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path: root/pyLogoCompiler
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Diffstat (limited to 'pyLogoCompiler')
-rw-r--r--pyLogoCompiler/__init__.pycbin0 -> 177 bytes
-rw-r--r--pyLogoCompiler/ply/__init__.pycbin0 -> 222 bytes
-rw-r--r--pyLogoCompiler/ply/lex.pycbin0 -> 29222 bytes
-rw-r--r--pyLogoCompiler/ply/yacc.pycbin0 -> 68704 bytes
-rw-r--r--pyLogoCompiler/pyLex.pycbin0 -> 7880 bytes
-rw-r--r--pyLogoCompiler/pyYacc.pycbin0 -> 28393 bytes
16 files changed, 7401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/Communication.py b/pyLogoCompiler/Communication.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..469b9ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/Communication.py
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#Project site: http://br-gogo.sourceforge.net
+# Name: pyLogo
+# Origiginal from: Marcelo Barbosa
+# About: Esta é uma versão da linguagem Logo em python para a placa Gogo board
+# (This is a version of Logo in python for the card board Gogo)
+# Modified by: Felipe Augusto Silva
+# email: suportegogo@gmail.com
+# compiler version: 0.23
+#obs.: version to work with pyGogoMonitor
+# Modified by: Derek O'Connell
+# email: doconnel@gmail.com
+import sys
+#from time import sleep
+import os
+import serial
+import glob
+from gettext import gettext as _
+from pyLogoCompiler import Exceptions
+from pyLogoCompiler import pyYacc
+# ============================================================
+serialPort = None
+# ============================================================
+def printFunctionName(caller=""):
+ if caller <> "":
+ print ">>>", caller
+ print ">>> " + sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name + "()"
+def callerName():
+ return sys._getframe(2).f_code.co_name + "()"
+class SerialIF:
+ # The coms port is set up when ComMgr is instantiated
+ def __init__(self, p=None, debug=False):
+ global serialPort
+ serialPort = serial.Serial(p, 9600, bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS, \
+ parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, \
+ timeout=0.1, xonxoff=0, rtscts=0 )
+ self.debug = debug
+ def rxBytes(self, size=0):
+ s = serialPort.read(size)
+ r = [0] * len(s)
+ for i in range(len(s)):
+ r[i] = ord(s[i])
+ return tuple(r)
+ def rxOneByte(self):
+ x = self.rxBytes(1)
+ if len(x)>0:
+ return x[0]
+ return False
+ def rx16BitValueLSBFirst(self):
+ lowByte = serialPortIF.rxOneByte() & 0xff
+ highByte = serialPortIF.rxOneByte() #& 0x3
+ return (highByte << 8) + lowByte
+ def txByteRxEcho(self, byte):
+ serialPort.write(chr(byte))
+ self.rxOneByte() # Rx hw echo byte
+ # Should check same byte returned here
+ return True
+ def txBytesNoEcho(self, bytes):
+ s=""
+ for i in bytes:
+ s=s+chr(i)
+ serialPort.write(s)
+ def txWordMSBFirst(self, word):
+ self.txByteRxEcho(word / 256)
+ self.txByteRxEcho(word % 256)
+ return True
+ def flush(self):
+ self.rxBytes(10) # Flush does not work properly
+ serialPort.flushInput()
+ serialPort.flushOutput()
+ def openPort(self):
+ try:
+ print "opening port..."
+ serialPort.open()
+ print "port opened"
+ return True
+ except serial.serialutil.SerialException:
+ print "serial.serialutil.SerialException"
+ return False
+ def closePort(self):
+ if serialPort.isOpen():
+ serialPort.read(100) # empty buffer serial
+ serialPort.close()
+ return True
+ def checkConnection(self):
+ printFunctionName()
+ if not serialPort.isOpen():
+ return False
+ self.flush()
+ serialPort.write(chr(135))
+ i = serialPort.read(1);
+ if i == -1:
+ print "< Cannot find serial interface"
+ return False
+ serialPort.write(chr(0))
+ j = serialPort.read(1);
+ k = serialPort.read(1)
+ if j == '' or k == '':
+ return False
+ if ord(i) == 135 and ord(j) == 0 and ord(k) == 55:
+ self.flush()
+ return True
+ return False
+ def getPort(self):
+ return serialPort.port
+ def scanUnix(self):
+ """scan for available ports (serial and USB). return a list"""
+ return glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') + glob.glob('/dev/ttyACM*') + glob.glob('/dev/ttyS*')
+ def scanNT(self):
+ """scan for available ports. return a list of tuples (num, name)"""
+ available = []
+ for i in range(256):
+ try:
+ s = serial.Serial(i)
+ available.append(i)
+ s.close()
+ except serial.SerialException:
+ pass
+ return available
+ def autoConnect(self):
+ printFunctionName()
+ if os.name == 'nt':
+ available = self.scanNT()
+ else:
+ available = self.scanUnix()
+ available.remove('/dev/ttyS0') # Internal to XO
+ print "< Ports found:", available
+ for i in available:
+ print "< Trying port: ",i
+ serialPort.port = i
+ if self.openPort():
+ if self.checkConnection():
+ print "< Connected on port:", i
+ return True
+ else:
+ print "< Failed to connect to: ", i
+ return False
+ def isUSBVersion(self):
+ return str(self.getPort()).find("ACM") != -1
+class CricketIF():
+ # Memory map:
+ ADDR_CODE_START = 0 # Code memory start (1280 bytes)
+ ADDR_RECDATA_START = 0x0500 # Recorded data start (2500 bytes)
+ ADDR_RECDATA_END = 0x0EC3 # Recorded data end
+ ADDR_CODE_END = 0x0FEF # Code memory end (4080 bytes. Note overlap!)
+ # Button Code Vector Addresses: Address of pointer to code to run when button pressed
+ ADDR_BUTTON1_VTR = 0x0FF0 # Address of pointer to code to run for button 1
+ #ADDR_BUTTON2_VTR = 0x0FF2 # Address of pointer to code to run for button 2
+ #ADDR_CRICKET_NAME = 0x0FF4 # 11 bytes (to 0xFFE)
+ #ADDR_AUTOSTART_FLAG = 0x0FFF # 1 byte
+ # WIP: Preparation for preserving area of memory used for data recording
+ # (- check exactly what compiler spits out, ie, range of function addresses)
+ # (- using own variables for now...)
+ CMD_SET_PTR_HI_BYTE = 0x80 # 128
+ CMD_SET_PTR_LOW_BYTE = 0x81 # 129
+ CMD_READ_BYTES_COUNT_HI = 0x82 # 130
+ CMD_RUN = 0x86 # 134
+ CMD_CHECK = 0x87 # 135
+ CMD_NAME = 0x87 # 135
+ RES_FOUND = 0x37 # 55, Response to CMD_CHECK if Cricket found
+ def __init__(self, debug=False):
+ pass
+ #def sendMemoryPointer(self, ptr):
+ # self.cmdReadByteCount.(ptr)
+ def cmdReadByteCount(self, byteCount):
+ serialPortIF.txByteRxEcho(CricketIF.CMD_READ_BYTES_COUNT_LOW)
+ serialPortIF.txWordMSBFirst(byteCount)
+ return True
+ def cmdWriteByteCount(self, byteCount):
+ serialPortIF.txByteRxEcho(CricketIF.CMD_WRITE_BYTES_COUNT_LOW)
+ serialPortIF.txWordMSBFirst(byteCount)
+ return True
+ def cmdRun(self):
+ #serialPort.write(chr(RUN))
+ serialPortIF.txByteRxEcho(CricketIF.CMD_RUN)
+ return True
+ def cmdCheckAllCrickets(self):
+ serialPortIF.txByteRxEcho(CricketIF.CMD_CHECK)
+ serialPortIF.txByteRxEcho(0)
+ return serialPortIF.rxOneByte() == CricketIF.RES_FOUND
+ def writeBytesToCricketMemory(self, ptr, bytes):
+ printFunctionName()
+ print "< Bytes: ", bytes
+ try:
+ # Shouldn't this be "(ptr + len(bytes) < ADDR_CODE_END" ???
+ if len(bytes) < CricketIF.ADDR_CODE_END:
+ self.cmdReadByteCount(ptr) # To set memory ptr?
+ self.cmdWriteByteCount(len(bytes))
+ #serialPortIF.writeBytes(bytes)
+ for i in range(len(bytes)):
+ serialPortIF.txByteRxEcho(bytes[i] % 256)
+ serialPortIF.rxOneByte() # Extra echo byte!
+ except:
+ print "< Problem sending data"
+ raise Exceptions.CommunicationProblem
+ def cmdSetButton1Pointer(self, vector):
+ self.writeBytesToCricketMemory(CricketIF.ADDR_BUTTON1_VTR, [vector/256, vector%256])
+ def txCompiledCodeEnd(self):
+ start = [128,0,0] # 0xF00000 ???
+ end = [0]
+ overhead = len(start) + len(end)
+ if self.byteCount + overhead < CricketIF.ADDR_CODE_END:
+ self.writeBytesToCricketMemory(self.byteCount, start)
+ self.cmdSetButton1Pointer(self.byteCount)
+ self.byteCount = self.byteCount + overhead
+ else:
+ self.byteCount = self.byteCount + overhead
+ raise serial.serialutil.SerialException
+ return overhead
+ def txCompiledCode(self, byteCode, byteCodeCount):
+ printFunctionName()
+ #try:
+ self.byteCode = byteCode
+ self.byteCount = byteCodeCount
+ self.writeBytesToCricketMemory(CricketIF.ADDR_CODE_START, self.byteCode)
+ self.txCompiledCodeEnd()
+ #return "< Send success"
+ #except serial.serialutil.SerialException:
+ #return "< Problem sending, check communication"
+ def compile(self, logoCode, ErrMsgFunc=None):
+ printFunctionName()
+ self.byteCode = pyYacc.analisarCodigo(logoCode, ErrMsgFunc)
+ self.byteCodeCount = len(self.byteCode)
+ print "< code:", self.byteCode
+ def download(self):
+ printFunctionName()
+ if not serialPortIF.checkConnection():
+ print "< Gogo disconnected"
+ #self.showInfo(_("Gogo disconnected"))
+ #return False
+ raise Exceptions.ConnectionProblem
+ self.txCompiledCode(self.byteCode, self.byteCodeCount)
+class GoGoIF:
+ HDR_SEND = 0x54,0xFE
+ HDR_ACK = 0X55,0xFF,0xAA
+ CMD_PING = 0x00 # 00 Add Board ID
+ CMD_READ_SENSOR = 0x20 # 32 Add sensor number*4
+ CMD_MOTOR_ON = 0x40, # 64,
+ CMD_MOTOR_OFF = 0x44, # 68,
+ CMD_MOTOR_REVERSE = 0x48, # 72,
+ CMD_MOTOR_THISWAY = 0x4C, # 78, !!!
+ CMD_MOTOR_THATWAY = 0x50, # 80,
+ CMD_MOTOR_COAST = 0x54, # 84,
+ CMD_SET_MOTOR_POWER = 0x60 # 96 Add motor power * 4
+ CMD_TALK_TO_MOTOR = 0x80, # 128, # Byte 2: motors
+ CMD_SET_BURST = 0xA0 # 160 # Add burst mode
+ CMD_LED_ON = 0xC0,0 # 192,0
+ CMD_LED_OFF = 0xC1,0 # 193,0
+ CMD_BEEP = 0xC4,0 # 196,0
+ CMD_SET_PWM_DUTY = 0xC8, # 200, # Byte 2: duty cycle
+ CMD_UPLOAD_EEPROM = 0xCC, # 204, # >>>>>>>>
+ # Add upper 2 bits of the number of bytes to upload. Byte 2: lower 8 bits
+ CMD_AUTO_UPLOAD = 0xCC, 0x00
+ def __init__(self, debug=False):
+ pass
+ def sendCmd(self, code, flush=True):
+ printFunctionName(callerName())
+ #if self.checkConnection():
+ # print "Gogo conectada"
+ #else:
+ # print "Gogo desconectada!"
+ # self.showInfo("Gogo desconectada")
+ # return False
+ serialPortIF.flush()
+ command = GoGoIF.HDR_SEND + code
+ serialPortIF.txBytesNoEcho(command)
+ cmd_response = serialPortIF.rxBytes(len(command))
+ if cmd_response == '':
+ print "< No response to command"
+ return False
+ ack_response = serialPortIF.rxBytes(3)
+ print cmd_response, command
+ print ack_response, GoGoIF.HDR_ACK
+ if flush:
+ serialPortIF.flush()
+ #print cmd_response,ack_response
+ if cmd_response == command and ack_response == GoGoIF.HDR_ACK:
+ print "< Command successfully sent"
+ return True
+ print "< Error: cmd_response or ack_response"
+ return False
+ def readSensor(self, sensorNumber=0):
+ if sensorNumber >= GoGoIF.NUMBER_OF_SENSORS:
+ print "readSensor(): Sensor does not exist:",sensorNumber
+ return -1
+ command = GoGoIF.HDR_SEND + tuple([GoGoIF.CMD_READ_SENSOR + (sensorNumber << 2)])
+ serialPortIF.txBytesNoEcho(command)
+ cmd_response = serialPortIF.rxBytes(3)
+ ack = serialPortIF.rxBytes(2)
+ if not (cmd_response == command and ack == tuple(GoGoIF.HDR_ACK[:2])):
+ print "readSensor(): Error reading sensor:",sensorNumber
+ #print command,"!=",cmd_response
+ #print ack,"!=",tuple(GoGoIF.HDR_ACK[:2])
+ serialPortIF.flush()
+ if serialPortIF.checkConnection():
+ return -1
+ else:
+ raise Exceptions.ConnectionProblem
+ highByte = serialPortIF.rxOneByte() & 0x3
+ lowByte = serialPortIF.rxOneByte() & 0xff
+ value = (highByte << 8) + lowByte
+ return value
+ def motorOn(self):
+ return self.sendCmd(GoGoIF.CMD_MOTOR_ON)
+ def motorOff(self):
+ return self.sendCmd(GoGoIF.CMD_MOTOR_OFF)
+ def motorBreak(self):
+ self.motorCoast()
+ def motorReverse(self):
+ return self.sendCmd(GoGoIF.CMD_MOTOR_REVERSE)
+ def motorThisway(self):
+ return self.sendCmd(GoGoIF.CMD_MOTOR_THISWAY)
+ def motorThatway(self):
+ return self.sendCmd(GoGoIF.CMD_MOTOR_THATWAY)
+ def motorCoast(self):
+ return self.sendCmd(GoGoIF.CMD_MOTOR_COAST)
+ def talkToMotor(self, motors=""):
+ byte = 0
+ if 'a' in motors.lower():
+ byte = byte + 1
+ if 'b' in motors.lower():
+ byte = byte + (1 << 1)
+ if 'c' in motors.lower():
+ byte = byte + (1 << 2)
+ if 'd' in motors.lower():
+ byte = byte + (1 << 3)
+ return self.sendCmd(GoGoIF.CMD_TALK_TO_MOTOR + (byte,))
+ def setMotorPower(self, power=0):
+ if power < 8:
+ command = (tuple([GoGoIF.CMD_SET_MOTOR_POWER + (power << 2)]))
+ else:
+ command = (tuple([GoGoIF.CMD_SET_MOTOR_POWER + (7 << 2)]))
+ return self.sendCmd(command)
+ def setBurstMode(self, burstBits=0, burstMode=0):
+ if burstMode < 0 or burstMode > 1:
+ return False
+ command = tuple([GoGoIF.CMD_SET_BURST + burstMode, burstBits])
+ return self.sendCmd(command)
+ def ledOn(self):
+ return self.sendCmd(GoGoIF.CMD_LED_ON)
+ def ledOff(self):
+ return self.sendCmd(GoGoIF.CMD_LED_OFF)
+ def beep(self):
+ return self.sendCmd(GoGoIF.CMD_BEEP)
+ def setPwmDuty(self, duty=0):
+ if duty >= 0 and duty < 255:
+ return self.sendCmd(GoGoIF.CMD_SET_PWM_DUTY + (duty,))
+ return False
+ def autoUpload(self, progress_cb=None):
+ printFunctionName()
+ if not serialPortIF.checkConnection():
+ print "< Gogo disconnected"
+ #self.showInfo(_("Gogo disconnected"))
+ #return False
+ raise Exceptions.ConnectionProblem
+ recData = []
+ if not self.sendCmd(GoGoIF.CMD_AUTO_UPLOAD, flush=False):
+ print "autoUpload: 1"
+ return recData
+ # 3. The Gogo will send four bytes. 0xEE, 0x11, uploadLen (low byte),
+ # uploadLen (high byte). The first two bytes are just headers. The
+ # latter two are in bytes.
+ # Rx upload-length header bytes (2)
+ hdr = serialPortIF.rxBytes(2)
+ print "hdr",hdr
+ dataBytes = serialPortIF.rx16BitValueLSBFirst()
+ dataWords = dataBytes / 2
+ if dataWords > 0:
+ for i in range(dataWords):
+ recData.append(serialPortIF.rx16BitValueLSBFirst())
+ if progress_cb:
+ progress_cb(i, dataWords)
+ if progress_cb:
+ progress_cb(dataWords, dataWords)
+ return recData
+ # Here's an example session:
+ #
+ # Computer->GoGo : 0x54, 0xFE, 0xCC, 0x00 // command
+ # GoGo->Computer : 0x54, 0xFE, 0xCC, 0x00 // echo
+ # GoGo->Computer : 0x55, 0xFF, 0xAA // ack
+ # GoGo->Computer : 0xEE, 0x11, 0x06, 0x00 // upload header
+ # GoGo->Computer : 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00 // upload data
+ #
+ # In this example the gogoboard uploads 3 16-bit values: 0, 1, 2 respectively.
+ #
+ # Note. You may find that the gogo seems to be excessively sending stuff
+ # back to the computer with all the echos and acks. This was done to
+ # provide compatibility with the Cricket download protocol. In practice,
+ # once you send the command bytes to the gogo you can just wait for the
+ # upload headers (0xEE, 0x11) while ignoring the others.
+class GoGoComms:
+ def __init__(self, portNum=None, debug=False):
+ global serialPortIF
+ serialPortIF = SerialIF(portNum, debug)
+ self.cricketIF = CricketIF(debug)
+ self.gogoIF = GoGoIF(debug)
+ # Public Serial Interface:
+ def autoConnect(self):
+ return serialPortIF.autoConnect()
+ def getPort(self):
+ return serialPortIF.getPort()
+ def closePort(self):
+ return serialPortIF.closePort()
+ def isUSBVersion(self):
+ return serialPortIF.isUSBVersion()
+ # Public Cricket Interface:
+ def compile(self, text, ErrMsgFunc=None):
+ return self.cricketIF.compile(text, ErrMsgFunc)
+ def download(self):
+ return self.cricketIF.download()
+ def autoUpload(self, progress_cb=None):
+ return self.gogoIF.autoUpload(progress_cb)
+ # Public GoGo Interface:
+ def beep(self):
+ return self.gogoIF.beep()
+ def ledOn(self):
+ return self.gogoIF.ledOn()
+ def ledOff(self):
+ return self.gogoIF.ledOff()
+ def talkToMotor(self, m):
+ return self.gogoIF.talkToMotor(m)
+ def motorOn(self):
+ return self.gogoIF.motorOn()
+ def motorOff(self):
+ return self.gogoIF.motorOff()
+ def motorBreak(self):
+ return self.gogoIF.motorBreak()
+ def motorCoast(self):
+ return self.gogoIF.motorCoast()
+ def setMotorPower(self, power):
+ return self.gogoIF.setMotorPower(power)
+ def motorThisway(self):
+ return self.gogoIF.motorThisway()
+ def motorThatway(self):
+ return self.gogoIF.motorThatway()
+ def motorReverse(self):
+ return self.gogoIF.motorReverse()
+ def setPwmDuty(self, duty):
+ return self.gogoIF.setPwmDuty(duty)
+ def readSensor(self, sensorNumber):
+ return self.gogoIF.readSensor(sensorNumber)
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ GoGoComms(0, False)
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/Exceptions.py b/pyLogoCompiler/Exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79b4b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/Exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#Project site: http://br-gogo.sourceforge.net
+# Name: pyLogo
+# Origiginal from: Marcelo Barbosa
+# About: Esta é uma versão da linguagem Logo em python para a placa Gogo board
+# Modified by: Felipe Augusto Silva
+# email: suportegogo@gmail.com
+# compiler version: 0.23
+class UnknowSymbol(Exception):
+ pass
+class BracketError(Exception):
+ pass
+class BlockTooLong(Exception):
+ pass
+class CodeTooLong(Exception):
+ pass
+class TooManyGlobals(Exception):
+ pass
+class DuplicatedSymbol(Exception):
+ pass
+class ParentesisError(Exception):
+ pass
+class CommunicationProblem(Exception):
+ pass
+class ConnectionProblem(Exception):
+ pass
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/__init__.py b/pyLogoCompiler/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/__init__.py
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/__init__.pyc b/pyLogoCompiler/__init__.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..386b46d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/__init__.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/ply/__init__.py b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..853a985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# PLY package
+# Author: David Beazley (dave@dabeaz.com)
+__all__ = ['lex','yacc']
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/ply/__init__.pyc b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/__init__.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1796e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/__init__.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/ply/cpp.py b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/cpp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51cbe65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/cpp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# cpp.py
+# Author: David Beazley (http://www.dabeaz.com)
+# Copyright (C) 2007
+# All rights reserved
+# This module implements an ANSI-C style lexical preprocessor for PLY.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from __future__ import generators
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Default preprocessor lexer definitions. These tokens are enough to get
+# a basic preprocessor working. Other modules may import these if they want
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+tokens = (
+literals = "+-*/%|&~^<>=!?()[]{}.,;:\\\'\""
+# Whitespace
+def t_CPP_WS(t):
+ r'\s+'
+ t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
+ return t
+t_CPP_POUND = r'\#'
+t_CPP_DPOUND = r'\#\#'
+# Identifier
+t_CPP_ID = r'[A-Za-z_][\w_]*'
+# Integer literal
+def CPP_INTEGER(t):
+ r'(((((0x)|(0X))[0-9a-fA-F]+)|(\d+))([uU]|[lL]|[uU][lL]|[lL][uU])?)'
+ return t
+# Floating literal
+t_CPP_FLOAT = r'((\d+)(\.\d+)(e(\+|-)?(\d+))? | (\d+)e(\+|-)?(\d+))([lL]|[fF])?'
+# String literal
+def t_CPP_STRING(t):
+ r'\"([^\\\n]|(\\(.|\n)))*?\"'
+ t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
+ return t
+# Character constant 'c' or L'c'
+def t_CPP_CHAR(t):
+ r'(L)?\'([^\\\n]|(\\(.|\n)))*?\''
+ t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
+ return t
+# Comment
+def t_CPP_COMMENT(t):
+ r'(/\*(.|\n)*?\*/)|(//.*?\n)'
+ t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
+ return t
+def t_error(t):
+ t.type = t.value[0]
+ t.value = t.value[0]
+ t.lexer.skip(1)
+ return t
+import re
+import copy
+import time
+import os.path
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# trigraph()
+# Given an input string, this function replaces all trigraph sequences.
+# The following mapping is used:
+# ??= #
+# ??/ \
+# ??' ^
+# ??( [
+# ??) ]
+# ??! |
+# ??< {
+# ??> }
+# ??- ~
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+_trigraph_pat = re.compile(r'''\?\?[=/\'\(\)\!<>\-]''')
+_trigraph_rep = {
+ '=':'#',
+ '/':'\\',
+ "'":'^',
+ '(':'[',
+ ')':']',
+ '!':'|',
+ '<':'{',
+ '>':'}',
+ '-':'~'
+def trigraph(input):
+ return _trigraph_pat.sub(lambda g: _trigraph_rep[g.group()[-1]],input)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Macro object
+# This object holds information about preprocessor macros
+# .name - Macro name (string)
+# .value - Macro value (a list of tokens)
+# .arglist - List of argument names
+# .variadic - Boolean indicating whether or not variadic macro
+# .vararg - Name of the variadic parameter
+# When a macro is created, the macro replacement token sequence is
+# pre-scanned and used to create patch lists that are later used
+# during macro expansion
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Macro(object):
+ def __init__(self,name,value,arglist=None,variadic=False):
+ self.name = name
+ self.value = value
+ self.arglist = arglist
+ self.variadic = variadic
+ if variadic:
+ self.vararg = arglist[-1]
+ self.source = None
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Preprocessor object
+# Object representing a preprocessor. Contains macro definitions,
+# include directories, and other information
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Preprocessor(object):
+ def __init__(self,lexer=None):
+ if lexer is None:
+ lexer = lex.lexer
+ self.lexer = lexer
+ self.macros = { }
+ self.path = []
+ self.temp_path = []
+ # Probe the lexer for selected tokens
+ self.lexprobe()
+ tm = time.localtime()
+ self.define("__DATE__ \"%s\"" % time.strftime("%b %d %Y",tm))
+ self.define("__TIME__ \"%s\"" % time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",tm))
+ self.parser = None
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # tokenize()
+ #
+ # Utility function. Given a string of text, tokenize into a list of tokens
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def tokenize(self,text):
+ tokens = []
+ self.lexer.input(text)
+ while True:
+ tok = self.lexer.token()
+ if not tok: break
+ tokens.append(tok)
+ return tokens
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # error()
+ #
+ # Report a preprocessor error/warning of some kind
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def error(self,file,line,msg):
+ print >>sys.stderr,"%s:%d %s" % (file,line,msg)
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # lexprobe()
+ #
+ # This method probes the preprocessor lexer object to discover
+ # the token types of symbols that are important to the preprocessor.
+ # If this works right, the preprocessor will simply "work"
+ # with any suitable lexer regardless of how tokens have been named.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def lexprobe(self):
+ # Determine the token type for identifiers
+ self.lexer.input("identifier")
+ tok = self.lexer.token()
+ if not tok or tok.value != "identifier":
+ print _("Couldn't determine identifier type")
+ else:
+ self.t_ID = tok.type
+ # Determine the token type for integers
+ self.lexer.input("12345")
+ tok = self.lexer.token()
+ if not tok or int(tok.value) != 12345:
+ print _("Couldn't determine integer type")
+ else:
+ self.t_INTEGER = tok.type
+ self.t_INTEGER_TYPE = type(tok.value)
+ # Determine the token type for strings enclosed in double quotes
+ self.lexer.input("\"filename\"")
+ tok = self.lexer.token()
+ if not tok or tok.value != "\"filename\"":
+ print _("Couldn't determine string type")
+ else:
+ self.t_STRING = tok.type
+ # Determine the token type for whitespace--if any
+ self.lexer.input(" ")
+ tok = self.lexer.token()
+ if not tok or tok.value != " ":
+ self.t_SPACE = None
+ else:
+ self.t_SPACE = tok.type
+ # Determine the token type for newlines
+ self.lexer.input("\n")
+ tok = self.lexer.token()
+ if not tok or tok.value != "\n":
+ self.t_NEWLINE = None
+ print _("Couldn't determine token for newlines")
+ else:
+ self.t_NEWLINE = tok.type
+ self.t_WS = (self.t_SPACE, self.t_NEWLINE)
+ # Check for other characters used by the preprocessor
+ chars = [ '<','>','#','##','\\','(',')',',','.']
