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path: root/map.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'map.py')
1 files changed, 1799 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/map.py b/map.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82a8216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1799 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2008, Media Modifications Ltd.
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+#of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+#in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+#to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+#copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+#furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+#all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import gtk
+import gobject
+import os
+import threading
+from threading import *
+import time
+import hippo
+import shutil
+import urllib
+import random
+from sugar.graphics.toggletoolbutton import ToggleToolButton
+from sugar.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
+from sugar.activity import activity
+from sugar.graphics import style
+from filepicker import FilePicker
+from constants import Constants
+from webviewer import WebViewer
+from server import Server
+from logic import ServerLogic
+from result import ServerResult
+from instance import Instance
+from constants import Constants
+from model import Model
+from tray import HTray
+from photocanvas import PhotoCanvas
+from p5 import P5
+from gplay import Gplay
+from gplay import PlayVideoWindow
+import serialize
+import utils
+from button import SavedButton
+from savedmap import SavedMap
+import _camera
+# sharing
+import telepathy
+from dbus.service import method, signal
+from dbus.gobject_service import ExportedGObject
+from sugar.graphics.alert import NotifyAlert
+from sugar.presence import presenceservice
+from sugar.presence.tubeconn import TubeConnection
+SERVICE = "org.laptop.map"
+PATH = "/org/laptop/map"
+imgWidth = 180
+imgHeight = 135
+webWidth = imgWidth*4
+webHeight = imgHeight*3
+class Map(activity.Activity):
+ #temp values until they get assigned
+ cometPort = 8889
+ ajaxPort = 8890
+ initLat = '48.224'
+ initLng = '-11.07'
+ initZoom = '3'
+ initType = 'terr'
+ popW = 320
+ popH = 240
+ popB = 10
+ def __init__(self, handle):
+ activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle)
+ Instance(self)
+ Constants(self)
+ self.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ gobject.idle_add(self._initme, None)
+ def _initme( self, userdata=None ):
+ self.basePath = activity.get_bundle_path()
+ self.htmlPath = os.path.join(self.basePath, "html")
+ self.libPath = "/home/olpc/Library/MapPack/"
+ self.m = Model(self)
+ self.cond = Condition()
+ self.SAVING_SEARCH = False
+ self.shownSave = None
+ self.shownRecd = None
+ #these get updated whenever we hear back from the server
+ self.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LAT = self.__class__.initLat
+ self.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LNG = self.__class__.initLng
+ self.NOW_MAP_ZOOM = self.__class__.initZoom
+ self.NOW_MAP_TAGS = ""
+ #calc unique ports
+ h = hash(Instance.instanceId)
+ self.__class__.cometPort = 1024 + (h%32255) * 2
+ self.__class__.ajaxPort = self.__class__.cometPort + 1
+ #ui
+ self.windowStack = []
+ self.toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)
+ self.set_toolbox(self.toolbox)
+ self.searchToolbar = SearchToolbar(self)
+ self.searchToolbar.connect("address-update", self._addressUpdateCb)
+ self.searchToolbar.connect("zoom-in", self._zoomInCb)
+ self.searchToolbar.connect("zoom-out", self._zoomOutCb)
+ self.searchToolbar.connect("save-search", self._saveSearchCb)
+ self.searchToolbar.connect("search-update", self._searchUpdateCb)
+ self.searchToolbar.set_sensitive(False)
+ self.toolbox.add_toolbar( Constants.istrSearch, self.searchToolbar )
+ self.addToolbar = AddToolbar(self)
+ self.toolbox.add_toolbar( Constants.istrAnnotate, self.addToolbar )
+ self.addToolbar.connect("add-media", self._addMediaCb)
+ self.addToolbar.connect("add-kml", self._addKMLCb)
+ self.addToolbar.connect("add-info", self._addInfoCb)
+ self.addToolbar.connect("delete-media", self._deleteMediaCb)
+ self.addToolbar.connect("measure", self._measureCb)
+ self.addToolbar.connect("olpcmap", self._olpcmapCb)
+ self.addToolbar.connect("panoramio", self._panoramioCb)
+ self.addToolbar.connect("local-wiki", self._localwikiCb)
+ self.addToolbar.connect("wikimapia",self._wikimapiaCb)
+ self.addToolbar.set_sensitive(False)
+ self.firstSearch = True
+ self.toolbox.set_current_toolbar(1)
+ self.toolbox.remove(self.toolbox._separator)
+ #taken directly from toolbox.py b/c I don't know how to mod the hongry hippo
+ separator = hippo.Canvas()
+ box = hippo.CanvasBox(
+ border_color=Constants.colorBg.get_int(),
+ background_color=Constants.colorBg.get_int(),
+ box_height=style.TOOLBOX_SEPARATOR_HEIGHT,
+ border_bottom=style.LINE_WIDTH)
+ separator.set_root(box)
+ self.toolbox.separator = separator
+ self.toolbox._notebook.set_property("can-focus", False)
+ self.toolbox.show()
+ #add components
+ vbox = gtk.VBox()
+ vboxNorth = gtk.VBox()
+ vbox.pack_start(vboxNorth)
+ buttNorthFiller = gtk.EventBox()
+ buttNorthFiller.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttNorthFiller.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttNorthFiller.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ vboxNorth.pack_start(buttNorthFiller, expand=True)
+ buttNorthEventBox = gtk.EventBox()
+ buttNorthEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttNorthEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttNorthEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ self.buttNorth = gtk.Button()
+ self.buttNorth.set_property("can-focus", False)
+ self.buttNorth.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ self.buttNorth.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ self.buttNorth.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttNorthEventBox.add(self.buttNorth)
+ self.buttNorth.set_image( Constants.northImgClr )
+ self.buttNorth.connect('clicked', self._buttNorthCb)
+ vboxNorth.pack_start(buttNorthEventBox, expand=False)
+ self.buttNorth.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ hbox = gtk.HBox()
+ self.htmlScale = 1.43
+ hbox.set_size_request(-1, int(webHeight*self.htmlScale))
+ vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand=False)
+ vboxSouth = gtk.VBox()
+ vbox.pack_start(vboxSouth)
+ buttSouthEventBox = gtk.EventBox()
+ buttSouthEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttSouthEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttSouthEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ vboxSouth.pack_start(buttSouthEventBox, expand=False)
+ self.buttSouth = gtk.Button()
+ self.buttSouth.set_property("can-focus", False)
+ self.buttSouth.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ self.buttSouth.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ self.buttSouth.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttSouthEventBox.add(self.buttSouth)
+ self.buttSouth.set_image(Constants.southImgClr)
+ self.buttSouth.connect('clicked', self._buttSouthCb)
+ buttSouthFiller = gtk.EventBox()
+ buttSouthFiller.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttSouthFiller.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttSouthFiller.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ vboxSouth.pack_start(buttSouthFiller, expand=True)
+ self.buttSouth.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ self.tray = HTray()
+ self.tray.set_size_request(-1, 130)
+ self.tray.connect("enter-notify-event", self._trayMouseCb)
+ self.tray.viewport.connect("enter-notify-event", self._trayMouseCb)
+ self.tray.viewport.traybar.connect("enter-notify-event", self._trayMouseCb)
+ self.tray.scroll_left.connect("enter-notify-event", self._trayMouseCb)
+ self.tray.scroll_right.connect("enter-notify-event", self._trayMouseCb)
+ self.tray.scroll_left_event.connect("enter-notify-event", self._trayMouseCb)
+ self.tray.scroll_right_event.connect("enter-notify-event", self._trayMouseCb)
+ fakeTray = gtk.VBox()
+ fakeTray.set_size_request(-1, 130)
+ fakeTray.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ fakeTrayEvent = gtk.EventBox()
+ fakeTrayEvent.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ fakeTrayEvent.set_size_request(-1, 130)
+ fakeTrayEvent.add( fakeTray )
+ self.trayBox = gtk.Notebook()
+ self.trayBox.set_size_request(-1, 130)
+ self.trayBox.set_show_tabs(False)
+ vbox.pack_start(self.trayBox, expand=False)
+ self.trayBox.append_page(self.tray)
+ self.trayBox.append_page(fakeTrayEvent)
+ self.realTrayIndex = self.trayBox.page_num(self.tray)
+ self.fakeTrayIndex = self.trayBox.page_num(fakeTrayEvent)
+ self.trayBox.set_current_page(self.realTrayIndex)
+ fakeTrayEvent.add_events(gtk.gdk.VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_MASK)
+ fakeTrayEvent.connect_after("visibility-notify-event", self._fakeTrayVisibleNotifyCb)
+ hboxWest = gtk.HBox()
+ hbox.pack_start(hboxWest)
+ buttWestFiller = gtk.EventBox()
+ buttWestFiller.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttWestFiller.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttWestFiller.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ hboxWest.pack_start(buttWestFiller, expand=True)
+ buttWestEventBox = gtk.EventBox()
+ hboxWest.pack_start(buttWestEventBox, expand=False)
+ buttWestEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttWestEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttWestEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ self.buttWest = gtk.Button()
+ self.buttWest.set_property("can-focus", False)
+ buttWestEventBox.add(self.buttWest)
+ self.buttWest.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ self.buttWest.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ self.buttWest.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ self.buttWest.set_image( Constants.westImgClr )
+ self.buttWest.connect('clicked', self._buttWestCb)
+ self.buttWest.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ self.browseBox = gtk.VBox()
+ self.browser = WebViewer()
+ self.browser.set_size_request(int(webWidth*self.htmlScale), int(webHeight*self.htmlScale))
+ self.browseBox.pack_start(self.browser)
+ self.browseBox.set_size_request(int(webWidth*self.htmlScale), int(webHeight*self.htmlScale))
+ hbox.pack_start(self.browseBox, expand=False)
+ hboxEast = gtk.HBox()
+ hbox.pack_start(hboxEast)
+ buttEastEventBox = gtk.EventBox()
+ hboxEast.pack_start(buttEastEventBox, expand=False)
+ buttEastEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttEastEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttEastEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ self.buttEast = gtk.Button()
+ self.buttEast.set_property("can-focus", False)
+ self.buttEast.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ self.buttEast.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ self.buttEast.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttEastEventBox.add(self.buttEast)
+ self.buttEast.set_image(Constants.eastImgClr)
+ buttEastFiller = gtk.EventBox()
+ hboxEast.pack_start(buttEastFiller, expand=True)
+ buttEastFiller.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttEastFiller.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ buttEastFiller.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, Constants.colorBg.gColor )
+ self.buttEast.connect('clicked', self._buttEastCb)
+ self.buttEast.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ #important to call these in this order to ensure they show up
+ self.set_canvas(vbox)
+ self.browser.show()
+ #fire up the web engine, spiderman!
