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path: root/activity/Sugar-iconify.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'activity/Sugar-iconify.py')
1 files changed, 678 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activity/Sugar-iconify.py b/activity/Sugar-iconify.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d7b017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activity/Sugar-iconify.py
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+import sys
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import getopt
+import re
+import os
+import string
+#define help output
+def usage():
+ print '\nUsage: sugar-iconify.py [options] input.svg\n'
+ print 'Options:\n'
+ print '\t -c\t\tApply default color entities (#666666, #ffffff) to output'
+ print '\t -d directory\tThe preferred output directory'
+ print '\t -e\t\tDo not insert entities for strokes and fills'
+ print '\t -f hex\t\tHex value to replace with fill entity'
+ print '\t -g\t\tAutomatically accept guesses for stroke and fill entities'
+ print '\t -h\t\tDisplay this help message'
+ print '\t -i\t\tInsert "isolated stroke" entities'
+ print '\t -m\t\tMultiple export; export top level groups as separate icons'
+ print '\t -o\t\tOverwrite the input file; overridden by -m'
+ print '\t -p pattern\tOnly export icons whose name matches pattern; for use with -m'
+ print '\t -s hex\t\tHex value to replace with stroke entity'
+ print '\t -x\t\tOutput example SVGs, for previewing their appearance in Sugar; ignored with -m'
+ print '\t -v\t\tverbose'
+#check for valid arguments
+ opts,arg = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "s:f:gcd:imp:oehvx")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+if len(arg) < 1:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#declare variables and constants
+default_stroke_color = '#666666'
+default_fill_color = '#ffffff'
+transparent_color = '#00000000'
+stroke_color = default_stroke_color
+fill_color = default_fill_color
+stroke_entity = "stroke_color"
+fill_entity = "fill_color"
+iso_stroke_entity = "iso_stroke_color"
+output_path = ''
+pattern = ''
+entities_passed = 0
+use_default_colors = False
+confirm_guess = True
+use_entities = True
+multiple = False
+verbose = False
+overwrite_input = False
+output_examples = False
+use_iso_strokes = False
+#interpret arguments
+for o, a in opts:
+ if o == '-s':
+ stroke_color = '#' + a.lstrip('#').lower()
+ entities_passed += 1
+ elif o == '-f':
+ fill_color = '#' + a.lstrip('#').lower()
+ entities_passed += 1
+ elif o == '-g':
+ confirm_guess = False
+ elif o == '-c':
+ use_default_colors = True
+ elif o == '-o':
+ overwrite_input = True
+ elif o == '-d':
+ output_path = a.rstrip('/') + '/'
+ elif o == '-e':
+ use_entities = False
+ elif o == '-v':
+ verbose = True
+ elif o == '-p':
+ pattern = a
+ elif o == '-h':
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ elif o == '-m':
+ multiple = True
+ elif o == '-x':
+ output_examples = True
+ elif o == '-i':
+ use_iso_strokes = True
+#isolate important parts of the input path
+svgfilepath = arg[0].rstrip('/')
+svgdirpath, sep, svgfilename = svgfilepath.rpartition('/')
+svgbasename = re.sub(r'(.*)\.([^.]+)', r'\1', svgfilename)
+#load the SVG as text
+ svgfile = open(svgfilepath, 'r')
+ sys.exit('Error: Could not locate ' + svgfilepath)
+ svgtext = svgfile.read()
+ svgfile.close()
+ svgfile.close()
+ sys.exit('Error: Could not read ' + svgfilepath)
+#determine the creator of the SVG (we only care about Inkscape and Illustrator)
+creator = 'unknown'
+if re.search('illustrator', svgtext, re.I):
+ creator = 'illustrator'
+elif re.search('inkscape', svgtext, re.I):
+ creator = 'inkscape'
+if verbose:
+ print 'The creator of this svg is ' + creator + '.'
