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path: root/ruby/lib/cgi/core.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'ruby/lib/cgi/core.rb')
1 files changed, 786 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby/lib/cgi/core.rb b/ruby/lib/cgi/core.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4521d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby/lib/cgi/core.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
+class CGI
+ $CGI_ENV = ENV # for FCGI support
+ # String for carriage return
+ CR = "\015"
+ # String for linefeed
+ LF = "\012"
+ # Standard internet newline sequence
+ EOL = CR + LF
+ REVISION = '$Id: core.rb 23760 2009-06-20 09:06:49Z yugui $' #:nodoc:
+ # Path separators in different environments.
+ PATH_SEPARATOR = {'UNIX'=>'/', 'WINDOWS'=>'\\', 'MACINTOSH'=>':'}
+ # HTTP status codes.
+ "OK" => "200 OK",
+ "PARTIAL_CONTENT" => "206 Partial Content",
+ "MULTIPLE_CHOICES" => "300 Multiple Choices",
+ "MOVED" => "301 Moved Permanently",
+ "REDIRECT" => "302 Found",
+ "NOT_MODIFIED" => "304 Not Modified",
+ "BAD_REQUEST" => "400 Bad Request",
+ "AUTH_REQUIRED" => "401 Authorization Required",
+ "FORBIDDEN" => "403 Forbidden",
+ "NOT_FOUND" => "404 Not Found",
+ "METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED" => "405 Method Not Allowed",
+ "NOT_ACCEPTABLE" => "406 Not Acceptable",
+ "LENGTH_REQUIRED" => "411 Length Required",
+ "PRECONDITION_FAILED" => "412 Precondition Failed",
+ "SERVER_ERROR" => "500 Internal Server Error",
+ "NOT_IMPLEMENTED" => "501 Method Not Implemented",
+ "BAD_GATEWAY" => "502 Bad Gateway",
+ "VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES" => "506 Variant Also Negotiates"
+ }
+ # Abbreviated day-of-week names specified by RFC 822
+ RFC822_DAYS = %w[ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat ]
+ # Abbreviated month names specified by RFC 822
+ RFC822_MONTHS = %w[ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ]
+ # :startdoc:
+ def env_table
+ end
+ def stdinput
+ $stdin
+ end
+ def stdoutput
+ $stdout
+ end
+ private :env_table, :stdinput, :stdoutput
+ # Create an HTTP header block as a string.
+ #
+ # Includes the empty line that ends the header block.
+ #
+ # +options+ can be a string specifying the Content-Type (defaults
+ # to text/html), or a hash of header key/value pairs. The following
+ # header keys are recognized:
+ #
+ # type:: the Content-Type header. Defaults to "text/html"
+ # charset:: the charset of the body, appended to the Content-Type header.
+ # nph:: a boolean value. If true, prepend protocol string and status code, and
+ # date; and sets default values for "server" and "connection" if not
+ # explicitly set.
+ # status:: the HTTP status code, returned as the Status header. See the
+ # list of available status codes below.
+ # server:: the server software, returned as the Server header.
+ # connection:: the connection type, returned as the Connection header (for
+ # instance, "close".
+ # length:: the length of the content that will be sent, returned as the
+ # Content-Length header.
+ # language:: the language of the content, returned as the Content-Language
+ # header.
+ # expires:: the time on which the current content expires, as a +Time+
+ # object, returned as the Expires header.
+ # cookie:: a cookie or cookies, returned as one or more Set-Cookie headers.
+ # The value can be the literal string of the cookie; a CGI::Cookie
+ # object; an Array of literal cookie strings or Cookie objects; or a
+ # hash all of whose values are literal cookie strings or Cookie objects.
+ # These cookies are in addition to the cookies held in the
+ # @output_cookies field.
+ #
+ # Other header lines can also be set; they are appended as key: value.
