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path: root/race.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'race.py')
1 files changed, 461 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/race.py b/race.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fbf50a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/race.py
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+import random, os.path, math
+import util
+import pygame
+import pygame.font
+from pygame.locals import *
+play_pos = 0
+def onscreen(other_pos):
+ global play_pos
+ top = player_pos+600
+ bottom = player_pos-50
+ if other_pos > top or other_pos < bottom:
+ return 0
+ return 1
+def gen_question():
+ operator = random.randint(0,3)
+ if operator == 0:
+ #subtraction
+ first_num = random.randint(0,100)
+ second_num = random.randint(0,first_num)
+ answer = first_num-second_num
+ oper = "-"
+ elif operator == 1:
+ #addition
+ first_num = random.randint(0,100)
+ second_num = random.randint(0,100)
+ oper = "+"
+ answer = first_num+second_num
+ elif operator == 2:
+ #multiplication
+ first_num = random.randint(0,12)
+ second_num = random.randint(0,12)
+ answer = first_num*second_num
+ oper = "*"
+ elif operator == 3:
+ #division
+ answer = random.randint(1,12)
+ second_num = random.randint(1,12)
+ first_num = answer*second_num
+ oper = "/"
+ return (answer,first_num,second_num,oper)
+def run():
+ #Must initialize pygame before doing anything else
+ pygame.init()
+ random.seed()
+ display_flags = DOUBLEBUF
+ #XO laptop is 1200x900 resolution
+ width, height = 1200, 900
+ if pygame.display.mode_ok((width, height), display_flags ):
+ screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height), display_flags)
+ clock = pygame.time.Clock()
+ run = 1
+ pygame.display.set_caption('OLPC Math Game')
+ global player_pos
+ #draw grass
+ #pygame.draw.rect(screen,(0,255,0),(0,0,1200,900))
+ #draw water
+ #pygame.draw.polygon(screen,(0,131,164),((350,0),(850,0),(900,900),(300,900),(350,0)))
+ #draw gradiant
+ # x1 = 0
+ #x2 = 1200
+ #a = (0,130,165)
+ ##b = (117,181,227)
+ #b = (200,230,255)
+ #y1 = 200
+ #y2 = 900
+ #h = 700
+ #rate = (float((b[0]-a[0])/h),(float(b[1]-a[1])/h),(float(b[2]-a[2])/h))
+ #for line in range(y1,y2):
+ # color = (min(max(a[0]+(rate[0]*line),0),255),min(max(a[1]+(rate[1]*line),0),255), min(max(a[2]+(rate[2]*line),0),255))
+ # pygame.draw.line(screen,color,(x1,line),(x2,line))
+ #
+ #pygame.draw.polygon(screen,(100,255,100),((0,100),(400,100),(0,750),(0,100)))
+ #pygame.draw.polygon(screen,(100,255,100),((1200,100),(800,100),(1200,750),(1200,100)))
+ #draw sky
+ # pygame.draw.rect(screen,(100,100,255),(0,0,1200,200))
+ #redo this so we dont have to store so many, should be easy, just append each time one falls offscreen negatively
+ warning_string = "This level is a work in progress, currently you hit the buttons at the top to speed up your racer (I dont have a graphic made for it yet, so its the house on the left), to try to win a race. There is no end condition yet, and a lot of the graphics arent working quite right."
+ util.ok_box(warning_string,(400,400),600,300,screen)
+ markers = []
+ waves_array=[]
+ for i in range(0,100000):
+ y = random.randint(0,80)
+ if y==0:
+ x = random.randint(100,1000)
+ #xh = random.sample((200,1000,500),1)
+ #x = xh[0]
+ waves_array.append((x,i))
+ if i % 400 == 0 and i > 400:
+ markers.append([i,0])
+ click_button = 0
+ tick = 0
+ player_pos=0
+ bad_one_pos=0
+ bad_one_vel=4
+ player_vel=3
+ start_banner = 15
+ player_x = 500
+ player_pos_draw = 800
+ bg_image = util.load_image("lake_bg.bmp")
+ player_image = util.load_image("house2_map.bmp",1)
+ player = (player_image,(player_x,player_pos_draw))
+ wave_image = util.load_image("wave.bmp",1)
+ marker_image = util.load_image("bridge_piece3.bmp")
+ wave_rect = pygame
+ draw_list = []
+ bad_one_image = util.load_image("house_map.bmp",1)
+ bad_one = (bad_one_image,(700,800))
+ screen.blit(bg_image,(0,0))
+ #pygame.draw.line(screen,(117,184,215),(300,205),(0,800))
+ pygame.draw.line(screen,(255,255,255),(200,203),(0,800))
+ #800-203/1000-1200
+ #-597/200
+ ###questions
+ #4.N.10 Select and use appropriate operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to solve problems, including those involving money.
