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path: root/Utilidades/src/histogramasEnROI.cpp
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diff --git a/Utilidades/src/histogramasEnROI.cpp b/Utilidades/src/histogramasEnROI.cpp
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index d71c436..0000000
--- a/Utilidades/src/histogramasEnROI.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-* *
-* (c) Copyright 2010, Team Invincible, University of Windsor *
-* Reference for Comments: G. Bradski & A. Kaebler, "Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library", *
-* O'Reilly Media, 2008 *
-* *
-//#include "stdafx.h"
-#include <cv.h>
-#include <highgui.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-// Initialize trackbar parameters (x coordinate, y coordinate, size of ROI)
-int ROI_x = 0;
-int ROI_y = 0;
-int ROI_SIZE = 160;
-/* Initialize flags to zero. These flags determine the histogram for which
-image channel should be displayed. The change in the flag values is triggered
-by left mouse click in the panel window */
-bool CLICK_red = 0;
-bool CLICK_green = 0;
-bool CLICK_blue = 0;
-/* Declare the header for callback function of mouse events; the function that is called
-whenever a mouse event occurs in the panel window (more explanation later) */
-void my_mouse_callback(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param);
-/* Define callback function for the x position of the region of interest. This function
-is called whenever the position of the corresponding trackbar changes. The new position
-of the trackbar is stopre in the variable "position". */
-void ROI_xpos_callback( int position )
- /* Check to see whether the width of the region of interest with the new x position
- exceeds 640 pixels. If this is the case, the region of interest will be outside the
- boundaries of a 640x480 image. Hence, we adjust the x position to the maximum allowable
- value. The 640 pixel limit was determined based on the image size captured from our video
- device. If different image sizes are used the value should be adjusted accordingly. */
- if (position + ROI_SIZE*4 > 640)
- {
- ROI_x = 640-ROI_SIZE*4;
- }
- else
- {
- ROI_x = position;
- }
-/* Define callback function for the y position of the region of interest. The function is
-called when the position of the corresponding trackbar changes. */
-void ROI_ypos_callback( int position )
- /* Check to see whether the height of the region of interest with the new y position
- exceeds 480 pixels. If this is the case, the region of interest will be outside the
- boundaries of the 640x480 image. Hence, we adjust the y position to the maximum allowable
- value. The 480 pixel limit was determined based on the image size captured from our video
- device. If different image sizes are used the value should be adjusted accordingly. */
- if (position + ROI_SIZE*3 > 480)
- {
- ROI_y = 480-ROI_SIZE*3;
- }
- else
- {
- ROI_y = position;
- }
-/* Define callback function for size of the region ot interest. The function is called
-when the position of the corresponding trackbar changes */
-void ROI_size_callback( int position )
- /* Check to make sure the size of ROI is not zero. If the size is zero set
- the value to 1 */
- if (position == 0)
- {
- ROI_SIZE = 1;
- }
- /* Check to see if the region of interest at this new size exceeds the 640x480
- image boundary. If that is the case, calculate the distance of the x coordinate
- of ROI from the right side and the distance of the y coordinate of ROI from the
- bottom of the image. Divide the distances by their appropriate ratios (width/4
- and height/3) to obtain the sizes. Choose the minimum value to ensure the ROI
- remains within the boundaries of the 640x480 image.
- The reason we divide width by 4 and height by 3 is because for a specific size of
- ROI, we assume a 4/3 ratio of width/height. This will become more clear later. */
- else if ((ROI_x + position*4 > 640)||(ROI_y + position*3 > 480))
- {
- ROI_SIZE = MIN((640 - ROI_x)/4,(480 - ROI_y)/3);
- }
- else
- {
- ROI_SIZE = position;
- }
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- // variable to store the keyboard input
- int c;
- /* Declare template colors for later use when drawing histograms. The colors are defined
- as CvScalar, an OpenCV primitive data type. CvScalar has a single member "val" which is
- a pointer to an array containing 4 double-percision floating-point numbers. When we are
- not concerned with memory, CvScalar can be used to represent 1,2 or 3 real numbers (in
- these cases the unused component is ignored).*/
- CvScalar color_red, color_blue ,color_green,color_white;
- color_red = cvScalar(0,0,255,0);
- color_blue = cvScalar(255,0,0,0);
- color_green = cvScalar(0,255,0,0);
- color_white = cvScalar(255,255,255,0);
- /* Declare the centre of the circles that are going be filled in the selection panel image.