+ #
+ # header
+ # # Content-Type: text/html
+ #
+ # header("text/plain")
+ # # Content-Type: text/plain
+ #
+ # header("nph" => true,
+ # "status" => "OK", # == "200 OK"
+ # # "status" => "200 GOOD",
+ # "server" => ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],
+ # "connection" => "close",
+ # "type" => "text/html",
+ # "charset" => "iso-2022-jp",
+ # # Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp
+ # "length" => 103,
+ # "language" => "ja",
+ # "expires" => Time.now + 30,
+ # "cookie" => [cookie1, cookie2],
+ # "my_header1" => "my_value"
+ # "my_header2" => "my_value")
+ #
+ # The status codes are:
+ #
+ # "OK" --> "200 OK"
+ # "PARTIAL_CONTENT" --> "206 Partial Content"
+ # "MULTIPLE_CHOICES" --> "300 Multiple Choices"
+ # "MOVED" --> "301 Moved Permanently"
+ # "REDIRECT" --> "302 Found"
+ # "NOT_MODIFIED" --> "304 Not Modified"
+ # "BAD_REQUEST" --> "400 Bad Request"
+ # "AUTH_REQUIRED" --> "401 Authorization Required"
+ # "FORBIDDEN" --> "403 Forbidden"
+ # "NOT_FOUND" --> "404 Not Found"
+ # "METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED" --> "405 Method Not Allowed"
+ # "NOT_ACCEPTABLE" --> "406 Not Acceptable"
+ # "LENGTH_REQUIRED" --> "411 Length Required"
+ # "PRECONDITION_FAILED" --> "412 Precondition Failed"
+ # "SERVER_ERROR" --> "500 Internal Server Error"
+ # "NOT_IMPLEMENTED" --> "501 Method Not Implemented"
+ # "BAD_GATEWAY" --> "502 Bad Gateway"
+ # "VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES" --> "506 Variant Also Negotiates"
+ #
+ # This method does not perform charset conversion.
+ def header(options='text/html')
+ if options.is_a?(String)
+ content_type = options
+ buf = _header_for_string(content_type)
+ elsif options.is_a?(Hash)
+ if options.size == 1 && options.has_key?('type')
+ content_type = options['type']
+ buf = _header_for_string(content_type)
+ else
+ buf = _header_for_hash(options.dup)
+ end
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError.new("expected String or Hash but got #{options.class}")
+ end
+ if defined?(MOD_RUBY)
+ _header_for_modruby(buf)
+ return ''
+ else
+ buf << EOL # empty line of separator
+ return buf
+ end
+ end # header()
+ def _header_for_string(content_type) #:nodoc:
+ buf = ''
+ if nph?()
+ buf << "#{$CGI_ENV['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] || 'HTTP/1.0'} 200 OK#{EOL}"
+ buf << "Date: #{CGI.rfc1123_date(Time.now)}#{EOL}"
+ buf << "Server: #{$CGI_ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE']}#{EOL}"
+ buf << "Connection: close#{EOL}"
+ end
+ buf << "Content-Type: #{content_type}#{EOL}"
+ if @output_cookies
+ @output_cookies.each {|cookie| buf << "Set-Cookie: #{cookie}#{EOL}" }
+ end
+ return buf
+ end # _header_for_string
+ private :_header_for_string
+ def _header_for_hash(options) #:nodoc:
+ buf = ''
+ ## add charset to option['type']
+ options['type'] ||= 'text/html'
+ charset = options.delete('charset')
+ options['type'] += "; charset=#{charset}" if charset
+ ## NPH
+ options.delete('nph') if defined?(MOD_RUBY)
+ if options.delete('nph') || nph?()
+ protocol = $CGI_ENV['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] || 'HTTP/1.0'
+ status = options.delete('status')
+ status = HTTP_STATUS[status] || status || '200 OK'
+ buf << "#{protocol} #{status}#{EOL}"
+ buf << "Date: #{CGI.rfc1123_date(Time.now)}#{EOL}"
+ options['server'] ||= $CGI_ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] || ''
+ options['connection'] ||= 'close'
+ end
+ ## common headers
+ status = options.delete('status')
+ buf << "Status: #{HTTP_STATUS[status] || status}#{EOL}" if status
+ server = options.delete('server')
+ buf << "Server: #{server}#{EOL}" if server
+ connection = options.delete('connection')
+ buf << "Connection: #{connection}#{EOL}" if connection
+ type = options.delete('type')
+ buf << "Content-Type: #{type}#{EOL}" #if type
+ length = options.delete('length')
+ buf << "Content-Length: #{length}#{EOL}" if length
+ language = options.delete('language')
+ buf << "Content-Language: #{language}#{EOL}" if language
+ expires = options.delete('expires')
+ buf << "Expires: #{CGI.rfc1123_date(expires)}#{EOL}" if expires
+ ## cookie
+ if cookie = options.delete('cookie')
+ case cookie
