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path: root/static
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Diffstat (limited to 'static')
-rw-r--r--static/Shoes.icnsbin0 -> 34271 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/app-icon.pngbin0 -> 5591 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/avatar.pngbin0 -> 1374 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/icon-debug.pngbin0 -> 525 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/icon-error.pngbin0 -> 701 bytes
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-rw-r--r--static/listbox_button2.pngbin0 -> 420 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-app.pngbin0 -> 10775 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-builds.pngbin0 -> 21491 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-builds1.pngbin0 -> 18226 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-editor-notepad.pngbin0 -> 6580 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-editor-osx.pngbin0 -> 11400 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-ele-background.pngbin0 -> 4902 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-ele-border.pngbin0 -> 6296 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-ele-button.pngbin0 -> 5125 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-ele-check.pngbin0 -> 6042 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-ele-editbox.pngbin0 -> 5308 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-ele-editline.pngbin0 -> 4979 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-ele-image.pngbin0 -> 81127 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-ele-listbox.pngbin0 -> 8100 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-ele-progress.pngbin0 -> 4405 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-ele-radio.pngbin0 -> 6049 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-ele-shape.pngbin0 -> 7225 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-ele-textblock.pngbin0 -> 7672 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-ele-video.pngbin0 -> 157853 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-intro-dmg.pngbin0 -> 23639 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-intro-exe.pngbin0 -> 16531 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-look-tiger.pngbin0 -> 101078 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-look-ubuntu.pngbin0 -> 12692 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-look-vista.pngbin0 -> 6629 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-run-osx.pngbin0 -> 18150 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-run-vista.pngbin0 -> 6724 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-run-xp.pngbin0 -> 4348 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/man-shot1.pngbin0 -> 14208 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/menu-corner1.pngbin0 -> 462 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/menu-corner2.pngbin0 -> 563 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/menu-gray.pngbin0 -> 148 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/menu-left.pngbin0 -> 534 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/menu-right.pngbin0 -> 533 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/menu-top.pngbin0 -> 335 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/shoes-dmg.jpgbin0 -> 35616 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/shoes-icon-blue.pngbin0 -> 8035 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/shoes-icon.pngbin0 -> 6771 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/shoes-manual-apps.gifbin0 -> 27695 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/shoes_main_window.pngbin0 -> 54095 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/stripe.pngbin0 -> 328 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/stubs/blank.exebin0 -> 81920 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/stubs/blank.hfzbin0 -> 842 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/stubs/cocoa-installbin0 -> 64408 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/stubs/shoes-stub-inject.exebin0 -> 80384 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/stubs/shoes-stub.exebin0 -> 99840 bytes
-rw-r--r--static/tutor-back.pngbin0 -> 132 bytes
61 files changed, 7161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/static/Shoes.icns b/static/Shoes.icns
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe60fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/Shoes.icns
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/app-icon.png b/static/app-icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..617aa3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/app-icon.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/avatar.png b/static/avatar.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e0d64b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/avatar.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/code_highlighter.js b/static/code_highlighter.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ded1839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/code_highlighter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+/* Unobtrustive Code Highlighter By Dan Webb 11/2005
+ Version: 0.4
+ Usage:
+ Add a script tag for this script and any stylesets you need to use
+ to the page in question, add correct class names to CODE elements,
+ define CSS styles for elements. That's it!
+ Known to work on:
+ IE 5.5+ PC
+ Firefox/Mozilla PC/Mac
+ Opera 7.23 + PC
+ Safari 2
+ Known to degrade gracefully on:
+ IE5.0 PC
+ Note: IE5.0 fails due to the use of lookahead in some stylesets. To avoid script errors
+ in older browsers use expressions that use lookahead in string format when defining stylesets.
+ This script is inspired by star-light by entirely cunning Dean Edwards
+ http://dean.edwards.name/star-light/.
+// replace callback support for safari.
+if ("a".replace(/a/, function() {return "b"}) != "b") (function(){
+ var default_replace = String.prototype.replace;
+ String.prototype.replace = function(search,replace){
+ // replace is not function
+ if(typeof replace != "function"){
+ return default_replace.apply(this,arguments)
+ }
+ var str = "" + this;
+ var callback = replace;
+ // search string is not RegExp
+ if(!(search instanceof RegExp)){
+ var idx = str.indexOf(search);
+ return (
+ idx == -1 ? str :
+ default_replace.apply(str,[search,callback(search, idx, str)])
+ )
+ }
+ var reg = search;
+ var result = [];
+ var lastidx = reg.lastIndex;
+ var re;
+ while((re = reg.exec(str)) != null){
+ var idx = re.index;
+ var args = re.concat(idx, str);
+ result.push(
+ str.slice(lastidx,idx),
+ callback.apply(null,args).toString()
+ );
+ if(!reg.global){
+ lastidx += RegExp.lastMatch.length;
+ break
+ }else{
+ lastidx = reg.lastIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ result.push(str.slice(lastidx));
+ return result.join("")
+ }
+var CodeHighlighter = { styleSets : new Array };
+CodeHighlighter.addStyle = function(name, rules) {
+ // using push test to disallow older browsers from adding styleSets
+ if ([].push) this.styleSets.push({
+ name : name,
+ rules : rules,
+ ignoreCase : arguments[2] || false
+ })
+ function setEvent() {
+ // set highlighter to run on load (use LowPro if present)
+ if (typeof Event != 'undefined' && typeof Event.onReady == 'function')
+ return Event.onReady(CodeHighlighter.init.bind(CodeHighlighter));
+ var old = window.onload;
+ if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
+ window.onload = function() { CodeHighlighter.init() };
+ } else {
+ window.onload = function() {
+ old();
+ CodeHighlighter.init();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // only set the event when the first style is added
+ if (this.styleSets.length==1) setEvent();
+CodeHighlighter.init = function() {
+ if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return;
+ if ("a".replace(/a/, function() {return "b"}) != "b") return; // throw out Safari versions that don't support replace function
+ // throw out older browsers
+ var codeEls = document.getElementsByTagName("CODE");
+ // collect array of all pre elements
+ codeEls.filter = function(f) {
+ var a = new Array;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) if (f(this[i])) a[a.length] = this[i];
+ return a;
+ }
+ var rules = new Array;
+ rules.toString = function() {
+ // joins regexes into one big parallel regex
+ var exps = new Array;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) exps.push(this[i].exp);
+ return exps.join("|");
+ }
+ function addRule(className, rule) {
+ // add a replace rule
+ var exp = (typeof rule.exp != "string")?String(rule.exp).substr(1, String(rule.exp).length-2):rule.exp;
+ // converts regex rules to strings and chops of the slashes
+ rules.push({
+ className : className,
+ exp : "(" + exp + ")",
+ length : (exp.match(/(^|[^\\])\([^?]/g) || "").length + 1, // number of subexps in rule
+ replacement : rule.replacement || null
+ });
+ }
+ function parse(text, ignoreCase) {
+ // main text parsing and replacement
+ return text.replace(new RegExp(rules, (ignoreCase)?"gi":"g"), function() {
+ var i = 0, j = 1, rule;
+ while (rule = rules[i++]) {
+ if (arguments[j]) {
+ // if no custom replacement defined do the simple replacement
+ if (!rule.replacement) return "<span class=\"" + rule.className + "\">" + arguments[0] + "</span>";
+ else {
+ // replace $0 with the className then do normal replaces
+ var str = rule.replacement.replace("$0", rule.className);
+ for (var k = 1; k <= rule.length - 1; k++) str = str.replace("$" + k, arguments[j + k]);
+ return str;
+ }
+ } else j+= rule.length;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function highlightCode(styleSet) {
+ // clear rules array
+ var parsed, clsRx = new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + styleSet.name + "(\\s|$)");
+ rules.length = 0;
+ // get stylable elements by filtering out all code elements without the correct className
+ var stylableEls = codeEls.filter(function(item) { return clsRx.test(item.className) });
+ // add style rules to parser
+ for (var className in styleSet.rules) addRule(className, styleSet.rules[className]);
+ // replace for all elements
+ for (var i = 0; i < stylableEls.length; i++) {
+ // EVIL hack to fix IE whitespace badness if it's inside a <pre>
+ if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.appVersion) && stylableEls[i].parentNode.nodeName == 'PRE') {
+ stylableEls[i] = stylableEls[i].parentNode;
+ parsed = stylableEls[i].innerHTML.replace(/(<code[^>]*>)([^<]*)<\/code>/i, function() {
+ return arguments[1] + parse(arguments[2], styleSet.ignoreCase) + "</code>"
+ });
+ parsed = parsed.replace(/\n( *)/g, function() {
+ var spaces = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments[1].length; i++) spaces+= "&nbsp;";
+ return "\n" + spaces;
+ });
+ parsed = parsed.replace(/\t/g, "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
+ parsed = parsed.replace(/\n(<\/\w+>)?/g, "<br />$1").replace(/<br \/>[\n\r\s]*<br \/>/g, "<p><br></p>");
+ } else parsed = parse(stylableEls[i].innerHTML, styleSet.ignoreCase);
+ stylableEls[i].innerHTML = parsed;
+ }
+ }
+ // run highlighter on all stylesets
+ for (var i=0; i < this.styleSets.length; i++) {
+ highlightCode(this.styleSets[i]);
+ }
diff --git a/static/code_highlighter_ruby.js b/static/code_highlighter_ruby.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e603118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/code_highlighter_ruby.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ comment : {
+ exp : /#[^\n]+/
+ },
+ brackets : {
+ exp : /\(|\)|\{|\}/
+ },
+ string : {
+ exp : /'[^']*'|"[^"]*"/
+ },
+ keywords : {
+ exp : /\b(do|end|self|class|def|if|module|yield|then|else|for|until|unless|while|elsif|case|when|break|retry|redo|rescue|raise)\b/
+ },
+ constant : {
+ exp : /\b([A-Z]\w+)\b/
+ },
+ ivar : {
+ exp : /([^@])(@{1,2}\w+)\b/
+ },
+ ns : {
+ exp : /(:{2,})/
+ },
+ symbol : {
+ exp : /(:[A-Za-z0-9_!?]+)/
+ }
diff --git a/static/icon-debug.png b/static/icon-debug.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3d8ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/icon-debug.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/icon-error.png b/static/icon-error.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c37bd06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/icon-error.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/icon-info.png b/static/icon-info.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12cd1ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/icon-info.png
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diff --git a/static/icon-warn.png b/static/icon-warn.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..628cf2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/icon-warn.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/listbox_button1.png b/static/listbox_button1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..985b233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/listbox_button1.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/listbox_button2.png b/static/listbox_button2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e2b005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/listbox_button2.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-app.png b/static/man-app.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27f6321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-app.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-builds.png b/static/man-builds.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d3eafb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-builds.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-builds1.png b/static/man-builds1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4230778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-builds1.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-editor-notepad.png b/static/man-editor-notepad.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..165012f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-editor-notepad.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-editor-osx.png b/static/man-editor-osx.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d7f5d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-editor-osx.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-ele-background.png b/static/man-ele-background.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af18a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-ele-background.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-ele-border.png b/static/man-ele-border.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d7c3eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-ele-border.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-ele-button.png b/static/man-ele-button.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f4c662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-ele-button.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-ele-check.png b/static/man-ele-check.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a33b9b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-ele-check.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-ele-editbox.png b/static/man-ele-editbox.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e4ed3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-ele-editbox.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-ele-editline.png b/static/man-ele-editline.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..784b2aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-ele-editline.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-ele-image.png b/static/man-ele-image.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0209fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-ele-image.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-ele-listbox.png b/static/man-ele-listbox.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..785ba5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-ele-listbox.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-ele-progress.png b/static/man-ele-progress.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e95a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-ele-progress.png
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diff --git a/static/man-ele-radio.png b/static/man-ele-radio.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c16bcd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-ele-radio.png
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diff --git a/static/man-ele-shape.png b/static/man-ele-shape.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a014d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-ele-shape.png
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diff --git a/static/man-ele-textblock.png b/static/man-ele-textblock.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c14217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-ele-textblock.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-ele-video.png b/static/man-ele-video.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86a016a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-ele-video.png
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diff --git a/static/man-intro-dmg.png b/static/man-intro-dmg.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a63f388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-intro-dmg.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-intro-exe.png b/static/man-intro-exe.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e747b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-intro-exe.png
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diff --git a/static/man-look-tiger.png b/static/man-look-tiger.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f086593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-look-tiger.png
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diff --git a/static/man-look-ubuntu.png b/static/man-look-ubuntu.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5470e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-look-ubuntu.png
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diff --git a/static/man-look-vista.png b/static/man-look-vista.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..442564e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-look-vista.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/man-run-osx.png b/static/man-run-osx.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31b80c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-run-osx.png
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diff --git a/static/man-run-vista.png b/static/man-run-vista.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34fcc9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-run-vista.png
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diff --git a/static/man-run-xp.png b/static/man-run-xp.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee6eedb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-run-xp.png
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diff --git a/static/man-shot1.png b/static/man-shot1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d18a3fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/man-shot1.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/manual-en.txt b/static/manual-en.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f452661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/manual-en.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3531 @@
+= Hello! =
+Shoes is a tiny graphics toolkit. It's simple and straightforward. Shoes was
+born to be easy! Really, it was made for absolute beginners. There's really
+nothing to it.
+You see, the trivial Shoes program can be just one line:
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app { button("Click me!") { alert("Good job.") } }
+Shoes programs are written in a language called Ruby. When Shoes is handed
+this simple line of Ruby code, a window appears with a button inside reading
+"Click me!" When the button is clicked, a message pops up.
+On Linux, here's how this might look: !{:margin_left => 100}man-shot1.png!
+While lots of Shoes apps are graphical games and art programs, you can also
+layout text and edit controls easily. !{:margin_left =>
+And, ideally, Shoes programs will run on any of the major platforms out there.
+Microsoft Windows, Apple's Mac OS X, Linux and many others.
+^So, welcome to Shoes' built-in manual. This manual is a Shoes program itself!^
+== Introducing Shoes ==
+How does Shoes look on OS X and Windows? Does it really look okay? Is it all
+ugly and awkward? People must immediately convulse! It must be so watered down
+trying to do everything.
+Well, before getting into the stuff about installing and running Shoes, time to
+just check out some screenshots, to give you an idea of what you can do.
+==== Mac OS X ====
+Shoes runs on Apple Mac OS X Leopard, as well as Tiger. Shoes supports PowerPC
+machines as well, however, there is no video support on that platform.
+This is the `simple-sphere.rb` sample running on Tiger. Notice that the app
+runs inside a normal OS X window border.
+The whole sphere is drawn with blurred ovals and shadows. You can draw and
+animate shapes and apply effects to those shapes in Shoes.
+==== Windows ====
+Shoes runs on all versions of '''Microsoft Windows XP''', '''Windows Vista''',
+'''Windows 7''', and anything else '''Windows 2000''' compatible.
+Above is pictured the `simple-clock.rb` sample running on Windows Vista. This
+example is also draws ovals and lines to build the clock, which is animated to
+repaint itself several times each second.
+Notice the text on the top of the app, showing the current time. Shoes has the
+skills to layout words using any color, bold, italics, underlines, and supports
+loading fonts from a file.
+==== Linux ====
+Here's a screenshot of the `simple-downloader.rb` sample running on '''Ubuntu
+Linux'''. !man-look-ubuntu.png!
+Notice the buttons and progress bars. These types of controls look different on
+OS X and Windows. The text and links would look the same, though.
+Shapes, text, images and videos all look the same on every platforms. However,
+native controls (like edit lines and edit boxes) will match the look of the
+window theme. Shoes will try to keep native controls all within the size you
+give them, only the look will vary.
+== Installing Shoes ==
+Okay, on to installing Shoes. I'm sure you're wondering: do I need to install
+Ruby? Do I need to unzip anything? What commands do I need to type?
+Nope. You don't need Ruby. You don't need WinZip. Nothing to type.
+On most systems, starting Shoes is just a matter of running the installer and
+clicking the Shoes icon. Shoes comes with everything built in. We'll talk
+through all the steps, though, just to be clear about it.
+==== Step 1: Installing Shoes ====
+You'll want to visit [[http://shoes.heroku.com/ the site of Shoes]] to download
+the Shoes installer. Usually, you'll just want one of the installers on the
+downloads page of the site. !man-builds1.png!
+Here's how to run the installer:
+ * On '''Mac OS X''', you'll have a file ending with '''.dmg'''. Double-click this file and a window should appear with a '''Shoes''' icon and an '''Applications''' folder. Following the arrow, drag the Shoes icon into the '''Applications''' folder. !man-intro-dmg.png!
+ * On '''Windows''', you'll download a '''.exe''' file. Double-click this file and follow the instructions. !man-intro-exe.png!
+ * On '''Linux''', you'll download a file ending with '''.run'''. Double-click this file and Shoes will start up. (You can also run this file from a prompt as if it was a shell script. In fact, it is a shell script!)
+==== Step 2: Start a New Text File ====
+Shoes programs are just plain text files ending with a '''.rb''' extension.
+Here are a few ways to create a blank text file:
+ * On '''Mac OS X''', visit your '''Applications''' folder and double-click on the '''TextEdit''' app. A blank editor window should come up. Now, go to the '''Format''' menu and select the '''Make Plain Text''' option. Okay, you're all set! !man-editor-osx.png!
+ * On '''Windows''', go to the Start menu. Select '''All Programs''', then '''Accessories''', then '''Notepad'''. !man-editor-notepad.png!
+ * On '''Linux''', most distros come with '''gedit'''. You might try running that. Or, if your distro is KDE-based, run '''kate'''.
+Now, in your blank window, type in the following:
+ Shoes.app do
+ background "#DFA"
+ para "Welcome to Shoes"
+ end
+Save to your desktop as `welcome.rb`.
+==== Step 3: Run It! Go Shoes! ====
+To run your program:
+ * On '''Mac OS X''', visit your '''Applications''' folder again. This time, double-click the '''Shoes''' icon in that folder. You should see the red shoes icon appear in the dock. Drag your `welcome.rb` from the desktop on to that dock icon. !man-run-osx.png!
+ * On '''Windows''', get to the Start menu. Go into '''All Programs''', then '''Shoes''', then '''Shoes'''. A file selector box should come up. Browse to your desktop and select `welcome.rb`. Click '''OK''' and you're on your way. !man-run-xp.png! !man-run-vista.png!
+ * On '''Linux''', run Shoes just like you did in step one. You should see a file selector box. Browse to your desktop, select `welcome.rb` and hit '''OK'''.
+So, not much of a program yet. But it's something! You've got the knack of it, at least!
+==== What Can You Make With Shoes? ====
+Well, you can make windowing applications. But Shoes is inspired by the web, so
+applications tend to use images and text layout rather than a lot of widgets.
+For example, Shoes doesn't come with tabbed controls or toolbars. Shoes is a
+''tiny'' toolkit, remember?
+Still, Shoes does have a few widgets like buttons and edit boxes. And many
+missing elements (like tabbed controls or toolbars) can be simulated with
+Shoes is written in part thanks to a very good art engine called Cairo, which
+is used for drawing with shapes and colors. In this way, Shoes is inspired by
+NodeBox and Processing, two very good languages for drawing animated graphics.
+== The Rules of Shoes ==
+Time to stop guessing how Shoes works. Some of the tricky things will come
+back to haunt you. I've boiled down the central rules to Shoes. These are the
+things you MUST know to really make it all work.
+These are general rules found throughout Shoes. While Shoes has an overall
+philosophy of simplicity and clarity, there are a few points that need to be
+studied and remembered.
+==== Shoes Tricky Blocks ====
+Okay, this is absolutely crucial. Shoes does a trick with blocks. This trick
+makes everything easier to read. But it also can make blocks harder to use
+once you're in deep.
+'''Let's take a normal Ruby block:'''
+ ary = ['potion', 'swords', 'shields']
+ ary.each do |item|
+ puts item
+ end
+In Shoes, these sorts of blocks work the same. This block above loops through
+the array and stores each object in the `item` variable. The `item` variable
+disappears (goes out of scope) when the block ends.
+One other thing to keep in mind is that `self` stays the same inside normal
+Ruby blocks. Whatever `self` was before the call to `each`, it is the same
+inside the `each` block.
+'''Both of these things are also true for most Shoes blocks.'''
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ para "First"
+ para "Second"
+ para "Third"
+ end
+ end
+Here we have two blocks. The first block is sent to `Shoes.app`. This `app`
+block changes `self`.
+The other block is the `stack` block. That block does NOT change self.
+'''For what reason does the `app` block change self?''' Let's start by
+spelling out that last example completely.
+ Shoes.app do
+ self.stack do
+ self.para "First"
+ self.para "Second"
+ self.para "Third"
+ end
+ end
+All of the `self`s in the above example are the App object. Shoes uses Ruby's
+`instance_eval` to change self inside the `app` block. So the method calls to
+`stack` and `para` get sent to the app.
+'''This also is why you can use instance variables throughout a Shoes app:'''
+ Shoes.app do
+ @s = stack do
+ @p1 = para "First"
+ @p2 = para "Second"
+ @p3 = para "Third"
+ end
+ end
+These instance variables will all end up inside the App object.
+'''Whenever you create a new window, `self` is also changed.''' So, this means
+the [[Element.window]] and [[Element.dialog]] methods, in addition to
+ Shoes.app :title => "MAIN" do
+ para self
+ button "Spawn" do
+ window :title => "CHILD" do
+ para self
+ end
+ end
+ end
+==== Block Redirection ====
+The `stack` block is a different story, though. It doesn't change `self` and
+it's basically a regular block.
+'''But there's a trick:''' when you attach a `stack` and give it a block, the
+App object places that stack in its memory. The stack gets popped off when the
+block ends. So all drawing inside the block gets '''redirected''' from the
+App's top slot to the new stack.
+So those three `para`s will get drawn on the `stack`, even though they actually
+get sent to the App object first.
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ para "First"
+ para "Second"
+ para "Third"
+ end
+ end
+A bit tricky, you see? This can bite you even if you know about it.
+One way it'll get you is if you try to edit a stack somewhere else in your
+program, outside the `app` block.
+Like let's say you pass around a stack object. And you have a class that edits
+that object.