- The centres are defined as cvPoint which is an OpenCV primitive data type for storing two
- integer values. The x and y coordinates of the centres are based on the histogram panel
- image that is going to be loaded later in the code */
- CvPoint pt1, pt2, pt3;
- pt1.x = 33;
- pt1.y = 37;
- pt2.x = 96;
- pt2.y = 37;
- pt3.x = 158;
- pt3.y = 37;
- /* Allocate memory for all images. */
- IplImage *src_img,*histogram,*predisp_img,*disp_img, *zoom_img, *disp_zoom_img, *panel,
- *red_img, *green_img,*blue_img,*red_histogram,*green_histogram,*blue_histogram;
- /* Initialize histogram parameters: "hist_size" is the size of the histogram (or the
- number of bins assigned to the histogram); "range" is the range of intensity values
- considered in the histogram; "*ranges" is a pointer to "range" (we require a pointer
- to "range" because the OpenCV function cvCreateHist accepts the range parameter as
- a pointer to range value pairs). */
- int hist_size = 256;
- float range[] = {0,256};
- float *ranges[] = {range};
- /* cvCreateHist function is used to create the histograms. Following is the explanation
- of the various arguments of the function :
- 1. First argument: Defines how many dimensions the histogram will have. To keep things
- simple this tutorial only uses one dimensional histograms.
- 2. Second argument: Defines the size of the dimensions. If we were using higher dimensional
- histograms we would have to pass an array of sizes, one for each dimension, but we are
- only using one dimension so the array we pass only has one value in it. We choose to make
- the size of the dimension 256 because the depth of the images we are working with is 8 bit,
- meaning that we will get one bin for each intensity level. We could have chosen to have
- less bins but the histogram would have less resolution. We could have chosen more bins but
- we would not show any more information.
- 3. Third argument: Tells OpenCV how to store the data in the histogram. There are two
- options for this: CV_HIST_ARRAY and CV_HIST_SPARSE. The second option is useful for
- storing multidimensional histograms that will have most of their bins with counts of
- zero. Since we are using a one dimensional histogram, we don’t expect sparse data so
- we choose the first option.
- 4. Fourth argument: Used to specify the range of values for each dimension. Each range
- is stored as an array of two values, the minimum and maximum value for that dimension.
- Again we are using one dimension so it looks a bit redundant to make an array of arrays,
- but only with one array. We have to do this though, because this fourth argument expects
- an array to 2 value arrays. It is important to know how OpenCV creates the bins based on
- the range values and the histogram size. OpenCV will take the value supplied in ranges and
- break it into as many sub intervals as defined in hist_size.
- 5. Fifth argument: Defines if the sub intervals are to be split uniformly or not. For
- this case we definitely want each bin to be the same width as the others so we choose
- this argument to be 1.
- */
- CvHistogram* hist_red = cvCreateHist(1, &hist_size, CV_HIST_ARRAY, ranges, 1);
- CvHistogram* hist_blue = cvCreateHist(1, &hist_size, CV_HIST_ARRAY, ranges, 1);
- CvHistogram* hist_green = cvCreateHist(1, &hist_size, CV_HIST_ARRAY, ranges, 1);
- // Declare variables used for finding the maximum value of the histograms
- double max_value = 0;
- double max_value_red = 0;
- double max_value_green = 0;
- double max_value_blue = 0;
- double find_max = 0;
- /* Define the parameter scale which is used when drawing the rectangles of the histogram.