+ when String, Cookie
+ buf << "Set-Cookie: #{cookie}#{EOL}"
+ when Array
+ arr = cookie
+ arr.each {|c| buf << "Set-Cookie: #{c}#{EOL}" }
+ when Hash
+ hash = cookie
+ hash.each {|name, c| buf << "Set-Cookie: #{c}#{EOL}" }
+ end
+ end
+ if @output_cookies
+ @output_cookies.each {|c| buf << "Set-Cookie: #{c}#{EOL}" }
+ end
+ ## other headers
+ options.each do |key, value|
+ buf << "#{key}: #{value}#{EOL}"
+ end
+ return buf
+ end # _header_for_hash
+ private :_header_for_hash
+ def nph? #:nodoc:
+ return /IIS\/(\d+)/.match($CGI_ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && $1.to_i < 5
+ end
+ def _header_for_modruby(buf) #:nodoc:
+ request = Apache::request
+ buf.scan(/([^:]+): (.+)#{EOL}/o) do |name, value|
+ warn sprintf("name:%s value:%s\n", name, value) if $DEBUG
+ case name
+ when 'Set-Cookie'
+ request.headers_out.add(name, value)
+ when /^status$/i
+ request.status_line = value
+ request.status = value.to_i
+ when /^content-type$/i
+ request.content_type = value
+ when /^content-encoding$/i
+ request.content_encoding = value
+ when /^location$/i
+ request.status = 302 if request.status == 200
+ request.headers_out[name] = value
+ else
+ request.headers_out[name] = value
+ end
+ end
+ request.send_http_header
+ return ''
+ end
+ private :_header_for_modruby
+ #
+ # Print an HTTP header and body to $DEFAULT_OUTPUT ($>)
+ #
+ # The header is provided by +options+, as for #header().
+ # The body of the document is that returned by the passed-
+ # in block. This block takes no arguments. It is required.
+ #
+ # cgi = CGI.new
+ # cgi.out{ "string" }
+ # # Content-Type: text/html
+ # # Content-Length: 6
+ # #
+ # # string
+ #
+ # cgi.out("text/plain") { "string" }
+ # # Content-Type: text/plain
+ # # Content-Length: 6
+ # #
+ # # string
+ #
+ # cgi.out("nph" => true,
+ # "status" => "OK", # == "200 OK"
+ # "server" => ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],
+ # "connection" => "close",
+ # "type" => "text/html",
+ # "charset" => "iso-2022-jp",
+ # # Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp
+ # "language" => "ja",
+ # "expires" => Time.now + (3600 * 24 * 30),
+ # "cookie" => [cookie1, cookie2],
+ # "my_header1" => "my_value",
+ # "my_header2" => "my_value") { "string" }
+ #
+ # Content-Length is automatically calculated from the size of
+ # the String returned by the content block.
+ #
+ # If ENV['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "HEAD", then only the header
+ # is outputted (the content block is still required, but it
+ # is ignored).
+ #
+ # If the charset is "iso-2022-jp" or "euc-jp" or "shift_jis" then
+ # the content is converted to this charset, and the language is set
+ # to "ja".
+ def out(options = "text/html") # :yield:
+ options = { "type" => options } if options.kind_of?(String)
+ content = yield
+ options["length"] = content.bytesize.to_s
+ output = stdoutput
+ output.binmode if defined? output.binmode
+ output.print header(options)
+ output.print content unless "HEAD" == env_table['REQUEST_METHOD']
+ end
+ # Print an argument or list of arguments to the default output stream
+ #
+ # cgi = CGI.new
+ # cgi.print # default: cgi.print == $DEFAULT_OUTPUT.print
+ def print(*options)
+ stdoutput.print(*options)
+ end
+ # Parse an HTTP query string into a hash of key=>value pairs.
+ #
+ # params = CGI::parse("query_string")
+ # # {"name1" => ["value1", "value2", ...],
+ # # "name2" => ["value1", "value2", ...], ... }
+ #
+ def CGI::parse(query)
+ params = {}
+ query.split(/[&;]/).each do |pairs|
+ key, value = pairs.split('=',2).collect{|v| CGI::unescape(v) }
+ if key && value
+ params.has_key?(key) ? params[key].push(value) : params[key] = [value]
+ elsif key
+ params[key]=[]
+ end
+ end
+ params.default=[].freeze
+ params
+ end
+ # Maximum content length of post data
+ ##MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = 2 * 1024 * 1024
+ # Maximum content length of multipart data
+ MAX_MULTIPART_LENGTH = 128 * 1024 * 1024
+ # Maximum number of request parameters when multipart
+ # Mixin module. It provides the follow functionality groups:
+ #
+ # 1. Access to CGI environment variables as methods. See
+ # documentation to the CGI class for a list of these variables.