+ class Messenger
+ def initialize(stack)
+ @stack = stack
+ end
+ def add(msg)
+ @stack.append do
+ para msg
+ end
+ end
+ end
+So, let's assume you pass the stack object into your Messenger class when the
+app starts. And, later, when a message comes in, the `add` method gets used to
+append a paragraph to that stack. Should work, right?
+Nope, it won't work. The `para` method won't be found. The App object isn't
+around any more. And it's the one with the `para` method.
+Fortunately, each Shoes object has an `app` method that will let you reopen the
+App object so you can do somefurther editing.
+ class Messenger
+ def initialize(stack)
+ @stack = stack
+ end
+ def add(msg)
+ @stack.app do
+ @stack.append do
+ para msg
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+As you can imagine, the `app` object changes `self` to the App object.
+So the rules here are:
+1. '''Methods named "app" or which create new windows alter `self` to the App
+object.'''[[BR]](This is true for both Shoes.app and Slot.app, as well as
+[[Element.window]] and [[Element.dialog]].)[[BR]]
+2. '''Blocks attached to stacks, flows or any manipulation method (such as
+append) do not change self. Instead, they pop the slot on to the app's editing
+==== Careful With Fixed Heights ====
+Fixed widths on slots are great so you can split the window into columns.
+ Shoes.app do
+ flow do
+ stack :width => 200 do
+ caption "Column one"
+ para "is 200 pixels wide"
+ end
+ stack :width => -200 do
+ caption "Column two"
+ para "is 100% minus 200 pixels wide"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+Fixed heights on slots should be less common. Usually you want your text and
+images to just flow down the window as far as they can. Height usually happens
+The important thing here is that fixed heights actually force slots to behave
+differently. To be sure that the end of the slot is chopped off perfectly, the
+slot becomes a '''nested window'''. A new layer is created by the operating
+system to keep the slot in a fixed square.
+On difference between normal slots and nested window slots is that the latter
+can have scrollbars.
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :width => 200, :height => 200, :scroll => true do
+ background "#DFA"
+ 100.times do |i|
+ para "Paragraph No. #{i}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+These nested windows require more memory. They tax the application a bit more.
+So if you're experiencing some slowness with hundreds of fixed-height slots,
+try a different approach.
+==== Image and Shape Blocks ====
+Most beginners start littering the window with shapes. It's just easier to
+throw all your rectangles and ovals in a slot.
+'''However, bear in mind that Shoes will create objects for all those
+ Shoes.app do
+ fill black(0.1)
+ 100.times do |i|
+ oval i, i, i * 2
+ end
+ end
+In this example, one-hundred Oval objects are created. This isn't too bad.
+But things would be slimmer if we made these into a single shape.
+ Shoes.app do
+ fill black(0.1)
+ shape do
+ 100.times do |i|
+ oval i, i, i * 2
+ end
+ end
+ end
+Oh, wait. The ovals aren't filled in this time! That's because the ovals have
+been combined into a single huge shape. And Shoes isn't sure where to fill in
+this case.
+So you usually only want to combine into a single shape when you're dealing
+strictly with outlines.
+Another option is to combine all those ovals into a single image.
+ Shoes.app do
+ fill black(0.1)
+ image 300, 300 do
+ 100.times do |i|
+ oval i, i, i * 2
+ end
+ end
+ end
+There we go! The ovals are all combined into a single 300 x 300 pixel image.
+In this case, storing that image in memory might be much bigger than having
+one-hundred ovals around. But when you're dealing with thousands of shapes,
+the image block can be cheaper.
+The point is: it's easy to group shapes together into image or shape blocks, so
+give it a try if you're looking to gain some speed. Shape blocks particularly
+will save you some memory and speed.
+==== UTF-8 Everywhere ====
+Ruby itself isn't Unicode aware. And UTF-8 is a type of Unicode. (See
+[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 Wikipedia]] for a full explanation of
+However, UTF-8 is common on the web. And lots of different platforms support
+it. So to cut down on the amount of conversion that Shoes has to do, Shoes
+expects all strings to be in UTF-8 format.
+This is great because you can show a myriad of languages (Russian, Japanese,
+Spanish, English) using UTF-8 in Shoes. Just be sure that your text editor
+uses UTF-8!
+To illustrate:
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :margin => 10 do
+ @edit = edit_box :width => 1.0 do
+ @para.text = @edit.text
+ end
+ @para = para ""
+ end
+ end
+This app will copy anything you paste into the edit box and display it in a
+Shoes paragraph. You can try copying some foreign text (such as Greek or
+Japanese) into this box to see how it displays.
+This is a good test because it proves that the edit box gives back UTF-8
+characters. And the paragraph can be set to any UTF-8 characters.
+'''Important note:''' if some UTF-8 characters don't display for you, you will
+need to change the paragraph's font. This is especially common on OS X.
+So, a good Japanese font on OS X is '''AppleGothic''' and on Windows is '''MS
+UI Gothic'''.
+ Shoes.app do
+ para "てすと (te-su-to)", :font => case RUBY_PLATFORM
+ when /mingw/; "MS UI Gothic"
+ when /darwin/; "AppleGothic, Arial"
+ else "Arial"
+ end
+ end
+Again, anything which takes a string in Shoes will need a UTF-8 string. Edit
+boxes, edit lines, list boxes, window titles and text blocks all take UTF-8. If
+you give a string with bad characters in it, an error will show up in the
+==== The Main App and Its Requires ====
+'''NOTE:''' This rule is for Raisins. Policeman uses TOPLEVEL_BINDING. So, you
+can get `main`, Ruby top-level object, with the first snippet. Although you
+need to use `Shoes::Para` instead of `Para` outside `Shoes.app` block.
+Each Shoes app is given a little room where it can create itself. You can
+create classes and set variables and they won't be seen by other Shoes
+programs. Each program runs inside its own anonymous class.
+ main = self
+ Shoes.app do
+ para main.to_s
+ end
+This anonymous class is called `(shoes)` and it's just an empty, unnamed class.
+The `Shoes` module is mixed into this class (using `include Shoes`) so that you
+can use either `Para` or `Shoes::Para` when referring to the paragraph class.
+The advantages of this approach are:
+ * Shoes apps cannot share local variables.
+ * Classes created in the main app code are temporary.
+ * The Shoes module can be mixed in to the anonymous class, but not the top-level environment of Ruby itself.
+ * Garbage collection can clean up apps entirely once they complete.
+The second part is especially important to remember.
+ class Storage; end
+ Shoes.app do
+ para Storage.new
+ end
+The `Storage` class will disappear once the app completes. Other apps aren't
+able to use the Storage class. And it can't be gotten to from files that are
+loaded using `require`.
+When you `require` code, though, that code will stick around. It will be kept
+in the Ruby top-level environment.
+So, the rule is: '''keep your temporary classes in the code with the app and
+keep your permanent classes in requires.'''
+= Shoes =
+Shoes is all about drawing windows and the stuff inside those windows. Let's
+focus on the window itself, for now. The other sections [[Slots]] and
+[[Elements]] cover everything that goes inside the window.
+For here on, the manual reads more like a dictionary. Each page is mostly a
+list of methods you can use for each topic covered. The idea is to be very
+thorough and clear about everything.
+So, if you've hit this far in the manual and you're still hazy about getting
+started, you should probably either go back to the [[Hello! beginning]] of the
+manual. Or you could try [[http://github.com/shoes/shoes/downloads Nobody Knows
+Shoes]], the beginner's leaflet PDF.
+==== Finding Your Way ====
+This section covers:
+ * [[Built-in Built-in methods]] - general methods available anywhere in a Shoes program.
+ * [[App The App window]] - methods found attached to every main Shoes window.
+ * [[Styles The Styles Master List]] - a complete list of every style in Shoes.
+ * [[Classes The Classes list]] - a chart showing what Shoes classes subclass what.
+ * [[Colors The Colors list]] - a chart of all built-in colors and the [[Built-in.rgb]] numbers for each.
+If you find yourself paging around a lot and not finding something, give the
+[[Search]] page a try. It's the quickest way to get around.
+After this general reference, there are two other more specific sections:
+ * [[Slots]] - covering [[Element.stack]] and [[Element.flow]], the two types of slots.
+ * [[Elements]] - documentation for all the buttons, shapes, images, and so on.
+Two really important pages in there are the [[Element Element Creation]] page
+(which lists all the elements you can add) and the [[Common Common Methods]]
+page (which lists methods you'll find on any slot or element.)
+== Built-in Methods ==
+These methods can be used anywhere throughout Shoes programs.
+All of these commands are unusual because you don't attach them with a dot.
+'''Every other method in this manual must be attached to an object with a dot.'''
+But these are built-in methods (also called: Kernel methods.) Which means no dot!
+A common one is `alert`:
+ #!ruby
+ alert "No dots in sight"
+Compare that to the method `reverse`, which isn't a Kernel method and is only
+available for Arrays and Strings:
+ #!ruby
+ "Plaster of Paris".reverse
+ #=> "siraP fo retsalP"
+ [:dogs, :cows, :snakes].reverse
+ #=> [:snakes, :cows, :dogs]
+Most Shoes methods for drawing and making buttons and so on are attached to
+slots. See the section on [[Slots]] for more.
+==== Built-in Constants ====
+Shoes also has a handful of built-in constants which may prove useful if you
+are trying to sniff out what release of Shoes is running.
+'''Shoes::RELEASE_NAME''' contains a string with the name of the Shoes release.
+All Shoes releases are named, starting with Curious.
+'''Shoes::RELEASE_ID''' contains a number representing the Shoes release. So,
+for example, Curious is number 1, as it was the first official release.
+'''Shoes::REVISION''' is the Subversion revision number for this build.
+'''Shoes::FONTS''' is a complete list of fonts available to the app. This list
+includes any fonts loaded by the [[Built-in.font]] method.
+=== alert(message: a string) » nil ===
+Pops up a window containing a short message.
+ #!ruby
+ alert("I'm afraid I must interject!")
+Please use alerts sparingly, as they are incredibly annoying! If you are using
+alerts to show messages to help you debug your program, try checking out the
+[[Built-in.debug]] or [[Built-in.info]] methods.
+=== ask(message: a string) » a string ===
+Pops up a window and asks a question. For example, you may want to ask someone
+their name.
+ #!ruby
+ name = ask("Please, enter your name:")
+When the above script is run, the person at the computer will see a window with
+a blank box for entering their name. The name will then be saved in the `name`
+=== ask_color(title: a string) » Shoes::Color ===
+Pops up a color picker window. The program will wait for a color to be picked,
+then gives you back a Color object. See the `Color` help for some ways you can
+use this color.
+ #!ruby
+ backcolor = ask_color("Pick a background")
+ Shoes.app do
+ background backcolor
+ end
+=== ask_open_file() » a string ===
+Pops up an "Open file..." window. It's the standard window which shows all of
+your folders and lets you select a file to open. Hands you back the name of the
+ #!ruby
+ filename = ask_open_file
+ Shoes.app do
+ para File.read(filename)
+ end
+=== ask_save_file() » a string ===
+Pops up a "Save file..." window, similiar to `ask_open_file`, described
+ #!ruby
+ save_as = ask_save_file
+=== ask_open_folder() » a string ===
+Pops up an "Open folder..." window. It's the standard window which shows all of
+your folders and lets you select a folder to open. Hands you back the name of
+the folder.
+ #!ruby
+ folder = ask_open_folder
+ Shoes.app do
+ para Dir.entries(folder)
+ end
+=== ask_save_folder() » a string ===
+Pops up a "Save folder..." window, similiar to `ask_open_folder`, described
+previously. On OS X, this method currently behaves like an alias of
+ #!ruby
+ save_to = ask_save_folder
+=== confirm(question: a string) » true or false ===
+Pops up a yes-or-no question. If the person at the computer, clicks '''yes''',
+you'll get back a `true`. If not, you'll get back `false`.
+ #!ruby
+ if confirm("Draw a circle?")
+ Shoes.app{ oval :top => 0, :left => 0, :radius => 50 }
+ end
+=== debug(message: a string) » nil ===
+Sends a debug message to the Shoes console. You can bring up the Shoes console
+by pressing `Alt-/` on any Shoes window (or `⌘-/` on OS X.)
+ #!ruby
+ debug("Running Shoes on " + RUBY_PLATFORM)
+Also check out the [[Built-in.error]], [[Built-in.warn]] and [[Built-in.info]]
+=== error(message: a string) » nil ===
+Sends an error message to the Shoes console. This method should only be used
+to log errors. Try the [[Built-in.debug]] method for logging messages to
+Oh, and, rather than a string, you may also hand exceptions directly to this
+method and they'll be formatted appropriately.
+=== exit() ===
+Stops your program. Call this anytime you want to suddenly call it quits.
+'''PLEASE NOTE:''' If you need to use Ruby's own `exit` method (like in a
+forked Ruby process,) call `Kernel.exit`.
+=== font(message: a string) » an array of font family names ===
+Loads a TrueType (or other type of font) from a file. While TrueType is
+supported by all platforms, your platform may support other types of fonts.
+Shoes uses each operating system's built-in font system to make this work.
+Here's a rough idea of what fonts work on which platforms:
+ * Bitmap fonts (.bdf, .pcf, .snf) - Linux
+ * Font resource (.fon) - Windows
+ * Windows bitmap font file (.fnt) - Linux, Windows
+ * PostScript OpenType font (.otf) - Mac OS X, Linux, Windows
+ * Type1 multiple master (.mmm) - Windows
+ * Type1 font bits (.pfb) - Linux, Windows
+ * Type1 font metrics (.pfm) - Linux, Windows
+ * TrueType font (.ttf) - Mac OS X, Linux, Windows
+ * TrueType collection (.ttc) - Mac OS X, Linux, Windows
+If the font is properly loaded, you'll get back an array of font names found in
+the file. Otherwise, `nil` is returned if no fonts were found in the file.
+Also of interest: the `Shoes::FONTS` constant is a complete list of fonts
+available to you on this platform. You can check for a certain font by using
+ if Shoes::FONTS.include? "Helvetica"
+ alert "Helvetica is available on this system."
+ else
+ alert "You do not have the Helvetica font."
+ end
+If you have trouble with fonts showing up, make sure your app loads the font
+before it is used. Especially on OS X, if fonts are used before they are
+loaded, the font cache will tend to ignore loaded fonts.
+=== gradient(color1, color2) » Shoes::Pattern ===
+Builds a linear gradient from two colors. For each color, you may pass in a
+Shoes::Color object or a string describing the color.
+=== gray(the numbers: darkness, alpha) » Shoes::Color ===
+Create a grayscale color from a level of darkness and, optionally, an alpha
+ black = gray(0.0)
+ white = gray(1.0)
+=== info(message: a string) » nil ===
+Logs an informational message to the user in the Shoes console. So, where
+debug messages are designed to help the program figure out what's happening,
+`info` messages tell the user extra information about the program.
+ #!ruby
+ info("You just ran the info example on Shoes #{Shoes::RELEASE_NAME}.")
+For example, whenever a Shy file loads, Shoes prints an informational message
+in the console describing the author of the Shy and its version.
+=== rgb(a series of numbers: red, green, blue, alpha) » Shoes::Color ===
+Create a color from red, green and blue components. An alpha level (indicating
+transparency) can also be added, optionally.
+When passing in a whole number, use values from 0 to 255.
+ blueviolet = rgb(138, 43, 226)
+ darkgreen = rgb(0, 100, 0)
+Or, use a decimal number from 0.0 to 1.0.
+ blueviolet = rgb(0.54, 0.17, 0.89)
+ darkgreen = rgb(0, 0.4, 0)
+This method may also be called as `Shoes.rgb`.
+=== warn(message: a string) » nil ===
+Logs a warning for the user. A warning is not a catastrophic error (see
+[[Built-in.error]] for that.) It is just a notice that the program will be
+changing in the future or that certain parts of the program aren't reliable
+To view warnings and errors, open the Shoes console with `Alt-/` (or `⌘-/` on
+OS X.)
+== The App Object ==
+An App is a single window running code at a URL. When you switch URLs, a new
+App object is created and filled up with stacks, flows and other Shoes
+The App is the window itself. Which may be closed or cleared and filled with
+new elements. !{:margin_left => 100}man-app.png!
+The App itself, in slot/box terminology, is a flow. See the ''Slots'' section
+for more, but this just means that any elements placed directly at the
+top-level will flow.
+=== Shoes.app(styles) { ... } » Shoes::App ===
+Starts up a Shoes app window. This is the starting place for making a Shoes
+program. Inside the block, you fill the window with various Shoes elements
+(buttons, artwork, etc.) and, outside the block, you use the `styles` to
+describe how big the window is. Perhaps also the name of the app or if it's
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app(:title => "White Circle",
+ :width => 200, :height => 200, :resizable => false) {
+ background black
+ fill white
+ oval :top => 20, :left => 20, :radius => 160
+ }
+In the case above, a small window is built. 200 pixels by 200 pixels. It's
+not resizable. And, inside the window, two elements: a black background and a
+white circle.
+Once an app is created, it is added to the [[App.Shoes.APPS]] list. If you
+want an app to spawn more windows, see the [[Element.window]] method and the
+[[Element.dialog]] method.
+=== Shoes.APPS() » An array of Shoes::App objects ===
+Builds a complete list of all the Shoes apps that are open right now. Once an
+app is closed, it is removed from the list. Yes, you can run many apps at once
+in Shoes. It's completely encouraged.
+=== clipboard() » a string ===
+Returns a string containing all of the text that's on the system clipboard.
+This is the global clipboard that every program on the computer cuts and pastes
+=== clipboard = a string ===
+Stores `a string` of text in the system clipboard.
+=== close() ===
+Closes the app window. If multiple windows are open and you want to close the
+entire application, use the built-in method `exit`.
+=== download(url: a string, styles) ===
+Starts a download thread (much like XMLHttpRequest, if you're familiar with
+JavaScript.) This method returns immediately and runs the download in the
+background. Each download thread also fires `start`, `progress` and `finish`
+events. You can send the download to a file or just get back a string (in the
+`finish` event.)
+If you attach a block to a download, it'll get called as the `finish` event.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ title "Searching Google", :size => 16
+ @status = para "One moment..."
+ # Search Google for 'shoes' and print the HTTP headers
+ download "http://www.google.com/search?q=shoes" do |goog|
+ @status.text = "Headers: " + goog.response.headers.inspect
+ end
+ end
+ end
+And, if we wanted to use the downloaded data, we'd get it using
+`goog.response.body`. This example is truly the simplest form of `download`:
+pulling some web data down into memory and handling it once it's done.
+Another simple use of `download` is to save some web data to a file, using the
+`:save` style.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ title "Downloading Google image", :size => 16
+ @status = para "One moment..."
+ download "http://www.google.com/logos/nasa50th.gif",
+ :save => "nasa50th.gif" do
+ @status.text = "Okay, is downloaded."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+In this case, you can still get the headers for the downloaded file, but
+`response.body` will be `nil`, since the data wasn't saved to memory. You will
+need to open the file to get the downloaded goods.
+If you need to send certain headers or actions to the web server, you can use
+the `:method`, `:headers` and `:body` styles to customize the HTTP request.
+(And, if you need to go beyond these, you can always break out Ruby's OpenURI
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ title "GET Google", :size => 16
+ @status = para "One moment..."
+ download "http://www.google.com/search?q=shoes",
+ :method => "GET" do |dump|
+ @status.text = dump.response.body
+ end
+ end
+ end
+As you can see from the above example, Shoes makes use of the "GET" method to
+query google's search engine.
+=== location() » a string ===
+Gets a string containing the URL of the current app.
+=== mouse() » an array of numbers: button, left, top ===
+Identifies the mouse cursor's location, along with which button is being
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @p = para
+ animate do
+ button, left, top = self.mouse
+ @p.replace "mouse: #{button}, #{left}, #{top}"
+ end
+ end
+=== owner() » Shoes::App ===
+Gets the app which launched this app. In most cases, this will be `nil`. But
+if this app was launched using the [[Element.window]] method, the owner will be
+the app which called `window`.
+=== started?() » true or false ===
+Has the window been fully constructed and displayed? This is useful for
+threaded code which may try to use the window before it is completely built.
+(Also see the `start` event which fires once the window is open.)
+=== visit(url: a string) ===
+Changes the location, in order to view a different Shoes URL.
+Absolute URLs (such as http://google.com) are okay, but Shoes will be expecting
+a Shoes application to be at that address. (So, google.com won't work, as it's
+an HTML app.)
+== The Styles Master List ==
+You want to mess with the look of things? Well, throughout Shoes, styles are
+used to change the way elements appear. In some cases, you can even style an
+entire class of elements. (Like giving all paragraphs a certain font.)
+Styles are easy to spot. They usually show up when the element is created.
+ Shoes.app :title => "A Styling Sample" do
+ para "Red with an underline", :stroke => red, :underline => "single"
+ end
+Here we've got a `:title` style on the app. And on the paragraph inside the
+app, a red `:stroke` style and an `:underline` style.
+The style hash can also be changed by using the [[Common.style]] method,
+available on every element and slot.
+ Shoes.app :title => "A Styling Sample" do
+ @text = para "Red with an underline"
+ @text.style(:stroke => red, :underline => "single")
+ end
+Most styles can also be set by calling them as methods. (I'd use the manual
+search to find the method.)
+ Shoes.app :title => "A Styling Sample" do
+ @text = para "Red with an underline"
+ @text.stroke = red
+ @text.underline = "single"
+ end
+Rather than making you plow through the whole manual to figure out what styles
+go where, this helpful page speeds through every style in Shoes and suggests
+where that style is used.
+=== :align » a string ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''
+The alignment of the text. It is either:
+ * "left" - Align the text to the left.
+ * "center" - Align the text in the center.
+ * "right" - Align the text to the right.
+=== :angle » a number ===
+For: ''background, border, gradient''.
+The angle at which to apply a gradient. Normally, gradient colors range from
+top to bottom. If the `:angle` is set to 90, the gradient will rotate 90
+degrees counter-clockwise and the gradient will go from left to right.
+=== :attach » a slot or element ===
+For: ''flow, stack''.
+Pins a slot relative to another slot or element. Also, one may write `:attach
+=> Window` to position the slot at the window's top, left corner. Taking this
+a bit further, the style `:top => 10, :left => 10, :attach => Window` would
+place the slot at (10, 10) in the window's coordinates.