- In our case the scale is 3 because we chose to make the rectangles 2 pixels wide and
- leave a black pixel in between subsequent rectangles. The application of this variable will
- become clear later on in the code*/
- int scale = 3;
- // create the windows for displaying output
- // "Region of Interest" shows the selected region of interest
- cvNamedWindow("Region of Interest",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
- cvMoveWindow("Region of Interest",5,485);
- // "mainWin" shows the captured image
- cvNamedWindow("mainWin", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
- cvMoveWindow("mainWin", 5, -15);
- // "histogramWin" shows the histogram
- cvNamedWindow("histogramWin", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
- cvMoveWindow("histogramWin", 435, 5);
- // "panelWin" shows the panel for selecting Red channel, Green channel and Blue channel histograms
- cvNamedWindow("panelWin", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
- cvMoveWindow("panelWin",435, 535);
- /* cvCreateTrackbar is a function for creating GUI sliders. The various arguments
- of the function are explained below.
- 1. First argument: declares the name of the trackbar.
- 2. Second argument: name of the parent window to which the trackbar will be attached.
- When the trackbar is added to a parent window, it will either be on top or the
- bottom of the window; it will not occlude the existing image in the window.
- 3. Third argument: a pointer to an integer that will be set automatically to the
- value to which the slider has moved. This argument also detemines the initial
- position of the slider.
- 4. Fourth argument: integer that assigns the numerical value for the maximum value
- of the slider.
- 5. Fifth argument: a pointer to a callback function that will be automatically called
- whenever the slider is moved. */
- cvCreateTrackbar("size","mainWin",&ROI_SIZE,160,ROI_size_callback);
- cvCreateTrackbar("x pos","mainWin",&ROI_x,640,ROI_xpos_callback);
- cvCreateTrackbar("y pos","mainWin",&ROI_y,480,ROI_ypos_callback);
- // Capture from video device #1
- /* Be sure to select the correct video device. Another option is to capture from
- an avi file. In that case use cvCaptureFromAvi("myfile.avi"). If the avi file is
- not in the project folder, include the entire path of the file. Also use \\ instead
- of \ to separate directories. */
- CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);
- while(1)
- {
- // Clear all max values to zero
- max_value = 0; max_value_red = 0; max_value_green = 0; max_value_blue = 0;
- /* Load a png image with the histogram axis. Instead of having OpenCV draw the axis,
- the axis is drawn in paint and then loaded as an image. You can download the picture
- here: http://uowteaminvincible.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/histogram_scale.png
- Be sure to change the path below to wherever you choose to save the image. */
- histogram = cvLoadImage( "bin/img/histogram_scale.png" );
- // Initialize the 3 images that will show the histogram for each channel
- /* cvCreateImage is a function for creating an empty image. The first argument
- must be a CvSize (similze to CvPoint) data type containing the width and the length
- of the image. The second argument is the depth of the image. The last argument is
- the number of channels. In this case for the first argument we use the function
- cvGetSize to obtain the width and length of the histogram axis image loaded previously */
- red_histogram = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(histogram), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
- green_histogram = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(histogram), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
- blue_histogram = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(histogram), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
- // Retrieve captured frame
- src_img=cvQueryFrame(capture);
- /* Create an image half the size of the captured image. This image will be used to
- display the region of interest (after zooming in) */
- disp_zoom_img = cvCreateImage( cvSize((src_img->width)/2,(src_img->height)/2),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
- /* Create an image the same size as the captured image. This image will be temporarily used
- to outline the region of interest in the captured image. */
- predisp_img = cvCreateImage(cvSize((src_img->width),(src_img->height)),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
- /* Copy "src_img" to "predisp_img". cvCopy is function for copying one image to another. Both
- images must have the same size and number of channels. The last argument is for passing a mask
- to only copy pixels in a certain region of the image. */
- cvCopy(src_img,predisp_img,0);
- /* Use the function cvRectangle to draw a rectangle around the region of interest. The ratio of
- widtth/height for the rectangle is 4/3 and the size is determined by the user (by adjusting the
- trackbar for "size"). The various arguments of cvRectangle are explained below:
- 1. First argument: the image in which the rectangle should be drawn.