+ self.cometLogic = ServerLogic(self)
+ self.ajaxServer = ServerThread(self.__class__.ajaxPort, self.cometLogic)
+ self.ajaxServer.start()
+ self.cometServer = ServerThread(self.__class__.cometPort, self.cometLogic)
+ self.cometServer.start()
+ self.browser.load_uri("file://" + self.htmlPath + "/staticmap2.html?ajaxPort=" + str(self.__class__.ajaxPort) + "&cometPort=" + str(self.__class__.cometPort) + "&xo=true" + "&lat=" + str(self.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LAT) + "&lng=" + str(self.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LNG) + "&zoom=" + str(self.NOW_MAP_ZOOM) + "&type=" + self.__class__.initType + "&" + Constants.istrLang)
+ self.loaded = True
+ self.loadingWindow = gtk.Window()
+ self.addToWindowStack( self.loadingWindow, self )
+ self.loadingWindow.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBlack.gColor )
+ loadingVBox = gtk.VBox()
+ self.loadingWindow.add(loadingVBox)
+ loadingTopEventBox = gtk.EventBox()
+ loadingTopEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBlack.gColor )
+ loadingVBox.pack_start(loadingTopEventBox, expand=True)
+ self.loadingCanvas = PhotoCanvas()
+ self.loadingCanvas.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBlack.gColor )
+ self.loadingCanvas.set_size_request( 1200, 600 )
+ loadingVBox.pack_start(self.loadingCanvas, expand=True)
+ loadingInfo = gtk.Label()
+ loadingInfo.set_alignment( .5, 0 )
+ loadingInfo.set_text( "<b><span foreground='white' size='xx-large'>" + Constants.istrConnecting + "</span></b>")
+ loadingInfo.set_use_markup( True )
+ loadingVBox.pack_start(loadingInfo, expand=False)
+ loadingBotEventBox = gtk.EventBox()
+ loadingBotEventBox.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBlack.gColor )
+ loadingVBox.pack_start(loadingBotEventBox, expand=True)
+ self.loadingWindow.resize( gtk.gdk.screen_width(), gtk.gdk.screen_height()-(self.toolbox.allocation.height) )
+ self.moveWinOffscreen(self.loadingWindow)
+ self.popWindow = gtk.Window()
+ self.addToWindowStack( self.popWindow, self.loadingWindow )
+ self.popWindow.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBlack.gColor )
+ self.popWindow.resize( self.popW+(2*self.popB), self.popH+(2*self.popB) )
+ self.popUpBg = PopUpP5()
+ self.popWindow.add( self.popUpBg )
+ self.moveWinOffscreen(self.popWindow)
+ self.popWindow.show_all()
+ self.mediaWindow = gtk.Window()
+ self.addToWindowStack(self.mediaWindow, self.popWindow)
+ self.moveWinOffscreen(self.mediaWindow)
+ self.mediaWindow.show_all()
+ self.infoWindow = gtk.Window()
+ self._fillInInfoWindow()
+ self.addToWindowStack(self.infoWindow, self.mediaWindow)
+ self.moveWinOffscreen(self.infoWindow)
+ self.infoWindow.show_all()
+ self.selectWindow = gtk.Window()
+ self.selectWindow.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBlack.gColor )
+ self.addToWindowStack(self.selectWindow, self.infoWindow)
+ self.moveWinOffscreen(self.selectWindow)
+ self.selectWindow.show_all()
+ self.photoCanvas = PhotoCanvas()
+ self.gplayWin = PlayVideoWindow( Constants.colorBlack.gColor )
+ self.gplay = Gplay()
+ self.gplay.window = self.gplayWin
+ self.connect("destroy", self.destroy)
+ self.TOOLBOX_SIZE_ALLOCATE_ID = self.toolbox.connect_after("size-allocate", self._sizeAllocateCb)
+ self.show_all()
+ # break loading screen
+ self.loaded = True
+ self.enableNavigation()
+ # add sharing
+ self.maptube = None # Shared session
+ self.initiating = False
+ self.pservice = presenceservice.get_instance()
+ owner = self.pservice.get_owner()
+ self.owner = owner
+ self.connect('shared', self._shared_cb)
+ self.connect('joined', self._joined_cb)
+ self.mediaType = "photo"
+ return False
+ def _received_cb(self, text):
+ if(text.find(",") != -1):
+ params = text.split(",")
+ if(params[0] == "loc"):
+ # other XO's map location has moved [lat,lng,zoom]
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleReceivedMap(params[1],params[2],params[3])
+ self.postComet()
+ elif(params[0] == "mar"):
+ # other XO has added or modded info marker [lat,lng,infoText,iconImg]
+ if(self.cometLogic.addKMLSet == 0):
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleAddMarker(params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4])
+ self.m.setInfo(params[1],params[2],params[3],params[4])
+ #self.cometLogic.handleEndKML()
+ if(self.cometLogic.addKMLSet == 0):
+ self.postComet()
+ elif(params[0] == "del"):
+ # delete a marker (not working)
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleDelete()
+ self.postComet()
+ elif(params[0] == "smap"):
+ # add SavedMap [lat,lng,zoom,info] + not-new reminder
+ self.addSavedMap(params[1],params[2],params[3],params[4],False)
+ elif(params[0] == "line"):
+ # add a line
+ if(self.cometLogic.addKMLSet == 0):
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleLine(params[1],params[2],params[3],params[4])
+ self.addLine(params[1],params[2],params[3],params[4],0)
+ #self.cometLogic.handleEndKML()
+ if(self.cometLogic.addKMLSet == 0):
+ self.postComet()
+ elif(params[0] == "endkml"):
+ self.cometLogic.handleEndKML(0)
+ self.postComet()
+ elif(params[0] == "startkml"):
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.startKML(0)
+ def updateMapMetaData( self, ctrlat, ctrlng, zoom, showx, showy ):
+ self.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LAT = ctrlat
+ self.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LNG = ctrlng
+ self.NOW_MAP_ZOOM = zoom
+ # calculate where to put media overlay
+ showx = int(showx) + 60
+ showy = int(showy) + 125
+ if(showx > 60) and (showx < 700) and (showy > 125) and (showy < 400):
+ # open media overlay
+ if(self.mediaType == "photo"):
+ # mediaWindow contains a photo
+ self.mediaWindow.show()
+ self.smartMove(self.mediaWindow, self.htmlScale * showx, self.htmlScale * showy )
+ else:
+ # popWindow contains a video player
+ self.popWindow.show()
+ self.smartMove(self.popWindow, self.htmlScale * showx, self.htmlScale * showy )
+ self.popWindow.hide()
+ self.mediaWindow.show_all()
+ else:
+ self.mediaWindow.hide()
+ self.popWindow.hide()
+ if(self.maptube is not None):
+ # update XO group location
+ self.maptube.SendText("loc," + ctrlat + "," + ctrlng + "," + zoom)
+ def _trayMouseCb( self, events, args):
+ if (self.shownRecd != None):
+ self.hideMedia()
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleClear( )
+ self.postComet()
+ return True
+ #def loadMapV3( self ):
+ # self.browser.load_uri("file://" + self.htmlPath + "/map3.html?ajaxPort=" + str(self.__class__.ajaxPort) + "&cometPort=" + str(self.__class__.cometPort) + "&xo=true" + "&lat=" + str(self.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LAT) + "&lng=" + str(self.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LNG) + "&zoom=" + str(self.NOW_MAP_ZOOM) + "&type=" + self.__class__.initType)