+If a slot is attached to an element that moves, the slot will move with it. If
+the attachment is reset to `nil`, the slot will flow in with the other objects
+that surround, as normal.
+=== :autoplay » true or false ===
+For: ''video''.
+Should this video begin playing after it appears? If set to `true`, the video
+will start without asking the user.
+=== :bottom » a number ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Sets the pixel coordinate of an element's lower edge. The edge is placed
+relative to its container's lower edge. So, `:bottom => 0` will align the
+element so that its bottom edge and the bottom edge of its slot touch.
+=== :cap » :curve or :rect or :project ===
+For: ''arc, arrow, border, flow, image, mask, rect, star, shape, stack''.
+Sets the shape of the line endpoint, whether curved or square. See the
+[[Art.cap]] method for more explanation.
+=== :center » true or false ===
+For: ''arc, image, oval, rect, shape''.
+Indicates whether the `:top` and `:left` coordinates refer to the center of the
+shape or not. If set to `true`, this is similar to setting the
+[[Art.transform]] method to `:center`.
+=== :change » a proc ===
+For: ''edit_box, edit_line, list_box''.
+The `change` event handler is stored in this style. See the [[EditBox.change]]
+method for the edit_box, as an example.
+=== :checked » true or false ===
+For: ''check, radio''.
+Is this checkbox or radio button checked? If set to `true`, the box is
+checked. Also see the [[Check.checked=]] method.
+=== :choose » a string ===
+For: ''list_box''.
+Sets the currently chosen item in the list. More information at
+=== :click » a proc ===
+For: ''arc, arrow, banner, button, caption, check, flow, image, inscription,
+line, link, mask, oval, para, radio, rect, shape, stack, star, subtitle,
+tagline, title''.
+The `click` event handler is stored in this style. See the [[Events.click]]
+method for a description.
+=== :curve » a number ===
+For: ''background, border, rect''.
+The radius of curved corners on each of these rectangular elements. As an
+example, if this is set to 6, the corners of the rectangle are given a curve
+with a 6-pixel radius.
+=== :displace_left » a number ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Moves a shape, text block or any other kind of object to the left or right. A
+positive number displaces to the right by the given number of pixels; a
+negative number displaces to the left. Displacing an object doesn't effect the
+actual layout of the page. Before using this style, be sure to read the
+[[Position.displace]] docs, since its behavior can be a bit surprising.
+=== :displace_top » a number ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Moves a shape, text block or any other kind of object up or down. A positive
+number moves the object down by this number of pixels; a negative number moves
+it up. Displacing doesn't effect the actual layout of the page or the object's
+true coordinates. Read the [[Position.displace]] docs, since its behavior can
+be a bit surprising.
+=== :emphasis » a string ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+Styles the text with an emphasis (commonly italicized.)
+This style recognizes three possible settings:
+ * "normal" - the font is upright.
+ * "oblique" - the font is slanted, but in a roman style.
+ * "italic" - the font is slanted in an italic style.
+=== :family » a string ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+Styles the text with a given font family. The string should contain the family
+name or a comma-separated list of families.
+=== :fill » a hex code, a Shoes::Color or a range of either ===
+For: ''arc, arrow, background, banner, caption, code, del, em, flow, image,
+ins, inscription, line, link, mask, oval, para, rect, shape, span, stack, star,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+The color of the background pen. For shapes, this is the fill color, the paint
+inside the shape. For text stuffs, this color is painted in the background (as
+if marked with a highlighter pen.)
+=== :font » a string ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+Styles the text with a font description. The string is pretty flexible, but
+can take the form "[FAMILY-LIST] [STYLE-OPTIONS] [SIZE]", where FAMILY-LIST is
+a comma separated list of families optionally terminated by a comma,
+STYLE_OPTIONS is a whitespace separated list of words where each WORD describes
+one of style, variant, weight, stretch, or gravity, and SIZE is a decimal
+number (size in points) or optionally followed by the unit modifier "px" for
+absolute size. Any one of the options may be absent. If FAMILY-LIST is absent,
+then the default font family (Arial) will be used.
+=== :group » a string ===
+For: ''radio''.
+Indicates what group a radio button belongs to. Without this setting, radio
+buttons are grouped together with other radio buttons in their immediate slot.
+"Grouping" radio buttons doesn't mean they'll be grouped next to each other on
+the screen. It means that only one radio button from the group can be selected
+at a time.
+By giving this style a string, the radio button will be grouped with other
+radio buttons that have the same group name.
+=== :height » a number ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Sets the pixel height of this object. If the number is a decimal number, the
+height becomes a percentage of its parent's height (with 0.0 being 0% and 1.0
+being 100%.)
+=== :hidden » true or false ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Hides or shows this object. Any object with `:hidden => true` are not
+displayed on the screen. Neither are its children.
+=== :inner » a number ===
+For: ''star''.
+The size of the inner radius (in pixels.) The inner radius describes the solid
+circle within the star where the points begin to separate.
+=== :items » an array ===
+For: ''list_box''.
+The list of selections in the list box. See the [[Element.list_box]] method
+for an example.
+=== :justify » true or false ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''
+Evenly spaces the text horizontally.
+=== :kerning » a number ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+Adds to the natural spacing between letters, in pixels.
+=== :leading » a number ===
+For: ''banner, caption, inscription, para, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+Sets the spacing between lines in a text block. Defaults to 4 pixels.
+=== :left » a number ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Sets the left coordinate of this object to a specific pixel. Setting `:left =>
+10` places the object's left edge ten pixels away from the left edge of the
+slot containing it. If this style is left unset (or set to `nil`,) the object
+will flow in with the other objects surrounding it.
+=== :margin » a number or an array of four numbers ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Margins space an element out from its surroundings. Each element has a left,
+top, right, and bottom margin. If the `:margin` style is set to a single
+number, the spacing around the element uniformly matches that number. In other
+words, if `:margin => 8` is set, all the margins around the element are set to
+eight pixels in length.
+This style can also be given an array of four numbers in the form `[left, top,
+right, bottom]`.
+=== :margin_bottom » a number ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Sets the bottom margin of the element to a specific pixel size.
+=== :margin_left » a number ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Sets the left margin of the element to a specific pixel size.
+=== :margin_right » a number ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Sets the right margin of the element to a specific pixel size.
+=== :margin_top » a number ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Sets the top margin of the element to a specific pixel size.
+=== :outer » a number ===
+For: ''star''.
+Sets the outer radius (half of the ''total'' width) of the star, in pixels.
+=== :points » a number ===
+For: ''star''.
+How many points does this star have? A style of `:points => 5` creates a
+five-pointed star.
+=== :radius » a number ===
+For: ''arc, arrow, background, border, gradient, oval, rect, shape''.
+Sets the radius (half of the diameter or total width) for each of these
+elements. Setting this is equivalent to setting both `:width` and `:height` to
+double this number.
+=== :right » a number ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Sets the pixel coordinate of an element's right edge. The edge is placed
+relative to its container's rightmost edge. So, `:right => 0` will align the
+element so that its own right edge and the right edge of its slot touch.
+Whereas `:right => 20` will position the right edge of the element off to the
+left of its slot's right edge by twenty pixels.
+=== :rise » a number ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+Lifts or plunges the font baseline for some text. For example, a
+[[Element.sup]] has a `:rise` of 10 pixels. Conversely, the [[Element.sub]]
+element has a `:rise` of -10 pixels.
+=== :scroll » true or false ===
+For: ''flow, stack''.
+Establishes this slot as a scrolling slot. If `:scroll => true` is set, the
+slot will show a scrollbar if any of its contents go past its height. The
+scrollbar will appear and disappear as needed. It will also appear inside the
+width of the slot, meaning the slot's width will never change, regardless of
+whether there is a scrollbar or not.
+=== :secret » true or false ===
+For: ''ask, edit_line''.
+Used for password fields, this setting keeps any characters typed in from
+becoming visible on the screen. Instead, a replacement character (such as an
+asterisk) is show for each letter typed.
+=== :size » a number ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+Sets the pixel size for the font used inside this text block or text fragment.
+Font size may also be augmented, through use of the following strings:
+ * "xx-small" - 57% of present size.
+ * "x-small" - 64% of present size.
+ * "small" - 83% of present size.
+ * "medium" - no change in size.
+ * "large" - 120% of present size.
+ * "x-large" - 143% of present size.
+ * "xx-large" - 173% of present size.
+=== :state » a string ===
+For: ''button, check, edit_box, edit_line, list_box, radio''.
+The `:state` style is for disabling or locking certain controls, if you don't
+want them to be edited.
+Here are the possible style settings:
+ * nil - the control is active and editable.
+ * "readonly" - the control is active but cannot be edited.
+ * "disabled" - the control is not active (grayed out) and cannot be edited.
+=== :stretch » a string ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+Sets the font stretching used for a text object.
+Possible settings are:
+ * "condensed" - a smaller width of letters.
+ * "normal" - the standard width of letters.
+ * "expanded" - a larger width of letters.
+=== :strikecolor » a Shoes::Color ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+The color used to paint any lines stricken through this text.
+=== :strikethrough » a string ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+Is this text stricken through? Two options here:
+ * "none" - no strikethrough
+ * "single" - a single-line strikethrough.
+=== :stroke » a hex code, a Shoes::Color or a range of either ===
+For: ''arc, arrow, banner, border, caption, code, del, em, flow, image, ins,
+inscription, line, link, mask, oval, para, rect, shape, span, stack, star,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+The color of the foreground pen. In the case of shapes, this is the color the
+lines are drawn with. For paragraphs and other text, the letters are printed
+in this color.
+=== :strokewidth » a number ===
+For: ''arc, arrow, border, flow, image, line, mask, oval, rect, shape, star, stack''.
+The thickness of the stroke, in pixels, of the line defining each of these
+shapes. For example, the number two would set the strokewidth to 2 pixels.
+=== :text » a string ===
+For: ''button, edit_box, edit_line''.
+Sets the message displayed on a button control, or the contents of an edit_box
+or edit_line.
+=== :top » a number ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Sets the top coordinate for an object, relative to its parent slot. If an
+object is set with `:top => 40`, this means the object's top edge will be
+placed 40 pixels beneath the top edge of the slot that contains it. If no
+`:top` style is given, the object is automatically placed in the natural flow
+of its slot.
+=== :undercolor » a Shoes::Color ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+The color used to underline text.
+=== :underline » a string ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+Dictates the style of underline used in the text.
+The choices for this setting are:
+ * "none" - no underline at all.
+ * "single" - a continuous underline.
+ * "double" - two continuous parallel underlines.
+ * "low" - a lower underline, beneath the font baseline. (This is generally recommended only for single characters, particularly when showing keyboard accelerators.)
+ * "error" - a wavy underline, usually found indicating a misspelling.
+=== :variant » a string ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+Vary the font for a group of text. Two choices:
+ * "normal" - standard font.
+ * "smallcaps" - font with the lower case characters replaced by smaller variants of the capital characters.
+=== :weight » a string ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''.
+Set the boldness of the text. Commonly, this style is set to one of the
+following strings:
+ * "ultralight" - the ultralight weight (= 200)
+ * "light" - the light weight (= 300)
+ * "normal" - the default weight (= 400)
+ * "semibold" - a weight intermediate between normal and bold (= 600)
+ * "bold" - the bold weight (= 700)
+ * "ultrabold" - the ultrabold weight (= 800)
+ * "heavy" - the heavy weight (= 900)
+However, you may also pass in the numerical weight directly.
+=== :width » a number ===
+For: ''all slots and elements''.
+Sets the pixel width for the element. If the number is a decimal, the width is
+converted to a percentage (with 0.0 being 0% and 1.0 being 100%.) A width of
+100% means the object fills its parent slot.
+=== :wrap » a string ===
+For: ''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span,
+strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''
+How should the text wrap when it fills its width? Possible options are:
+ * "word" - Break lines at word breaks.
+ * "char" - Break lines between characters, thus breaking some words.
+ * "trim" - Cut the line off with an ellipsis if it goes too long.
+== Classes List ==
+Here is a complete list of all the classes introduced by Shoes. This chart is
+laid out according to how classes inherits from each other. Subclasses are
+indented one level to the right, beneath their parent class.
+== Colors List ==
+The following list of colors can be used throughout Shoes. As background
+colors or border colors. As stroke and fill colors. Most of these colors come
+from the X11 and HTML palettes.
+All of these colors can be used by name. (So calling the `tomato` method from
+inside any slot will get you a nice reddish color.) Below each color, also
+find the exact numbers which can be used with the [[Built-in.rgb]] method.
+= Slots =
+Slots are boxes used to lay out images, text and so on. The two most common
+slots are `stacks` and `flows`. Slots can also be referred to as "boxes" or
+"canvases" in Shoes terminology.
+Since the mouse wheel and PageUp and PageDown are so pervasive on every
+platform, vertical scrolling has really become the only overflow that matters.
+So, in Shoes, just as on the web, width is generally fixed. While height goes
+on and on.
+Now, you can also just use specific widths and heights for everything, if you
+want. That'll take some math, but everything could be perfect.
+Generally, I'd suggest using stacks and flows. The idea here is that you want
+to fill up a certain width with things, then advance down the page, filling up
+further widths. You can think of these as being analogous to HTML's "block" and
+"inline" styles.
+==== Stacks ====
+A stack is simply a vertical stack of elements. Each element in a stack is
+placed directly under the element preceding it.
+A stack is also shaped like a box. So if a stack is given a width of 250, that
+stack is itself an element which is 250 pixels wide.
+To create a new stack, use the [[Element.stack]] method, which is available
+inside any slot. So stacks can contain other stacks and flows.
+==== Flows ====
+A flow will pack elements in as tightly as it can. A width will be filled, then
+will wrap beneath those elements. Text elements placed next to each other will
+appear as a single paragraph. Images and widgets will run together as a series.
+Like the stack, a flow is a box. So stacks and flows can safely be embedded
+and, without respect to their contents, are identical. They just treat their
+contents differently.
+Making a flow means calling the [[Element.flow]] method. Flows may contain
+other flows and stacks.
+Last thing: The Shoes window itself is a flow.
+== Art for Slots ==
+Each slot is like a canvas, a blank surface which can be covered with an
+assortment of colored shapes or gradients.
+Many common shapes can be drawn with methods like `oval` and `rect`. You'll
+need to set up the paintbrush colors first, though.
+The `stroke` command sets the line color. And the `fill` command sets the
+color used to paint inside the lines.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stroke red
+ fill blue
+ oval :top => 10, :left => 10,
+ :radius => 100
+ end
+That code gives you a blue pie with a red line around it. One-hundred pixels
+wide, placed just a few pixels southeast of the window's upper left corner.
+The `blue` and `red` methods above are Color objects. See the section on
+Colors for more on how to mix colors.
+==== Inspiration from Processing and NodeBox ====
+The artful methods generally come verbatim from NodeBox, a drawing kit for
+Python. In turn, NodeBox gets much of its ideas from Processing, a Java-like
+language for graphics and animation. I owe a great debt to the creators of
+these wonderful programs!
+Shoes does a few things differently from NodeBox and Processing. For example,
+Shoes has different color methods, including having its own Color objects,
+though these are very similar to Processing's color methods. And Shoes also
+allows images and gradients to be used for drawing lines and filling in shapes.
+Shoes also borrows some animation ideas from Processing and will continue to
+closely consult Processing's methods as it expands.
+=== arc(left, top, width, height, angle1, angle2) » Shoes::Shape ===
+Draws an arc shape (a section of an oval) at coordinates (left, top). This
+method just give you a bit more control than [[oval]], by offering the
+`:angle1` and `:angle2` styles. (In fact, you can mimick the `oval` method by
+setting `:angle1` to 0 and `:angle2` to `Shoes::TWO_PI`.)
+=== arrow(left, top, width) » Shoes::Shape ===
+Draws an arrow at coordinates (left, top) with a pixel `width`.
+=== cap(:curve or :rect or :project) » self ===
+Sets the line cap, which is the shape at the end of every line you draw. If
+set to `:curve`, the end is rounded. The default is `:rect`, a line which ends
+abruptly flat. The `:project` cap is also fat, but sticks out a bit longer.
+=== fill(pattern) » pattern ===
+Sets the fill bucket to a specific color (or pattern.) Patterns can be colors,
+gradients or images. So, once the fill bucket is set, you can draw shapes and
+they will be colored in with the pattern you've chosen.
+To draw a star with an image pattern:
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ fill "static/avatar.png"
+ star 200, 200, 5
+ end
+To clear the fill bucket, use `nofill`. And to set the line color (the border
+of the star,) use the `stroke` method.
+=== nofill() » self ===
+Blanks the fill color, so that any shapes drawn will not be filled in.
+Instead, shapes will have only a lining, leaving the middle transparent.
+=== nostroke() » self ===
+Empties the line color. Shapes drawn will have no outer line. If `nofill` is
+also set, shapes drawn will not be visible.
+=== line(left, top, x2, y2) » Shoes::Shape ===
+Draws a line using the current line color (aka "stroke") starting at
+coordinates (left, top) and ending at coordinates (x2, y2).
+=== oval(left, top, radius) » Shoes::Shape ===
+Draws a circular form at pixel coordinates (left, top) with a width and height
+of `radius` pixels. The line and fill colors are used to draw the shape. By
+default, the coordinates are for the oval's leftmost, top corner, but this can
+be changed by calling the [[Art.transform]] method or by using the `:center`
+style on the next method below.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stroke blue
+ strokewidth 4
+ fill black
+ oval 10, 10, 50
+ end
+To draw an oval of varied proportions, you may also use the syntax: `oval(left, top, width, height)`.
+=== oval(styles) » Shoes::Shape ===
+Draw circular form using a style hash. The following styles are supported:
+ * `top`: the y-coordinate for the oval pen.
+ * `left`: the x-coordinate for the oval pen.
+ * `radius`: the width and height of the circle.
+ * `width`: a specific pixel width for the oval.
+ * `height`: a specific pixel height for the oval.
+ * `center`: do the coordinates specific the oval's center? (true or false)
+These styles may also be altered using the `style` method on the Shape object.
+=== rect(top, left, width, height, corners = 0) » Shoes::Shape ===
+Draws a rectangle starting from coordinates (top, left) with dimensions of
+width x height. Optionally, you may give the rectangle rounded corners with a
+fifth argument: the radius of the corners in pixels.
+As with all other shapes, the rectangle is drawn using the stroke and fill colors.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stroke rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.7)
+ fill rgb(1.0, 1.0, 0.9)
+ rect 10, 10, self.width - 20, self.height - 20
+ end
+The above sample draws a rectangle which fills the area of its parent box,
+leaving a margin of 10 pixels around the edge. Also see the `background`
+method for a rectangle which defaults to filling its parent box.
+=== rect(styles) » Shoes::Shape ===
+Draw a rectangle using a style hash. The following styles are supported:
+ * `top`: the y-coordinate for the rectangle.
+ * `left`: the x-coordinate for the rectangle.
+ * `curve`: the pixel radius of the rectangle's corners.
+ * `width`: a specific pixel width for the rectangle.
+ * `height`: a specific pixel height for the rectangle.
+ * `center`: do the coordinates specific the rectangle's center? (true or false)
+These styles may also be altered using the `style` method on the Shape object.
+=== rotate(degrees: a number) » self ===
+Rotates the pen used for drawing by a certain number of `degrees`, so that any
+shapes will be drawn at that angle.
+In this example below, the rectangle drawn at (30, 30) will be rotated 45 degrees.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ fill "#333"
+ rotate 45
+ rect 30, 30, 40, 40
+ end
+=== shape(left, top) { ... } » Shoes::Shape ===
+Describes an arbitrary shape to draw, beginning at coordinates (left, top) and
+continued by calls to `line_to`, `move_to`, `curve_to` and `arc_to` inside the
+block. You can look at it as sketching a shape with a long line that curves
+and arcs and bends.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ fill red(0.2)
+ shape do
+ move_to(90, 55)
+ arc_to(50, 55, 50, 50, 0, PI/2)
+ arc_to(50, 55, 60, 60, PI/2, PI)
+ arc_to(50, 55, 70, 70, PI, TWO_PI-PI/2)
+ arc_to(50, 55, 80, 80, TWO_PI-PI/2, TWO_PI)
+ end
+ end
+A shape can also contain other shapes. So, you can place an [[Art.oval]], a
+[[Art.rect]], a [[Art.line]], a [[Art.star]] or an [[Art.arrow]] (and all of
+the other methods in this [[Art]] section) inside a shape, but they will not be
+part of the line. They will be more like a group of shapes are all drawn as
+=== star(left, top, points = 10, outer = 100.0, inner = 50.0) » Shoes::Shape ===
+Draws a star using the stroke and fill colors. The star is positioned with its
+center point at coordinates (left, top) with a certain number of `points`. The
+`outer` width defines the full radius of the star; the `inner` width specifies
+the radius of the star's middle, where points stem from.
+=== stroke(pattern) » pattern ===
+Set the active line color for this slot. The `pattern` may be a color, a
+gradient or an image, all of which are categorized as "patterns." The line
+color is then used to draw the borders of any subsequent shape.
+So, to draw an arrow with a red line around it:
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stroke red
+ arrow 0, 100, 10
+ end
+To clear the line color, use the `nostroke` method.
+=== strokewidth(a number) » self ===
+Sets the line size for all drawing within this slot. Whereas the `stroke`
+method alters the line color, the `strokewidth` method alters the line size in
+pixels. Calling `strokewidth(4)` will cause lines to be drawn 4 pixels wide.
+=== transform(:center or :corner) » self ===
+Should transformations (such as `skew` and `rotate`) be performed around the
+center of the shape? Or the corner of the shape? Shoes defaults to `:corner`.
+=== translate(left, top) » self ===
+Moves the starting point of the drawing pen for this slot. Normally, the pen
+starts at (0, 0) in the top-left corner, so that all shapes are drawn from that
+point. With `translate`, if the starting point is moved to (10, 20) and a
+shape is drawn at (50, 60), then the shape is actually drawn at (60, 80) on the
+== Element Creation ==
+Shoes has a wide variety of elements, many cherry-picked from HTML. This page
+describes how to create these elements in a slot. See the Elements section of
+the manual for more on how to modify and use these elements after they have
+been placed.
