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path: root/tags/Version Original/ARToolkit/include/AR/gsub_lite.h
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- * gsub_lite.h
- *
- * Graphics Subroutines (Lite) for ARToolKit.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Philip Lamb (PRL) phil@eden.net.nz. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Rev Date Who Changes
- * 2.7.0 2003-08-13 PRL Complete rewrite to ARToolKit-2.65 gsub.c API.
- * 2.7.1 2004-03-03 PRL Avoid defining BOOL if already defined
- * 2.7.1 2004-03-03 PRL Don't enable lighting if it was not enabled.
- * 2.7.2 2004-04-27 PRL Added headerdoc markup. See http://developer.apple.com/darwin/projects/headerdoc/
- * 2.7.3 2004-07-02 PRL Much more object-orientated through use of ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS type.
- * 2.7.4 2004-07-14 PRL Added gluCheckExtension hack for GLU versions pre-1.3.
- * 2.7.5 2004-07-15 PRL Added arglDispImageStateful(); removed extraneous glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT,...) calls.
- * 2.7.6 2005-02-18 PRL Go back to using int rather than BOOL, to avoid conflict with Objective-C.
- * 2.7.7 2005-07-26 PRL Added cleanup routines for texture stuff.
- * 2.7.8 2005-07-29 PRL Added distortion compensation enabling/disabling.
- * 2.7.9 2005-08-15 PRL Added complete support for runtime selection of pixel format and rectangle/power-of-2 textures.
- * 2.8.0 2006-04-04 PRL Move pixel format constants into toolkit global namespace (in config.h).
- * 2.8.1 2006-04-06 PRL Move arglDrawMode, arglTexmapMode, arglTexRectangle out of global variables.
- * 2.8.2 2006-06-12 PRL More stringent runtime GL caps checking. Fix zoom for DRAWPIXELS mode.
- *
- */
- *
- * This file is part of ARToolKit.
- *
- * ARToolKit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * ARToolKit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with ARToolKit; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- */
- \file gsub_lite.h
- \brief A collection of useful OpenGL routines for ARToolKit.
- \cond GSUB_LITE
- \htmlinclude gsub_lite/index.html
- @header gsub_lite
- @abstract A collection of useful OpenGL routines for ARToolKit.
- @discussion
- Sample code for example usage of gsub_lite is included with
- ARToolKit, in the directory <AR/examples/simpleLite>.
- gsub_lite is the preferred means for drawing camera video
- images acquired from ARToolKit's video libraries. It includes
- optimized texture handling, and a variety of flexible drawing
- options.
- gsub_lite also provides utility functions for setting the
- OpenGL viewing frustum and camera position based on ARToolKit-
- camera parameters and marker positions.
- gsub_lite does not depend on GLUT, or indeed, any particular
- window or event handling system. It is therefore well suited
- to use in applications which have their own window and event
- handling code.
- gsub_lite v2.7 is intended as a replacement for gsub from
- ARToolKit 2.65, by Mark Billinghurst (MB) & Hirokazu Kato (HK),
- with the following additional functionality:
- <ul>
- <li> Support for true stereo and multiple displays through removal
- of most dependencies on global variables.
- <li> Prepared library for thread-safety by removing global variables.
- <li> Optimised texturing, particularly for Mac OS X platform.
- <li> Added arglCameraFrustum to replace argDraw3dCamera() function.
- <li> Renamed argConvGlpara() to arglCameraView() to more accurately
- represent its functionality.
- <li> Correctly handle textures with non-RGBA handling.
- <li> Library setup and cleanup functions.
- <li> Version numbering.
- </ul>
- It does however lack the following functionality from the original gsub
- library:
- <ul>
- <li> GLUT event handling.
- <li> Sub-window ("MINIWIN") and half-size drawing.
- <li> HMD support for stereo via stencil.
- </ul>
- This file is part of ARToolKit.
- ARToolKit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- ARToolKit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with ARToolKit; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- @copyright 2003-2007 Philip Lamb
- @updated 2006-05-23
- */
-#ifndef __gsub_lite_h__
-#define __gsub_lite_h__
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-// ============================================================================
-// Public includes.