- 2. Second argument: a cvPoint data type representing one corner of the rectangle.
- 3. Third argument: a cvPoint data type representing the corner of the rectangle opposite
- (diagonally) to the second argument.
- 4. Fourth argument: cvScalar data type for determining the color of the rectangle.
- 5. Last 3 arguments: line thickness, line type (4 or 8 connected), shift (zero in this case) */
- cvRectangle(predisp_img,cvPoint(ROI_x,ROI_y),cvPoint(ROI_x+4*ROI_SIZE,ROI_y+3*ROI_SIZE),color_red,4,4,0);
- // Create an image smaller than the captured image (resizing done for display purposes)
- disp_img = cvCreateImage(cvSize((src_img->width)/1.6,(src_img->height)/1.6),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
- /* Copy "predisp_img" image (which contains the region of interest rectangle) into the smaller
- sized "disp_img" using the cvResize function. The last argument is the interpolation method
- used when converting the image from one size to another. */
- cvResize(predisp_img,disp_img,CV_INTER_LINEAR);
- /**************************** Begin Working Inside the Region of Interest **********************************/
- /* Use the function cvSetImageROI to select only the region of interest from the captured
- image. The first argument is the image which the region of interest is selected from and the
- second argument is a cvRect data type containing information about the region of interest.
- The first two arguments in cvRect represent the coordinates of the top left corner of ROI and
- the last two arguments represent the width and height of the ROI respectively. */
- cvSetImageROI(src_img, cvRect(ROI_x,ROI_y,4*ROI_SIZE,3*ROI_SIZE));
- // Create 3 single channel images to store each channel data and split the source image into the RGB channels.
- /* Note that each channel image is the same size (width and height) as the source image. The depth is 8 bits
- and these new images have only one channel (since they are storing only one channel). The function cvCvtPixToPlane
- actually separates the source into its three channels and stores them in the images we just created. Instead of
- cvCvtPixToPlane we can also use cvSplit. The order of the channels in cvCvtPixToPlane functio is the same as the
- order of channels in the data array of the source image (in this case BGR) */
- blue_img = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src_img), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
- green_img = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src_img), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
- red_img = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src_img), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
- cvCvtPixToPlane( src_img, blue_img, green_img, red_img, 0 );
- // Calculate a histogram for each channel.
- /*The first argument takes the image we would like to calculate the histogram for.
- Note that cvCalcHist can only take a one channel image. The next argument says which
- histogram will be populated. The third argument turns on or off accumulator mode.
- Since we want the histogram to update for each frame we want to clear the contents
- before adding new ones and the accumulator mode should be off. The final parameter
- is a mask that can tell cvCalcHist to unly calculate a certain part of the image.
- By setting the mask null we calculate for the whole image.*/
- cvCalcHist( &red_img, hist_red, 0, NULL );
- cvCalcHist( &blue_img, hist_blue, 0, NULL );
- cvCalcHist( &green_img, hist_green, 0, NULL );
- // Creat an image the same size as the region of interest
- /* It should be noted that cvGetSize in this case will not return the size of
- the original captured image. It will return the size of the region of interest
- set using the cvSetImageROI function. */
- zoom_img = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src_img), 8, 3 );
- // Copy the region of interest from the captured image, into the image created above
- cvCopy(src_img,zoom_img,0);
- // Resize the region of interest into the larger "disp_zoom" image
- cvResize(zoom_img,disp_zoom_img,CV_INTER_LINEAR);
- // Turn off the region of interest using cvResetImageROI function
- cvResetImageROI(src_img);
- /*********************** Finished Working Inside the Region of Interest *********************************/
- // Search through the histograms for their maximum value and store it
- /* The code for finding the maximum value of the histogram for each channel is shown below. It is done with a
- simple for loop that checks every value in each bin. The function used to get the values out of the histogram is
- cvQueryHistValue_1D. This function is made for getting values out of a one dimensional histogram. Its arguments
- are the histogram you want to look into, and the bin number you want to see. The reason we need to find this
- max value is that we will scale the y-axis of the histogram so that it fits on the screen. We do this by dividing
- each bin value by the max value (this is done in the next step).