+ quest_rect = pygame.Rect(0,0,200,40)
+ answer_one_rect = pygame.Rect(0,40,50,60)
+ answer_two_rect = pygame.Rect(50,40,50,60)
+ answer_three_rect = pygame.Rect(100,40,50,60)
+ answer_four_rect = pygame.Rect(150,40,50,60)
+ new_question = 1
+ player_vel = 2
+ bad_one_vel = 2
+ ###
+ #pygame.draw.line(screen,(117,184,215),(900,205),(1200,800))
+ pygame.draw.line(screen,(255,255,255),(1000,203),(1200,800))
+ pygame.display.flip()
+ #print waves_array
+ #change = 1
+ #stone = [util.load_image("stonehedge_map.bmp",1),[0,400]]
+ #draw_list.append(stone)
+ while run:
+ events = pygame.event.get()
+ for event in events:
+ #User decides to exit program
+ if event.type == QUIT:
+ run = 0 #stop running
+ pygame.quit()
+ click_button = 0
+ if tick > 0:
+ tick = tick - 1
+ if tick == 0:
+ if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ (x, y) = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
+ if answer_one_rect.collidepoint((x,y)):
+ click_button = 1
+ if answer_two_rect.collidepoint((x,y)):
+ click_button = 2
+ if answer_three_rect.collidepoint((x,y)):
+ click_button = 3
+ if answer_four_rect.collidepoint((x,y)):
+ click_button = 4
+ tick+=20
+ #print click_button
+ update_rects = []
+ #figure out what we need to draw
+ #first draw over the old stuff
+ for i in draw_list:
+ screen.blit(bg_image,i[1],pygame.Rect(i[1],i[0].get_size()))
+ new_rect = pygame.Rect(i[1],i[0].get_size())
+ update_rects.append(new_rect)
+ #draw_list.append(stone)
+ # if stone[1][0] == 900:
+ # change = -1
+ # if stone[1][0] == 100 and change == -1:
+ # change = 1
+ # stone[1][0] += change
+ draw_list = []
+ #update contestants positions
+ player_plus_vel = 2
+ bad_plus_vel = 1
+ player_minus_vel = 2
+ bad_minus_vel = 1
+ if click_button != 0:
+ #print "old vel " + str(player_vel)
+ if click_button == 1:
+ if question[1] + question[2] == question[0]:
+ new_question =1
+ player_vel+= player_plus_vel
+ bad_one_vel+=bad_plus_vel
+ else:
+ player_vel-=player_minus_vel
+ bad_one_vel-= bad_minus_vel
+ if click_button == 2:
+ if question[1] - question[2] == question[0]:
+ new_question =1
+ player_vel+= player_plus_vel
+ bad_one_vel+=bad_plus_vel
+ else:
+ player_vel-=player_minus_vel
+ bad_one_vel-= bad_minus_vel
+ if click_button == 3:
+ if question[1] * question[2] == question[0]:
+ new_question =1
+ player_vel+= player_plus_vel
+ bad_one_vel+=bad_plus_vel
+ else:
+ player_vel-=player_minus_vel
+ bad_one_vel-= bad_minus_vel
+ if click_button == 4:
+ if question[1] / question[2] == question[0]:
+ new_question =1
+ player_vel+= player_plus_vel
+ bad_one_vel+=bad_plus_vel
+ else:
+ player_vel-=player_minus_vel
+ bad_one_vel-= bad_minus_vel
+ if player_vel < 0:
+ player_vel = 0
+ if bad_one_vel < 0:
+ bad_one_vel = 0
+ click_button = 0
+ # print "new vel " + str(player_vel)
+ if new_question == 1:
+ question = gen_question()
+ question_string = "" + str(question[1]) + " " + " _ " + " " + str(question[2]) + " = " + str(question[0])
+ #print question_string
+ font2 = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)
