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authorpmoxhay <pmoxhay@earthlink.net>2010-01-08 10:09:11 (GMT)
committer pmoxhay <pmoxhay@earthlink.net>2010-01-08 10:09:11 (GMT)
commitea894b526489e4c24a6bba1ea57773150b09cd06 (patch)
parentb4b36a1a7ef44c9e32ba3194cb727c503acf7798 (diff)
parent31e9e35c1d7486635a5e8401cd5a3a23b9dea3fc (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of gitorious@git.sugarlabs.org:math/mainline
2 files changed, 46 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/volumeobject.py b/volumeobject.py
index 1823050..16a74cf 100644
--- a/volumeobject.py
+++ b/volumeobject.py
@@ -72,10 +72,6 @@ class VolumeObject(MovableObject):
def calculate_volume(self):
return (math.pi * self.height / 3.0) * \
(self.lower_radius * self.lower_radius + self.lower_radius * self.upper_radius + self.upper_radius * self.upper_radius)
- #def calculate_water_volume(self):
- # return (math.pi * self.water_height / 3.0) * \
- # (self.lower_radius * self.lower_radius + self.lower_radius * self.water_upper_radius + self.water_upper_radius * self.water_upper_radius)
def calculate_water_height(self, volume):
a = (self.upper_radius - self.lower_radius)**2
@@ -93,8 +89,6 @@ class VolumeObject(MovableObject):
def fill_to_given_volume(self, volume):
self.water_height = self.calculate_water_height(volume)
- #self.water_volume = self.calculate_water_volume()
self.water_volume = volume
@@ -156,21 +150,13 @@ class VolumeObject(MovableObject):
return -pow(abs(x), 1.0/3.0)
def draw_ellipse(self, cr, x, y, width, height):
+ cr.new_sub_path()
cr.translate (x + width / 2., y)
cr.scale(width / 2., height / 2.)
cr.arc(0., 0., 1., 0., 2 * math.pi)
- def fill_ellipse(self, cr, x, y, width, height):
- cr.save()
- cr.translate (x + width / 2., y)
- cr.scale(width / 2., height / 2.)
- cr.arc(0., 0., 1., 0., 2 * math.pi)
- cr.set_source_rgb(0.37, 0.74, 1.0)
- cr.fill()
- cr.restore();
def animate(self):
if self.animated_water_volume < self.water_volume:
self.animated_water_volume = min(self.animated_water_volume + VolumeObject.FILL_RATE, self.water_volume)
@@ -191,151 +177,79 @@ class VolumeObject(MovableObject):
self.filling_from_faucet = False
def draw(self, cr):
- cr.save()
- #cr.set_source_rgb(1, 0, 1)
- #self_bounds_mn, self_bounds_mx = self.get_bounds()
- #cr.rectangle(self_bounds_mn.x, self_bounds_mn.y, self_bounds_mx.x - self_bounds_mn.x, self_bounds_mx.y - self_bounds_mn.y)
- #cr.fill()
+ cr.translate(self.pos.x, self.pos.y)
+ cr.rotate(self.angle)
cr.scale(self.scale, self.scale)
- points = [
- self.pos + Vector(-self.upper_radius, -self.height/2),
- self.pos + Vector(self.upper_radius, -self.height/2),
- self.pos + Vector(self.lower_radius, self.height/2),
- self.pos + Vector(-self.lower_radius, self.height/2) ]
- # Transform the points.
- water_points = points[:]
- water_points[0] = Vector(water_points[0].x + (self.upper_radius - self.lower_radius) * (self.height - self.animated_water_height)/float(self.height), water_points[0].y - self.height + self.animated_water_height)
- water_points[1] = Vector(water_points[1].x - (self.upper_radius - self.lower_radius) * (self.height - self.animated_water_height)/float(self.height), water_points[1].y - self.height + self.animated_water_height)
- water_points[0] = Vector(water_points[0].x, water_points[3].y - self.animated_water_height)
- water_points[1] = Vector(water_points[1].x, water_points[2].y - self.animated_water_height)
- water_points[2] = Vector(water_points[2].x, water_points[2].y)
- water_points[3] = Vector(water_points[3].x, water_points[3].y)
+ ul = Vector(-self.upper_radius, -self.height/2)
+ ur = Vector(self.upper_radius, -self.height/2)
+ lr = Vector(self.lower_radius, self.height/2)
+ ll = Vector(-self.lower_radius, self.height/2)
- # Draw the water, if any.
