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path: root/graphs.py
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authorJamie Boisture <jboisture@nevada.gctaa.net>2009-06-08 15:30:22 (GMT)
committer Jamie Boisture <jboisture@nevada.gctaa.net>2009-06-08 15:30:22 (GMT)
commitdc5f3984bd9e739fedf72e68b5123ffd8c7100f3 (patch)
treecc94cdf95e504e26fb5e42c4525434f2ab39042d /graphs.py
This is the initial commit for the Grapher activityHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'graphs.py')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphs.py b/graphs.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..32acaa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+import cairo, math
+colors = [(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),(.8,.2,0),(0,.8,.3)]
+def ln(x):
+ try:
+ return math.log(x, math.e)
+ except:
+ return None
+def log(x, base = 10):
+ try:
+ return math.log(x, base)
+ except:
+ return None
+def sin(x):
+ if Settings["degrees"]:
+ x = math.radians(x)
+ try:
+ return math.sin(x)
+ except:
+ return None
+def cos(x):
+ if Settings["degrees"]:
+ x = math.radians(x)
+ try:
+ return math.cos(x)
+ except:
+ return None
+def tan(x):
+ if Settings["degrees"]:
+ x = math.radians(x)
+ try:
+ return math.tan(x)
+ except:
+ return None
+def csc(x):
+ if Settings["degrees"]:
+ x = math.radians(x)
+ try:
+ return 1.0/math.sin(x)
+ except:
+ return None
+def sec(x):
+ if Settings["degrees"]:
+ x = math.radians(x)
+ try:
+ return 1.0/math.cos(x)
+ except:
+ return None
+def cot(x):
+ if Settings["degrees"]:
+ x = math.radians(x)
+ try:
+ return 1.0/math.tan(x)
+ except:
+ return None
+def sqrt(x):
+ try:
+ return math.sqrt(x)
+ except:
+ return None
+def calcXpos(x, settings):
+ return float(x - settings["xmin"])/float(settings["xmax"] - settings["xmin"]) * settings["width"]
+def calcYpos(y, settings):
+ return settings["height"] - float(y - settings["ymin"])/float(settings["ymax"] - settings["ymin"]) * settings["height"]
+def calcPosFromPolar(r, theta, settings):
+ if settings["degrees"]:
+ theta = math.radians(theta)
+ x = r*math.cos(theta)
+ y = r*math.sin(theta)
+ return (calcXpos(x,settings),calcYpos(y,settings))
+class FunctionGraph:
+ def __init__(self, graph, settings, num):
+ self.num = num +1
+ self.graph = self.formateGraph(graph)
+ self.settings = settings
+ self.color = colors[num]
+ self.points = self.EvaluateGraph()
+ def formateGraph(self, graph):
+ formatedGraph = ""
+ acceptedNumbers = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"]
+ acceptedSymbols = [".",",","a","b","c","e","g","i","l","n","o","r","s","t","q","x","*","/","+","-","(",")"]
+ for s in graph:
+ if s in acceptedNumbers: formatedGraph += s
+ if s in acceptedSymbols: formatedGraph += s
+ if s == "{" or s == "[": formatedGraph += ("(")
+ if s == "}" or s == "}": formatedGraph += (")")
+ if s == "^": formatedGraph += ("**")
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(formatedGraph)-1:
+ if formatedGraph[i] in acceptedNumbers:
+ if formatedGraph[i+1] == "x":
+ i += 1
+ formatedGraph = formatedGraph[:i] + "*" + formatedGraph[i:]
+ i += 1
+ return formatedGraph
+ def EvaluateGraph(self):
+ graphList = []
+ inc = float(self.settings["xmax"]-self.settings["xmin"])/float(self.settings["points"])
+ x = self.settings["xmin"]
+ while x <= self.settings["xmax"] + inc:
+ y = eval(self.graph)
+ if y != None:
+ graphList.append((calcXpos(x,self.settings),calcYpos(y,self.settings)))
+ x += inc
+ return graphList
+ def draw(self,context):
+ context.set_source_rgb(*self.color)
+ i = 1
+ context.move_to(*self.points[0])
+ while i < len(self.points):
+ context.line_to(*self.points[i])
+ i+=1
+ context.stroke()
+class PolarGraph:
+ def __init__(self, graph, settings, num):
+ self.num = num +1
+ self.graph = self.formateGraph(graph)
+ self.settings = settings
+ self.color = colors[num]
+ self.points = self.EvaluateGraph()
+ def formateGraph(self, graph):
+ formatedGraph = ""