- An alternative method of obtaining the maximum values of the histogram is using the function cvGetMinMaxHistValue.
- As an example we can find the maximum value of the red channel histogram by using the code
- "cvGetMinMaxHistValue(hist_red,0,&max_value_red,0,0)". */
- for( int i = 0; i < hist_size; i++ )
- {
- find_max = cvQueryHistValue_1D(hist_red,i);
- if (find_max > max_value_red)
- {
- max_value_red = find_max;
- }
- }
- for( int i = 0; i < hist_size; i++ )
- {
- find_max = cvQueryHistValue_1D(hist_green,i);
- if (find_max > max_value_green)
- {
- max_value_green = find_max;
- }
- }
- for( int i = 0; i < hist_size; i++ )
- {
- find_max = cvQueryHistValue_1D(hist_blue,i);
- if (find_max > max_value_blue)
- {
- max_value_blue = find_max;
- }
- }
- // Print the maximum value of the histogram for each channel
- printf("RED MAX = %f\n",max_value_red);
- printf("GREEN MAX = %f\n",max_value_green);
- printf("BLUE MAX = %f\n",max_value_blue);
- // Calculate the maximum value of all histograms
- /* When calculating the maximum value of all histograms we must first check to see
- which histograms are selected by the user to be displayed. This is done by the following
- if-else statements checking the flag variables assigned to each histogram (red,green,blue) */
- if (CLICK_red)
- {
- if(CLICK_green)
- {
- if(CLICK_blue)
- {
- max_value = MAX(MAX(max_value_red,max_value_green),max_value_blue);
- }
- else
- {
- max_value = MAX(max_value_red,max_value_green);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(CLICK_blue)
- {
- max_value = MAX(max_value_red,max_value_blue);
- }
- else
- {
- max_value = max_value_red;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(CLICK_green)
- {
- if(CLICK_blue)
- {
- max_value = MAX(max_value_green,max_value_blue);
- }
- else
- {
- max_value = max_value_green;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(CLICK_blue)
- {
- max_value = max_value_blue;
- }
- else
- {
- //do nothing
- }
- }
- // Print the overall maximum value of histograms
- printf("MAXIMUM = %f\n",max_value);
- // Draw the histogram for each channel, if the flag for that channel is set to 1
- /* First we see an if statement that controls whether or not we draw the histogram. It is based
- on a flag that is set in the next step by user mouse input. This allows the user to select which channel
- or combination of channels that they want to see. The next step is using the function cvScale to scale
- the histogram bin values. Its first argument is the source to be scaled and the second is the destination
- for result. Here we used the same place for source and destination meaning that the bins are scaled and then
- stored back in the same place. The last argument is the scale factor. A factor of 438/max_value was
- used because the highest bar that we want to draw is 438 pixels high (so it does not go out of the
- bounds of the picture we used for the axis).
