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Namespace Karma

Global namespace for Karma library
Defined in: karma.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Karma is the namespace for the Karma library and Karma() is the constructor function for the Karma library object Karma.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Collection of audio files with special helper methods added to each reference
Collection of html 5 canvases with special helper methods added to each reference
Collection of images with special helper methods added to each reference
This is the global locale as passed to Karma(), such as "en", "es_SP"
Collection of svgs with special helper methods added to each reference
Collection of videos with special helper methods added to each reference
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Karma._n(Number, locale)
Returns a shallow copy of the passed in object
Karma.convertNumToLocale(Number, locale)
Converts a number to numerals in the specified locale.
Karma.copyObjectPlus(parent1, parent2)
Creates a new object that is a prototype of the first argument then extends it with the properties of the second argument
This emulates the Object.create method in ecmascript 5 spec This isn't a full implementation as it doesn't support an all of Object.create's features This has the same functionality as Crockford's beget method and this primary building block for prototypal inheritance in this library
Karma.distance(Point, Point)
Gets the Euclidian (ordinary) distance between 2 points.
Karma.distance2(Point, Point)
Gets the square of the Euclidian (ordinary) distance between 2 points.
Karma.objectPlus(target, source)
Extends properties of the target object with those of the source object
Converts a value from degrees to radians.
Karma.rand(lower, upper)
Returns a random number within the range provided
Waits until all assets loaded(ready), then calls callback cb
Shuffles an array of items randomly
Namespace Detail
Karma is the namespace for the Karma library and Karma() is the constructor function for the Karma library object Karma. Karma() checks if the current document type is set to HTML 5, throws an error if not. Otherwise, initializes the karma object and returns a reference to that object.
var k = Karma({ 
                image: [ 
                   {name: "ninja", file: "ninja.png"}, 
                   {name: "cowboy", file: "cowboy.png"}
                audio: [
                   {name: "woosh", file: "woosh.ogg"},
                   {name: "yeehaw", file: "yeehaw.ogg"}
                video: [  //Not Yet Implemented
                   {name: "attack", file: "attack.ogv"},
                   {name: "ride", file: "ride.ogv"}
                canvas: [
                   {name: "ninja", domId: "ninjaCanvas"},
                   {name: "cowboy", domId: "cowboyCanvas"}
                svg: [ 
                   {name: "ninja", domId: "ninjaSvg"},
                   {name: "cowboy", domId: "cowboySvg"}
Next, call the ready function with a callback to your program code

k.ready(function () { ... your application code . . . }                       

after that you can access each asset like so;
k.svg.cowboy;;, 0, 0);
{Object} options Optional, Default: {}
options for intializing Karma library
{String} options.locale Optional, Default: ''
sets current locale Not Yet Implemented
{Array} options.image Optional, Default: []
array of images to be converted into a collection
{Array} Optional, Default: []
array of audio to be converted into a collection
{Array} Optional, Default: []
NYI array of videos to be converted into a collection
{Array} options.svg Optional, Default: []
array of SVG elements to be converted into a collection. Each SVG element must already exist in the html document
{Array} options.canvas Optional, Default: []
array of canvas elements to be converted into a collection. Each canvas element must already exist in the html document and width and height of each element must be set as attributes
if the document type declaration is not set to HTML 5, e.g.
If any of the initialization parameters are invalid values
{Object} Karma -- reference to the initialized Karma library
Field Detail
<static> {object}
Collection of audio files with special helper methods added to each reference
Default Value:
empty object

<static> {object} Karma.canvas
Collection of html 5 canvases with special helper methods added to each reference
Default Value:
empty object

<static> {object} Karma.image
Collection of images with special helper methods added to each reference
Default Value:
empty object

<static> Karma.locale
This is the global locale as passed to Karma(), such as "en", "es_SP"
Default Value:

<static> {object} Karma.svg
Collection of svgs with special helper methods added to each reference
Default Value:
empty object

<static> {object}
Collection of videos with special helper methods added to each reference
Default Value:
empty object
Method Detail
<static> {String} Karma._n(Number, locale)
{Number} Number
to be converted
{locale} locale
that number should be converted to
{String} Unicode string for localized numeral

<static> {Object} Karma.clone(target)
Returns a shallow copy of the passed in object
{Object} target
to be copied
{Object} a shallow copy of target

<static> {String} Karma.convertNumToLocale(Number, locale)
Converts a number to numerals in the specified locale. Currently only supports Nepali
{Number} Number
to be converted
{locale} locale
that number should be converted to
{String} Unicode string for localized numeral

<static> {Object} Karma.copyObjectPlus(parent1, parent2)
Creates a new object that is a prototype of the first argument then extends it with the properties of the second argument
{Object} parent1
will be prototype of returned object
{Object} parent2
will extend properties of returned object
{Object} object that whose prototype is parent1 and has been extended with properties of parent2

<static> {Object} Karma.create(parent)
This emulates the Object.create method in ecmascript 5 spec This isn't a full implementation as it doesn't support an all of Object.create's features This has the same functionality as Crockford's beget method and this primary building block for prototypal inheritance in this library
var ninja = { weapon : "sword" };
var ninja1 = Karma.create(ninja);
ninja1.weapon === "sword"
{Object} parent
that the new object's prototype should point to
{Object} a new object whose prototype is parent

<static> {Number} Karma.distance(Point, Point)
Gets the Euclidian (ordinary) distance between 2 points.
Warning: It's slower than distance2 function
p0 = {x:0, y:1};
p1 = {x:50, y:70};
var d = distance2(p0, p1);
{Object} Point
No. 0
{Number} Point0.x
{Number} Point0.y
{Object} Point
No. 1
{Number} Point1.x
{Number} Point1.y
{Number} The Euclidian distance

<static> {Number} Karma.distance2(Point, Point)
Gets the square of the Euclidian (ordinary) distance between 2 points.
p0 = {x:0, y:1};
p1 = {x:50, y:70};
var d = distance2(p0, p1);
{Object} Point
No. 0
{Number} Point0.x
{Number} Point0.y
{Object} Point
No. 1
{Number} Point1.x
{Number} Point1.y
{Number} The square of the Euclidian distance

<static> {Object} Karma.objectPlus(target, source)
Extends properties of the target object with those of the source object
{Object} target
object to be extended
{Object} source
whose properties will extend target
{Object} target extended by source

<static> {Number} Karma.radians(angle)
Converts a value from degrees to radians.
{Number} angle
The angle in degrees
{Number} The angle in radians

<static> {Number} Karma.rand(lower, upper)
Returns a random number within the range provided
var num = rand(0, 10);

//num could be 0, 1, 2, 3 ... or 10
{Number} lower
limit of the range, lowest number that can be returned
{Number} upper
limit of the range, highest number that can be returned
{Number} number that is >= lower and <= upper

<static> Karma.ready(cb)
Waits until all assets loaded(ready), then calls callback cb
var k = Karma({ . . . your assets here . . . });
k.ready(function(){ .. your code here . . .});

your code will not be called until all assets have been loaded
into collections
{Function} cb Optional
callback function
if Karma is not initialized with the Karma({ options }) function

<static> {Array} Karma.shuffle(oldList)
Shuffles an array of items randomly
{Array} oldList
of choices to be shuffled
{Array} newlist of choices randomly reordered

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