+ def _tagsBufferEditedCb(self, widget):
+ if (self.shownSave != None):
+ txt = self.tagsBuffer.get_text( self.tagsBuffer.get_start_iter(), self.tagsBuffer.get_end_iter() )
+ if (txt != self.shownSave.notes):
+ self.shownSave.notes = txt
+ def _hideInfoCb( self, butt ):
+ self.hideSearchResult()
+ def hideSearchResult(self):
+ #self.shownSave = None
+ self.infoWindow.set_property("accept-focus", False)
+ self.moveWinOffscreen( self.infoWindow )
+ self.enableNavigation()
+ def showFileLoadBlocker( self, show ):
+ if (show):
+ self.smartMove( self.selectWindow, 0, 0 )
+ self.smartResize( self.selectWindow, gtk.gdk.screen_width(), gtk.gdk.screen_height() )
+ else:
+ self.moveWinOffscreen( self.selectWindow )
+ def _sizeAllocateCb( self, widget, event ):
+ self.toolbox.disconnect( self.TOOLBOX_SIZE_ALLOCATE_ID)
+ self.smartMove(self.loadingWindow, 0, self.toolbox.allocation.height)
+ self.loadingWindow.resize( gtk.gdk.screen_width(), gtk.gdk.screen_height()-(self.toolbox.allocation.height) )
+ return False
+ def remoteServerActive(self, loaded):
+ if (self.loaded):
+ return
+ else:
+ self.loaded = loaded
+ #add search results from load_file
+ for i in range(0, len(self.m.savedMaps)):
+ smap = self.m.savedMaps[i]
+ self.addThumb( smap, False )
+ self.searchToolbar.set_sensitive(True)
+ self.addToolbar.set_sensitive(True)
+ browserW = self.browseBox.allocation.width
+ browserH = self.browseBox.allocation.height
+ self.smartResize( self.infoWindow, browserW, browserH )
+ self.moveWinOffscreen(self.loadingWindow)
+ def addToWindowStack( self, win, parent ):
+ self.windowStack.append( win )
+ win.set_transient_for( parent )
+ win.set_type_hint( gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG )
+ win.set_decorated( False )
+ win.set_focus_on_map( False )
+ win.set_property("accept-focus", False)
+ def moveWinOffscreen( self, win ):
+ #we move offscreen to resize or else we get flashes on screen, and setting hide() doesn't allow resize & moves
+ offW = (gtk.gdk.screen_width() + 100)
+ offH = (gtk.gdk.screen_height() + 100)
+ self.smartMove(win, offW, offH)
+ def smartMove( self, win, x, y ):
+ winLoc = win.get_position()
+ if ( (winLoc[0] != x) or (winLoc[1] != y) ):
+ win.move( int(x), int(y) )
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def smartResize( self, win, w, h ):
+ winSize = win.get_size()
+ if ( (winSize[0] != w) or (winSize[1] != h) ):
+ win.resize( w, h )
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def preComet(self):
+ self.cond.acquire()
+ def postComet(self):
+ self.cond.notifyAll()
+ self.cond.release()
+ time.sleep(.1)
+ def read_file(self, file):
+ serialize.fillMediaHash(file, self.m)
+ def close( self ):
+ self.hide()
+ activity.Activity.close( self )
+ def write_file(self, file):
+ dom = serialize.saveMediaHash(self.m)
+ xmlFile = open( file, "w" )
+ dom.writexml(xmlFile)
+ xmlFile.close()
+ def _addressUpdateCb( self, otets, address ):
+ if(address.find(',') != -1):
+ if(len(address.split(',')) == 3):
+ addSplit = address.split(',')
+ if(addSplit[2] == 'm'):
+ # add a marker at this lat,lng
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleAddMarker(addSplit[0],addSplit[1],addSplit[0]+","+addSplit[1],"magenta")
+ self.cometLogic.handleEndKML()
+ self.postComet()
+ self.addInfoMarker(addSplit[0],addSplit[1],addSplit[0]+","+addSplit[1],"magenta",True)
+ return
+ elif(os.path.exists(self.libPath)):
+ mp_address = address.lower().replace(' ','').replace('-','')
+ zoom="13"
+ lat="-190"
+ lng="-190"
+ places = open(self.libPath + "Places.csv", 'r')
+ for place in places:
+ pData = place.split(',')
+ pData[0] = pData[0].lower().replace(' ','').replace('-','')
+ if(pData[0] == mp_address):
+ lat = pData[1]
+ lng = pData[2]
+ if(pData[3] != "-1"):
+ zoom = pData[3]
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleReceivedMap(lat,lng,zoom)
+ self.postComet()
+ return
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleAddressUpdate(address)
+ self.postComet()
+ def _searchUpdateCb( self, otets, tags ):
+ self.NOW_MAP_TAGS = tags
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleTagSearch(tags)
+ self.postComet()
+ def _buttEastCb( self, butt ):
+ self.hideMedia()
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleCompassUpdate("e")
+ self.postComet()
+ def _buttWestCb( self, butt ):
+ self.hideMedia()
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleCompassUpdate("w")
+ self.postComet()
+ def _buttNorthCb( self, butt ):
+ self.hideMedia()
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleCompassUpdate("n")
+ self.postComet()
+ def _buttSouthCb( self, butt ):
+ self.hideMedia()
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleCompassUpdate("s")
+ self.postComet()
+ def _zoomInCb( self, butt ):
+ self.hideMedia()
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleZoomUpdate("+")
+ self.postComet()
+ def _zoomOutCb( self, butt ):
+ self.hideMedia()
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleZoomUpdate("-")
+ self.postComet()
+ def _saveSearchCb( self, otets ):
+ self._saveSearch()
+ def _saveSearch( self ):
+ #1st: cover up the tray when grabbing a screenshot
+ #this will take a moment, so disable all buttons while we wait
+ self.SAVING_SEARCH = True
+ self.disableNavigation()
+ self.savingSearchMediaLoc = self.mediaWindow.get_position()
+ self.moveWinOffscreen( self.mediaWindow )
+ self.hideTray(True)
+ def hideTray( self, hide ):
+ if (hide):
+ self.trayBox.set_current_page(self.fakeTrayIndex)
+ else:
+ self.trayBox.set_current_page(self.realTrayIndex)
+ def _fakeTrayVisibleNotifyCb( self, widget, event ):
+ #if (event.state == gtk.gdk.VISIBILITY_UNOBSCURED): #this is not used, bc a popup might be over it
+ if (self.SAVING_SEARCH):
+ gobject.idle_add( self._saveSearch2 )
+ def _saveSearch2( self ):
+ # add SavedMap
+ window = self.canvas.window
+ width, height = window.get_size()
+ screenshot = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, has_alpha=False, bits_per_sample=8, width=width, height=height)
+ screenshot.get_from_drawable(window, window.get_colormap(), 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height)
+ popW, popH = [self.popW+(2*self.popB), self.popH+(2*self.popB) ]
+ popScreenshot = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, has_alpha=False, bits_per_sample=8, width=width, height=height)
+ popScreenshot.get_from_drawable(self.popWindow.window, self.popWindow.window.get_colormap(), 0, 0, 0, 0, popW, popH)
+ popLoc = self.popWindow.get_position()
+ popLocX = popLoc[0]
+ popLocY = popLoc[1] - self.toolbox.allocation.height
+ popScreenshot.composite(screenshot,
+ popLocX, popLocY, #move the actual mini-canvas (but not its internals (?))