+ for c in chars:
+ self.lexer.input(c)
+ tok = self.lexer.token()
+ if not tok or tok.value != c:
+ print _("Unable to lex '%s' required for preprocessor") % c
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # add_path()
+ #
+ # Adds a search path to the preprocessor.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def add_path(self,path):
+ self.path.append(path)
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # group_lines()
+ #
+ # Given an input string, this function splits it into lines. Trailing whitespace
+ # is removed. Any line ending with \ is grouped with the next line. This
+ # function forms the lowest level of the preprocessor---grouping into text into
+ # a line-by-line format.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def group_lines(self,input):
+ lex = self.lexer.clone()
+ lines = [x.rstrip() for x in input.splitlines()]
+ for i in xrange(len(lines)):
+ j = i+1
+ while lines[i].endswith('\\') and (j < len(lines)):
+ lines[i] = lines[i][:-1]+lines[j]
+ lines[j] = ""
+ j += 1
+ input = "\n".join(lines)
+ lex.input(input)
+ lex.lineno = 1
+ current_line = []
+ while True:
+ tok = lex.token()
+ if not tok:
+ break
+ current_line.append(tok)
+ if tok.type in self.t_WS and '\n' in tok.value:
+ yield current_line
+ current_line = []
+ if current_line:
+ yield current_line
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # tokenstrip()
+ #
+ # Remove leading/trailing whitespace tokens from a token list
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def tokenstrip(self,tokens):
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(tokens) and tokens[i].type in self.t_WS:
+ i += 1
+ del tokens[:i]
+ i = len(tokens)-1
+ while i >= 0 and tokens[i].type in self.t_WS:
+ i -= 1
+ del tokens[i+1:]
+ return tokens
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # collect_args()
+ #
+ # Collects comma separated arguments from a list of tokens. The arguments
+ # must be enclosed in parenthesis. Returns a tuple (tokencount,args,positions)
+ # where tokencount is the number of tokens consumed, args is a list of arguments,
+ # and positions is a list of integers containing the starting index of each
+ # argument. Each argument is represented by a list of tokens.
+ #
+ # When collecting arguments, leading and trailing whitespace is removed
+ # from each argument.
+ #
+ # This function properly handles nested parenthesis and commas---these do not
+ # define new arguments.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def collect_args(self,tokenlist):
+ args = []
+ positions = []
+ current_arg = []
+ nesting = 1
+ tokenlen = len(tokenlist)
+ # Search for the opening '('.
+ i = 0
+ while (i < tokenlen) and (tokenlist[i].type in self.t_WS):
+ i += 1
+ if (i < tokenlen) and (tokenlist[i].value == '('):
+ positions.append(i+1)
+ else:
+ self.error(self.source,tokenlist[0].lineno,"Missing '(' in macro arguments")
+ return 0, [], []
+ i += 1
+ while i < tokenlen:
+ t = tokenlist[i]
+ if t.value == '(':
+ current_arg.append(t)
+ nesting += 1
+ elif t.value == ')':
+ nesting -= 1
+ if nesting == 0:
+ if current_arg:
+ args.append(self.tokenstrip(current_arg))
+ positions.append(i)
+ return i+1,args,positions
+ current_arg.append(t)
+ elif t.value == ',' and nesting == 1:
+ args.append(self.tokenstrip(current_arg))
+ positions.append(i+1)
+ current_arg = []
+ else:
+ current_arg.append(t)
+ i += 1
+ # Missing end argument
+ self.error(self.source,tokenlist[-1].lineno,"Missing ')' in macro arguments")
+ return 0, [],[]
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # macro_prescan()
+ #
+ # Examine the macro value (token sequence) and identify patch points
+ # This is used to speed up macro expansion later on---we'll know
+ # right away where to apply patches to the value to form the expansion
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def macro_prescan(self,macro):
+ macro.patch = [] # Standard macro arguments
+ macro.str_patch = [] # String conversion expansion
+ macro.var_comma_patch = [] # Variadic macro comma patch
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(macro.value):
+ if macro.value[i].type == self.t_ID and macro.value[i].value in macro.arglist:
+ argnum = macro.arglist.index(macro.value[i].value)
+ # Conversion of argument to a string
+ if i > 0 and macro.value[i-1].value == '#':
+ macro.value[i] = copy.copy(macro.value[i])
+ macro.value[i].type = self.t_STRING
+ del macro.value[i-1]
+ macro.str_patch.append((argnum,i-1))
+ continue
+ # Concatenation
+ elif (i > 0 and macro.value[i-1].value == '##'):
+ macro.patch.append(('c',argnum,i-1))
+ del macro.value[i-1]
+ continue
+ elif ((i+1) < len(macro.value) and macro.value[i+1].value == '##'):
+ macro.patch.append(('c',argnum,i))
+ i += 1
+ continue
+ # Standard expansion
+ else:
+ macro.patch.append(('e',argnum,i))
+ elif macro.value[i].value == '##':
+ if macro.variadic and (i > 0) and (macro.value[i-1].value == ',') and \
+ ((i+1) < len(macro.value)) and (macro.value[i+1].type == self.t_ID) and \
+ (macro.value[i+1].value == macro.vararg):
+ macro.var_comma_patch.append(i-1)
+ i += 1
+ macro.patch.sort(key=lambda x: x[2],reverse=True)
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # macro_expand_args()
+ #
+ # Given a Macro and list of arguments (each a token list), this method
+ # returns an expanded version of a macro. The return value is a token sequence
+ # representing the replacement macro tokens
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def macro_expand_args(self,macro,args):
+ # Make a copy of the macro token sequence
+ rep = [copy.copy(_x) for _x in macro.value]
+ # Make string expansion patches. These do not alter the length of the replacement sequence
+ str_expansion = {}
+ for argnum, i in macro.str_patch:
+ if argnum not in str_expansion:
+ str_expansion[argnum] = ('"%s"' % "".join([x.value for x in args[argnum]])).replace("\\","\\\\")
+ rep[i] = copy.copy(rep[i])
+ rep[i].value = str_expansion[argnum]
+ # Make the variadic macro comma patch. If the variadic macro argument is empty, we get rid
+ comma_patch = False
+ if macro.variadic and not args[-1]:
+ for i in macro.var_comma_patch:
+ rep[i] = None
+ comma_patch = True
+ # Make all other patches. The order of these matters. It is assumed that the patch list
+ # has been sorted in reverse order of patch location since replacements will cause the
+ # size of the replacement sequence to expand from the patch point.
+ expanded = { }
+ for ptype, argnum, i in macro.patch:
+ # Concatenation. Argument is left unexpanded
+ if ptype == 'c':
+ rep[i:i+1] = args[argnum]
+ # Normal expansion. Argument is macro expanded first
+ elif ptype == 'e':
+ if argnum not in expanded:
+ expanded[argnum] = self.expand_macros(args[argnum])
+ rep[i:i+1] = expanded[argnum]
+ # Get rid of removed comma if necessary
+ if comma_patch:
+ rep = [_i for _i in rep if _i]
+ return rep
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # expand_macros()
+ #
+ # Given a list of tokens, this function performs macro expansion.
+ # The expanded argument is a dictionary that contains macros already
+ # expanded. This is used to prevent infinite recursion.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def expand_macros(self,tokens,expanded=None):
+ if expanded is None:
+ expanded = {}
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(tokens):
+ t = tokens[i]
+ if t.type == self.t_ID:
+ if t.value in self.macros and t.value not in expanded:
+ # Yes, we found a macro match
+ expanded[t.value] = True
+ m = self.macros[t.value]
+ if not m.arglist:
+ # A simple macro
+ ex = self.expand_macros([copy.copy(_x) for _x in m.value],expanded)
+ for e in ex:
+ e.lineno = t.lineno
+ tokens[i:i+1] = ex
+ i += len(ex)
+ else:
+ # A macro with arguments
+ j = i + 1
+ while j < len(tokens) and tokens[j].type in self.t_WS:
+ j += 1
+ if tokens[j].value == '(':
+ tokcount,args,positions = self.collect_args(tokens[j:])
+ if not m.variadic and len(args) != len(m.arglist):
+ self.error(self.source,t.lineno,"Macro %s requires %d arguments" % (t.value,len(m.arglist)))
+ i = j + tokcount
+ elif m.variadic and len(args) < len(m.arglist)-1:
+ if len(m.arglist) > 2:
+ self.error(self.source,t.lineno,"Macro %s must have at least %d arguments" % (t.value, len(m.arglist)-1))
+ else:
+ self.error(self.source,t.lineno,"Macro %s must have at least %d argument" % (t.value, len(m.arglist)-1))
+ i = j + tokcount
+ else:
+ if m.variadic:
+ if len(args) == len(m.arglist)-1:
+ args.append([])
+ else:
+ args[len(m.arglist)-1] = tokens[j+positions[len(m.arglist)-1]:j+tokcount-1]
+ del args[len(m.arglist):]
+ # Get macro replacement text
+ rep = self.macro_expand_args(m,args)
+ rep = self.expand_macros(rep,expanded)
+ for r in rep:
+ r.lineno = t.lineno
+ tokens[i:j+tokcount] = rep
+ i += len(rep)
+ del expanded[t.value]
+ continue
+ elif t.value == '__LINE__':
+ t.type = self.t_INTEGER
+ t.value = self.t_INTEGER_TYPE(t.lineno)
+ i += 1
+ return tokens
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # evalexpr()
+ #
+ # Evaluate an expression token sequence for the purposes of evaluating
+ # integral expressions.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def evalexpr(self,tokens):
+ # tokens = tokenize(line)
+ # Search for defined macros
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(tokens):
+ if tokens[i].type == self.t_ID and tokens[i].value == 'defined':
+ j = i + 1
+ needparen = False
+ result = "0L"
+ while j < len(tokens):
+ if tokens[j].type in self.t_WS:
+ j += 1
+ continue
+ elif tokens[j].type == self.t_ID:
+ if tokens[j].value in self.macros:
+ result = "1L"
+ else:
+ result = "0L"
+ if not needparen: break
+ elif tokens[j].value == '(':
+ needparen = True
+ elif tokens[j].value == ')':
+ break
+ else:
+ self.error(self.source,tokens[i].lineno,"Malformed defined()")
+ j += 1
+ tokens[i].type = self.t_INTEGER
+ tokens[i].value = self.t_INTEGER_TYPE(result)
+ del tokens[i+1:j+1]
+ i += 1
+ tokens = self.expand_macros(tokens)
+ for i,t in enumerate(tokens):
+ if t.type == self.t_ID:
+ tokens[i] = copy.copy(t)
+ tokens[i].type = self.t_INTEGER
+ tokens[i].value = self.t_INTEGER_TYPE("0L")
+ elif t.type == self.t_INTEGER:
+ tokens[i] = copy.copy(t)
+ # Strip off any trailing suffixes
+ tokens[i].value = str(tokens[i].value)
+ while tokens[i].value[-1] not in "0123456789abcdefABCDEF":
+ tokens[i].value = tokens[i].value[:-1]
+ expr = "".join([str(x.value) for x in tokens])
+ expr = expr.replace("&&"," and ")
+ expr = expr.replace("||"," or ")
+ expr = expr.replace("!"," not ")
+ try:
+ result = eval(expr)
+ except StandardError:
+ self.error(self.source,tokens[0].lineno,"Couldn't evaluate expression")
+ result = 0
+ return result
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # parsegen()
+ #
+ # Parse an input string/
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def parsegen(self,input,source=None):
+ # Replace trigraph sequences
+ t = trigraph(input)
+ lines = self.group_lines(t)
+ if not source:
+ source = ""
+ self.define("__FILE__ \"%s\"" % source)
+ self.source = source
+ chunk = []
+ enable = True
+ iftrigger = False
+ ifstack = []
+ for x in lines:
+ for i,tok in enumerate(x):
+ if tok.type not in self.t_WS: break
+ if tok.value == '#':
+ # Preprocessor directive
+ for tok in x:
+ if tok in self.t_WS and '\n' in tok.value:
+ chunk.append(tok)
+ dirtokens = self.tokenstrip(x[i+1:])
+ if dirtokens:
+ name = dirtokens[0].value
+ args = self.tokenstrip(dirtokens[1:])
+ else:
+ name = ""
+ args = []
+ if name == 'define':
+ if enable:
+ for tok in self.expand_macros(chunk):
+ yield tok
+ chunk = []
+ self.define(args)
+ elif name == 'include':
+ if enable:
+ for tok in self.expand_macros(chunk):
+ yield tok
+ chunk = []
+ oldfile = self.macros['__FILE__']
+ for tok in self.include(args):
+ yield tok
+ self.macros['__FILE__'] = oldfile
+ self.source = source
+ elif name == 'undef':
+ if enable:
+ for tok in self.expand_macros(chunk):
+ yield tok
+ chunk = []
+ self.undef(args)
+ elif name == 'ifdef':
+ ifstack.append((enable,iftrigger))
+ if enable:
+ if not args[0].value in self.macros:
+ enable = False
+ iftrigger = False
+ else:
+ iftrigger = True
+ elif name == 'ifndef':
+ ifstack.append((enable,iftrigger))
+ if enable:
+ if args[0].value in self.macros:
+ enable = False
+ iftrigger = False
+ else:
+ iftrigger = True
+ elif name == 'if':
+ ifstack.append((enable,iftrigger))
+ if enable:
+ result = self.evalexpr(args)
+ if not result:
+ enable = False
+ iftrigger = False
+ else:
+ iftrigger = True
+ elif name == 'elif':
+ if ifstack:
+ if ifstack[-1][0]: # We only pay attention if outer "if" allows this
+ if enable: # If already true, we flip enable False
+ enable = False
+ elif not iftrigger: # If False, but not triggered yet, we'll check expression
+ result = self.evalexpr(args)
+ if result:
+ enable = True
+ iftrigger = True
+ else:
+ self.error(self.source,dirtokens[0].lineno,"Misplaced #elif")
+ elif name == 'else':
+ if ifstack:
+ if ifstack[-1][0]:
+ if enable:
+ enable = False
+ elif not iftrigger:
+ enable = True
+ iftrigger = True
+ else:
+ self.error(self.source,dirtokens[0].lineno,"Misplaced #else")
+ elif name == 'endif':
+ if ifstack:
+ enable,iftrigger = ifstack.pop()
+ else:
+ self.error(self.source,dirtokens[0].lineno,"Misplaced #endif")
+ else:
+ # Unknown preprocessor directive
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Normal text
+ if enable:
+ chunk.extend(x)
+ for tok in self.expand_macros(chunk):
+ yield tok
+ chunk = []
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # include()
+ #
+ # Implementation of file-inclusion
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def include(self,tokens):
+ # Try to extract the filename and then process an include file
+ if not tokens:
+ return
+ if tokens:
+ if tokens[0].value != '<' and tokens[0].type != self.t_STRING:
+ tokens = self.expand_macros(tokens)
+ if tokens[0].value == '<':
+ # Include <...>
+ i = 1
+ while i < len(tokens):
+ if tokens[i].value == '>':
+ break
+ i += 1
+ else:
+ print _("Malformed #include <...>")
+ return
+ filename = "".join([x.value for x in tokens[1:i]])
+ path = self.path + [""] + self.temp_path
+ elif tokens[0].type == self.t_STRING:
+ filename = tokens[0].value[1:-1]
+ path = self.temp_path + [""] + self.path
+ else:
+ print _("Malformed #include statement")
+ return
+ for p in path:
+ iname = os.path.join(p,filename)
+ try:
+ data = open(iname,"r").read()
+ dname = os.path.dirname(iname)
+ if dname:
+ self.temp_path.insert(0,dname)
+ for tok in self.parsegen(data,filename):
+ yield tok
+ if dname:
+ del self.temp_path[0]
+ break
+ except IOError,e:
+ pass
+ else:
+ print _("Couldn't find '%s'") % filename
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # define()
+ #
+ # Define a new macro
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def define(self,tokens):
+ if isinstance(tokens,(str,unicode)):
+ tokens = self.tokenize(tokens)
+ linetok = tokens
+ try:
+ name = linetok[0]
+ if len(linetok) > 1:
+ mtype = linetok[1]
+ else:
+ mtype = None
+ if not mtype:
+ m = Macro(name.value,[])
+ self.macros[name.value] = m
+ elif mtype.type in self.t_WS:
+ # A normal macro
+ m = Macro(name.value,self.tokenstrip(linetok[2:]))
+ self.macros[name.value] = m
+ elif mtype.value == '(':
+ # A macro with arguments
+ tokcount, args, positions = self.collect_args(linetok[1:])
+ variadic = False
+ for a in args:
+ if variadic:
+ print _("No more arguments may follow a variadic argument")
+ break
+ astr = "".join([str(_i.value) for _i in a])
+ if astr == "...":
+ variadic = True
+ a[0].type = self.t_ID
+ a[0].value = '__VA_ARGS__'
+ variadic = True
+ del a[1:]
+ continue
+ elif astr[-3:] == "..." and a[0].type == self.t_ID:
+ variadic = True
+ del a[1:]
+ # If, for some reason, "." is part of the identifier, strip off the name for the purposes
+ # of macro expansion
+ if a[0].value[-3:] == '...':
+ a[0].value = a[0].value[:-3]
+ continue
+ if len(a) > 1 or a[0].type != self.t_ID:
+ print _("Invalid macro argument")
+ break
+ else:
+ mvalue = self.tokenstrip(linetok[1+tokcount:])
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(mvalue):
+ if i+1 < len(mvalue):
+ if mvalue[i].type in self.t_WS and mvalue[i+1].value == '##':
+ del mvalue[i]
+ continue
+ elif mvalue[i].value == '##' and mvalue[i+1].type in self.t_WS:
+ del mvalue[i+1]
+ i += 1
+ m = Macro(name.value,mvalue,[x[0].value for x in args],variadic)
+ self.macro_prescan(m)
+ self.macros[name.value] = m
+ else:
+ print _("Bad macro definition")
+ except LookupError:
+ print _("Bad macro definition")
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # undef()
+ #
+ # Undefine a macro
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def undef(self,tokens):
+ id = tokens[0].value
+ try:
+ del self.macros[id]
+ except LookupError:
+ pass
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # parse()
+ #
+ # Parse input text.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def parse(self,input,source=None,ignore={}):
+ self.ignore = ignore
+ self.parser = self.parsegen(input,source)
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # token()
+ #
+ # Method to return individual tokens
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def token(self):
+ try:
+ while True:
+ tok = self.parser.next()
+ if tok.type not in self.ignore: return tok
+ except StopIteration:
+ self.parser = None
+ return None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import ply.lex as lex
+ lexer = lex.lex()
+ # Run a preprocessor
+ import sys
+ f = open(sys.argv[1])
+ input = f.read()
+ p = Preprocessor(lexer)
+ p.parse(input,sys.argv[1])
+ while True:
+ tok = p.token()
+ if not tok: break
+ print p.source, tok
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/ply/ctokens.py b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/ctokens.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd5f102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/ctokens.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ctokens.py
+# Token specifications for symbols in ANSI C and C++. This file is
+# meant to be used as a library in other tokenizers.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Reserved words
+tokens = [
+ # Literals (identifier, integer constant, float constant, string constant, char const)
+ # Operators (+,-,*,/,%,|,&,~,^,<<,>>, ||, &&, !, <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=)
+ 'OR', 'AND', 'NOT', 'XOR', 'LSHIFT', 'RSHIFT',
+ 'LOR', 'LAND', 'LNOT',
+ 'LT', 'LE', 'GT', 'GE', 'EQ', 'NE',
+ # Assignment (=, *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=)
+ # Increment/decrement (++,--)
+ # Structure dereference (->)
+ 'ARROW',
+ # Ternary operator (?)
+ # Delimeters ( ) [ ] { } , . ; :
+ # Ellipsis (...)
+# Operators
+t_PLUS = r'\+'
+t_MINUS = r'-'
+t_TIMES = r'\*'
+t_DIVIDE = r'/'
+t_MODULO = r'%'
+t_OR = r'\|'
+t_AND = r'&'
+t_NOT = r'~'
+t_XOR = r'\^'
+t_LSHIFT = r'<<'
+t_RSHIFT = r'>>'
+t_LOR = r'\|\|'
+t_LAND = r'&&'
+t_LNOT = r'!'
+t_LT = r'<'
+t_GT = r'>'
+t_LE = r'<='
+t_GE = r'>='
+t_EQ = r'=='
+t_NE = r'!='
+# Assignment operators
+t_EQUALS = r'='
+t_TIMESEQUAL = r'\*='
+t_DIVEQUAL = r'/='
+t_MODEQUAL = r'%='
+t_PLUSEQUAL = r'\+='
+t_MINUSEQUAL = r'-='
+t_LSHIFTEQUAL = r'<<='
+t_RSHIFTEQUAL = r'>>='
+t_ANDEQUAL = r'&='
+t_OREQUAL = r'\|='
+t_XOREQUAL = r'^='
+# Increment/decrement
+t_INCREMENT = r'\+\+'
+t_DECREMENT = r'--'
+# ->
+t_ARROW = r'->'
+# ?
+t_TERNARY = r'\?'
+# Delimeters
+t_LPAREN = r'\('
+t_RPAREN = r'\)'
+t_LBRACKET = r'\['
+t_RBRACKET = r'\]'
+t_LBRACE = r'\{'
+t_RBRACE = r'\}'
+t_COMMA = r','
+t_PERIOD = r'\.'
+t_SEMI = r';'
+t_COLON = r':'
+t_ELLIPSIS = r'\.\.\.'
+# Identifiers
+t_ID = r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*'
+# Integer literal
+t_INTEGER = r'\d+([uU]|[lL]|[uU][lL]|[lL][uU])?'
+# Floating literal
+t_FLOAT = r'((\d+)(\.\d+)(e(\+|-)?(\d+))? | (\d+)e(\+|-)?(\d+))([lL]|[fF])?'
+# String literal
+t_STRING = r'\"([^\\\n]|(\\.))*?\"'
+# Character constant 'c' or L'c'
+t_CHARACTER = r'(L)?\'([^\\\n]|(\\.))*?\''
+# Comment (C-Style)
+def t_COMMENT(t):
+ r'/\*(.|\n)*?\*/'
+ t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count('\n')
+ return t
+# Comment (C++-Style)
+def t_CPPCOMMENT(t):
+ r'//.*\n'
+ t.lexer.lineno += 1
+ return t
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/ply/lex.py b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/lex.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a36490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/lex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1057 @@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ply: lex.py
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2009,
+# David M. Beazley (Dabeaz LLC)
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# * Neither the name of the David Beazley or Dabeaz LLC may be used to
+# endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+# specific prior written permission.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+__version__ = "3.2"
+__tabversion__ = "3.2" # Version of table file used
+import re, sys, types, copy, os
+# This tuple contains known string types
+ # Python 2.6
+ StringTypes = (types.StringType, types.UnicodeType)
+except AttributeError:
+ # Python 3.0
+ StringTypes = (str, bytes)
+# Extract the code attribute of a function. Different implementations
+# are for Python 2/3 compatibility.
+if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ def func_code(f):
+ return f.func_code
+ def func_code(f):
+ return f.__code__
+# This regular expression is used to match valid token names
+_is_identifier = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$')
+# Exception thrown when invalid token encountered and no default error
+# handler is defined.
+class LexError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self,message,s):
+ self.args = (message,)
+ self.text = s
+# Token class. This class is used to represent the tokens produced.
+class LexToken(object):
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "LexToken(%s,%r,%d,%d)" % (self.type,self.value,self.lineno,self.lexpos)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(self)
+# This object is a stand-in for a logging object created by the
+# logging module.
+class PlyLogger(object):
+ def __init__(self,f):
+ self.f = f
+ def critical(self,msg,*args,**kwargs):
+ self.f.write((msg % args) + "\n")
+ def warning(self,msg,*args,**kwargs):
+ self.f.write("WARNING: "+ (msg % args) + "\n")
+ def error(self,msg,*args,**kwargs):
+ self.f.write("ERROR: " + (msg % args) + "\n")
+ info = critical
+ debug = critical
+# Null logger is used when no output is generated. Does nothing.
+class NullLogger(object):
+ def __getattribute__(self,name):
+ return self
+ def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs):
+ return self
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# === Lexing Engine ===
+# The following Lexer class implements the lexer runtime. There are only
+# a few public methods and attributes:
+# input() - Store a new string in the lexer
+# token() - Get the next token
+# clone() - Clone the lexer
+# lineno - Current line number
+# lexpos - Current position in the input string
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Lexer:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.lexre = None # Master regular expression. This is a list of
+ # tuples (re,findex) where re is a compiled
+ # regular expression and findex is a list
+ # mapping regex group numbers to rules
+ self.lexretext = None # Current regular expression strings
+ self.lexstatere = {} # Dictionary mapping lexer states to master regexs
+ self.lexstateretext = {} # Dictionary mapping lexer states to regex strings
+ self.lexstaterenames = {} # Dictionary mapping lexer states to symbol names
+ self.lexstate = "INITIAL" # Current lexer state
+ self.lexstatestack = [] # Stack of lexer states
+ self.lexstateinfo = None # State information
+ self.lexstateignore = {} # Dictionary of ignored characters for each state
+ self.lexstateerrorf = {} # Dictionary of error functions for each state
+ self.lexreflags = 0 # Optional re compile flags
+ self.lexdata = None # Actual input data (as a string)
+ self.lexpos = 0 # Current position in input text
+ self.lexlen = 0 # Length of the input text
+ self.lexerrorf = None # Error rule (if any)
+ self.lextokens = None # List of valid tokens
+ self.lexignore = "" # Ignored characters
+ self.lexliterals = "" # Literal characters that can be passed through
+ self.lexmodule = None # Module
+ self.lineno = 1 # Current line number
+ self.lexoptimize = 0 # Optimized mode
+ def clone(self,object=None):
+ c = copy.copy(self)
+ # If the object parameter has been supplied, it means we are attaching the
+ # lexer to a new object. In this case, we have to rebind all methods in
+ # the lexstatere and lexstateerrorf tables.