-// ============================================================================
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-# include <OpenGL/gl.h>
-# ifdef _WIN32
-# include <windows.h>
-# endif
-# include <GL/gl.h>
-#include <AR/config.h>
-#include <AR/ar.h> // ARUint8, AR_PIXEL_FORMAT, arDebug, arImage.
-#include <AR/param.h> // ARParam, arParamDecompMat(), arParamObserv2Ideal()
-// ============================================================================
-// Public types and definitions.
-// ============================================================================
-// Keep code nicely typed.
-#ifndef TRUE
-# define TRUE 1
-#ifndef FALSE
-# define FALSE 0
- @abstract Opaque type to hold ARGL settings for a given OpenGL context.
- @discussion
- An OpenGL context is an implementation-defined structure which
- keeps track of OpenGL state, including textures and display lists.
- Typically, individual OpenGL windows will have distinct OpenGL
- contexts assigned to them by the host operating system.
- As gsub_lite uses textures and display lists, it must be able to
- track which OpenGL context a given texture or display list it is using
- belongs to. This is especially important when gsub_lite is being used to
- draw into more than one window (and therefore more than one context.)
- Basically, functions which depend on OpenGL state, will require an
- is generated by setting the current OpenGL context (e.g. if using GLUT,
- you might call glutSetWindow()) and then calling arglSetupForCurrentContext().
- When you have finished using ARGL in a given context, you should call
- arglCleanup(), passing in an ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF, to free the
- memory used by the settings structure.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.68.
- */
-// ============================================================================
-// Public globals.
-// ============================================================================
-#if defined(__APPLE__)
-extern int arglAppleClientStorage;
-extern int arglAppleTextureRange;
-#endif // __APPLE__
-// ============================================================================
-// Public functions.
-// ============================================================================
- @function
- @abstract Initialise the gsub_lite library for the current OpenGL context.
- @discussion
- This function performs required setup of the gsub_lite library
- for the current OpenGL context and must be called before any other argl*()
- functions are called for this context.
- An OpenGL context holds all of the state of the OpenGL machine, including
- textures and display lists etc. There will usually be one OpenGL context
- for each window displaying OpenGL content.
- Other argl*() functions whose operation depends on OpenGL state will
- require an ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF. This is just so that
- they can keep track of per-context variables.
- You should call arglCleanup() passing in the ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF
- when you have finished with the library for this context.
- @result An ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF. See the documentation for this type for more info.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.68.
-ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF arglSetupForCurrentContext(void);
- @function
- @abstract Free memory used by gsub_lite associated with the specified context.
- @discussion
- Should be called after no more argl* functions are needed, in order
- to prevent memory leaks etc.
- The library can be setup again for the context at a later time by calling
- arglSetupForCurrentContext() again.
- @param contextSettings A reference to ARGL's settings for an OpenGL
- context, as returned by arglSetupForCurrentContext().
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.68.
-void arglCleanup(ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF contextSettings);
- @function
- @abstract Create an OpenGL perspective projection matrix.
- @discussion
- Use this function to create a matrix suitable for passing to OpenGL
- to set the viewing projection.
- @param cparam Pointer to a set of ARToolKit camera parameters for the
- current video source.
- @param focalmax The maximum distance at which geometry will be rendered.
- Any geometry further away from the camera than this distance will be clipped
- and will not be appear in a rendered frame. Thus, this value should be
- set high enough to avoid clipping of any geometry you care about. However,
- the precision of the depth buffer is correlated with the ratio of focalmin
- to focalmax, thus you should not set focalmax any higher than it needs to be.
- This value should be specified in the same units as your OpenGL drawing.
- @param focalmin The minimum distance at which geometry will be rendered.
- Any geometry closer to the camera than this distance will be clipped
- and will not be appear in a rendered frame. Thus, this value should be
- set low enough to avoid clipping of any geometry you care about. However,
- the precision of the depth buffer is correlated with the ratio of focalmin
- to focalmax, thus you should not set focalmin any lower than it needs to be.
- Additionally, geometry viewed in a stereo projections that is too close to
- camera is difficult and tiring to view, so if you are rendering stereo
- perspectives you should set this value no lower than the near-point of
- the eyes. The near point in humans varies, but usually lies between 0.1 m
- 0.3 m. This value should be specified in the same units as your OpenGL drawing.