+ popW, popH, #actual size of the mini-canvas
+ popLocX, popLocY, #offx, y of the painting (irrespective of the mini-canvas)
+ 1, 1, #scalex,y
+ gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR, 255)
+ screenshotPath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "savedMap.jpg")
+ screenshotPath = utils.getUniqueFilepath(screenshotPath, 0)
+ screenshot.save( screenshotPath, "jpeg", {} )
+ smallHeight = 120
+ smallWidth = (width*smallHeight) / height
+ screenshotSmall = screenshot.scale_simple(smallWidth, smallHeight, gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST)
+ screenshotSmallPath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "savedMapThumb.jpg")
+ screenshotSmallPath = utils.getUniqueFilepath(screenshotSmallPath, 0)
+ screenshotSmall.save( screenshotSmallPath, "jpeg", {} )
+ sm = SavedMap( self.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LAT, self.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LNG, self.NOW_MAP_ZOOM, screenshotPath, screenshotSmallPath, "Describe the map", self.NOW_MAP_TAGS )
+ if (self.shownRecd != None):
+ sm.addViewedRecd(self.shownRecd.datastoreId, self.shownRecd.latitude, self.shownRecd.longitude)
+ self.m.addSavedMap( sm )
+ self.addThumb( sm, True )
+ self.hideTray(False)
+ self.enableNavigation()
+ self.smartMove( self.mediaWindow, self.savingSearchMediaLoc[0], self.savingSearchMediaLoc[1] )
+ if(self.maptube is not None):
+ self.maptube.SendText("smap," + str(self.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LAT) + "," + str(self.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LNG) + "," + str(self.NOW_MAP_ZOOM) + ",Describe this map")
+ def addLine(self,id,color,thickness,pts,isNew):
+ self.m.setLine(id,color,thickness,pts)
+ if((self.maptube is not None) and (isNew == 1)):
+ self.maptube.SendText("line," + id + "," + color + "," + thickness + "," + pts)
+ def lineMode(self,type):
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.lineMode(type)
+ self.postComet()
+ def addSavedMap(self,lat,lng,zoom,info,isNew):
+ # add SavedMap received from internet or other XO, use Google Static Maps
+ window = self.canvas.window
+ width, height = window.get_size()
+ screenshotPath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "savedMap.jpg")
+ urllib.urlretrieve("http://maps.google.com/staticmap?key=ABQIAAAAxkKtrWN5q-vPTLRVmO_r6RRFDCLHCbUG3VrjXnZmMRXvQdFL3RS-b-ld9hTrkIgQlYsxPQ1kYq6y9A&size=200x120&format=jpg&center=" + str(lat) + "," + str(lng) + "&zoom=" + str(int(zoom)-1), screenshotPath)
+ smallHeight = 120
+ smallWidth = 200
+ sm = SavedMap( lat, lng, zoom, screenshotPath, screenshotPath, info, "" )
+ self.m.addSavedMap( sm )
+ self.addThumb( sm, True )
+ if(isNew == True):
+ if(self.maptube is not None):
+ # user created SaveMap, send to others
+ self.maptube.SendText("smap," + lat + "," + lng + "," + zoom + "," + info)
+ def addInfoMarker(self,lat,lng,info,icon,sendUpdate):
+ # add/update InfoMarker in model
+ self.m.setInfo(lat, lng, info, icon)
+ if(sendUpdate == True):
+ if(self.maptube is not None):
+ # send added/updated info marker
+ self.maptube.SendText("mar," + lat + "," + lng + "," + info + "," + icon)
+ else:
+ # put InfoMarker on own map
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleAddMarker(lat,lng,info,icon)
+ self.postComet()
+ def removeThumb( self, sm ):
+ kids = self.tray.get_children()
+ for i in range (0, len(kids)):
+ if (kids[i].data == sm):
+ self.tray.remove_item(kids[i])
+ kids[i].cleanUp()
+ kids[i].disconnect( kids[i].getButtClickedId() )
+ kids[i].setButtClickedId(0)
+ if (sm == self.shownSave):
+ self.hideSearchResult()
+ self.m.savedMaps.remove(sm)
+ def addThumb( self, sm, forceScroll ):
+ butt = SavedButton( self, sm )
+ BUTT_CLICKED_ID = butt.connect( "clicked", self._thumbClickedCb, sm )
+ butt.setButtClickedId(BUTT_CLICKED_ID)
+ self.tray.add_item( butt, len(self.tray.get_children()) )
+ butt.show()
+ if (forceScroll):
+ self.tray.scroll_to_end()
+ #1 way to see a sr
+ def _thumbClickedCb( self, button, smap ):
+ self.showSearchResult(smap)
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleSavedMap(smap.lat,smap.lng,smap.zoom,smap.notes)
+ self.postComet()
+ def showSearchResult( self, smap ):
+ self.shownSave = smap
+ self.updateSearchResultTags(smap)
+ self.searchToolbar._setTagsString( smap.tags )
+ def updateSearchResultTags( self, smap ):
+ self.shownSave = smap
+ self.lngValueLabel.set_text( str(smap.lng) )
+ self.latValueLabel.set_text( str(smap.lat) )
+ self.tagsBuffer.set_text( smap.notes )
+ def _fillInInfoWindow( self ):
+ hbox = gtk.HBox()
+ self.infoWindow.add(hbox)
+ clr = Constants.colorGrey
+ inset = 10
+ self.infoWindow.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, clr.gColor )
+ ltBox = gtk.VBox()
+ ltBox.set_border_width(inset)
+ rtBox = gtk.VBox()
+ hbox.pack_start(ltBox)
+ hbox.pack_start(rtBox, expand=False)
+ latHBox = gtk.HBox()
+ ltBox.pack_start(latHBox, expand=False)
+ latLabel = gtk.Label("<b>" + Constants.istrLatitude + "</b> ")
+ latLabel.set_use_markup(True)
+ latLabel.set_alignment(0, .5)
+ latHBox.pack_start(latLabel, expand=False)
+ self.latValueLabel = gtk.Label()
+ self.latValueLabel.set_alignment(0, .5)
+ latHBox.pack_start(self.latValueLabel)
+ fillb1 = gtk.HBox()
+ fillb1.set_size_request(inset,inset)
+ ltBox.pack_start(fillb1, expand=False)
+ lngHBox = gtk.HBox()
+ ltBox.pack_start(lngHBox, expand=False)
+ lngLabel = gtk.Label("<b>" + Constants.istrLongitude + "</b> ")
+ lngLabel.set_use_markup(True)
+ lngLabel.set_alignment(0, .5)
+ lngHBox.pack_start(lngLabel, expand=False)
+ self.lngValueLabel = gtk.Label()
+ self.lngValueLabel.set_alignment(0, .5)
+ lngHBox.pack_start(self.lngValueLabel)
+ fillb2 = gtk.HBox()
+ fillb2.set_size_request(inset,inset)
+ ltBox.pack_start(fillb2, expand=False)
+ tagLabelBox = gtk.HBox()
+ ltBox.pack_start(tagLabelBox, expand=False)
+ tagsLabel = gtk.Label("<b>" + Constants.istrTags + "</b>")
+ tagsLabel.set_use_markup(True)
+ tagsLabel.set_alignment(0, .5)
+ tagLabelBox.pack_start(tagsLabel, expand=False)
+ tagBox = gtk.HBox()
+ self.tagsBuffer = gtk.TextBuffer()
+ self.tagsBuffer.set_text("please edit me!")