+ #
+ # 2. Access to cookies, including the cookies attribute.
+ #
+ # 3. Access to parameters, including the params attribute, and overloading
+ # [] to perform parameter value lookup by key.
+ #
+ # 4. The initialize_query method, for initialising the above
+ # mechanisms, handling multipart forms, and allowing the
+ # class to be used in "offline" mode.
+ #
+ module QueryExtension
+ %w[ CONTENT_LENGTH SERVER_PORT ].each do |env|
+ define_method(env.sub(/^HTTP_/, '').downcase) do
+ (val = env_table[env]) && Integer(val)
+ end
+ end
+ define_method(env.sub(/^HTTP_/, '').downcase) do
+ env_table[env]
+ end
+ end
+ # Get the raw cookies as a string.
+ def raw_cookie
+ env_table["HTTP_COOKIE"]
+ end
+ # Get the raw RFC2965 cookies as a string.
+ def raw_cookie2
+ env_table["HTTP_COOKIE2"]
+ end
+ # Get the cookies as a hash of cookie-name=>Cookie pairs.
+ attr_accessor :cookies
+ # Get the parameters as a hash of name=>values pairs, where
+ # values is an Array.
+ attr_reader :params
+ # Get the uploaed files as a hash of name=>values pairs
+ attr_reader :files
+ # Set all the parameters.
+ def params=(hash)
+ @params.clear
+ @params.update(hash)
+ end
+ def read_multipart(boundary, content_length)
+ ## read first boundary
+ stdin = $stdin
+ first_line = "--#{boundary}#{EOL}"
+ content_length -= first_line.bytesize
+ status = stdin.read(first_line.bytesize)
+ raise EOFError.new("no content body") unless status
+ raise EOFError.new("bad content body") unless first_line == status
+ ## parse and set params
+ params = {}
+ @files = {}
+ boundary_rexp = /--#{Regexp.quote(boundary)}(#{EOL}|--)/
+ boundary_size = "#{EOL}--#{boundary}#{EOL}".bytesize
+ boundary_end = nil
+ buf = ''
+ bufsize = 10 * 1024
+ n = 0
+ while true
+ (n += 1) < max_count or raise StandardError.new("too many parameters.")
+ ## create body (StringIO or Tempfile)
+ body = create_body(bufsize < content_length)
+ class << body
+ alias local_path path
+ attr_reader :original_filename, :content_type
+ end
+ ## find head and boundary
+ head = nil
+ separator = EOL * 2
+ until head && matched = boundary_rexp.match(buf)
+ if !head && pos = buf.index(separator)
+ len = pos + EOL.bytesize
+ head = buf[0, len]
+ buf = buf[(pos+separator.bytesize)..-1]
+ else
+ if head && buf.size > boundary_size
+ len = buf.size - boundary_size
+ body.print(buf[0, len])
+ buf[0, len] = ''
+ end
+ c = stdin.read(bufsize < content_length ? bufsize : content_length)
+ raise EOFError.new("bad content body") if c.nil? || c.empty?
+ buf << c
+ content_length -= c.bytesize
+ end
+ end
+ ## read to end of boundary
+ m = matched
+ len = m.begin(0)
+ s = buf[0, len]
+ if s =~ /(\r?\n)\z/
+ s = buf[0, len - $1.bytesize]
+ end
+ body.print(s)
+ buf = buf[m.end(0)..-1]
+ boundary_end = m[1]
+ content_length = -1 if boundary_end == '--'
+ ## reset file cursor position
+ body.rewind
+ ## original filename
+ /Content-Disposition:.* filename=(?:"(.*?)"|([^;\r\n]*))/i.match(head)
+ filename = $1 || $2 || ''
+ filename = CGI.unescape(filename) if unescape_filename?()
+ body.instance_variable_set('@original_filename', filename.taint)
+ ## content type
+ /Content-Type: (.*)/i.match(head)
+ (content_type = $1 || '').chomp!
+ body.instance_variable_set('@content_type', content_type.taint)
+ ## query parameter name
+ /Content-Disposition:.* name=(?:"(.*?)"|([^;\r\n]*))/i.match(head)
+ name = $1 || $2 || ''
+ if body.original_filename.empty?
+ value=body.read.dup.force_encoding(@accept_charset)
+ (params[name] ||= []) << value
+ unless value.valid_encoding?