- cr.save()
- # Generate the shape.
- cr.move_to(water_points[0].x, water_points[0].y)
- for p in water_points:
- cr.line_to(p.x, p.y)
- cr.line_to(water_points[0].x, water_points[0].y)
- cr.close_path()
- #Draw the fill.
- cr.set_source_rgb(0.37, 0.74, 1.0)
- cr.fill()
- cr.restore()
+ if self.animated_water_height > 1:
+ t = self.animated_water_height / float(self.height)
+ water_radius = self.upper_radius*t + self.lower_radius*(1-t)
- # Fill in the lower ellipse.
- cr.save()
- if not self.animated_water_height == 0:
- #self.fill_ellipse(cr, self.pos.x - self.lower_radius, self.pos.y + self.height/2.0 - self.lower_radius/4.0, \
- # 2.0 * self.lower_radius, self.lower_radius/2.0)
- self.fill_ellipse(cr, points[3].x, points[3].y, \
- 2.0 * self.lower_radius, self.lower_radius/2.0)
- cr.restore()
+ wl = Vector(-water_radius, self.height/2 - self.animated_water_height)
+ wr = Vector(water_radius, self.height/2 - self.animated_water_height)
- water_upper_radius = self.lower_radius + self.animated_water_height * (self.upper_radius - self.lower_radius)/self.height
+ cr.set_source_rgb(0.37, 0.74, 1.0)
- # Fill in the upper ellipse.
- cr.save()
- if not self.animated_water_height == 0:
- #self.fill_ellipse(cr, self.pos.x - water_upper_radius, self.pos.y + self.height/2.0 - self.animated_water_height - water_upper_radius/4.0, \
- #2.0 * water_upper_radius, water_upper_radius/2.0)
- self.fill_ellipse(cr, water_points[0].x, water_points[0].y, \
- 2.0 * water_upper_radius, water_upper_radius/2.0)
- cr.restore()
- # Draw the upper ellipse
- if not self.animated_water_height == 0:
+ cr.line_to(wl.x, wl.y)
+ cr.line_to(wr.x, wr.y)
+ cr.line_to(lr.x, lr.y)
+ cr.line_to(ll.x, ll.y)
+ cr.close_path()
- cr.save()
+ self.draw_ellipse(cr, wl.x, wl.y, 2.0 * water_radius, water_radius/2.0)
+ self.draw_ellipse(cr, ll.x, ll.y, 2.0 * self.lower_radius, self.lower_radius/2.0)
+ cr.fill()
cr.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- #self.draw_ellipse(cr, self.pos.x - water_upper_radius, \
- # self.pos.y + self.height/2.0 - self.animated_water_height - water_upper_radius/4.0,
- # 2.0 * water_upper_radius, water_upper_radius/2.0)
- self.draw_ellipse(cr, water_points[0].x, water_points[0].y, \
- 2.0 * water_upper_radius, water_upper_radius/2.0)
+ self.draw_ellipse(cr, wl.x, wl.y, 2.0 * water_radius, water_radius/2.0)
- cr.restore()
# Draw the faucet filling.
if self.filling_from_faucet:
- stream_y = self.container.problem.faucet_object.pos.y + FaucetObject.STREAM_Y
- cr.rectangle(self.container.problem.faucet_object.pos.x + FaucetObject.STREAM_X,
- stream_y,
- FaucetObject.STREAM_WIDTH, self.pos.y + self.height/2 - self.animated_water_height - stream_y)
- #Draw the fill.
+ assert self.scale == 1.0
+ stream_x = self.container.problem.faucet_object.pos.x + FaucetObject.STREAM_X - self.pos.x
+ stream_y = self.container.problem.faucet_object.pos.y + FaucetObject.STREAM_Y - self.pos.y
+ cr.rectangle(stream_x, stream_y, FaucetObject.STREAM_WIDTH, self.height/2 - self.animated_water_height - stream_y)
cr.set_source_rgb(0.37, 0.74, 1.0)
- # Done drawing the shape of the water.