- Inside the for loop we see a line of code that draws all the rectangles representing the bars of the
- histogram. The function cvRectangle is used to do this. As explained previously, it requires that we pass
- it which image to draw on, two points to define the rectangles, the color, line thickness, line type
- and shift value. The image used to draw the histogram is the corresponding empty image created for each
- separate channel. The first point of the rectangle that is selected is the bottom left corner. In our case
- we have chosen to start drawing the rectangles from the 15th pixel of image form the left side and the 448th
- pixel from the top. These values are chosen based on the dimensions of the specific histogram axis image
- loaded previously. Be sure to adjust these values if you choose to change the image which the histograms are
- drawn on. We have also decided to make the rectangles 2 pixels wide and leave a black pixel in between each
- subsequent rectangle. Hence, we multiply i (histogram bin) by scale (set to 3) to make sure the rectangles
- are drawn every 3 pixels. The second point of the rectangle is the top right corner. Since the rectangles
- are chosen to be 2 pixels wide, the width coordinate of this point is one pixel to the right of the first
- point. The height coordinate of the second point is calculated by subtracting the bin value from 448 (the
- bottom of the rectangle). Since the bins were scaled to have a maximum value of 438, there is a minimum
- distance of 10 pixels between the top of the histogram scale image and the rectangles. Once again these
- values are determined specifically for our axis image and they should be adjusted accordingly if the image
- is changed. We specify line thickness as -1 (which means a filled rectangle) and line type as 8(8-connected
- lines). One other issue that should be noted is the use of the cvRound function. cvRound is used to convert
- the value obtained from cvQueryHistValue_1D to an integer.
- The last function is cvAdd (performs elementwise addition of two arrays) which is used to simplify drawing
- the multiple histograms with overlap. The first two arguments are the source images added to each other.
- The third argument is the destination image which in this case is the histogram axis image. The final
- argument is for passing a mask (in this case 0) to only add specific regions of the two images. By adding
- colors on top of each other no extra code is required to deal with the overlap of different histograms. */
- if (CLICK_red == 1)
- {
- cvScale( hist_red->bins, hist_red->bins, 438/max_value, 0 );
- for( int i= 0; i < hist_size; i++ )
- {
- cvRectangle( red_histogram, cvPoint(i*scale+ 15, 448),cvPoint(i*scale+16, 448 - cvRound(cvQueryHistValue_1D(hist_red,i))),color_red, -1, 8, 0 );
- }
- cvAdd(histogram,red_histogram,histogram,0);
- }
- if (CLICK_green == 1)
- {
- cvScale( hist_green->bins, hist_green->bins, 438/max_value, 0 );
- for( int i= 0; i < hist_size; i++ )
- {
- cvRectangle( green_histogram, cvPoint(i*scale+ 15, 448),cvPoint(i*scale+16, 448 - cvRound(cvQueryHistValue_1D(hist_green,i))),color_green, -1, 8, 0 );
- }
- cvAdd(histogram,green_histogram,histogram,0);
- }
- if (CLICK_blue == 1)
- {
- cvScale( hist_blue->bins, hist_blue->bins, 438/max_value, 0 );
- for( int i= 0; i < hist_size; i++ )
- {
- cvRectangle( blue_histogram, cvPoint(i*scale+ 15, 448),cvPoint(i*scale+16, 448 - cvRound(cvQueryHistValue_1D(hist_blue,i))),color_blue, -1, 8, 0 );
- }
- cvAdd(histogram,blue_histogram,histogram,0);
- }
- /* Load a png image with the selection panel drawn in paint. The coordinates setup up in
- the mouse callback function for selecting the different channels is according to this specific
- image. If you choose to make your own panel image make sure the right adjustments are made
- in the code. You can download the picture here:
- Be sure to change the path below to wherever you choose to save the image. */
- panel = cvLoadImage( "bin/img/histogram_panel.png" );
- /* Declare the function cvSetMouseCallback which registers a callback whenever a mouse event occurs.
- In other words we want to call the my_mouse_callback function (defined after "main") whenever the user
- doese something with the mouse over a particular window (in our case the panel selection window).
- The first argument of cvSetMouseCallback function is the window which the callback is registered to
- (only mouse events in this particular window will trigger the callback function). The second argument
- is the name of the callback function which is "my_mouse_callback". The final argument is a void pointer
- that can be used to pass any additional information to the callback function in the form of a pointer
- to whatever kind of structure that is needed. The void pointer is commonly used when the callback is a
- static member function of a class (object oriented programming). In our case we set the pointer to the
- panel image but we do not need to perform any operations on the panel image inside the callback function
- itself */
- cvSetMouseCallback("panelWin",my_mouse_callback,(void*)panel);
- /* Draw circles in designated area of the histogram panel image to indicate which histogram is being
- displayed. The function used for drawing circles is cvCircle. The first argument is the image in which
- the circle is drawn. The second argument is a cvPoint data type that determines the centre of the circle.