+ if object:
+ newtab = { }
+ for key, ritem in self.lexstatere.items():
+ newre = []
+ for cre, findex in ritem:
+ newfindex = []
+ for f in findex:
+ if not f or not f[0]:
+ newfindex.append(f)
+ continue
+ newfindex.append((getattr(object,f[0].__name__),f[1]))
+ newre.append((cre,newfindex))
+ newtab[key] = newre
+ c.lexstatere = newtab
+ c.lexstateerrorf = { }
+ for key, ef in self.lexstateerrorf.items():
+ c.lexstateerrorf[key] = getattr(object,ef.__name__)
+ c.lexmodule = object
+ return c
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # writetab() - Write lexer information to a table file
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ def writetab(self,tabfile,outputdir=""):
+ if isinstance(tabfile,types.ModuleType):
+ return
+ basetabfilename = tabfile.split(".")[-1]
+ filename = os.path.join(outputdir,basetabfilename)+".py"
+ tf = open(filename,"w")
+ tf.write("# %s.py. This file automatically created by PLY (version %s). Don't edit!\n" % (tabfile,__version__))
+ tf.write("_tabversion = %s\n" % repr(__version__))
+ tf.write("_lextokens = %s\n" % repr(self.lextokens))
+ tf.write("_lexreflags = %s\n" % repr(self.lexreflags))
+ tf.write("_lexliterals = %s\n" % repr(self.lexliterals))
+ tf.write("_lexstateinfo = %s\n" % repr(self.lexstateinfo))
+ tabre = { }
+ # Collect all functions in the initial state
+ initial = self.lexstatere["INITIAL"]
+ initialfuncs = []
+ for part in initial:
+ for f in part[1]:
+ if f and f[0]:
+ initialfuncs.append(f)
+ for key, lre in self.lexstatere.items():
+ titem = []
+ for i in range(len(lre)):
+ titem.append((self.lexstateretext[key][i],_funcs_to_names(lre[i][1],self.lexstaterenames[key][i])))
+ tabre[key] = titem
+ tf.write("_lexstatere = %s\n" % repr(tabre))
+ tf.write("_lexstateignore = %s\n" % repr(self.lexstateignore))
+ taberr = { }
+ for key, ef in self.lexstateerrorf.items():
+ if ef:
+ taberr[key] = ef.__name__
+ else:
+ taberr[key] = None
+ tf.write("_lexstateerrorf = %s\n" % repr(taberr))
+ tf.close()
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # readtab() - Read lexer information from a tab file
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ def readtab(self,tabfile,fdict):
+ if isinstance(tabfile,types.ModuleType):
+ lextab = tabfile
+ else:
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ exec("import %s as lextab" % tabfile)
+ else:
+ env = { }
+ exec("import %s as lextab" % tabfile, env,env)
+ lextab = env['lextab']
+ if getattr(lextab,"_tabversion","0.0") != __version__:
+ raise ImportError("Inconsistent PLY version")
+ self.lextokens = lextab._lextokens
+ self.lexreflags = lextab._lexreflags
+ self.lexliterals = lextab._lexliterals
+ self.lexstateinfo = lextab._lexstateinfo
+ self.lexstateignore = lextab._lexstateignore
+ self.lexstatere = { }
+ self.lexstateretext = { }
+ for key,lre in lextab._lexstatere.items():
+ titem = []
+ txtitem = []
+ for i in range(len(lre)):
+ titem.append((re.compile(lre[i][0],lextab._lexreflags),_names_to_funcs(lre[i][1],fdict)))
+ txtitem.append(lre[i][0])
+ self.lexstatere[key] = titem
+ self.lexstateretext[key] = txtitem
+ self.lexstateerrorf = { }
+ for key,ef in lextab._lexstateerrorf.items():
+ self.lexstateerrorf[key] = fdict[ef]
+ self.begin('INITIAL')
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # input() - Push a new string into the lexer
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ def input(self,s):
+ # Pull off the first character to see if s looks like a string
+ c = s[:1]
+ if not isinstance(c,StringTypes):
+ raise ValueError("Expected a string")
+ self.lexdata = s
+ self.lexpos = 0
+ self.lexlen = len(s)
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # begin() - Changes the lexing state
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ def begin(self,state):
+ if not state in self.lexstatere:
+ raise ValueError("Undefined state")
+ self.lexre = self.lexstatere[state]
+ self.lexretext = self.lexstateretext[state]
+ self.lexignore = self.lexstateignore.get(state,"")
+ self.lexerrorf = self.lexstateerrorf.get(state,None)
+ self.lexstate = state
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # push_state() - Changes the lexing state and saves old on stack
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ def push_state(self,state):
+ self.lexstatestack.append(self.lexstate)
+ self.begin(state)
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # pop_state() - Restores the previous state
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ def pop_state(self):
+ self.begin(self.lexstatestack.pop())
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # current_state() - Returns the current lexing state
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ def current_state(self):
+ return self.lexstate
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # skip() - Skip ahead n characters
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ def skip(self,n):
+ self.lexpos += n
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # opttoken() - Return the next token from the Lexer
+ #
+ # Note: This function has been carefully implemented to be as fast
+ # as possible. Don't make changes unless you really know what
+ # you are doing
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ def token(self):
+ # Make local copies of frequently referenced attributes
+ lexpos = self.lexpos
+ lexlen = self.lexlen
+ lexignore = self.lexignore
+ lexdata = self.lexdata
+ while lexpos < lexlen:
+ # This code provides some short-circuit code for whitespace, tabs, and other ignored characters
+ if lexdata[lexpos] in lexignore:
+ lexpos += 1
+ continue
+ # Look for a regular expression match
+ for lexre,lexindexfunc in self.lexre:
+ m = lexre.match(lexdata,lexpos)
+ if not m: continue
+ # Create a token for return
+ tok = LexToken()
+ tok.value = m.group()
+ tok.lineno = self.lineno
+ tok.lexpos = lexpos
+ i = m.lastindex
+ func,tok.type = lexindexfunc[i]
+ if not func:
+ # If no token type was set, it's an ignored token
+ if tok.type:
+ self.lexpos = m.end()
+ return tok
+ else:
+ lexpos = m.end()
+ break
+ lexpos = m.end()
+ # If token is processed by a function, call it
+ tok.lexer = self # Set additional attributes useful in token rules
+ self.lexmatch = m
+ self.lexpos = lexpos
+ newtok = func(tok)
+ # Every function must return a token, if nothing, we just move to next token
+ if not newtok:
+ lexpos = self.lexpos # This is here in case user has updated lexpos.
+ lexignore = self.lexignore # This is here in case there was a state change
+ break
+ # Verify type of the token. If not in the token map, raise an error
+ if not self.lexoptimize:
+ if not newtok.type in self.lextokens:
+ raise LexError("%s:%d: Rule '%s' returned an unknown token type '%s'" % (
+ func_code(func).co_filename, func_code(func).co_firstlineno,
+ func.__name__, newtok.type),lexdata[lexpos:])
+ return newtok
+ else:
+ # No match, see if in literals
+ if lexdata[lexpos] in self.lexliterals:
+ tok = LexToken()
+ tok.value = lexdata[lexpos]
+ tok.lineno = self.lineno
+ tok.type = tok.value
+ tok.lexpos = lexpos
+ self.lexpos = lexpos + 1
+ return tok
+ # No match. Call t_error() if defined.
+ if self.lexerrorf:
+ tok = LexToken()
+ tok.value = self.lexdata[lexpos:]
+ tok.lineno = self.lineno
+ tok.type = "error"
+ tok.lexer = self
+ tok.lexpos = lexpos
+ self.lexpos = lexpos
+ newtok = self.lexerrorf(tok)
+ if lexpos == self.lexpos:
+ # Error method didn't change text position at all. This is an error.
+ raise LexError("Scanning error. Illegal character '%s'" % (lexdata[lexpos]), lexdata[lexpos:])
+ lexpos = self.lexpos
+ if not newtok: continue
+ return newtok
+ self.lexpos = lexpos
+ raise LexError("Illegal character '%s' at index %d" % (lexdata[lexpos],lexpos), lexdata[lexpos:])
+ self.lexpos = lexpos + 1
+ if self.lexdata is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("No input string given with input()")
+ return None
+ # Iterator interface
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def next(self):
+ t = self.token()
+ if t is None:
+ raise StopIteration
+ return t
+ __next__ = next
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ==== Lex Builder ===
+# The functions and classes below are used to collect lexing information
+# and build a Lexer object from it.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# get_caller_module_dict()
+# This function returns a dictionary containing all of the symbols defined within
+# a caller further down the call stack. This is used to get the environment
+# associated with the yacc() call if none was provided.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_caller_module_dict(levels):
+ try:
+ raise RuntimeError
+ except RuntimeError:
+ e,b,t = sys.exc_info()
+ f = t.tb_frame
+ while levels > 0:
+ f = f.f_back
+ levels -= 1
+ ldict = f.f_globals.copy()
+ if f.f_globals != f.f_locals:
+ ldict.update(f.f_locals)
+ return ldict
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# _funcs_to_names()
+# Given a list of regular expression functions, this converts it to a list
+# suitable for output to a table file
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _funcs_to_names(funclist,namelist):
+ result = []
+ for f,name in zip(funclist,namelist):
+ if f and f[0]:
+ result.append((name, f[1]))
+ else:
+ result.append(f)
+ return result
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# _names_to_funcs()
+# Given a list of regular expression function names, this converts it back to
+# functions.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _names_to_funcs(namelist,fdict):
+ result = []
+ for n in namelist:
+ if n and n[0]:
+ result.append((fdict[n[0]],n[1]))
+ else:
+ result.append(n)
+ return result
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# _form_master_re()
+# This function takes a list of all of the regex components and attempts to
+# form the master regular expression. Given limitations in the Python re
+# module, it may be necessary to break the master regex into separate expressions.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _form_master_re(relist,reflags,ldict,toknames):
+ if not relist: return []
+ regex = "|".join(relist)
+ try:
+ lexre = re.compile(regex,re.VERBOSE | reflags)
+ # Build the index to function map for the matching engine
+ lexindexfunc = [ None ] * (max(lexre.groupindex.values())+1)
+ lexindexnames = lexindexfunc[:]
+ for f,i in lexre.groupindex.items():
+ handle = ldict.get(f,None)
+ if type(handle) in (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType):
+ lexindexfunc[i] = (handle,toknames[f])
+ lexindexnames[i] = f
+ elif handle is not None:
+ lexindexnames[i] = f
+ if f.find("ignore_") > 0:
+ lexindexfunc[i] = (None,None)
+ else:
+ lexindexfunc[i] = (None, toknames[f])
+ return [(lexre,lexindexfunc)],[regex],[lexindexnames]
+ except Exception:
+ m = int(len(relist)/2)
+ if m == 0: m = 1
+ llist, lre, lnames = _form_master_re(relist[:m],reflags,ldict,toknames)
+ rlist, rre, rnames = _form_master_re(relist[m:],reflags,ldict,toknames)
+ return llist+rlist, lre+rre, lnames+rnames
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# def _statetoken(s,names)
+# Given a declaration name s of the form "t_" and a dictionary whose keys are
+# state names, this function returns a tuple (states,tokenname) where states
+# is a tuple of state names and tokenname is the name of the token. For example,
+# calling this with s = "t_foo_bar_SPAM" might return (('foo','bar'),'SPAM')
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _statetoken(s,names):
+ nonstate = 1
+ parts = s.split("_")
+ for i in range(1,len(parts)):
+ if not parts[i] in names and parts[i] != 'ANY': break
+ if i > 1:
+ states = tuple(parts[1:i])
+ else:
+ states = ('INITIAL',)
+ if 'ANY' in states:
+ states = tuple(names)
+ tokenname = "_".join(parts[i:])
+ return (states,tokenname)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# LexerReflect()
+# This class represents information needed to build a lexer as extracted from a
+# user's input file.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class LexerReflect(object):
+ def __init__(self,ldict,log=None,reflags=0):
+ self.ldict = ldict
+ self.error_func = None
+ self.tokens = []
+ self.reflags = reflags
+ self.stateinfo = { 'INITIAL' : 'inclusive'}
+ self.files = {}
+ self.error = 0
+ if log is None:
+ self.log = PlyLogger(sys.stderr)
+ else:
+ self.log = log
+ # Get all of the basic information
+ def get_all(self):
+ self.get_tokens()
+ self.get_literals()
+ self.get_states()
+ self.get_rules()
+ # Validate all of the information
+ def validate_all(self):
+ self.validate_tokens()
+ self.validate_literals()
+ self.validate_rules()
+ return self.error
+ # Get the tokens map
+ def get_tokens(self):
+ tokens = self.ldict.get("tokens",None)
+ if not tokens:
+ self.log.error("No token list is defined")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ if not isinstance(tokens,(list, tuple)):
+ self.log.error("tokens must be a list or tuple")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ if not tokens:
+ self.log.error("tokens is empty")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ self.tokens = tokens
+ # Validate the tokens
+ def validate_tokens(self):
+ terminals = {}
+ for n in self.tokens:
+ if not _is_identifier.match(n):
+ self.log.error("Bad token name '%s'",n)
+ self.error = 1
+ if n in terminals:
+ self.log.warning("Token '%s' multiply defined", n)
+ terminals[n] = 1
+ # Get the literals specifier
+ def get_literals(self):
+ self.literals = self.ldict.get("literals","")
+ # Validate literals
+ def validate_literals(self):
+ try:
+ for c in self.literals:
+ if not isinstance(c,StringTypes) or len(c) > 1:
+ self.log.error("Invalid literal %s. Must be a single character", repr(c))
+ self.error = 1
+ continue
+ except TypeError:
+ self.log.error("Invalid literals specification. literals must be a sequence of characters")
+ self.error = 1
+ def get_states(self):
+ self.states = self.ldict.get("states",None)
+ # Build statemap
+ if self.states:
+ if not isinstance(self.states,(tuple,list)):
+ self.log.error("states must be defined as a tuple or list")
+ self.error = 1
+ else:
+ for s in self.states:
+ if not isinstance(s,tuple) or len(s) != 2:
+ self.log.error("Invalid state specifier %s. Must be a tuple (statename,'exclusive|inclusive')",repr(s))
+ self.error = 1
+ continue
+ name, statetype = s
+ if not isinstance(name,StringTypes):
+ self.log.error("State name %s must be a string", repr(name))
+ self.error = 1
+ continue
+ if not (statetype == 'inclusive' or statetype == 'exclusive'):
+ self.log.error("State type for state %s must be 'inclusive' or 'exclusive'",name)
+ self.error = 1
+ continue
+ if name in self.stateinfo:
+ self.log.error("State '%s' already defined",name)
+ self.error = 1
+ continue
+ self.stateinfo[name] = statetype
+ # Get all of the symbols with a t_ prefix and sort them into various
+ # categories (functions, strings, error functions, and ignore characters)
+ def get_rules(self):
+ tsymbols = [f for f in self.ldict if f[:2] == 't_' ]
+ # Now build up a list of functions and a list of strings
+ self.toknames = { } # Mapping of symbols to token names
+ self.funcsym = { } # Symbols defined as functions
+ self.strsym = { } # Symbols defined as strings
+ self.ignore = { } # Ignore strings by state
+ self.errorf = { } # Error functions by state
+ for s in self.stateinfo:
+ self.funcsym[s] = []
+ self.strsym[s] = []
+ if len(tsymbols) == 0:
+ self.log.error("No rules of the form t_rulename are defined")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ for f in tsymbols:
+ t = self.ldict[f]
+ states, tokname = _statetoken(f,self.stateinfo)
+ self.toknames[f] = tokname
+ if hasattr(t,"__call__"):
+ if tokname == 'error':
+ for s in states:
+ self.errorf[s] = t
+ elif tokname == 'ignore':
+ line = func_code(t).co_firstlineno
+ file = func_code(t).co_filename
+ self.log.error("%s:%d: Rule '%s' must be defined as a string",file,line,t.__name__)
+ self.error = 1
+ else:
+ for s in states:
+ self.funcsym[s].append((f,t))
+ elif isinstance(t, StringTypes):
+ if tokname == 'ignore':
+ for s in states:
+ self.ignore[s] = t
+ if "\\" in t:
+ self.log.warning("%s contains a literal backslash '\\'",f)
+ elif tokname == 'error':
+ self.log.error("Rule '%s' must be defined as a function", f)
+ self.error = 1
+ else:
+ for s in states:
+ self.strsym[s].append((f,t))
+ else:
+ self.log.error("%s not defined as a function or string", f)
+ self.error = 1
+ # Sort the functions by line number
+ for f in self.funcsym.values():
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ f.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(func_code(x[1]).co_firstlineno,func_code(y[1]).co_firstlineno))
+ else:
+ # Python 3.0
+ f.sort(key=lambda x: func_code(x[1]).co_firstlineno)
+ # Sort the strings by regular expression length
+ for s in self.strsym.values():
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ s.sort(lambda x,y: (len(x[1]) < len(y[1])) - (len(x[1]) > len(y[1])))
+ else:
+ # Python 3.0
+ s.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1]),reverse=True)
+ # Validate all of the t_rules collected
+ def validate_rules(self):
+ for state in self.stateinfo:
+ # Validate all rules defined by functions
+ for fname, f in self.funcsym[state]:
+ line = func_code(f).co_firstlineno
+ file = func_code(f).co_filename
+ self.files[file] = 1
+ tokname = self.toknames[fname]
+ if isinstance(f, types.MethodType):
+ reqargs = 2
+ else:
+ reqargs = 1
+ nargs = func_code(f).co_argcount
+ if nargs > reqargs:
+ self.log.error("%s:%d: Rule '%s' has too many arguments",file,line,f.__name__)
+ self.error = 1
+ continue
+ if nargs < reqargs:
+ self.log.error("%s:%d: Rule '%s' requires an argument", file,line,f.__name__)
+ self.error = 1
+ continue
+ if not f.__doc__:
+ self.log.error("%s:%d: No regular expression defined for rule '%s'",file,line,f.__name__)
+ self.error = 1
+ continue
+ try:
+ c = re.compile("(?P<%s>%s)" % (fname,f.__doc__), re.VERBOSE | self.reflags)
+ if c.match(""):
+ self.log.error("%s:%d: Regular expression for rule '%s' matches empty string", file,line,f.__name__)
+ self.error = 1
+ except re.error:
+ _etype, e, _etrace = sys.exc_info()
+ self.log.error("%s:%d: Invalid regular expression for rule '%s'. %s", file,line,f.__name__,e)
+ if '#' in f.__doc__:
+ self.log.error("%s:%d. Make sure '#' in rule '%s' is escaped with '\\#'",file,line, f.__name__)
+ self.error = 1
+ # Validate all rules defined by strings
+ for name,r in self.strsym[state]:
+ tokname = self.toknames[name]
+ if tokname == 'error':
+ self.log.error("Rule '%s' must be defined as a function", name)
+ self.error = 1
+ continue
+ if not tokname in self.tokens and tokname.find("ignore_") < 0:
+ self.log.error("Rule '%s' defined for an unspecified token %s",name,tokname)
+ self.error = 1
+ continue
+ try:
+ c = re.compile("(?P<%s>%s)" % (name,r),re.VERBOSE | self.reflags)
+ if (c.match("")):
+ self.log.error("Regular expression for rule '%s' matches empty string",name)
+ self.error = 1
+ except re.error:
+ _etype, e, _etrace = sys.exc_info()
+ self.log.error("Invalid regular expression for rule '%s'. %s",name,e)
+ if '#' in r:
+ self.log.error("Make sure '#' in rule '%s' is escaped with '\\#'",name)
+ self.error = 1
+ if not self.funcsym[state] and not self.strsym[state]:
+ self.log.error("No rules defined for state '%s'",state)
+ self.error = 1
+ # Validate the error function
+ efunc = self.errorf.get(state,None)
+ if efunc:
+ f = efunc
+ line = func_code(f).co_firstlineno
+ file = func_code(f).co_filename
+ self.files[file] = 1
+ if isinstance(f, types.MethodType):
+ reqargs = 2
+ else:
+ reqargs = 1
+ nargs = func_code(f).co_argcount
+ if nargs > reqargs:
+ self.log.error("%s:%d: Rule '%s' has too many arguments",file,line,f.__name__)
+ self.error = 1
+ if nargs < reqargs:
+ self.log.error("%s:%d: Rule '%s' requires an argument", file,line,f.__name__)
+ self.error = 1
+ for f in self.files:
+ self.validate_file(f)
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # validate_file()
+ #
+ # This checks to see if there are duplicated t_rulename() functions or strings
+ # in the parser input file. This is done using a simple regular expression
+ # match on each line in the given file.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def validate_file(self,filename):
+ import os.path
+ base,ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ if ext != '.py': return # No idea what the file is. Return OK
+ try:
+ f = open(filename)
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ except IOError:
+ return # Couldn't find the file. Don't worry about it
+ fre = re.compile(r'\s*def\s+(t_[a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\(')
+ sre = re.compile(r'\s*(t_[a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\s*=')
+ counthash = { }
+ linen = 1
+ for l in lines:
+ m = fre.match(l)
+ if not m:
+ m = sre.match(l)
+ if m:
+ name = m.group(1)
+ prev = counthash.get(name)
+ if not prev:
+ counthash[name] = linen
+ else:
+ self.log.error("%s:%d: Rule %s redefined. Previously defined on line %d",filename,linen,name,prev)
+ self.error = 1
+ linen += 1
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# lex(module)
+# Build all of the regular expression rules from definitions in the supplied module
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def lex(module=None,object=None,debug=0,optimize=0,lextab="lextab",reflags=0,nowarn=0,outputdir="", debuglog=None, errorlog=None):
+ global lexer
+ ldict = None
+ stateinfo = { 'INITIAL' : 'inclusive'}
+ lexobj = Lexer()
+ lexobj.lexoptimize = optimize
+ global token,input
+ if errorlog is None:
+ errorlog = PlyLogger(sys.stderr)
+ if debug:
+ if debuglog is None:
+ debuglog = PlyLogger(sys.stderr)
+ # Get the module dictionary used for the lexer
+ if object: module = object
+ if module:
+ _items = [(k,getattr(module,k)) for k in dir(module)]
+ ldict = dict(_items)
+ else:
+ ldict = get_caller_module_dict(2)
+ # Collect parser information from the dictionary
+ linfo = LexerReflect(ldict,log=errorlog,reflags=reflags)
+ linfo.get_all()
+ if not optimize:
+ if linfo.validate_all():
+ raise SyntaxError("Can't build lexer")
+ if optimize and lextab:
+ try:
+ lexobj.readtab(lextab,ldict)
+ token = lexobj.token
+ input = lexobj.input
+ lexer = lexobj
+ return lexobj
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ # Dump some basic debugging information
+ if debug:
+ debuglog.info("lex: tokens = %r", linfo.tokens)
+ debuglog.info("lex: literals = %r", linfo.literals)
+ debuglog.info("lex: states = %r", linfo.stateinfo)
+ # Build a dictionary of valid token names
+ lexobj.lextokens = { }
+ for n in linfo.tokens:
+ lexobj.lextokens[n] = 1
+ # Get literals specification
+ if isinstance(linfo.literals,(list,tuple)):
+ lexobj.lexliterals = type(linfo.literals[0])().join(linfo.literals)
+ else:
+ lexobj.lexliterals = linfo.literals
+ # Get the stateinfo dictionary
+ stateinfo = linfo.stateinfo
+ regexs = { }
+ # Build the master regular expressions
+ for state in stateinfo:
+ regex_list = []
+ # Add rules defined by functions first
+ for fname, f in linfo.funcsym[state]:
+ line = func_code(f).co_firstlineno
+ file = func_code(f).co_filename
+ regex_list.append("(?P<%s>%s)" % (fname,f.__doc__))
+ if debug:
+ debuglog.info("lex: Adding rule %s -> '%s' (state '%s')",fname,f.__doc__, state)
+ # Now add all of the simple rules
+ for name,r in linfo.strsym[state]:
+ regex_list.append("(?P<%s>%s)" % (name,r))
+ if debug:
+ debuglog.info("lex: Adding rule %s -> '%s' (state '%s')",name,r, state)
+ regexs[state] = regex_list
+ # Build the master regular expressions
+ if debug:
+ debuglog.info("lex: ==== MASTER REGEXS FOLLOW ====")
+ for state in regexs:
+ lexre, re_text, re_names = _form_master_re(regexs[state],reflags,ldict,linfo.toknames)
+ lexobj.lexstatere[state] = lexre
+ lexobj.lexstateretext[state] = re_text
+ lexobj.lexstaterenames[state] = re_names
+ if debug:
+ for i in range(len(re_text)):
+ debuglog.info("lex: state '%s' : regex[%d] = '%s'",state, i, re_text[i])
+ # For inclusive states, we need to add the regular expressions from the INITIAL state
+ for state,stype in stateinfo.items():
+ if state != "INITIAL" and stype == 'inclusive':
+ lexobj.lexstatere[state].extend(lexobj.lexstatere['INITIAL'])
+ lexobj.lexstateretext[state].extend(lexobj.lexstateretext['INITIAL'])
+ lexobj.lexstaterenames[state].extend(lexobj.lexstaterenames['INITIAL'])
+ lexobj.lexstateinfo = stateinfo
+ lexobj.lexre = lexobj.lexstatere["INITIAL"]
+ lexobj.lexretext = lexobj.lexstateretext["INITIAL"]
+ # Set up ignore variables
+ lexobj.lexstateignore = linfo.ignore
+ lexobj.lexignore = lexobj.lexstateignore.get("INITIAL","")
+ # Set up error functions
+ lexobj.lexstateerrorf = linfo.errorf
+ lexobj.lexerrorf = linfo.errorf.get("INITIAL",None)
+ if not lexobj.lexerrorf:
+ errorlog.warning("No t_error rule is defined")
+ # Check state information for ignore and error rules
+ for s,stype in stateinfo.items():
+ if stype == 'exclusive':
+ if not s in linfo.errorf:
+ errorlog.warning("No error rule is defined for exclusive state '%s'", s)
+ if not s in linfo.ignore and lexobj.lexignore:
+ errorlog.warning("No ignore rule is defined for exclusive state '%s'", s)
+ elif stype == 'inclusive':
+ if not s in linfo.errorf:
+ linfo.errorf[s] = linfo.errorf.get("INITIAL",None)
+ if not s in linfo.ignore:
+ linfo.ignore[s] = linfo.ignore.get("INITIAL","")
+ # Create global versions of the token() and input() functions
+ token = lexobj.token
+ input = lexobj.input
+ lexer = lexobj
+ # If in optimize mode, we write the lextab
+ if lextab and optimize:
+ lexobj.writetab(lextab,outputdir)
+ return lexobj
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# runmain()
+# This runs the lexer as a main program
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def runmain(lexer=None,data=None):
+ if not data:
+ try:
+ filename = sys.argv[1]
+ f = open(filename)
+ data = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ except IndexError:
+ sys.stdout.write("Reading from standard input (type EOF to end):\n")
+ data = sys.stdin.read()
+ if lexer:
+ _input = lexer.input
+ else:
+ _input = input
+ _input(data)
+ if lexer:
+ _token = lexer.token
+ else:
+ _token = token
+ while 1:
+ tok = _token()
+ if not tok: break
+ sys.stdout.write("(%s,%r,%d,%d)\n" % (tok.type, tok.value, tok.lineno,tok.lexpos))
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @TOKEN(regex)
+# This decorator function can be used to set the regex expression on a function
+# when its docstring might need to be set in an alternative way
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def TOKEN(r):
+ def set_doc(f):
+ if hasattr(r,"__call__"):
+ f.__doc__ = r.__doc__
+ else:
+ f.__doc__ = r
+ return f
+ return set_doc
+# Alternative spelling of the TOKEN decorator
+Token = TOKEN
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/ply/lex.pyc b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/lex.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68a93f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/lex.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/ply/yacc.py b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/yacc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a48c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/yacc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3279 @@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ply: yacc.py
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2009,
+# David M. Beazley (Dabeaz LLC)
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# * Neither the name of the David Beazley or Dabeaz LLC may be used to
+# endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+# specific prior written permission.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This implements an LR parser that is constructed from grammar rules defined
+# as Python functions. The grammer is specified by supplying the BNF inside
+# Python documentation strings. The inspiration for this technique was borrowed
+# from John Aycock's Spark parsing system. PLY might be viewed as cross between
+# Spark and the GNU bison utility.