+=== animate(fps) { |frame| ... } » Shoes::Animation ===
+Starts an animation timer, which runs parallel to the rest of the app. The
+`fps` is a number, the frames per seconds. This number dictates how many times
+per second the attached block will be called.
+The block is given a `frame` number. Starting with zero, the `frame` number
+tells the block how many frames of the animation have been shown.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @counter = para "STARTING"
+ animate(24) do |frame|
+ @counter.replace "FRAME #{frame}"
+ end
+ end
+The above animation is shown 24 times per second. If no number is given, the
+`fps` defaults to 10.
+=== background(pattern) » Shoes::Background ===
+Draws a Background element with a specific color (or pattern.) Patterns can be
+colors, gradients or images. Colors and images will tile across the
+background. Gradients stretch to fill the background.
+'''PLEASE NOTE:''' Backgrounds are actual elements, not styles. HTML treats
+backgrounds like styles. Which means every box can only have one background.
+Shoes layers background elements.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ background black
+ background white, :width => 50
+ end
+The above example paints two backgrounds. First, a black background is painted
+over the entire app's surface area. Then a 50 pixel white stripe is painted
+along the left side.
+=== banner(text) » Shoes::Banner ===
+Creates a Banner text block. Shoes automatically styles this text to 48 pixels high.
+=== border(text, :strokewidth => a number) » Shoes::Border ===
+Draws a Border element using a specific color (or pattern.) Patterns can be
+colors, gradients or images. Colors and images will tile across the border.
+Gradients stretch to fill the border.
+'''PLEASE NOTE:''' Like Backgrounds, Borders are actual elements, not styles.
+HTML treats backgrounds and borders like styles. Which means every box can
+only have one borders. Shoes layers border and background elements, along with
+text blocks, images, and everything else.
+=== button(text) { ... } » Shoes::Button ===
+Adds a push button with the message `text` written across its surface. An
+optional block can be attached, which is called if the button is pressed.
+=== caption(text) » Shoes::Caption ===
+Creates a Caption text block. Shoes styles this text to 14 pixels high.
+=== check() » Shoes::Check ===
+Adds a check box.
+=== code(text) » Shoes::Code ===
+Create a Code text fragment. This text defaults to a monospaced font.
+=== del(text) » Shoes::Del ===
+Creates a Del text fragment (short for "deleted") which defaults to text with a
+single strikethrough in its middle.
+=== dialog(styles) { ... } » Shoes::App ===
+Opens a new app window (just like the [[Element.window]] method does,) but the
+window is given a dialog box look.
+=== edit_box(text) » Shoes::EditBox ===
+Adds a large, multi-line textarea to this slot. The `text` is optional and
+should be a string that will start out the box. An optional block can be
+attached here which is called any type the user changes the text in the box.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ edit_box
+ edit_box "HORRAY EDIT ME"
+ edit_box "small one", :width => 100, :height => 160
+ end
+=== edit_line(text) » Shoes::EditLine ===
+Adds a single-line text box to this slot. The `text` is optional and should be
+a string that will start out the box. An optional block can be attached here
+which is called any type the user changes the text in the box.
+=== em(text) » Shoes::Em ===
+Creates an Em text fragment (short for "emphasized") which, by default, is
+styled with italics.
+=== every(seconds) { |count| ... } » Shoes::Every ===
+A timer similar to the `animation` method, but much slower. This timer fires a
+given number of seconds, running the block attached. So, for example, if you
+need to check a web site every five minutes, you'd call `every(300)` with a
+block containing the code to actually ping the web site.
+=== flow(styles) { ... } » Shoes::Flow ===
+A flow is an invisible box (or "slot") in which you place Shoes elements. Both
+flows and stacks are explained in great detail on the main [[Slots]] page.
+Flows organize elements horizontally. Where one would use a [[Element.stack]]
+to keep things stacked vertically, a flow places its contents end-to-end across
+the page. Once the end of the page is reached, the flow starts a new line of
+=== image(path) » Shoes::Image ===
+Creates an [[Image]] element for displaying a picture. PNG, JPEG and GIF
+formats are allowed.
+The `path` can be a file path or a URL. All images loaded are temporarily
+cached in memory, but remote images are also cached locally in the user's
+personal Shoes directory. Remote images are loaded in the background; as with
+browsers, the images will not appear right away, but will be shown when they
+are loaded.
+=== imagesize(path) » [width, height] ===
+Quickly grab the width and height of an image. The image won't be loaded into
+the cache or displayed.
+URGENT NOTE: This method cannot be used with remote images (loaded from HTTP,
+rather than the hard drive.)
+=== ins(text) » Shoes::Ins ===
+Creates an Ins text fragment (short for "inserted") which Shoes styles with a
+single underline.
+=== inscription(text) » Shoes::Inscription ===
+Creates an Inscription text block. Shoes styles this text at 10 pixels high.
+=== link(text, :click => proc or string) » Shoes::Link ===
+Creates a Link text block, which Shoes styles with a single underline and
+colors with a #06E (blue) colored stroke.
+The default LinkHover style is also single-underlined with a #039 (dark blue) stroke.
+=== list_box(:items => [strings, ...]) » Shoes::ListBox ===
+Adds a drop-down list box containing entries for everything in the `items`
+array. An optional block may be attached, which is called if anything in the
+box becomes selected by the user.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :margin => 10 do
+ para "Pick a card:"
+ list_box :items => ["Jack", "Ace", "Joker"]
+ end
+ end
+Call `ListBox#text` to get the selected string. See the `ListBox` section
+under `Native` controls for more help.
+=== progress() » Shoes::Progress ===
+Adds a progress bar.
+=== para(text) » Shoes::Para ===
+Create a Para text block (short for "paragraph") which Shoes styles at 12
+pixels high.
+=== radio(group name: a string or symbol) » Shoes::Radio ===
+Adds a radio button. If a `group name` is given, the radio button is
+considered part of a group. Among radio buttons in the same group, only one
+may be checked. (If no group name is given, the radio button is grouped with
+any other radio buttons in the same slot.)
+=== span(text) » Shoes::Span ===
+Creates a Span text fragment, unstyled by default.
+=== stack(styles) { ... } » Shoes::Stack ===
+Creates a new stack. A stack is a type of slot. (See the main [[Slots]] page
+for a full explanation of both stacks and flows.)
+In short, stacks are an invisible box (a "slot") for placing stuff. As you add
+things to the stack, such as buttons or images, those things pile up
+vertically. Yes, they stack up!
+=== strong(text) » Shoes::Strong ===
+Creates a Strong text fragment, styled in bold by default.
+=== sub(text) » Shoes::Sub ===
+Creates a Sub text fragment (short for "subscript") which defaults to lowering
+the text by 10 pixels and styling it in an x-small font.
+=== subtitle(text) » Shoes::Subtitle ===
+Creates a Subtitle text block. Shoes styles this text to 26 pixels high.
+=== sup(text) » Shoes::Sup ===
+Creates a Sup text fragment (short for "superscript") which defaults to raising
+the text by 10 pixels and styling it in an x-small font.
+=== tagline(text) » Shoes::Tagline ===
+Creates a Tagline text block. Shoes styles this text to 18 pixels high.
+=== timer(seconds) { ... } » Shoes::Timer ===
+A one-shot timer. If you want to schedule to run some code in a few seconds
+(or minutes, hours) you can attach the code as a block here.
+To display an alert box five seconds from now:
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ timer(5) do
+ alert("Your five seconds are up.")
+ end
+ end
+=== title(text) » Shoes::Title ===
+Creates a Title text block. Shoes styles these elements to 34 pixels high.
+=== video(path or url) » Shoes::Video ===
+Embeds a movie in this slot.
+=== window(styles) { ... } » Shoes::App ===
+Opens a new app window. This method is almost identical to the
+[[App.Shoes.app]] method used to start an app in the first place. The
+difference is that the `window` method sets the new window's [[App.owner]]
+property. (A normal Shoes.app has its `owner` set to `nil`.)
+So, the new window's `owner` will be set to the Shoes::App which launched the
+window. This way the child window can call the parent.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app :title => "The Owner" do
+ button "Pop up?" do
+ window do
+ para "Okay, popped up from #{owner}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+== Events ==
+Wondering how to catch stray mouse clicks or keyboard typing? Events are sent
+to a slot whenever a mouse moves inside the slot. Or whenever a key is
+pressed. Even when the slot is created or destroyed. You can attach a block
+to each of these events.
+Mouse events include `motion`, `click`, `hover` and `leave`. Keyboard typing
+is represented by the `keypress` event. And the `start` and `finish` events
+indicate when a canvas comes into play or is discarded.
+So, let's say you want to change the background of a slot whenever the mouse
+floats over it. We can use the `hover` event to change the background when the
+mouse comes inside the slot. And `leave` to change back when the mouse floats
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ s = stack :width => 200, :height => 200 do
+ background red
+ hover do
+ s.clear { background blue }
+ end
+ leave do
+ s.clear { background red }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+=== click { |button, left, top| ... } » self ===
+The click block is called when a mouse button is clicked. The `button` is the
+number of the mouse button which has been pressed. The `left` and `top` are
+the mouse coordinates at which the click happened.
+To catch the moment when the mouse is unclicked, see the [[Events.release]] event.
+=== finish { |self| ... } » self ===
+When a slot is removed, it's finish event occurs. The finish block is
+immediately handed `self`, the slot object which has been removed.
+=== hover { |self| ... } » self ===
+The hover event happens when the mouse enters the slot. The block gets `self`,
+meaning the object which was hovered over.
+To catch the mouse exiting the slot, check out the [[Events.leave]] event.
+=== keypress { |key| ... } » self ===
+Whenever a key (or combination of keys) is pressed, the block gets called. The
+block is sent a `key` which is a string representing the character (such as the
+letter or number) on the key. For special keys and key combos, a Ruby symbol
+is sent, rather than a string.
+So, for example, if `Shift-a` is pressed, the block will get the string `"A"`.
+However, if the F1 key is pressed, the `:f1` symbol is received. For
+`Shift-F1`, the symbol would be `:shift_f1`.
+The modifier keys are `control`, `shift` and `alt`. They appear in that order.
+If `Shift-Control-Alt-PgUp` is pressed, the symbol will be
+One thing about the shift key. You won't see the shift key on most keys. On
+US keyboards, `Shift-7` is an ampersand. So you'll get the string `"&"` rather
+than `:shift_5`. And, if you press `Shift-Alt-7` on such a keyboard, you'll
+get the symbol: `:alt_&`. You'll only see the shift modifier on the special
+keys listed a few paragraphs down.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @info = para "NO KEY is PRESSED."
+ keypress do |k|
+ @info.replace "#{k.inspect} was PRESSED."
+ end
+ end
+Keep in mind that Shoes itself uses a few hotkeys. Alt-Period (`:alt_.`),
+Alt-Question (`:alt_?`) and Alt-Slash (`:alt_/`) are reserved for Shoes.
+The list of special keys is as follows: `:escape`, `:delete`, `:backspace`,
+`:tab`, `:page_up`, `:page_down`, `:home`, `:end`, `:left`, `:up`, `:right`,
+`:down`, `:f1`, `:f2`, `:f3`, `:f4`, `:f5`, `:f6`, `:f7`, `:f8`, `:f9`, `:f10`,
+`:f11` and `:f12`.
+One caveat to all of those rules: normally the Return key gives you a string
+`"\n"`. When pressed with modifier keys, however, you end up with
+`:control_enter`, `:control_alt_enter`, `:shift_alt_enter` and the like.
+=== leave { |self| ... } » self ===
+The leave event takes place when the mouse cursor exits a slot. The moment it
+no longer is inside the slot's edges. When that takes place, the block is
+called with `self`, the slot object which is being left.
+Also see [[Events.hover]] if you'd like to detect the mouse entering a slot.
+=== motion { |left, top| ... } » self ===
+The motion block gets called every time the mouse moves around inside the slot.
+The block is handed the cursor's `left` and `top` coordinates.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app :width => 200, :height => 200 do
+ background black
+ fill white
+ @circ = oval 0, 0, 100, 100
+ motion do |top, left|
+ @circ.move top - 50, left - 50
+ end
+ end
+=== release { |button, left, top| ... } » self ===
+The release block runs whenever the mouse is unclicked (on mouse up). When the
+finger is lifted. The `button` is the number of the button that was depressed.
+The `left` and `top` are the coordinates of the mouse at the time the button
+was released.
+To catch the actual mouse click, use the [[Events.click]] event.
+=== start { |self| ... } » self ===
+The first time the slot is drawn, the start event fires. The block is handed
+`self`, the slot object which has just been drawn.
+== Manipulation Blocks ==
+The manipulation methods below make quick work of shifting around slots and
+inserting new elements.
+=== append() { ... } » self ===
+Adds elements to the end of a slot.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @slot = stack { para 'Good Morning' }
+ timer 3 do
+ @slot.append do
+ title "Breaking News"
+ tagline "Astronauts arrested for space shuttle DUI."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+The `title` and `tagline` elements will be added to the end of the `@slot`.
+=== after(element) { ... } » self ===
+Adds elements to a specific place in a slot, just after the `element` which is
+a child of the slot.
+=== before(element) { ... } » self ===
+Adds elements to a specific place in a slot, just before the `element` which is
+a child of the slot.
+=== clear() » self ===
+Empties the slot of any elements, timers and nested slots. This is effectively
+identical to looping through the contents of the slot and calling each
+element's `remove` method.
+=== clear() { ... } » self ===
+The clear method also takes an optional block. The block will be used to
+replace the contents of the slot.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @slot = stack { para "Old text" }
+ timer 3 do
+ @slot.clear { para "Brand new text" }
+ end
+ end
+In this example, the "Old text" paragraph will be cleared out, replaced by the
+"Brand new text" paragraph.
+=== prepend() { ... } » self ===
+Adds elements to the beginning of a slot.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @slot = stack { para 'Good Morning' }
+ timer 3 do
+ @slot.prepend { para "Your car is ready." }
+ end
+ end
+The `para` element is added to the beginning of the `@slot`.
+== Position of a Slot ==
+Like any other element, slots can be styled and customized when they are created.
+To set the width of a stack to 150 pixels:
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack(:width => 150) { para "Now that's precision." }
+ end
+Each style setting also has a method, which can be used to grab that particular
+setting. (So, like, the `width` method returns the width of the slot in
+=== displace(left: a number, top: a number) » self ===
+A shortcut method for setting the :displace_left and :displace_top styles.
+Displacing is a handy way of moving a slot without altering the layout. In
+fact, the `top` and `left` methods will not report displacement at all. So,
+generally, displacement is only for temporary animations. For example,
+jiggling a button in place.
+The `left` and `top` numbers sent to `displace` are added to the slot's own
+top-left coordinates. To subtract from the top-left coordinate, use negative
+=== gutter() » a number ===
+The size of the scrollbar area. When Shoes needs to show a scrollbar, the
+scrollbar may end up covering up some elements that touch the edge of the
+window. The `gutter` tells you how many pixels to expect the scrollbar to
+This is commonly used to pad elements on the right, like so:
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :margin_right => 20 + gutter do
+ para "Insert fat and ratified declaration of independence here..."
+ end
+ end
+=== height() » a number ===
+The vertical size of the viewable slot in pixels. So, if this is a scrolling
+slot, you'll need to use `scroll_height()` to get the full size of the slot.
+=== hide() » self ===
+Hides the slot, so that it can't be seen. See also [[Position.show]] and [[Position.toggle]].
+=== left() » a number ===
+The left pixel location of the slot. Also known as the x-axis coordinate.
+=== move(left, top) » self ===
+Moves the slot to specific coordinates, the (left, top) being the upper left
+hand corner of the slot.
+=== remove() » self ===
+Removes the slot. It will no longer be displayed and will not be listed in its
+parent's contents. It's gone.
+=== scroll() » true or false ===
+Is this slot allowed to show a scrollbar? True or false. The scrollbar will
+only appear if the height of the slot is also fixed.
+=== scroll_height() » a number ===
+The vertical size of the full slot, including any of it which is hidden by scrolling.
+=== scroll_max() » a number ===
+The top coordinate which this slot can be scrolled down to. The top coordinate
+of a scroll bar is always zero. The bottom coordinate is the full height of
+the slot minus one page of scrolling. This bottom coordinate is what
+`scroll_max` returns.
+This is basically a shortcut for writing `slot.scroll_height - slot.height`.
+To scroll to the bottom of a slot, use `slot.scroll_top = slot.scroll_max`.
+=== scroll_top() » a number ===
+The top coordinate which this slot is scrolled down to. So, if the slot is
+scrolled down twenty pixels, this method will return `20`.
+=== scroll_top = a number ===
+Scrolls the slot to a certain coordinate. This must be between zero and
+=== show() » self ===
+Reveals the slot, if it is hidden. See also [[Position.hide]] and
+=== style() » styles ===
+Calling the `style` method with no arguments returns a hash of the styles
+presently applied to this slot.
+While methods such as `height` and `width` return the true pixel dimensions of
+the slot, you can use `style[:height]` or `style[:width]` to get the dimensions
+originally requested.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @s = stack :width => "100%"
+ para @s.style[:width]
+ end
+In this example, the paragraph under the stack will display the string "100%".
+=== style(styles) » styles ===
+Alter the slot using a hash of style settings. Any of the methods on this page
+(aside from this method, of course) can be used as a style setting. So, for
+example, there is a `width` method, thus there is also a `width` style.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @s = stack { background green }
+ @s.style(:width => 400, :height => 200)
+ end
+=== toggle() » self ===
+Hides the slot, if it is shown. Or shows the slot, if it is hidden.
+=== top() » a number ===
+The top pixel location of the slot. Also known as the y-axis coordinate.
+=== width() » a number ===
+The horizontal size of the slot in pixels.
+== Traversing the Page ==
+You may find yourself needing to loop through the elements inside a slot. Or
+maybe you need to climb the page, looking for a stack that is the parent of an
+On any element, you may call the `parent` method to get the slot directly above
+it. And on slots, you can call the `contents` method to get all of the
+children. (Some elements, such as text blocks, also have a `contents` method
+for getting their children.)
+=== contents() » an array of elements ===
+Lists all elements in a slot.
+=== parent() » a Shoes::Stack or Shoes::Flow ===
+Gets the object for this element's container.
+= Elements =
+Ah, here's the stuff of Shoes. An element can be as simple as an oval shape. Or
+as complex as a video stream. You've encountered all of these elements before
+in the Slots section of th manual.
+Shoes has seven native controls: the Button, the EditLine, the EditBox, the
+ListBox, the Progress meter, the Check box and the Radio. By "native"
+controls, we mean that each of these seven elements is drawn by the operating
+system. So, a Progress bar will look one way on Windows and another way on OS
+Shoes also has seven basic other types of elements: Background, Border, Image,
+Shape, TextBlock, Timer and Video. These all should look and act the same on
+every operating system.
+Once an element is created, you will often still want to change it. To move it
+or hide it or get rid of it. You'll use the commands in this section to do that
+sort of stuff. (Especially check out the [[Common Common Methods]] section for
+commands you can use on any element.)
+So, for example, use the `image` method of a Slot to place a PNG on the screen.
+The `image` method gives you back an Image object. Use the methods of the Image
+object to change things up.
+== Common Methods ==
+A few methods are shared by every little element in Shoes. Moving, showing,
+hiding. Removing an element. Basic and very general things. This list
+encompasses those common commands.
+One of the most general methods of all is the `style` method (which is also
+covered as the [[Position.style]] method for slots.)
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ # Background, text and a button: both are elements!
+ @back = background green
+ @text = banner "A Message for You, Rudy"
+ @press = button "Stop your messin about!"
+ # And so, both can be styled.
+ @text.style :size => 12, :stroke => red, :margin => 10
+ @press.style :width => 400
+ @back.style :height => 10
+ end
+ end
+For specific commands, see the other links to the left in the Elements section.
+Like if you want to pause or play a video file, check the [[Video]] section,
+since pausing and playing is peculiar to videos. No sense pausing a button.
+=== displace(left: a number, top: a number) » self ===
+Displacing an element moves it. But without changing the layout around it.
+This is great for subtle animations, especially if you want to reserve a place
+for an element while it is still animating. Like maybe a quick button shake or
+a slot sliding into view.
+When you displace an element, it moves relative to the upper-left corner where
+it was placed. So, if an element is at the coordinates (20, 40) and you
+displace it 2 pixels left and 6 pixels on top, you end up with the coordinates
+(22, 46).
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ flow :margin => 12 do
+ # Set up three buttons
+ button "One"
+ @two = button "Two"
+ button "Three"
+ # Bounce the second button
+ animate do |i|
+ @two.displace(0, (Math.sin(i) * 6).to_i)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+Notice that while the second button bounces, the other two buttons stay put.
+If we used a normal `move` in this situation, the second button would be moved
+out of the layout and the buttons would act as if the second button wasn't
+there at all. (See the [[Common.move]] example.)
+'''Of particular note:''' if you use the `left` and `top` methods to get the
+coordinates of a displaced element, you'll just get back the normal
+coordinates. As if there was no displacement. Displacing is just intended for
+quick animations!
+=== height() » a number ===
+The vertical screen size of the element in pixels. In the case of images, this
+is not the full size of the image. This is the height of the element as it is
+shown right now.
+If you have a 150x150 pixel image and you set the width to 50 pixels, this
+method will return 50.
+Also see the [[Common.width]] method for an example and some other comments.
+=== hide() » self ===
+Hides the element, so that it can't be seen. See also [[Common.show]] and
+=== left() » a number ===
+Gets you the pixel position of the left edge of the element.
+=== move(left: a number, top: a number) » self ===
+Moves the element to a specific pixel position within its slot. The element is
+still inside the slot. But it will no longer be stacked or flowed in with the
+other stuff in the slot. The element will float freely, now absolutely
+positioned instead.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ flow :margin => 12 do
+ # Set up three buttons
+ button "One"
+ @two = button "Two"
+ button "Three"
+ # Bounce the second button
+ animate do |i|
+ @two.move(40, 40 + (Math.sin(i) * 6).to_i)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+The second button is moved to a specific place, allowing the third button to
+slide over into its place. If you want to move an element without shifting
+other pieces, see the [[Common.displace]] method.
+=== parent() » a Shoes::Stack or Shoes::Flow ===
+Gets the object for this element's container. Also see the slot's
+[[Traversing.contents]] to do the opposite: get a container's elements.
