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path: root/examples/lessons/6_English_VocabularyBirds/js/lesson.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/lessons/6_English_VocabularyBirds/js/lesson.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 359 deletions
diff --git a/examples/lessons/6_English_VocabularyBirds/js/lesson.js b/examples/lessons/6_English_VocabularyBirds/js/lesson.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 462b7a4..0000000
--- a/examples/lessons/6_English_VocabularyBirds/js/lesson.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
- var k = Karma({
- audio: [{'name':'correct','file':'correct.ogg'},
- {'name':'incorrect','file':'incorrect.ogg'},
- {'name':'bulbul','file':'bulbul.wav'},
- {'name':'crane','file':'crane.wav'},
- {'name':'egret','file':'egret.wav'},
- {'name':'kingfisher','file':'kingfisher.wav'},
- {'name':'penguin','file':'penguin.wav'},
- {'name':'swan','file':'swan.wav'},
- {'name':'swift','file':'swift.wav'},
- {'name':'vulture','file':'vulture.wav'},
- {'name':'woodpecker','file':'woodpecker.wav'},
- {'name':'ostrich','file':'ostrich.wav'}
- ]});
- k.ready(function(){
- var i,j,flag;
- var TOTAL_QUES = 10;
- var TOTAL_LEVEL = 3;
- var currentDragObject;
- var randImages = [];
- var randPositions = [];
- var randOtherImages = [];
- var currentAnimal;
- var totalCounter;
- var currentQuestion;
- var currentDragObject;
- var arrangedAns = [];
- var correctAnimalParts = [];
- var randTexts = []; //for the confirmation sections
- var checked;
- var sectionNum; //store the current tab num
- var flag_checked;
- var currentQues; //store the current Animal name
- var currentAnimal; //store the current Animal Image name
- var correctQuest; //store 1 if the question and image is same
- var num;
- var flag_confirm; //whether confirmation dialog box is on the top or not
- var currentDropObject;
- var droppedWord;
- var zIndex; //show current dragged Object at top
- var birds = new Array('bulbul','crane','egret','kingfisher','ostrich',
- 'penguin','swan','swift','vulture','woodpecker'
- );
- var genRandTexts=function (){
- randTexts[0] = k.rand(0,TOTAL_QUES-1);
- for(i=1; i<TOTAL_QUES; i++){
- do{
- flag = 0;
- randTexts[i] = k.rand(0,TOTAL_QUES-1);
- for(j=0; j<i; j++){
- if(randTexts[i] === randTexts[j]){
- flag++;
- }
- }
- }while(flag != 0 ); //end of do while loop
- }
- };
- var genRandImages=function (){
- randImages[0] = k.rand(0,TOTAL_QUES-1);
- for(i=1; i<TOTAL_QUES; i++){
- do{
- flag = 0;
- randImages[i] = k.rand(0,TOTAL_QUES-1);
- for(j=0; j<i; j++){
- if(randImages[i] === randImages[j]){
- flag++;
- }
- }
- }while(flag != 0 ); //end of do while loop
- }
- };
- var genRandOtherImages = function(){
- randOtherImages[0] = currentAnimal;
- for(i=1; i<7; i++){
- do{
- flag = 0;
- randOtherImages[i] = k.rand(0,6);
- for(j=0; j<i; j++){
- if(randOtherImages[i] === randOtherImages[j]){
- flag++;
- }
- }
- }while(flag != 0 ); //end of do while loop
- }
- };
- var genRandPositions = function(){ // 15 random positions 8 correct
- randPositions[0] = k.rand(0,14);
- for(i=1; i<15; i++){
- do{
- flag = 0;
- randPositions[i] = k.rand(0,14);
- for(j=0; j<i; j++){
- if(randPositions[i] === randPositions[j]){
- flag++;
- }
- }
- }while(flag != 0 ); //end of do while loop
- }
- };
- var assignDragTexts = function(txtId){
- randText = randTexts[i];