+# The current implementation is only somewhat object-oriented. The
+# LR parser itself is defined in terms of an object (which allows multiple
+# parsers to co-exist). However, most of the variables used during table
+# construction are defined in terms of global variables. Users shouldn't
+# notice unless they are trying to define multiple parsers at the same
+# time using threads (in which case they should have their head examined).
+# This implementation supports both SLR and LALR(1) parsing. LALR(1)
+# support was originally implemented by Elias Ioup (ezioup@alumni.uchicago.edu),
+# using the algorithm found in Aho, Sethi, and Ullman "Compilers: Principles,
+# Techniques, and Tools" (The Dragon Book). LALR(1) has since been replaced
+# by the more efficient DeRemer and Pennello algorithm.
+# :::::::: WARNING :::::::
+# Construction of LR parsing tables is fairly complicated and expensive.
+# To make this module run fast, a *LOT* of work has been put into
+# optimization---often at the expensive of readability and what might
+# consider to be good Python "coding style." Modify the code at your
+# own risk!
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+__version__ = "3.2"
+__tabversion__ = "3.2" # Table version
+# === User configurable parameters ===
+# Change these to modify the default behavior of yacc (if you wish)
+yaccdebug = 0 # Debugging mode. If set, yacc generates a
+ # a 'parser.out' file in the current directory
+debug_file = 'parser.out' # Default name of the debugging file
+tab_module = 'parsetab' # Default name of the table module
+default_lr = 'LALR' # Default LR table generation method
+error_count = 3 # Number of symbols that must be shifted to leave recovery mode
+yaccdevel = 0 # Set to True if developing yacc. This turns off optimized
+ # implementations of certain functions.
+resultlimit = 40 # Size limit of results when running in debug mode.
+pickle_protocol = 0 # Protocol to use when writing pickle files
+import re, types, sys, os.path
+# Compatibility function for python 2.6/3.0
+if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ def func_code(f):
+ return f.func_code
+ def func_code(f):
+ return f.__code__
+# Compatibility
+ MAXINT = sys.maxint
+except AttributeError:
+ MAXINT = sys.maxsize
+# Python 2.x/3.0 compatibility.
+def load_ply_lex():
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ import lex
+ else:
+ import ply.lex as lex
+ return lex
+# This object is a stand-in for a logging object created by the
+# logging module. PLY will use this by default to create things
+# such as the parser.out file. If a user wants more detailed
+# information, they can create their own logging object and pass
+# it into PLY.
+class PlyLogger(object):
+ def __init__(self,f):
+ self.f = f
+ def debug(self,msg,*args,**kwargs):
+ self.f.write((msg % args) + "\n")
+ info = debug
+ def warning(self,msg,*args,**kwargs):
+ self.f.write("WARNING: "+ (msg % args) + "\n")
+ def error(self,msg,*args,**kwargs):
+ self.f.write("ERROR: " + (msg % args) + "\n")
+ critical = debug
+# Null logger is used when no output is generated. Does nothing.
+class NullLogger(object):
+ def __getattribute__(self,name):
+ return self
+ def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs):
+ return self
+# Exception raised for yacc-related errors
+class YaccError(Exception): pass
+# Format the result message that the parser produces when running in debug mode.
+def format_result(r):
+ repr_str = repr(r)
+ if '\n' in repr_str: repr_str = repr(repr_str)
+ if len(repr_str) > resultlimit:
+ repr_str = repr_str[:resultlimit]+" ..."
+ result = "<%s @ 0x%x> (%s)" % (type(r).__name__,id(r),repr_str)
+ return result
+# Format stack entries when the parser is running in debug mode
+def format_stack_entry(r):
+ repr_str = repr(r)
+ if '\n' in repr_str: repr_str = repr(repr_str)
+ if len(repr_str) < 16:
+ return repr_str
+ else:
+ return "<%s @ 0x%x>" % (type(r).__name__,id(r))
+# === LR Parsing Engine ===
+# The following classes are used for the LR parser itself. These are not
+# used during table construction and are independent of the actual LR
+# table generation algorithm
+# This class is used to hold non-terminal grammar symbols during parsing.
+# It normally has the following attributes set:
+# .type = Grammar symbol type
+# .value = Symbol value
+# .lineno = Starting line number
+# .endlineno = Ending line number (optional, set automatically)
+# .lexpos = Starting lex position
+# .endlexpos = Ending lex position (optional, set automatically)
+class YaccSymbol:
+ def __str__(self): return self.type
+ def __repr__(self): return str(self)
+# This class is a wrapper around the objects actually passed to each
+# grammar rule. Index lookup and assignment actually assign the
+# .value attribute of the underlying YaccSymbol object.
+# The lineno() method returns the line number of a given
+# item (or 0 if not defined). The linespan() method returns
+# a tuple of (startline,endline) representing the range of lines
+# for a symbol. The lexspan() method returns a tuple (lexpos,endlexpos)
+# representing the range of positional information for a symbol.
+class YaccProduction:
+ def __init__(self,s,stack=None):
+ self.slice = s
+ self.stack = stack
+ self.lexer = None
+ self.parser= None
+ def __getitem__(self,n):
+ if n >= 0: return self.slice[n].value
+ else: return self.stack[n].value
+ def __setitem__(self,n,v):
+ self.slice[n].value = v
+ def __getslice__(self,i,j):
+ return [s.value for s in self.slice[i:j]]
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.slice)
+ def lineno(self,n):
+ return getattr(self.slice[n],"lineno",0)
+ def set_lineno(self,n,lineno):
+ self.slice[n].lineno = n
+ def linespan(self,n):
+ startline = getattr(self.slice[n],"lineno",0)
+ endline = getattr(self.slice[n],"endlineno",startline)
+ return startline,endline
+ def lexpos(self,n):
+ return getattr(self.slice[n],"lexpos",0)
+ def lexspan(self,n):
+ startpos = getattr(self.slice[n],"lexpos",0)
+ endpos = getattr(self.slice[n],"endlexpos",startpos)
+ return startpos,endpos
+ def error(self):
+ raise SyntaxError
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# == LRParser ==
+# The LR Parsing engine.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class LRParser:
+ def __init__(self,lrtab,errorf):
+ self.productions = lrtab.lr_productions
+ self.action = lrtab.lr_action
+ self.goto = lrtab.lr_goto
+ self.errorfunc = errorf
+ def errok(self):
+ self.errorok = 1
+ def restart(self):
+ del self.statestack[:]
+ del self.symstack[:]
+ sym = YaccSymbol()
+ sym.type = '$end'
+ self.symstack.append(sym)
+ self.statestack.append(0)
+ def parse(self,input=None,lexer=None,debug=0,tracking=0,tokenfunc=None):
+ lexer.lineno = 0
+ if debug or yaccdevel:
+ if isinstance(debug,int) or not debug:
+ debug = PlyLogger(sys.stderr)
+ return self.parsedebug(input,lexer,debug,tracking,tokenfunc)
+ elif tracking:
+ return self.parseopt(input,lexer,debug,tracking,tokenfunc)
+ else:
+ return self.parseopt_notrack(input,lexer,debug,tracking,tokenfunc)
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ # parsedebug().
+ #
+ # This is the debugging enabled version of parse(). All changes made to the
+ # parsing engine should be made here. For the non-debugging version,
+ # copy this code to a method parseopt() and delete all of the sections
+ # enclosed in:
+ #
+ # #--! DEBUG
+ # statements
+ # #--! DEBUG
+ #
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ def parsedebug(self,input=None,lexer=None,debug=None,tracking=0,tokenfunc=None):
+ lookahead = None # Current lookahead symbol
+ lookaheadstack = [ ] # Stack of lookahead symbols
+ actions = self.action # Local reference to action table (to avoid lookup on self.)
+ goto = self.goto # Local reference to goto table (to avoid lookup on self.)
+ prod = self.productions # Local reference to production list (to avoid lookup on self.)
+ pslice = YaccProduction(None) # Production object passed to grammar rules
+ errorcount = 0 # Used during error recovery
+ # --! DEBUG
+ debug.info("PLY: PARSE DEBUG START")
+ # --! DEBUG
+ # If no lexer was given, we will try to use the lex module
+ if not lexer:
+ lex = load_ply_lex()
+ lexer = lex.lexer
+ # Set up the lexer and parser objects on pslice
+ pslice.lexer = lexer
+ pslice.parser = self
+ # If input was supplied, pass to lexer
+ if input is not None:
+ lexer.input(input)
+ if tokenfunc is None:
+ # Tokenize function
+ get_token = lexer.token
+ else:
+ get_token = tokenfunc
+ # Set up the state and symbol stacks
+ statestack = [ ] # Stack of parsing states
+ self.statestack = statestack
+ symstack = [ ] # Stack of grammar symbols
+ self.symstack = symstack
+ pslice.stack = symstack # Put in the production
+ errtoken = None # Err token
+ # The start state is assumed to be (0,$end)
+ statestack.append(0)
+ sym = YaccSymbol()
+ sym.type = "$end"
+ symstack.append(sym)
+ state = 0
+ while 1:
+ # Get the next symbol on the input. If a lookahead symbol
+ # is already set, we just use that. Otherwise, we'll pull
+ # the next token off of the lookaheadstack or from the lexer
+ # --! DEBUG
+ debug.debug('')
+ debug.debug('State : %s', state)
+ # --! DEBUG
+ if not lookahead:
+ if not lookaheadstack:
+ lookahead = get_token() # Get the next token
+ else:
+ lookahead = lookaheadstack.pop()
+ if not lookahead:
+ lookahead = YaccSymbol()
+ lookahead.type = "$end"
+ # --! DEBUG
+ debug.debug('Stack : %s',
+ ("%s . %s" % (" ".join([xx.type for xx in symstack][1:]), str(lookahead))).lstrip())
+ # --! DEBUG
+ # Check the action table
+ ltype = lookahead.type
+ t = actions[state].get(ltype)
+ if t is not None:
+ if t > 0:
+ # shift a symbol on the stack
+ statestack.append(t)
+ state = t
+ # --! DEBUG
+ debug.debug("Action : Shift and goto state %s", t)
+ # --! DEBUG
+ symstack.append(lookahead)
+ lookahead = None
+ # Decrease error count on successful shift
+ if errorcount: errorcount -=1
+ continue
+ if t < 0:
+ # reduce a symbol on the stack, emit a production
+ p = prod[-t]
+ pname = p.name
+ plen = p.len
+ # Get production function
+ sym = YaccSymbol()
+ sym.type = pname # Production name
+ sym.value = None
+ # --! DEBUG
+ if plen:
+ debug.info("Action : Reduce rule [%s] with %s and goto state %d", p.str, "["+",".join([format_stack_entry(_v.value) for _v in symstack[-plen:]])+"]",-t)
+ else:
+ debug.info("Action : Reduce rule [%s] with %s and goto state %d", p.str, [],-t)
+ # --! DEBUG
+ if plen:
+ targ = symstack[-plen-1:]
+ targ[0] = sym
+ # --! TRACKING
+ if tracking:
+ t1 = targ[1]
+ sym.lineno = t1.lineno
+ sym.lexpos = t1.lexpos
+ t1 = targ[-1]
+ sym.endlineno = getattr(t1,"endlineno",t1.lineno)
+ sym.endlexpos = getattr(t1,"endlexpos",t1.lexpos)
+ # --! TRACKING
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ # The code enclosed in this section is duplicated
+ # below as a performance optimization. Make sure
+ # changes get made in both locations.
+ pslice.slice = targ
+ try:
+ # Call the grammar rule with our special slice object
+ del symstack[-plen:]
+ del statestack[-plen:]
+ p.callable(pslice)
+ # --! DEBUG
+ debug.info("Result : %s", format_result(pslice[0]))
+ # --! DEBUG
+ symstack.append(sym)
+ state = goto[statestack[-1]][pname]
+ statestack.append(state)
+ except SyntaxError:
+ # If an error was set. Enter error recovery state
+ lookaheadstack.append(lookahead)
+ symstack.pop()
+ statestack.pop()
+ state = statestack[-1]
+ sym.type = 'error'
+ lookahead = sym
+ errorcount = error_count
+ self.errorok = 0
+ continue
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ else:
+ # --! TRACKING
+ if tracking:
+ sym.lineno = lexer.lineno
+ sym.lexpos = lexer.lexpos
+ # --! TRACKING
+ targ = [ sym ]
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ # The code enclosed in this section is duplicated
+ # above as a performance optimization. Make sure
+ # changes get made in both locations.
+ pslice.slice = targ
+ try:
+ # Call the grammar rule with our special slice object
+ p.callable(pslice)
+ # --! DEBUG
+ debug.info("Result : %s", format_result(pslice[0]))
+ # --! DEBUG
+ symstack.append(sym)
+ state = goto[statestack[-1]][pname]
+ statestack.append(state)
+ except SyntaxError:
+ # If an error was set. Enter error recovery state
+ lookaheadstack.append(lookahead)
+ symstack.pop()
+ statestack.pop()
+ state = statestack[-1]
+ sym.type = 'error'
+ lookahead = sym
+ errorcount = error_count
+ self.errorok = 0
+ continue
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ if t == 0:
+ n = symstack[-1]
+ result = getattr(n,"value",None)
+ # --! DEBUG
+ debug.info("Done : Returning %s", format_result(result))
+ debug.info("PLY: PARSE DEBUG END")
+ # --! DEBUG
+ return result
+ if t == None:
+ # --! DEBUG
+ debug.error('Error : %s',
+ ("%s . %s" % (" ".join([xx.type for xx in symstack][1:]), str(lookahead))).lstrip())
+ # --! DEBUG
+ # We have some kind of parsing error here. To handle
+ # this, we are going to push the current token onto
+ # the tokenstack and replace it with an 'error' token.
+ # If there are any synchronization rules, they may
+ # catch it.
+ #
+ # In addition to pushing the error token, we call call
+ # the user defined p_error() function if this is the
+ # first syntax error. This function is only called if
+ # errorcount == 0.
+ if errorcount == 0 or self.errorok:
+ errorcount = error_count
+ self.errorok = 0
+ errtoken = lookahead
+ if errtoken.type == "$end":
+ errtoken = None # End of file!
+ if self.errorfunc:
+ global errok,token,restart
+ errok = self.errok # Set some special functions available in error recovery
+ token = get_token
+ restart = self.restart
+ if errtoken and not hasattr(errtoken,'lexer'):
+ errtoken.lexer = lexer
+ tok = self.errorfunc(errtoken)
+ del errok, token, restart # Delete special functions
+ if self.errorok:
+ # User must have done some kind of panic
+ # mode recovery on their own. The
+ # returned token is the next lookahead
+ lookahead = tok
+ errtoken = None
+ continue
+ else:
+ if errtoken:
+ if hasattr(errtoken,"lineno"): lineno = lookahead.lineno
+ else: lineno = 0
+ if lineno:
+ sys.stderr.write("yacc: Syntax error at line %d, token=%s\n" % (lineno, errtoken.type))
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("yacc: Syntax error, token=%s" % errtoken.type)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("yacc: Parse error in input. EOF\n")
+ return
+ else:
+ errorcount = error_count
+ # case 1: the statestack only has 1 entry on it. If we're in this state, the
+ # entire parse has been rolled back and we're completely hosed. The token is
+ # discarded and we just keep going.
+ if len(statestack) <= 1 and lookahead.type != "$end":
+ lookahead = None
+ errtoken = None
+ state = 0
+ # Nuke the pushback stack
+ del lookaheadstack[:]
+ continue
+ # case 2: the statestack has a couple of entries on it, but we're
+ # at the end of the file. nuke the top entry and generate an error token
+ # Start nuking entries on the stack
+ if lookahead.type == "$end":
+ # Whoa. We're really hosed here. Bail out
+ return
+ if lookahead.type != 'error':
+ sym = symstack[-1]
+ if sym.type == 'error':
+ # Hmmm. Error is on top of stack, we'll just nuke input
+ # symbol and continue
+ lookahead = None
+ continue
+ t = YaccSymbol()
+ t.type = 'error'
+ if hasattr(lookahead,"lineno"):
+ t.lineno = lookahead.lineno
+ t.value = lookahead
+ lookaheadstack.append(lookahead)
+ lookahead = t
+ else:
+ symstack.pop()
+ statestack.pop()
+ state = statestack[-1] # Potential bug fix
+ continue
+ # Call an error function here
+ raise RuntimeError("yacc: internal parser error!!!\n")
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ # parseopt().
+ #
+ # Optimized version of parse() method. DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE DIRECTLY.
+ # Edit the debug version above, then copy any modifications to the method
+ # below while removing #--! DEBUG sections.
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ def parseopt(self,input=None,lexer=None,debug=0,tracking=0,tokenfunc=None):
+ lookahead = None # Current lookahead symbol
+ lookaheadstack = [ ] # Stack of lookahead symbols
+ actions = self.action # Local reference to action table (to avoid lookup on self.)
+ goto = self.goto # Local reference to goto table (to avoid lookup on self.)
+ prod = self.productions # Local reference to production list (to avoid lookup on self.)
+ pslice = YaccProduction(None) # Production object passed to grammar rules
+ errorcount = 0 # Used during error recovery
+ # If no lexer was given, we will try to use the lex module
+ if not lexer:
+ lex = load_ply_lex()
+ lexer = lex.lexer
+ # Set up the lexer and parser objects on pslice
+ pslice.lexer = lexer
+ pslice.parser = self
+ # If input was supplied, pass to lexer
+ if input is not None:
+ lexer.input(input)
+ if tokenfunc is None:
+ # Tokenize function
+ get_token = lexer.token
+ else:
+ get_token = tokenfunc
+ # Set up the state and symbol stacks
+ statestack = [ ] # Stack of parsing states
+ self.statestack = statestack
+ symstack = [ ] # Stack of grammar symbols
+ self.symstack = symstack
+ pslice.stack = symstack # Put in the production
+ errtoken = None # Err token
+ # The start state is assumed to be (0,$end)
+ statestack.append(0)
+ sym = YaccSymbol()
+ sym.type = '$end'
+ symstack.append(sym)
+ state = 0
+ while 1:
+ # Get the next symbol on the input. If a lookahead symbol
+ # is already set, we just use that. Otherwise, we'll pull
+ # the next token off of the lookaheadstack or from the lexer
+ if not lookahead:
+ if not lookaheadstack:
+ lookahead = get_token() # Get the next token
+ else:
+ lookahead = lookaheadstack.pop()
+ if not lookahead:
+ lookahead = YaccSymbol()
+ lookahead.type = '$end'
+ # Check the action table
+ ltype = lookahead.type
+ t = actions[state].get(ltype)
+ if t is not None:
+ if t > 0:
+ # shift a symbol on the stack
+ statestack.append(t)
+ state = t
+ symstack.append(lookahead)
+ lookahead = None
+ # Decrease error count on successful shift
+ if errorcount: errorcount -=1
+ continue
+ if t < 0:
+ # reduce a symbol on the stack, emit a production
+ p = prod[-t]
+ pname = p.name
+ plen = p.len
+ # Get production function
+ sym = YaccSymbol()
+ sym.type = pname # Production name
+ sym.value = None
+ if plen:
+ targ = symstack[-plen-1:]
+ targ[0] = sym
+ # --! TRACKING
+ if tracking:
+ t1 = targ[1]
+ sym.lineno = t1.lineno
+ sym.lexpos = t1.lexpos
+ t1 = targ[-1]
+ sym.endlineno = getattr(t1,"endlineno",t1.lineno)
+ sym.endlexpos = getattr(t1,"endlexpos",t1.lexpos)
+ # --! TRACKING
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ # The code enclosed in this section is duplicated
+ # below as a performance optimization. Make sure
+ # changes get made in both locations.
+ pslice.slice = targ
+ try:
+ # Call the grammar rule with our special slice object
+ del symstack[-plen:]
+ del statestack[-plen:]
+ p.callable(pslice)
+ symstack.append(sym)
+ state = goto[statestack[-1]][pname]
+ statestack.append(state)
+ except SyntaxError:
+ # If an error was set. Enter error recovery state
+ lookaheadstack.append(lookahead)
+ symstack.pop()
+ statestack.pop()
+ state = statestack[-1]
+ sym.type = 'error'
+ lookahead = sym
+ errorcount = error_count
+ self.errorok = 0
+ continue
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ else:
+ # --! TRACKING
+ if tracking:
+ sym.lineno = lexer.lineno
+ sym.lexpos = lexer.lexpos
+ # --! TRACKING
+ targ = [ sym ]
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ # The code enclosed in this section is duplicated
+ # above as a performance optimization. Make sure
+ # changes get made in both locations.
+ pslice.slice = targ
+ try:
+ # Call the grammar rule with our special slice object
+ p.callable(pslice)
+ symstack.append(sym)
+ state = goto[statestack[-1]][pname]
+ statestack.append(state)
+ except SyntaxError:
+ # If an error was set. Enter error recovery state
+ lookaheadstack.append(lookahead)
+ symstack.pop()
+ statestack.pop()
+ state = statestack[-1]
+ sym.type = 'error'
+ lookahead = sym
+ errorcount = error_count
+ self.errorok = 0
+ continue
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ if t == 0:
+ n = symstack[-1]
+ return getattr(n,"value",None)
+ if t == None:
+ # We have some kind of parsing error here. To handle
+ # this, we are going to push the current token onto
+ # the tokenstack and replace it with an 'error' token.
+ # If there are any synchronization rules, they may
+ # catch it.
+ #
+ # In addition to pushing the error token, we call call
+ # the user defined p_error() function if this is the
+ # first syntax error. This function is only called if
+ # errorcount == 0.
+ if errorcount == 0 or self.errorok:
+ errorcount = error_count
+ self.errorok = 0
+ errtoken = lookahead
+ if errtoken.type == '$end':
+ errtoken = None # End of file!
+ if self.errorfunc:
+ global errok,token,restart
+ errok = self.errok # Set some special functions available in error recovery
+ token = get_token
+ restart = self.restart
+ if errtoken and not hasattr(errtoken,'lexer'):
+ errtoken.lexer = lexer
+ tok = self.errorfunc(errtoken)
+ del errok, token, restart # Delete special functions
+ if self.errorok:
+ # User must have done some kind of panic
+ # mode recovery on their own. The
+ # returned token is the next lookahead
+ lookahead = tok
+ errtoken = None
+ continue
+ else:
+ if errtoken:
+ if hasattr(errtoken,"lineno"): lineno = lookahead.lineno
+ else: lineno = 0
+ if lineno:
+ sys.stderr.write("yacc: Syntax error at line %d, token=%s\n" % (lineno, errtoken.type))
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("yacc: Syntax error, token=%s" % errtoken.type)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("yacc: Parse error in input. EOF\n")
+ return
+ else:
+ errorcount = error_count
+ # case 1: the statestack only has 1 entry on it. If we're in this state, the
+ # entire parse has been rolled back and we're completely hosed. The token is
+ # discarded and we just keep going.
+ if len(statestack) <= 1 and lookahead.type != '$end':
+ lookahead = None
+ errtoken = None
+ state = 0
+ # Nuke the pushback stack
+ del lookaheadstack[:]
+ continue
+ # case 2: the statestack has a couple of entries on it, but we're
+ # at the end of the file. nuke the top entry and generate an error token
+ # Start nuking entries on the stack
+ if lookahead.type == '$end':
+ # Whoa. We're really hosed here. Bail out
+ return
+ if lookahead.type != 'error':
+ sym = symstack[-1]
+ if sym.type == 'error':
+ # Hmmm. Error is on top of stack, we'll just nuke input
+ # symbol and continue
+ lookahead = None
+ continue
+ t = YaccSymbol()
+ t.type = 'error'
+ if hasattr(lookahead,"lineno"):
+ t.lineno = lookahead.lineno
+ t.value = lookahead
+ lookaheadstack.append(lookahead)
+ lookahead = t
+ else:
+ symstack.pop()
+ statestack.pop()
+ state = statestack[-1] # Potential bug fix
+ continue
+ # Call an error function here
+ raise RuntimeError("yacc: internal parser error!!!\n")
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ # parseopt_notrack().
+ #
+ # Optimized version of parseopt() with line number tracking removed.
+ # DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE DIRECTLY. Copy the optimized version and remove
+ # code in the #--! TRACKING sections
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ def parseopt_notrack(self,input=None,lexer=None,debug=0,tracking=0,tokenfunc=None):
+ lookahead = None # Current lookahead symbol
+ lookaheadstack = [ ] # Stack of lookahead symbols
+ actions = self.action # Local reference to action table (to avoid lookup on self.)
+ goto = self.goto # Local reference to goto table (to avoid lookup on self.)
+ prod = self.productions # Local reference to production list (to avoid lookup on self.)
+ pslice = YaccProduction(None) # Production object passed to grammar rules
+ errorcount = 0 # Used during error recovery
+ # If no lexer was given, we will try to use the lex module
+ if not lexer:
+ lex = load_ply_lex()
+ lexer = lex.lexer
+ # Set up the lexer and parser objects on pslice
+ pslice.lexer = lexer
+ pslice.parser = self
+ # If input was supplied, pass to lexer
+ if input is not None:
+ lexer.input(input)
+ if tokenfunc is None:
+ # Tokenize function
+ get_token = lexer.token
+ else:
+ get_token = tokenfunc
+ # Set up the state and symbol stacks
+ statestack = [ ] # Stack of parsing states
+ self.statestack = statestack
+ symstack = [ ] # Stack of grammar symbols
+ self.symstack = symstack
+ pslice.stack = symstack # Put in the production
+ errtoken = None # Err token
+ # The start state is assumed to be (0,$end)
+ statestack.append(0)
+ sym = YaccSymbol()
+ sym.type = '$end'
+ symstack.append(sym)
+ state = 0
+ while 1:
+ # Get the next symbol on the input. If a lookahead symbol
+ # is already set, we just use that. Otherwise, we'll pull
+ # the next token off of the lookaheadstack or from the lexer
+ if not lookahead:
+ if not lookaheadstack:
+ lookahead = get_token() # Get the next token
+ else:
+ lookahead = lookaheadstack.pop()
+ if not lookahead:
+ lookahead = YaccSymbol()
+ lookahead.type = '$end'
+ # Check the action table
+ ltype = lookahead.type
+ t = actions[state].get(ltype)
+ if t is not None:
+ if t > 0:
+ # shift a symbol on the stack
+ statestack.append(t)
+ state = t
+ symstack.append(lookahead)
+ lookahead = None
+ # Decrease error count on successful shift
+ if errorcount: errorcount -=1
+ continue
+ if t < 0:
+ # reduce a symbol on the stack, emit a production
+ p = prod[-t]
+ pname = p.name
+ plen = p.len
+ # Get production function
+ sym = YaccSymbol()
+ sym.type = pname # Production name
+ sym.value = None
+ if plen:
+ targ = symstack[-plen-1:]
+ targ[0] = sym
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ # The code enclosed in this section is duplicated
+ # below as a performance optimization. Make sure
+ # changes get made in both locations.
