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path: root/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/hpricot-0.8.1/lib/hpricot/elements.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/hpricot-0.8.1/lib/hpricot/elements.rb')
1 files changed, 510 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/hpricot-0.8.1/lib/hpricot/elements.rb b/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/hpricot-0.8.1/lib/hpricot/elements.rb
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/hpricot-0.8.1/lib/hpricot/elements.rb
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+module Hpricot
+# Once you've matched a list of elements, you will often need to handle them as
+# a group. Or you may want to perform the same action on each of them.
+# Hpricot::Elements is an extension of Ruby's array class, with some methods
+# added for altering elements contained in the array.
+# If you need to create an element array from regular elements:
+# Hpricot::Elements[ele1, ele2, ele3]
+# Assuming that ele1, ele2 and ele3 contain element objects (Hpricot::Elem,
+# Hpricot::Doc, etc.)
+# == Continuing Searches
+# Usually the Hpricot::Elements you're working on comes from a search you've
+# done. Well, you can continue searching the list by using the same <tt>at</tt>
+# and <tt>search</tt> methods you can use on plain elements.
+# elements = doc.search("/div/p")
+# elements = elements.search("/a[@href='http://hoodwink.d/']")
+# elements = elements.at("img")
+# == Altering Elements
+# When you're altering elements in the list, your changes will be reflected in
+# the document you started searching from.
+# doc = Hpricot("That's my <b>spoon</b>, Tyler.")
+# doc.at("b").swap("<i>fork</i>")
+# doc.to_html
+# #=> "That's my <i>fork</i>, Tyler."
+# == Getting More Detailed
+# If you can't find a method here that does what you need, you may need to
+# loop through the elements and find a method in Hpricot::Container::Trav
+# which can do what you need.
+# For example, you may want to search for all the H3 header tags in a document
+# and grab all the tags underneath the header, but not inside the header.
+# A good method for this is <tt>next_sibling</tt>:
+# doc.search("h3").each do |h3|
+# while ele = h3.next_sibling
+# ary << ele # stuff away all the elements under the h3
+# end
+# end
+# Most of the useful element methods are in the mixins Hpricot::Traverse
+# and Hpricot::Container::Trav.
+ class Elements < Array
+ # Searches this list for any elements (or children of these elements) matching
+ # the CSS or XPath expression +expr+. Root is assumed to be the element scanned.
+ #
+ # See Hpricot::Container::Trav.search for more.
+ def search(*expr,&blk)
+ Elements[*map { |x| x.search(*expr,&blk) }.flatten.uniq]
+ end
+ alias_method :/, :search
+ # Searches this list for the first element (or child of these elements) matching
+ # the CSS or XPath expression +expr+. Root is assumed to be the element scanned.
+ #
+ # See Hpricot::Container::Trav.at for more.
+ def at(expr, &blk)
+ search(expr, &blk).first
+ end
+ alias_method :%, :at
+ # Convert this group of elements into a complete HTML fragment, returned as a
+ # string.
+ def to_html
+ map { |x| x.output("") }.join
+ end
+ alias_method :to_s, :to_html
+ # Returns an HTML fragment built of the contents of each element in this list.
+ #
+ # If a HTML +string+ is supplied, this method acts like inner_html=.
+ def inner_html(*string)
+ if string.empty?
+ map { |x| x.inner_html }.join
+ else
+ x = self.inner_html = string.pop || x
+ end
+ end
+ alias_method :html, :inner_html
+ alias_method :innerHTML, :inner_html
+ # Replaces the contents of each element in this list. Supply an HTML +string+,
+ # which is loaded into Hpricot objects and inserted into every element in this
+ # list.
+ def inner_html=(string)
+ each { |x| x.inner_html = string }
+ end
+ alias_method :html=, :inner_html=
+ alias_method :innerHTML=, :inner_html=
+ # Returns an string containing the text contents of each element in this list.
+ # All HTML tags are removed.
+ def inner_text
+ map { |x| x.inner_text }.join
+ end
+ alias_method :text, :inner_text
+ # Remove all elements in this list from the document which contains them.
