);
+twiddle: function() {
+this.translateOptimized && (this.scrollNode.scrollTop = 1, this.scrollNode.scrollTop = 0);
+down: enyo.nop
+// Scroller.js
+name: "enyo.Scroller",
+published: {
+horizontal: "default",
+vertical: "default",
+scrollTop: 0,
+scrollLeft: 0,
+maxHeight: null,
+touch: !1,
+strategyKind: "ScrollStrategy",
+thumb: !0
+events: {
+onScrollStart: "",
+onScroll: "",
+onScrollStop: ""
+handlers: {
+onscroll: "domScroll",
+onScrollStart: "scrollStart",
+onScroll: "scroll",
+onScrollStop: "scrollStop"
+classes: "enyo-scroller",
+touchOverscroll: !0,
+preventDragPropagation: !0,
+preventScrollPropagation: !0,
+statics: {
+osInfo: [ {
+os: "android",
+version: 3
+}, {
+os: "ios",
+version: 5
+}, {
+os: "webos",
+version: 1e9
+} ],
+hasTouchScrolling: function() {
+for (var a = 0, b, c; b = this.osInfo[a]; a++) if (enyo.platform[b.os]) return !0;
+hasNativeScrolling: function() {
+for (var a = 0, b, c; b = this.osInfo[a]; a++) if (enyo.platform[b.os] < b.version) return !1;
+return !0;
+getTouchStrategy: function() {
+return enyo.platform.android >= 3 ? "TranslateScrollStrategy" : "TouchScrollStrategy";
+controlParentName: "strategy",
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.horizontalChanged(), this.verticalChanged();
+importProps: function(a) {
+this.inherited(arguments), a && a.strategyKind === undefined && (enyo.Scroller.touchScrolling || this.touch) && (this.strategyKind = enyo.Scroller.getTouchStrategy());
+initComponents: function() {
+this.strategyKindChanged(), this.inherited(arguments);
+teardownChildren: function() {
+this.cacheScrollPosition(), this.inherited(arguments);
+rendered: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.restoreScrollPosition();
+strategyKindChanged: function() {
+this.$.strategy && (this.$.strategy.destroy(), this.controlParent = null), this.createStrategy(), this.hasNode() && this.render();
+createStrategy: function() {
+this.createComponents([ {
+name: "strategy",
+maxHeight: this.maxHeight,
+kind: this.strategyKind,
+thumb: this.thumb,
+preventDragPropagation: this.preventDragPropagation,
+overscroll: this.touchOverscroll,
+isChrome: !0
+} ]);
+getStrategy: function() {
+return this.$.strategy;
+maxHeightChanged: function() {
+showingChanged: function() {
+this.showing || (this.cacheScrollPosition(), this.setScrollLeft(0), this.setScrollTop(0)), this.inherited(arguments), this.showing && this.restoreScrollPosition();
+thumbChanged: function() {
+cacheScrollPosition: function() {
+this.cachedPosition = {
+left: this.getScrollLeft(),
+top: this.getScrollTop()
+restoreScrollPosition: function() {
+this.cachedPosition && (this.setScrollLeft(this.cachedPosition.left), this.setScrollTop(this.cachedPosition.top), this.cachedPosition = null);
+horizontalChanged: function() {
+verticalChanged: function() {
+setScrollLeft: function(a) {
+this.scrollLeft = a, this.$.strategy.setScrollLeft(this.scrollLeft);
+setScrollTop: function(a) {
+this.scrollTop = a, this.$.strategy.setScrollTop(a);
+getScrollLeft: function() {
+return this.$.strategy.getScrollLeft();
+getScrollTop: function() {
+return this.$.strategy.getScrollTop();
+getScrollBounds: function() {
+return this.$.strategy.getScrollBounds();
+scrollIntoView: function(a, b) {
+this.$.strategy.scrollIntoView(a, b);
+scrollTo: function(a, b) {
+this.$.strategy.scrollTo(a, b);
+scrollToControl: function(a, b) {
+this.scrollToNode(a.hasNode(), b);
+scrollToNode: function(a, b) {
+this.$.strategy.scrollToNode(a, b);
+domScroll: function(a, b) {
+return this.$.strategy.domScroll && b.originator == this && this.$.strategy.scroll(a, b), this.doScroll(b), !0;
+shouldStopScrollEvent: function(a) {
+return this.preventScrollPropagation && a.originator.owner != this.$.strategy;
+scrollStart: function(a, b) {
+return this.shouldStopScrollEvent(b);
+scroll: function(a, b) {