+ pslice.slice = targ
+ try:
+ # Call the grammar rule with our special slice object
+ del symstack[-plen:]
+ del statestack[-plen:]
+ p.callable(pslice)
+ symstack.append(sym)
+ state = goto[statestack[-1]][pname]
+ statestack.append(state)
+ except SyntaxError:
+ # If an error was set. Enter error recovery state
+ lookaheadstack.append(lookahead)
+ symstack.pop()
+ statestack.pop()
+ state = statestack[-1]
+ sym.type = 'error'
+ lookahead = sym
+ errorcount = error_count
+ self.errorok = 0
+ continue
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ else:
+ targ = [ sym ]
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ # The code enclosed in this section is duplicated
+ # above as a performance optimization. Make sure
+ # changes get made in both locations.
+ pslice.slice = targ
+ try:
+ # Call the grammar rule with our special slice object
+ p.callable(pslice)
+ symstack.append(sym)
+ state = goto[statestack[-1]][pname]
+ statestack.append(state)
+ except SyntaxError:
+ # If an error was set. Enter error recovery state
+ lookaheadstack.append(lookahead)
+ symstack.pop()
+ statestack.pop()
+ state = statestack[-1]
+ sym.type = 'error'
+ lookahead = sym
+ errorcount = error_count
+ self.errorok = 0
+ continue
+ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ if t == 0:
+ n = symstack[-1]
+ return getattr(n,"value",None)
+ if t == None:
+ # We have some kind of parsing error here. To handle
+ # this, we are going to push the current token onto
+ # the tokenstack and replace it with an 'error' token.
+ # If there are any synchronization rules, they may
+ # catch it.
+ #
+ # In addition to pushing the error token, we call call
+ # the user defined p_error() function if this is the
+ # first syntax error. This function is only called if
+ # errorcount == 0.
+ if errorcount == 0 or self.errorok:
+ errorcount = error_count
+ self.errorok = 0
+ errtoken = lookahead
+ if errtoken.type == '$end':
+ errtoken = None # End of file!
+ if self.errorfunc:
+ global errok,token,restart
+ errok = self.errok # Set some special functions available in error recovery
+ token = get_token
+ restart = self.restart
+ if errtoken and not hasattr(errtoken,'lexer'):
+ errtoken.lexer = lexer
+ tok = self.errorfunc(errtoken)
+ del errok, token, restart # Delete special functions
+ if self.errorok:
+ # User must have done some kind of panic
+ # mode recovery on their own. The
+ # returned token is the next lookahead
+ lookahead = tok
+ errtoken = None
+ continue
+ else:
+ if errtoken:
+ if hasattr(errtoken,"lineno"): lineno = lookahead.lineno
+ else: lineno = 0
+ if lineno:
+ sys.stderr.write("yacc: Syntax error at line %d, token=%s\n" % (lineno, errtoken.type))
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("yacc: Syntax error, token=%s" % errtoken.type)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("yacc: Parse error in input. EOF\n")
+ return
+ else:
+ errorcount = error_count
+ # case 1: the statestack only has 1 entry on it. If we're in this state, the
+ # entire parse has been rolled back and we're completely hosed. The token is
+ # discarded and we just keep going.
+ if len(statestack) <= 1 and lookahead.type != '$end':
+ lookahead = None
+ errtoken = None
+ state = 0
+ # Nuke the pushback stack
+ del lookaheadstack[:]
+ continue
+ # case 2: the statestack has a couple of entries on it, but we're
+ # at the end of the file. nuke the top entry and generate an error token
+ # Start nuking entries on the stack
+ if lookahead.type == '$end':
+ # Whoa. We're really hosed here. Bail out
+ return
+ if lookahead.type != 'error':
+ sym = symstack[-1]
+ if sym.type == 'error':
+ # Hmmm. Error is on top of stack, we'll just nuke input
+ # symbol and continue
+ lookahead = None
+ continue
+ t = YaccSymbol()
+ t.type = 'error'
+ if hasattr(lookahead,"lineno"):
+ t.lineno = lookahead.lineno
+ t.value = lookahead
+ lookaheadstack.append(lookahead)
+ lookahead = t
+ else:
+ symstack.pop()
+ statestack.pop()
+ state = statestack[-1] # Potential bug fix
+ continue
+ # Call an error function here
+ raise RuntimeError("yacc: internal parser error!!!\n")
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# === Grammar Representation ===
+# The following functions, classes, and variables are used to represent and
+# manipulate the rules that make up a grammar.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import re
+# regex matching identifiers
+_is_identifier = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$')
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# class Production:
+# This class stores the raw information about a single production or grammar rule.
+# A grammar rule refers to a specification such as this:
+# expr : expr PLUS term
+# Here are the basic attributes defined on all productions
+# name - Name of the production. For example 'expr'
+# prod - A list of symbols on the right side ['expr','PLUS','term']
+# prec - Production precedence level
+# number - Production number.
+# func - Function that executes on reduce
+# file - File where production function is defined
+# lineno - Line number where production function is defined
+# The following attributes are defined or optional.
+# len - Length of the production (number of symbols on right hand side)
+# usyms - Set of unique symbols found in the production
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Production(object):
+ reduced = 0
+ def __init__(self,number,name,prod,precedence=('right',0),func=None,file='',line=0):
+ self.name = name
+ self.prod = tuple(prod)
+ self.number = number
+ self.func = func
+ self.callable = None
+ self.file = file
+ self.line = line
+ self.prec = precedence
+ # Internal settings used during table construction
+ self.len = len(self.prod) # Length of the production
+ # Create a list of unique production symbols used in the production
+ self.usyms = [ ]
+ for s in self.prod:
+ if s not in self.usyms:
+ self.usyms.append(s)
+ # List of all LR items for the production
+ self.lr_items = []
+ self.lr_next = None
+ # Create a string representation
+ if self.prod:
+ self.str = "%s -> %s" % (self.name," ".join(self.prod))
+ else:
+ self.str = "%s -> <empty>" % self.name
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.str
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Production("+str(self)+")"
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.prod)
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return 1
+ def __getitem__(self,index):
+ return self.prod[index]
+ # Return the nth lr_item from the production (or None if at the end)
+ def lr_item(self,n):
+ if n > len(self.prod): return None
+ p = LRItem(self,n)
+ # Precompute the list of productions immediately following. Hack. Remove later
+ try:
+ p.lr_after = Prodnames[p.prod[n+1]]
+ except (IndexError,KeyError):
+ p.lr_after = []
+ try:
+ p.lr_before = p.prod[n-1]
+ except IndexError:
+ p.lr_before = None
+ return p
+ # Bind the production function name to a callable
+ def bind(self,pdict):
+ if self.func:
+ self.callable = pdict[self.func]
+# This class serves as a minimal standin for Production objects when
+# reading table data from files. It only contains information
+# actually used by the LR parsing engine, plus some additional
+# debugging information.
+class MiniProduction(object):
+ def __init__(self,str,name,len,func,file,line):
+ self.name = name
+ self.len = len
+ self.func = func
+ self.callable = None
+ self.file = file
+ self.line = line
+ self.str = str
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.str
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "MiniProduction(%s)" % self.str
+ # Bind the production function name to a callable
+ def bind(self,pdict):
+ if self.func:
+ self.callable = pdict[self.func]
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# class LRItem
+# This class represents a specific stage of parsing a production rule. For
+# example:
+# expr : expr . PLUS term
+# In the above, the "." represents the current location of the parse. Here
+# basic attributes:
+# name - Name of the production. For example 'expr'
+# prod - A list of symbols on the right side ['expr','.', 'PLUS','term']
+# number - Production number.
+# lr_next Next LR item. Example, if we are ' expr -> expr . PLUS term'
+# then lr_next refers to 'expr -> expr PLUS . term'
+# lr_index - LR item index (location of the ".") in the prod list.
+# lookaheads - LALR lookahead symbols for this item
+# len - Length of the production (number of symbols on right hand side)
+# lr_after - List of all productions that immediately follow
+# lr_before - Grammar symbol immediately before
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class LRItem(object):
+ def __init__(self,p,n):
+ self.name = p.name
+ self.prod = list(p.prod)
+ self.number = p.number
+ self.lr_index = n
+ self.lookaheads = { }
+ self.prod.insert(n,".")
+ self.prod = tuple(self.prod)
+ self.len = len(self.prod)
+ self.usyms = p.usyms
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.prod:
+ s = "%s -> %s" % (self.name," ".join(self.prod))
+ else:
+ s = "%s -> <empty>" % self.name
+ return s
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "LRItem("+str(self)+")"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# rightmost_terminal()
+# Return the rightmost terminal from a list of symbols. Used in add_production()
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def rightmost_terminal(symbols, terminals):
+ i = len(symbols) - 1
+ while i >= 0:
+ if symbols[i] in terminals:
+ return symbols[i]
+ i -= 1
+ return None
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# === GRAMMAR CLASS ===
+# The following class represents the contents of the specified grammar along
+# with various computed properties such as first sets, follow sets, LR items, etc.
+# This data is used for critical parts of the table generation process later.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class GrammarError(YaccError): pass
+class Grammar(object):
+ def __init__(self,terminals):
+ self.Productions = [None] # A list of all of the productions. The first
+ # entry is always reserved for the purpose of
+ # building an augmented grammar
+ self.Prodnames = { } # A dictionary mapping the names of nonterminals to a list of all
+ # productions of that nonterminal.
+ self.Prodmap = { } # A dictionary that is only used to detect duplicate
+ # productions.
+ self.Terminals = { } # A dictionary mapping the names of terminal symbols to a
+ # list of the rules where they are used.
+ for term in terminals:
+ self.Terminals[term] = []
+ self.Terminals['error'] = []
+ self.Nonterminals = { } # A dictionary mapping names of nonterminals to a list
+ # of rule numbers where they are used.
+ self.First = { } # A dictionary of precomputed FIRST(x) symbols
+ self.Follow = { } # A dictionary of precomputed FOLLOW(x) symbols
+ self.Precedence = { } # Precedence rules for each terminal. Contains tuples of the
+ # form ('right',level) or ('nonassoc', level) or ('left',level)
+ self.UsedPrecedence = { } # Precedence rules that were actually used by the grammer.
+ # This is only used to provide error checking and to generate
+ # a warning about unused precedence rules.
+ self.Start = None # Starting symbol for the grammar
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.Productions)
+ def __getitem__(self,index):
+ return self.Productions[index]
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # set_precedence()
+ #
+ # Sets the precedence for a given terminal. assoc is the associativity such as
+ # 'left','right', or 'nonassoc'. level is a numeric level.
+ #
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def set_precedence(self,term,assoc,level):
+ assert self.Productions == [None],"Must call set_precedence() before add_production()"
+ if term in self.Precedence:
+ raise GrammarError("Precedence already specified for terminal '%s'" % term)
+ if assoc not in ['left','right','nonassoc']:
+ raise GrammarError("Associativity must be one of 'left','right', or 'nonassoc'")
+ self.Precedence[term] = (assoc,level)
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # add_production()
+ #
+ # Given an action function, this function assembles a production rule and
+ # computes its precedence level.
+ #
+ # The production rule is supplied as a list of symbols. For example,
+ # a rule such as 'expr : expr PLUS term' has a production name of 'expr' and
+ # symbols ['expr','PLUS','term'].
+ #
+ # Precedence is determined by the precedence of the right-most non-terminal
+ # or the precedence of a terminal specified by %prec.
+ #
+ # A variety of error checks are performed to make sure production symbols
+ # are valid and that %prec is used correctly.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def add_production(self,prodname,syms,func=None,file='',line=0):
+ if prodname in self.Terminals:
+ raise GrammarError("%s:%d: Illegal rule name '%s'. Already defined as a token" % (file,line,prodname))
+ if prodname == 'error':
+ raise GrammarError("%s:%d: Illegal rule name '%s'. error is a reserved word" % (file,line,prodname))
+ if not _is_identifier.match(prodname):
+ raise GrammarError("%s:%d: Illegal rule name '%s'" % (file,line,prodname))
+ # Look for literal tokens
+ for n,s in enumerate(syms):
+ if s[0] in "'\"":
+ try:
+ c = eval(s)
+ if (len(c) > 1):
+ raise GrammarError("%s:%d: Literal token %s in rule '%s' may only be a single character" % (file,line,s, prodname))
+ if not c in self.Terminals:
+ self.Terminals[c] = []
+ syms[n] = c
+ continue
+ except SyntaxError:
+ pass
+ if not _is_identifier.match(s) and s != '%prec':
+ raise GrammarError("%s:%d: Illegal name '%s' in rule '%s'" % (file,line,s, prodname))
+ # Determine the precedence level
+ if '%prec' in syms:
+ if syms[-1] == '%prec':
+ raise GrammarError("%s:%d: Syntax error. Nothing follows %%prec" % (file,line))
+ if syms[-2] != '%prec':
+ raise GrammarError("%s:%d: Syntax error. %%prec can only appear at the end of a grammar rule" % (file,line))
+ precname = syms[-1]
+ prodprec = self.Precedence.get(precname,None)
+ if not prodprec:
+ raise GrammarError("%s:%d: Nothing known about the precedence of '%s'" % (file,line,precname))
+ else:
+ self.UsedPrecedence[precname] = 1
+ del syms[-2:] # Drop %prec from the rule
+ else:
+ # If no %prec, precedence is determined by the rightmost terminal symbol
+ precname = rightmost_terminal(syms,self.Terminals)
+ prodprec = self.Precedence.get(precname,('right',0))
+ # See if the rule is already in the rulemap
+ map = "%s -> %s" % (prodname,syms)
+ if map in self.Prodmap:
+ m = self.Prodmap[map]
+ raise GrammarError("%s:%d: Duplicate rule %s. " % (file,line, m) +
+ "Previous definition at %s:%d" % (m.file, m.line))
+ # From this point on, everything is valid. Create a new Production instance
+ pnumber = len(self.Productions)
+ if not prodname in self.Nonterminals:
+ self.Nonterminals[prodname] = [ ]
+ # Add the production number to Terminals and Nonterminals
+ for t in syms:
+ if t in self.Terminals:
+ self.Terminals[t].append(pnumber)
+ else:
+ if not t in self.Nonterminals:
+ self.Nonterminals[t] = [ ]
+ self.Nonterminals[t].append(pnumber)
+ # Create a production and add it to the list of productions
+ p = Production(pnumber,prodname,syms,prodprec,func,file,line)
+ self.Productions.append(p)
+ self.Prodmap[map] = p
+ # Add to the global productions list
+ try:
+ self.Prodnames[prodname].append(p)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.Prodnames[prodname] = [ p ]
+ return 0
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # set_start()
+ #
+ # Sets the starting symbol and creates the augmented grammar. Production
+ # rule 0 is S' -> start where start is the start symbol.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def set_start(self,start=None):
+ if not start:
+ start = self.Productions[1].name
+ if start not in self.Nonterminals:
+ raise GrammarError("start symbol %s undefined" % start)
+ self.Productions[0] = Production(0,"S'",[start])
+ self.Nonterminals[start].append(0)
+ self.Start = start
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # find_unreachable()
+ #
+ # Find all of the nonterminal symbols that can't be reached from the starting
+ # symbol. Returns a list of nonterminals that can't be reached.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def find_unreachable(self):
+ # Mark all symbols that are reachable from a symbol s
+ def mark_reachable_from(s):
+ if reachable[s]:
+ # We've already reached symbol s.
+ return
+ reachable[s] = 1
+ for p in self.Prodnames.get(s,[]):
+ for r in p.prod:
+ mark_reachable_from(r)
+ reachable = { }
+ for s in list(self.Terminals) + list(self.Nonterminals):
+ reachable[s] = 0
+ mark_reachable_from( self.Productions[0].prod[0] )
+ return [s for s in list(self.Nonterminals)
+ if not reachable[s]]
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # infinite_cycles()
+ #
+ # This function looks at the various parsing rules and tries to detect
+ # infinite recursion cycles (grammar rules where there is no possible way
+ # to derive a string of only terminals).
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def infinite_cycles(self):
+ terminates = {}
+ # Terminals:
+ for t in self.Terminals:
+ terminates[t] = 1
+ terminates['$end'] = 1
+ # Nonterminals:
+ # Initialize to false:
+ for n in self.Nonterminals:
+ terminates[n] = 0
+ # Then propagate termination until no change:
+ while 1:
+ some_change = 0
+ for (n,pl) in self.Prodnames.items():
+ # Nonterminal n terminates iff any of its productions terminates.
+ for p in pl:
+ # Production p terminates iff all of its rhs symbols terminate.
+ for s in p.prod:
+ if not terminates[s]:
+ # The symbol s does not terminate,
+ # so production p does not terminate.
+ p_terminates = 0
+ break
+ else:
+ # didn't break from the loop,
+ # so every symbol s terminates
+ # so production p terminates.
+ p_terminates = 1
+ if p_terminates:
+ # symbol n terminates!
+ if not terminates[n]:
+ terminates[n] = 1
+ some_change = 1
+ # Don't need to consider any more productions for this n.
+ break
+ if not some_change:
+ break
+ infinite = []
+ for (s,term) in terminates.items():
+ if not term:
+ if not s in self.Prodnames and not s in self.Terminals and s != 'error':
+ # s is used-but-not-defined, and we've already warned of that,
+ # so it would be overkill to say that it's also non-terminating.
+ pass
+ else:
+ infinite.append(s)
+ return infinite
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # undefined_symbols()
+ #
+ # Find all symbols that were used the grammar, but not defined as tokens or
+ # grammar rules. Returns a list of tuples (sym, prod) where sym in the symbol
+ # and prod is the production where the symbol was used.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def undefined_symbols(self):
+ result = []
+ for p in self.Productions:
+ if not p: continue
+ for s in p.prod:
+ if not s in self.Prodnames and not s in self.Terminals and s != 'error':
+ result.append((s,p))
+ return result
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # unused_terminals()
+ #
+ # Find all terminals that were defined, but not used by the grammar. Returns
+ # a list of all symbols.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def unused_terminals(self):
+ unused_tok = []
+ for s,v in self.Terminals.items():
+ if s != 'error' and not v:
+ unused_tok.append(s)
+ return unused_tok
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # unused_rules()
+ #
+ # Find all grammar rules that were defined, but not used (maybe not reachable)
+ # Returns a list of productions.
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def unused_rules(self):
+ unused_prod = []
+ for s,v in self.Nonterminals.items():
+ if not v:
+ p = self.Prodnames[s][0]
+ unused_prod.append(p)
+ return unused_prod
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # unused_precedence()
+ #
+ # Returns a list of tuples (term,precedence) corresponding to precedence
+ # rules that were never used by the grammar. term is the name of the terminal
+ # on which precedence was applied and precedence is a string such as 'left' or
+ # 'right' corresponding to the type of precedence.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def unused_precedence(self):
+ unused = []
+ for termname in self.Precedence:
+ if not (termname in self.Terminals or termname in self.UsedPrecedence):
+ unused.append((termname,self.Precedence[termname][0]))
+ return unused
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # _first()
+ #
+ # Compute the value of FIRST1(beta) where beta is a tuple of symbols.
+ #
+ # During execution of compute_first1, the result may be incomplete.
+ # Afterward (e.g., when called from compute_follow()), it will be complete.
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _first(self,beta):
+ # We are computing First(x1,x2,x3,...,xn)
+ result = [ ]
+ for x in beta:
+ x_produces_empty = 0
+ # Add all the non-<empty> symbols of First[x] to the result.
+ for f in self.First[x]:
+ if f == '<empty>':
+ x_produces_empty = 1
+ else:
+ if f not in result: result.append(f)
+ if x_produces_empty:
+ # We have to consider the next x in beta,
+ # i.e. stay in the loop.
+ pass
+ else:
+ # We don't have to consider any further symbols in beta.
+ break
+ else:
+ # There was no 'break' from the loop,
+ # so x_produces_empty was true for all x in beta,
+ # so beta produces empty as well.
+ result.append('<empty>')
+ return result
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # compute_first()
+ #
+ # Compute the value of FIRST1(X) for all symbols
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def compute_first(self):
+ if self.First:
+ return self.First
+ # Terminals:
+ for t in self.Terminals:
+ self.First[t] = [t]
+ self.First['$end'] = ['$end']
+ # Nonterminals:
+ # Initialize to the empty set:
+ for n in self.Nonterminals:
+ self.First[n] = []
+ # Then propagate symbols until no change:
+ while 1:
+ some_change = 0
+ for n in self.Nonterminals:
+ for p in self.Prodnames[n]:
+ for f in self._first(p.prod):
+ if f not in self.First[n]:
+ self.First[n].append( f )
+ some_change = 1
+ if not some_change:
+ break
+ return self.First
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # compute_follow()
+ #
+ # Computes all of the follow sets for every non-terminal symbol. The
+ # follow set is the set of all symbols that might follow a given
+ # non-terminal. See the Dragon book, 2nd Ed. p. 189.
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def compute_follow(self,start=None):
+ # If already computed, return the result
+ if self.Follow:
+ return self.Follow
+ # If first sets not computed yet, do that first.
+ if not self.First:
+ self.compute_first()
+ # Add '$end' to the follow list of the start symbol
+ for k in self.Nonterminals:
+ self.Follow[k] = [ ]
+ if not start:
+ start = self.Productions[1].name
+ self.Follow[start] = [ '$end' ]
+ while 1:
+ didadd = 0
+ for p in self.Productions[1:]:
+ # Here is the production set
+ for i in range(len(p.prod)):
+ B = p.prod[i]
+ if B in self.Nonterminals:
+ # Okay. We got a non-terminal in a production
+ fst = self._first(p.prod[i+1:])
+ hasempty = 0
+ for f in fst:
+ if f != '<empty>' and f not in self.Follow[B]:
+ self.Follow[B].append(f)
+ didadd = 1
+ if f == '<empty>':
+ hasempty = 1
+ if hasempty or i == (len(p.prod)-1):
+ # Add elements of follow(a) to follow(b)
+ for f in self.Follow[p.name]:
+ if f not in self.Follow[B]:
+ self.Follow[B].append(f)
+ didadd = 1
+ if not didadd: break
+ return self.Follow
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # build_lritems()
+ #
+ # This function walks the list of productions and builds a complete set of the
+ # LR items. The LR items are stored in two ways: First, they are uniquely
+ # numbered and placed in the list _lritems. Second, a linked list of LR items
+ # is built for each production. For example:
+ #
+ # E -> E PLUS E
+ #
+ # Creates the list
+ #
+ # [E -> . E PLUS E, E -> E . PLUS E, E -> E PLUS . E, E -> E PLUS E . ]
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def build_lritems(self):
+ for p in self.Productions:
+ lastlri = p
+ i = 0
+ lr_items = []
+ while 1:
+ if i > len(p):
+ lri = None
+ else:
+ lri = LRItem(p,i)
+ # Precompute the list of productions immediately following
+ try:
+ lri.lr_after = self.Prodnames[lri.prod[i+1]]
+ except (IndexError,KeyError):
+ lri.lr_after = []
+ try:
+ lri.lr_before = lri.prod[i-1]
+ except IndexError:
+ lri.lr_before = None
+ lastlri.lr_next = lri
+ if not lri: break
+ lr_items.append(lri)
+ lastlri = lri
+ i += 1
+ p.lr_items = lr_items
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# == Class LRTable ==
+# This basic class represents a basic table of LR parsing information.
+# Methods for generating the tables are not defined here. They are defined
+# in the derived class LRGeneratedTable.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class VersionError(YaccError): pass
+class LRTable(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.lr_action = None
+ self.lr_goto = None
+ self.lr_productions = None
+ self.lr_method = None
+ def read_table(self,module):
+ if isinstance(module,types.ModuleType):
+ parsetab = module
+ else:
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ exec("import %s as parsetab" % module)
+ else:
+ env = { }
+ exec("import %s as parsetab" % module, env, env)
+ parsetab = env['parsetab']
+ if parsetab._tabversion != __tabversion__:
+ raise VersionError("yacc table file version is out of date")
+ self.lr_action = parsetab._lr_action
+ self.lr_goto = parsetab._lr_goto
+ self.lr_productions = []
+ for p in parsetab._lr_productions:
+ self.lr_productions.append(MiniProduction(*p))
+ self.lr_method = parsetab._lr_method
+ return parsetab._lr_signature
+ def read_pickle(self,filename):
+ try:
+ import cPickle as pickle
+ except ImportError:
+ import pickle
+ in_f = open(filename,"rb")
+ tabversion = pickle.load(in_f)
+ if tabversion != __tabversion__:
+ raise VersionError("yacc table file version is out of date")
+ self.lr_method = pickle.load(in_f)
+ signature = pickle.load(in_f)
+ self.lr_action = pickle.load(in_f)
+ self.lr_goto = pickle.load(in_f)
+ productions = pickle.load(in_f)
+ self.lr_productions = []
+ for p in productions:
+ self.lr_productions.append(MiniProduction(*p))
+ in_f.close()
+ return signature
+ # Bind all production function names to callable objects in pdict
+ def bind_callables(self,pdict):
+ for p in self.lr_productions:
+ p.bind(pdict)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# === LR Generator ===
+# The following classes and functions are used to generate LR parsing tables on
+# a grammar.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# digraph()
+# traverse()
+# The following two functions are used to compute set valued functions
+# of the form:
+# F(x) = F'(x) U U{F(y) | x R y}
+# This is used to compute the values of Read() sets as well as FOLLOW sets
+# in LALR(1) generation.