+ #
+ # doc = Hpricot("<html>Remove this: <b>here</b></html>")
+ # doc.search("b").remove
+ # doc.to_html
+ # => "<html>Remove this: </html>"
+ #
+ def remove
+ each { |x| x.parent.children.delete(x) }
+ end
+ # Empty the elements in this list, by removing their insides.
+ #
+ # doc = Hpricot("<p> We have <i>so much</i> to say.</p>")
+ # doc.search("i").empty
+ # doc.to_html
+ # => "<p> We have <i></i> to say.</p>"
+ #
+ def empty
+ each { |x| x.inner_html = nil }
+ end
+ # Add to the end of the contents inside each element in this list.
+ # Pass in an HTML +str+, which is turned into Hpricot elements.
+ def append(str = nil, &blk)
+ each { |x| x.html(x.children + x.make(str, &blk)) }
+ end
+ # Add to the start of the contents inside each element in this list.
+ # Pass in an HTML +str+, which is turned into Hpricot elements.
+ def prepend(str = nil, &blk)
+ each { |x| x.html(x.make(str, &blk) + x.children) }
+ end
+ # Add some HTML just previous to each element in this list.
+ # Pass in an HTML +str+, which is turned into Hpricot elements.
+ def before(str = nil, &blk)
+ each { |x| x.parent.insert_before x.make(str, &blk), x }
+ end
+ # Just after each element in this list, add some HTML.
+ # Pass in an HTML +str+, which is turned into Hpricot elements.
+ def after(str = nil, &blk)
+ each { |x| x.parent.insert_after x.make(str, &blk), x }
+ end
+ # Wraps each element in the list inside the element created by HTML +str+.
+ # If more than one element is found in the string, Hpricot locates the
+ # deepest spot inside the first element.
+ #
+ # doc.search("a[@href]").
+ # wrap(%{<div class="link"><div class="link_inner"></div></div>})
+ #
+ # This code wraps every link on the page inside a +div.link+ and a +div.link_inner+ nest.
+ def wrap(str = nil, &blk)
+ each do |x|
+ wrap = x.make(str, &blk)
+ nest = wrap.detect { |w| w.respond_to? :children }
+ unless nest
+ raise "No wrapping element found."
+ end
+ x.parent.replace_child(x, wrap)
+ nest = nest.children.first until nest.empty?
+ nest.html([x])
+ end
+ end
+ # Gets and sets attributes on all matched elements.
+ #
+ # Pass in a +key+ on its own and this method will return the string value
+ # assigned to that attribute for the first elements. Or +nil+ if the
+ # attribute isn't found.
+ #
+ # doc.search("a").attr("href")
+ # #=> "http://hacketyhack.net/"
+ #
+ # Or, pass in a +key+ and +value+. This will set an attribute for all
+ # matched elements.
+ #
+ # doc.search("p").attr("class", "basic")
+ #
+ # You may also use a Hash to set a series of attributes:
+ #
+ # (doc/"a").attr(:class => "basic", :href => "http://hackety.org/")
+ #
+ # Lastly, a block can be used to rewrite an attribute based on the element
+ # it belongs to. The block will pass in an element. Return from the block
+ # the new value of the attribute.
+ #
+ # records.attr("href") { |e| e['href'] + "#top" }
+ #
+ # This example adds a <tt>#top</tt> anchor to each link.
+ #
+ def attr key, value = nil, &blk
+ if value or blk
+ each do |el|
+ el.set_attribute(key, value || blk[el])
+ end
+ return self
+ end
+ if key.is_a? Hash
+ key.each { |k,v| self.attr(k,v) }
+ return self
+ else
+ return self[0].get_attribute(key)
+ end
+ end
+ alias_method :set, :attr
+ # Adds the class to all matched elements.
+ #
+ # (doc/"p").add_class("bacon")
+ #
+ # Now all paragraphs will have class="bacon".
+ def add_class class_name
+ each do |el|
+ next unless el.respond_to? :get_attribute
+ classes = el.get_attribute('class').to_s.split(" ")
+ el.set_attribute('class', classes.push(class_name).uniq.join(" "))
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ # Remove an attribute from each of the matched elements.
+ #
+ # (doc/"input").remove_attr("disabled")
+ #
+ def remove_attr name
+ each do |el|
+ next unless el.respond_to? :remove_attribute
+ el.remove_attribute(name)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ # Removes a class from all matched elements.
