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path: root/devtools/CompleteTestKit/fileTypeTests.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 478 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/CompleteTestKit/fileTypeTests.py b/devtools/CompleteTestKit/fileTypeTests.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 303eb5e..0000000
--- a/devtools/CompleteTestKit/fileTypeTests.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-from datetime import datetime
-import sys,time,pygame,re
-print "\n\nLoading..."
-The file type array will be iterated through as the test progresses to tell the program what extension and path to use for the images
-Current issue is the fact that the attributes declared in the upper method is not being seen or involved in the inner methods
-ergo, I must manually pass the details to and from the getValues(keyIn) to the other method objects. I will probably do this
-in-line, if it allows me, as I call the other objects. This should get interesting. Actually, that would call the getValues as many
-times as I have requested a test, defeating the purpose of having a module that collects data pertenent to these tests once before
-the tests are run; so i will run the getVal() return the data in an array which is then passed onto all def's thereafter.
-preferences[0] - All Tests -
- [0][0] - screenWidth
- [0][1] - screenHeight
- [0][2] - images
- [0][3] - trials
- [0][9] - file to write to...
-preferences[1] - speedTest Specific
- None currenlty inplimented
-preferences[2] - scaleTest Specific
- [2][0] - scale x
- [2][1] - scale y
-def getValues(keyIn):
- preferences={}
- print "\nTest Details\nFor default values, please leave the field blank"
- preferences[0]={}
- try:
- print "\nSet size, formatted as '>width,height':"
- print "Default value is '600,400'."
- screenSize = str(raw_input('>>>'))
- screenSize = screenSize.split(',')
- preferences[0][0] = int(screenSize[0])
- preferences[0][1] = int(screenSize[1])
- except:
- print "Value was erroneous/blank, Default set..."
- preferences[0][0]=600
- preferences[0][1]=400
- try:
- print "\nHow many images would you like to draw?"
- print "Default value is 5 images."
- preferences[0][2]=int(raw_input('>>>'))
- except:
- print "Value was erroneous/blank, Default set..."
- preferences[0][2]=5
- try:
- print "\nHow many trials would you like to run?"
- print "Default value is 5 trials."
- preferences[0][3]=int(raw_input('>>>'))
- except:
- print "Value was erroneous/blank, Default set..."
- preferences[0][3]=5
- if '2' in keyIn:
- preferences[2]={}
- try:
- print "\nWhat would you like to scale the images to in the scalability test? (format as '>width,height', in pixels)"
- print "NOTE: Scalability test is built to resize from 160x160, 80x80, 69x69 and 40x40 pixel sizes"
- sizeTo = raw_input(">>>").split(',')
- preferences[2][0] = int(sizeTo[0])
- preferences[2][1] = int(sizeTo[1])
- except:
- print "Value was erroneous/blank, Default set..."
- preferences[2][0] = 40
- preferences[2][1] = 40
- print "END OF INFO GATHERING - Testing beginning now...\n"
- return preferences
-'''Image() Animation Test
-This test will simply load the image(s) to screen, and move them around to
-create a CPU stressful environment. The performance of the CPU in this
-environment is measured in the average frame rate demonstrated in a sample of
-500 frames. Once this test is completed and written to file, the test is rerun
-using surface.convert() to see if converting all of the different file types
-will consequentially even out the framerates between tests.