+# Inputs: X - An input set
+# R - A relation
+# FP - Set-valued function
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def digraph(X,R,FP):
+ N = { }
+ for x in X:
+ N[x] = 0
+ stack = []
+ F = { }
+ for x in X:
+ if N[x] == 0: traverse(x,N,stack,F,X,R,FP)
+ return F
+def traverse(x,N,stack,F,X,R,FP):
+ stack.append(x)
+ d = len(stack)
+ N[x] = d
+ F[x] = FP(x) # F(X) <- F'(x)
+ rel = R(x) # Get y's related to x
+ for y in rel:
+ if N[y] == 0:
+ traverse(y,N,stack,F,X,R,FP)
+ N[x] = min(N[x],N[y])
+ for a in F.get(y,[]):
+ if a not in F[x]: F[x].append(a)
+ if N[x] == d:
+ N[stack[-1]] = MAXINT
+ F[stack[-1]] = F[x]
+ element = stack.pop()
+ while element != x:
+ N[stack[-1]] = MAXINT
+ F[stack[-1]] = F[x]
+ element = stack.pop()
+class LALRError(YaccError): pass
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# == LRGeneratedTable ==
+# This class implements the LR table generation algorithm. There are no
+# public methods except for write()
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class LRGeneratedTable(LRTable):
+ def __init__(self,grammar,method='LALR',log=None):
+ if method not in ['SLR','LALR']:
+ raise LALRError("Unsupported method %s" % method)
+ self.grammar = grammar
+ self.lr_method = method
+ # Set up the logger
+ if not log:
+ log = NullLogger()
+ self.log = log
+ # Internal attributes
+ self.lr_action = {} # Action table
+ self.lr_goto = {} # Goto table
+ self.lr_productions = grammar.Productions # Copy of grammar Production array
+ self.lr_goto_cache = {} # Cache of computed gotos
+ self.lr0_cidhash = {} # Cache of closures
+ self._add_count = 0 # Internal counter used to detect cycles
+ # Diagonistic information filled in by the table generator
+ self.sr_conflict = 0
+ self.rr_conflict = 0
+ self.conflicts = [] # List of conflicts
+ self.sr_conflicts = []
+ self.rr_conflicts = []
+ # Build the tables
+ self.grammar.build_lritems()
+ self.grammar.compute_first()
+ self.grammar.compute_follow()
+ self.lr_parse_table()
+ # Compute the LR(0) closure operation on I, where I is a set of LR(0) items.
+ def lr0_closure(self,I):
+ self._add_count += 1
+ # Add everything in I to J
+ J = I[:]
+ didadd = 1
+ while didadd:
+ didadd = 0
+ for j in J:
+ for x in j.lr_after:
+ if getattr(x,"lr0_added",0) == self._add_count: continue
+ # Add B --> .G to J
+ J.append(x.lr_next)
+ x.lr0_added = self._add_count
+ didadd = 1
+ return J
+ # Compute the LR(0) goto function goto(I,X) where I is a set
+ # of LR(0) items and X is a grammar symbol. This function is written
+ # in a way that guarantees uniqueness of the generated goto sets
+ # (i.e. the same goto set will never be returned as two different Python
+ # objects). With uniqueness, we can later do fast set comparisons using
+ # id(obj) instead of element-wise comparison.
+ def lr0_goto(self,I,x):
+ # First we look for a previously cached entry
+ g = self.lr_goto_cache.get((id(I),x),None)
+ if g: return g
+ # Now we generate the goto set in a way that guarantees uniqueness
+ # of the result
+ s = self.lr_goto_cache.get(x,None)
+ if not s:
+ s = { }
+ self.lr_goto_cache[x] = s
+ gs = [ ]
+ for p in I:
+ n = p.lr_next
+ if n and n.lr_before == x:
+ s1 = s.get(id(n),None)
+ if not s1:
+ s1 = { }
+ s[id(n)] = s1
+ gs.append(n)
+ s = s1
+ g = s.get('$end',None)
+ if not g:
+ if gs:
+ g = self.lr0_closure(gs)
+ s['$end'] = g
+ else:
+ s['$end'] = gs
+ self.lr_goto_cache[(id(I),x)] = g
+ return g
+ # Compute the LR(0) sets of item function
+ def lr0_items(self):
+ C = [ self.lr0_closure([self.grammar.Productions[0].lr_next]) ]
+ i = 0
+ for I in C:
+ self.lr0_cidhash[id(I)] = i
+ i += 1
+ # Loop over the items in C and each grammar symbols
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(C):
+ I = C[i]
+ i += 1
+ # Collect all of the symbols that could possibly be in the goto(I,X) sets
+ asyms = { }
+ for ii in I:
+ for s in ii.usyms:
+ asyms[s] = None
+ for x in asyms:
+ g = self.lr0_goto(I,x)
+ if not g: continue
+ if id(g) in self.lr0_cidhash: continue
+ self.lr0_cidhash[id(g)] = len(C)
+ C.append(g)
+ return C
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # ==== LALR(1) Parsing ====
+ #
+ # LALR(1) parsing is almost exactly the same as SLR except that instead of
+ # relying upon Follow() sets when performing reductions, a more selective
+ # lookahead set that incorporates the state of the LR(0) machine is utilized.
+ # Thus, we mainly just have to focus on calculating the lookahead sets.
+ #
+ # The method used here is due to DeRemer and Pennelo (1982).
+ #
+ # DeRemer, F. L., and T. J. Pennelo: "Efficient Computation of LALR(1)
+ # Lookahead Sets", ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems,
+ # Vol. 4, No. 4, Oct. 1982, pp. 615-649
+ #
+ # Further details can also be found in:
+ #
+ # J. Tremblay and P. Sorenson, "The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing",
+ # McGraw-Hill Book Company, (1985).
+ #
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # compute_nullable_nonterminals()
+ #
+ # Creates a dictionary containing all of the non-terminals that might produce
+ # an empty production.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def compute_nullable_nonterminals(self):
+ nullable = {}
+ num_nullable = 0
+ while 1:
+ for p in self.grammar.Productions[1:]:
+ if p.len == 0:
+ nullable[p.name] = 1
+ continue
+ for t in p.prod:
+ if not t in nullable: break
+ else:
+ nullable[p.name] = 1
+ if len(nullable) == num_nullable: break
+ num_nullable = len(nullable)
+ return nullable
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # find_nonterminal_trans(C)
+ #
+ # Given a set of LR(0) items, this functions finds all of the non-terminal
+ # transitions. These are transitions in which a dot appears immediately before
+ # a non-terminal. Returns a list of tuples of the form (state,N) where state
+ # is the state number and N is the nonterminal symbol.
+ #
+ # The input C is the set of LR(0) items.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def find_nonterminal_transitions(self,C):
+ trans = []
+ for state in range(len(C)):
+ for p in C[state]:
+ if p.lr_index < p.len - 1:
+ t = (state,p.prod[p.lr_index+1])
+ if t[1] in self.grammar.Nonterminals:
+ if t not in trans: trans.append(t)
+ state = state + 1
+ return trans
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # dr_relation()
+ #
+ # Computes the DR(p,A) relationships for non-terminal transitions. The input
+ # is a tuple (state,N) where state is a number and N is a nonterminal symbol.
+ #
+ # Returns a list of terminals.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def dr_relation(self,C,trans,nullable):
+ dr_set = { }
+ state,N = trans
+ terms = []
+ g = self.lr0_goto(C[state],N)
+ for p in g:
+ if p.lr_index < p.len - 1:
+ a = p.prod[p.lr_index+1]
+ if a in self.grammar.Terminals:
+ if a not in terms: terms.append(a)
+ # This extra bit is to handle the start state
+ if state == 0 and N == self.grammar.Productions[0].prod[0]:
+ terms.append('$end')
+ return terms
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # reads_relation()
+ #
+ # Computes the READS() relation (p,A) READS (t,C).
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def reads_relation(self,C, trans, empty):
+ # Look for empty transitions
+ rel = []
+ state, N = trans
+ g = self.lr0_goto(C[state],N)
+ j = self.lr0_cidhash.get(id(g),-1)
+ for p in g:
+ if p.lr_index < p.len - 1:
+ a = p.prod[p.lr_index + 1]
+ if a in empty:
+ rel.append((j,a))
+ return rel
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # compute_lookback_includes()
+ #
+ # Determines the lookback and includes relations
+ #
+ #
+ # This relation is determined by running the LR(0) state machine forward.
+ # For example, starting with a production "N : . A B C", we run it forward
+ # to obtain "N : A B C ." We then build a relationship between this final
+ # state and the starting state. These relationships are stored in a dictionary
+ # lookdict.
+ #
+ #
+ # Computes the INCLUDE() relation (p,A) INCLUDES (p',B).
+ #
+ # This relation is used to determine non-terminal transitions that occur
+ # inside of other non-terminal transition states. (p,A) INCLUDES (p', B)
+ # if the following holds:
+ #
+ # B -> LAT, where T -> epsilon and p' -L-> p
+ #
+ # L is essentially a prefix (which may be empty), T is a suffix that must be
+ # able to derive an empty string. State p' must lead to state p with the string L.
+ #
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def compute_lookback_includes(self,C,trans,nullable):
+ lookdict = {} # Dictionary of lookback relations
+ includedict = {} # Dictionary of include relations
+ # Make a dictionary of non-terminal transitions
+ dtrans = {}
+ for t in trans:
+ dtrans[t] = 1
+ # Loop over all transitions and compute lookbacks and includes
+ for state,N in trans:
+ lookb = []
+ includes = []
+ for p in C[state]:
+ if p.name != N: continue
+ # Okay, we have a name match. We now follow the production all the way
+ # through the state machine until we get the . on the right hand side
+ lr_index = p.lr_index
+ j = state
+ while lr_index < p.len - 1:
+ lr_index = lr_index + 1
+ t = p.prod[lr_index]
+ # Check to see if this symbol and state are a non-terminal transition
+ if (j,t) in dtrans:
+ # Yes. Okay, there is some chance that this is an includes relation
+ # the only way to know for certain is whether the rest of the
+ # production derives empty
+ li = lr_index + 1
+ while li < p.len:
+ if p.prod[li] in self.grammar.Terminals: break # No forget it
+ if not p.prod[li] in nullable: break
+ li = li + 1
+ else:
+ # Appears to be a relation between (j,t) and (state,N)
+ includes.append((j,t))
+ g = self.lr0_goto(C[j],t) # Go to next set
+ j = self.lr0_cidhash.get(id(g),-1) # Go to next state
+ # When we get here, j is the final state, now we have to locate the production
+ for r in C[j]:
+ if r.name != p.name: continue
+ if r.len != p.len: continue
+ i = 0
+ # This look is comparing a production ". A B C" with "A B C ."
+ while i < r.lr_index:
+ if r.prod[i] != p.prod[i+1]: break
+ i = i + 1
+ else:
+ lookb.append((j,r))
+ for i in includes:
+ if not i in includedict: includedict[i] = []
+ includedict[i].append((state,N))
+ lookdict[(state,N)] = lookb
+ return lookdict,includedict
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # compute_read_sets()
+ #
+ # Given a set of LR(0) items, this function computes the read sets.
+ #
+ # Inputs: C = Set of LR(0) items
+ # ntrans = Set of nonterminal transitions
+ # nullable = Set of empty transitions
+ #
+ # Returns a set containing the read sets
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def compute_read_sets(self,C, ntrans, nullable):
+ FP = lambda x: self.dr_relation(C,x,nullable)
+ R = lambda x: self.reads_relation(C,x,nullable)
+ F = digraph(ntrans,R,FP)
+ return F
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # compute_follow_sets()
+ #
+ # Given a set of LR(0) items, a set of non-terminal transitions, a readset,
+ # and an include set, this function computes the follow sets
+ #
+ # Follow(p,A) = Read(p,A) U U {Follow(p',B) | (p,A) INCLUDES (p',B)}
+ #
+ # Inputs:
+ # ntrans = Set of nonterminal transitions
+ # readsets = Readset (previously computed)
+ # inclsets = Include sets (previously computed)
+ #
+ # Returns a set containing the follow sets
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def compute_follow_sets(self,ntrans,readsets,inclsets):
+ FP = lambda x: readsets[x]
+ R = lambda x: inclsets.get(x,[])
+ F = digraph(ntrans,R,FP)
+ return F
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # add_lookaheads()
+ #
+ # Attaches the lookahead symbols to grammar rules.
+ #
+ # Inputs: lookbacks - Set of lookback relations
+ # followset - Computed follow set
+ #
+ # This function directly attaches the lookaheads to productions contained
+ # in the lookbacks set
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def add_lookaheads(self,lookbacks,followset):
+ for trans,lb in lookbacks.items():
+ # Loop over productions in lookback
+ for state,p in lb:
+ if not state in p.lookaheads:
+ p.lookaheads[state] = []
+ f = followset.get(trans,[])
+ for a in f:
+ if a not in p.lookaheads[state]: p.lookaheads[state].append(a)
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # add_lalr_lookaheads()
+ #
+ # This function does all of the work of adding lookahead information for use
+ # with LALR parsing
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def add_lalr_lookaheads(self,C):
+ # Determine all of the nullable nonterminals
+ nullable = self.compute_nullable_nonterminals()
+ # Find all non-terminal transitions
+ trans = self.find_nonterminal_transitions(C)
+ # Compute read sets
+ readsets = self.compute_read_sets(C,trans,nullable)
+ # Compute lookback/includes relations
+ lookd, included = self.compute_lookback_includes(C,trans,nullable)
+ # Compute LALR FOLLOW sets
+ followsets = self.compute_follow_sets(trans,readsets,included)
+ # Add all of the lookaheads
+ self.add_lookaheads(lookd,followsets)
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # lr_parse_table()
+ #
+ # This function constructs the parse tables for SLR or LALR
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def lr_parse_table(self):
+ Productions = self.grammar.Productions
+ Precedence = self.grammar.Precedence
+ goto = self.lr_goto # Goto array
+ action = self.lr_action # Action array
+ log = self.log # Logger for output
+ actionp = { } # Action production array (temporary)
+ log.info("Parsing method: %s", self.lr_method)
+ # Step 1: Construct C = { I0, I1, ... IN}, collection of LR(0) items
+ # This determines the number of states
+ C = self.lr0_items()
+ if self.lr_method == 'LALR':
+ self.add_lalr_lookaheads(C)
+ # Build the parser table, state by state
+ st = 0
+ for I in C:
+ # Loop over each production in I
+ actlist = [ ] # List of actions
+ st_action = { }
+ st_actionp = { }
+ st_goto = { }
+ log.info("")
+ log.info("state %d", st)
+ log.info("")
+ for p in I:
+ log.info(" (%d) %s", p.number, str(p))
+ log.info("")
+ for p in I:
+ if p.len == p.lr_index + 1:
+ if p.name == "S'":
+ # Start symbol. Accept!
+ st_action["$end"] = 0
+ st_actionp["$end"] = p
+ else:
+ # We are at the end of a production. Reduce!
+ if self.lr_method == 'LALR':
+ laheads = p.lookaheads[st]
+ else:
+ laheads = self.grammar.Follow[p.name]
+ for a in laheads:
+ actlist.append((a,p,"reduce using rule %d (%s)" % (p.number,p)))
+ r = st_action.get(a,None)
+ if r is not None:
+ # Whoa. Have a shift/reduce or reduce/reduce conflict
+ if r > 0:
+ # Need to decide on shift or reduce here
+ # By default we favor shifting. Need to add
+ # some precedence rules here.
+ sprec,slevel = Productions[st_actionp[a].number].prec
+ rprec,rlevel = Precedence.get(a,('right',0))
+ if (slevel < rlevel) or ((slevel == rlevel) and (rprec == 'left')):
+ # We really need to reduce here.
+ st_action[a] = -p.number
+ st_actionp[a] = p
+ if not slevel and not rlevel:
+ log.info(" ! shift/reduce conflict for %s resolved as reduce",a)
+ self.sr_conflicts.append((st,a,'reduce'))
+ Productions[p.number].reduced += 1
+ elif (slevel == rlevel) and (rprec == 'nonassoc'):
+ st_action[a] = None
+ else:
+ # Hmmm. Guess we'll keep the shift
+ if not rlevel:
+ log.info(" ! shift/reduce conflict for %s resolved as shift",a)
+ self.sr_conflicts.append((st,a,'shift'))
+ elif r < 0:
+ # Reduce/reduce conflict. In this case, we favor the rule
+ # that was defined first in the grammar file
+ oldp = Productions[-r]
+ pp = Productions[p.number]
+ if oldp.line > pp.line:
+ st_action[a] = -p.number
+ st_actionp[a] = p
+ chosenp,rejectp = pp,oldp
+ Productions[p.number].reduced += 1
+ Productions[oldp.number].reduced -= 1
+ else:
+ chosenp,rejectp = oldp,pp
+ self.rr_conflicts.append((st,chosenp,rejectp))
+ log.info(" ! reduce/reduce conflict for %s resolved using rule %d (%s)", a,st_actionp[a].number, st_actionp[a])
+ else:
+ raise LALRError("Unknown conflict in state %d" % st)
+ else:
+ st_action[a] = -p.number
+ st_actionp[a] = p
+ Productions[p.number].reduced += 1
+ else:
+ i = p.lr_index
+ a = p.prod[i+1] # Get symbol right after the "."
+ if a in self.grammar.Terminals:
+ g = self.lr0_goto(I,a)
+ j = self.lr0_cidhash.get(id(g),-1)
+ if j >= 0:
+ # We are in a shift state
+ actlist.append((a,p,"shift and go to state %d" % j))
+ r = st_action.get(a,None)
+ if r is not None:
+ # Whoa have a shift/reduce or shift/shift conflict
+ if r > 0:
+ if r != j:
+ raise LALRError("Shift/shift conflict in state %d" % st)
+ elif r < 0:
+ # Do a precedence check.
+ # - if precedence of reduce rule is higher, we reduce.
+ # - if precedence of reduce is same and left assoc, we reduce.
+ # - otherwise we shift
+ rprec,rlevel = Productions[st_actionp[a].number].prec
+ sprec,slevel = Precedence.get(a,('right',0))
+ if (slevel > rlevel) or ((slevel == rlevel) and (rprec == 'right')):
+ # We decide to shift here... highest precedence to shift
+ Productions[st_actionp[a].number].reduced -= 1
+ st_action[a] = j
+ st_actionp[a] = p
+ if not rlevel:
+ log.info(" ! shift/reduce conflict for %s resolved as shift",a)
+ self.sr_conflicts.append((st,a,'shift'))
+ elif (slevel == rlevel) and (rprec == 'nonassoc'):
+ st_action[a] = None
+ else:
+ # Hmmm. Guess we'll keep the reduce
+ if not slevel and not rlevel:
+ log.info(" ! shift/reduce conflict for %s resolved as reduce",a)
+ self.sr_conflicts.append((st,a,'reduce'))
+ else:
+ raise LALRError("Unknown conflict in state %d" % st)
+ else:
+ st_action[a] = j
+ st_actionp[a] = p
+ # Print the actions associated with each terminal
+ _actprint = { }
+ for a,p,m in actlist:
+ if a in st_action:
+ if p is st_actionp[a]:
+ log.info(" %-15s %s",a,m)
+ _actprint[(a,m)] = 1
+ log.info("")
+ # Print the actions that were not used. (debugging)
+ not_used = 0
+ for a,p,m in actlist:
+ if a in st_action:
+ if p is not st_actionp[a]:
+ if not (a,m) in _actprint:
+ log.debug(" ! %-15s [ %s ]",a,m)
+ not_used = 1
+ _actprint[(a,m)] = 1
+ if not_used:
+ log.debug("")
+ # Construct the goto table for this state
+ nkeys = { }
+ for ii in I:
+ for s in ii.usyms:
+ if s in self.grammar.Nonterminals:
+ nkeys[s] = None
+ for n in nkeys:
+ g = self.lr0_goto(I,n)
+ j = self.lr0_cidhash.get(id(g),-1)
+ if j >= 0:
+ st_goto[n] = j
+ log.info(" %-30s shift and go to state %d",n,j)
+ action[st] = st_action
+ actionp[st] = st_actionp
+ goto[st] = st_goto
+ st += 1
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # write()
+ #
+ # This function writes the LR parsing tables to a file
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def write_table(self,modulename,outputdir='',signature=""):
+ basemodulename = modulename.split(".")[-1]
+ filename = os.path.join(outputdir,basemodulename) + ".py"
+ try:
+ f = open(filename,"w")
+ f.write("""
+# %s
+# This file is automatically generated. Do not edit.
+_tabversion = %r
+_lr_method = %r
+_lr_signature = %r
+ """ % (filename, __tabversion__, self.lr_method, signature))
+ # Change smaller to 0 to go back to original tables
+ smaller = 1
+ # Factor out names to try and make smaller
+ if smaller:
+ items = { }
+ for s,nd in self.lr_action.items():
+ for name,v in nd.items():
+ i = items.get(name)
+ if not i:
+ i = ([],[])
+ items[name] = i
+ i[0].append(s)
+ i[1].append(v)
+ f.write("\n_lr_action_items = {")
+ for k,v in items.items():
+ f.write("%r:([" % k)
+ for i in v[0]:
+ f.write("%r," % i)
+ f.write("],[")
+ for i in v[1]:
+ f.write("%r," % i)
+ f.write("]),")
+ f.write("}\n")
+ f.write("""
+_lr_action = { }
+for _k, _v in _lr_action_items.items():
+ for _x,_y in zip(_v[0],_v[1]):
+ if not _x in _lr_action: _lr_action[_x] = { }
+ _lr_action[_x][_k] = _y
+del _lr_action_items
+ else:
+ f.write("\n_lr_action = { ");
+ for k,v in self.lr_action.items():
+ f.write("(%r,%r):%r," % (k[0],k[1],v))
+ f.write("}\n");
+ if smaller:
+ # Factor out names to try and make smaller
+ items = { }
+ for s,nd in self.lr_goto.items():
+ for name,v in nd.items():
+ i = items.get(name)
+ if not i:
+ i = ([],[])
+ items[name] = i
+ i[0].append(s)
+ i[1].append(v)
+ f.write("\n_lr_goto_items = {")
+ for k,v in items.items():
+ f.write("%r:([" % k)
+ for i in v[0]:
+ f.write("%r," % i)
+ f.write("],[")
+ for i in v[1]:
+ f.write("%r," % i)
+ f.write("]),")
+ f.write("}\n")
+ f.write("""
+_lr_goto = { }
+for _k, _v in _lr_goto_items.items():
+ for _x,_y in zip(_v[0],_v[1]):
+ if not _x in _lr_goto: _lr_goto[_x] = { }
+ _lr_goto[_x][_k] = _y
+del _lr_goto_items
+ else:
+ f.write("\n_lr_goto = { ");
+ for k,v in self.lr_goto.items():
+ f.write("(%r,%r):%r," % (k[0],k[1],v))
+ f.write("}\n");
+ # Write production table
+ f.write("_lr_productions = [\n")
+ for p in self.lr_productions:
+ if p.func:
+ f.write(" (%r,%r,%d,%r,%r,%d),\n" % (p.str,p.name, p.len, p.func,p.file,p.line))
+ else:
+ f.write(" (%r,%r,%d,None,None,None),\n" % (str(p),p.name, p.len))
+ f.write("]\n")
+ f.close()
+ except IOError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to create '%s'\n" % filename)
+ sys.stderr.write(str(e)+"\n")
+ return
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # pickle_table()
+ #
+ # This function pickles the LR parsing tables to a supplied file object
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def pickle_table(self,filename,signature=""):
+ try:
+ import cPickle as pickle
+ except ImportError:
+ import pickle
+ outf = open(filename,"wb")
+ pickle.dump(__tabversion__,outf,pickle_protocol)
+ pickle.dump(self.lr_method,outf,pickle_protocol)
+ pickle.dump(signature,outf,pickle_protocol)
+ pickle.dump(self.lr_action,outf,pickle_protocol)
+ pickle.dump(self.lr_goto,outf,pickle_protocol)
+ outp = []
+ for p in self.lr_productions:
+ if p.func:
+ outp.append((p.str,p.name, p.len, p.func,p.file,p.line))
+ else:
+ outp.append((str(p),p.name,p.len,None,None,None))
+ pickle.dump(outp,outf,pickle_protocol)
+ outf.close()
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# The following functions and classes are used to implement the PLY
+# introspection features followed by the yacc() function itself.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# get_caller_module_dict()
+# This function returns a dictionary containing all of the symbols defined within
+# a caller further down the call stack. This is used to get the environment
+# associated with the yacc() call if none was provided.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_caller_module_dict(levels):
+ try:
+ raise RuntimeError
+ except RuntimeError:
+ e,b,t = sys.exc_info()
+ f = t.tb_frame
+ while levels > 0:
+ f = f.f_back
+ levels -= 1
+ ldict = f.f_globals.copy()
+ if f.f_globals != f.f_locals:
+ ldict.update(f.f_locals)
+ return ldict
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# parse_grammar()
+# This takes a raw grammar rule string and parses it into production data
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def parse_grammar(doc,file,line):
+ grammar = []
+ # Split the doc string into lines
+ pstrings = doc.splitlines()
+ lastp = None
+ dline = line
+ for ps in pstrings:
+ dline += 1
+ p = ps.split()
+ if not p: continue
+ try:
+ if p[0] == '|':
+ # This is a continuation of a previous rule
+ if not lastp:
+ raise SyntaxError("%s:%d: Misplaced '|'" % (file,dline))
+ prodname = lastp
+ syms = p[1:]
+ else:
+ prodname = p[0]
+ lastp = prodname
+ syms = p[2:]
+ assign = p[1]
+ if assign != ':' and assign != '::=':
+ raise SyntaxError("%s:%d: Syntax error. Expected ':'" % (file,dline))
+ grammar.append((file,dline,prodname,syms))
+ except SyntaxError:
+ raise
+ except Exception:
+ raise SyntaxError("%s:%d: Syntax error in rule '%s'" % (file,dline,ps.strip()))
+ return grammar
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ParserReflect()
+# This class represents information extracted for building a parser including
+# start symbol, error function, tokens, precedence list, action functions,
+# etc.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ParserReflect(object):
+ def __init__(self,pdict,log=None):
+ self.pdict = pdict
+ self.start = None
+ self.error_func = None
+ self.tokens = None
+ self.files = {}
+ self.grammar = []
+ self.error = 0
+ if log is None:
+ self.log = PlyLogger(sys.stderr)
+ else:
+ self.log = log
+ # Get all of the basic information
+ def get_all(self):
+ self.get_start()
+ self.get_error_func()
+ self.get_tokens()
+ self.get_precedence()
+ self.get_pfunctions()
+ # Validate all of the information
+ def validate_all(self):
+ self.validate_start()
+ self.validate_error_func()
+ self.validate_tokens()
+ self.validate_precedence()
+ self.validate_pfunctions()
+ self.validate_files()
+ return self.error
+ # Compute a signature over the grammar
+ def signature(self):
+ try:
+ from hashlib import md5
+ except ImportError:
+ from md5 import md5
+ try:
+ sig = md5()
+ if self.start:
+ sig.update(self.start.encode('latin-1'))
+ if self.prec:
+ sig.update("".join(["".join(p) for p in self.prec]).encode('latin-1'))
+ if self.tokens:
+ sig.update(" ".join(self.tokens).encode('latin-1'))
+ for f in self.pfuncs:
+ if f[3]:
+ sig.update(f[3].encode('latin-1'))
+ except (TypeError,ValueError):
+ pass
+ return sig.digest()
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # validate_file()
+ #
+ # This method checks to see if there are duplicated p_rulename() functions
+ # in the parser module file. Without this function, it is really easy for
+ # users to make mistakes by cutting and pasting code fragments (and it's a real
+ # bugger to try and figure out why the resulting parser doesn't work). Therefore,
+ # we just do a little regular expression pattern matching of def statements
+ # to try and detect duplicates.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def validate_files(self):
+ # Match def p_funcname(
+ fre = re.compile(r'\s*def\s+(p_[a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\(')
+ for filename in self.files.keys():
+ base,ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ if ext != '.py': return 1 # No idea. Assume it's okay.