+=== remove() » self ===
+Removes the element from its slot. (In other words: throws it in the garbage.)
+The element will no longer be displayed.
+=== show() » self ===
+Reveals the element, if it is hidden. See also [[Common.hide]] and
+=== style() » styles ===
+Gives you the full set of styles applied to this element, in the form of a
+Hash. While methods like `width` and `height` and `top` give you back specific
+pixel dimensions, using `style[:width]` or `style[:top]`, you can get the
+original setting (things like "100%" for width or "10px" for top.)
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ # A button which take up the whole page
+ @b = button "All of it", :width => 1.0, :height => 1.0
+ # When clicked, show the styles
+ @b.click { alert(@b.style.inspect) }
+ end
+=== style(styles) » styles ===
+Changes the style of an element. This could include the `:width` and `:height`
+of an element, the font `:size` of some text, the `:stroke` and `:fill` of a
+shape. Or any other number of style settings.
+=== toggle() » self ===
+Hides an element if it is shown. Or shows the element, if it is hidden.
+=== top() » a number ===
+Gets the pixel position of the top edge of the element.
+=== width() » a number ===
+Gets the pixel width for the full size of the element. This method always
+returns an exact pixel size. In the case of images, this is not the full width
+of the image, just the size it is shown at. See the [[Common.height]] method
+for more.
+Also, if you create an element with a width of 100% and that element is inside
+a stack which is 120 pixels wide, you'll get back `120`. However, if you call
+`style[:width]`, you'll get `"100%"`.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :width => 120 do
+ @b = button "Click me", :width => "100%" do
+ alert "button.width = #{@b.width}\n" +
+ "button.style[:width] = #{@b.style[:width]}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+In order to set the width, you'll have to go through the [[Common.style]]
+method again. So, to set the button to 150 pixels wide: `@b.style(:width =>
+To let Shoes pick the element's width, go with `@b.style(:width => nil)` to
+empty out the setting.
+== Background ==
+A background is a color, a gradient or an image that is painted across an
+entire slot. Both backgrounds and borders are a type of Shoes::Pattern.
+!{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-background.png!
+Even though it's called a ''background'', you may still place this element in
+front of other elements. If a background comes after something else painted on
+the slot (like a `rect` or an `oval`,) the background will be painted over that
+The simplest background is just a plain color background, created with the
+[[Element.background]] method, such as this black background:
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ background black
+ end
+A simple background like that paints the entire slot that contains it. (In
+this case, the whole window is painted black.)
+You can use styles to cut down the size or move around the background to your liking.
+To paint a black background across the top fifty pixels of the window:
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ background black, :height => 50
+ end
+Or, to paint a fifty pixel column on the right-side of the window:
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ background black, :width => 50, :right => 50
+ end
+Since Backgrounds are normal elements as well, see also the start of the
+[[Elements]] section for all of its other methods.
+=== to_pattern() » a Shoes::Pattern ===
+Yanks out the color, gradient or image used to paint this background and places
+it in a normal Shoes::Pattern object. You can then pass that object to other
+backgrounds and borders. Reuse it as you like.
+== Border ==
+A border is a color, gradient or image painted in a line around the edge of any
+slot. Like the Background element in the last section, a Border is a kind of
+Shoes::Pattern. !{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-border.png!
+The first, crucial thing to know about border is that all borders paint a line
+around the '''inside''' of a slot, not the outside. So, if you have a slot
+which is fifty pixels wide and you paint a five pixel border on it, that means
+there is a fourty pixel wide area inside the slot which is surrounded by the
+This also means that if you paint a Border on top of a [[Background]], the
+edges of the background will be painted over by the border.
+Here is just such a slot:
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :width => 50 do
+ border black, :strokewidth => 5
+ para "=^.^=", :stroke => green
+ end
+ end
+If you want to paint a border around the outside of a slot, you'll need to wrap
+that slot in another slot. Then, place the border in the outside slot.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :width => 60 do
+ border black, :strokewidth => 5
+ stack :width => 50 do
+ para "=^.^=", :stroke => green
+ end
+ end
+ end
+In HTML and many other languages, the border is painted on the outside of the
+box, thus increasing the overall width of the box. Shoes was designed with
+consistency in mind, so that if you say that a box is fifty pixels wide, it
+stays fifty pixels wide regardless of its borders or margins or anything else.
+Please also check out the [[Elements]] section for other methods used on borders.
+=== to_pattern() » a Shoes::Pattern ===
+Creates a basic pattern object based on the color, gradient or image used to
+paint this border. The pattern may then be re-used in new borders and
+== Button ==
+Buttons are, you know, push buttons. You click them and they do something.
+Buttons are known to say "OK" or "Are you sure?" And, then, if you're sure,
+you click the button. !{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-button.png!
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ button "OK!"
+ button "Are you sure?"
+ end
+The buttons in the example above don't do anything when you click them. In
+order to get them to work, you've got to hook up a block to each button.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ button "OK!" do
+ append { para "Well okay then." }
+ end
+ button "Are you sure?" do
+ append { para "Your confidence is inspiring." }
+ end
+ end
+So now we've got blocks for the buttons. Each block appends a new paragraph to
+the page. The more you click, the more paragraphs get added.
+It doesn't go much deeper than that. A button is just a clickable phrase.
+Just to be pedantic, though, here's another way to write that last example.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @b1 = button "OK!"
+ @b1.click { para "Well okay then." }
+ @b2 = button "Are you sure?"
+ @b2.click { para "Your confidence is inspiring." }
+ end
+This looks dramatically different, but it does the same thing. The first
+difference: rather than attaching the block directly to the button, the block
+is attached later, through the `click` method.
+The second change isn't related to buttons at all. The `append` block was
+dropped since Shoes allows you to add new elements directly to the slot. So we
+can just call `para` directly. (This isn't the case with the `prepend`,
+`before` or `after` methods.)
+Beside the methods below, buttons also inherit all of the methods that are
+=== click() { |self| ... } » self ===
+When a button is clicked, its `click` block is called. The block is handed
+`self`. Meaning: the button which was clicked.
+=== focus() » self ===
+Moves focus to the button. The button will be highlighted and, if the user
+hits Enter, the button will be clicked.
+== Check ==
+Check boxes are clickable square boxes than can be either checked or unchecked.
+A single checkbox usually asks a "yes" or "no" question. Sets of checkboxes
+are also seen in to-do lists. !{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-check.png!
+Here's a sample checklist.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ flow { check; para "Frances Johnson" }
+ flow { check; para "Ignatius J. Reilly" }
+ flow { check; para "Winston Niles Rumfoord" }
+ end
+ end
+You basically have two ways to use a check. You can attach a block to the
+check and it'll get called when the check gets clicked. And/or you can just
+use the `checked?` method to go back and see if a box has been checked or not.
+Okay, let's add to the above example.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @list = ['Frances Johnson', 'Ignatius J. Reilly',
+ 'Winston Niles Rumfoord']
+ stack do
+ @list.map! do |name|
+ flow { @c = check; para name }
+ [@c, name]
+ end
+ button "What's been checked?" do
+ selected = @list.map { |c, name| name if c.checked? }.compact
+ alert("You selected: " + selected.join(', '))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+So, when the button gets pressed, each of the checks gets asked for its status,
+using the `checked?` method.
+Button methods are listed below, but also see the list of [[Common]] methods,
+which all elements respond to.
+=== checked?() » true or false ===
+Returns whether the box is checked or not. So, `true` means "yes, the box is checked!"
+=== checked = true or false ===
+Marks or unmarks the check box. Using `checked = false`, for instance,
+unchecks the box.
+=== click() { |self| ... } » self ===
+When the check is clicked, its `click` block is called. The block is handed
+`self`, which is the check object which was clicked.
+Clicks are sent for both checking and unchecking the box.
+=== focus() » self ===
+Moves focus to the check. The check will be highlighted and, if the user hits
+Enter, the check will be toggled between its checked and unchecked states.
+== EditBox ==
+Edit boxes are wide, rectangular boxes for entering text. On the web, they
+call these textareas. These are multi-line edit boxes for entering longer
+descriptions. Essays, even! !{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-editbox.png!
+Without any other styling, edit boxes are sized 200 pixels by 108 pixels. You
+can also use `:width` and `:height` styles to set specific sizes.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ edit_box
+ edit_box :width => 100, :height => 100
+ end
+Other controls (like [[Button]] and [[Check]]) have only click events, but both
+[[EditLine]] and EditBox have a `change` event. The `change` block is called
+every time someone types into or deletes from the box.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ edit_box do |e|
+ @counter.text = e.text.size
+ end
+ @counter = strong("0")
+ para @counter, " characters"
+ end
+Notice that the example also uses the [[EditBox.text]] method inside the block.
+That method gives you a string of all the characters typed into the box.
+More edit box methods are listed below, but also see the list of [[Common]]
+methods, which all elements respond to.
+=== change() { |self| ... } » self ===
+Each time a character is added to or removed from the edit box, its `change`
+block is called. The block is given `self`, which is the edit box object which
+has changed.
+=== focus() » self ===
+Moves focus to the edit box. The edit box will be highlighted and the user will
+be able to type into the edit box.
+=== text() » self ===
+Return a string of characters which have been typed into the box.
+=== text = a string ===
+Fills the edit box with the characters of `a string`.
+== EditLine ==
+Edit lines are a slender, little box for entering text. While the EditBox is
+multi-line, an edit line is just one. Line, that is. Horizontal, in fact.
+!{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-editline.png!
+The unstyled edit line is 200 pixels wide and 28 pixels wide. Roughly. The
+height may vary on some platforms.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ edit_line
+ edit_line :width => 400
+ end
+ end
+You can change the size by styling both the `:width` and the `:height`.
+However, you generally only want to style the `:width`, as the height will be
+sized to fit the font. (And, in current versions of Shoes, the font for edit
+lines and edit boxes cannot be altered anyway.)
+If a block is given to an edit line, it receives `change` events. Check out the
+[[EditBox]] page for an example of using a change block. In fact, the edit box
+has all the same methods as an edit line. Also see the list of [[Common]]
+methods, which all elements respond to.
+=== change() { |self| ... } » self ===
+Each time a character is added to or removed from the edit line, its `change`
+block is called. The block is given `self`, which is the edit line object which
+has changed.
+=== focus() » self ===
+Moves focus to the edit line. The edit line will be highlighted and the user
+will be able to type into the edit line.
+=== text() » self ===
+Return a string of characters which have been typed into the box.
+=== text = a string ===
+Fills the edit line with the characters of `a string`.
+== Image ==
+An image is a picture in PNG, JPEG or GIF format. Shoes can resize images or
+flow them in with text. Images can be loaded from a file or directly off the
+web. !{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-image.png!
+To create an image, use the `image` method in a slot:
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ para "Nice, nice, very nice. Busy, busy, busy."
+ image "static/shoes-manual-apps.gif"
+ end
+When you load any image into Shoes, it is cached in memory. This means that if
+you load up many image elements from the same file, it'll only really load the
+file once.
+You can use web URLs directly as well.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ image "http://hacketyhack.heroku.com/images/logo.png"
+ end
+When an image is loaded from the web, it's cached on the hard drive as well as
+in memory. This prevents a repeat download unless the image has changed. (In
+case you're wondering: Shoes keeps track of modification times and etags just
+like a browser would.)
+Shoes also loads remote images in the background using system threads. So,
+using remote images will not block Ruby or any intense graphical displays you
+may have going on.
+=== full_height() » a number ===
+The full pixel height of the image. Normally, you can just use the
+[[Common.height]] method to figure out how many pixels high the image is. But
+if you've resized the image or styled it to be larger or something, then
+`height` will return the scaled size.
+The `full_height` method gives you the height of image (in pixels) as it was
+stored in the original file.
+=== full_width() » a number ===
+The full pixel width of the image. See the [[Image.full_height]] method for an
+explanation of why you might use this method rather than [[Common.width]].
+=== path() » a string ===
+The URL or file name of the image.
+=== path = a string ===
+Swaps the image with a different one, loaded from a file or URL.
+== ListBox ==
+List boxes (also called "combo boxes" or "drop-down boxes" or "select boxes" in
+some places) are a list of options that drop down when you click on the box.
+!{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-listbox.png!
+A list box gets its options from an array. An array (a list) of strings,
+passed into the `:items` style.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ para "Choose a fruit:"
+ list_box :items => ["Grapes", "Pears", "Apricots"]
+ end
+So, the basic size of a list box is about 200 pixels wide and 28 pixels high.
+You can adjust this length using the `:width` style.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ para "Choose a fruit:"
+ list_box :items => ["Grapes", "Pears", "Apricots"],
+ :width => 120, :choose => "Apricots" do |list|
+ @fruit.text = list.text
+ end
+ @fruit = para "No fruit selected"
+ end
+Next to the `:width` style, the example uses another useful option. The
+`:choose` option tells the list box which of the items should be highlighted
+from the beginning. (There's also a [[ListBox.choose]] method for highlighting
+an item after the box is created.)
+List boxes also have a [[ListBox.change]] event. In the last example, we've got
+a block hooked up to the list box. Well, okay, see, that's a `change` block.
+The block is called each time someone changes the selected item.
+Those are the basics. Might you also be persuaded to look at the [[Common]]
+methods page, a complete list of the methods that all elements have?
+=== change() { |self| ... } » self ===
+Whenever someone highlights a new option in the list box (by clicking on an
+item, for instance,) its `change` block is called. The block is given `self`,
+which is the list box object which has changed.
+=== choose(item: a string) » self ===
+Selects the option in the list box that matches the string given by `item`.
+=== focus() » self ===
+Moves focus to the list box. The list box will be highlighted and, if the user
+hits the up and down arrow keys, other options in the list will be selected.
+=== items() » an array of strings ===
+Returns the complete list of strings that the list box presently shows as its options.
+=== items = an array of strings ===
+Replaces the list box's options with a new list of strings.
+=== text() » a string ===
+A string containing whatever text is shown highlighted in the list box right
+now. If nothing is selected, `nil` will be the reply.
+== Progress ==
+Progress bars show you how far along you are in an activity. Usually, a
+progress bar represents a percentage (from 0% to 100%.) Shoes thinks of
+progress in terms of the decimal numbers 0.0 to 1.0. !{:margin_left =>
+A simple progress bar is 200 pixels wide, but you can use the `:width` style
+(as with all Shoes elements) to lengthen it.
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :margin => 0.1 do
+ title "Progress example"
+ @p = progress :width => 1.0
+ animate do |i|
+ @p.fraction = (i % 100) / 100.0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+Take a look at the [[Common]] methods page for a list of methods found an all
+elements, including progress bars.
+=== fraction() » a decimal number ===
+Returns a decimal number from 0.0 to 1.0, indicating how far along the progress bar is.
+=== fraction = a decimal number ===
+Sets the progress to a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0.
+== Radio ==
+Radio buttons are a group of clickable circles. Click a circle and it'll be
+marked. Only one radio button can be marked at a time. (This is similar to the
+ListBox, where only one option can be selected at a time.) !{:margin_left =>
+So, how do you decide when to use radio buttons and when to use list boxes?
+Well, list boxes only show one highlighted item unless you click on the box and
+the drop-down appears. But radio buttons are all shown, regardless of which is
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ para "Among these films, which do you prefer?\n"
+ radio; para strong("The Taste of Tea"), " by Katsuhito Ishii\n"
+ radio; para strong("Kin-Dza-Dza"), " by Georgi Danelia\n"
+ radio; para strong("Children of Heaven"), " by Majid Majidi\n"
+ end
+Only one of these three radios can be checked at a time, since they are grouped
+together in the same slot (along with a bunch of `para`.)
+If we move them each into their own slot, the example breaks.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ para "Among these films, which do you prefer?"
+ flow { radio; para "The Taste of Tea by Katsuhito Ishii" }
+ flow { radio; para "Kin-Dza-Dza by Georgi Danelia" }
+ flow { radio; para "Children of Heaven by Majid Majidi" }
+ end
+ end
+This can be fixed, though. You can group together radios from different slots,
+you just have to give them all the same group name.
+Here, let's group all these radios in the `:films` group.
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ para "Among these films, which do you prefer?"
+ flow do
+ radio :films
+ para "The Taste of Tea by Katsuhito Ishii"
+ end
+ flow do
+ radio :films
+ para "Kin-Dza-Dza by Georgi Danelia"
+ end
+ flow do
+ radio :films
+ para "Children of Heaven by Majid Majidi"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+For more methods beyond those listed below, also look into the [[Common]]
+methods page. Because you get those methods on every radio as well.
+=== checked?() » true or false ===
+Returns whether the radio button is checked or not. So, `true` means "yes, it
+is checked!"
+=== checked = true or false ===
+Marks or unmarks the radio button. Using `checked = false`, for instance,
+clears the radio.
+=== click() { |self| ... } » self ===
+When the radio button is clicked, its `click` block is called. The block is
+handed `self`, which is an object representing the radio which was clicked.
+Clicks are sent for both marking and unmarking the radio.
+=== focus() » self ===
+Moves focus to the radio. The radio will be highlighted and, if the user hits
+Enter, the radio will be toggled between its marked and unmarked states.
+== Shape ==
+A shape is a path outline usually created by drawing methods like `oval` and
+`rect`. !{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-shape.png!
+See the [[Common]] methods page. Shapes respond to all of those methods.
+== TextBlock ==
+The TextBlock object represents a group of text organized as a single element.
+A paragraph containing bolded text, for example. A caption containing links and
+bolded text. (So, a `caption` is a TextBlock type. However, `link` and
+`strong` are TextClass types.) !{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-textblock.png!
+All of the various types of TextBlock are found on the [[Element Element
+Creation]] page.
+ * [[Element.banner]], a 48 pixel font.
+ * [[Element.title]], a 34 pixel font.
+ * [[Element.subtitle]], a 26 pixel font.
+ * [[Element.tagline]], an 18 pixel font.
+ * [[Element.caption]], a 14 pixel font.
+ * [[Element.para]], a 12 pixel font.
+ * [[Element.inscription]], a 10 pixel font.
+=== contents() » an array of elements ===
+Lists all of the strings and styled text objects inside this block.
+=== replace(a string) ===
+Replaces the text of the entire block with the characters of `a string`.
+=== text() » a string ===
+Return a string of all of the characters in this text box. This will strip off
+any style or text classes and just return the actual characters, as if seen on
+the screen.
+=== text = a string ===
+Replaces the text of the entire block with the characters of `a string`.
+=== to_s() » a string ===
+An alias for [[TextBlock.text]]. Returns a flattened string of all of this
+TextBlock's contents.
+== Timers ==
+Shoes contains three timer classes: the Animation class, the Every class and
+the Timer class. Both Animations and Everies loop over and over after they
+start. Timers happen once. A one-shot timer.
+Animations and Everies are basically the same thing. The difference is that
+Animations usually happen many, many times per second. And Everies happen only
+once every few seconds or rarely.
+=== start() » self ===
+Both types of timers automatically start themselves, so there's no need to use
+this normally. But if you [[Timers.stop]] a timer and would like to start it up
+again, then by all means: use this!
+=== stop() » self ===
+Pauses the animation or timer. In the case of a one-shot timer that's already
+happened, it's already stopped and this method will have no effect.
+=== toggle() » self ===
+If the animation or timer is stopped, it is started. Otherwise, if it is
+already running, it is stopped.
+== Video ==
+Shoes supports embedding of QuickTime, Flash video (FLV), DivX, Xvid and
+various other popular video formats. This is all thanks to VideoLAN and ffmpeg,
+two sensational open source libraries. Use the `video` method on a slot to
+setup a Shoes::Video object. !{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-video.png!
+In addition to video formats, some audio formats are also supported, such as
+MP3, WAV and Ogg Vorbis.
+Video support is optional in Shoes and some builds do not support video. For
+example, video support is unavailable for PowerPC. When you download Shoes, the
+build for your platform will be marked `novideo` in the filename if no video
+support is available.
+=== hide() » self ===
+Hides the video. If already playing, the video will continue to play. This just
+turns off display of the video. One possible use of this method is to collapse
+the video area when it is playing an audio file, such as an MP3.
+=== length() » a number ===
+The full length of the video in milliseconds. Returns nil if the video is not
+yet loaded.
+=== move(left, top) » self ===
+Moves the video to specific coordinates, the (left, top) being the upper left
+hand corner of the video.
+=== pause() » self ===
+Pauses the video, if it is playing.
+=== playing?() » true of false ===
+Returns true if the video is currently playing. Or, false if the video is
+paused or stopped.
+=== play() » self ===
+Starts playing the video, if it isn't already playing. If already playing, the
+video is restarted from the beginning.
+=== position() » a decimal ===
+The position of the video as a decimanl number (a Float) between the beginning
+(0.0) and the end (1.0). For instance, a Float value of 0.5 indicates the
+halfway point of the video.
+=== position = a decimal ===
+Sets the position of the video using a Float value. To move the video to its
+25% position: `@video.position = 0.25`.
+=== remove() » self ===
+Removes the video from its slot. This will stop the video as well.
+=== show() » self ===
+Reveals the video, if it has been hidden by the `hide()` method.
+=== stop() » self ===
+Stops the video, if it is playing.
+=== time() » a number ===
+The time position of the video in milliseconds. So, if the video is 10 seconds
+into play, this method would return the number 10000.
+=== time = a number ===
+Set the position of the video to a time in milliseconds.
+=== toggle() » self ===
+Toggles the visibility of the video. If the video can be seen, then `hide` is
+called. Otherwise, `show` is called.
+= AndSoForth =
+A place for some other information.
+== Sample Apps ==
+Have fun!
+== FAQ ==
+Hope this helps:
+ * You can join [[http://librelist.com/browser/shoes/ Shoes ML]] and feel free ask your questions.
+ * [[http://github.com/shoes/shoes/ Official Current Source Code]] is on GitHub.
+ * [[http://wiki.github.com/shoes/shoes/recentbuilds/ Recent Builds]] for your platform.
diff --git a/static/manual-ja.txt b/static/manual-ja.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0a239a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/manual-ja.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2825 @@
+= Hello! =
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app { button("Click me!") { alert("Good job.") } }
+ShoesプログラムはRubyと呼ばれる言語で書かれています。ShoesがこのRubyコードの単純な行を渡されたとき、"Click me!"と中に書かれたボタンを持ったウィンドウを表示します。このボタンをクリックすると、メッセージがポップアップします。
+Linuxでは、このように見えるでしょう: !{:margin_left => 100}man-shot1.png!