-def imgTest(preferences):
- ftArr=[
- [".bmp","./art/BMP16/"], [".bmp","./art/BMP24/"] , [".bmp","./art/BMP32/"],
- [".gif","./art/GIF/" ] , [".gif","./art/GIFT/" ] , [ ".jpg","./art/JPG1/"],
- [".jpg","./art/JPG2/"] , [".jpg","./art/JPG3/" ] , [ ".jpg","./art/JPG4/"],
- [".png","./art/PNGI/"] , [".png","./art/PNGT/" ]
- ]
- screenWidth = preferences[0][0]
- screenHeight = preferences[0][1]
- numImages = preferences[0][2]
- maxTrial = preferences[0][3]
- try:
- f=preferences[0][9]
- except:
- f=preferences[0][9]=open('./logs/Test Results - %s.csv'%str(datetime.now()),'a')
- f.write("\n\nSpeed Test - "+str(datetime.now()))
- f.write(",Width (pixels)"+','+"Height (pixels)"+','+"Trial Runs"+','+"Image Objects Drawn")
- f.write("\n,"+str(screenWidth)+','+str(screenHeight)+','+str(maxTrial)+','+str(numImages))
- f.write("\nFile Type"+','+"Time taken to load images to memory"+','+"Trials (frames per second)")
- ft="" #filetype
- img={}
- r=0 #frame refreshes
- i=1 #cycles images
- t=0 #trial number n
- print "width,height",
- print screenWidth,
- print ",",
- print screenHeight
- screen = pygame.display.set_mode( [int(screenWidth),int(screenHeight)] ) #Screen Set 600x400
- background = 152, 251, 152 # pale green
- while 1:
- cnt=numImages
- try:ft=ftArr[t]
- except:
- print "\nTest Complete\n"
- break
- f.seek(0,2)
- f.write(str('\n'+ft[1]+' Speed Test'))
- f.seek(0,2)
- start=time.time()
- imgSwitch={
- 1: pygame.image.load("%s2%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])),
- 2: pygame.image.load("%s3%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])),
- 3: pygame.image.load("%s4%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])),
- 4: pygame.image.load("%s5%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])),
- 5: pygame.image.load("%s6%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])),
- 6: pygame.image.load("%s7%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])),
- 7: pygame.image.load("%s8%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])),
- 8: pygame.image.load("%s9%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])),
- }
- f.write(',')
- f.write(str(time.time()-start))
- #print time.time()-start()
- print "Speed Test: "+ft[1]+" extension "+ft[0]
- trial=maxTrial
- while trial>0:
- while cnt>0:
- img[cnt,0]= pygame.image.load("%s1%s"%(ft[1],ft[0]))
- img[cnt,1]= img[cnt,0].get_rect()
- img[cnt,2]= [2,2] #speed
- m=cnt*40 # named m cause i wanted some m&ms
- img[cnt,1]=img[cnt,1].move(m,m) #see? (it wasn't as tasty though)
- cnt=cnt-1
- r=0
- start=time.time()
- while 1:
- cnt=numImages
- while cnt>0:
- print cnt
- img[cnt,0]=imgSwitch.get(i,None)
- if img[cnt,1].left < 0 or img[cnt,1].right > screenWidth:
- img[cnt,2]=[ -img[cnt,2][0], img[cnt,2][1] ]
- if img[cnt,1].top < 0 or img[cnt,1].bottom > screenHeight:
- img[cnt,2]=[ img[cnt,2][0], -img[cnt,2][1] ]
- img[cnt,1] = img[cnt,1].move(img[cnt,2])
- screen.blit(img[cnt,0],img[cnt,1])
- cnt=cnt-1
- pygame.display.flip()
- i=i+1
- if i>8: i=1
- screen.fill(background)
- r=r+1
- if r>500: break
- print 1/((time.time()-start)/r)
- f.seek(0,2)