+ #rawr = util.render_textrect(question_string,font,quest_rect,(255,255,255),(0,0,0),1,1)
+ #rawr21 = (rawr,quest_rect.topleft())
+ #draw_list.append(rawr21)
+ #draw_list.append( )
+ #draw_list.append((util.render_textrect(str(question[4]),font,answer_one_rect,(255,255,255),0,1,1),answer_one_rect.topleft))
+ #draw_list.append((util.render_textrect(str(question[5]),font,answer_two_rect,(255,255,255),(0,0,0),1,1),answer_two_rect.topleft))
+ #draw_list.append((util.render_textrect(str(question[6]),font,answer_three_rect,(255,255,255),(0,0,0),1,1),answer_three_rect.topleft))
+ #draw_list.append((util.render_textrect(str(question[7]),font,answer_four_rect,(255,255,255),(0,0,0),1,1),answer_four_rect.topleft))
+ #screen.blit(util.render_textrect(question_string,font,quest_rect,(255,255,255),(0,0,0),1,1),quest_rect.topleft)
+ #screen.blit(util.render_textrect(str(question[4]),font,answer_one_rect,(255,255,255),(0,0,0),1,1),answer_one_rect.topleft)
+ #screen.blit(util.render_textrect(str(question[5]),font,answer_two_rect,(255,255,255),(0,0,0),1,1),answer_two_rect.topleft)
+ #screen.blit(util.render_textrect(str(question[6]),font,answer_three_rect,(255,255,255),(0,0,0),1,1),answer_three_rect.topleft)
+ #screen.blit(util.render_textrect(str(question[7]),font,answer_four_rect,(255,255,255),(0,0,0),1,1),answer_four_rect.topleft)
+ quest_string_rect = util.render_textrect(question_string,font2,quest_rect,(255,255,255),0,1)
+ font2 = pygame.font.Font(None, 72)
+ add_rect = util.render_textrect("+",font2,answer_one_rect,(255,255,255),0,1,1)
+ sub_rect = util.render_textrect("-",font2,answer_two_rect,(255,255,255),0,1,1)
+ mult_rect = util.render_textrect("*",font2,answer_three_rect,(255,255,255),0,1,1)
+ divide_rect = util.render_textrect(u"\u00F7",font2,answer_four_rect,(255,255,255),0,1,1)
+ #quest_string_rect.set_colorkey(0)
+ screen.blit(quest_string_rect,(0,0))
+ screen.blit(add_rect,answer_one_rect.topleft)
+ screen.blit(sub_rect,answer_two_rect.topleft)
+ screen.blit(mult_rect,answer_three_rect.topleft)
+ screen.blit(divide_rect,answer_four_rect.topleft)
+ pygame.draw.rect(screen,(255,0,0),answer_one_rect,5)
+ pygame.draw.rect(screen,(255,0,0),answer_two_rect,5)
+ pygame.draw.rect(screen,(255,0,0),answer_three_rect,5)
+ pygame.draw.rect(screen,(255,0,0),answer_four_rect,5)
+ #draw_list.append((utilx,quest_rect.topleft))
+ #pygame.draw.line(screen,(0,0,0),(0,0),(500,10))
+ #print "WTF"
+ pygame.display.flip()
+ #update_rects.append(quest_rect)
+ #update_rects.append(answer_one_rect)
+ #update_rects.append(answer_two_rect)
+ #update_rects.append(answer_three_rect)
+ #update_rects.append(answer_four_rect)
+ new_question = 0
+ #question_string +=
+ #player_vel = 0
+ #bad_one_vel = 0
+ player_pos=player_pos+player_vel
+ bad_one_pos = bad_one_pos+bad_one_vel
+ if bad_one_pos - player_pos > 100:
+ bad_one_vel+=1
+ if bad_one_vel - player_pos < -100:
+ bad_one_vel-=1
+ player_pos_draw = 800-player_vel
+ player = (player_image,(500,player_pos_draw))
+ if onscreen(bad_one_pos):
+ bad_one_pos_draw = 800+(player_pos-bad_one_pos)
+ bad_one = (bad_one_image,(600,bad_one_pos_draw))