+return b.dispatchTarget ? this.preventScrollPropagation && b.originator != this && b.originator.owner != this.$.strategy : this.shouldStopScrollEvent(b);
+scrollStop: function(a, b) {
+return this.shouldStopScrollEvent(b);
+scrollToTop: function() {
+scrollToBottom: function() {
+scrollToRight: function() {
+scrollToLeft: function() {
+stabilize: function() {
+var a = this.getStrategy();
+a.stabilize && a.stabilize();
+}), enyo.Scroller.hasTouchScrolling() && (enyo.Scroller.prototype.strategyKind = enyo.Scroller.getTouchStrategy());
+// Animator.js
+name: "enyo.Animator",
+kind: "Component",
+published: {
+duration: 350,
+startValue: 0,
+endValue: 1,
+node: null,
+easingFunction: enyo.easing.cubicOut
+events: {
+onStep: "",
+onEnd: "",
+onStop: ""
+constructed: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this._next = enyo.bind(this, "next");
+destroy: function() {
+this.stop(), this.inherited(arguments);
+play: function(a) {
+return this.stop(), this.reversed = !1, a && enyo.mixin(this, a), this.t0 = this.t1 = enyo.now(), this.value = this.startValue, this.job = !0, this.next(), this;
+stop: function() {
+if (this.isAnimating()) return this.cancel(), this.fire("onStop"), this;
+reverse: function() {
+if (this.isAnimating()) {
+this.reversed = !this.reversed;
+var a = this.t1 = enyo.now(), b = a - this.t0;
+this.t0 = a + b - this.duration;
+var c = this.startValue;
+return this.startValue = this.endValue, this.endValue = c, this;
+isAnimating: function() {
+return Boolean(this.job);
+requestNext: function() {
+this.job = enyo.requestAnimationFrame(this._next, this.node);
+cancel: function() {
+enyo.cancelRequestAnimationFrame(this.job), this.node = null, this.job = null;
+shouldEnd: function() {
+return this.dt >= this.duration;
+next: function() {
+this.t1 = enyo.now(), this.dt = this.t1 - this.t0;
+var a = this.fraction = enyo.easedLerp(this.t0, this.duration, this.easingFunction, this.reversed);
+this.value = this.startValue + a * (this.endValue - this.startValue), a >= 1 || this.shouldEnd() ? (this.value = this.endValue, this.fraction = 1, this.fire("onStep"), this.fire("onEnd"), this.cancel()) : (this.fire("onStep"), this.requestNext());
+fire: function(a) {
+var b = this[a];
+enyo.isString(b) ? this.bubble(a) : b && b.call(this.context || window, this);
+// BaseLayout.js
+name: "enyo.BaseLayout",
+kind: enyo.Layout,
+layoutClass: "enyo-positioned",
+reflow: function() {
+enyo.forEach(this.container.children, function(a) {
+a.fit !== null && a.addRemoveClass("enyo-fit", a.fit);
+}, this);
+// Image.js
+name: "enyo.Image",
+noEvents: !1,
+tag: "img",
+attributes: {
+onload: enyo.bubbler,
+onerror: enyo.bubbler,
+draggable: "false"
+create: function() {
+this.noEvents && (delete this.attributes.onload, delete this.attributes.onerror), this.inherited(arguments);
+// Input.js
+name: "enyo.Input",
+published: {
+value: "",
+placeholder: "",
+type: "",
+disabled: !1
+events: {
+onDisabledChange: ""
+defaultFocus: !1,
+tag: "input",
+classes: "enyo-input",
+attributes: {
+onfocus: enyo.bubbler,
+onblur: enyo.bubbler
+handlers: {
+oninput: "input",
+onclear: "clear",
+ondragstart: "dragstart"
+create: function() {
+enyo.platform.ie && (this.handlers.onkeyup = "iekeyup"), this.inherited(arguments), this.placeholderChanged(), this.type && this.typeChanged(), this.valueChanged();
+rendered: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.disabledChanged(), this.defaultFocus && this.focus();
+typeChanged: function() {
+this.setAttribute("type", this.type);
+placeholderChanged: function() {
+this.setAttribute("placeholder", this.placeholder);
+disabledChanged: function() {
+this.setAttribute("disabled", this.disabled), this.bubble("onDisabledChange");
+getValue: function() {
+return this.getNodeProperty("value", this.value);
+valueChanged: function() {
+this.setAttribute("value", this.value), this.setNodeProperty("value", this.value);
+iekeyup: function(a, b) {
