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path: root/content/js/cw.js
diff options
authorTony Anderson <tony@traveler.(none)>2011-01-09 10:12:49 (GMT)
committer Tony Anderson <tony@traveler.(none)>2011-01-09 10:12:49 (GMT)
commit47e975f01d100d7d0af852774343d6a5f359255a (patch)
tree817c25a20ec2427b7d247eb08f8e9a6d77450872 /content/js/cw.js
parent96f9f7061f1ac894ca93a37f54d5ee872f2f8703 (diff)
version 11
Diffstat (limited to 'content/js/cw.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/content/js/cw.js b/content/js/cw.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 3140467..0000000
--- a/content/js/cw.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
- function(){
- var k = Karma(assetList);
- k.ready(function() {
- logos;
- activities;
- k.ready(function(){
- //game logic
- function draw(){
- var canvas = document.getElementById('ladder');
- if (canvas.getContext){
- var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
- var cells = 6;
- var rows = 2 + (activities.length / cells);
- var maxx = 1200;
- var cellsize = 64;
- var sz = cellsize;
- var maxy = rows * 1.5 * cellsize;
- if (maxy < 500){ maxy = 800; };
- maxy = 800;
- canvas.setAttribute('width', maxx);
- canvas.setAttribute('height', maxy);
- var x = 0;
- var y = 0;
- var odd = 1;
- var xstart = 1.7 * cellsize;
- var ystart = maxy - 0.5*cellsize;
- var row = 0;
- var cell = 0;
- var id = -1;
- var ix = 0;
- var idm = 0;
- var activity = 0;
- var flag = 0;
- var acts = new Array();
- var idx = 0
- var il = ""
- var xy;
- var pth;
- var count = 0;
- var year = 0
- var local = 0;
- $("canvas").click(function($e) {
- // find out which act in acts was clicked
- x = $e.pageX;
- y = $e.pageY;
- $.each(acts, function() {
- xy = this;
- // here we need to download
- if ( (x > xy[1]) && (x < xy[1] + cellsize) && (y < xy[2]) && (y > xy[2] - cellsize) ) {
- // find out if year is 2010 or 2011
- if (xy[6] == 0) { year = '2010';
- } else { year = '2011';
- };
- $('#content').load(
- 'http://localhost:8008/cgi-bin/fetch_milestone.py',
- {'year':year,'milestone':xy[4]},
- function(responseText, status, xhr) {
- //return to main menu when done
- window.onunload=function(){return true;};
- window.location.reload(true);
- window.location = 'http://localhost:8008/content/index.html';
- window.onunload = function(){return true;};
- window.location.reload(true);
- });
- };
- });
- });
- //ladder
- ctx.font = "14pt Arial";
- ctx.textAlign = "center";
- x = xstart;
- y = ystart;
- ctx.beginPath();
- sz = cellsize;
- drawarrow(x,y,sz);
- offset=0;
- delta = 1;
- for(row=0;row<rows;row++){
- if (activity == activities.length) {break;};
- if (offset == 0){
- x = xstart;
- } else {
- x = xstart+offset-sz*3/2;
- };
- for(cell=0;cell<cells;cell++){
- xsave = x;
- if (activity < activities.length){
- ctx.fillStyle = 'yellow';
- ctx.fillRect(x,y,sz*3/2, sz/4);
- drawlogo(x,y,activity);
- activity = activity + 1;
- x = x + 3/2*sz;
- if (delta > 0) {
- if (cell+1 < cells) {
- ctx.fillstyle='yellow';
- ctx.fillRect(x,y,sz,sz/4);
- x = xsave + sz*5/2;
- } else {
- x = xsave + sz*3/2;
- };
- } else {
- if (cell > 0) {
- ctx.fillStyle = 'yellow';
- ctx.fillRect(x,y,sz,sz/4);
- };
- if (cell+1<cells){
- x = xsave - sz*5/2;
- } else {
- x = xsave-sz*3/2;
- };
- };
- };
- };
- if ((row + 1 < rows) && (activity < activities.length)) {
- x = drawloop(x,y,row);
- y = y - 2.25 * cellsize;
- offset = x - xstart;
- delta = -delta
- };
- };
- };
- function drawloop(x,y,row) {
- if (row % 2 == 0) {
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(x,y);
- ctx.arc(x, y-cellsize, cellsize, Math.PI/2, 0, 1);
- ctx.arc(x, y-cellsize, 1.25*cellsize, 0, Math.PI*3/2, 1);
- ctx.arc(x, y-cellsize, cellsize, Math.PI*3/2, 0, 0);
- ctx.arc(x, y-cellsize, 1.25*cellsize, 0, Math.PI/2, 0);
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.fillStyle='yellow'
- ctx.fill()
- } else {
- x = xstart;
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(x,y);
- ctx.arc(x, y-cellsize, cellsize, Math.PI/2, Math.PI, 0);
- ctx.arc(x, y-cellsize, 1.25*cellsize, Math.PI, Math.PI*3/2, 0);
- ctx.arc(x, y-cellsize, cellsize, Math.PI*3/2, Math.PI, 1);
- ctx.arc(x, y-cellsize, 1.25*cellsize, Math.PI, Math.PI/2, 1);
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.fillStyle='yellow';
- ctx.fill();
- };
- return x;
- };
- function drawarrow(x,y,sz) {
- ctx.fillStyle = 'black'
- ctx.fillRect(x-sz*4/5,y+sz/8,sz/2,sz/8);
- ctx.moveTo(x-sz/2,y);
- ctx.lineTo(x-sz/5,y+sz/8);
- ctx.moveTo(x-sz/2,y+sz/2);
- ctx.lineTo(x-sz/5,y+sz/8);
- ctx.stroke();
- };
- function drawmilestone(activity){
- var capcolor;
- x = activity[1];
- y = activity[2];
- capcolor = activity[5];
- ctx.fillStyle = 'chartreuse';
- ctx.fillRect(x,y-cellsize,cellsize,cellsize);
- ctx.fillStyle = 'black'
- ctx.fillText(ix, x + (cellsize * 0.3), y-(cellsize * 0.4), cellsize);
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(x, y-cellsize);
- ctx.arc(x+0.5*cellsize,y-cellsize,0.5*cellsize,Math.PI,0,0);
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.fillStyle = capcolor;
- ctx.fill();
- ctx.fillStyle = 'yellow';
- };
- function drawlogo(x, y, activity) {
- var il, ty, ls, cc;
- id = activities[activity][0];
- ix = activities[activity][1];
- if ((activities[activity].length) > 1){
- il = activities[activity][2];
- } else {
- il = "";
- };
- if ((activities[activity].length) > 2){
- ty = activities[activity][3];
- }else{
- ty = "";
- };
- if ((activities[activity].length) > 3){
- ls = activities[activity][4];
- }else{
- ls = "";
- };
- if ((activities[activity].length) > 4){
- cc = activities[activity][5];
- }else{
- cc = 'cyan';
- };
- idx = idx + 1;
- acts[idx] = [il, x, y, ty, ls, cc, id];
- if (id < 2){
- drawmilestone(acts[idx]);
- } else {
- // draw logo
- alert('draw logo - should not happen');
- ctx.drawImage(k.image[logos[id-1]].media, x, y - cellsize);
- if (ix > 0) {
- ctx.textAlign = 'center'
- ctx.fillStyle = 'black'
- ctx.fillText(ix, x + cellsize/2, y+cellsize/4, cellsize);
- };
- };
- };
- };
- draw();
- });
- });