- @param m_projection Pointer to a array of 16 GLdoubles, which will be filled
- out with a projection matrix suitable for passing to OpenGL. The matrix
- is specified in column major order.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.68.
-void arglCameraFrustum(const ARParam *cparam, const double focalmin, const double focalmax, GLdouble m_projection[16]);
- @function
- @abstract (description)
- @discussion (description)
- @param (name) (description)
- @result (description)
-void arglCameraFrustumRH(const ARParam *cparam, const double focalmin, const double focalmax, GLdouble m_projection[16]);
- @function
- @abstract Create an OpenGL viewing transformation matrix.
- @discussion
- Use this function to create a matrix suitable for passing to OpenGL
- to set the viewing transformation of the virtual camera.
- @param para Pointer to 3x4 matrix array of doubles which specify the
- position of an ARToolKit marker, as returned by arGetTransMat().
- @param m_modelview Pointer to a array of 16 GLdoubles, which will be filled
- out with a modelview matrix suitable for passing to OpenGL. The matrix
- is specified in column major order.
- @param scale Specifies a scaling between ARToolKit's
- units (usually millimeters) and OpenGL's coordinate system units.
- What you pass for the scalefactor parameter depends on what units you
- want to do your OpenGL drawing in. If you use a scalefactor of 1.0, then
- 1.0 OpenGL unit will equal 1.0 millimetre (ARToolKit's default units).
- To use different OpenGL units, e.g. metres, then you would pass 0.001.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.68.
-void arglCameraView(const double para[3][4], GLdouble m_modelview[16], const double scale);
- @function
- @abstract (description)
- @discussion (description)
- @param (name) (description)
- @result (description)
-void arglCameraViewRH(const double para[3][4], GLdouble m_modelview[16], const double scale);
- @function
- @abstract Display an ARVideo image, by drawing it using OpenGL.
- @discussion
- This function draws an image from an ARVideo source to the current
- OpenGL context. This operation is most useful in video see-through
- augmented reality applications for drawing the camera view as a
- background image, but can also be used in other ways.
- An undistorted image is drawn with the lower-left corner of the
- bottom-left-most pixel at OpenGL screen coordinates (0,0), and the
- upper-right corner of the top-right-most pixel at OpenGL screen
- coodinates (x * zoom, y * zoom), where x and y are the values of the
- fields cparam->xsize and cparam->ysize (see below) and zoom is the
- value of the parameter zoom (also see below). If cparam->dist_factor
- indicates that an un-warping correction should be applied, the actual
- coordinates will differ from the values specified here.
- OpenGL state: Drawing is performed with depth testing and lighting
- disabled, and thus leaves the the depth buffer (if any) unmodified. If
- pixel transfer is by texturing (see documentation for arglDrawMode),
- the drawing is done in replacement texture environment mode.
- The depth test enable and lighting enable state and the texture
- environment mode are restored before the function returns.
- @param image Pointer to the tightly-packed image data (as returned by
- arVideoGetImage()). The horizontal and vertical dimensions of the image
- data must exactly match the values specified in the fields cparam->xsize
- and cparam->ysize (see below).
- The first byte of image data corresponds to the first component of the
- top-left-most pixel in the image. The data continues with the remaining
- pixels of the first row, followed immediately by the pixels of the second
- row, and so on to the last byte of the image data, which corresponds to
- the last component of the bottom-right-most pixel.
- @param cparam Pointer to a set of ARToolKit camera parameters for the
- current video source. The size of the source image is taken from the
- fields xsize and ysize of the ARParam structure pointed to. Also, when
- the draw mode is AR_DRAW_BY_TEXTURE_MAPPING (see the documentation for
- the global variable arglDrawMode) the field dist_factor of the ARParam
- structure pointed to will be taken as the amount to un-warp the supplied
- image.
- @param zoom The amount to scale the video image up or down. To draw the video
- image double size, use a zoom value of 2.0. To draw the video image
- half size use a zoom value of 0.5.
- @param contextSettings A reference to ARGL's settings for the current OpenGL
- context, as returned by arglSetupForCurrentContext() for this context. It
- is the callers responsibility to make sure that the current context at the
- time arglDisplayImage() is called matches that under which contextSettings
- was created.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.68.