+ self.tagsBuffer.connect('changed', self._tagsBufferEditedCb)
+ self.tagsField = gtk.TextView(self.tagsBuffer)
+ ltBox.pack_start(self.tagsField, expand=True)
+ rtFill = gtk.VBox()
+ rtFill.set_spacing( 0 )
+ rtFill.set_border_width( 0 )
+ rtBox.pack_start(rtFill, expand=True)
+ buttImg = gtk.Image()
+ buttPixb = Constants.infoOnSvg.get_pixbuf()
+ buttImg.set_from_pixbuf( buttPixb )
+ buttImg.show()
+ rtButt = gtk.Button()
+ rtButt.set_image(buttImg)
+ rtButt.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBlack.gColor )
+ rtButt.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, Constants.colorBlack.gColor )
+ rtButt.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, Constants.colorBlack.gColor )
+ rtButt.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ rtButt.set_property('can-default', True)
+ rtButt.set_property('can-focus', False)
+ rtButt.set_property('yalign', 1)
+ rtButt.set_size_request( 75, 75 )
+ rtButt.connect("clicked", self._hideInfoCb)
+ grr = gtk.EventBox()
+ grr.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, Constants.colorBlack.gColor )
+ grr.add(rtButt)
+ rtBox.pack_start(grr, expand=False)
+ hbox.show_all()
+ def showSearchResultTags( self, smap ):
+ self.updateSearchResultTags( smap )
+ #avoid popups lingering
+ self.hideMedia()
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleClear()
+ self.postComet()
+ self.disableNavigation()
+ browserLoc = self.browseBox.translate_coordinates(self, 0, 0)
+ self.infoWindow.show_all()
+ self.smartMove(self.infoWindow, browserLoc[0], browserLoc[1])
+ browserW = self.browseBox.allocation.width
+ browserH = self.browseBox.allocation.height
+ self.smartResize(self.infoWindow, browserW, browserH)
+ self.infoWindow.set_property("accept-focus", True)
+ def copyToClipboard( self, smap ):
+ tmpImgPath = self.doClipboardCopyStart( smap )
+ gtk.Clipboard().set_with_data( [('text/uri-list', 0, 0)], self._clipboardGetFuncCb, self._clipboardClearFuncCb, tmpImgPath )
+ return True
+ def doClipboardCopyStart( self, smap ):
+ tmpImgPath = utils.getUniqueFilepath(smap.imgPath, 0)
+ shutil.copyfile( smap.imgPath, tmpImgPath )
+ return tmpImgPath
+ def doClipboardCopyCopy( self, tmpImgPath, selection_data ):
+ tmpImgUri = "file://" + tmpImgPath
+ selection_data.set( "text/uri-list", 8, tmpImgUri )
+ def doClipboardCopyFinish( self, tmpImgPath ):
+ if (tmpImgPath != None):
+ if (os.path.exists(tmpImgPath)):
+ os.remove( tmpImgPath )
+ tmpImgPath = None
+ def _clipboardGetFuncCb( self, clipboard, selection_data, info, data):
+ self.doClipboardCopyCopy( data, selection_data )
+ def _clipboardClearFuncCb( self, clipboard, data):
+ self.doClipboardCopyFinish( data )
+ def _addMediaCb( self, ot, datastoreOb ):
+ self.addMeToMapObj = datastoreOb
+ self.hideMedia()
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handlePreAdd()
+ self.postComet()
+ def _addKMLCb( self, ot, datastoreOb ):
+ self.readKML(open(datastoreOb.file_path, 'r'))
+ def readKML(self, kml):
+ firstLine = kml.readline()
+ if(firstLine.find('<?xml version="1.0" ?><map')==0):
+ # Offline Map or regular Map file without meta-data
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.startKML(1)
+ xmlarray = firstLine.split('>')
+ for node in xmlarray:
+ #if(node.find('<mapItem') == 0):
+ # picture marker
+ if(node.find('<infoMarker') == 0):
+ # info marker
+ lat = node[node.find('lat="')+5:len(node)]
+ lat = lat[0:lat.find('"')]
+ lng = node[node.find('lng="')+5:len(node)]
+ lng = lng[0:lng.find('"')]
+ description = node[node.find('info="')+6:len(node)]
+ description = description[0:description.find('"')]
+ icon = node[node.find('icon="')+6:len(node)]
+ icon = icon[0:icon.find('"')]
+ self.cometLogic.handleAddMarker(lat,lng,description,icon)
+ self.addInfoMarker(lat,lng,description,icon,True)
+ elif(node.find('<line') == 0):
+ # line
+ lineColor = node[node.find('lcolor="')+8:len(node)]
+ lineColor = lineColor[0:lineColor.find('"')]
+ lineID = node[node.find('lid="')+5:len(node)]
+ lineID = lineID[0:lineID.find('"')]
+ ptStr = node[node.find('lpts="')+6:len(node)]
+ ptStr = ptStr[0:ptStr.find('"')]
+ lineThick = node[node.find('lthickness="')+12:len(node)]
+ lineThick = lineThick[0:lineThick.find('"')]
+ self.cometLogic.handleLine(lineID,lineColor,lineThick,ptStr)
+ self.addLine(lineID,lineColor,lineThick,ptStr,1)
+ elif(node.find('<savedMap') == 0):
+ # saved map
+ lat = node[node.find('lat="')+5:len(node)]
+ lat = lat[0:lat.find('"')]
+ lng = node[node.find('lng="')+5:len(node)]
+ lng = lng[0:lng.find('"')]
+ notes = node[node.find('notes="')+7:len(node)]
+ notes = notes[0:notes.find('"')]
+ zoom = node[node.find('zoom="')+6:len(node)]
+ zoom = zoom[0:zoom.find('"')]
+ self.addSavedMap(lat,lng,zoom,notes,True)
+ self.cometLogic.handleEndKML(1)
+ self.postComet()
+ return
+ placename = None
+ description = None
+ kmlIcon = None
+ lat = None
+ lng = None
+ coordList = None
+ placemarkType = None
+ lineType = None
+ stillDescribing = False
+ morePts = False
+ dataTable = None
+ isOSM = False
+ isGeoRSS = False
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.startKML(1)
+ for kmlline in kml:
+ if((kmlline.find('<osm') != -1) and (lat == None) and (lng == None) and (coordList == None)):
+ # jump to osm
+ isOSM = True
+ break
+ elif((kmlline.find('georss') != -1) and (lat == None) and (lng == None) and (coordList == None)):
+ # jump to GeoRSS
+ isGeoRSS = True
+ break
+ if(kmlline.find('<Point') != -1):
+ placemarkType = 'info'
+ elif(kmlline.find('<LineString') != -1):
+ placemarkType = 'line'
+ lineType = 'line'
+ elif(kmlline.find('<Polygon') != -1):
+ placemarkType = 'poly'
+ lineType = 'poly'
+ #elif(kmlline.find('<GroundOverlay') != -1):
+ # placemarkType = 'overlay'
+ if(kmlline.find('<ExtendedData') != -1):
+ dataTable = '<table>'
+ elif(kmlline.find('</ExtendedData>') != -1):
+ dataTable = dataTable + '</table>'
+ if(dataTable is not None):
+ if(kmlline.find('<Data') != -1):
+ dataTable = dataTable + '<tr>'
+ if(kmlline.find('<Data name="') != -1):
+ dataTable = dataTable + "<td><b>" + kmlline[kmlline.find('<Data name="')+12:kmlline.rfind('"')] + "</b></td>"
+ if(kmlline.find('<value>') != -1):
+ dataTable = dataTable + "<td>" + kmlline[kmlline.find('<value>')+7:kmlline.find('</value>')] + "</td>"
+ elif(kmlline.find('</Data>') != -1):
+ dataTable = dataTable + '</tr>'
+ if(kmlline.find('<coordinates>') != -1):
+ if(placemarkType == 'info'):
+ lng = kmlline[kmlline.find('<coordinates>')+13:kmlline.find(',')]
+ lat = kmlline[kmlline.find(',')+1:kmlline.rfind(',')]
+ else:
+ if(kmlline.find('</coordinates>') == -1):
+ morePts = True
+ kmlline = kmlline.replace('<coordinates>','').replace('</coordinates>','')
+ coordList = kmlline.split(' ')
+ elif(morePts == True):
+ if(kmlline.find('</coordinates>') != -1):
+ morePts = False
+ kmlline = kmlline.replace('</coordinates>','')
+ coordList.extend(kmlline.split(' '))
+ if(kmlline.find('<name>') != -1):
+ placename = kmlline[kmlline.find('<name>')+6:kmlline.find('</name>')]
+ if(kmlline.find('<description>') != -1):
+ description = kmlline[kmlline.find('<description>')+13:len(kmlline)]
+ if(kmlline.find('</description>') == -1):
+ # need to read in more lines
+ stillDescribing = True
+ else:
+ description = description[0:description.find('</description')]
+ if(description.find('<![CDATA[') != -1):
+ description = description.replace('<![CDATA[','').replace(']]>','')
+ elif(stillDescribing == True):
+ description = description + kmlline
+ if(kmlline.find('</description>') != -1):
+ stillDescribing = False
+ description = description[0:description.find('</description')]
+ if(description.find('<![CDATA[') != -1):
+ description = description.replace('<![CDATA[','').replace(']]>','')
+ if(kmlline.find('<Icon><href>')!=-1):
+ icon = kmlline[kmlline.find('<Icon><href>')+12:kmlline.find('</href>')]
+ if((kmlline.find('</Placemark>') != -1) or (kmlline.find('<Placemark>') != -1)):
+ # finish this placemark
+ if(lat is not None):
+ if(description is None):
+ description = ""
+ else:
+ description=description.replace("width:300","width:60").replace("max-height:400","max-height:80")
+ if(dataTable is not None):
+ description = dataTable + description
+ if(placename is not None):
+ description = '<h3>' + placename + '</h3>' + description
+ if(icon is None):
+ icon="null"
+ self.cometLogic.handleAddMarker(lat,lng,description,icon)
+ self.addInfoMarker(lat,lng,description,icon,True)
+ if(coordList is not None):
+ ptList = []
+ maxInterval = 1
+ if(len(coordList) > 50):
+ maxInterval = int(len(coordList) / 50)
+ interval = 1
+ for pt in coordList:
+ ptloc = pt.split(',')
+ interval = interval - 1
+ if((len(ptloc) > 1) and (interval < 2)):
+ ptList.append(ptloc[1]+"|"+ptloc[0])
+ interval = maxInterval
+ if(lineType == 'line'):
+ lineID = str(random.getrandbits(128))
+ self.cometLogic.handleLine(lineID,"B22222","5",'|'.join(ptList))
+ self.addLine(lineID,"B22222","5",'|'.join(ptList),1)
+ elif(lineType == 'poly'):
+ lineID = "poly-" + str(random.getrandbits(128))
+ self.cometLogic.handleLine(lineID,"7CFC00","5",'|'.join(ptList))
+ self.addLine(lineID,"7CFC00","5",'|'.join(ptList),1)
+ #elif(placemarkType == 'overlay'):
+ lat = None
+ lng = None
+ description = None
+ placename = None
+ placemarkType = None
+ coordList = None
+ dataTable = None
+ if(isOSM == True):
+ # read in an OSM style file
+ osmNodes = {}
+ readingInNodeID = None
+ readingInWayID = None
+ for osm in kml:
+ if(osm.find('<node') != -1):
+ # point, which may be part of a line
+ nodeID = osm[osm.find('id=')+4:len(osm)]
+ nodeID = nodeID[0:nodeID.find('"')]
+ nodeID = nodeID[0:nodeID.find("'")]
+ lat = osm[osm.find('lat=')+5:len(osm)]
+ lat = lat[0:lat.find("'")]
+ lat = lat[0:lat.find('"')]
+ lng = osm[osm.find('lon=')+5:len(osm)]
+ lng = lng[0:lng.find("'")]
+ lng = lng[0:lng.find('"')]
+ osmNodes[nodeID] = {"latitude":lat,"longitude":lng,"inWay":False,"isWay":False}
+ if(osm.find('/>') == -1):
+ readingInNodeID = nodeID
+ elif(readingInNodeID is not None):
+ # reading in tag-values for the point
+ if(osm.find('</node>') != -1):
+ readingInNodeID = None
+ else:
+ if(osm.find('<tag') != -1):
+ tName = osm[osm.find('k=')+3:len(osm)]
+ tName = tName[0:tName.find('"')]
+ tName = tName[0:tName.find("'")]
+ vName = osm[osm.find('v=')+3:len(osm)]
+ vName = vName[0:vName.find('"')]
+ vName = vName[0:vName.find("'")]
+ osmNodes[readingInNodeID][tName] = vName
+ elif(osm.find('<way') != -1):
+ # line, composed of multiple points
+ readingInWayID = osm[osm.find('id=')+4:len(osm)]
+ readingInWayID = readingInWayID[0:readingInWayID.find('"')]
+ readingInWayID = readingInWayID[0:readingInWayID.find("'")]
+ osmNodes[readingInWayID] = {"isWay":True,"pts":[]}
+ elif(readingInWayID is not None):
+ # reading in node ids composing the line
+ if(osm.find('</way>') != -1):
+ readingInWayID = None
+ else:
+ if(osm.find('<nd') != -1):
+ nodeRef = osm[osm.find('ref=')+5:len(osm)]
+ if(nodeRef.find('"') != -1):
+ nodeRef = nodeRef[0:nodeRef.find('"')]
+ else:
+ nodeRef = nodeRef[0:nodeRef.find("'")]
+ osmNodes[readingInWayID]["pts"].append(nodeRef)
+ osmNodes[nodeRef]["inWay"] = True
+ # decide how to publish nodes
+ for node in osmNodes:
+ if(osmNodes[node]["isWay"] == True):
+ # line composed of points
+ ptList=[]
+ for pID in osmNodes[node]["pts"]:
+ ptList.append(osmNodes[pID]["latitude"]+"|"+osmNodes[pID]["longitude"])
+ lineID = str(random.getrandbits(128))
+ self.cometLogic.handleLine(lineID,"B22222","5",'|'.join(ptList))
+ self.addLine(lineID,"B22222","5",'|'.join(ptList),1)
+ elif(osmNodes[node]["inWay"] == False):
+ # independent point
+ description="<table>"
+ for tag in osmNodes[node]:
+ if(tag=="latitude"):
+ continue
+ elif(tag=="longitude"):
+ continue
+ elif(tag=="inWay"):
+ continue
+ elif(tag=="isWay"):
+ continue
+ else:
+ value = osmNodes[node][tag]
+ description=description+"<tr><td>"+tag+"</td><td>"+str(value)+"</td></tr>"
+ description=description+"</table>"
+ self.cometLogic.handleAddMarker(osmNodes[node]["latitude"],osmNodes[node]["longitude"],description,"null")
+ self.addInfoMarker(osmNodes[node]["latitude"],osmNodes[node]["longitude"],description,"null",True)
+ elif(isGeoRSS == True):
+ # scan in GeoRSS
+ placeLink = None
+ lat = None
+ lng = None
+ description = None
+ placename = None
+ stillDescribing = False
+ #self.preComet()
+ for rss in kml:
+ if(rss.find('<title') != -1):
+ placename = rss[rss.find('>')+1:rss.find('</title>')]
+ if(rss.find('<link') != -1):
+ placeLink = rss[rss.find('>')+1:rss.find('</link>')]
+ if(rss.find('<georss:point') != -1):
+ latlng = rss[rss.find('>')+1:rss.find('</georss:point>')].split(' ')
+ lat = latlng[0]
+ lng = latlng[1]
+ if(rss.find('<description>') != -1):
+ description = rss[rss.find('<description>')+13:len(rss)]
+ if(rss.find('</description>') == -1):
+ # need to read in more lines
+ stillDescribing = True
+ else:
+ description = description[0:description.find('</description')]
+ elif(stillDescribing == True):
+ description = description + rss
+ if(rss.find('</description>') != -1):
+ stillDescribing = False
+ description = description[0:description.find('</description')]
+ if(rss.find('</item>') != -1):
+ # publish the point
+ if(lat is not None):
+ if(description == None):
+ description = ""
+ if(placeLink is not None):
+ description = placeLink + "<br/>" + description
+ if(placename is not None):
+ description = '<h3>' + placename + '</h3>' + description
+ description=description.replace("'","\\'").replace('"','\\"')
+ description=description.replace("\n","<br/>").replace("\r","<br/>")
+ description=description.replace("<![CDATA[","").replace("]]>","")
+ self.cometLogic.handleAddMarker(lat,lng,description,"null")
+ self.addInfoMarker(lat,lng,description,"null",True)
+ placeLink = None
+ lat = None
+ lng = None
+ placename = None
+ description = None
+ stillDescribing = False
+ self.cometLogic.handleEndKML(1)
+ self.postComet()
+ def _addInfoCb(self,ot):
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handlePreAddInfo()
+ self.postComet()
+ def _measureCb(self,ot):
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleMeasure()
+ self.postComet()
+ def _olpcmapCb(self,ot):
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleOlpcMAP()
+ self.postComet()
+ def _panoramioCb(self,ot):
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handlePanoramio()
+ self.postComet()
+ def _localwikiCb(self,ot):
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleLocalWiki()
+ self.postComet()
+ def _wikimapiaCb(self,ot):
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleWikiMapia()
+ self.postComet()
+ def disableNavigation( self ):
+ #disable the nav buttons
+ self.buttEast.set_image(Constants.eastImgBw)
+ self.buttEast.set_sensitive(False)
+ self.buttWest.set_image(Constants.westImgBw)
+ self.buttWest.set_sensitive(False)
+ self.buttNorth.set_image(Constants.northImgBw)
+ self.buttNorth.set_sensitive(False)
+ self.buttSouth.set_image(Constants.southImgBw)
+ self.buttSouth.set_sensitive(False)
+ #disable the toolbar buttons
+ self.addToolbar.set_sensitive( False )
+ self.searchToolbar.set_sensitive( False )
+ def enableNavigation( self ):
+ #enable the nav buttons
+ self.buttEast.set_image(Constants.eastImgClr)
+ self.buttEast.set_sensitive(True)
+ self.buttWest.set_image(Constants.westImgClr)
+ self.buttWest.set_sensitive(True)
+ self.buttNorth.set_image(Constants.northImgClr)
+ self.buttNorth.set_sensitive(True)
+ self.buttSouth.set_image(Constants.southImgClr)
+ self.buttSouth.set_sensitive(True)
+ #enable the toolbar buttons
+ self.addToolbar.set_sensitive( True )
+ self.searchToolbar.set_sensitive( True )
+ def placeAddMedia( self, lat, lng ):
+ self.enableNavigation()
+ #append to the map
+ recd = self.m.addMedia( lat, lng, self.addMeToMapObj )
+ #now show the new addition to the map
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handlePostAdd( recd )
+ self.postComet()
+ # send image to others
+ #if(self.maptube is not None):
+ # self.maptube.SendText("mar," + lat + "," + lng + "," + utils.getStringFromPixbuf(recd.getPixBuf()) )
+ def sendEndKML(self):
+ self.maptube.SendText("endkml,now")