+ acceptedNumbers = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"]
+ acceptedSymbols = [".",",","a","b","c","e","g","i","l","n","o","r","s","t","q","x","*","/","+","-","(",")"]
+ for s in graph:
+ if s in acceptedNumbers: formatedGraph += s
+ if s in acceptedSymbols: formatedGraph += s
+ if s == "{" or s == "[": formatedGraph += ("(")
+ if s == "}" or s == "}": formatedGraph += (")")
+ if s == "^": formatedGraph += ("**")
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(formatedGraph)-1:
+ if formatedGraph[i] in acceptedNumbers:
+ if formatedGraph[i+1] == "x":
+ i += 1
+ formatedGraph = formatedGraph[:i] + "*" + formatedGraph[i:]
+ i += 1
+ return formatedGraph
+ def EvaluateGraph(self):
+ graphList = []
+ inc = float(self.settings["thetamax"]-self.settings["thetamin"])/float(self.settings["points"])
+ x = self.settings["thetamin"]
+ while x <= self.settings["thetamax"] + inc:
+ y = eval(self.graph)
+ if y != None:
+ graphList.append(calcPosFromPolar(y,x,self.settings))
+ x += inc
+ return graphList
+ def draw(self,context):
+ context.set_source_rgb(*self.color)
+ i = 1
+ context.move_to(*self.points[0])
+ while i < len(self.points):
+ context.line_to(*self.points[i])
+ i+=1
+ context.stroke()
+class ParametricGraph:
+ def __init__(self, graphX, graphY, settings, num):
+ self.num = num +1
+ self.graphX = self.formateGraph(graphX)
+ self.graphY = self.formateGraph(graphY)
+ self.settings = settings
+ self.color = colors[num]
+ self.points = self.EvaluateGraphs()
+ def formateGraph(self, graph):
+ formatedGraph = ""
+ acceptedNumbers = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"]
+ acceptedSymbols = [".","a","b","c","g","i","l","n","o","r","s","t","q","*","/","+","-","(",")"]
+ for s in graph:
+ if s in acceptedNumbers: formatedGraph += s
+ if s in acceptedSymbols: formatedGraph += s
+ if s == "{" or s == "[": formatedGraph += ("(")
+ if s == "}" or s == "}": formatedGraph += (")")
+ if s == "^": formatedGraph += ("**")
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(formatedGraph)-1:
+ if formatedGraph[i] in acceptedNumbers:
+ if formatedGraph[i+1] == "x":
+ i += 1
+ formatedGraph = formatedGraph[:i] + "*" + formatedGraph[i:]
+ i += 1
+ return formatedGraph
+ def EvaluateGraphs(self):
+ graphList = []
+ inc = float(self.settings["tmax"]-self.settings["tmin"])/float(self.settings["points"])
+ t = self.settings["tmin"]
+ while t <= self.settings["tmax"] + inc:
+ y = eval(self.graphY)
+ x = eval(self.graphX)
+ graphList.append((calcXpos(x,self.settings),calcYpos(y,self.settings)))
+ t += inc
+ return graphList
+ def draw(self,context):
+ context.set_source_rgb(*self.color)
+ i = 1
+ context.move_to(*self.points[0])
+ while i < len(self.points):
+ context.line_to(*self.points[i])
+ i+=1
+ context.stroke()
+class Axis:
+ def __init__(self, settings):
+ global Settings
+ Settings = settings
+ width = settings["width"]
+ height = settings["height"]
+ self.settings = settings
+ self.center = (width - width*(float(settings["xmax"])/(float(settings["xmax"]-settings["xmin"]))),
+ height*(float(settings["ymax"])/(float(settings["ymax"]-settings["ymin"]))))
+ self.x = self.center[0]
+ if self.center[0] < 0:
+ self.x = 0
+ if self.center[0] > width:
+ self.x = width
+ self.y = self.center[1]
+ if self.center[1] < 0:
+ self.y = 0
+ if self.center[1] > height:
+ self.y = height
+ def draw(self,context):
+ context.move_to(self.center[0],0)
+ context.line_to(self.center[0],self.settings["height"])
+ context.stroke()
+ context.move_to(0,self.center[1])
+ context.line_to(self.settings["width"],self.center[1])
+ context.stroke()
+ for x in range(int(self.settings["xmin"]), int(self.settings["xmax"])):
+ context.move_to(calcXpos(x, self.settings), self.y-5)
+ context.line_to(calcXpos(x, self.settings), self.y+5)
+ context.stroke()
+ for y in range(int(self.settings["ymin"]), int(self.settings["ymax"])):
+ context.move_to(self.x-5,calcYpos(y, self.settings))
+ context.line_to(self.x+5,calcYpos(y, self.settings))
+ context.stroke()