+ draw_list.append(bad_one)
+ #now draw new frame
+ draw_list.append(player)
+ k = 0
+ for i in markers:
+ y_pos = i[0]
+ x_pos = i[1]
+ if onscreen(y_pos):
+ markers[k][1] += 3
+ #x_1 = 300-markers[k][1]
+ #print x_pos
+ y_loc = 800+(player_pos-y_pos)
+ font_size = 12+14*(y_loc-200)/600
+ #if font_size != 8:
+ # print font_size
+ font = pygame.font.Font(None, font_size)
+ text_rect = pygame.Rect((300-x_pos,800+(player_pos-y_pos)),(10+font_size,10+font_size))
+ text_box = util.render_textrect(str(k),font,text_rect,(255,255,255),1,1)
+ x_pos = (-1*(800+(player_pos-y_pos))+800)/3-12
+ #draw_list.append((marker_image,(x_pos,800+(player_pos-y_pos))))
+ draw_list.append((text_box,((x_pos+2,802+(player_pos-y_pos)))))
+ x_pos = (-1*(800+(player_pos-y_pos))+800)/(-3)+1200
+ #draw_list.append((marker_image,(x_pos,800+(player_pos-y_pos))))
+ draw_list.append((text_box,((x_pos+2,802+(player_pos-y_pos)))))
+ if y_pos > player_pos+800:
+ break
+ k+=1
+ for i in waves_array:
+ wave_x = i[0]
+ wave_y = i[1]
+ if onscreen(wave_y):
+ #pygame.draw.line(screen,(255,255,0),(wave_x,203),((wave_x-200)*3/2,800))
+ #print wave_x
+ if wave_x == 200 or wave_x == 600:
+ wave_x +=1
+ wave_x = int(((-1*(800+(player_pos-wave_y)))-203)/((203-800)/(-wave_x+(wave_x-200)*3.0/2.0))+wave_x)
+ if wave_x-500 > 0:
+ wave_x-=int(math.fabs(x-600)/400.0*150)
+ elif 700-wave_x>0:
+ wave_x+=int(math.fabs(x-600)/400.0*150)
+ y_loc = 800+(player_pos-wave_y)
+ size_scale = (y_loc-200)/600.0
+ #print size_scale
+ if size_scale < 0:
+ size_scale = 0
+ wave_height = 10+int(28*size_scale)
+ wave_width = 20+int(50*size_scale)
+ wave_x-=wave_width/2
+ #print wave_width
+ wave_image = pygame.Surface((wave_width,wave_height))
+ pygame.draw.ellipse(wave_image,(200,200,255),pygame.Rect((0,0),(wave_width,wave_height)))
+ pygame.draw.ellipse(wave_image,(100,255,100),pygame.Rect((0,0),(wave_width,wave_height)),5)
+ wave_image.blit(bg_image,(0,wave_height/2),pygame.Rect( (wave_x,800+(player_pos-wave_y)) ,(wave_width,3+wave_height)))
+ wave_image.set_alpha(100)
+ wave_image.set_colorkey(wave_image.get_at((0, 0)))
+ #wave_image_2 = scaleUp(wave_image,50+((800+(player_pos-wave_y))-203)/(900-203)*50)
+ draw_list.append((wave_image,(wave_x,800+(player_pos-wave_y))))
+ #if wave_x - player_pos < 600 and wave_x - player_pos > -100:
+ # draw_list.append(((wave_image),(wave_x,wave_y),(wave_image.get_size())))
+ if i[1] > player_pos+800:
+ break
+ #pygame.draw.line(screen,(117,184,215),(300,205),(0,800))
+ pygame.draw.line(screen,(255,255,255),(200,205),(0,800))
+ #pygame.draw.line(screen,(117,184,215),(900,205),(1200,800))
+ pygame.draw.line(screen,(255,255,255),(1000,205),(1200,800))
+ for i in draw_list:
+ screen.blit(i[0],(i[1]))
+ #new_rect = pygame.Rect(b,c)
+ new_rect = pygame.Rect(i[1],i[0].get_size())
+ update_rects.append(new_rect)
+ #pygame.display.flip()
+ #print "updating rects"
+ pygame.display.update(update_rects)
+ clock.tick(40) #limits to 40 FPS
+def main():
+ run()
+#runs main if called via other naming convention
+if __name__ == '__main__': main()