+ if @accept_charset_error_block
+ @accept_charset_error_block.call(name,value)
+ else
+ raise InvalidEncoding,"Accept-Charset encoding error"
+ end
+ end
+ class << params[name].last;self;end.class_eval do
+ define_method(:read){self}
+ define_method(:original_filename){""}
+ define_method(:content_type){""}
+ end
+ else
+ (params[name] ||= []) << body
+ @files[name]=body
+ end
+ ## break loop
+ break if buf.size == 0
+ break if content_length == -1
+ end
+ raise EOFError, "bad boundary end of body part" unless boundary_end =~ /--/
+ params.default = []
+ params
+ end # read_multipart
+ private :read_multipart
+ def create_body(is_large) #:nodoc:
+ if is_large
+ require 'tempfile'
+ body = Tempfile.new('CGI', encoding: "ascii-8bit")
+ else
+ begin
+ require 'stringio'
+ body = StringIO.new("".force_encoding("ascii-8bit"))
+ rescue LoadError
+ require 'tempfile'
+ body = Tempfile.new('CGI', encoding: "ascii-8bit")
+ end
+ end
+ body.binmode if defined? body.binmode
+ return body
+ end
+ def unescape_filename? #:nodoc:
+ user_agent = $CGI_ENV['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
+ return /Mac/i.match(user_agent) && /Mozilla/i.match(user_agent) && !/MSIE/i.match(user_agent)
+ end
+ # offline mode. read name=value pairs on standard input.
+ def read_from_cmdline
+ require "shellwords"
+ string = unless ARGV.empty?
+ ARGV.join(' ')
+ else
+ if STDIN.tty?
+ STDERR.print(
+ %|(offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)\n|
+ )
+ end
+ readlines.join(' ').gsub(/\n/, '')
+ end.gsub(/\\=/, '%3D').gsub(/\\&/, '%26')
+ words = Shellwords.shellwords(string)
+ if words.find{|x| /=/.match(x) }
+ words.join('&')
+ else
+ words.join('+')
+ end
+ end
+ private :read_from_cmdline
+ # A wrapper class to use a StringIO object as the body and switch
+ # to a TempFile when the passed threshold is passed.
+ # Initialize the data from the query.
+ #
+ # Handles multipart forms (in particular, forms that involve file uploads).
+ # Reads query parameters in the @params field, and cookies into @cookies.
+ def initialize_query()
+ if ("POST" == env_table['REQUEST_METHOD']) and
+ %r|\Amultipart/form-data.*boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)\"?|.match(env_table['CONTENT_TYPE'])
+ raise StandardError.new("too large multipart data.") if env_table['CONTENT_LENGTH'].to_i > MAX_MULTIPART_LENGTH
+ boundary = $1.dup
+ @multipart = true
+ @params = read_multipart(boundary, Integer(env_table['CONTENT_LENGTH']))
+ else
+ @multipart = false
+ @params = CGI::parse(
+ case env_table['REQUEST_METHOD']
+ when "GET", "HEAD"
+ if defined?(MOD_RUBY)
+ Apache::request.args or ""
+ else
+ env_table['QUERY_STRING'] or ""
+ end
+ when "POST"
+ stdinput.binmode if defined? stdinput.binmode
+ stdinput.read(Integer(env_table['CONTENT_LENGTH'])) or ''
+ else
+ read_from_cmdline
+ end.dup.force_encoding(@accept_charset)
+ )
+ unless Encoding.find(@accept_charset) == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT
+ @params.each do |key,values|
+ values.each do |value|
+ unless value.valid_encoding?
+ if @accept_charset_error_block
+ @accept_charset_error_block.call(key,value)
+ else
+ raise InvalidEncoding,"Accept-Charset encoding error"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @cookies = CGI::Cookie::parse((env_table['HTTP_COOKIE'] or env_table['COOKIE']))
+ end
+ private :initialize_query
+ def multipart?
+ @multipart
+ end
+ # Get the value for the parameter with a given key.
+ #
+ # If the parameter has multiple values, only the first will be
+ # retrieved; use #params() to get the array of values.
+ def [](key)
+ params = @params[key]
+ return '' unless params
+ value = params[0]
+ if @multipart
+ if value
+ return value
+ elsif defined? StringIO
+ StringIO.new("".force_encoding("ascii-8bit"))
+ else
+ Tempfile.new("CGI",encoding:"ascii-8bit")
+ end
+ else
+ str = if value then value.dup else "" end
+ str
+ end
+ end
+ # Return all parameter keys as an array.