+ try:
+ f = open(filename)
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ except IOError:
+ continue
+ counthash = { }
+ for linen,l in enumerate(lines):
+ linen += 1
+ m = fre.match(l)
+ if m:
+ name = m.group(1)
+ prev = counthash.get(name)
+ if not prev:
+ counthash[name] = linen
+ else:
+ self.log.warning("%s:%d: Function %s redefined. Previously defined on line %d", filename,linen,name,prev)
+ # Get the start symbol
+ def get_start(self):
+ self.start = self.pdict.get('start')
+ # Validate the start symbol
+ def validate_start(self):
+ if self.start is not None:
+ if not isinstance(self.start,str):
+ self.log.error("'start' must be a string")
+ # Look for error handler
+ def get_error_func(self):
+ self.error_func = self.pdict.get('p_error')
+ # Validate the error function
+ def validate_error_func(self):
+ if self.error_func:
+ if isinstance(self.error_func,types.FunctionType):
+ ismethod = 0
+ elif isinstance(self.error_func, types.MethodType):
+ ismethod = 1
+ else:
+ self.log.error("'p_error' defined, but is not a function or method")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ eline = func_code(self.error_func).co_firstlineno
+ efile = func_code(self.error_func).co_filename
+ self.files[efile] = 1
+ if (func_code(self.error_func).co_argcount != 1+ismethod):
+ self.log.error("%s:%d: p_error() requires 1 argument",efile,eline)
+ self.error = 1
+ # Get the tokens map
+ def get_tokens(self):
+ tokens = self.pdict.get("tokens",None)
+ if not tokens:
+ self.log.error("No token list is defined")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ if not isinstance(tokens,(list, tuple)):
+ self.log.error("tokens must be a list or tuple")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ if not tokens:
+ self.log.error("tokens is empty")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ self.tokens = tokens
+ # Validate the tokens
+ def validate_tokens(self):
+ # Validate the tokens.
+ if 'error' in self.tokens:
+ self.log.error("Illegal token name 'error'. Is a reserved word")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ terminals = {}
+ for n in self.tokens:
+ if n in terminals:
+ self.log.warning("Token '%s' multiply defined", n)
+ terminals[n] = 1
+ # Get the precedence map (if any)
+ def get_precedence(self):
+ self.prec = self.pdict.get("precedence",None)
+ # Validate and parse the precedence map
+ def validate_precedence(self):
+ preclist = []
+ if self.prec:
+ if not isinstance(self.prec,(list,tuple)):
+ self.log.error("precedence must be a list or tuple")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ for level,p in enumerate(self.prec):
+ if not isinstance(p,(list,tuple)):
+ self.log.error("Bad precedence table")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ if len(p) < 2:
+ self.log.error("Malformed precedence entry %s. Must be (assoc, term, ..., term)",p)
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ assoc = p[0]
+ if not isinstance(assoc,str):
+ self.log.error("precedence associativity must be a string")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ for term in p[1:]:
+ if not isinstance(term,str):
+ self.log.error("precedence items must be strings")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ preclist.append((term,assoc,level+1))
+ self.preclist = preclist
+ # Get all p_functions from the grammar
+ def get_pfunctions(self):
+ p_functions = []
+ for name, item in self.pdict.items():
+ if name[:2] != 'p_': continue
+ if name == 'p_error': continue
+ if isinstance(item,(types.FunctionType,types.MethodType)):
+ line = func_code(item).co_firstlineno
+ file = func_code(item).co_filename
+ p_functions.append((line,file,name,item.__doc__))
+ # Sort all of the actions by line number
+ p_functions.sort()
+ self.pfuncs = p_functions
+ # Validate all of the p_functions
+ def validate_pfunctions(self):
+ grammar = []
+ # Check for non-empty symbols
+ if len(self.pfuncs) == 0:
+ self.log.error("no rules of the form p_rulename are defined")
+ self.error = 1
+ return
+ for line, file, name, doc in self.pfuncs:
+ func = self.pdict[name]
+ if isinstance(func, types.MethodType):
+ reqargs = 2
+ else:
+ reqargs = 1
+ if func_code(func).co_argcount > reqargs:
+ self.log.error("%s:%d: Rule '%s' has too many arguments",file,line,func.__name__)
+ self.error = 1
+ elif func_code(func).co_argcount < reqargs:
+ self.log.error("%s:%d: Rule '%s' requires an argument",file,line,func.__name__)
+ self.error = 1
+ elif not func.__doc__:
+ self.log.warning("%s:%d: No documentation string specified in function '%s' (ignored)",file,line,func.__name__)
+ else:
+ try:
+ parsed_g = parse_grammar(doc,file,line)
+ for g in parsed_g:
+ grammar.append((name, g))
+ except SyntaxError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.log.error(str(e))
+ self.error = 1
+ # Looks like a valid grammar rule
+ # Mark the file in which defined.
+ self.files[file] = 1
+ # Secondary validation step that looks for p_ definitions that are not functions
+ # or functions that look like they might be grammar rules.
+ for n,v in self.pdict.items():
+ if n[0:2] == 'p_' and isinstance(v, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)): continue
+ if n[0:2] == 't_': continue
+ if n[0:2] == 'p_' and n != 'p_error':
+ self.log.warning("'%s' not defined as a function", n)
+ if ((isinstance(v,types.FunctionType) and func_code(v).co_argcount == 1) or
+ (isinstance(v,types.MethodType) and func_code(v).co_argcount == 2)):
+ try:
+ doc = v.__doc__.split(" ")
+ if doc[1] == ':':
+ self.log.warning("%s:%d: Possible grammar rule '%s' defined without p_ prefix",
+ func_code(v).co_filename, func_code(v).co_firstlineno,n)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ self.grammar = grammar
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# yacc(module)
+# Build a parser
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def yacc(method='LALR', debug=yaccdebug, module=None, tabmodule=tab_module, start=None,
+ check_recursion=1, optimize=0, write_tables=1, debugfile=debug_file,outputdir='',
+ debuglog=None, errorlog = None, picklefile=None):
+ global parse # Reference to the parsing method of the last built parser
+ # If pickling is enabled, table files are not created
+ if picklefile:
+ write_tables = 0
+ if errorlog is None:
+ errorlog = PlyLogger(sys.stderr)
+ # Get the module dictionary used for the parser
+ if module:
+ _items = [(k,getattr(module,k)) for k in dir(module)]
+ pdict = dict(_items)
+ else:
+ pdict = get_caller_module_dict(2)
+ # Collect parser information from the dictionary
+ pinfo = ParserReflect(pdict,log=errorlog)
+ pinfo.get_all()
+ if pinfo.error:
+ raise YaccError("Unable to build parser")
+ # Check signature against table files (if any)
+ signature = pinfo.signature()
+ # Read the tables
+ try:
+ lr = LRTable()
+ if picklefile:
+ read_signature = lr.read_pickle(picklefile)
+ else:
+ read_signature = lr.read_table(tabmodule)
+ if optimize or (read_signature == signature):
+ try:
+ lr.bind_callables(pinfo.pdict)
+ parser = LRParser(lr,pinfo.error_func)
+ parse = parser.parse
+ #print "A" * 40, pinfo.error_func.__doc__
+ return parser
+ except Exception:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ errorlog.warning("There was a problem loading the table file: %s", repr(e))
+ except VersionError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()
+ errorlog.warning(str(e))
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ if debuglog is None:
+ if debug:
+ debuglog = PlyLogger(open(debugfile,"w"))
+ else:
+ debuglog = NullLogger()
+ debuglog.info("Created by PLY version %s (http://www.dabeaz.com/ply)", __version__)
+ errors = 0
+ # Validate the parser information
+ if pinfo.validate_all():
+ raise YaccError("Unable to build parser")
+ if not pinfo.error_func:
+ errorlog.warning("no p_error() function is defined")
+ # Create a grammar object
+ grammar = Grammar(pinfo.tokens)
+ # Set precedence level for terminals
+ for term, assoc, level in pinfo.preclist:
+ try:
+ grammar.set_precedence(term,assoc,level)
+ except GrammarError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ errorlog.warning("%s",str(e))
+ # Add productions to the grammar
+ for funcname, gram in pinfo.grammar:
+ file, line, prodname, syms = gram
+ try:
+ grammar.add_production(prodname,syms,funcname,file,line)
+ except GrammarError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ errorlog.error("%s",str(e))
+ errors = 1
+ # Set the grammar start symbols
+ try:
+ if start is None:
+ grammar.set_start(pinfo.start)
+ else:
+ grammar.set_start(start)
+ except GrammarError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ errorlog.error(str(e))
+ errors = 1
+ if errors:
+ raise YaccError("Unable to build parser")
+ # Verify the grammar structure
+ undefined_symbols = grammar.undefined_symbols()
+ for sym, prod in undefined_symbols:
+ errorlog.error("%s:%d: Symbol '%s' used, but not defined as a token or a rule",prod.file,prod.line,sym)
+ errors = 1
+ unused_terminals = grammar.unused_terminals()
+ if unused_terminals:
+ debuglog.info("")
+ debuglog.info("Unused terminals:")
+ debuglog.info("")
+ for term in unused_terminals:
+ errorlog.warning("Token '%s' defined, but not used", term)
+ debuglog.info(" %s", term)
+ # Print out all productions to the debug log
+ if debug:
+ debuglog.info("")
+ debuglog.info("Grammar")
+ debuglog.info("")
+ for n,p in enumerate(grammar.Productions):
+ debuglog.info("Rule %-5d %s", n, p)
+ # Find unused non-terminals
+ unused_rules = grammar.unused_rules()
+ for prod in unused_rules:
+ errorlog.warning("%s:%d: Rule '%s' defined, but not used", prod.file, prod.line, prod.name)
+ if len(unused_terminals) == 1:
+ errorlog.warning("There is 1 unused token")
+ if len(unused_terminals) > 1:
+ errorlog.warning("There are %d unused tokens", len(unused_terminals))
+ if len(unused_rules) == 1:
+ errorlog.warning("There is 1 unused rule")
+ if len(unused_rules) > 1:
+ errorlog.warning("There are %d unused rules", len(unused_rules))
+ if debug:
+ debuglog.info("")
+ debuglog.info("Terminals, with rules where they appear")
+ debuglog.info("")
+ terms = list(grammar.Terminals)
+ terms.sort()
+ for term in terms:
+ debuglog.info("%-20s : %s", term, " ".join([str(s) for s in grammar.Terminals[term]]))
+ debuglog.info("")
+ debuglog.info("Nonterminals, with rules where they appear")
+ debuglog.info("")
+ nonterms = list(grammar.Nonterminals)
+ nonterms.sort()
+ for nonterm in nonterms:
+ debuglog.info("%-20s : %s", nonterm, " ".join([str(s) for s in grammar.Nonterminals[nonterm]]))
+ debuglog.info("")
+ if check_recursion:
+ unreachable = grammar.find_unreachable()
+ for u in unreachable:
+ errorlog.warning("Symbol '%s' is unreachable",u)
+ infinite = grammar.infinite_cycles()
+ for inf in infinite:
+ errorlog.error("Infinite recursion detected for symbol '%s'", inf)
+ errors = 1
+ unused_prec = grammar.unused_precedence()
+ for term, assoc in unused_prec:
+ errorlog.error("Precedence rule '%s' defined for unknown symbol '%s'", assoc, term)
+ errors = 1
+ if errors:
+ raise YaccError("Unable to build parser")
+ # Run the LRGeneratedTable on the grammar
+ if debug:
+ errorlog.debug("Generating %s tables", method)
+ lr = LRGeneratedTable(grammar,method,debuglog)
+ if debug:
+ num_sr = len(lr.sr_conflicts)
+ # Report shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts
+ if num_sr == 1:
+ errorlog.warning("1 shift/reduce conflict")
+ elif num_sr > 1:
+ errorlog.warning("%d shift/reduce conflicts", num_sr)
+ num_rr = len(lr.rr_conflicts)
+ if num_rr == 1:
+ errorlog.warning("1 reduce/reduce conflict")
+ elif num_rr > 1:
+ errorlog.warning("%d reduce/reduce conflicts", num_rr)
+ # Write out conflicts to the output file
+ if debug and (lr.sr_conflicts or lr.rr_conflicts):
+ debuglog.warning("")
+ debuglog.warning("Conflicts:")
+ debuglog.warning("")
+ for state, tok, resolution in lr.sr_conflicts:
+ debuglog.warning("shift/reduce conflict for %s in state %d resolved as %s", tok, state, resolution)
+ already_reported = {}
+ for state, rule, rejected in lr.rr_conflicts:
+ if (state,id(rule),id(rejected)) in already_reported:
+ continue
+ debuglog.warning("reduce/reduce conflict in state %d resolved using rule (%s)", state, rule)
+ debuglog.warning("rejected rule (%s) in state %d", rejected,state)
+ errorlog.warning("reduce/reduce conflict in state %d resolved using rule (%s)", state, rule)
+ errorlog.warning("rejected rule (%s) in state %d", rejected, state)
+ already_reported[state,id(rule),id(rejected)] = 1
+ warned_never = []
+ for state, rule, rejected in lr.rr_conflicts:
+ if not rejected.reduced and (rejected not in warned_never):
+ debuglog.warning("Rule (%s) is never reduced", rejected)
+ errorlog.warning("Rule (%s) is never reduced", rejected)
+ warned_never.append(rejected)
+ # Write the table file if requested
+ if write_tables:
+ lr.write_table(tabmodule,outputdir,signature)
+ # Write a pickled version of the tables
+ if picklefile:
+ lr.pickle_table(picklefile,signature)
+ # Build the parser
+ lr.bind_callables(pinfo.pdict)
+ parser = LRParser(lr,pinfo.error_func)
+ #print "B" * 40, pinfo.error_func.__doc__
+ parse = parser.parse
+ return parser
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/ply/yacc.pyc b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/yacc.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c1718c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/ply/yacc.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/pyLex.py b/pyLogoCompiler/pyLex.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b87593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/pyLex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#Project site: http://br-gogo.sourceforge.net
+# Name: pyLogo
+# Origiginal from: Marcelo Barbosa
+# About: Esta é uma versão da linguagem Logo em python para a placa Gogo board
+# Modified by: Felipe Augusto Silva
+# email: suportegogo@gmail.com
+# compiler version: 0.23
+from gettext import gettext as _
+import os
+import ply.lex as lex
+from ply.lex import TOKEN
+errMsgFunc = None
+# Lista dos nomes dos tokens.
+#Palavras reservadas
+reserved = {
+ 'to' : 'TO',
+ 'end' : 'END',
+ 'output' : 'OUTPUT',
+ 'repeat' : 'REPEAT',
+ 'if' : 'IF',
+ 'ifelse' : 'IFELSE',
+ 'beep' : 'BEEP',
+ 'waituntil' : 'WAITUNTIL',
+ 'loop' : 'LOOP',
+ 'forever' : 'FOREVER',
+ 'wait' : 'WAIT',
+ 'stop' : 'STOP',
+ 'reset' : 'RESET',
+ 'send' : 'SEND',
+ 'make' : 'MAKE',
+ 'resetdp' : 'RESETDP',
+ 'record' : 'RECORD',
+ 'erase' : 'ERASE',
+ 'on' : 'ON',
+ 'onfor' : 'ONFOR',
+ 'off' : 'OFF',
+ 'thisway' : 'THISWAY',
+ 'thatway' : 'THATWAY',
+ 'rd' : 'RD',
+ 'brake' : 'BRAKE',
+ 'setsvh' : 'SETSVH',
+ 'svr' : 'SVR',
+ 'svl' : 'SVL',
+ 'setpower' : 'SETPOWER',
+ 'ledon' : 'LEDON',
+ 'ledoff' : 'LEDOFF',
+ 'i2c_start' : 'I2C_START',
+ 'i2c_stop' : 'I2C_STOP',
+ 'i2c_read' : 'I2C_READ',
+ 'i2c_write' : 'I2C_WRITE',
+ 'show' : 'SHOW',
+ 'and' : 'AND',
+ 'or' : 'OR',
+ 'xor' : 'XOR',
+ 'not' : 'NOT',
+ 'timer' : 'TIMER',
+ 'serial' : 'SERIAL',
+ 'newir?' : 'NEWIRQ',
+ 'random' : 'RANDOM',
+ 'recall' : 'RECALL',
+ 'sensor1' : 'SENSOR1',
+ 'sensor2' : 'SENSOR2',
+ 'sensor3' : 'SENSOR3',
+ 'sensor4' : 'SENSOR4',
+ 'sensor5' : 'SENSOR5',
+ 'sensor6' : 'SENSOR6',
+ 'sensor7' : 'SENSOR7',
+ 'sensor8' : 'SENSOR8',
+ 'switch1' : 'SWITCH1',
+ 'switch2' : 'SWITCH2',
+ 'switch3' : 'SWITCH3',
+ 'switch4' : 'SWITCH4',
+ 'switch5' : 'SWITCH5',
+ 'switch6' : 'SWITCH6',
+ 'switch7' : 'SWITCH7',
+ 'switch8' : 'SWITCH8',
+ 'highbyte' : 'HIGHBYTE',
+ 'lowbyte' : 'LOWBYTE',
+ 'bsend' : 'BSEND',
+ 'bsr' : 'BSR',
+ 'when' : 'WHEN',
+ 'whenoff' : 'WHENOFF',
+ 'setdp' : 'SETDP',
+ 'fastsend' : 'FASTSEND',
+ }
+#lista de tokens
+#teste = ['uma'] + reserved.values()
+#------------------------------------Especificação dos tokens---------------------------------
+##states = (
+## ('procedure','exclusive'),
+## ('global','inclusive'),
+#Expressoes regulares para tokens simples
+t_LPAREN = r'\('
+t_RPAREN = r'\)'
+t_TIMES = r'\*'
+t_DIVIDE = r'/'
+t_PLUS = r'\+'
+t_MINUS = r'-'
+t_PERCENT = r'\%'
+t_LBRACKET = r'\['
+t_RBRACKET = r'\]'
+t_LESSTHAN = r'\<'
+t_EQUALS = r'\='
+t_GREATERTHAN = r'\>'
+#Expressoes regulares com código de ação
+ #Definindo dos identificadores
+digit = r'([0-9])'
+letter = r'([a-zA-Z_])'
+alphanumeric = r'([a-zA-Z0-9_])'
+procname = r'(' + letter + r'(' + alphanumeric + r')*)'
+reporter = r':(' + letter + r'(' + alphanumeric + r')*)'
+receiver = r'"(' + letter + r'(' + alphanumeric + r')*)'
+bytes = r'0x('+ digit + r')+'
+nliteral = r'(' + digit + r')+'
+names = r'([a-d])+'
+motor = r'(' + names + r'),'
+# DMOC 101217: Following to avoid possible problem due to doc-strings being stripped for optimisation:
+id = r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
+comment = r'(\;*(.|\n)*?\*;)|(\;.*)'
+newline = r'\n+'
+ print " # pyLex -> t_MOTORATTENTION '%s'" % t
+ t.type = reserved.get(t.value,'MOTORATTENTION')
+ return t
+ print " # pyLex -> t_PROCEDURENAME '%s'" % t
+ try:
+ t.type = reserved.get(t.value,'PROCEDURENAME') # Checa se é uma palavra reservada
+ except ValueError:
+ #print "[Line: %d Column: %d] - Undefined: %s" % (t.lineno, t.linepos, t.value)
+ #print _("[Line: %d Column: %d] - Undefined: %s" % (t.lineno, t.linepos, t.value))
+ print _("Line X: Undefined: %s" % t.value)
+ t.value = 0
+ return t
+def t_REPORTER(t):
+ print " # pyLex -> t_REPORTER '%s'" % t
+ t.type = reserved.get(t.value,'REPORTER') # Checa se é uma palavra reservada
+ return t
+def t_RECEIVER(t):
+ print " # pyLex -> t_RECEIVER '%s'" % t
+ t.type = reserved.get(t.value,'RECEIVER') # Checa se é uma palavra reservada
+ print "t.type= '%s'" % t.type
+ return t
+def t_BYTES(t):
+ print " # pyLex -> t_BYTES '%s'" % t
+ t.type = reserved.get(t.value, 'BYTES')
+ return t
+ print " # pyLex -> t_NUMBERLITERAL '%s'" % t
+ try:
+ t.value = int(t.value)
+ except ValueError:
+ #print _("Número %s não é válido!") % t.value
+ print _("%s is not a valid number!") % t.value
+ t.value = 0
+ return t
+def t_ID(t):
+ r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
+ t.type = reserved.get(t.value,'ID') # Checa se é uma palavra reservada
+ return t
+def t_COMMENT(t):
+ r'(\;*(.|\n)*?\*;)|(\;.*)' # ignora todo um trecho de ;* até *
+ #r'(/\*(.|\n)*?*/)|(//.*)'
+ pass
+#ignora comentarios
+t_ignore_COMMENTLINE = r'\;.*' # comenta apenas a linha
+#ignora espaços e quebra de linhas
+t_ignore = " \t"
+#Guarda o valor da linha
+def t_newline(t):
+ r'\n+'
+ t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
+def t_error(t):
+ global errMsgFunc
+ #print _("[Linha: %d Coluna: %d] - Token ilegal '%s'. Não foi encontrado referencia para esse token.") % (t.lineno, t.linepos, t.value[0])
+ #m = _("[Line: %d Column: %d] - Illegal Token '%s'. References to this token cannot be found.") % (t.lineno, t.lexpos, t.value[0])
+ #m = _("Line %d: Illegal Token '%s'. References to this token cannot be found.") % (t.lineno, t.value[0])
+ m = msgErro(t.lineno, t.lexpos, t.value[0])
+# if errMsgFunc:
+# errMsgFunc(m)
+ print m
+ t.lexer.skip(1)
+def msgErro(numLine, numPos, value, errMsg=_("Line %(line)d: Illegal Token '%(value)s'. References to this token cannot be found.")):
+ global errMsgFunc
+ #return _("[Linha %d - Coluna %d] - Erro de sintaxe '%s'") % (numLine, numPos, value)
+ #return _("[Line %d - Column %d] - Syntax Error '%s'") % (numLine, numPos, value)
+ # DMOC: Logo text is in proportional font so getting column is near impossible!
+ #TODO: Display chunk of text with error highlighted
+ m = errMsg % {'line': numLine, 'values': value}
+ if errMsgFunc:
+ errMsgFunc(m)
+ return m
+def setErrMsgFunc(f):
+ global errMsgFunc
+ errMsgFunc = f
+#Executa o analisador léxico
+#realiza a otimização do analisador lexico solicitando que crie uma tabela para as
+#expressões regulares e as tabelas utilizadas
+# Build the lexer
+def build(optimize=0, debug=0, **kwargs):
+ if os.name=='nt':
+ return lex.lex(optimize=optimize, debug=debug, outputdir="c://", **kwargs) #windows?
+ else:
+ return lex.lex(optimize=optimize, debug=debug, outputdir="", **kwargs)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ lex.runmain()
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/pyLex.pyc b/pyLogoCompiler/pyLex.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6311e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/pyLex.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/pyYacc.py b/pyLogoCompiler/pyYacc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..791d666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/pyYacc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1086 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#Project site: http://br-gogo.sourceforge.net
+# Name: pyLogo
+# Origiginal from: Marcelo Barbosa
+# About: Esta é uma versão da linguagem Logo em python para a placa Gogo board
+# Modified by: Felipe Augusto Silva
+# email: suportegogo@gmail.com
+# compiler version: 0.23
+from gettext import gettext as _
+import ply.yacc as yacc
+#Pega os tokens já checados no analisador léxico
+from pyLex import tokens
+import pyLex
+CODE_STOP = [7]
+Erros = ""
+#Precedência de operadores na linguagem
+precedence = (('left', 'AND', 'OR', 'XOR'),
+ ('left', 'LESSTHAN', 'GREATERTHAN'),
+ ('left', 'PLUS', 'MINUS'),
+ ('left', 'TIMES', 'DIVIDE', 'PERCENT'),
+ ('right', 'UMINUS'), # Operador unário MINUS
+ ('right', 'UNOT'), # Operador unário NOT
+ )
+globais = { }
+#saida = []
+src_code = ''
+errMsgFunc = None
+variaveis = []
+vlocais = {}
+nvlocais = 0
+nomeprocs = { }
+size = 0 #tamanho do codigo ja compilado
+procname = ''#nome do procedimento sendo compilado
+DEBUG = True
+def p_procedures(p):
+ '''procedures : procedure procedures'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_procedures"
+ p[0] = p[1] + p[2]
+def p_procedures_procedure(p):
+ 'procedures : procedure '
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_procedures_procedure p[0]=p[1]='%s'" % p[1]
+ p[0] = p[1]
+#TODO: remove tmp refs to RECOMPILE...