+var c = enyo.platform.ie, d = b.keyCode;
+(c <= 8 || c == 9 && (d == 8 || d == 46)) && this.bubble("oninput", b);
+clear: function() {
+focus: function() {
+this.hasNode() && this.node.focus();
+dragstart: function() {
+return !0;
+// RichText.js
+name: "enyo.RichText",
+classes: "enyo-richtext enyo-selectable",
+published: {
+allowHtml: !0,
+disabled: !1,
+value: ""
+defaultFocus: !1,
+statics: {
+osInfo: [ {
+os: "android",
+version: 3
+}, {
+os: "ios",
+version: 5
+} ],
+hasContentEditable: function() {
+for (var a = 0, b, c; b = enyo.RichText.osInfo[a]; a++) if (enyo.platform[b.os] < b.version) return !1;
+return !0;
+kind: enyo.Input,
+attributes: {
+contenteditable: !0
+handlers: {
+onfocus: "focusHandler",
+onblur: "blurHandler"
+create: function() {
+this.setTag(enyo.RichText.hasContentEditable() ? "div" : "textarea"), this.inherited(arguments);
+focusHandler: function() {
+this._value = this.getValue();
+blurHandler: function() {
+this._value !== this.getValue() && this.bubble("onchange");
+valueChanged: function() {
+this.hasFocus() ? (this.selectAll(), this.insertAtCursor(this.value)) : this.setPropertyValue("content", this.value, "contentChanged");
+getValue: function() {
+if (this.hasNode()) return this.node.innerHTML;
+hasFocus: function() {
+if (this.hasNode()) return document.activeElement === this.node;
+getSelection: function() {
+if (this.hasFocus()) return window.getSelection();
+removeSelection: function(a) {
+var b = this.getSelection();
+b && b[a ? "collapseToStart" : "collapseToEnd"]();
+modifySelection: function(a, b, c) {
+var d = this.getSelection();
+d && d.modify(a || "move", b, c);
+moveCursor: function(a, b) {
+this.modifySelection("move", a, b);
+moveCursorToEnd: function() {
+this.moveCursor("forward", "documentboundary");
+moveCursorToStart: function() {
+this.moveCursor("backward", "documentboundary");
+selectAll: function() {
+this.hasFocus() && document.execCommand("selectAll");
+insertAtCursor: function(a) {
+if (this.hasFocus()) {
+var b = this.allowHtml ? a : enyo.Control.escapeHtml(a).replace(/\n/g, "<br/>");
+document.execCommand("insertHTML", !1, b);
+// TextArea.js
+name: "enyo.TextArea",
+kind: enyo.Input,
+tag: "textarea",
+classes: "enyo-textarea",
+rendered: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.valueChanged();
+// Select.js
+name: "enyo.Select",
+published: {
+selected: 0
+handlers: {
+onchange: "change"
+tag: "select",
+defaultKind: "enyo.Option",
+rendered: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.selectedChanged();
+getSelected: function() {
+return Number(this.getNodeProperty("selectedIndex", this.selected));
+setSelected: function(a) {
+this.setPropertyValue("selected", Number(a), "selectedChanged");
+selectedChanged: function() {
+this.setNodeProperty("selectedIndex", this.selected);
+change: function() {
+this.selected = this.getSelected();
+render: function() {
+enyo.platform.ie ? this.parent.render() : this.inherited(arguments);
+getValue: function() {
+if (this.hasNode()) return this.node.value;
+}), enyo.kind({
+name: "enyo.Option",
+published: {
+value: ""
+tag: "option",
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.valueChanged();
+valueChanged: function() {
+this.setAttribute("value", this.value);
+}), enyo.kind({
+name: "enyo.OptionGroup",
+published: {
+label: ""
+tag: "optgroup",
+defaultKind: "enyo.Option",
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.labelChanged();
+labelChanged: function() {
+this.setAttribute("label", this.label);
+// Group.js
+name: "enyo.Group",
+published: {
+highlander: !0,
+active: null
+handlers: {
+onActivate: "activate"
+activate: function(a, b) {
+this.highlander && (b.originator.active ? this.setActive(b.originator) : b.originator == this.active && this.active.setActive(!0));
+activeChanged: function(a) {
+a && (a.setActive(!1), a.removeClass("active")), this.active && this.active.addClass("active");