+ def sendStartKML(self):
+ self.maptube.SendText("startkml,now")
+ def _deleteMediaCb( self, ot ):
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleDelete()
+ self.postComet()
+ def showMedia(self, id, x, y, up, rt):
+ recd = self.m.getMediaByThumbFilename(id)
+ if (recd == None):
+ return
+ self.shownRecd = recd
+ thumbPath = recd.getThumbPath()
+ thumbPixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(thumbPath)
+ px, py = [self.popW, self.popH]
+ scl = (self.popW+0.0) / (thumbPixbuf.get_width()+0.0)
+ thumbCairo = utils.generateThumbnail( thumbPixbuf, scl, px, py )
+ self.popUpBg.updatePopInfo( recd.colorStroke, recd.colorFill, thumbCairo, up, rt, self.popB, self.popB, self.htmlScale )
+ browserLoc = self.browseBox.translate_coordinates( self, 0, 0 )
+ x = int(x) * self.htmlScale
+ y = int(y) * self.htmlScale
+ x = browserLoc[0]+x
+ y = browserLoc[1]+y
+ if (not rt):
+ x = x - (self.popW + (2*self.popB))
+ if (not up):
+ y = y - (self.popH + (2*self.popB))
+ self.smartMove( self.popWindow, x, y )
+ kid = self.mediaWindow.get_child()
+ if (kid != None):
+ self.gplay.stop()
+ self.mediaWindow.remove( kid )
+ self.mediaWindow.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, recd.colorFill.gColor)
+ if (recd.type == Constants.TYPE_PHOTO):
+ self.mediaType = 'photo'
+ self.popWindow.hide()
+ self.mediaWindow.show()
+ self.smartResize( self.mediaWindow, self.popW, self.popH )
+ self.smartMove( self.mediaWindow, x+self.popB, y+self.popB)
+ pbuf = recd.getPixBuf()
+ img = _camera.cairo_surface_from_gdk_pixbuf(pbuf)
+ self.photoCanvas.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, recd.colorFill.gColor)
+ self.photoCanvas.set_size_request(self.popW, self.popH)
+ self.photoCanvas.setImage(img)
+ self.mediaWindow.add(self.photoCanvas)
+ self.photoCanvas.show_all()
+ elif (recd.type == Constants.TYPE_VIDEO):
+ self.mediaType = 'video'
+ self.popWindow.show()
+ self.mediaWindow.show()
+ self.smartResize( self.mediaWindow, self.popW, self.popH )
+ self.smartMove( self.mediaWindow, x+self.popB, y+self.popB)
+ self.smartMove( self.popWindow, x+self.popB, y+self.popB)
+ self.mediaWindow.add(self.gplayWin)
+ self.gplayWin.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, recd.colorFill.gColor)
+ self.popWindow.hide()
+ self.mediaWindow.show()
+ self.gplayWin.show_all()
+ videoUrl = "file://" + str( recd.getFilepath() )
+ self.gplay.setLocation( videoUrl )
+ self.gplay.play()
+ def hideMedia( self ):
+ self.shownRecd = None
+ self.moveWinOffscreen( self.popWindow )
+ self.moveWinOffscreen( self.mediaWindow )
+ self.gplay.pause()
+ def destroy(self, *args):
+ self.hide_all()
+ os._exit(0) #needed to kill all threads
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ def _shared_cb(self, activity):
+ self.initiating = True
+ self._sharing_setup()
+ id = self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].OfferDBusTube(SERVICE, {})
+ def _sharing_setup(self):
+ if self._shared_activity is None:
+ return
+ self.conn = self._shared_activity.telepathy_conn
+ self.tubes_chan = self._shared_activity.telepathy_tubes_chan
+ self.text_chan = self._shared_activity.telepathy_text_chan
+ self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].connect_to_signal('NewTube', self._new_tube_cb)
+ def _list_tubes_reply_cb(self, tubes):
+ for tube_info in tubes:
+ self._new_tube_cb(*tube_info)
+ # joining a pre-existing activity
+ def _joined_cb(self, activity):
+ if not self._shared_activity:
+ return
+ self.initiating = False
+ self._sharing_setup()
+ self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].ListTubes(reply_handler=self._list_tubes_reply_cb,error_handler=self.tubes_error)
+ # display error raised by XO-XO connection on map
+ def tubes_error(self,e):
+ self.preComet()
+ self.cometLogic.handleCompassUpdate("Error: %s",e)
+ self.postComet()
+ def _new_tube_cb(self, id, initiator, type, service, params, state):
+ if (type == telepathy.TUBE_TYPE_DBUS and service == SERVICE):
+ if state == telepathy.TUBE_STATE_LOCAL_PENDING:
+ self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].AcceptDBusTube(id)
+ tube_conn = TubeConnection(self.conn, self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES], id, group_iface=self.text_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP])
+ self.maptube = TextSync(tube_conn, self.initiating, self._received_cb, self.tubes_error, self._get_buddy)
+ # _get_buddy may not be necessary. Borrowed from HelloMesh
+ def _get_buddy(self, cs_handle):
+ group = self.text_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP]
+ my_csh = group.GetSelfHandle()
+ if my_csh == cs_handle:
+ handle = self.conn.GetSelfHandle()
+ elif group.GetGroupFlags() & telepathy.CHANNEL_GROUP_FLAG_CHANNEL_SPECIFIC_HANDLES:
+ handle = group.GetHandleOwners([cs_handle])[0]
+ else:
+ handle = cs_handle
+ return self.pservice.get_buddy_by_telepathy_handle(self.conn.service_name, self.conn.object_path, handle)
+class TextSync(ExportedGObject):
+ def __init__(self, tube, is_initiator, text_received_cb, alert, get_buddy):
+ super(TextSync, self).__init__(tube, PATH)
+ self.tube = tube
+ self.is_initiator = is_initiator
+ self.text_received_cb = text_received_cb
+ self._alert = alert
+ self.entered = False # Have we set up the tube?
+ self.text = '' # State that gets sent or received
+ self._get_buddy = get_buddy # Converts handle to Buddy object
+ self.tube.watch_participants(self.participant_change_cb)
+ def participant_change_cb(self, added, removed):
+ for handle, bus_name in added:
+ buddy = self._get_buddy(handle)
+ for handle in removed:
+ buddy = self._get_buddy(handle)
+ if not self.entered:
+ if self.is_initiator:
+ self.add_hello_handler()
+ else:
+ self.Hello()
+ self.entered = True
+ @signal(dbus_interface=IFACE, signature='')
+ def Hello(self):
+ self.bogus = 1
+ @method(dbus_interface=IFACE, in_signature='s', out_signature='')
+ def World(self, text):
+ if not self.text:
+ self.text = text
+ self.text_received_cb(text)
+ self.add_hello_handler()
+ def add_hello_handler(self):
+ self.tube.add_signal_receiver(self.hello_cb, 'Hello', IFACE,
+ path=PATH, sender_keyword='sender')
+ self.tube.add_signal_receiver(self.sendtext_cb, 'SendText', IFACE,
+ path=PATH, sender_keyword='sender')
+ def hello_cb(self, sender=None):
+ if sender == self.tube.get_unique_name():
+ return
+ self.tube.get_object(sender, PATH).World(self.text,
+ dbus_interface=IFACE)
+ def sendtext_cb(self, text, sender=None):
+ if sender == self.tube.get_unique_name():
+ return
+ self.text = text
+ self.text_received_cb(text)
+ @signal(dbus_interface=IFACE, signature='s')
+ def SendText(self, text):
+ self.text = text
+class SearchToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
+ __gsignals__ = {
+ 'address-update': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object]),
+ 'search': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object]),
+ 'zoom-in': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, []),
+ 'zoom-out': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, []),
+ 'save-search': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, []),
+ 'search-update': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object])
+ }
+ def __init__(self, pc):
+ gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self)
+ self.ca = pc
+ addressLabel = gtk.Label( Constants.istrSearchAddress )
+ addressLabel.show()
+ toolAddressLabel = gtk.ToolItem()
+ toolAddressLabel.add(addressLabel)
+ self.insert(toolAddressLabel, -1)
+ toolAddressLabel.show()
+ self._insertSep()
+ self.addressField = gtk.Entry()
+ self.addressField.connect('activate', self._addressActivateCb)
+ addressItem = gtk.ToolItem()
+ addressItem.set_expand(True)
+ addressItem.add(self.addressField)
+ self.addressField.show()
+ self.insert( addressItem, -1 )
+ addressItem.show()
+ self._insertSep()
+ self._insertSep()
+ self._insertSep()
+ self._insertSep()
+ searchLabel = gtk.Label( Constants.istrSearchMedia )
+ searchLabel.show()
+ toolSearchLabel = gtk.ToolItem()
+ toolSearchLabel.add(searchLabel)