+多くのShoesのアプリケーションがグラフィカルなゲームやアートのプログラムである一方、テキストを配置したり編集したりすることも簡単にできます。 !{:margin_left => 40}shoes-manual-apps.gif!
+そして、理想的には、Shoesプログラムは世の中のいくつかの有名なプラットフォームで実行できるでしょう。マイクロソフトWindows、アップルのMac OS X、Linuxや多くの他のプラットフォームで。
+== Introducing Shoes ==
+OS XやWindowsではShoesはどのように見えるでしょうか?見栄えはいいですか?全体的に見苦しくて不格好ですか?みんなすぐに身悶えしたに違いないです!それは何をしようとしても、とても質が落ちたものに違いありません。
+==== Mac OS X ====
+ShoesはアップルのMac OS X Leopardで、同様にTigerでも動作します。ShoesはPowerPCマシンの同様にサポートしますが、そのプラットフォームではビデオ機能はサポートされません。 !man-look-tiger.png!
+これはTigerで実行している`simple-sphere.rb`サンプルです。アプリケーションは通常のOS Xウィンドウの枠の中で実行されていることに注意して下さい。
+==== Windows ====
+Shoesはすべてのバージョンの'''Microsoft Windows XP'''、 '''Windows Vista'''、 '''Windows 7'''で実行でき、他にも'''Windows 2000'''で互換性があります。 !man-look-vista.png!
+上記はWindows Vistaで`simple-clock.rb`サンプルが動作している図です。この例でも時計を作るために楕円と線が描かれており、これは一秒に何回かそれ自信が再描画するのので生き生きと描かれます。
+==== Linux ====
+これは'''Ubuntu Linux'''上で`simple-downloader.rb`サンプルが動作しているスクリーンショットです。!man-look-ubuntu.png!
+ボタンとプログレスバーに注意してください。これらの種類のコントロールはOS XとWindowsとは異なるように見えます。しかし、テキストとリンクは同じように見えるでしょう。
+== Installing Shoes ==
+==== Step 1: Shoesのインストール ====
+[[http://shoes.heroku.com/ the site of Shoes]]へアクセスしてShoesのインストーラをダウンロードします。通常はホームページの上部の角にあるインストーラのひとつを手に入れます。 !man-builds.png!
+ * '''Mac OS X'''では、'''.dmg'''で終わっているファイルを手に入れます。このファイルをダブルクリックすると、'''Shoes'''アイコンと'''Applications'''フォルダと共にウィンドウが表示されます。矢印に従って'''Applications'''フォルダにShoesアイコンをドラッグします。 !man-intro-dmg.png!
+* '''Windows'''では、'''.exe'''ファイルをダウンロードします。このファイルをダブルクリックして次の指示に従ってください。!man-intro-exe.png!
+* '''Linux'''では、'''.run'''で終わっているファイルをダウンロードします。このファイルをダブルクリックするとShoesが起動します。(シェルスクリプトのようにプロンプトからこのファイルを実行することもできます。実際には、これは小さなシェルスクリプトです。)
+==== Step 2: 新しいテキストファイルの作成 ====
+ * '''Mac OS X'''では'''Applications'''フォルダに移動して'''TextEdit'''アプリケーションをダブルクリックします。空のエディタウィンドウが表示されます。そして'''Format'''メニューから'''Make Plain Text'''オプションを選択します。はい、準備ができました。!man-editor-osx.png!
+ * '''Windows'''では、スタートメニューへ行きます。'''All Programs'''、'''Accessories'''そして'''Notepad'''を選択します。. !man-editor-notepad.png!
+ * '''Linux'''では、多くのディストリビューションが'''gedit'''を備えています。それを実行してください。または、もしあなたのディストリビューションがKDEを基にしているのであれば'''kate'''を実行してください。
+ Shoes.app do
+ background "#DFA"
+ para "Welcome to Shoes"
+ end
+==== Step 3: それを実行してください!Shoesへ行こう! ====
+ * '''Mac OS X'''では、'''Applications'''へ再度行きます。今度は、そのフォルダの'''Shoes'''アイコンをダブルクリックします。そのドックの中に赤い靴のアイコンが現れます。'welcome.rb'をデスクトップから、そのドックアイコンへドラッグしてください。
+ * '''Windows'''では、スタートメニューへから'''All Programs'''、'''Shoes'''そして'''Shoes'''へ行きます。ファイルの選択ボックスが表示されます。デスクトップに目を通して'welcome.rb'を選択します。'''OK'''をクリックしたら、後は自分でやってください。!man-run-xp.png! !man-run-vista.png!
+ * '''Linux'''では、ほとんど一回の手続きでだけでShoesを実行します。あなたはファイル選択ボックスを見るはずです。デスクトップに目を通して、`welcome.rb`を選択して'''OK'''を押してください。
+==== Shoesで何を作りますか? ====
+== The Rules of Shoes ==
+==== Shoesのトリッキーなブロック ====
+ ary = ['potion', 'swords', 'shields']
+ ary.each do |item|
+ puts item
+ end
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ para "First"
+ para "Second"
+ para "Third"
+ end
+ end
+'''どんな理由があって`app`ブロックはselfを変更するのでしょうか?''' 最後の例を徹底的に詳しく説明することから始めましょう。
+ Shoes.app do
+ self.stack do
+ self.para "First"
+ self.para "Second"
+ self.para "Third"
+ end
+ end
+ Shoes.app do
+ @s = stack do
+ @p1 = para "First"
+ @p2 = para "Second"
+ @p3 = para "Third"
+ end
+ end
+ Shoes.app :title => "MAIN" do
+ para self
+ button "Spawn" do
+ window :title => "CHILD" do
+ para self
+ end
+ end
+ end
+==== ブロックリダイレクション ====
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ para "First"
+ para "Second"
+ para "Third"
+ end
+ end
+ class Messenger
+ def initialize(stack)
+ @stack = stack
+ end
+ def add(msg)
+ @stack.append do
+ para msg
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Messenger
+ def initialize(stack)
+ @stack = stack
+ end
+ def add(msg)
+ @stack.app do
+ @stack.append do
+ para msg
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+1. '''"app"という名前か新しいウィンドウを作成するメソッドはアプリケーションオブジェクトの`self`を変更します。'''[[BR]](これは、[[Element.window]] と[[Element.dialog]]同様に、Shoes.appとSlot.appの両方にとって正しいです。)[[BR]]2. '''stackへ加えられるブロックは、フローや(追加などの)どんな操作メソッドでもselfを変更しません。その代わりに、彼らはスロットをアプリケーションの編集stackにポップします。'''
+==== 固定された高さに注意 ====
+ Shoes.app do
+ flow do
+ stack :width => 200 do
+ caption "Column one"
+ para "is 200 pixels wide"
+ end
+ stack :width => -200 do
+ caption "Column two"
+ para "is 100% minus 200 pixels wide"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :width => 200, :height => 200, :scroll => true do
+ background "#DFA"
+ 100.times do |i|
+ para "Paragraph No. #{i}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+==== 画像と形状のブロック ====
+ Shoes.app do
+ fill black(0.1)
+ 100.times do |i|
+ oval i, i, i * 2
+ end
+ end
+ Shoes.app do
+ fill black(0.1)
+ shape do
+ 100.times do |i|
+ oval i, i, i * 2
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ Shoes.app do
+ fill black(0.1)
+ image 300, 300 do
+ 100.times do |i|
+ oval i, i, i * 2
+ end
+ end
+ end
+そうしよう!その楕円形はすべて一つの300 x 300の画像に結合されます。この場合では、その画像をメモリに保管するのは、おそらく100個の楕円形を持つよりはるかに大きくなるかもしれません。しかし、何千もの形状を扱う場合には、イメージブロックはより安っぽくなる可能性があります。
+==== どこでもUTF-8 ====
+Ruby自体はUnicodeを意識しません。そして、UTF-8は一種のUnicodeです。(UTF-8の完全な説明は[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 Wikipedia]]を見てください。)
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :margin => 10 do
+ @edit = edit_box :width => 1.0 do
+ @para.text = @edit.text
+ end
+ @para = para ""
+ end
+ end
+'''重要事項:'''もしいくつかのUTF-8の文字が表示されないなら、パラグラフのフォントを変更する必要があります。これは特にOS Xで一般的です。
+そして、OS Xでのおすすめの日本語フォントは'''AppleGothic'''です。Windowsでは'''MS UI Gothic'''です。
+ Shoes.app do
+ para "てすと (te-su-to)", :font => case RUBY_PLATFORM
+ when /mingw/; "MS UI Gothic"
+ when /darwin/; "AppleGothic, Arial"
+ else "Arial"
+ end
+ end
+==== メインアプリケーションとRequire ====
+'''注意:''' このルールはRaisinsのためのものです。PolicemanではTOPLEVEL_BINDINGを使っているので、最初の例では `main` (Rubyトップレベルオブジェクト)が表示されます。`Shoes.app`ブロックの外側では、`Para`ではなく`Shoes::Para`と記述する必要がありますが。
+ main = self
+ Shoes.app do
+ para main.to_s
+ end
+この匿名クラスは`(shoes)`と呼ばれ、それは空の無名クラスです。`Shoes`モジュールは(`include Shoes`を利用して)このクラスにミックスインされているため、パラグラフクラスを参照しているときに`Para`や`Shoes::Para`を利用することができます。
+ * Shoesアプリケーションはローカル変数を共有できません。
+ * メインアプリケーションコードに作成されるクラスは一時的です。
+ * Shoesモジュールは、Ruby自身のトップレベル環境ではなく、匿名クラスにミックスインされることができます、
+ * ガベージコレクションが一度完了すれば、アプリケーションを完全にきれいにできます。
+ class Storage; end
+ Shoes.app do
+ para Storage.new
+ end
+= Shoes =
+そして、このマニュアルの難しさにぶつかって、始めることについてまだ分からないなら、おそらくこのマニュアルの[[Hello! beginning]]に戻るべきです。
+または、ウェブ上の初心者のリーフレットである[[http://github.com/shoes/shoes/downloads Nobody Knows Shoes]]を試してください。
+==== 方法の見つけ方 ====
+ * [[Built-in Built-in methods]] - Shoesプログラムのどこでも利用できる一般的なメソッド。
+ * [[App The App window]] - Shoesのすべてのメインウィンドウに添付されたメソッド。
+ * [[Styles The Styles Master List]] - Shoesのすべてのスタイルの完全な一覧。
+ * [[Classes The Classes list]] - Shoesのクラスやサブクラスについて表示している表。
+ * [[Colors The Colors list]] - すべてのビルトインカラーと[[Built-in.rgb]]におけるそれぞれの数の表。
+ * [[Slots]] - [[Element.stack]]と[[Element.flow]]を対象とする、2つの種類のスロット。
+ * [[Elements]] - すべてのボタン、形状、画像などのためのドキュメント。
+ここに[[Element Element Creation]]ページ(追加できるすべてのエレメントの一覧)と[[Common Common Methods]] ページ(すべてのスロットやエレメントにあるメソッドの一覧)の2つのとても大切なページがあります。
+== Built-in Methods ==
+ #!ruby
+ alert "No dots in sight"
+ #!ruby
+ "Plaster of Paris".reverse
+ #=> "siraP fo retsalP"
+ [:dogs, :cows, :snakes].reverse
+ #=> [:snakes, :cows, :dogs]
+==== ビルトイン定数 ====
+'''Shoes::RELEASE_NAME''' Shoesリリース名の文字列定数です。Curiousから始まって、すべてのShoesリリースは名付けられます。
+'''Shoes::RELEASE_ID''' Shoesリリース表す数字を含みます。そして、例えばCuriousはナンバー1であり、それは初めての公式リリースです。
+'''Shoes::REVISION''' は、そのビルドのSubversionのリビジョン番号です。
+'''Shoes::FONTS''' は、アプリケーションで利用できるフォントの完全な一覧です。この一覧は[[Built-in.font]]メソッドによってロードされたすべてのフォントを含みます。
+=== alert(message: a string) » nil ===
+ #!ruby
+ alert("I'm afraid I must interject!")
+=== ask(message: a string) » a string ===
+ #!ruby
+ name = ask("Please, enter your name:")
+=== ask_color(title: a string) » Shoes::Color ===
+ #!ruby
+ backcolor = ask_color("Pick a background")
+ Shoes.app do
+ background backcolor
+ end
+=== ask_open_file() » a string ===
+ #!ruby
+ filename = ask_open_file
+ Shoes.app do
+ para File.read(filename)
+ end
+=== ask_save_file() » a string ===
+ #!ruby
+ save_as = ask_save_file
+=== ask_open_folder() » a string ===
+ #!ruby
+ folder = ask_open_folder
+ Shoes.app do
+ para Dir.entries(folder)
+ end
+=== ask_save_folder() » a string ===
+これは先ほど述べた`ask_open_folder`と似ており、"フォルダを保存する。。。"ウィンドウをポップアップします。OS X上では、現在このメソッドは`ask_open_folder`のエイリアスのようになっています。
+ #!ruby
+ save_to = ask_save_folder
+=== confirm(question: a string) » true or false ===
+ #!ruby
+ if confirm("Draw a circle?")
+ Shoes.app{ oval :top => 0, :left => 0, :radius => 50 }
+ end
+=== debug(message: a string) » nil ===
+どんなShoesウィンドウ上でも、`Alt-/`(または、OS X上では`⌘-/`)を押すことによって、Shoesコンソールを立ち上げることができます。
+ #!ruby
+ debug("Running Shoes on " + RUBY_PLATFORM)
+=== error(message: a string) » nil ===
+=== exit() ===
+=== font(message: a string) » an array of font family names ===
+ * Bitmap fonts (.bdf, .pcf, .snf) - Linux
+ * Font resource (.fon) - Windows
+ * Windows bitmap font file (.fnt) - Linux, Windows
+ * PostScript OpenType font (.otf) - Mac OS X, Linux, Windows
+ * Type1 multiple master (.mmm) - Windows
+ * Type1 font bits (.pfb) - Linux, Windows
+ * Type1 font metrics (.pfm) - Linux, Windows
+ * TrueType font (.ttf) - Mac OS X, Linux, Windows
+ * TrueType collection (.ttc) - Mac OS X, Linux, Windows
+ if Shoes::FONTS.include? "Helvetica"
+ alert "Helvetica is available on this system."
+ else
+ alert "You do not have the Helvetica font."
+ end
+もしフォントを表示することに問題があるなら、それを利用する前に、アプリケーションがフォントをロードすることを確認してください。特にOS Xでは、もしフォントがロードされる前に利用されたなら、フォントキャッシュはロードされたフォントを無視する傾向があります。
+=== gradient(color1, color2) » Shoes::Pattern ===
+=== gray(the numbers: darkness, alpha) » Shoes::Color ===
+ black = gray(0.0)
+ white = gray(1.0)
+=== info(message: a string) » nil ===
+ #!ruby
+ info("You just ran the info example on Shoes #{Shoes::RELEASE_NAME}.")
+=== rgb(a series of numbers: red, green, blue, alpha) » Shoes::Color ===
+ blueviolet = rgb(138, 43, 226)
+ darkgreen = rgb(0, 100, 0)
+ blueviolet = rgb(0.54, 0.17, 0.89)
+ darkgreen = rgb(0, 0.4, 0)
+=== warn(message: a string) » nil ===
+警告やエラーを見るためには、`Alt-/`(OS Xの場合は`⌘-/`)によりShoesコンソールを開いてください。
+== The App Object ==
+アプリケーションはウィンドウ自体です。それは閉じられるか、クリアされるか、新しい要素で満たされるかもしれません。!{:margin_left => 100}man-app.png!
+=== Shoes.app(styles) { ... } » Shoes::App ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app(:title => "White Circle",
+ :width => 200, :height => 200, :resizable => false) {
+ background black
+ fill white
+ oval :top => 20, :left => 20, :radius => 160
+ }
+=== Shoes.APPS() » An array of Shoes::App objects ===
+=== clipboard() » a string ===
+=== clipboard = a string ===
+システムクリップボードに`a string`のテキストを保存します。
+=== close() ===
+=== download(url: a string, styles) ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ title "Searching Google", :size => 16
+ @status = para "One moment..."
+ # Search Google for 'shoes' and print the HTTP headers
+ download "http://www.google.com/search?q=shoes" do |goog|
+ @status.text = "Headers: " + goog.response.headers.inspect
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ title "Downloading Google image", :size => 16
+ @status = para "One moment..."
+ download "http://www.google.com/logos/nasa50th.gif",
+ :save => "nasa50th.gif" do
+ @status.text = "Okay, is downloaded."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ title "POSTing to Google", :size => 16
+ @status = para "One moment..."
+ download "http://www.stevex.net/dump.php",
+ :method => "POST", :body => "v=1.0&q=shoes" do |dump|
+ require 'hpricot'
+ @status.text = Hpricot(dump.response.body).inner_text
+ end
+ end
+ end
+=== location() » a string ===
+=== mouse() » an array of numbers: button, left, top ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @p = para
+ animate do
+ button, left, top = self.mouse
+ @p.replace "mouse: #{button}, #{left}, #{top}"
+ end
+ end
+=== owner() » Shoes::App ===
+=== started?() » true or false ===
+=== visit(url: a string) ===
+== The Styles Master List ==
+ Shoes.app :title => "A Styling Sample" do
+ para "Red with an underline", :stroke => red, :underline => "single"
+ end
+ Shoes.app :title => "A Styling Sample" do
+ @text = para "Red with an underline"
+ @text.style(:stroke => red, :underline => "single")
+ end
+ Shoes.app :title => "A Styling Sample" do
+ @text = para "Red with an underline"
+ @text.stroke = red
+ @text.underline = "single"
+ end
+=== :align » a string ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+ * 'left': 左へテキストを整列します。
+ * 'center': 中央へテキストを整列します。
+ * 'right': 右へテキストを整列します。
+=== :angle » a number ===
+''background, border, gradient''で利用できます。
+=== :attach » a slot or element ===
+''flow, stack''で利用できます。
+他のスロットや要素と比較してスロットをピンで止めます。ウィンドウの左上の角からスロットを配置するために`:attach => Window`と書く人もいるかもしれません。
+これについてもう少し取り上げると、`:top => 10, :left => 10, :attach => Window`のスタイルはスロットをウインドウの座標の(10, 10)に配置します。
+=== :autoplay » true or false ===
+=== :bottom » a number ===
+要素の下の端の座標にピクセルを設定します。その端はコンテナの下の端に対して配置されます。そのため、`:bottom => 0`は、スロットの下の端とその下の端が接するように要素を配置するでしょう。
+=== :cap » :curve or :rect or :project ===
+''arc, arrow, border, flow, image, mask, rect, star, shape, stack''で利用できます。
+=== :center » true or false ===
+''arc, image, oval, rect, shape''で利用できます。
+=== :change » a proc ===
+''edit_box, edit_line, list_box''で利用できます。
+=== :checked » true or false ===
+''check, radio''で利用できます。
+=== :choose » a string ===
+=== :click » a proc ===
+''arc, arrow, banner, button, caption, check, flow, image, inscription, line, link, mask, oval, para, radio, rect, shape, stack, star, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+=== :curve » a number ===
+''background, border, rect''で利用できます。
+=== :displace_left » a number ===
+=== :displace_top » a number ===
+=== :emphasis » a string ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+ * "normal" - 直立のフォント。
+ * "oblique" - ローマン体の傾いたフォント。
+ * "italic" - イタリック体の傾いたフォント。
+=== :family » a string ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+=== :fill » a hex code, a Shoes::Color or a range of either ===
+''arc, arrow, background, banner, caption, code, del, em, flow, image, ins, inscription, line, link, mask, oval, para, rect, shape, span, stack, star, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+=== :font » a string ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+フォントの種類でテキストを整えます。この文字列は非常に柔軟ですが、"[FAMILY-LIST] [STYLE-OPTIONS] [SIZE]"の形である必要があり、FAMILY-LISTの部分は任意にカンマで終わりカンマで区切られたフォントファミリーの一覧、STYLE_OPTIONSはvariant、weight、stretch、またはgravityなどの空白で区切られたスタイルを表現する単語の一覧、そしてSIZEは(ポイントのサイズの)10進数または絶対的なサイズのために単位修飾子"px"を任意に続けます。オプションのどれかは設定されないかもしれません。FAMILY-LISTが設定されない場合は、デフォルトフォントファミリー(Arial)が利用されます。
+=== :group » a string ===
+=== :height » a number ===
+=== :hidden » true or false ===
+オブジェクトの表示または非表示です。すべてのオブジェクトにとって`:hidden => true`は画面上での非表示になります。その子供のスロットと要素でも同様です。
+=== :inner » a number ===
+=== :items » an array ===
+=== :justify » true or false ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+=== :kerning » a number ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+=== :leading » a number ===
+''banner, caption, inscription, para, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+=== :left » a number ===
+オブジェクトの左の座標を特定のピクセルに設定します。`:left => 10`の設定はそのオブジェクトを含むスロットの左の端からオブジェクトの左の端が10ピクセル離れた位置に配置します。このleftのスタイルが設定されていない(または`nil`が設定される)なら、そのオブジェクトはそれを囲んでいる他のオブジェクトとともに動くでしょう。
+=== :margin » a number or an array of four numbers ===
+マージンは要素の周囲に間隔をあけます。それぞれの要素はleft、top、right、そしてbottomのマージンを持っています。`:margin`スタイルに一つの数が設定されると、要素の周囲の間隔は均一にその数にとなります。言い換えると、`:margin => 8`を設定すると、その要素の周囲のすべてのマージンは8ピクセルの長さに設定されます。
+このスタイルは4つの数を`[left, top, right, bottom]`の形の配列で与えることもできます。
+=== :margin_bottom » a number ===
+=== :margin_left » a number ===
+=== :margin_right » a number ===
+=== :margin_top » a number ===
+=== :outer » a number ===
+=== :points » a number ===
+その星はいくつの頂点を持ちますか?`:points => 5`のスタイルは5つの頂点を持つ星を作成します。
+=== :radius » a number ===
+''arc, arrow, background, border, gradient, oval, rect, shape''で利用できます。
+=== :right » a number ===
+要素の右端の座標をピクセルで設定します。その端はコンテナの右端に対して配置されます。そのため、`:right => 0`は、スロットの右端とその右端が接するように要素を配置するでしょう。一方`:right => 20`は要素の右端をそのスロットの右端から左側に向けて20ピクセル離れたところに配置します。
+=== :rise » a number ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+=== :scroll » true or false ===
+''flow, stack''で利用できます。
+スロットをスクロールするスロットとします。`:scroll => true`が設定され、そのコンテンツがスロットの高さ以上の場合はスクロールバーがスロットに表示されます。スクロールバーは必要に応じて表示したり非表示になります。それはスロットの幅の内側で表示されるので、スクロールバーのあるなしに関わらず、スロットの幅は決して変わらないことを意味します。
+=== :secret » true or false ===
+''ask, edit_line''で利用できます。
+Used for password fields, this setting keeps any characters typed in from becoming visible on the screen. Instead, a replacement character (such as an asterisk) is show for each letter typed.