+#hack the entities into the readonly DTD
+if use_entities:
+ #before replacing them, we read the stroke/fill values out, should they have previously been defined,
+ #to prevent needing to make guesses for them later
+ stroke_match = re.search(r'stroke_color\s*\"([^"]*)\"', svgtext)
+ fill_match = re.search(r'fill_color\s*\"([^"]*)\"', svgtext)
+ if stroke_match is not None:
+ stroke_color = stroke_match.group(1).lower()
+ entities_passed += 1
+ if fill_match is not None:
+ fill_color = fill_match.group(1).lower()
+ entities_passed += 1
+ #define the entities
+ if fill_match and stroke_match:
+ entities = '\t<!ENTITY ' + stroke_entity + ' "' + stroke_color + '">\n'
+ entities += '\t<!ENTITY ' + fill_entity + ' "' + fill_color + '">\n'
+ if use_iso_strokes:
+ entities += '\t<!ENTITY ' + iso_stroke_entity + ' "' + stroke_color + '">\n'
+ else:
+ entities = '\t<!ENTITY ' + stroke_entity + ' "' + default_stroke_color + '">\n'
+ entities += '\t<!ENTITY ' + fill_entity + ' "' + default_fill_color + '">\n'
+ if use_iso_strokes:
+ entities += '\t<!ENTITY ' + iso_stroke_entity + ' "' + default_stroke_color + '">\n'
+ #for simplicity, we simply replace the entire entity declaration block; this obviously would remove
+ #any other custom entities declared within the SVG, but we assume that's an extreme edge case
+ svgtext, n = re.subn(r'(<!DOCTYPE[^>\[]*)(\[[^\]]*\])*\>', r'\1 \n[\n' + entities + ']>\n', svgtext)
+ #add a doctype if none already exists, adding the appropriate entities as well
+ if n == 0:
+ svgtext,n = re.subn("<svg", "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd' [\n" + entities + "]>\n<svg", svgtext)
+ if n == 0:
+ sys.exit('Error: Could not insert entities into DTD')
+#convert entities to references
+stroke_entity = '&' + stroke_entity + ';'
+fill_entity = '&' + fill_entity + ';'
+#create the SVG DOM
+ svgxml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(svgtext);
+except Exception, e:
+ sys.exit('Error: Could not parse ' + svgfilename + str(e))
+#extract top level nodes
+i = 0
+svgindex = 0;
+docindex = 0;
+for element in svgxml.childNodes:
+ if element.nodeType == 10:
+ docindex = i;
+ elif element.localName == 'svg':
+ svgindex = i;
+ break;
+ i += 1;
+doctype = svgxml.childNodes[docindex]
+svg = svgxml.childNodes[svgindex]
+icons = svg.childNodes;
+#validate canvas size
+w = svg.getAttribute('width')
+h = svg.getAttribute('height')
+if w != '55px' or h != '55px':
+ print "Warning: invalid canvas size (%s, %s); Should be (55px, 55px)" % (w, h)
+#define utility functions
+def getStroke(node):
+ s = node.getAttribute('stroke')
+ if s:
+ return s.lower()
+ else:
+ if re.search(r'stroke:', node.getAttribute('style')):
+ s = re.sub(r'.*stroke:\s*(#*[^;]*).*', r'\1', node.getAttribute('style'))
+ return s.lower()
+ else:
+ return 'none'
+def setStroke(node, value):
+ s = node.getAttribute('stroke')
+ if s:
+ node.setAttribute('stroke', value)
+ else:
+ s = re.sub(r'stroke:\s*#*[^;]*', 'stroke:' + value, node.getAttribute('style'))
+ node.setAttribute('style', s)
+def getFill(node):
+ f = node.getAttribute('fill')
+ if f:
+ return f.lower()
+ else:
+ if re.search(r'fill:', node.getAttribute('style')):
+ f = re.sub(r'.*fill:\s*(#*[^;]*).*', r'\1', node.getAttribute('style'))
+ return f.lower()
+ else:
+ return 'none'
+def setFill(node, value):
+ f = node.getAttribute('fill')
+ if f:
+ node.setAttribute('fill', value)
+ else:
+ s = re.sub(r'fill:\s*#*[^;]*', 'fill:' + value, node.getAttribute('style'))
+ node.setAttribute('style', s)
+def replaceEntities(node, indent=''):
+ strokes_replaced = 0
+ fills_replaced = 0
+ if node.localName:
+ str = indent + node.localName
+ if node.nodeType == 1: #only element nodes have attrs
+ #replace entities for matches
+ if getStroke(node) == stroke_color:
+ setStroke(node, stroke_entity)
+ strokes_replaced += 1
+ if getStroke(node) == fill_color:
+ setStroke(node, fill_entity)
+ strokes_replaced += 1
+ if getFill(node) == fill_color:
+ setFill(node, fill_entity)
+ fills_replaced += 1
+ if getFill(node) == stroke_color:
+ setFill(node, stroke_entity)
+ fills_replaced += 1
+ str = str + " (" + getStroke(node) + ", " + getFill(node) + ")"
+ if verbose:
+ print str
+ #recurse on DOM
+ for n in node.childNodes:
+ sr, fr = replaceEntities(n, indent + " ")
+ strokes_replaced += sr
+ fills_replaced += fr
+ #return the number of replacements made
+ return (strokes_replaced, fills_replaced)
+def fix_isolated_strokes(node):
+ strokes_fixed = 0
+ #recurse on DOM
+ last_n = None
+ for n in node.childNodes:
+ sf = fix_isolated_strokes(n)
+ strokes_fixed += sf
+ if node.nodeType == 1: #only element nodes have attrs
+ #find strokes with no associated fill
+ if getStroke(node) != 'none' and getFill(node) == 'none':
+ strokes_fixed += 1
+ setStroke(node, "&iso_stroke_color;")
+ #return the number of strokes fixed
+ return strokes_fixed
+#these functions attempt to guess the hex values for the stroke and fill entities
+def getColorPairs(node, pairs=[]):
+ if node.nodeType == 1:
+ #skip masks
+ if node.localName == 'mask':
+ return pairs
+ node_name = ''
+ try:
+ if creator == 'inkscape' and node.attributes.getNamedItem('inkscape:label'):
+ node_name = node.attributes.getNamedItem('inkscape:label').nodeValue
+ else:
+ node_name = node.attributes.getNamedItem('id').nodeValue
+ except:
+ pass
+ #skip the template layers
+ if node_name.startswith('_'):
+ return pairs
+ pair = (getStroke(node), getFill(node))
+ if pair[0] != pair[1]:
+ pairs.append(pair)
+ #recurse on DOM
+ for n in node.childNodes:
+ getColorPairs(n, pairs)
+ return pairs
+def guessEntities(node):
+ guesses = getColorPairs(node)
+ #print guesses
+ stroke_guess = 'none'
+ fill_guess = 'none'
+ for guess in guesses:
+ if stroke_guess == 'none':
+ stroke_guess = guess[0]
+ if fill_guess == 'none' and stroke_guess != guess[1]:
+ fill_guess = guess[1]
+ if guess[0] == fill_guess and guess[1] != 'none':
+ fill_guess = stroke_guess
+ stroke_guess = guess[0]
+ if fill_guess == 'none':
+ fill_guess = guess[1]
+ return (stroke_guess, fill_guess)
+#guess the entity values, if they aren't passed in
+if use_entities:
+ if entities_passed < 2:
+ stroke_color, fill_color = guessEntities(svg)
+ if confirm_guess or verbose:
+ print '\nentity definitions:'
+ print ' stroke_entity = ' + stroke_color
+ print ' fill_entity = ' + fill_color
+ if entities_passed < 2:
+ if confirm_guess:
+ response = raw_input("\nAre these entities correct? [y/n] ")
+ if response.lower() != 'y':
+ print 'Please run this script again, passing the proper colors with the -s and -f flags.'