- $('#dragTxtSection').append('<div id="text'+txtId+'" class="dragObjects">'+birds[randText]+'</div>');
- var dragObjCss = {
- 'float': 'left','cursor': 'move','width':'100px','height':'25px',
- 'margin':'0.1em','color':'#5B3CD5',
- 'font':'20px/30px Helvetica, Geneva, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif'
- };
- $('#text'+txtId).css(dragObjCss);
- };
- var confirmAnswer = function(){
- genRandTexts();
- $('#confirmSection').show().html('');
- $('#confirmSection').append('<div id="confirmBox"></div>');
- $('#confirmBox').append('<div id="checkAnswer"></div>');
- $('#confirmBox').append('<div id="word0" class="dropObjects"></div>');
- var dropObjCss = {
- 'margin':'7em auto','margin-bottom':'3em','width':'100px','height':'30px',
- 'border':'1px solid #FF0000'
- };
- $('#word0').css(dropObjCss);
- $('#confirmBox').append('<div id="confimBtn"></div>');
- $('#confirmSection').append('<div id="dragTxtSection"></div>');
- for(i = 0; i<10; i++){
- assignDragTexts(i);
- }
- drag_drop();
- }
- var check_puzzle_completion = function(){
- var correct = 0;
- for(i = 0; i< 9 ;i++){
- if(arrangedAns[i] === correctAnimalParts[i]){
- correct++;
- }
- }
- if(correct === 9){
- //alert("great job its time to show some confirmations");
- $('#section').addClass('backOpaque');
- flag_confirm = 0;
- confirmAnswer();
- }
- };
- var next_images = function(){
- currentAnimal = randImages[totalCounter];
- $('#imgAnimalsDisplay').html('<img src="assets/image/'+birds[currentAnimal]+'.png" />');
- $('#animalText').html('').append('<div class="imgVol"></div>');
- $('#animalText').append(birds[currentAnimal]);
- $('.imgVol').click(function(){
- k.audio[birds[currentAnimal]].play();
- });
- };
- var assignDragPuzzle = function(puzzleId,imgName){
- $('#dragImgSection').append('<div id="drag'+num+'" class="dragObjects"></div>');
- var dragObjCss = {
- 'float': 'left','cursor': 'move','width':'100px','height':'100px',
- 'border':'1px solid #A8F42D',
- 'background':'url(assets/image/'+birds[imgName]+puzzleId+'.png)'
- };
- $('#drag'+num).css(dragObjCss);
- if(imgName === currentAnimal){
- correctAnimalParts[puzzleId] = $('#drag'+num).attr('id');
- }
- num++;
- };
- var assignPuzzle = function(puzzleId){
- $('#imgPuzzleArea').append('<div id="drop'+puzzleId+'" class="dropObjects"></div>');
- var dropObjCss = {
- 'float': 'left','width':'100px','height':'100px',
- 'border':'1px solid #A8F42D','background': '#C8FFC2'
- };
- $('#drop'+puzzleId).css(dropObjCss);
- };
- var display_game_over = function() {
- $('#confirmSection').hide();
- $('#gameOver').show().html('Game Over !!! Congratulations');
- $('#gameOver').append('<div id="gameOverInfo">You have successfully completed all the vocabulary section</div>');
- };
- var delay_gameOver = function(){
- document.delayForm.delayval.value = 1;
- display_game_over();
- };
- var next_puzzle = function() {
- $('#confirmSection').hide();
- zIndex = 0;
- $('#section').removeClass('backOpaque');
- $('#section').html('').append('<div id="infoText"></div>');
- $('#infoText').append('Listen to the name of the animal.'+
- 'And drag and drop the pisces to complete the picture of the animal you just heard the name of.');
- currentAnimal = randImages[totalCounter];
- $('#infoText').append('<div class="imgVol"></div>');
- $('.imgVol').click(function(){
- k.audio[birds[currentAnimal]].play();
- });