+=== :size » a number ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+ * "xx-small" - 現在のサイズの57%
+ * "x-small" - 現在のサイズの64%
+ * "small" - 現在のサイズの83%
+ * "medium" - サイズ変更なし
+ * "large" - 現在のサイズの120%
+ * "x-large" - 現在のサイズの143%
+ * "xx-large" - 現在のサイズの173%
+=== :state » a string ===
+''button, check, edit_box, edit_line, list_box, radio''で利用できます。
+ * nil - コントロールはアクティブで編集可能です。
+ * "readonly" - コントロールはアクティブですが編集不可能です。
+ * "disabled" - コントロールはアクティブはなく(グレイアウト)、編集不可能です。
+=== :stretch » a string ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+ * "condensed" - 狭い幅の文字
+ * "normal" - 標準の幅の文字
+ * "expanded" - 広い幅の文字
+=== :strikecolor » a Shoes::Color ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+=== :strikethrough » a string ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+ * "none" - 棒線を引いて削除しません。
+ * "single" - 1本の棒線を引いて削除します。
+=== :stroke » a hex code, a Shoes::Color or a range of either ===
+''arc, arrow, banner, border, caption, code, del, em, flow, image, ins, inscription, line, link, mask, oval, para, rect, shape, span, stack, star, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+=== :strokewidth » a number ===
+''arc, arrow, border, flow, image, line, mask, oval, rect, shape, star, stack''で利用できます。
+=== :text » a string ===
+''button, edit_box, edit_line''で利用できます。
+=== :top » a number ===
+オブジェクトの上側の座標を、その親のスロットに対して設定します。オブジェクトに`:top => 40`が設定されたなら、オブジェクトの上端はそのオブジェクトを含むスロットの上端から40ピクセル下に配置されることを意味します。`:top`スタイルが与えられないなら、そのスロットの自然な流れでオブジェクトは自動的に配置されます。
+=== :undercolor » a Shoes::Color ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+=== :underline » a string ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+ * "none" - 下線なし。 
+ * "single" - 途切れのない下線。
+ * "double" - 平行な途切れのない2本の下線。
+ * "low" - フォントの基準より下の低い下線。(一般的に1つの文字に対してだけ、得にキーボードアクセラレータを表示するときに推奨されます。)
+ * "error" - 波状の下線、通常はミススペルの指摘を見つけます。
+=== :variant » a string ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+ * "normal" - 通常のフォント。
+ * "smallcaps" - 大文字が小さく変化することによって置き換えられた小文字のフォント。
+=== :weight » a string ===
+''banner, caption, code, del, em, ins, inscription, link, para, span, strong, sub, sup, subtitle, tagline, title''で利用できます。
+Set the boldness of the text. Commonly, this style is set to one of the following strings:
+ * "ultralight" - 超軽量の太さ (= 200)
+ * "light" - 軽量の太さ (=300)
+ * "normal" - 通常の太さ (= 400)
+ * "semibold" - 通常と太文字の中間の太さ (=600)
+ * "bold" - 太文字 (= 700)
+ * "ultrabold" - 極端な太文字の太さ (= 800)
+ * "heavy" - 重厚な太さ (= 900)
+=== :width » a number ===
+== Classes List ==
+== Colors List ==
+= Slots =
+==== Stacks ====
+==== Flows ====
+== Art for Slots ==
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stroke red
+ fill blue
+ oval :top => 10, :left => 10,
+ :radius => 100
+ end
+==== Processing と NodeBox からのインスピレーション ====
+=== arc(left, top, width, height, angle1, angle2) » Shoes::Shape ===
+弧の形状(楕円形の一部)を座標(left, top)に描きます。このメソッドは`:angle1`と`:angle2`のスタイルを提供することにより [[oval]]より少し多くの制御をが行えます。(実際には、`:angle1`に0と`:angle2`に`Shoes::TWO_PI`を設定することにより、`oval`メソッドをまねることができます。)
+=== arrow(left, top, width) » Shoes::Shape ===
+座標(left, top)に`width`ピクセルの矢を描きます。
+=== cap(:curve or :rect or :project) » self ===
+=== fill(pattern) » pattern ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ fill "static/avatar.png"
+ star 200, 200, 5
+ end
+=== nofill() » self ===
+=== nostroke() » self ===
+=== line(left, top, x2, y2) » Shoes::Shape ===
+現在の線の色(別名"stroke")を使って座標(left, top)から(x2, y2)まで線を描きます。
+=== oval(left, top, radius) » Shoes::Shape ===
+座標(left, top)ピクセルに`radius`ピクセルの幅と高さの円を描きます。線の色や塗りつぶす色が形状を描くために利用されます。デフォルトでは、座標は楕円形の最も左上の角ですが、これは[[Art.transform]]メソッドを呼ぶことや、次のメソッドの下の`:center`スタイルを使用することによって変更することができます。
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stroke blue
+ strokewidth 4
+ fill black
+ oval 10, 10, 50
+ end
+様々な比率の楕円形を描くためには、`oval(left, top, width, height)`のシンタックスを利用してもいいです。
+=== oval(styles) » Shoes::Shape ===
+ * `top`: 楕円形の囲いのy座標。
+ * `left`: 楕円形の囲いのx座標。
+ * `radius`: 円の幅と高さ。
+ * `width`: 楕円形の幅のピクセルでの指定。
+ * `height`: 楕円形の高さのピクセルでの指定。
+ * `center`: 座標を楕円形の中央に指定しますか?(trueまたはfalse)
+=== rect(top, left, width, height, corners = 0) » Shoes::Shape ===
+座標(left, top)からwidth x heightの寸法の長方形を描きます。オプションとして、5番目の引数(ピクセルでの角の半径)により長方形の角を丸くすることもできます。他の形状と同様に、長方形は描く線の色や塗りつぶす色を利用して描かれます。
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stroke rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.7)
+ fill rgb(1.0, 1.0, 0.9)
+ rect 10, 10, self.width - 20, self.height - 20
+ end
+=== rect(styles) » Shoes::Shape ===
+ * `top`: 長方形のy座標。
+ * `left`: 長方形のx座標。
+ * `curve`: 長方形の角の半径のピクセル。
+ * `width`: 長方形のピクセルによる幅。
+ * `height`:長方形のピクセルによる高さ。
+ * `center`: 座標を長方形の中央に指定しますか?(trueまたはfalse)
+=== rotate(degrees: a number) » self ===
+下の例では、長方形は(30, 30)に45度回転されて描かれます。
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ fill "#333"
+ rotate 45
+ rect 30, 30, 40, 40
+ end
+=== shape(left, top) { ... } » Shoes::Shape ===
+(left, top)から開始してブロックの内部で`line_to`、`move_to`、`curve_to`そして`arc_to`を呼ぶことにより
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ fill red(0.2)
+ shape do
+ move_to(90, 55)
+ arc_to(50, 55, 50, 50, 0, PI/2)
+ arc_to(50, 55, 60, 60, PI/2, PI)
+ arc_to(50, 55, 70, 70, PI, TWO_PI-PI/2)
+ arc_to(50, 55, 80, 80, TWO_PI-PI/2, TWO_PI)
+ end
+ end
+=== star(left, top, points = 10, outer = 100.0, inner = 50.0) » Shoes::Shape ===
+描く線の色や塗りつぶす色を利用して星を描きます。星は(left, top)の座標を中心点として`頂点(points)`の数とともに配置されます。`outer`の幅は星の全半径をを定義します;`inner`の幅は頂点の始まる星の中央の半径を指定します。
+=== stroke(pattern) » pattern ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stroke red
+ arrow 0, 100, 10
+ end
+=== strokewidth(a number) » self ===
+=== transform(:center or :corner) » self ===
+=== translate(left, top) » self ===
+スロットの描画の範囲を開始する位置を移動します。通常は、すべての形状がこの位置から描くことができるように、その範囲は左上の角の(0, 0)から開始します。`translate`により開始位置が(10, 20)に移動されて、(50, 60)に形状が描かれるなら、その形状は実際にはスロットの(60, 80)に描かれます。
+== Element Creation ==
+=== animate(fps) { |frame| ... } » Shoes::Animation ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @counter = para "STARTING"
+ animate(24) do |frame|
+ @counter.replace "FRAME #{frame}"
+ end
+ end
+=== background(pattern) » Shoes::Background ===
+'''注意してください:''' 背景は実際には要素であり、スタイルではありません。HTMLは背景をスタイルのようにあつかいます。それはすべての箱は一つの背景だけを持てることを意味します。Shoesは背景の要素を重ねることができます。
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ background black
+ background white, :width => 50
+ end
+=== banner(text) » Shoes::Banner ===
+=== border(text, :strokewidth => a number) » Shoes::Border ===
+'''注意してください:''' 背景のように、枠線は実際には要素であり、スタイルではありません。HTMLは背景や枠線をスタイルのようにあつかいます。それはすべての箱は一つの枠線だけを持てることを意味します。Shoesはテキストブロック、画像、他のすべてのものにそって、枠線や背景の要素を重ねることができます。
+=== button(text) { ... } » Shoes::Button ===
+=== caption(text) » Shoes::Caption ===
+=== check() » Shoes::Check ===
+=== code(text) » Shoes::Code ===
+=== del(text) » Shoes::Del ===
+=== dialog(styles) { ... } » Shoes::App ===
+(まさに [[Element.window]]メソッドを実効したように)新しいアプリケーションのウィンドウを開きますが、そのウィンドウはダイアログボックスの外観を与えられます。
+=== edit_box(text) » Shoes::EditBox ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ edit_box
+ edit_box "HORRAY EDIT ME"
+ edit_box "small one", :width => 100, :height => 160
+ end
+=== edit_line(text) » Shoes::EditLine ===
+=== em(text) » Shoes::Em ===
+=== every(seconds) { |count| ... } » Shoes::Every ===
+=== flow(styles) { ... } » Shoes::Flow ===
+=== image(path) » Shoes::Image ===
+=== imagesize(path) » [width, height] ===
+=== ins(text) » Shoes::Ins ===
+=== inscription(text) » Shoes::Inscription ===
+=== link(text, :click => proc or string) » Shoes::Link ===
+=== list_box(:items => [strings, ...]) » Shoes::ListBox ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :margin => 10 do
+ para "Pick a card:"
+ list_box :items => ["Jack", "Ace", "Joker"]
+ end
+ end
+=== progress() » Shoes::Progress ===
+=== para(text) » Shoes::Para ===
+=== radio(group name: a string or symbol) » Shoes::Radio ===
+ラジオボタンを追加します。`グループ名(group name)`が与えられたら、ラジオボタンはグループの一部だとみなされます。同じグループのラジオボタンのうちで、1つだけをクリックすることができます。(もしグループ名が与えられなければ、そのラジオボタンは同じスロットの他のすべてのラジオボタンとグループ化されます)
+=== span(text) » Shoes::Span ===
+=== stack(styles) { ... } » Shoes::Stack ===
+=== strong(text) » Shoes::Strong ===
+=== sub(text) » Shoes::Sub ===
+=== subtitle(text) » Shoes::Subtitle ===
+=== sup(text) » Shoes::Sup ===
+=== tagline(text) » Shoes::Tagline ===
+=== timer(seconds) { ... } » Shoes::Timer ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ timer(5) do
+ alert("Your five seconds are up.")
+ end
+ end
+=== title(text) » Shoes::Title ===
+=== video(path or url) » Shoes::Video ===
+=== window(styles) { ... } » Shoes::App ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app :title => "The Owner" do
+ button "Pop up?" do
+ window do
+ para "Okay, popped up from #{owner}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+== Events ==
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ s = stack :width => 200, :height => 200 do
+ background red
+ hover do
+ s.clear { background blue }
+ end
+ leave do
+ s.clear { background red }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+=== click { |button, left, top| ... } » self ===
+=== finish { |self| ... } » self ===
+=== hover { |self| ... } » self ===
+=== keypress { |key| ... } » self ===
+しかしながら、F1が押されたなら、 `:f1`のシンボルを受けとります。`Shift-F1`なら、そのシンボルは`:shift_f1`です。
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @info = para "NO KEY is PRESSED."
+ keypress do |k|
+ @info.replace "#{k.inspect} was PRESSED."
+ end
+ end
+以下はスペシャルキーの一覧です: `:escape`、`:delete`、 
+=== leave { |self| ... } » self ===
+=== motion { |left, top| ... } » self ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app :width => 200, :height => 200 do
+ background black
+ fill white
+ @circ = oval 0, 0, 100, 100
+ motion do |top, left|
+ @circ.move top - 50, left - 50
+ end
+ end
+=== release { |button, left, top| ... } » self ===
+=== start { |self| ... } » self ===
+== Manipulation Blocks ==
+=== append() { ... } » self ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @slot = stack { para 'Good Morning' }
+ timer 3 do
+ @slot.append do
+ title "Breaking News"
+ tagline "Astronauts arrested for space shuttle DUI."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+=== after(element) { ... } » self ===
+=== before(element) { ... } » self ===
+=== clear() » self ===
+=== clear() { ... } » self ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @slot = stack { para "Old text" }
+ timer 3 do
+ @slot.clear { para "Brand new text" }
+ end
+ end
+この例では、"Old text"パラグラフは排除され、"Brand new text"によって置き換えられます。
+=== prepend() { ... } » self ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @slot = stack { para 'Good Morning' }
+ timer 3 do
+ @slot.prepend { para "Your car is ready." }
+ end
+ end
+== Position of a Slot ==
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack(:width => 150) { para "Now that's precision." }
+ end
+=== displace(left: a number, top: a number) » self ===
+=== gutter() » a number ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :margin_right => 20 + gutter do
+ para "Insert fat and ratified declaration of independence here..."
+ end
+ end
+=== height() » a number ===
+=== hide() » self ===
+=== left() » a number ===
+The left pixel location of the slot. Also known as the x-axis coordinate.
+=== move(left, top) » self ===
+=== remove() » self ===
+=== scroll() » true or false ===
+=== scroll_height() » a number ===
+=== scroll_max() » a number ===
+これは基本的に`slot.scroll_height - slot.height`と書くためのショートカットです。
+スロットの下側にスクロールするためには、`slot.scroll_top = slot.scroll_max`を利用します。
+=== scroll_top() » a number ===
+=== scroll_top = a number ===
+=== show() » self ===
+=== style() » styles ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @s = stack :width => "100%"
+ para @s.style[:width]
+ end
+=== style(styles) » styles ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @s = stack { background green }
+ @s.style(:width => 400, :height => 200)
+ end
+=== toggle() » self ===
+=== top() » a number ===
+=== width() » a number ===
+== Traversing the Page ==
+=== contents() » an array of elements ===
+=== parent() » a Shoes::Stack or Shoes::Flow ===
+= Elements =
+Shoesは7つのネイティブコントロールを持ちます:ボタン(Button)、エディットライン(EditLine)、エディットボックス(EditBox)、リストボックス(ListBox)、プログレスメータ(Progress meter)、チェックボックス(Check box)、ラジオ(Radio)。私たちの言う"native"コントロールとは、それらの7つの要素がオペレーティングシステムによって描画されることを意味します。そのため、プログレスバーのWindowsでの見え方とOS Xでの見え方は違います。
+いったん要素を生成した後でも、それを変更したくなるでしょう。それを動かしたり隠したりまたはそれを取り除くために。それらの種類のことを行うために、このセクションのコマンド利用するでしょう。(特にどんな要素上でも利用できるコマンドの[[Common Common Methods]]セクションを確認してください。)
+== Common Methods ==
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ # Background, text and a button: both are elements!
+ @back = background green
+ @text = banner "A Message for You, Rudy"
+ @press = button "Stop your messin about!"
+ # And so, both can be styled.
+ @text.style :size => 12, :stroke => red, :margin => 10
+ @press.style :width => 400
+ @back.style :height => 10
+ end
+ end
+=== displace(left: a number, top: a number) » self ===
+要素を置き換えるとき、それが配置されている左上の角から相対的に移動します。そのため、要素が(20, 40)の座標にあり、2ピクセル左と6ピクセル上に置き換えるなら、結果的に(22, 46)の座標となります。
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ flow :margin => 12 do
+ # Set up three buttons
+ button "One"
+ @two = button "Two"
+ button "Three"
+ # Bounce the second button
+ animate do |i|
+ @two.displace(0, (Math.sin(i) * 6).to_i)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+=== height() » a number ===
+=== hide() » self ===
+=== left() » a number ===
+=== move(left: a number, top: a number) » self ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ flow :margin => 12 do
+ # Set up three buttons
+ button "One"
+ @two = button "Two"
+ button "Three"
+ # Bounce the second button
+ animate do |i|
+ @two.move(40, 40 + (Math.sin(i) * 6).to_i)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+=== parent() » a Shoes::Stack or Shoes::Flow ===
+=== remove() » self ===
+=== show() » self ===
+=== style() » styles ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ # A button which take up the whole page
+ @b = button "All of it", :width => 1.0, :height => 1.0
+ # When clicked, show the styles
+ @b.click { alert(@b.style.inspect) }
+ end
+=== style(styles) » styles ===
+=== toggle() » self ===
+=== top() » a number ===
+=== width() » a number ===
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :width => 120 do
+ @b = button "Click me", :width => "100%" do
+ alert "button.width = #{@b.width}\n" +
+ "button.style[:width] = #{@b.style[:width]}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+幅を設定するためには、[[Common.style]]メソッドをもう一度調べる必要があります。そして、150ピクセルの幅にボタンを設定するには:`@b.style(:width => 150)`。
+要素の幅を取るには、設定を空にするために`@b.style(:width => nil)`とします
+== Background ==
+背景はスロット全体に渡って塗られた、グラデーションまたは画像の色です。背景と枠線はShoes::Patternの種類の一つです。!{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-background.png!
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ background black
+ end
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ background black, :height => 50
+ end
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ background black, :width => 50, :right => 50
+ end
+=== to_pattern() » a Shoes::Pattern ===
+== Border ==
+枠線はスロットの周囲の線に塗られた、色やグラデーションや画像です。次のセクションの背景の要素では、枠線(Border)はShoes::Patternの一種です。!{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-border.png!
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :width => 50 do
+ border black, :strokewidth => 5
+ para "=^.^=", :stroke => green
+ end
+ end
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :width => 60 do
+ border black, :strokewidth => 5
+ stack :width => 50 do
+ para "=^.^=", :stroke => green
+ end
+ end
+ end
+=== to_pattern() » a Shoes::Pattern ===
+== Button ==
+ボタン(Button)は、ご存知のとおり、押しボタンです。それらをクリックしたら何かを行います。ボタンは"OK"または"Are you sure?"などを表示します。そして、よければボタンをクリックします。
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ button "OK!"
+ button "Are you sure?"
+ end
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ button "OK!" do
+ append { para "Well okay then." }
+ end
+ button "Are you sure?" do
+ append { para "Your confidence is inspiring." }
+ end
+ end
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @b1 = button "OK!"
+ @b1.click { para "Well okay then." }
+ @b2 = button "Are you sure?"
+ @b2.click { para "Your confidence is inspiring." }
+ end
+=== click() { |self| ... } » self ===
+=== focus() » self ===
+== Check ==
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ flow { check; para "Frances Johnson" }
+ flow { check; para "Ignatius J. Reilly" }
+ flow { check; para "Winston Niles Rumfoord" }
+ end
+ end
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ @list = ['Frances Johnson', 'Ignatius J. Reilly',
+ 'Winston Niles Rumfoord']
+ stack do
+ @list.map! do |name|
+ flow { @c = check; para name }
+ [@c, name]
+ end
+ button "What's been checked?" do
+ selected = @list.map { |c, name| name if c.checked? }.compact
+ alert("You selected: " + selected.join(', '))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+=== checked?() » true or false ===
+=== checked = true or false ===
+チェックボックスをマークしたりマークを外したりします。例えば、`checked = false`を利用して、箱のチェックを外します。
+=== click() { |self| ... } » self ===
+=== focus() » self ===
+== EditBox ==
+エディットボックス(Edit box)は、テキストを入力するための幅広い長方形の箱です。webでは、それらはテキストエリアと呼ばれます。それらは長い記述を入力するためのマルチラインエディットボックスです。エッセイでさえ書けます! !{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-editbox.png!
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ edit_box
+ edit_box :width => 100, :height => 100
+ end
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ edit_box do |e|
+ @counter.text = e.text.size
+ end
+ @counter = strong("0")
+ para @counter, " characters"
+ end
+=== change() { |self| ... } » self ===
+=== focus() » self ===
+=== text() » self ===
+=== text = a string ===
+`a string`の文字をエディットボックスに代入します。
+== EditLine ==
+エディットライン(Edit line)は細長い、小さなテキストを入力する箱です。エディットボックスはマルチラインですが、エディットラインは1行です。これはエディットラインです。ちなみに水平です。
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ edit_line
+ edit_line :width => 400
+ end
+ end
+=== change() { |self| ... } » self ===
+=== focus() » self ===
+=== text() » self ===
+=== text = a string ===
+`a string`の文字をエディットボックスに代入します。
+== Image ==
+画像(image)はPNG、JPEGまたはGIFフォーマットの画像ファイルです。Shoesは画像をリサイズまたはテキストとともにそれらをフローすることができます。!{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-image.png!
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ para "Nice, nice, very nice. Busy, busy, busy."