+ sys.exit(1)
+#define the HTML for preview output
+previewHTML = "\
+\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n\
+\t<title>Sugar Icon Preview: ~~~</title>\n\
+\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\">\n\
+\t\tvar bordered = false;\n\
+\t\tvar bgcolor = \"#FFF\"\n\
+\t\tfunction toggleIconBorder(reset)\n\
+\t\t\tif(!reset) bordered = !bordered;\n\
+\t\t\tvar objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object')\n\
+\t\t\tfor(var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)\n\
+\t\t\t\tif(bordered) objects[i].style.border = 'solid 1px gray';\n\
+\t\t\t\telse objects[i].style.border = 'solid 1px ' + bgcolor;\n\
+\t\tfunction setBackgroundColor(color)\n\
+\t\t\tbgcolor = color;\n\
+\t\t\tvar objects = document.getElementsByTagName('div');\n\
+\t\t\tfor(var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)\n\
+\t\t\t\tif(objects[i].className == 'cell')\n\
+\t\t\t\t\tobjects[i].style.backgroundColor = color;\n\
+\t<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\">\n\
+\t\thtml, body {\n\
+\t\t\tmargin: 0px;\n\
+\t\t\tborder: 0px;\n\
+\t\t\tbackground-color: white;\n\
+\t\t\tfont: 14px Helvetica;\n\
+\t\t\tcolor: gray;\n\
+\t\t.cell {\n\
+\t\t\twidth: 57px;\n\
+\t\t\theight: 57px;\n\
+\t\t\tpadding: 8px;\n\
+\t\t\tborder: solid 1px gray;\n\
+\t\t.icon {\n\
+\t\t\tmargin: 0px;\n\
+\t\t\tpadding: 0px;\n\
+\t\t\tborder: solid 1px #FFF;\n\
+\t\t\twidth: 55px;\n\
+\t\t\theight: 55px;\n\
+\t\t#icons {\n\
+\t\t\tmargin-top: 30px;\n\
+\t\t#icons > li {\n\
+\t\t\tdisplay: block;\n\
+\t\t\tmargin: 0px;\n\
+\t\t\tmargin-bottom: 20px;\n\
+\t\t#description {\n\
+\t\t\twidth: 300px;\n\
+\t\t\tposition: absolute;\n\
+\t\t\ttop: 0px;\n\
+\t\t\tleft: 200px;\n\
+\t\t\tborder-left: solid 1px gray;\n\
+\t\t\tmargin-top: 30px;\n\
+\t\t\tpadding-left: 30px;\n\
+\t\t\tfont-size: 11px;\n\
+\t\t#description ul {\n\
+\t\t\tmargin: 0px;\n\
+\t\t\tpadding: 0px;\n\
+\t\t\tdisplay: block;\n\
+\t\t\tlist-style: square;\n\
+\t\tli { margin-bottom: 10px; }\n\
+\t\ta, a:visited { color: gray; }\n\
+\t\ta:hover { color: black; }\n\
+\t\t<ul id='icons'>\n\
+\t\t<li><div class='cell'><object class='icon' id='stroke' data=\"~~~.stroke.svg\" type=\"image/svg+xml\"></object></div><br>stroke\n\
+\t\t<li><div class='cell'><object class='icon' id='fill' data=\"~~~.fill.svg\" type=\"image/svg+xml\"></object></div><br>fill\n\
+\t\t<li><div class='cell'><object class='icon' id='both' data=\"~~~.both.svg\" type=\"image/svg+xml\"></object></div><br>both\n\
+\t\t<div id='description'>\n\
+\t\t\t<h3>Icon Validation</h3>\n\
+\t\t\t\t<li>Ensure that your icons appear to be centered within their boxes.\n\
+\t\t\t\t\tIf they appear off-center or cropped, you may have created your icon on canvas other than the required 55px square.\n\
+\t\t\t\t\tClick to <a href='javascript:toggleIconBorder();'>toggle</a> the 55px canvas border.\n\
+\t\t\t\t<li>If your icon appears off-center but has the correct 55px canvas, it may simply have uneven visual balance.\n\
+\t\t\t\t\tThis means, though it may be technically centered, differences in the distribution of \"mass\" cause it to appear otherwise. \n\
+\t\t\t\t\tTry shifting the icon slightly on your canvas, while ensuring that you don't accidentally exceed the 55px boundary.\n\
+\t\t\t\t<!--li>Click to see your icon on <a href=\"javascript:setBackgroundColor('#000');\">black</a>, \n\
+\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"javascript:setBackgroundColor('#FFF');\">white</a>, <a href=\"javascript:setBackgroundColor('#282828');\">gray</a>.<!-->\n\
+\t\t\t\t<li>Ensure that the first two icons appear entirely in gray, and that all of the third icon is colored blue and green, with the latter being the fill color.\n\
+\t\t\t\t\tIf any fail to meet these requirements, your icon does not have proper stroke and/or fill entities defined.\n\
+\t\t\t\t\tInvestigate the <b>-s</b> and <b>-f</b> options of sugar-iconify, and be sure that your input SVG doesn't have extra colors in its palette.\n\
