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path: root/js/ui.kFooter.js
diff options
authorBryan Berry <bryan@olenepal.org>2010-03-15 08:43:52 (GMT)
committer Bryan Berry <bryan@olenepal.org>2010-03-15 08:43:52 (GMT)
commitd03552a31d2b63b42084ae506fc94e6149a5440a (patch)
tree76608ccbe04fb941c9e4b69a205c957d29ac4b95 /js/ui.kFooter.js
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'js/ui.kFooter.js')
1 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/ui.kFooter.js b/js/ui.kFooter.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..44eaafa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/ui.kFooter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+* @fileOverview a footer widget
+* @author Bryan Berry <bryan@olenepal.org>
+* uses MIT License
+ // This is a dummy function, just here as placeholder to
+ // to make the jsdoc tool happy
+ /** @name $.ui.kFooter
+ * @namespace kFooter widget
+ * @example Emits the event kFooterWinGame when the maxScore is reached <br />
+ * Emits the event kFooterRestart when game restarted <br />
+ * Start button emits kFooterStart event when clicked <br />
+ * Restart button emits kFooterRestart event when clicked <br />
+ * Pause button emits the kFooterPause event when clicked <br />
+ */
+ $.ui.kFooter = function(){};
+ $.widget('ui.kFooter',
+ /** @lends $.ui.kFooter.prototype */
+ {
+ /** Gets the current score
+ * @returns {Number} current score
+ */
+ getScore : function(){
+ return this._getData('score');
+ },
+ /** Sets the current score
+ * @param {Number} newScore new score
+ */
+ setScore : function(newScore){
+ this._setData('score', parseInt(newScore));
+ this._refresh();
+ },
+ /** Gets the current total
+ * @returns {Number} current total
+ */
+ getTotal : function(){
+ return this._getData('total');
+ },
+ /** Sets the current total
+ * @param {Number} newTotal new total
+ */
+ setTotal : function(newTotal){
+ this._setData('total', parseInt(newTotal));
+ this._refresh();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Resets the score and total to initial values and triggers
+ * the "kFooterRestart" event
+ */
+ restart : function(){
+ this.element.trigger('kFooterRestart');
+ this._setData('score', this._getData('initialScore'));
+ this._setData('total', this._getData('initialTotal'));
+ this._refresh();
+ },
+ /** Increments the score by 1 or by the supplied numeric argument
+ * @param {Number} [val] increment value
+ */
+ inc : function(val){
+ var incVal = parseInt(val) || 1;
+ this._setData('score', this._getData('score') + incVal);
+ this._refresh();
+ if(this._getData('winScore') === this._getData('score')){
+ this.element.trigger('kFooterWinGame');
+ }
+ },
+ /** Increments the total by 1 or by the supplied numeric argument
+ * @param {Number} [val] increment value
+ */
+ incTotal : function(val){
+ var incVal = parseInt(val) || 1;
+ this._setData('total', this._getData('total') + incVal);
+ this._refresh();
+ },
+ /** Decrements the score by 1 or by the supplied numeric argument
+ * @param {Number} [val] decrement value
+ */
+ dec : function(val){
+ var decVal = parseInt(val) || 1;
+ this._setData('score', this._getData('score') - decVal);
+ this._refresh();
+ },
+ /** Decrements the total by 1 or by the supplied numeric argument
+ * @param {Number} [val] decrement value
+ */
+ decTotal : function(val){
+ var decVal = parseInt(val) || 1;
+ this._setData('total', this._getData('total') - decVal);
+ this._refresh();
+ },
+ /** Start the timer, defaults to 0:00 if no arguments supplied
+ * @param {Number} [minutes] value for minutes, default to 0
+ * @param {Number} [seconds] value for seconds, default to 0
+ */
+ startTimer : function(minutes, seconds){
+ var timerRunning = this._getData('timerRunning')|| false;
+ if (this._$timer && timerRunning === false){
+ var mins = minutes || 0;
+ var secs = seconds || 0;
+ var timerId = null;
+ var self = this;
+ this._setData('mins', mins);
+ this._setData('secs', secs);
+ var addLeadingZero = function(num){
+ if(''.concat(num).length === 1){
+ return "0".concat(num);
+ } else {
+ return num;
+ }
+ };
+ var increaseTimer = function(){
+ if (self._getData('timerRunning') === false){
+ return;
+ }
+ var s = self._getData('secs') + 1;
+ var m = null;
+ var timerId = null;
+ if (s < 60) {
+ self._setData('secs', s);
+ self._$timerSecs.text(self._n(addLeadingZero(s)));
+ } else {
+ s = 0;
+ m = self._getData('mins') + 1;
+ self._$timerSecs.text(self._n(addLeadingZero(s)));
+ self._$timerMins.text(self._n(addLeadingZero(m)));
+ self._setData('secs', s);
+ self._setData('mins', m);
+ }
+ timerId = setTimeout(increaseTimer, 1000);
+ self._setData('timerId', timerId);
+ };
+ timerId = setTimeout(increaseTimer , 1000);
+ this._setData('timerRunning', true);
+ this._setData('timerId', timerId);
+ }
+ },
+ /** Stop the timer
+ */
+ stopTimer : function(){
+ this._setData('timerRunning', false);
+ },
+ _n : function(val, loc){
+ if ($.i18n){
+ return $._n(val, loc);
+ }