+ #
+ # (doc/"span").remove_class("lightgrey")
+ #
+ # Or, to remove all classes:
+ #
+ # (doc/"span").remove_class
+ #
+ def remove_class name = nil
+ each do |el|
+ next unless el.respond_to? :get_attribute
+ if name
+ classes = el.get_attribute('class').to_s.split(" ")
+ el.set_attribute('class', (classes - [name]).uniq.join(" "))
+ else
+ el.remove_attribute("class")
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ ATTR_RE = %r!\[ *(?:(@)([\w\(\)-]+)|([\w\(\)-]+\(\))) *([~\!\|\*$\^=]*) *'?"?([^'"]*)'?"? *\]!i
+ BRACK_RE = %r!(\[) *([^\]]*) *\]+!i
+ FUNC_RE = %r!(:)?([a-zA-Z0-9\*_-]*)\( *[\"']?([^ \)]*?)['\"]? *\)!
+ CUST_RE = %r!(:)([a-zA-Z0-9\*_-]*)()!
+ CATCH_RE = %r!([:\.#]*)([a-zA-Z0-9\*_-]+)!
+ def self.filter(nodes, expr, truth = true)
+ until expr.empty?
+ _, *m = *expr.match(/^(?:#{ATTR_RE}|#{BRACK_RE}|#{FUNC_RE}|#{CUST_RE}|#{CATCH_RE})/)
+ break unless _
+ expr = $'
+ m.compact!
+ if m[0] == '@'
+ m[0] = "@#{m.slice!(2,1).join}"
+ end
+ if m[0] == '[' && m[1] =~ /^\d+$/
+ m = [":", "nth", m[1].to_i-1]
+ end
+ if m[0] == ":" && m[1] == "not"
+ nodes, = Elements.filter(nodes, m[2], false)
+ elsif "#{m[0]}#{m[1]}" =~ /^(:even|:odd)$/
+ new_nodes = []
+ nodes.each_with_index {|n,i| new_nodes.push(n) if (i % 2 == (m[1] == "even" ? 0 : 1)) }
+ nodes = new_nodes
+ elsif "#{m[0]}#{m[1]}" =~ /^(:first|:last)$/
+ nodes = [nodes.send(m[1])]
+ else
+ meth = "filter[#{m[0]}#{m[1]}]" unless m[0].empty?
+ if meth and Traverse.method_defined? meth
+ args = m[2..-1]
+ else
+ meth = "filter[#{m[0]}]"
+ if Traverse.method_defined? meth
+ args = m[1..-1]
+ end
+ end
+ args << -1
+ nodes = Elements[*nodes.find_all do |x|
+ args[-1] += 1
+ x.send(meth, *args) ? truth : !truth
+ end]
+ end
+ end
+ [nodes, expr]
+ end
+ # Given two elements, attempt to gather an Elements array of everything between
+ # (and including) those two elements.