+\t\t\t\t<li>Ensure that your icon reads clearly when viewed only as strokes.\n\
+\t\t\t\t\tThis visual style will be used to represent activities/objects which are inactive, or uninstantiated.\n\
+\t\t\t\t\tConsider applying outlining strokes to any filled shapes that do not already have them.\n\
+\t\t\t\t<li>Ensure that your icon reads clearly when viewed only as fills.\n\
+\t\t\t\t\tThis visual style will be used for representing activity types within other icons, such as invitations, transfers, and objects. \n\
+\t\t\t\t\tIf you have strokes which are isolated from fills, neither outlining them nor sitting against a filled background, please \n\
+\t\t\t\t\tinvestigate the <b>-i</b> option of the sugar-iconify script.\n\
+\t\t\t<i>For more information, please see the OLPC wiki page on <a href='http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Making_Sugar_Icons' target='_blank'>making sugar icons</a>.</i>\n\
+#finally, do the icon conversion and export
+if multiple:
+ #export each icon as a separate file by top level group
+ n_icons_exported = 0
+ n_warnings = 0
+ for icon in icons:
+ try:
+ #skip whitespace and unnamed icons
+ if icon.localName == 'g' and icon.attributes:
+ icon_name = ''
+ try:
+ if creator == 'inkscape' and icon.attributes.getNamedItem('inkscape:label'):
+ icon_name = icon.attributes.getNamedItem('inkscape:label').nodeValue
+ else:
+ icon_name = icon.attributes.getNamedItem('id').nodeValue
+ except:
+ pass
+ #skip the template layers
+ if not icon_name.startswith('_'):
+ #skip non-matches
+ if pattern == '' or re.search(pattern, icon_name):
+ if verbose:
+ print '\nExporting ' + icon_name + '.svg...'
+ icon_xml = xml.dom.minidom.Document();
+ #construct the SVG
+ icon_xml.appendChild(doctype)
+ icon_xml.appendChild(svg.cloneNode(0))
+ icon_xml.childNodes[1].appendChild(icon)
+ icon_xml.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].setAttribute('display', 'block')
+ if use_entities:
+ strokes_replaced, fills_replaced = replaceEntities(icon_xml.childNodes[1])
+ if not strokes_replaced and not fills_replaced:
+ print 'Warning: no entity replacements were made in %s' % icon_name
+ elif not strokes_replaced:
+ print 'Warning: no stroke entity replacements were made in %s' % icon_name
+ elif not fills_replaced:
+ print 'Warning: no fill entity replacements were made in %s' % icon_name
+ if not strokes_replaced or not fills_replaced:
+ n_warnings += 1
+ #write the file
+ try:
+ f = open(output_path + icon_name + '.svg', 'w')
+ except:
+ sys.exit('Error: Could not locate directory ' + output_path)
+ try:
+ #had to hack here to remove the automatic encoding of '&' by toxml() in entity refs
+ #I'm sure there is a way to prevent need for this if I knew the XML DOM better
+ icon_svgtext = icon_xml.toxml()
+ icon_svgtext = re.sub('&amp;', '&', icon_svgtext)
+ if not use_default_colors:
+ icon_svgtext = re.sub(r'ENTITY stroke_color "[^"]*"', r'ENTITY stroke_color "' + stroke_color + '"', icon_svgtext)
+ icon_svgtext = re.sub(r'ENTITY fill_color "[^"]*"', r'ENTITY fill_color "' + fill_color + '"', icon_svgtext)
+ f.write(icon_svgtext)
+ f.close()
+ except:
+ sys.exit('Error: Could not write file ' + icon_name + '.svg')
+ n_icons_exported += 1
+ except:
+ #catch any errors we may have missed, so the rest of the icons can export normally
+ if(icon_name):
+ print 'Error: Could not export' + icon_name + '.svg'
+ if verbose:
+ if n_icons_exported == 1:
+ print 'Successfully exported 1 icon'
+ else:
+ print 'Successfully exported %d icons' % n_icons_exported
+ if n_warnings == 1:
+ print 'Warnings were reported for 1 icon'
+ elif n_warnings > 1:
+ print 'Warnings were reported for %d icons' % n_warnings
+ #output a single converted icon
+ if not overwrite_input:
+ outfilename = re.sub(r'(.*\.)([^.]+)', r'\1sugar.\2', svgfilename)
+ if verbose:
+ print 'Exporting ' + outfilename + ' ...'