+ self.insert(toolSearchLabel, -1)
+ toolSearchLabel.show()
+ self._insertSep()
+ self.searchField = gtk.Entry()
+ self.searchField.connect('activate', self._searchActivateCb)
+ searchItem = gtk.ToolItem()
+ searchItem.set_expand(True)
+ searchItem.add(self.searchField)
+ self.searchField.show()
+ self.insert( searchItem, -1 )
+ searchItem.show()
+ self._insertSep()
+ saveButt = ToolButton("save-search")
+ saveButt.set_tooltip(Constants.istrSaveSearch)
+ saveButt.connect('clicked', self._saveCb)
+ self.insert(saveButt, -1)
+ saveButt.show()
+ self._insertSep()
+ zout = ToolButton('map-icon-zoomOut')
+ zout.set_tooltip(Constants.istrZoomOut)
+ self.insert( zout, -1 )
+ zout.connect('clicked', self._zoomOutCb)
+ zin = ToolButton('map-icon-zoomIn')
+ zin.set_tooltip(Constants.istrZoomIn)
+ self.insert( zin, -1 )
+ zin.connect('clicked', self._zoomInCb)
+ def _setTagsString( self, tags ):
+ self.searchField.set_text(tags)
+ def _insertSep( self ):
+ separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ separator.set_draw(False)
+ separator.set_expand(False)
+ separator.set_size_request(Constants.ui_dim_INSET, -1)
+ self.insert( separator, -1 )
+ def _addressActivateCb(self, widget):
+ address = widget.props.text
+ self.emit('address-update', address)
+ def _saveCb(self, widget):
+ self.emit('save-search')
+ def _searchActivateCb(self, widget):
+ search = widget.props.text
+ self.emit('search-update', search)
+ def _zoomInCb(self, button):
+ self.emit('zoom-in')
+ def _zoomOutCb(self, button):
+ self.emit('zoom-out')
+class PopUpP5(P5):
+ def __init__(self):
+ P5.__init__(self)
+ self.fill = None
+ self.stroke = None
+ self.previewCairoImg = None
+ self.up = None
+ self.rt = None
+ self.scale = None
+ self.insetX = 0
+ self.insetY = 0
+ def updatePopInfo(self, stroke, fill, cairoThumb, up, rt, insetX, insetY, scale):
+ self.fill = fill
+ self.stroke = stroke
+ self.previewCairoImg = cairoThumb
+ self.up = up
+ self.rt = rt
+ self.scale = scale
+ self.insetX = insetX
+ self.insetY = insetY
+ self.queue_draw()
+ def draw(self, ctx, w, h):
+ #for stroking
+ self.fillRect( ctx, self.fill, w, h )
+ lw = 5
+ hlw = lw/2
+ ctx.set_line_width( lw*self.scale )
+ ctx.rectangle(0, 0, w, h)
+ self.setColor(ctx, self.stroke)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ #for the popup bubble's handle
+ if (not self.up):
+ ctx.translate(0, h-(3*self.scale))
+ if (not self.rt):
+ ctx.translate(w-((hlw+21)*self.scale), 0)
+ else:
+ ctx.translate(hlw*self.scale, 0)
+ ctx.rectangle(0, 0, 21*self.scale, 3*self.scale)
+ self.setColor(ctx, self.fill)
+ ctx.fill()
+ ctx.identity_matrix()
+ ctx.set_source_surface(self.previewCairoImg, self.insetX, self.insetY)
+ ctx.paint()
+class AddToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
+ __gsignals__ = {
+ 'add-media': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object]),
+ 'add-kml': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object]),
+ 'web-media': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, []),
+ 'delete-media': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, []),
+ 'measure': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, []),
+ 'olpcmap': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, []),
+ 'panoramio':(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, []),
+ 'local-wiki':(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, []),
+ 'wikimapia':(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, []),
+ 'add-info': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [])
+ }
+ def __init__(self, pc):
+ gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self)
+ self.ca = pc
+ self.addButt = ToolButton('add-icon')
+ self.addButt.set_tooltip(Constants.istrAddMedia)
+ self.insert(self.addButt, -1)
+ self.addButt.connect('clicked', self._addCb)
+ infoButt = ToolButton('info-marker')
+ infoButt.set_tooltip(Constants.istrAddInfo)
+ self.insert(infoButt, -1)
+ infoButt.connect('clicked', self._addInfoCb)
+ delButt = ToolButton('delete-icon')
+ delButt.set_tooltip(Constants.istrDeleteMedia)
+ self.insert(delButt, -1)
+ delButt.connect('clicked', self._delCb)
+ self._insertSep()
+ # add line tools
+ lineButt = ToolButton('tool-shape-line')
+ lineButt.set_tooltip(Constants.LineButton)
+ self.insert(lineButt, -1)
+ lineButt.connect('clicked', self._lineCb)
+ polyButt = ToolButton('tool-polygon')
+ polyButt.set_tooltip(Constants.PolyButton)
+ self.insert(polyButt,-1)
+ polyButt.connect('clicked', self._polyCb)
+ self._insertSep()
+ measButt = ToolButton('measure-icon')
+ measButt.set_tooltip(Constants.istrMeasure)
+ self.insert(measButt, -1)
+ measButt.connect('clicked', self._measCb)
+ self._insertSep()
+ # Maps4xo library
+ webButt = ToolButton('web-icon')
+ webButt.set_tooltip(Constants.istrWebMedia)
+ self.insert(webButt, -1)
+ webButt.connect('clicked', self._webCb)
+ # OurMaps Wiki
+ staticButt = ToolButton('static-icon')
+ staticButt.set_tooltip(Constants.istrStaticMaps)
+ self.insert(staticButt, -1)
+ staticButt.connect('clicked', self._toStaticCb)
+ panorButt = ToolButton('panoramio')
+ panorButt.set_tooltip(Constants.istrPanoramio)
+ self.insert(panorButt,-1)
+ panorButt.connect('clicked', self._toPanoramioCb)
+ lwButt = ToolButton('localwiki')
+ lwButt.set_tooltip(Constants.istrLocalWiki)
+ self.insert(lwButt,-1)
+ lwButt.connect('clicked', self._toLocalWikiCb)
+ mapiaButt = ToolButton('wikimapia')
+ mapiaButt.set_tooltip(Constants.istrWikiMapia)
+ self.insert(mapiaButt,-1)
+ mapiaButt.connect('clicked', self._toWikiMapiaCb)
+ def _insertSep( self ):
+ separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ separator.set_draw(False)
+ separator.set_expand(False)
+ separator.set_size_request(25 + Constants.ui_dim_INSET, -1)
+ self.insert( separator, -1 )
+ def _addCb(self, button):
+ self.ca.showFileLoadBlocker(True)
+ fp = FilePicker()
+ dOb = fp.show()
+ if (dOb != None):
+ if (dOb.file_path != None):
+ if(dOb.metadata['mime_type']=="video/ogg") or (dOb.metadata['mime_type']=="image/jpeg"):
+ self.emit("add-media", dOb)
+ elif(dOb.metadata['mime_type']=="audio/ogg"):
+ self.emit("add-media", dOb)
+ else:
+ self.emit("add-kml", dOb)
+ #else:
+ # self.emit("add-info")
+ self.ca.showFileLoadBlocker(False)
+ def _addInfoCb(self, button):
+ self.emit("add-info")
+ def _delCb(self, button):
+ self.emit("delete-media")
+ def _webCb(self, button):
+ self.ca.browser.load_uri("http://maptonomy.appspot.com/maps4xo?ajaxPort=" + str(self.ca.__class__.ajaxPort) + "&cometPort=" + str(self.ca.__class__.cometPort) + "&xo=true&lat=" + str(self.ca.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LAT) + "&lng=" + str(self.ca.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LNG) + "&z=" + str(self.ca.NOW_MAP_ZOOM) + "&" + Constants.istrLang )
+ def _measCb(self, button):
+ # start a measure tool (rect area or polyline) - calculation handled in HTML/JavaScript
+ self.emit("measure")
+ def _toStaticCb(self, button):
+ # Map wiki through maptonomy.appspot.com/ourmap.html
+ #self.ca.browser.load_uri("http://maptonomy.appspot.com/ourmap.html?ajaxPort=" + str(self.ca.__class__.ajaxPort) + "&cometPort=" + str(self.ca.__class__.cometPort) + "&xo=true&lat=" + str(self.ca.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LAT) + "&lng=" + str(self.ca.NOW_MAP_CENTER_LNG) + "&zoom=" + str(self.ca.NOW_MAP_ZOOM) + "&" + Constants.istrLang )
+ self.emit("olpcmap")
+ #self.ca.preComet()
+ #self.ca.cometLogic.handleOlpcMAP()
+ #self.ca.postComet()
+ def _toPanoramioCb(self, button):
+ self.emit("panoramio")
+ def _toLocalWikiCb(self, button):
+ self.emit("local-wiki")
+ def _toWikiMapiaCb(self, button):
+ self.emit("wikimapia")
+ def _lineCb(self, button):
+ self.ca.lineMode('line')
+ def _polyCb(self, button):
+ self.ca.lineMode('polygon')
+class ServerThread(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, port, logic):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.server = Server( ("", port), logic)
+ def run(self):
+ try:
+ self.server.serve_forever()
+ except:
+ self.run()
+ def stop(self):
+ #self.server.shutdown()
+ r = 2