+// GroupItem.js
+name: "enyo.GroupItem",
+published: {
+active: !1
+rendered: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.activeChanged();
+activeChanged: function() {
+// ToolDecorator.js
+name: "enyo.ToolDecorator",
+kind: enyo.GroupItem,
+classes: "enyo-tool-decorator"
+// Button.js
+name: "enyo.Button",
+kind: enyo.ToolDecorator,
+tag: "button",
+published: {
+disabled: !1
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.disabledChanged();
+disabledChanged: function() {
+this.setAttribute("disabled", this.disabled);
+tap: function() {
+// Checkbox.js
+name: "enyo.Checkbox",
+kind: enyo.Input,
+classes: "enyo-checkbox",
+events: {
+onActivate: ""
+published: {
+checked: !1,
+active: !1,
+type: "checkbox"
+kindClasses: "",
+handlers: {
+onchange: "change",
+onclick: "click"
+create: function() {
+rendered: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.active && this.activeChanged(), this.checkedChanged();
+getChecked: function() {
+return Boolean(this.getNodeProperty("checked", this.checked));
+checkedChanged: function() {
+this.setNodeProperty("checked", this.checked), this.setAttribute("checked", this.checked ? "checked" : ""), this.setActive(this.checked);
+activeChanged: function() {
+this.active = Boolean(this.active), this.setChecked(this.active), this.bubble("onActivate");
+setValue: function(a) {
+getValue: function() {
+return this.getChecked();
+valueChanged: function() {},
+change: function() {
+click: function(a, b) {
+enyo.platform.ie <= 8 && this.bubble("onchange", b);
+// Repeater.js
+name: "enyo.Repeater",
+published: {
+count: 0
+events: {
+onSetupItem: ""
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.countChanged();
+initComponents: function() {
+this.itemComponents = this.components || this.kindComponents, this.components = this.kindComponents = null, this.inherited(arguments);
+setCount: function(a) {
+this.setPropertyValue("count", a, "countChanged");
+countChanged: function() {
+itemAtIndex: function(a) {
+return this.controlAtIndex(a);
+build: function() {
+for (var a = 0, b; a < this.count; a++) b = this.createComponent({
+kind: "enyo.OwnerProxy",
+index: a
+}), b.createComponents(this.itemComponents), this.doSetupItem({
+index: a,
+item: b
+renderRow: function(a) {
+var b = this.itemAtIndex(a);
+index: a,
+item: b
+}), enyo.kind({
+name: "enyo.OwnerProxy",
+tag: null,
+decorateEvent: function(a, b, c) {
+b && (b.index = this.index), this.inherited(arguments);
+delegateEvent: function(a, b, c, d, e) {
+a == this && (a = this.owner.owner), this.inherited(arguments, [ a, b, c, d, e ]);
+// DragAvatar.js
+name: "enyo._DragAvatar",
+style: "position: absolute; z-index: 10; pointer-events: none; cursor: move;",
+showing: !1,
+showingChanged: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), document.body.style.cursor = this.showing ? "move" : null;
+}), enyo.kind({
+name: "enyo.DragAvatar",
+kind: enyo.Component,
+published: {
+showing: !1,
+offsetX: 20,
+offsetY: 30
+initComponents: function() {
+this.avatarComponents = this.components, this.components = null, this.inherited(arguments);
+requireAvatar: function() {
+this.avatar || (this.avatar = this.createComponent({
+kind: enyo._DragAvatar,
+parentNode: document.body,
+showing: !1,
+components: this.avatarComponents
+showingChanged: function() {
+this.avatar.setShowing(this.showing), document.body.style.cursor = this.showing ? "move" : null;
+drag: function(a) {
+this.requireAvatar(), this.avatar.setBounds({
+top: a.pageY - this.offsetY,
+left: a.pageX + this.offsetX
+}), this.show();
+show: function() {
+hide: function() {
+// FloatingLayer.js
+name: "enyo.FloatingLayer",
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.setParent(null);
+render: function() {
+return this.parentNode = document.body, this.inherited(arguments);
+generateInnerHtml: function() {
+return "";
+beforeChildRender: function() {