-void arglDispImage(ARUint8 *image, const ARParam *cparam, const double zoom, ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF contextSettings);
- @function
- @abstract Display an ARVideo image, by drawing it using OpenGL, using and modifying current OpenGL state.
- @discussion
- This function is identical to arglDispImage except that whereas
- arglDispImage sets an orthographic 2D projection and the OpenGL state
- prior to drawing, this function does not. It also does not restore any
- changes made to OpenGL state.
- This allows you to do effects with your image, other than just drawing it
- 2D and with the lower-left corner of the bottom-left-most pixel attached
- to the bottom-left (0,0) of the window. For example, you might use a
- perspective projection instead of an orthographic projection with a
- glLoadIdentity() / glTranslate() on the modelview matrix to place the
- lower-left corner of the bottom-left-most pixel somewhere other than 0,0
- and leave depth-testing enabled.
- See the documentation for arglDispImage() for more information.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.68.2.
- */
-void arglDispImageStateful(ARUint8 *image, const ARParam *cparam, const double zoom, ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF contextSettings);
- @function
- @abstract Set compensation for camera lens distortion in arglDispImage to off or on.
- @discussion
- By default, arglDispImage compensates for the distortion of the camera's
- acquired image caused by the lens when it draws. By calling this function
- with enabled = FALSE, this compensation will be disabled in the specified
- drawing context. It may be re-enabled at any time.
- This function is useful if you need to draw an image, but do not know the
- extent of the camera's lens distortion (such as during distortion calibration).
- While distortion compensation is disabled, the dist_factor[] array in a
- the camera cparam structure passed to arglDispImage is ignored.
- @param contextSettings A reference to ARGL's settings for the current OpenGL
- context, as returned by arglSetupForCurrentContext() for this context.
- @param enable TRUE to enabled distortion compensation, FALSE to disable it.
- The default state for new contexts is enable = TRUE.
- @result TRUE if the distortion value was set, FALSE if an error occurred.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.71.
-int arglDistortionCompensationSet(ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF contextSettings, int enable);
- @function
- @abstract Enquire as to the enable state of camera lens distortion compensation in arglDispImage.
- @discussion
- By default, arglDispImage compensates for the distortion of the camera's
- acquired image caused by the lens when it draws. This function enquires
- as to whether arglDispImage is currently doing compensation or not.
- @param contextSettings A reference to ARGL's settings for the current OpenGL
- context, as returned by arglSetupForCurrentContext() for this context.
- @param enable Pointer to an integer value which will be set to TRUE if distortion
- compensation is enabled in the specified context, or FALSE if it is disabled.
- @result TRUE if the distortion value was retreived, FALSE if an error occurred.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.71.
- */
-int arglDistortionCompensationGet(ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF contextSettings, int *enable);
- @function
- @abstract Set the format of pixel data which will be passed to arglDispImage*()
- @discussion (description)
- In gsub_lite, the format of the pixels (i.e. the arrangement of components
- within each pixel) can be changed at runtime. Use this function to inform
- gsub_lite the format the pixels being passed to arglDispImage*() functions
- are in. This setting applies only to the context passed in parameter
- contextSettings. The default format is determined by
- the value of AR_DEFAULT_PIXEL_FORMAT at the time the library was built.
- Usually, image data is passed in directly from images generated by ARVideo,
- and so you should ensure that ARVideo is generating pixels of the same format.
- @param contextSettings A reference to ARGL's settings for the current OpenGL
- context, as returned by arglSetupForCurrentContext() for this context.
- @param format A symbolic constant for the pixel format being set. See
- AR_PIXEL_FORMAT in ar.h for a list of all possible formats.
- @result TRUE if the pixel format value was set, FALSE if an error occurred.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.71.
-int arglPixelFormatSet(ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF contextSettings, AR_PIXEL_FORMAT format);
- @function
- @abstract Get the format of pixel data in which arglDispImage*() is expecting data to be passed.
- @discussion This function enquires as to the current format of pixel data being
- expected by the arglDispImage*() functions. The default format is determined by
- the value of AR_DEFAULT_PIXEL_FORMAT at the time the library was built.