+ def self.expand(ele1, ele2, excl=false)
+ ary = []
+ offset = excl ? -1 : 0
+ if ele1 and ele2
+ # let's quickly take care of siblings
+ if ele1.parent == ele2.parent
+ ary = ele1.parent.children[ele1.node_position..(ele2.node_position+offset)]
+ else
+ # find common parent
+ p, ele1_p = ele1, [ele1]
+ ele1_p.unshift p while p.respond_to?(:parent) and p = p.parent
+ p, ele2_p = ele2, [ele2]
+ ele2_p.unshift p while p.respond_to?(:parent) and p = p.parent
+ common_parent = ele1_p.zip(ele2_p).select { |p1, p2| p1 == p2 }.flatten.last
+ child = nil
+ if ele1 == common_parent
+ child = ele2
+ elsif ele2 == common_parent
+ child = ele1
+ end
+ if child
+ ary = common_parent.children[0..(child.node_position+offset)]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return Elements[*ary]
+ end
+ def filter(expr)
+ nodes, = Elements.filter(self, expr)
+ nodes
+ end
+ def not(expr)
+ if expr.is_a? Traverse
+ nodes = self - [expr]
+ else
+ nodes, = Elements.filter(self, expr, false)
+ end
+ nodes
+ end
+ private
+ def copy_node(node, l)
+ l.instance_variables.each do |iv|
+ node.instance_variable_set(iv, l.instance_variable_get(iv))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module Traverse
+ def self.filter(tok, &blk)
+ define_method("filter[#{tok.is_a?(String) ? tok : tok.inspect}]", &blk)
+ end
+ filter '' do |name,i|
+ name == '*' || (self.respond_to?(:name) && self.name.downcase == name.downcase)
+ end
+ filter '#' do |id,i|
+ self.elem? and get_attribute('id').to_s == id
+ end
+ filter '.' do |name,i|
+ self.elem? and classes.include? name
+ end
+ filter :lt do |num,i|
+ self.position < num.to_i
+ end
+ filter :gt do |num,i|
+ self.position > num.to_i
+ end
+ nth = proc { |num,i| self.position == num.to_i }
+ nth_first = proc { |*a| self.position == 0 }
+ nth_last = proc { |*a| self == parent.children_of_type(self.name).last }
+ filter :nth, &nth
+ filter :eq, &nth
+ filter ":nth-of-type", &nth
+ filter :first, &nth_first
+ filter ":first-of-type", &nth_first
+ filter :last, &nth_last
+ filter ":last-of-type", &nth_last
+ filter :even do |num,i|
+ self.position % 2 == 0
+ end
+ filter :odd do |num,i|
+ self.position % 2 == 1
+ end
+ filter ':first-child' do |i|
+ self == parent.containers.first
+ end
+ filter ':nth-child' do |arg,i|
+ case arg
+ when 'even'; (parent.containers.index(self) + 1) % 2 == 0
+ when 'odd'; (parent.containers.index(self) + 1) % 2 == 1
+ else self == (parent.containers[arg.to_i - 1])
+ end
+ end
+ filter ":last-child" do |i|
+ self == parent.containers.last
+ end
+ filter ":nth-last-child" do |arg,i|
+ self == parent.containers[-1-arg.to_i]
+ end
+ filter ":nth-last-of-type" do |arg,i|
+ self == parent.children_of_type(self.name)[-1-arg.to_i]
+ end
+ filter ":only-of-type" do |arg,i|
+ parent.children_of_type(self.name).length == 1
+ end
+ filter ":only-child" do |arg,i|
+ parent.containers.length == 1
+ end
+ filter :parent do |*a|
+ containers.length > 0
+ end
+ filter :empty do |*a|
+ containers.length == 0
+ end
+ filter :root do |*a|
+ self.is_a? Hpricot::Doc
+ end
+ filter 'text' do |*a|
+ self.text?
+ end
+ filter 'comment' do |*a|
+ self.comment?
+ end
+ filter :contains do |arg, ignore|
+ html.include? arg
+ end
+ pred_procs =
+ {'text()' => proc { |ele, *_| ele.inner_text.strip },
+ '@' => proc { |ele, attr, *_| ele.get_attribute(attr).to_s if ele.elem? }}
+ oper_procs =
+ {'=' => proc { |a,b| a == b },
+ '!=' => proc { |a,b| a != b },
+ '~=' => proc { |a,b| a.split(/\s+/).include?(b) },
+ '|=' => proc { |a,b| a =~ /^#{Regexp::quote b}(-|$)/ },
+ '^=' => proc { |a,b| a.index(b) == 0 },
+ '$=' => proc { |a,b| a =~ /#{Regexp::quote b}$/ },
+ '*=' => proc { |a,b| idx = a.index(b) }}
+ pred_procs.each do |pred_n, pred_f|
+ oper_procs.each do |oper_n, oper_f|
+ filter "#{pred_n}#{oper_n}" do |*a|
+ qual = pred_f[self, *a]
+ oper_f[qual, a[-2]] if qual
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ filter 'text()' do |val,i|
+ self.children.grep(Hpricot::Text).detect { |x| x.content =~ /\S/ } if self.children
+ end
+ filter '@' do |attr,val,i|
+ self.elem? and has_attribute? attr
+ end
+ filter '[' do |val,i|
+ self.elem? and search(val).length > 0
+ end
+ end