+ return val;
+ },
+ _init : function(){
+ var divDisplay = "inline";
+ var score = this.options.score;
+ var total = this.options.total;
+ var self = this;
+ var options = $.extend({}, $.ui.kFooter.defaults, this.options);
+ this._setData('initialScore', parseInt(options.score));
+ this._setData('initialTotal', parseInt(options.total));
+ this._setData('score', parseInt(options.score));
+ this._setData('total', parseInt(options.total));
+ this._setData('winScore', parseInt(options.winningScore));
+ this._setData('locale', options.locale);
+ this.element.addClass('ui-widget ui-widget-content ' +
+ ' ui-kFooter');
+ var $kFooter = $("<ul></ul>");
+ if(options.scoreboard === true){
+ var $scoreboard = $("<li class='left'>" +
+ $.i18n.pgettext("$.ui.kFooter", "Score") +
+ "</li>" + "<li class='left'>" +
+ "<span id='kFooterScore' class='ui-corner-all number'>" +
+ this._n(score) + "</span></li>" +
+ "<li class='left'>" +
+ $.i18n.pgettext("$.ui.kFooter", "Total") + "</li>" +
+ "<li class='left'><span id='kFooterTotal' " +
+ "class='ui-corner-all number'>" +
+ this._n(total) + "</span></li>")
+ .appendTo($kFooter);
+ this._score = $('#kFooterScore', $scoreboard);
+ this._total = $('#kFooterTotal', $scoreboard);
+ }
+ if(options.timer === true){
+ this._$timer = $("<li class='left'>" +
+ $.i18n.pgettext("$.ui.kFooter", "Timer") +
+ "</li>" +
+ "<li class='left'><span id='kFooterMins'" +
+ "class='ui-corner-all" +
+ " number timer'>" + this._n("00") +
+ "</span></li>" +
+ "<li class='left'><span id='kFooterSecs'" +
+ "class='ui-corner-all " +
+ "number timer'>"+ this._n("00") +
+ "</span></li>")
+ .appendTo($kFooter);
+ this._$timerMins = $('#kFooterMins', this._$timer);
+ this._$timerSecs = $('#kFooterSecs', this._$timer);
+ }
+ //if options.checkAnswerBtn === true
+ if (options.restartButton === true){
+ var $restartButton = $("<li class='right'><button " +
+ "class='ui-corner-all ui-state-default'>" +
+ "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-w'>" +
+ "</span>" +
+ "<span class='text left'>" +
+ $.i18n.pgettext("$.ui.kFooter", "Play Again") +
+ "</span></button></li>")
+ .click(function(){
+ self.startTimer();
+ self.restart();
+ })
+ .appendTo($kFooter);
+ }
+ if (options.pauseButton === true){
+ var $pauseButton = $("<li class='right'><button " +
+ "class='ui-corner-all ui-state-default'>" +
+ "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-pause'>" +
+ "</span>" +
+ "<span class='text left'>" +
+ $.i18n.pgettext("$.ui.kFooter", "Pause") +
+ "</span></button></li>")
+ .click(function(){
+ self.stopTimer();
+ self.element.trigger('kFooterPause');
+ })
+ .appendTo($kFooter);
+ }
+ if (options.startButton === true){
+ var $startButton = $("<li class='right'><button " +
+ "class='ui-corner-all ui-state-default'>" +
+ "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-play'>" +
+ "</span>" +
+ "<span class='text left'>" +
+ $.i18n.pgettext("$.ui.kFooter", "Start") +
+ "</span></button></li>")
+ .click(function(){
+ self.startTimer();
+ self.element.trigger('kFooterStart');
+ })
+ .appendTo($kFooter);
+ }
+ $('button', $kFooter).hover(
+ function(){
+ $(this).addClass("ui-state-hover");
+ },
+ function(){
+ $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover");
+ });
+ // Check if any html w/in this.element, if so wrap it in <li> </li>
+ // and add to $kFooter later
+ var $userHtml = this.element
+ .children()
+ .appendTo($kFooter);
+ $userHtml.wrap('<li class="left"></li>');
+ //get rid of userHtml
+ this.element.empty();
+ this.element.append($kFooter);
+ },
+ _refresh : function(){
+ this._score.text(this._n(this._getData('score')));
+ this._total.text(this._n(this._getData('total')));
+ },
+ /** Removes the kFooter widget and all related data from the DOM */
+ destroy : function(){
+ this.element.remove();
+ $.widget.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ });
+ $.ui.kFooter.getter = ['getScore', 'getTotal', '_n', '_' ];
+ $.ui.kFooter.i18n = {};
+ /** Default settings for the kFooter widget
+ * @namespace Default settings for the kFooter widget
+ * @extends $.ui.kFooter
+ */
+ $.ui.kFooter.defaults = {
+ /** Initial score
+ * @type Number
+ * @default 0
+ */
+ score: 0,
+ /** Initial total
+ * @type Number
+ * @default 0
+ */
+ total: 0,
+ /** The score that will win the game
+ * @type Number
+ * @default 0
+ */
+ winningScore: 0,
+ /** Default locale, valid options are "en" and "ne"
+ * @type String
+ * @default "en"
+ */
+ locale: "ne",
+ /** Display the scoreboard
+ * @type boolean
+ * @default true
+ */
+ scoreboard: true,
+ /** Display the Start Button
+ * @type boolean
+ * @default false
+ */
+ startButton: false,
+ /** Display the Retart Button
+ * @type boolean
+ * @default true
+ */
+ restartButton: true,
+ /** Display the Pause Button
+ * @type boolean
+ * @default false
+ */
+ pauseButton: false,
+ /** Display the timer
+ * @type boolean
+ * @default false
+ */
+ timer: false
+ };
+ })(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file