# Now draw the shape of the container.
- # Generate the shape.
- cr.move_to(points[1].x, points[1].y)
- cr.line_to(points[2].x, points[2].y)
- # Draw the outline.
- if self.selected:
- cr.set_dash((10, 10), 0)
- cr.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- cr.set_line_width(4.0)
- cr.stroke()
- # Generate the shape.
- cr.move_to(points[0].x, points[0].y)
- cr.line_to(points[3].x, points[3].y)
- # Draw the outline.
if self.selected:
cr.set_dash((10, 10), 0)
cr.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- cr.stroke()
- # Draw the lower ellipse
- cr.save()
- if self.selected:
- cr.set_dash((10, 10), 0)
- cr.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- cr.set_line_width(4.0)
- self.draw_ellipse(cr, points[3].x, points[3].y, \
- 2.0 * self.lower_radius, self.lower_radius/2.0)
- cr.stroke()
- cr.restore()
+ cr.move_to(ul.x, ul.y)
+ cr.line_to(ll.x, ll.y)
+ cr.move_to(ur.x, ur.y)
+ cr.line_to(lr.x, lr.y)
- # Draw the upper ellipse
- cr.save()
- if self.selected:
- cr.set_dash((10, 10), 0)
- cr.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- cr.set_line_width(4.0)
- self.draw_ellipse(cr, points[0].x, points[0].y, \
- 2.0 * self.upper_radius, self.upper_radius/2.0)
+ self.draw_ellipse(cr, ll.x, ll.y, 2.0 * self.lower_radius, self.lower_radius/2.0)
+ self.draw_ellipse(cr, ul.x, ul.y, 2.0 * self.upper_radius, self.upper_radius/2.0)
- cr.restore()
# Draw the symbol (capital letter representing the shape's area).
if self.symbol_visible:
cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height = cr.text_extents(self.symbol)[:4]
- cr.move_to(self.pos.x - x_bearing - width/2, self.pos.y - y_bearing - height/2)
+ cr.move_to(-x_bearing - width/2, -y_bearing - height/2)
- cr.restore()
def calculate_bounds(self):
r = max(self.upper_radius, self.lower_radius)
- halfsize = Vector(r + 2, self.height/2 + r/2 + 2) * self.scale
- self.bounds_min = self.pos * self.scale - halfsize
- self.bounds_max = self.pos * self.scale + halfsize
+ # 50 is a hack to account for a slight rotation
+ halfsize = Vector(r + 2 + 50, self.height/2 + r/2 + 2) * self.scale
+ self.bounds_min = self.pos - halfsize
+ self.bounds_max = self.pos + halfsize
# Include the stream when animating.
if self.filling_from_faucet:
diff --git a/volumeproblem.py b/volumeproblem.py
index b5a5318..6bec2c8 100644
--- a/volumeproblem.py
+++ b/volumeproblem.py
@@ -343,8 +343,10 @@ class VolumeProblem(Problem):
if self.shape2.pos.x > 250:
self.shape1.move(Vector(self.shape2.pos.x - 250, self.shape2.pos.y))
+ self.shape1.rotate(15 * math.pi/180.0)
self.shape1.move(Vector(self.shape2.pos.x + 250, self.shape2.pos.y))
+ self.shape1.rotate(15 * math.pi/180.0)
@@ -376,8 +378,10 @@ class VolumeProblem(Problem):
if self.shape1.pos.x > 250:
self.shape2.move(Vector(self.shape1.pos.x - 250, self.shape1.pos.y))
+ self.shape2.rotate(15 * math.pi/180.0)
self.shape2.move(Vector(self.shape1.pos.x + 250, self.shape1.pos.y))
+ self.shape2.rotate(15 * math.pi/180.0)
return True
@@ -398,10 +402,11 @@ class VolumeProblem(Problem):
def place_objects_in_final_positions(self):
#print "VolumeProblem: place_objects_in_final_positions called"
for o in self.container.objects:
if isinstance(o, VolumeObject):
o.scale = 0.9
+ o.angle = 0
x_left_final = 300