- f.write(','+str(1/((time.time()-start)/r)))
- trial=trial-1
- t=t+1
- ft="" #filetype
- img={}
- r=0 #frame refreshes
- i=1 #cycles images
- t=0 #trial number n
- f.write("\n\nNow using .convert()")
- f.write("\nFile Type"+','+"Time taken to load images to memory"+','+"Trials (frames per second)")
- ft="" #filetype
- img={}
- r=0 #frame refreshes
- i=1 #cycles images
- t=0 #trial number n
- screen = pygame.display.set_mode( [screenWidth,screenHeight] ) #Screen Set 600x400
- background = 152, 251, 152 # pale green
- while 1:
- cnt=numImages
- try:ft=ftArr[t]
- except:
- print "\nTest Complete\n"
- break
- f.seek(0,2)
- f.write(str('\n'+ft[1]+' Speed convert() Test'))
- f.seek(0,2)
- start=time.time()
- imgSwitch={
- 1: pygame.image.load("%s2%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),
- 2: pygame.image.load("%s3%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),
- 3: pygame.image.load("%s4%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),
- 4: pygame.image.load("%s5%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),
- 5: pygame.image.load("%s6%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),
- 6: pygame.image.load("%s7%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),
- 7: pygame.image.load("%s8%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),
- 8: pygame.image.load("%s9%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),
- }
- f.write(',')
- f.write( str(time.time()-start) )
- print "Convert Test: "+ft[1]+" extension "+ft[0]
- trial=maxTrial
- while trial>0:
- while cnt>0:
- img[cnt,0]= pygame.image.load("%s1%s"%(ft[1],ft[0]))
- img[cnt,1]= img[cnt,0].get_rect()
- img[cnt,2]= [2,2] #speed
- m=cnt*40 # named m cause i wanted some m&ms
- img[cnt,1]=img[cnt,1].move(m,m) #see? (it wasn't as tasty though)
- cnt=cnt-1
- r=0
- start=time.time()
- while 1:
- cnt=numImages
- while cnt>0:
- img[cnt,0]=imgSwitch.get(i,None)
- if img[cnt,1].left < 0 or img[cnt,1].right > screenWidth:
- img[cnt,2]=[ -img[cnt,2][0], img[cnt,2][1] ]
- if img[cnt,1].top < 0 or img[cnt,1].bottom > screenHeight:
- img[cnt,2]=[ img[cnt,2][0], -img[cnt,2][1] ]
- img[cnt,1] = img[cnt,1].move(img[cnt,2])
- screen.blit(img[cnt,0],img[cnt,1])
- cnt=cnt-1
- pygame.display.flip()
- i=i+1
- if i>8: i=1
- screen.fill(background)
- r=r+1
- if r>500: break
- print 1/((time.time()-start)/r)
- f.seek(0,2)
- f.write(','+str(1/((time.time()-start)/r)))
- trial=trial-1
- t=t+1
-'''Scalability Test
-The scalability test is still very much hard coded and not very elegant, but
-this is a theme with all our code.
-The pseudo-code goes as follows:
-Gather in varaibles such as how many trials, images to draw on screen, and what
-to resize the 160, 80, 69, and 40 pixel square images to.
-Then the code will generate the lists reflecting which directories to access
-and their associated filetypes and finally there are loops to cycle through
-trials where 500 frames of n moving images are placed onto the screen after
-they are transform.scale()'d and convert()'d
-Last step, information is printed to the terminal and, once implemented, to
-a .csv file in the logs directory.
