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path: root/gtk2modules/canvas.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'gtk2modules/canvas.py')
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gtk2modules/canvas.py b/gtk2modules/canvas.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd52259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk2modules/canvas.py
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+# Copyright 2012-2013 S. Daniel Francis <francis@sugarlabs.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger('canvas')
+import json
+import gtk
+from math import *
+from sweetener import profile
+from sweetener import colors
+import expressions
+from graph import Graph
+from graph import SCALE_TYPE_DEC
+from graph import SCALE_TYPE_RAD
+from graph import SCALE_TYPE_CUST
+from functions import FunctionsList
+x_res = 1
+x_max = '5.0'
+x_min = '-5.0'
+x_scale = '1.0'
+y_max = '3.0'
+y_min = '-3.0'
+y_scale = '1.0'
+class Canvas(gtk.HPaned):
+ #def write_file(self, file_path):
+ #x, y, w, h = self.graph.get_allocation()
+ #pix_buffer = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, w, h)
+ #pix_buffer.get_from_drawable(self.graph.pix_map,
+ #self.graph.pix_map.get_colormap(),
+ #0, 0, 0, 0, w, h)
+ #pix_buffer.save(file_path, 'png')
+ def write_file(self, path):
+ jfile = open(path, 'w')
+ _list = []
+ for i in self.functions_list.get_list():
+ _list.append([colors.color2string(i[0]), i[2]])
+ graph_props = {'list': _list,
+ 'xmin': self.graph.xmin,
+ 'xmax': self.graph.xmax,
+ 'ymin': self.graph.ymin,
+ 'ymax': self.graph.ymax}
+ try:
+ json.dump(graph_props, jfile)
+ finally:
+ jfile.close()
+ def read_file(self, path):
+ jfile = open(path, 'r')
+ try:
+ self.starting_program = False
+ graph_props = json.load(jfile)
+ self.functions_list.model.clear()
+ for i in graph_props['list']:
+ self.functions_list.append_function(gtk.gdk.color_parse(i[0]),
+ i[1])
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ except Exception, err:
+ logger.error(str(err))
+ finally:
+ jfile.close()
+ def __init__(self, toolbar_box, activity):
+ gtk.HPaned.__init__(self)
+ self.activity = activity
+ self.x_max = x_max
+ self.x_min = x_min
+ self.x_scale = x_scale
+ self.y_max = y_max
+ self.y_min = y_min
+ self.y_scale = y_scale
+ self.w = 0
+ self.h = 0
+ self._resize_queue = 4
+ self._resize_constant = 4
+ self.graph = Graph()
+ self.activity.connect('key-press-event',
+ self.graph._key_press_event)
+ self.activity.connect('key-release-event',
+ self.graph._key_release_event)
+ self.graph.connect('update-x-y', self._update_coordinates)
+ self.starting_program = True
+ self.graph.connect('repopulate-parameter-entries',
+ self.parameter_entries_repopulate)
+ self.toolbar_box = toolbar_box
+ self.exports = {'image/x-generic': self.graph.save_png}
+ self.toolbar_box.connect('append-function', self._append_function)
+ self.toolbar_box.connect('remove-function', self._remove_function)
+ self.toolbar_box.connect('color-updated', self._update_line_color)
+ self.toolbar_box.connect('evaluate', self._evaluate_cb)
+ # FIXME: Have to connect correctly all the motions in toolbar
+ self.toolbar_box.connect('motion_notify_event', self._event_motion)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.connect('zoom-in', self.zoom_in)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.connect('zoom-out', self.zoom_out)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.connect('zoom-reset', self.zoom_reset)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.connect('scale-range',
+ self.update_parameters)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.connect('fullscreen', self._fullscreen)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.connect('connect-points',
+ self.connect_points)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.connect('decimal-scale',
+ self.scale_dec)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.connect('radian-scale',
+ self.scale_rad)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.connect('custom-scale',
+ self.scale_cust)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.connect('scale', self._update_scale)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.connect('show-grid',
+ lambda w, d: self.graph.set_show_grid(d))