+def p_procedure(p):
+ '''procedure : TO PROCEDURENAME statements END'''
+ global RECOMPILE
+ try:
+ l = []
+ global size
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_procedure"
+ for i in range(4):
+ print "p[",i+1,"]", p[i+1]
+ procname=p[2]
+ nomeprocs[procname]=size
+ if p[1] == 'to' and p[4] == 'end':
+ l.append(nvlocais) #code_start
+ l += p[3]
+ l.append(7) #code_end
+ p[0] = l
+ size += len(l)
+ else:
+ #raise Exception, _("Nome não determinado '%s'") % p[2]
+ raise Exception, _("Name not found '%s'") % p[2]
+ except AttributeError:
+ #raise Exception, _("Nome não determinado '%s'") % p[2]
+ raise Exception, _("Name not found '%s'") % p[2]
+ p[0] = 0
+def p_procedure_parametere(p):
+ '''procedure : TO PROCEDURENAME parameterDeclaration statements END'''
+ try:
+ l = []
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_procedure_parametere"
+ global size
+ procname=p[2]
+ nomeprocs[procname]=size
+ print 'nomeprocs: ',nomeprocs
+ if p[1] == 'to' and p[5] == 'end':
+ global nvlocais
+ global vlocais
+ l.append(nvlocais)
+ #global RECOMPILE
+ #RECOMPILE=True#para q 'statements' acesse os parametros da funcao
+ l += p[4]
+ l.append(7) #code_end
+ nvlocais=0
+ vlocais={}
+ p[0] = l
+ size += len(l)
+ else:
+ #raise Exception, _("Nome não determinado '%s'") % p[2]
+ raise Exception, _("Name not found '%s'") % p[2]
+ except ValueError:
+ #print _("Nome não determinado '%s'") % p[2]
+ print _("Name not found '%s'") % p[2]
+ p[0] = 0
+def p_parameterDeclaration(p):
+ '''parameterDeclaration : RECEIVER parameterDeclaration
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_parameterDeclaration"
+ print "p[1] = '%s'" % p[1],len(p)
+ try:
+ global nvlocais
+ x=-1
+ while not p[x]=='to':
+ x-=1
+ procname=p[x+1]
+ nvlocais+=1
+ print procname
+ print vlocais
+ if not procname in vlocais:
+ vlocais[procname]=[]
+ vlocais[procname].insert(0,p[1])
+ except:
+ #print _("Nome não determinado '%s'") % p[1]
+ print _("Name not found '%s'") % p[1]
+ p[0] = []
+def p_statements(p):
+ '''statements : statement statements'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statements"
+ p[0] = p[1] + p[2]
+def p_statements_statement(p):
+ 'statements : statement'
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statements_statement"
+ p[0] = p[1]
+def p_statement_repeat(p):
+ '''statement : REPEAT expression LBRACKET statements RBRACKET'''
+ #representação do repeat: <expressao> <list> <lengthlist> <expressao> <eol> <repeat>
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_repeat"
+ try:
+ l =[]
+ l += p[2]
+ l.append(3)
+ if p[3] == '[' and p[5] == ']':
+ l2 = p[4]
+ l.append(len(l2)+1)#tamanho da lista
+ l += l2
+ l.append(4)
+ #if DEBUG:
+ # print l;
+ l.append(9) #repeat
+ p[0] = l
+ except LookupError:
+ msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p[2])
+ p[0] = []
+def p_statement_loop(p):
+ '''statement : LOOP LBRACKET statements RBRACKET'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_loop"
+ try:
+ l =[]
+ l.append(3)
+ if p[2] == '[' and p[4] == ']':
+ l2 = p[3]
+ l.append(len(l2)+1)#tamanho da lista
+ l += l2
+ l.append(4)
+ #if DEBUG:
+ # print l;
+ l.append(15) #loop
+ p[0] = l
+ except SyntaxError:
+ msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p[3])
+ p[0] = []
+def p_statement_forever(p):
+ '''statement : FOREVER LBRACKET statements RBRACKET'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_forever"
+ try:
+ l =[]
+ l.append(3)
+ if p[2] == '[' and p[4] == ']':
+ l2 = p[3]
+ l.append(len(l2)+1)#tamanho da lista
+ l += l2
+ l.append(4)
+ #if DEBUG:
+ # print l;
+ l.append(15) #loop
+ p[0] = l
+ except SyntaxError:
+ msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p[3])
+ p[0] = []
+def p_statement_if(p):
+ '''statement : IF expression LBRACKET statements RBRACKET'''
+ #representação do repeat: <expressao> <list> <lengthlist> <expressao> <eol> <if>
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_if"
+ try:
+ l =[]
+ l += p[2]
+ l.append(3)
+ if p[3] == '[' and p[5] == ']':
+ l2 = p[4]
+ print l2
+ l.append(len(l2)+1)#tamanho da lista
+ print len(l2)+1
+ l += l2
+ l.append(4)
+ #if DEBUG:
+ # print l;
+ l.append(10) #if
+ p[0] = l
+ except SyntaxError:
+ msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p[2])
+ p[0] = []
+def p_statement_ifelse(p):
+ '''statement : IFELSE expression LBRACKET statements RBRACKET LBRACKET statements RBRACKET'''
+ #representação do repeat: <expressao> <list> <lengthlist> <expressao> <eol> (2x) <ifelse>
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_ifelse"
+ try:
+ l =[]
+ l += p[2]
+ l.append(3)
+ if p[3] == '[' and p[5] == ']':
+ l2 = p[4]
+ l.append(len(l2)+1)#tamanho da lista
+ l += l2
+ l.append(4)
+ #if DEBUG:
+ # print l;
+ if p[6] == '[' and p[8] == ']':
+ l.append(3)
+ l2 = p[7]
+ l.append(len(l2)+1)#tamanho da lista
+ l += l2
+ l.append(4)
+ #if DEBUG:
+ # print l;
+ l.append(11) #ifelse
+ p[0] = l
+ except LookupError:
+ msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p[2])
+ p[0] = []
+def p_statement_waituntil(p):
+ '''statement : WAITUNTIL LBRACKET expression RBRACKET'''
+ #representação do repeat: <list> <lengthlist> <expressao> <eolr> <waituntil>
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_waituntil"
+ try:
+ l =[]
+ if p[2] == '[' and p[4] == ']':
+ l.append(3)
+ l2 = p[3]
+ l.append(len(l2)+1)#tamanho da lista
+ l += l2
+ l.append(5)
+ #if DEBUG:
+ # print l;
+ l.append(14) #waituntil
+ p[0] = l
+ except LookupError:
+ msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p[3])
+ p[0] = []
+def p_statement_when(p):
+ '''statement : WHEN expression LBRACKET expression RBRACKET'''
+ #representação do repeat: <list> <lengthlist> <expressao> <eolr> <waituntil>
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_when"
+ try:
+ l =[]
+ l += p[2]
+ if p[3] == '[' and p[5] == ']':
+ l.append(3)
+ l2 = p[3]
+ l.append(len(l2)+1)#tamanho da lista
+ l += l2
+ l.append(4) #whenoff
+ #if DEBUG:
+ # print l;
+ l.append(44)
+ p[0] = l
+ except LookupError:
+ msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p[3])
+ p[0] = []
+#def p_statement_show(p):
+ #'''statement : SHOW REPORTER'''
+ #print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_SHOW p= '%s'" %p[2]
+ #l=[]
+ #pos=0
+ #for i in variaveis:
+ #if i == p[2]:
+ #break
+ #pos+=1
+ #pos-=1
+ #if pos == -1: #nenhuma variavel encontrada
+ ##raise TypeError, "Nome não determinado '%s'" % p[2]
+ #raise Exception, _("Name not found '%s'") % p[2]
+ #p[0]=[]
+ #else:
+ #l.append(91)#CL_I2C_START
+ #l.append(1)
+ #l.append(176)
+ #l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ #l.append(1)
+ #l.append(2)
+ #l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ #l.append(1)
+ #l.append(pos)
+ #l.append(36)#GETGLOBAL
+ #l.append(72)#HIGH_BYTE
+ #l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ #l.append(1)
+ #l.append(pos)
+ #l.append(36)#GETGLOBAL
+ #l.append(71)#LOW_BYTE
+ #l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ #l.append(92)#L_I2C_STOP
+ #p[0]=l
+def p_statement_show_expression(p):
+ '''statement : SHOW expression'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_show_expression p= '%s'" %p[2]
+ l=[]
+ l.append(91)
+ l.append(1)
+ l.append(176)
+ l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ l.append(1)
+ l.append(2)
+ l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ print p[2]
+ if len(p[2])==2: #show numbr in display
+ if p[2][0]==1:
+ l.append(1)
+ l.append(p[2][1])
+ l.append(72)#HIGH_BYTE
+ l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ l.append(1)
+ l.append(p[2][1])
+ l.append(71)#LOW_BYTE
+ l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ if p[2][0]==2:
+ l.append(2)
+ l.append(p[2][1])#hi byte
+ l.append(72)#HIGH_BYTE
+ l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ l.append(2)
+ l.append(p[2][2])#low byte
+ l.append(71)#LOW_BYTE
+ l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ else: #show the result of the expression
+ l+=p[2]
+ l.append(72)
+ l.append(93)
+ l+=p[2]
+ l.append(71)
+ l.append(93)
+ l.append(92)
+ p[0]=l
+def p_statement_show_disp(p):
+ '''statement : SHOW RECEIVER'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_SHOW-disp p= '%s'" %p[2]
+ #print _('tamanho'), len(p[2])
+ print _('size'), len(p[2])
+ l=[]
+ l.append(91)#CL_I2C_START
+ l.append(1)
+ l.append(176)
+ l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ l.append(1)
+ l.append(3)
+ l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ l.append(1)
+ l.append(ord(p[2][1]))
+ l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ l.append(1)
+ if (len(p[2]) > 2):
+ l.append(ord(p[2][2]))
+ else:
+ l.append(32)
+ l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ l.append(1)
+ if (len(p[2]) > 3):
+ l.append(ord(p[2][3]))
+ else:
+ l.append(32)
+ l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ l.append(1)
+ if (len(p[2]) > 4):
+ l.append(ord(p[2][4]))
+ else:
+ l.append(32)
+ l.append(93)#CL_I2C_WRITE
+ l.append(92)#CL_I2C_STOP
+ p[0]=l
+def p_statement_make(p):
+ '''statement : MAKE RECEIVER expression'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_MAKE"
+ if variaveis.count(p[2])==0:
+ pos=len(variaveis)
+ variaveis.append(p[2])
+ else:
+ pos=0
+ for i in variaveis:
+ if i == p[2]:
+ break
+ pos+=1
+ l=[]
+ l.append(1)#NUM8 stkPush(fetchNextOpcode());
+ l.append(pos);
+ l+=p[3]#add the expression to the list
+ l.append(35)#SETGLOBAL
+ p[0]=l
+def p_statement_expression(p):
+ '''statement : WAIT expression
+ | SEND expression
+ | RECORD expression
+ | ERASE expression
+ | SETSVH expression
+ | SVR expression
+ | SVL expression
+ | SETPOWER expression
+ | I2C_WRITE expression
+ | OUTPUT expression
+ | ONFOR expression
+ | BSEND expression
+ | BSR expression
+ | SETDP expression
+ | FASTSEND expression'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_expression"
+ try:
+ p.lineno(1)
+ p.lineno(2)
+ l =[]
+ l += p[2]
+ if p[1] == 'wait':
+ op = 16
+ elif p[1] == 'send':
+ op = 19
+ elif p[1] == 'record':
+ op = 39
+ elif p[1] == 'erase':
+ op = 43
+ elif p[1] == 'setsvh':
+ op = 87
+ elif p[1] == 'svr':
+ op = 88
+ elif p[1] == 'svl':
+ op = 89
+ elif p[1] == 'setpower':
+ op = 59
+ elif p[1] == 'i2c_write':
+ op = 93
+ elif p[1] == 'output':
+ op = 8
+ elif p[1] == 'onfor':
+ op = 50
+ elif p[1] == 'bsend':
+ op = 61
+ elif p[1] == 'bsr':
+ op = 62
+ elif p[1] == 'setdp':
+ op = 42
+ elif p[1] == 'fastsend':
+ op = 67
+ else:
+ op = 0
+ l.append(op)
+ p[0] = l
+ except ValueError:
+ msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p[2])
+ p[0] = []
+def p_statement_value(p):
+ '''statement : BEEP
+ | STOP
+ | ON
+ | OFF
+ | RD
+ | I2C_STOP
+ | procedurecall
+ '''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_value"
+ if p[1] == 'beep':
+ op = [12]
+ elif p[1] == 'stop':
+ op = [7]
+ elif p[1] == 'reset':
+ op = [18]
+ elif p[1] == 'resetdp':
+ op = [41]
+ elif p[1] == 'on':
+ op = [49]
+ elif p[1] == 'off':
+ op = [51]
+ elif p[1] == 'thisway':
+ op = [52]
+ elif p[1] == 'thatway':
+ op = [53]
+ elif p[1] == 'rd':
+ op = [54]
+ elif p[1] == 'brake':
+ op = [60]
+ elif p[1] == 'ledon':
+ op = [85]
+ elif p[1] == 'ledoff':
+ op = [86]
+ elif p[1] == 'i2c_start':
+ op = [91]
+ elif p[1] == 'i2c_stop':
+ op = [92]
+ elif p[1] == 'whenoff':
+ op = [45]
+ else:
+ op = p[1]
+ p[0] = op
+#def p_statement_motorAttention(p):
+ #'''statement : MOTORATTENTION'''
+ #it works too!!!!
+ #print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_motorAttention"
+ #if p[1] == 'a,':
+ #op = [46]
+ #elif p[1] == 'b,':
+ #op = [47]
+ #elif p[1] == 'ab,':
+ #op = [48]
+ #elif p[1] == 'c,':
+ #op = [63]
+ #elif p[1] == 'd,':
+ #op = [64]
+ #elif p[1] == 'cd,':
+ #op = [65]
+ #elif p[1] == 'abcd,':
+ #op = [66]
+ #p[0] = op
+def p_statement_motorAttention(p):
+ '''statement : MOTORATTENTION'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_motorAttention"
+ l=[]
+ l.append(1)
+ if p[1] == 'a,':
+ l.append(1)
+ elif p[1] == 'b,':
+ l.append(2)
+ elif p[1] == 'ab,':
+ l.append(3)
+ elif p[1] == 'c,':
+ l.append(4)
+ elif p[1] == 'ac,':
+ l.append(5)
+ elif p[1] == 'bc,':
+ l.append(6)
+ elif p[1] == 'abc,':
+ l.append(7)
+ elif p[1] == 'd,':
+ l.append(8)
+ elif p[1] == 'ad,':
+ l.append(9)
+ elif p[1] == 'bd,':
+ l.append(10)
+ elif p[1] == 'abd,':
+ l.append(11)
+ elif p[1] == 'cd,':
+ l.append(12)
+ elif p[1] == 'acd,':
+ l.append(13)
+ elif p[1] == 'bcd,':
+ l.append(14)
+ elif p[1] == 'abcd,':
+ l.append(15)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, "Motor '%s' desconhecido\n Ex.:\n a, on\nab, onfor 3\nbc, setpower 2" % p[1]
+ l.append(90)
+ p[0] = l
+def p_statement_bytes(p):
+ '''statement : BYTES'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_statement_bytes"
+ if (p[1] == '0x83') or \
+ (p[1] == '0x84') or \
+ (p[1] == '0x85') or \
+ (p[1] == '0x86') or \
+ (p[1] == '0x87') :
+ op = [1, int((p[1]),16)]
+ else:
+ op = []
+ p[0] = op
+def p_expression_reporter(p):
+ '''expression : REPORTER'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_expression_reporter"
+ l=[]
+ pos=0
+ x=-1
+ while not p[x]=='to':
+ x-=1
+ procname=p[x+1]
+ print 'procname: ',procname
+ print 'vlocais: ',vlocais
+ if (procname in vlocais) and (not vlocais[procname].count('"'+p[1][1:])==0):
+ for i in vlocais[procname]:
+ if i == '"'+p[1][1:]:
+ break
+ pos+=1
+ l.append(6)#LTHING(retrieve procedure input)
+ l.append(pos)
+ else:
+ if len(variaveis) == 0:
+ #raise TypeError, "Nome não determinado '%s'" % p[1]
+ raise TypeError, _("Name not found '%s'") % p[1]
+ encontrou=0
+ for i in variaveis:
+ if i[1:] == p[1][1:]:
+ encontrou=1
+ break
+ pos+=1
+ if encontrou == 0: #nenhuma variavel encontrada
+ #raise TypeError, "Nome não determinado '%s'" % p[1]
+ raise TypeError, _("Name not found '%s'") % p[1]
+ p[0]=[]
+ else:
+ l.append(1)
+ l.append(pos)
+ l.append(36)#GETGLOBAL
+ p[0]=l
+def p_expression(p):
+ '''expression : expression AND expression
+ | expression OR expression
+ | expression XOR expression
+ | expression LESSTHAN expression
+ | expression GREATERTHAN expression
+ | expression EQUALS expression
+ | expression PLUS expression
+ | expression MINUS expression
+ | expression TIMES expression
+ | expression DIVIDE expression
+ | expression PERCENT expression'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_expression"
+ try:
+ lexp =[]
+ op = 0
+ if (len(p) == 4): #Verifico o tamanho do termo se for 4 então trabalho com os operadores
+ if p[2] == '+':
+ op = 23
+ elif p[2] == '-':
+ op = 24
+ elif p[2] == '*':
+ op = 25
+ elif p[2] == '/':
+ op = 26
+ elif p[2] == '%':
+ op = 27
+ elif p[2] == '=':
+ op = 28
+ elif p[2] == '>':
+ op = 29
+ elif p[2] == '<':
+ op = 30
+ elif p[2] == 'and':
+ op = 31
+ elif p[2] == 'or':
+ op = 32
+ elif p[2] == 'xor':
+ op = 33
+ elif (len(p) == 3):
+ if p[1] == '-':
+ op = 24
+ elif p[1] == 'not':
+ op = 34
+ lexp = []
+ lexp += p[1] + p[3]
+ lexp.append(op)
+ p[0] = lexp
+ except TypeError:
+ print 'Tipos incompativeis! '
+ p[0] = []
+def p_expression_uminus(p):
+ '''expression : MINUS expression %prec UMINUS'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_expression_uminus"
+ print p[2]
+ lexp = []
+ lexp += p[2]
+ lexp.append(1)
+ lexp.append(0)
+ lexp.append(24)
+ p[0] = lexp
+def p_expression_unot(p):
+ 'expression : NOT expression %prec UNOT'
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_expression_unot"
+ lexp = []
+ lexp = p[2]
+ lexp.append(34)
+ p[0] = lexp
+def p_expression_group(p):
+ '''expression : LPAREN expression RPAREN'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_expression_group"
+ try:
+ lexp = []
+ if p[1] == '(' and p[3] == ')':
+ lexp = p[2]
+ p[0] = lexp
+ except LookupError:
+ msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p[2])
+ p[0] = []
+def p_expression_group_bracket(p):
+ '''expression : LBRACKET expression RBRACKET'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_expression_group_bracket"
+ try:
+ lexp = []
+ if p[1] == '[' and p[3] == ']':
+ lexp = p[2]
+ p[0] = lexp
+ except LookupError:
+ msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p[2])
+ p[0] = []
+def p_expression_expression(p):
+ '''expression : I2C_READ expression
+ | HIGHBYTE expression
+ | LOWBYTE expression'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_expression_group"
+ try:
+ l =[]
+ l += p[2]
+ if p[1] == 'i2c_read':
+ op = 94
+ elif p[1] == 'highbyte':
+ op = 72
+ elif p[1] == 'lowbyte':
+ op = 71
+ else:
+ op = 0
+ l.append(op)
+ p[0] = l
+ except LookupError:
+ msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p[2])
+ p[0] = []
+def p_expression_value(p):
+ '''expression : NUMBERLITERAL
+ | SERIAL'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_expression_value"
+ try:
+ p.lineno(1)
+ l =[]
+ if isinstance(p[1],int):
+ print 'numero literal'
+ if p[1] < 256:
+ l.append(1) #é um byte
+ l.append(p[1])
+ else:
+ l.append(2) #é um number
+ l.append(highByte(p[1]))
+ l.append(lowByte(p[1]))
+ elif p[1] == 'timer':
+ l.append(17)
+ elif p[1] == 'random':
+ l.append(22)
+ elif p[1] == 'recall':
+ l.append(40)
+ elif p[1] == 'sensor1':
+ l.append(55)
+ elif p[1] == 'sensor2':
+ l.append(56)
+ elif p[1] == 'sensor3':
+ l.append(73)
+ elif p[1] == 'sensor4':
+ l.append(74)
+ elif p[1] == 'sensor5':
+ l.append(75)
+ elif p[1] == 'sensor6':
+ l.append(76)
+ elif p[1] == 'sensor7':
+ l.append(77)
+ elif p[1] == 'sensor8':
+ l.append(78)
+ elif p[1] == 'switch1':
+ l.append(57)
+ elif p[1] == 'switch2':
+ l.append(58)
+ elif p[1] == 'switch3':
+ l.append(79)
+ elif p[1] == 'switch4':
+ l.append(80)
+ elif p[1] == 'switch5':
+ l.append(81)
+ elif p[1] == 'switch6':
+ l.append(82)
+ elif p[1] == 'switch7':
+ l.append(83)
+ elif p[1] == 'switch8':
+ l.append(84)
+ elif p[1] == 'newir?':
+ l.append(21)
+ elif p[1] == 'serial':
+ l.append(82)
+ elif p[1] in globais.keys():
+ l += globais.get(p[1])
+ else:
+ #raise SyntaxError, _('Valor não identificado: %s') % p[1]
+ raise SyntaxError, _('Not identified: %s') % p[1]
+ l = p[1]
+ p[0] = l
+ except ValueError:
+ msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p[2])
+ p[0] = []
+def p_parm_value(p):
+ '''parm : parm expression
+ | expression'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_parm_value %s" % p[1:]
+ l=[]
+ size=len(p[1:])#get the size of the list 'parm+expression'
+ for i in range(1,size+1):
+ l+=p[i]#add the last element of the list in parm or the element given
+ p[0] = l
+def p_procedurecall_parm(p):
+ '''procedurecall : PROCEDURENAME parm'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_procedurecall_parm"
+ global RECOMPILE
+ global errMsgFunc
+ l=[]
+ l.append(128) #SET_PTR_HI_BYTE
+ pos=nomeprocs.get(p[1])
+ print 'jump pos: ','(',pos,')'
+ print nomeprocs
+ if not p[1] in nomeprocs:
+ print '**********NEED TO RECOMPILE************'
+ if errMsgFunc:
+ errMsgFunc(_("Line %(line)d: Unresolved symbol '%(msg)s'") % {'line': p.lineno(1), 'msg': p[1]})
+ l.append(nomeprocs.get(p[1]))
+ p[0]=p[2]+l
+def p_procedurecall(p):
+ '''procedurecall : PROCEDURENAME'''
+ print " # pyYacc -> p_procedurecall ('%s')" % p[1]
+ global RECOMPILE
+ global errMsgFunc
+ l=[]
+ l.append(128) #SET_PTR
+ pos=nomeprocs.get(p[1])
+ print 'jump pos: ','(',pos,')'
+ if not p[1] in nomeprocs:
+ print '**********NEED TO RECOMPILE************'
+ if errMsgFunc:
+ errMsgFunc(_("Line %(line)d: Unresolved symbol '%(msg)s'") % {'line': p.lineno(1), 'msg': p[1]})
+ l.append(nomeprocs.get(p[1]))
+ p[0]=l
+# Compute column.
+# input is the input text string
+# token is a token instance
+def find_column(token):
+ global src_code
+ last_cr = src_code.rfind('\n',0,token.lexpos)
+ if last_cr < 0:
+ last_cr = 0
+ column = (token.lexpos - last_cr) + 1
+ return column
+def p_error(p):
+ global errMsgFunc
+ print "# pyYacc -> p_error ('%s')" % p
+ if not (p == None):
+ m = msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p.value)
+ # Column calc near impossible for proportional text (esp with tabs)
+ #raise SyntaxError, msgErro(p.lineno, find_column(p), p.value)
+ #self.showError(msgErro(p.lineno, p.lexpos, p.value))
+ #raise SyntaxError, m
+ return
+ #raise SyntaxError, _("Erro na última linha")
+ m = _("Error in last line")
+ if errMsgFunc:
+ errMsgFunc(m)
+ raise SyntaxError, m
+def highByte(number):
+ return ((number >> 8) & 0xff)
+def lowByte(number):
+ return (number & 0xff)
+def msgErro(numLine, numPos, value, errMsg=_("Line %(line)d: Syntax Error '%(msg)s'")):
+ global errMsgFunc
+ #return _("[Linha %d - Coluna %d] - Erro de sintaxe '%s'") % (numLine, numPos, value)
+ #return _("[Line %d - Column %d] - Syntax Error '%s'") % (numLine, numPos, value)
+ # DMOC: Logo text is in proportional font so getting column is near impossible!
+ #TODO: Display chunk of text with error highlighted
+ m = errMsg % {'line': numLine, 'msg': value}
+ if errMsgFunc:
+ errMsgFunc(m)
+ return m
+def codigoIntermediario(list):
+ #print _("Codigo intermediario: %s") % list
+ print _("Intermediate Code: %s") % list
+def codigoFinal(list):
+ s=""
+ for i in list:
+ s = s + chr(i)
+ #print _("Código Final: %s") % s
+ print _("Final Code: %s") % s
+ return s
+#def analisarCodigo(codigo):
+ #print " # pyYacc -> analisarCodigo"
+ #try:
+ ##limpa lista de variaveis
+ #del variaveis[:]
+ #global RECOMPILE
+ #global size
+ #global nomeprocs
+ #size=0
+ #nomeprocs={}
+ ##Para usar os analisadores juntos é necessário passar o léxico para dentro do parser.
+ #Lexer = pyLex.build()
+ #print " pyLex.build() terminou"
+ #parser = yacc.yacc()
+ #print " yacc.yacc() terminou"
+ #result = parser.parse(codigo.lower(), lexer=Lexer, tracking=True)
+ #print 'RECOMPILE'
+ #size=0
+ #result = parser.parse(codigo.lower(), lexer=Lexer, tracking=True)
+ #print " parse.parse() gerou resultado '%s'" % result
+ #except KeyError, value:
+ #return "Erro ao pressionar a tecla: %s" % value
+ #except (AttributeError, TypeError, SyntaxError), value:
+ #msg = "Os seguintes erros foram detectados: %s" % value + "\n"
+ #return msg
+ #else:
+ #print 'var locais: ',vlocais,nvlocais
+ #return result
+def analisarCodigo(codigo, errMsgFunction=None):
+ print " # pyYacc -> analisarCodigo"
+ #limpa lista de variaveis
+ del variaveis[:]
+ global RECOMPILE
+ global size
+ global nomeprocs
+ global src_code
+ global errMsgFunc
+ errMsgFunc = errMsgFunction
+ src_code = codigo
+ print src_code
+ size=0
+ nomeprocs={}
+ #Para usar os analisadores juntos é necessário passar o léxico para dentro do parser.
+ Lexer = pyLex.build(optimize=1, debug=0)
+ print " pyLex.build() ended"
+ parser = yacc.yacc(optimize=1, debug=0)
+ print " yacc.yacc() ended"
+ pyLex.setErrMsgFunc(errMsgFunc)
+ if errMsgFunc:
+ errMsgFunc('***BEGIN***')
+ result = parser.parse(src_code.lower(), lexer=Lexer, debug=0, tracking=True)
+ print 'RECOMPILE'
+ size=0
+ if errMsgFunc:
+ errMsgFunc('***BEGIN***')
+ result = parser.parse(src_code.lower(), lexer=Lexer, debug=0, tracking=True)
+ if errMsgFunc:
+ errMsgFunc('***END***')
+ print " parse.parse() generated result '%s'" % result
+ return result
diff --git a/pyLogoCompiler/pyYacc.pyc b/pyLogoCompiler/pyYacc.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ff7e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyLogoCompiler/pyYacc.pyc
Binary files differ