-def scaleTest(preferences):
-# delete these 3 lines when tests have proven program functional
-#make=input("How many images would you like to load?\n>") numImages
-#trial=input("How many runs per trial?\n>")
-#sizeTo=input("What would you like to resize to? Seperate with a comma, eg: x,y\n>" )
- sizeTo = [ preferences[2][0],preferences[2][1] ]
- screenWidth = preferences[0][0]
- screenHeight = preferences[0][1]
- numImages = preferences[0][2]
- maxTrial = preferences[0][3]
- try:
- f=preferences[0][9]
- except:
- f=preferences[0][9]=open('./logs/Test Results - %s.csv'%str(datetime.now()),'a')
- img={}
- ft="" #filetype
- r=0 #frame refreshes
- i=1 #cycles images
- size = screenWidth,screenHeight
- t=0 #trial number n
- colorkey=(255, 152, 0)
-# paths to and extensions for image files to be turned into surfaces
- ftArr=[
- [".bmp","art/BMP16/BMP16100/"] ,
- [".bmp","art/BMP16/BMP16173/"] ,
- [".bmp","art/BMP16/BMP16200/"] ,
- [".bmp","art/BMP16/BMP16400/"] ,
- [".bmp","art/BMP24/BMP24100/"] ,
- [".bmp","art/BMP24/BMP24173/"] ,
- [".bmp","art/BMP24/BMP24200/"] ,
- [".bmp","art/BMP24/BMP24400/"] ,
- [".gif","art/GIF/GIF100/"] ,
- [".gif","art/GIF/GIF173/"] ,
- [".gif","art/GIF/GIF200/"] ,
- [".gif","art/GIF/GIF400/"] ,
- [".gif","art/GIFT/GIFT100/"] ,
- [".gif","art/GIFT/GIFT173/"] ,
- [".gif","art/GIFT/GIFT200/"] ,
- [".gif","art/GIFT/GIFT400/"] ,
- [".png","art/PNGI/PNG100/"] ,
- [".png","art/PNGI/PNG173/"] ,
- [".png","art/PNGI/PNG200/"] ,
- [".png","art/PNGI/PNG400/"] ,
- [".png","art/PNGT/PNGT100/"] ,
- [".png","art/PNGT/PNGT173/"] ,
- [".png","art/PNGT/PNGT200/"] ,
- [".png","art/PNGT/PNGT400/"] ]
- f.write("\n\nScaling Test"+str(datetime.now()))
- f.write(",Width (pixels)"+','+"Height (pixels)"+','+"Trial Runs"+','+"Image Objects Drawn")
- f.write("\n,"+str(screenWidth)+','+str(screenHeight)+','+str(maxTrial)+','+str(numImages))
- f.write("\nFile Type"+','+"Time taken to load images to memory"+','+"Trials (frames per second)")
- screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
- background = 152, 251, 152 # pale green
- #23456789123456789212345678931234567894123456789512345678961234567897123456789*
- # This is the beginning of the actual test loops; this program is a very rough
- # learning exercise which we desire to polish to such a state that it can be
- # used to accurately benchmark the XO laptop's speed capabilities
- while 1:
- cnt=numImages
- try:ft=ftArr[t]
- except:
- print "\nTest Complete\n"
- break
- print "Scale Test: "+ft[1]+" extension "+ft[0]
- trialthis=maxTrial
- f.seek(0,2)
- f.write(str('\n'+ft[1]+' Scale Test'))
- f.seek(0,2)
- start=time.time()
- # This timer will reflect the time taken to load and resize images in memory
- switcher = {
- # This is also where we need advise regarding implementing convert()
- 1: pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load("%s2%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),(sizeTo[0],sizeTo[1] )),
- 2: pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load("%s3%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),(sizeTo[0],sizeTo[1] )),
- 3: pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load("%s4%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),(sizeTo[0],sizeTo[1] )),
- 4: pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load("%s5%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),(sizeTo[0],sizeTo[1] )),
- 5: pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load("%s6%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),(sizeTo[0],sizeTo[1] )),
- 6: pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load("%s7%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),(sizeTo[0],sizeTo[1] )),
- 7: pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load("%s8%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),(sizeTo[0],sizeTo[1] )),