- @param contextSettings A reference to ARGL's settings for the current OpenGL
- context, as returned by arglSetupForCurrentContext() for this context.
- @param format A symbolic constant for the pixel format in use. See
- AR_PIXEL_FORMAT in ar.h for a list of all possible formats.
- @param size The number of bytes of memory occupied per pixel, for the given format.
- @result TRUE if the pixel format and size values were retreived, FALSE if an error occurred.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.71.
-int arglPixelFormatGet(ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF contextSettings, AR_PIXEL_FORMAT *format, int *size);
- @function
- @abstract Set method by which arglDispImage() will transfer pixels.
- @discussion
- This setting determines the method by which arglDispImage transfers pixels
- of an image to OpenGL for display. Setting this
- variable to a value of AR_DRAW_BY_GL_DRAW_PIXELS specifies the use of the
- OpenGL DrawPixels functions to do the transfer. Setting this variable to a value of
- AR_DRAW_BY_TEXTURE_MAPPING specifies the use of OpenGL TexImage2D functions to do the
- transfer. The DrawPixels method is guaranteed to be available on all
- implementations, but arglDispImage does not correct the image
- for camera lens distortion under this method. In contrast, TexImage2D is only
- available on some implementations, but allows arglDispImage() to apply a correction
- for camera lens distortion, and additionally offers greater potential for
- accelerated drawing on some implementations.
- The initial value is AR_DRAW_BY_TEXTURE_MAPPING.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.72.
- */
-void arglDrawModeSet(ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF contextSettings, const int mode);
- @function
- @abstract Get method by which arglDispImage() is transfering pixels.
- @discussion
- Enquires as to the current method by which arglDispImage() is
- transferring pixels to OpenGL for display. See arglDrawModeSet() for
- more information.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.72.
- */
-int arglDrawModeGet(ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF contextSettings);
- @function
- @abstract Determines use of full or half-resolution TexImage2D pixel-transfer in arglDispImage().
- @discussion
- When arglDrawModeSet(AR_DRAW_BY_TEXTURE_MAPPING) has been called, the value of this
- setting determines whether full or half-resolution data is transferred to the
- texture. Calling this function with a mode value of AR_DRAW_TEXTURE_FULL_IMAGE
- uses all available pixels in the source image data. A value of
- AR_DRAW_TEXTURE_HALF_IMAGE discards every second row
- in the source image data, defining a half-height texture which is then drawn stretched
- vertically to double its height.
- The latter method is well-suited to drawing interlaced images, as would be obtained
- from DV camera sources in interlaced mode or composite video sources.
- The initial value is AR_DRAW_TEXTURE_FULL_IMAGE.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.72.
- */
-void arglTexmapModeSet(ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF contextSettings, const int mode);
- @function
- @abstract Enquire whether full or half-resolution TexImage2D pixel-transfer is being used in arglDispImage().
- @discussion
- Enquires as to the current value of the TexmapMode setting. See arglTexmapModeSet()
- for more info.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.72.
- */
-int arglTexmapModeGet(ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF contextSettings);
- @function
- @abstract Determines use of rectangular TexImage2D pixel-transfer in arglDispImage().
- @discussion
- On implementations which support the OpenGL extension for rectangular textures (of
- non power-of-two size), and when arglDrawMode is set to AR_DRAW_BY_TEXTURE_MAPPING,
- the value of this variable determines whether rectangular textures or ordinary
- (power-of-two) textures are used by arglDispImage(). A value of TRUE specifies the
- use of rectangluar textures. A value of FALSE specifies the use of ordinary textures.
- If the OpenGL driver available at runtime does not support for rectangular textures,
- changing the value of this setting to TRUE will result calls to arglDispImage
- performing no drawing.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.72.
- */
-void arglTexRectangleSet(ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF contextSettings, const int state);
- @function
- @abstract Enquire as to use of rectangular TexImage2D pixel-transfer in arglDispImage().
- @discussion
- Enquires as to the current value of the TexRectangle setting. See arglTexRectangleSet()
- for more info.
- @availability First appeared in ARToolKit 2.72.
- */
-int arglTexRectangleGet(ARGL_CONTEXT_SETTINGS_REF contextSettings);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- \endcond
- */
-#endif /* !__gsub_lite_h__ */