- The coordinates of the circle centres are set at the beginning of "main" according to the circle areas on
- the panel image. The third and fourth arguments are the radius and the color of the circle. The radius in
- our case is 7 pixels and the color (which corresponds to the histogram of the channel being displayed) is
- one of the template colors defined at the beginning of "main". The last three arguments are line thickness,
- line type and shift which are the same as the parameters in cvRectangle function. */
- if (CLICK_red == 1)
- {
- cvCircle(panel,pt1,7,color_red,-1,9,0);
- }
- else
- {
- cvCircle(panel,pt1,7,color_white,-1,9,0);
- }
- if (CLICK_green == 1)
- {
- cvCircle(panel,pt2,7,color_green,-1,9,0);
- }
- else
- {
- cvCircle(panel,pt2,7,color_white,-1,9,0);
- }
- if (CLICK_blue == 1)
- {
- cvCircle(panel,pt3,7,color_blue,-1,9,0);
- }
- else
- {
- cvCircle(panel,pt3,7,color_white,-1,9,0);
- }
- // Show the images in the windows
- cvShowImage("mainWin", disp_img);
- cvShowImage("Region of Interest", disp_zoom_img);
- cvShowImage("histogramWin", histogram);
- cvShowImage("panelWin", panel);
- /* Wait for a key input for 10 milliseconds. If the value in cvWaitKey function is 0, the program
- will wait indefinitely until a key is pressed by the user. */
- c=cvWaitKey(10);
- // Terminate program if Esc key is pressed
- if(c == 27)break;
- // release the images
- cvReleaseImage(&red_img );
- cvReleaseImage(&green_img );
- cvReleaseImage(&blue_img );
- cvReleaseImage(&red_histogram );
- cvReleaseImage(&blue_histogram );
- cvReleaseImage(&green_histogram );
- cvReleaseImage(&predisp_img );
- cvReleaseImage(&disp_img );
- cvReleaseImage(&histogram );
- cvReleaseImage(&zoom_img );
- cvReleaseImage(&disp_zoom_img );
- cvReleaseImage(&panel);
- }
- return 0;
-/* Define the function that is called everytime a mouse event occurs in the selection panel window.
-Whenever a mouse event occurs, OpenCV will fill the arguments of the callback function with their
-appropriate values. The first argument is an integer representing the type of event that has occured
-(e.g. mousemove, left button down, right button double click, etc). The second and third arguments are
-the coordinates of the mouse pointer when the event occured. The fourth argument is a flag that indicates
-special conditions present at the time of the mouse event (such as the shift key being pressed). The last
-argument is a pointer that was passed to the callback function when the event occured. As explained
-previously the pointer points to the histogram panel image. For our purpose we will not be using the last
-two arguments. */
-void my_mouse_callback(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param)
- switch( event )
- {
- // Check to see if left mouse button was pressed
- {
- /* Change the flag variables for histogram display based on the
- coordinates of the mouse event. The ranges correspond to the rectangles
- in the histogram panel image. If a different image is selected these
- values need to be adjusted appropriately. The R,G,B flags are XORed
- with 1 to change states (they act like a toggle switch that is
- triggered by left mouse click).*/
- if (( x > 10 && x < 65 )&&( y > 10 && y < 60 ))
- {
- CLICK_red = CLICK_red ^ 1;
- }
- else if (( x > 75 && x < 130)&&( y > 10 && y < 60 ))
- {
- CLICK_green = CLICK_green ^ 1;
- }
- else if (( x > 140 && x < 195 )&&( y > 10 && y < 60 ))
- {
- CLICK_blue = CLICK_blue ^ 1;
- }
- }break;
- }