- 8: pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load("%s9%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),(sizeTo[0],sizeTo[1] )),
- 9: pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load("%s1%s"%(ft[1],ft[0])).convert(),(sizeTo[0],sizeTo[1] ))
- }
- f.write(',')
- f.write( str(time.time()-start) )
- # Here ends the loading section, and hereafter we jump into the main loop
- while trialthis>0:
- while cnt>0:
- # establish the initial state for the images of the next trial
- img[cnt,0]= pygame.image.load("%s1%s"%(ft[1],ft[0]))
- img[cnt,0]= pygame.transform.scale(img[cnt,0],(sizeTo[0], sizeTo[1]))
- img[cnt,1]= img[cnt,0].get_rect()
- img[cnt,2]= [2,2] #speed
- m=cnt*40
- # Here I move images to avoid indistinguishable stacks of image rectangles
- img[cnt,1]=img[cnt,1].move(m,m)
- cnt=cnt-1
- r=0
- start=time.time()
- while 1:
- # This loop is the 'main event' so to speak, as it is the section that is
- # measured in terms of frames per second
- cnt=numImages # For each 'ball' icon loaded
- while cnt>0: # Cycle and check if the 'ball' should bounce off the wall
- img[cnt,0]=switcher.get(i,None)
- if img[cnt,1].left < 0 or img[cnt,1].right > screenWidth:
- img[cnt,2]=[ -img[cnt,2][0], img[cnt,2][1] ]
- if img[cnt,1].top < 0 or img[cnt,1].bottom > screenHeight:
- img[cnt,2]=[ img[cnt,2][0], -img[cnt,2][1] ]
- img[cnt,1] = img[cnt,1].move(img[cnt,2])
- # Move the 'ball' image accordingly, plot the change
- screen.blit(img[cnt,0],img[cnt,1])
- cnt=cnt-1
- pygame.display.flip()
- # "Make it so, number two," on those changes above
- i=i+1
- if i>8: i=1
- screen.fill(background)
- r=r+1
- if r>500: break
- # After 500 frames, we print the average frame rate to the terminal
- print 1/((time.time()-start)/r)
- f.seek(0,2)
- f.write(','+str(1/((time.time()-start)/r)))
- trialthis=trialthis-1
- preferences[0][9]=f
- t=t+1
-def rotateTest():
- pass
-while 1:
- print "\n\nWelcome to the master File Type Tester Interface"
- print "Authors: Scott 'JT' Mengel and Dave Silverman"
- print "\nPlease select the test(s) you want to run in the order you want to run them (Do not seperate them with any characters)."
- print "Please Note: The logs for the tests you are running will automatically be placed in the 'logs/' directory in the test folder as a .csv file. \n"
- print "1. image.load() surface speed test (with and without surface.convert() testing)"
- print "2. transform.scale() surface Selected Scalability Test"
- print "3. transform.rotate() tests"
- print "Other menu options to come!\n"
- acceptible='^[1-3]$'
- list={ 1:imgTest,
- 2:scaleTest,
- 3:rotateTest }
- keyIn="temp val"
- while 1:
- keyIn=str(raw_input(">>>"))
- if keyin.
- for i in keyIn:
- if not re.search(acceptible,i): break
- else:
- preferences=dict(getValues(keyIn))
- for i in keyIn:
- list.get(int(i))(preferences)
- break
- break
-while 1:
- pygame.display.set_caption("Test 1 : %s (Referred)" %(ftArr[run][2]) )
- # myimage[0] is the convert()'ed image surface, to remain untouched
- myimage = [
- pygame.Surface.convert(pygame.image.load( "%s%s" %( ftArr[run][1],ftArr[run][0] ) )) ,
- pygame.Surface.convert(pygame.image.load( "%s%s" %( ftArr[run][1],ftArr[run][0] ) )),
- pygame.Surface.convert(pygame.image.load( "%s%s" %( ftArr[run][1],ftArr[run][0] ) )).get_rect() ,
- 0
- ]
- iterate=0
- print "\nTest 1 : Same image referred evey time (original image not edited).\n"
- while iterate<36:
- time.sleep(.5)
- start=time.time()
- myimage[3]= int( myimage[3] ) + 10
- myimage[1]=pygame.transform.rotate(myimage[0],myimage[3])
- myimage[2]=myimage[1].get_rect()
- screen.fill(BLACK)
- screen.blit( myimage[1] ,
- ( -( myimage[1].get_width() - myimage[0].get_width() )/2 ,
- -( myimage[1].get_height()-myimage[0].get_height() )/2 ) )
- pygame.display.flip()