+ #self.toolbar_box.show()
+ self.functions_list = FunctionsList()
+ self.functions_list.connect('motion_notify_event', self._event_motion)
+ self.functions_list.connect('list-updated',
+ self.update_graph)
+ self.functions_list.connect('function-selected',
+ self._update_color_selection)
+ self.functions_list.show()
+ functions_box = gtk.VBox()
+ function_entry = gtk.Entry()
+ function_entry.show()
+ function_entry.connect('activate', self._new_function_cb)
+ functions_box.pack_start(function_entry, False, True, 0)
+ functions_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ functions_window.add(self.functions_list)
+ functions_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ functions_window.set_hadjustment(self.functions_list.get_hadjustment())
+ functions_window.set_vadjustment(self.functions_list.get_vadjustment())
+ functions_window.show()
+ functions_box.pack_start(functions_window, True, True, 0)
+ hbox = gtk.HBox()
+ self.xlabel = gtk.Label()
+ self.xlabel.set_alignment(0.5, 0.5)
+ self.xlabel.show()
+ hbox.pack_start(self.xlabel, True, True, 0)
+ self.ylabel = gtk.Label()
+ self.ylabel.set_alignment(0.5, 0.5)
+ self.ylabel.show()
+ hbox.pack_start(self.ylabel, True, True, 0)
+ hbox.show()
+ functions_box.pack_start(hbox, False, True, 0)
+ self.pack1(functions_box)
+ functions_box.show_all()
+ self.toolbar_box.view.x_min_entry.set_text(self.x_min)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.x_max_entry.set_text(self.x_max)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.x_scale_entry.set_text(self.x_scale)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.y_min_entry.set_text(self.y_min)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.y_max_entry.set_text(self.y_max)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.y_scale_entry.set_text(self.y_scale)
+ self.pack2(self.graph)
+ self.graph.show()
+ self.connect('expose-event', self._paned_expose_event_cb)
+ def new(self):
+ self.functions_list.model.clear()
+ self._append_function(None)
+ def _event_motion(self, widget, event):
+ self.graph.pointer = None
+ self.graph.queue_draw()
+ self.xlabel.set_text('')
+ self.ylabel.set_text('')
+ def _update_coordinates(self, widget, x, y):
+ self.xlabel.set_text("x = " + str(int(x * 100) / 100.0))
+ self.ylabel.set_text("y = " + str(int(y * 100) / 100.0))
+ def _fullscreen(self, widget):
+ self.previous_size = self._resize_constant
+ self._resize_queue = 0
+ self.activity.fullscreen()
+ def _new_function_cb(self, widget):
+ text = widget.get_text()
+ if len(self.functions_list.get_list()) % 2 == 0:
+ color = profile.get_fill_color(self)
+ else:
+ color = profile.get_stroke_color(self)
+ self.functions_list.append_function(color, text)
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ widget.set_text('')
+ number = len(self.functions_list.get_list())
+ if number == 1:
+ self.toolbar_box.remove_function.sensitive = False
+ else:
+ self.toolbar_box.remove_function.sensitive = True
+ def _update_scale(self, widget=None):
+ xscale, yscale = self.toolbar_box.view.get_scale()
+ self.graph.set_x_scale(xscale)
+ self.graph.set_y_scale(yscale)
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ def _evaluate_cb(self, widget, x):
+ safe_dict = self.graph.safe_dict
+ try:
+ x = eval(expressions.convert(x), {'__builtins__': {}}, safe_dict)
+ safe_dict['x'] = x
+ except:
+ safe_dict['x'] = None
+ self.functions_list.evaluate(safe_dict)
+ def update_parameters(self, widget):
+ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.toolbar_box.view.get_scale_range()
+ self.graph.set_xmin(xmin)
+ self.graph.set_xmax(xmax)
+ self.graph.set_ymin(ymin)
+ self.graph.set_ymax(ymax)
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ def _paned_expose_event_cb(self, widget, event):
+ #logger.debug('Paned expose')
+ x, y, w, h = self.get_allocation()
+ if self._resize_queue == None:
+ if self.w != w or self.h != h:
+ self._resize_queue = self._resize_constant
+ self.w = w
+ self.h = h
+ min_position = self.get_property('min-position')
+ max_position = self.get_property('max-position')
+ if self._resize_queue != None:
+ #logger.debug('Resize a %f percent from %s %s' %
+ # (self._resize_queue * 10, min_position, max_position))
+ if self._resize_queue == 0:
+ # logger.debug('Resize to %d' % min_position)
+ self.set_position(min_position)
+ else:
+ pos = (max_position - min_position) /\
+ self._resize_queue + min_position
+ self.set_position(int(pos))
+ # logger.debug('Resize to %d' % pos)
+ self._resize_queue = None
+ position = self.get_position()
+ self._resize_constant = float(max_position - min_position) / position if position != 0 else 0
+ def parameter_entries_repopulate(self, widget=None):
+ # set text in entries for parameters
+ self.toolbar_box.view.x_min_entry.set_text(
+ str(self.graph.xmin))
+ self.toolbar_box.view.x_max_entry.set_text(
+ str(self.graph.xmax))
+ self.toolbar_box.view.x_scale_entry.set_text(
+ str(self.graph.x_scale))
+ self.toolbar_box.view.y_min_entry.set_text(
+ str(self.graph.ymin))
+ self.toolbar_box.view.y_max_entry.set_text(
+ str(self.graph.ymax))
+ self.toolbar_box.view.y_scale_entry.set_text(
+ str(self.graph.y_scale))
+ def zoom_in(self, widget, event=None):
+ 'Narrow the plotted section by half'
+ center_x = (self.graph.xmin + self.graph.xmax) / 2
+ center_y = (self.graph.ymin + self.graph.ymax) / 2
+ range_x = (self.graph.xmax - self.graph.xmin)
+ range_y = (self.graph.ymax - self.graph.ymin)
+ self.graph.xmin = center_x - (range_x / 4)
+ self.graph.xmax = center_x + (range_x / 4)
+ self.graph.ymin = center_y - (range_y / 4)
+ self.graph.ymax = center_y + (range_y / 4)
+ self.parameter_entries_repopulate()
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ def zoom_out(self, widget, event=None):
+ """Double the plotted section"""
+ center_x = (self.graph.xmin + self.graph.xmax) / 2
+ center_y = (self.graph.ymin + self.graph.ymax) / 2
+ range_x = (self.graph.xmax - self.graph.xmin)
+ range_y = (self.graph.ymax - self.graph.ymin)
+ self.graph.xmin = center_x - (range_x)
+ self.graph.xmax = center_x + (range_x)
+ self.graph.ymin = center_y - (range_y)
+ self.graph.ymax = center_y + (range_y)
+ self.parameter_entries_repopulate()
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ def zoom_reset(self, widget, event=None):
+ """Set the range back to the user's input"""
+ self.graph.xmin = -5.0
+ self.graph.ymin = -3.0
+ self.graph.xmax = 5.0
+ self.graph.ymax = 3.0
+ self.toolbar_box.view.x_min_entry.set_text(self.x_min)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.x_max_entry.set_text(self.x_max)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.x_scale_entry.set_text(self.x_scale)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.y_min_entry.set_text(self.y_min)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.y_max_entry.set_text(self.y_max)
+ self.toolbar_box.view.y_scale_entry.set_text(self.y_scale)
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ def scale_dec(self, widget):
+ self.graph.scale_style = SCALE_TYPE_DEC
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ def scale_rad(self, widget):
+ self.graph.scale_style = SCALE_TYPE_RAD
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ def scale_cust(self, widget):
+ self.graph.scale_style = SCALE_TYPE_CUST
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ def connect_points(self, widget, connect_points):
+ self.graph.connect_points = connect_points
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ def _update_line_color(self, widget, color):
+ self.functions_list.set_current_line_color(color)
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ def _update_color_selection(self, widget, color):
+ self.toolbar_box.color_item.set_color(color)
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ def _remove_function(self, widget):
+ self.functions_list.remove_function()
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ return len(self.functions_list.get_list())
+ def _append_function(self, widget):
+ if len(self.functions_list.get_list()) % 2 == 0:
+ color = profile.get_fill_color(self)
+ else:
+ color = profile.get_stroke_color(self)
+ self.functions_list.append_function(color)
+ self.update_graph(None, self.functions_list.get_list())
+ return len(self.functions_list.get_list())
+ def update_graph(self, widget, info):
+# self._evaluate_cb(None, self.toolbar_box.evaluate_entry.get_text())
+ self.graph.reload_functions([(func,
+ color,
+ selected) for color,
+ name,
+ func,
+ selected in info])