+ image "static/shoes-manual-apps.gif"
+ end
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ image "http://hacketyhack.heroku.com/images/logo.png"
+ end
+=== full_height() » a number ===
+=== full_width() » a number ===
+=== path() » a string ===
+=== path = a string ===
+== ListBox ==
+リストボックス(List box)(環境によって"コンボボックス(combo box)"または"ドロップダウンボックス(drop-down box)"または"セレクトボックス(select box)"とも呼ばれています。)は箱をクリックしたときドロップダウンしてオプションが一覧として表示されます。!{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-listbox.png!
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ para "Choose a fruit:"
+ list_box :items => ["Grapes", "Pears", "Apricots"]
+ end
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ para "Choose a fruit:"
+ list_box :items => ["Grapes", "Pears", "Apricots"],
+ :width => 120, :choose => "Apricots" do |list|
+ @fruit.text = list.text
+ end
+ @fruit = para "No fruit selected"
+ end
+=== change() { |self| ... } » self ===
+=== choose(item: a string) » self ===
+=== focus() » self ===
+=== items() » an array of strings ===
+=== items = an array of strings ===
+=== text() » a string ===
+== Progress ==
+プログレスバー(Progress bar)は活動がどこまで進んでいるかを表示します。一般的には、プログレスバーはパーセンテージで示されます。(0%から100%まで)Shoesは0.0から1.0の10進数を使って進行を考えます。!{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-progress.png!
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack :margin => 0.1 do
+ title "Progress example"
+ @p = progress :width => 1.0
+ animate do |i|
+ @p.fraction = (i % 100) / 100.0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+=== fraction() » a decimal number ===
+=== fraction = a decimal number ===
+== Radio ==
+ラジオボタン(Radio button)はクリック可能な円のグループです。それをマークするには円をクリックしてください。ラジオボタンは1度に1つだけマークできます。(1度に1つのオプションだけしか選択できないところは、リストボックスに似ています。)!{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-radio.png!
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ para "Among these films, which do you prefer?\n"
+ radio; para strong("The Taste of Tea"), " by Katsuhito Ishii\n"
+ radio; para strong("Kin-Dza-Dza"), " by Georgi Danelia\n"
+ radio; para strong("Children of Heaven"), " by Majid Majidi\n"
+ end
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ para "Among these films, which do you prefer?"
+ flow { radio; para "The Taste of Tea by Katsuhito Ishii" }
+ flow { radio; para "Kin-Dza-Dza by Georgi Danelia" }
+ flow { radio; para "Children of Heaven by Majid Majidi" }
+ end
+ end
+ #!ruby
+ Shoes.app do
+ stack do
+ para "Among these films, which do you prefer?"
+ flow do
+ radio :films
+ para "The Taste of Tea by Katsuhito Ishii"
+ end
+ flow do
+ radio :films
+ para "Kin-Dza-Dza by Georgi Danelia"
+ end
+ flow do
+ radio :films
+ para "Children of Heaven by Majid Majidi"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+=== checked?() » true or false ===
+=== checked = true or false ===
+ラジオボタンをマークしたりマークを外したりします。例えば、`checked = false`を利用して、ラジオボタンをクリアします。
+=== click() { |self| ... } » self ===
+=== focus() » self ===
+== Shape ==
+形状(shape)は通常は`oval`と`rect`のようにドローイングメソッドによって作成されるアウトラインパスです。!{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-shape.png!
+== TextBlock ==
+テキストブロック(TextBlock)オブジェクトは単独の要素にとして形成されるテキストのグループを示します。例えば、太字のテキストを含むパラグラフです。リンクと太字のテキストを含むキャプションです。(そして、`caption`はテキストブロックのタイプです。しかしながら、`link`と`strong`はテキストクラスのタイプです。)!{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-textblock.png!
+テキストブロックのすべての種類はタイプは[[Element Element Creation]]ページで確認できます。
+ * [[Element.banner]], 48ピクセルのフォント。
+ * [[Element.title]], 34ピクセルのフォント。
+ * [[Element.subtitle]], 26ピクセルのフォント。
+ * [[Element.tagline]], 18ピクセルのフォント。
+ * [[Element.caption]], 14ピクセルのフォント。
+ * [[Element.para]], 12ピクセルのフォント。
+ * [[Element.inscription]], 10ピクセルのフォント。
+=== contents() » an array of elements ===
+=== replace(a string) ===
+ブロック全体のテキストを`a string`の文字で置き換えます。
+=== text() » a string ===
+=== text = a string ===
+ブロック全体のテキストを`a string`の文字で置き換えます。
+=== to_s() » a string ===
+== Timers ==
+=== start() » self ===
+=== stop() » self ===
+=== toggle() » self ===
+== Video ==
+Shoesは埋め込みのQuickTime、Flashビデオ(FLV)、DivX、Xvidそして様々な他の人気のあるビデオフォーマットをサポートしています。これはすべて2つの驚くべきオープンソースライブラリである、VideoLANとffmpegのおかげです。Shoes::Videoオブジェクトをセットアップするためにスロット上で`video`メソッドを利用してください。!{:margin_left => 100}man-ele-video.png!
+ビデオフォーマットに加えて、MP3、WAVとOgg Vorbisのような、いくつかのオーディオフォーマットもサポートされています。
+=== hide() » self ===
+=== length() » a number ===
+=== move(left, top) » self ===
+(left, top)はビデオの左上の角であり、特定の座標にビデオを移動します。
+=== pause() » self ===
+=== playing?() » true of false ===
+=== play() » self ===
+=== position() » a decimal ===
+=== position = a decimal ===
+Floatの値を利用してビデオの位置を設定します。25%の位置にビデオを移動するなら:`@video.position = 0.25`。
+=== remove() » self ===
+=== show() » self ===
+=== stop() » self ===
+=== time() » a number ===
+=== time = a number ===
+=== toggle() » self ===
+= AndSoForth =
+== Sample Apps ==
+== FAQ ==
+ * [[http://librelist.com/browser/shoes/ Shoes ML]] 気軽にメーリングリストへ参加下さい。
+ * [[http://github.com/shoes/shoes/ 最新のソースコード]] は GitHubにあります。
+ * [[http://wiki.github.com/shoes/shoes/recentbuilds/ 最新のビルド]] あなたのプラットフォームに合わせて選んで下さい。
diff --git a/static/manual.css b/static/manual.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa849a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/manual.css
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+body {
+ font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif;
+ background: #DDD;
+ margin: 0; padding: 0;
+a {
+ color: #378;
+ text-decoration: none;
+a.hi {
+ color: #C30;
+ font-weight: bold;
+a:hover {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+#main {
+ width: 720px;
+ margin: 40px auto;
+.sidebar {
+ position: fixed;
+ width: 120px;
+#manual {
+ float: right;
+ width: 540px;
+ padding: 20px;
+ border: solid 1px #BBB;
+ background: #eee;
+ margin-bottom: 80px;
+#manual li {
+ margin-bottom: 8px;
+h1 {
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-size: 42px;
+ margin-top: 0;
+h2 {
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ color: #777;
+ margin: 0;
+h4 {
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-size: 32px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+#manual img {
+ display: block;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ padding: 10px;
+div.method {
+ background: #333;
+ padding: 4px;
+ color: #CCC;
+div.method a {
+ color: white;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ font-weight: bold;
+.intro {
+ font-size: 140%;
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #BBB;
+.sidebar ul {
+ list-style: none;
+ text-align: center;
+ margin: 0; padding: 10px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+.sidebar ul.sub {
+ margin: 6px 0; padding: 0;
+ border-left: solid 1px #CCC;
+ border-right: solid 1px #CCC;
+.sidebar ul.sub li {
+ margin: 0; padding: 0;
+ font-size: 14px;
+.sidebar ul.sub a {
+ font-weight: normal;
+.sidebar a {
+ color: #666;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ text-decoration: none;
+.sidebar .prime {
+ display: block;
+ color: #BBB;
+ font-size: 38px;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+.sidebar a:hover {
+ color: black;
+div.color {
+ width: 31%;
+ float: left;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding: 6px;
+ font-size: 80%;
+div.color h3, div.color p {
+ margin: 4px;
+p.next {
+ clear: both;
+ border-top: solid 1px #BBB;
+ text-align: right;
+ font-size: 120%;
+ padding: 8px;
+/* code highlighting */
+pre {
+ background: white;
+ padding: 8px 0;
+ border: solid 1px #ddd;
+pre .comment, .ruby .comment {
+ color: #696;
+} pre .string, .ruby .string {
+ color: teal;
+pre .constant, .ruby .constant {
+ font-weight: bold;
+pre .symbol, .ruby .symbol {
+ color: green;
+pre .keywords, .ruby .keywords {
+ color: #662;
+pre .global, pre .ivar, .ruby .ivar {
+ color: #F60;
+pre .brackets, .ruby .brackets {
+ color: #993;
+/* index pages */
+#index .hibox {
+ background: white;
+ border: solid 1px #ddd;
+#index .hibox p {
+ font-size: 14px;
+ margin: 8px;
+#index h1 {
+ margin: 0;
+#index ul {
+ list-style: none;
+ font-size: 13px;
+#index ul a.hi,
+#index ul a.lo {
+ font-size: 18px;
diff --git a/static/menu-corner1.png b/static/menu-corner1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b81d33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/menu-corner1.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/menu-corner2.png b/static/menu-corner2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f68e291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/menu-corner2.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/menu-gray.png b/static/menu-gray.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca69e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/menu-gray.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/menu-left.png b/static/menu-left.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b616ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/menu-left.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/menu-right.png b/static/menu-right.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97629e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/menu-right.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/menu-top.png b/static/menu-top.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2397dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/menu-top.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/shoes-dmg.jpg b/static/shoes-dmg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12a52ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/shoes-dmg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/shoes-icon-blue.png b/static/shoes-icon-blue.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8aa9b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/shoes-icon-blue.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/shoes-icon.png b/static/shoes-icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d533f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/shoes-icon.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/shoes-manual-apps.gif b/static/shoes-manual-apps.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ff2e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/shoes-manual-apps.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/shoes_main_window.png b/static/shoes_main_window.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4efc3ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/shoes_main_window.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/stripe.png b/static/stripe.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6acb327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/stripe.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/stubs/blank.exe b/static/stubs/blank.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73acc7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/stubs/blank.exe
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/stubs/blank.hfz b/static/stubs/blank.hfz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ee6d4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/stubs/blank.hfz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/stubs/blank.run b/static/stubs/blank.run
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2c4673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/stubs/blank.run
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+# This script was generated using Makeself 2.1.4
+if type printf > /dev/null; then
+ print_cmd="printf"
+elif test -x /usr/ucb/echo; then
+ print_cmd="/usr/ucb/echo"
+ print_cmd="echo"
+unset CDPATH
+ $print_cmd $print_cmd_arg "$1"
+ while read a; do
+ MS_Printf .
+ done
+ blocks=`expr $3 / 1024`
+ bytes=`expr $3 % 1024`
+ dd if="$1" ibs=$2 skip=1 obs=1024 conv=sync 2> /dev/null | \
+ { test $blocks -gt 0 && dd ibs=1024 obs=1024 count=$blocks ; \
+ test $bytes -gt 0 && dd ibs=1 obs=1024 count=$bytes ; } 2> /dev/null
+ cat << EOH >&2
+Makeself version 2.1.4
+ 1) Getting help or info about $0 :
+ $0 --help Print this message
+ $0 --info Print embedded info : title, default target directory, embedded script ...
+ $0 --lsm Print embedded lsm entry (or no LSM)
+ $0 --list Print the list of files in the archive
+ $0 --check Checks integrity of the archive
+ 2) Running $0 :
+ $0 [options] [--] [additional arguments to embedded script]
+ with following options (in that order)
+ --confirm Ask before running embedded script
+ --noexec Do not run embedded script
+ --keep Do not erase target directory after running
+ the embedded script
+ --nox11 Do not spawn an xterm
+ --nochown Do not give the extracted files to the current user
+ --target NewDirectory Extract in NewDirectory
+ --tar arg1 [arg2 ...] Access the contents of the archive through the tar command
+ -- Following arguments will be passed to the embedded script
+ PATH=${GUESS_MD5_PATH:-"$OLD_PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/ssl/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/openssl/bin"}
+ MD5_PATH=`exec 2>&-; which md5sum || type md5sum | cut -c 11-`
+ MD5_PATH=${MD5_PATH:-`exec 2>&-; which md5 || type md5 | cut -c 8-`}
+ MS_Printf "Verifying archive integrity..."
+ offset=`head -n 375 "$1" | wc -c | tr -d " "`
+ verb=$2
+ i=1
+ for s in $filesizes
+ do
+ crc=`echo $CRCsum | cut -d" " -f$i`
+ if test -x "$MD5_PATH"; then
+ md5=`echo $MD5 | cut -d" " -f$i`
+ if test $md5 = "00000000000000000000000000000000"; then
+ test x$verb = xy && echo " $1 does not contain an embedded MD5 checksum." >&2
+ else
+ md5sum=`MS_dd "$1" $offset $s | "$MD5_PATH" | cut -b-32`;
+ if test "$md5sum" != "$md5"; then
+ echo "Error in MD5 checksums: $md5sum is different from $md5" >&2
+ exit 2
+ else
+ test x$verb = xy && MS_Printf " MD5 checksums are OK." >&2
+ fi
+ crc="0000000000"; verb=n
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test $crc = "0000000000"; then
+ test x$verb = xy && echo " $1 does not contain a CRC checksum." >&2
+ else
+ sum1=`MS_dd "$1" $offset $s | CMD_ENV=xpg4 cksum | awk '{print $1}'`
+ if test "$sum1" = "$crc"; then
+ test x$verb = xy && MS_Printf " CRC checksums are OK." >&2
+ else
+ echo "Error in checksums: $sum1 is different from $crc"
+ exit 2;
+ fi
+ fi
+ i=`expr $i + 1`
+ offset=`expr $offset + $s`
+ done
+ echo " All good."
+ tar $1vf - 2>&1 || { echo Extraction failed. > /dev/tty; kill -15 $$; }
+while true
+ case "$1" in
+ -h | --help)
+ MS_Help
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --info)
+ echo Identification: "$label"
+ echo Target directory: "$targetdir"
+ echo Uncompressed size: #{RAWSIZE} KB
+ echo Compression: gzip
+ echo Date of packaging: #{TIME}
+ echo Built with Makeself version 2.1.4 on
+ echo Build command was: "/usr/bin/makeself \\
+ \"dist\" \\
+ \"pkg/#{NAME}.run\" \\
+ \"#{LABEL}\" \\
+ \"./sh-install\""
+ if test x$script != x; then
+ echo Script run after extraction:
+ echo " " $script $scriptargs
+ fi
+ if test x"" = xcopy; then
+ echo "Archive will copy itself to a temporary location"
+ fi
+ if test x"n" = xy; then
+ echo "directory $targetdir is permanent"
+ else
+ echo "$targetdir will be removed after extraction"
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --dumpconf)
+ echo LABEL=\"$label\"
+ echo SCRIPT=\"$script\"
+ echo SCRIPTARGS=\"$scriptargs\"
+ echo archdirname=\"dist\"
+ echo KEEP=n
+ echo COMPRESS=gzip
+ echo filesizes=\"$filesizes\"
+ echo CRCsum=\"$CRCsum\"
+ echo MD5sum=\"$MD5\"
+ echo OLDSKIP=376
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --lsm)
+cat << EOLSM
+No LSM.
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --list)
+ echo Target directory: $targetdir
+ offset=`head -n 375 "$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "`
+ for s in $filesizes
+ do
+ MS_dd "$0" $offset $s | eval "gzip -cd" | UnTAR t
+ offset=`expr $offset + $s`
+ done
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --tar)
+ offset=`head -n 375 "$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "`
+ arg1="$2"
+ shift 2
+ for s in $filesizes
+ do
+ MS_dd "$0" $offset $s | eval "gzip -cd" | tar "$arg1" - $*
+ offset=`expr $offset + $s`
+ done
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --check)
+ MS_Check "$0" y
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --confirm)
+ verbose=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --noexec)
+ script=""
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --keep)
+ keep=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --target)
+ keep=y
+ targetdir=${2:-.}
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --nox11)
+ nox11=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --nochown)
+ ownership=n
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --xwin)
+ finish="echo Press Return to close this window...; read junk"
+ xterm_loop=1
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --phase2)
+ copy=phase2
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break ;;
+ -*)
+ echo Unrecognized flag : "$1" >&2
+ MS_Help
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break ;;
+ esac
+case "$copy" in
+ tmpdir=$TMPROOT/makeself.$RANDOM.`date +"%y%m%d%H%M%S"`.$$
+ mkdir "$tmpdir" || {
+ echo "Could not create temporary directory $tmpdir" >&2
+ exit 1
+ }
+ SCRIPT_COPY="$tmpdir/makeself"
+ echo "Copying to a temporary location..." >&2
+ cp "$0" "$SCRIPT_COPY"
+ chmod +x "$SCRIPT_COPY"
+ cd "$TMPROOT"
+ exec "$SCRIPT_COPY" --phase2
+ ;;
+ finish="$finish ; rm -rf `dirname $0`"
+ ;;
+if test "$nox11" = "n"; then
+ if tty -s; then # Do we have a terminal?
+ :
+ else
+ if test x"$DISPLAY" != x -a x"$xterm_loop" = x; then # No, but do we have X?
+ if xset q > /dev/null 2>&1; then # Check for valid DISPLAY variable
+ GUESS_XTERMS="xterm rxvt dtterm eterm Eterm kvt konsole aterm"
+ for a in $GUESS_XTERMS; do
+ if type $a >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ XTERM=$a
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ chmod a+x $0 || echo Please add execution rights on $0
+ if test `echo "$0" | cut -c1` = "/"; then # Spawn a terminal!
+ exec $XTERM -title "$label" -e "$0" --xwin "$initargs"
+ else
+ exec $XTERM -title "$label" -e "./$0" --xwin "$initargs"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+if test "$targetdir" = "."; then
+ tmpdir="."
+ if test "$keep" = y; then
+ echo "Creating directory $targetdir" >&2
+ tmpdir="$targetdir"
+ dashp="-p"
+ else
+ tmpdir="$TMPROOT/selfgz$$$RANDOM"
+ dashp=""
+ fi
+ mkdir $dashp $tmpdir || {
+ echo 'Cannot create target directory' $tmpdir >&2
+ echo 'You should try option --target OtherDirectory' >&2
+ eval $finish
+ exit 1
+ }
+if test x$SETUP_NOCHECK != x1; then
+ MS_Check "$0"
+offset=`head -n 375 "$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "`
+if test x"$verbose" = xy; then
+ MS_Printf "About to extract #{RAWSIZE} KB in $tmpdir ... Proceed ? [Y/n] "
+ read yn
+ if test x"$yn" = xn; then
+ eval $finish; exit 1
+ fi
+MS_Printf "Uncompressing $label"
+if test "$keep" = n; then
+ trap 'echo Signal caught, cleaning up >&2; cd $TMPROOT; /bin/rm -rf $tmpdir; eval $finish; exit 15' 1 2 3 15
+for s in $filesizes
+ if MS_dd "$0" $offset $s | eval "gzip -cd" | ( cd "$tmpdir"; UnTAR x ) | MS_Progress; then
+ if test x"$ownership" = xy; then
+ (PATH=/usr/xpg4/bin:$PATH; cd "$tmpdir"; chown -R `id -u` .; chgrp -R `id -g` .)
+ fi
+ else
+ echo
+ echo "Unable to decompress $0" >&2
+ eval $finish; exit 1
+ fi
+ offset=`expr $offset + $s`
+cd "$tmpdir"
+if test x"$script" != x; then
+ if test x"$verbose" = xy; then
+ MS_Printf "OK to execute: $script $scriptargs $* ? [Y/n] "
+ read yn
+ if test x"$yn" = x -o x"$yn" = xy -o x"$yn" = xY; then
+ eval $script $scriptargs $*; res=$?;
+ fi
+ else
+ eval $script $scriptargs $*; res=$?
+ fi
+ if test $res -ne 0; then
+ test x"$verbose" = xy && echo "The program '$script' returned an error code ($res)" >&2
+ fi
+if test "$keep" = n; then
+ /bin/rm -rf $tmpdir
+eval $finish; exit $res
diff --git a/static/stubs/cocoa-install b/static/stubs/cocoa-install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..267821b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/stubs/cocoa-install
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/stubs/sh-install b/static/stubs/sh-install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..098b3f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/stubs/sh-install
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+shoes="$(which shoes)"
+if [ -x "$this_dir/shoes" ] ; then
+ shoes="$this_dir/shoes"
+if [ -z "$shoes" ] ; then
+ shoes="$HOME/.shoes/shoes.run"
+if [ ! -x "$shoes" ] ; then
+ echo "Downloading Shoes... "
+ # First, try wget.
+ wget="wget -q -O -"
+ wdl="wget -q"
+ shoes_pkg="$($wget "$shoes_url" 2>/dev/null)"
+ if [ -z "$shoes_pkg" ] ; then
+ # Then, try curl.
+ wget="curl -s"
+ wdl="curl -s -O"
+ shoes_pkg="$($wget "$shoes_url" 2>/dev/null)"
+ if [ -z "$shoes_pkg" ] ; then
+ # Lastly, try bsd fetch.
+ wget="fetch -q -o -"
+ wdl="fetch -q"
+ shoes_pkg="$($wget "$shoes_url" 2>/dev/null)"
+ if [ -z "$shoes_pkg" ] ; then
+ echo "sorry, couldn't find wget or curl."
+ exit 1;
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ #shoes_run="$shoes_host$shoes_pkg"
+ shoes_run="$shoes_pkg"
+ echo "Fetching $shoes_run..."
+ mkdir -p $HOME/.shoes
+ eval $wget "$shoes_run" > $shoes
+ chmod 755 $shoes
+eval $shoes -- "$this_dir/#{SCRIPT}"
diff --git a/static/stubs/shoes-stub-inject.exe b/static/stubs/shoes-stub-inject.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afcb796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/stubs/shoes-stub-inject.exe
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/stubs/shoes-stub.exe b/static/stubs/shoes-stub.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d803dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/stubs/shoes-stub.exe
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/tutor-back.png b/static/tutor-back.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0905c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/tutor-back.png
Binary files differ