- $('#section').append('<div id = "imgPuzzleArea"></div>');
- for(i = 0; i< 9; i++){
- assignPuzzle(i);
- }
- $('#section').append('<div id = "dragImgSection"></div>');
- genRandPositions();
- genRandOtherImages();
- var number = 1;
- num = 0;
- for(i = 0; i< 15; i++){
- var randPos = randPositions[i]; //any random pos between 1-15
- if(randPos<9){
- assignDragPuzzle(randPos,currentAnimal);
- }
- else{
- randPos = 15-randPos;
- assignDragPuzzle(randPos,randOtherImages[number]);
- number++;
- }
- }
- flag_confirm = 1;
- drag_drop();
- };
- function game_start(){
- $('#section').removeClass('backOpaque');
- $('#linkNext').hide();
- $('#linkBack').hide();
- sectionNum = 1;
- genRandImages();
- totalCounter = 0;
- next_puzzle();
- }
- function game(){
- $('#help').hide();
- sectionNum = 0;
- totalCounter = 0;
- flag_confirm = 1;
- $('#confirmSection').hide();
- $('#section').removeClass('backOpaque');
- $('#linkNext').show();
- $('#linkBack').hide();
- $('#gameOver').hide();
- $('#section').html('').append('<div id="topText">Click on the speaker and listen to the name of the wild birds</div>');
- $('#section').append('<div id="imgAnimalsDisplay"></div>');
- $('#section').append('<div id="animalText"></div>');
- genRandImages();
- next_images();
- }
- game();
- function drag_drop(){
- $('.dragObjects').draggable({ containment: '#content'});
- $('.dragObjects').bind('dragstart', function(event, ui) {
- currentDragObject = event.target.id;
- $('#'+currentDragObject).css({'z-index':zIndex});
- currentDragAnimal = parseInt(currentDragObject.substring(4));
- zIndex++;
- });
- $(".dropObjects").droppable({ tolerence: 'intersect' ,hoverClass: 'drophover'});
- $('.dropObjects').bind('drop', function(event, ui) {
- currentDropObject = event.target.id;
- droppedWord = parseInt(currentDropObject.substring(4));
- if(flag_confirm != 0){
- arrangedAns[droppedWord] = $('#'+currentDragObject).attr('id');
- check_puzzle_completion();
- }
- });
- $('#confimBtn').click(function(){
- var dragAnimalText = $('#'+currentDragObject).text();
- if(dragAnimalText === birds[currentAnimal]){
- k.audio.correct.play();
- $('#checkAnswer').html('<img src="assets/image/correct.png" />');
- totalCounter++;
- if(totalCounter === TOTAL_QUES){
- t=setTimeout(function(){delay_gameOver();},1000);
- }
- else{
- $('#linkNext').show();
- }
- }
- else{
- k.audio.incorrect.play();
- $('#checkAnswer').html('<img src="assets/image/incorrect.png" />');
- }
- });
- }
- $('#linkHelp').click(function(){
- $('#help').slideDown(2000);
- })
- .mouseout(function(){
- $('#help').slideUp(2000);
- });
- $('#linkNext').click(function(){
- if(sectionNum === 0){ //first level for knowing the birds
- if(totalCounter === TOTAL_QUES-2){
- $('#linkBack').show();
- $('#linkNext').hide();
- }
- else{
- $('#linkNext').show();
- $('#linkBack').show();
- }
- totalCounter++;
- next_images();
- }
- else{
- $('#linkNext').hide();
- next_puzzle();
- }
- });
- $('#linkBack').click(function(){
- if(totalCounter === 1){
- $('#linkBack').hide();
- $('#linkNext').show();
- }
- else{
- $('#linkNext').show();
- $('#linkBack').show();
- }
- totalCounter--;
- next_images();
- });
- $('#linkCheck').click(function(){
- check_answers();
- });
- $('#linkStart').click(function(){
- game_start();
- });
- $('#linkPlayAgain').click(function(){
- game();
- });
- }); //end of k.ready
-}); //end of document.ready \ No newline at end of file