+ else:
+ outfilename = svgfilename
+ if verbose:
+ print 'Overwriting ' + outfilename + ' ...'
+ #remove the template layers
+ for node in svg.childNodes:
+ #only check named nodes
+ if node.localName == 'g' and node.attributes:
+ try:
+ if creator == 'inkscape' and node.attributes.getNamedItem('inkscape:label'):
+ node_name = node.attributes.getNamedItem('inkscape:label').nodeValue
+ else:
+ node_name = node.attributes.getNamedItem('id').nodeValue
+ if node_name.startswith('_'):
+ node.parentNode.removeChild(node)
+ except:
+ pass
+ if use_entities:
+ strokes_replaced, fills_replaced = replaceEntities(svgxml)
+ if not strokes_replaced and not fills_replaced:
+ print 'Warning: no entity replacements were made'
+ elif not strokes_replaced:
+ print 'Warning: no stroke entity replacements were made'
+ elif not fills_replaced:
+ print 'Warning: no fill entity replacements were made'
+ if use_iso_strokes:
+ strokes_fixed = fix_isolated_strokes(svgxml)
+ if strokes_fixed > 0 and verbose:
+ print "%d isolated strokes fixed" % strokes_fixed
+ #create the output file(s)
+ if output_examples:
+ example_path = output_path + re.sub(r'(.*\.)([^.]+)', r'\1preview', svgfilename) + '/'
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(example_path)
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f = open(example_path + 'preview.html', 'w')
+ except:
+ print "Error: could not create HTML preview file"
+ try:
+ f.write(re.sub(r'~~~', svgbasename, previewHTML))
+ f.close()
+ except:
+ sys.exit('Error: could not write to HTML preview file')
+ example_colors = [(default_stroke_color, "#FFFFFF", default_stroke_color),
+ ("#FFFFFF", default_stroke_color, default_stroke_color),
+ ("#0000AA", "#00DD00", "#0000AA")]
+ example_filenames = [re.sub(r'(.*\.)([^.]+)', r'\1stroke.\2', svgfilename),
+ re.sub(r'(.*\.)([^.]+)', r'\1fill.\2', svgfilename),
+ re.sub(r'(.*\.)([^.]+)', r'\1both.\2', svgfilename) ]
+ icon_svgtext = svgxml.toxml()
+ icon_svgtext = re.sub('&amp;', '&', icon_svgtext)
+ for i in range(0, len(example_filenames)):
+ try:
+ f = open(example_path + example_filenames[i], 'w')
+ except:
+ sys.exit('Error: Could not save to ' + example_path + example_filenames[i])
+ try:
+ icon_svgtext = re.sub(r'ENTITY stroke_color "[^"]*"', r'ENTITY stroke_color "' + example_colors[i][0] + '"', icon_svgtext)
+ icon_svgtext = re.sub(r'ENTITY fill_color "[^"]*"', r'ENTITY fill_color "' + example_colors[i][1] + '"', icon_svgtext)
+ if use_iso_strokes:
+ icon_svgtext = re.sub(r'ENTITY iso_stroke_color "[^"]*"', r'ENTITY iso_stroke_color "' + example_colors[i][2] + '"', icon_svgtext)
+ f.write(icon_svgtext)
+ f.close()
+ except:
+ sys.exit('Error: Could not write file ' + output_path + example_filenames[i])
+ try:
+ f = open(output_path + outfilename, 'w')
+ except:
+ sys.exit('Error: Could not save to ' + output_path + outfilename)
+ try:
+ icon_svgtext = svgxml.toxml()
+ icon_svgtext = re.sub('&amp;', '&', icon_svgtext)
+ if not use_default_colors:
+ icon_svgtext = re.sub(r'ENTITY stroke_color "[^"]*"', r'ENTITY stroke_color "' + stroke_color + '"', icon_svgtext)
+ icon_svgtext = re.sub(r'ENTITY fill_color "[^"]*"', r'ENTITY fill_color "' + fill_color + '"', icon_svgtext)
+ if use_iso_strokes:
+ icon_svgtext = re.sub(r'ENTITY iso_stroke_color "[^"]*"', r'ENTITY iso_stroke_color "' + stroke_color + '"', icon_svgtext)
+ f.write(icon_svgtext)
+ f.close()
+ except:
+ sys.exit('Error: Could not write file ' + output_path + outfilename)