+this.hasNode() || this.render();
+teardownChildren: function() {}
+}), enyo.floatingLayer = new enyo.FloatingLayer;
+// Popup.js
+name: "enyo.Popup",
+classes: "enyo-popup",
+published: {
+modal: !1,
+autoDismiss: !0,
+floating: !1,
+centered: !1
+showing: !1,
+handlers: {
+ondown: "down",
+onkeydown: "keydown",
+onfocus: "focus",
+onblur: "blur",
+onRequestShow: "requestShow",
+onRequestHide: "requestHide"
+captureEvents: !0,
+events: {
+onShow: "",
+onHide: ""
+tools: [ {
+kind: "Signals",
+onKeydown: "keydown"
+} ],
+create: function() {
+this.inherited(arguments), this.canGenerate = !this.floating;
+render: function() {
+this.floating && (enyo.floatingLayer.hasNode() || enyo.floatingLayer.render(), this.parentNode = enyo.floatingLayer.hasNode()), this.inherited(arguments);
+destroy: function() {
+this.showing && this.release(), this.inherited(arguments);
+reflow: function() {
+this.updatePosition(), this.inherited(arguments);
+calcViewportSize: function() {
+if (window.innerWidth) return {
+width: window.innerWidth,
+height: window.innerHeight
+var a = document.documentElement;
+return {
+width: a.offsetWidth,
+height: a.offsetHeight
+updatePosition: function() {
+if (this.centered) {
+var a = this.calcViewportSize(), b = this.getBounds();
+this.addStyles("top: " + Math.max((a.height - b.height) / 2, 0) + "px; left: " + Math.max((a.width - b.width) / 2, 0) + "px;");
+showingChanged: function() {
+this.floating && this.showing && !this.hasNode() && this.render(), this.centered && this.applyStyle("visibility", "hidden"), this.inherited(arguments), this.showing ? (this.resized(), this.captureEvents && this.capture()) : this.captureEvents && this.release(), this.centered && this.applyStyle("visibility", null), this.hasNode() && this[this.showing ? "doShow" : "doHide"]();
+capture: function() {
+enyo.dispatcher.capture(this, !this.modal);
+release: function() {
+down: function(a, b) {
+this.modal && !b.dispatchTarget.isDescendantOf(this) && b.preventDefault();
+tap: function(a, b) {
+if (this.autoDismiss && !b.dispatchTarget.isDescendantOf(this)) return this.hide(), !0;
+keydown: function(a, b) {
+this.showing && this.autoDismiss && b.keyCode == 27 && this.hide();
+blur: function(a, b) {
+b.dispatchTarget.isDescendantOf(this) && (this.lastFocus = b.originator);
+focus: function(a, b) {
+var c = b.dispatchTarget;
+if (this.modal && !c.isDescendantOf(this)) {
+c.hasNode() && c.node.blur();
+var d = this.lastFocus && this.lastFocus.hasNode() || this.hasNode();
+d && d.focus();
+requestShow: function(a, b) {
+return this.show(), !0;
+requestHide: function(a, b) {
+return this.hide(), !0;
+// Selection.js
+name: "enyo.Selection",
+kind: enyo.Component,
+published: {
+multi: !1
+events: {
+onSelect: "",
+onDeselect: "",
+onChange: ""
+create: function() {
+this.clear(), this.inherited(arguments);
+multiChanged: function() {
+this.multi || this.clear(), this.doChange();
+highlander: function(a) {
+this.multi || this.deselect(this.lastSelected);
+clear: function() {
+this.selected = {};
+isSelected: function(a) {
+return this.selected[a];
+setByKey: function(a, b, c) {
+if (b) this.selected[a] = c || !0, this.lastSelected = a, this.doSelect({
+key: a,
+data: this.selected[a]
+}); else {
+var d = this.isSelected(a);
+delete this.selected[a], this.doDeselect({
+key: a,
+data: d
+deselect: function(a) {
+this.isSelected(a) && this.setByKey(a, !1);
+select: function(a, b) {
+this.multi ? this.setByKey(a, !this.isSelected(a), b) : this.isSelected(a) || (this.highlander(), this.setByKey(a, !0, b));
+toggle: function(a, b) {
+!this.multi && this.lastSelected != a && this.deselect(this.lastSelected), this.setByKey(a, !this.isSelected(a), b);
+getSelected: function() {
+return this.selected;
+remove: function(a) {
+var b = {};
+for (var c in this.selected) c < a ? b[c] = this.selected[c] : c > a && (b[c - 1] = this.selected[c]);
+this.selected = b;