+ def keys(*args)
+ @params.keys(*args)
+ end
+ # Returns true if a given parameter key exists in the query.
+ def has_key?(*args)
+ @params.has_key?(*args)
+ end
+ alias key? has_key?
+ alias include? has_key?
+ end # QueryExtension
+ # InvalidEncoding Exception class
+ class InvalidEncoding < Exception; end
+ # @@accept_charset is default accept character set.
+ # This default value default is "UTF-8"
+ # If you want to change the default accept character set
+ # when create a new CGI instance, set this:
+ #
+ # CGI.accept_charset = "EUC-JP"
+ #
+ @@accept_charset="UTF-8"
+ def self.accept_charset
+ @@accept_charset
+ end
+ def self.accept_charset=(accept_charset)
+ @@accept_charset=accept_charset
+ end
+ # Create a new CGI instance.
+ #
+ # CGI accept constructor parameters either in a hash, string as a block.
+ # But string is as same as using :tag_maker of hash.
+ #
+ # CGI.new("html3") #=> CGI.new(:tag_maker=>"html3")
+ #
+ # And, if you specify string, @accept_charset cannot be changed.
+ # Instead, please use hash parameter.
+ #
+ # == accept_charset
+ #
+ # :accept_charset specifies encoding of received query string.
+ # ( Default value is @@accept_charset. )
+ # If not valid, raise CGI::InvalidEncoding
+ #
+ # Example. Suppose @@accept_charset # => "UTF-8"
+ #
+ # when not specified:
+ #
+ # cgi=CGI.new # @accept_charset # => "UTF-8"
+ #
+ # when specified "EUC-JP":
+ #
+ # cgi=CGI.new(:accept_charset => "EUC-JP") # => "EUC-JP"
+ #
+ # == block
+ #
+ # When you use a block, you can write a process
+ # that query encoding is invalid. Example:
+ #
+ # encoding_error={}
+ # cgi=CGI.new(:accept_charset=>"EUC-JP") do |name,value|
+ # encoding_error[key] = value
+ # end
+ #
+ # == tag_maker
+ #
+ # :tag_maker specifies which version of HTML to load the HTML generation
+ # methods for. The following versions of HTML are supported:
+ #
+ # html3:: HTML 3.x
+ # html4:: HTML 4.0
+ # html4Tr:: HTML 4.0 Transitional
+ # html4Fr:: HTML 4.0 with Framesets
+ #
+ # If not specified, no HTML generation methods will be loaded.
+ #
+ # If the CGI object is not created in a standard CGI call environment
+ # (that is, it can't locate REQUEST_METHOD in its environment), then
+ # it will run in "offline" mode. In this mode, it reads its parameters
+ # from the command line or (failing that) from standard input. Otherwise,
+ # cookies and other parameters are parsed automatically from the standard
+ # CGI locations, which varies according to the REQUEST_METHOD. It works this:
+ #
+ # CGI.new(:tag_maker=>"html3")
+ #
+ # This will be obsolete:
+ #
+ # CGI.new("html3")
+ #
+ attr_reader :accept_charset
+ def initialize(options = {},&block)
+ @accept_charset_error_block=block if block_given?
+ @options={:accept_charset=>@@accept_charset}
+ case options
+ when Hash
+ @options.merge!(options)
+ when String
+ @options[:tag_maker]=options
+ end
+ @accept_charset=@options[:accept_charset]
+ if defined?(MOD_RUBY) && !ENV.key?("GATEWAY_INTERFACE")
+ Apache.request.setup_cgi_env
+ end
+ extend QueryExtension
+ @multipart = false
+ initialize_query() # set @params, @cookies
+ @output_cookies = nil
+ @output_hidden = nil
+ case @options[:tag_maker]
+ when "html3"
+ require 'cgi/html'
+ extend Html3
+ element_init()
+ extend HtmlExtension
+ when "html4"
+ require 'cgi/html'
+ extend Html4
+ element_init()
+ extend HtmlExtension
+ when "html4Tr"
+ require 'cgi/html'
+ extend Html4Tr
+ element_init()
+ extend HtmlExtension
+ when "html4Fr"
+ require 'cgi/html'
+ extend Html4Tr
+ element_init()
+ extend Html4Fr
+ element_init()
+ extend HtmlExtension
+ end
+ end
+end # class CGI