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path: root/help/en/bash/diff3.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'help/en/bash/diff3.html')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/help/en/bash/diff3.html b/help/en/bash/diff3.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2daa924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/en/bash/diff3.html
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
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+</div> <!-- #EndLibraryItem --><h1>diff3</h1>
+<p>Show differences among three files.<br>
+ When two people have made independent changes to a common original, `diff3'
+ can report the differences between the original and the two changed versions,
+ and can produce a merged file that contains both persons' changes together with
+ warnings about conflicts.<br>
+ The files to compare are MINE, OLDER, and YOURS. At most one of these three
+ file names may be `-', which tells `diff3' to read the standard input for that
+ file.<br>
+ diff3 [<i>options</i>] <i>mine older yours</i>
+ Treat all files as text and compare them line-by-line, even if they
+ do not appear to be text.
+ Incorporate all changes from OLDER to YOURS into MINE, surrounding
+ all conflicts with bracket lines. *Note Marking Conflicts::.
+ Generate an `ed' script that incorporates all the changes from
+ OLDER to YOURS into MINE. *Note Which Changes::.
+ Like `-e', except bracket lines from overlapping changes' first
+ and third files. *Note Marking Conflicts::. With `-e', an
+ overlapping change looks like this:
+ <<<<<<< MINE
+ lines from MINE
+ =======
+ lines from YOURS
+ >>>>>>> YOURS
+ Generate an `ed' script that incorporates all the changes from
+ OLDER to YOURS into MINE. *Note Which Changes::.
+ Like `-e', except output only the nonoverlapping changes. *Note
+ Which Changes::.
+ Generate `w' and `q' commands at the end of the `ed' script for
+ System V compatibility. This option must be combined with one of
+ the `-AeExX3' options, and may not be combined with `-m'. *Note
+ Saving the Changed File::.
+ Output a tab rather than two spaces before the text of a line in
+ normal format. This causes the alignment of tabs in the line to
+ look normal. *Note Tabs::.
+ Use the label LABEL for the brackets output by the `-A', `-E' and
+ `-X' options. This option may be given up to three times, one for
+ each input file. The default labels are the names of the input
+ files. Thus `diff3 -L X -L Y -L Z -m A B C' acts like `diff3 -m A
+ B C', except that the output looks like it came from files named
+ `X', `Y' and `Z' rather than from files named `A', `B' and `C'.
+ *Note Marking Conflicts::.
+ Apply the edit script to the first file and send the result to
+ standard output. Unlike piping the output from `diff3' to `ed',
+ this works even for binary files and incomplete lines. `-A' is
+ assumed if no edit script option is specified. *Note Bypassing
+ ed::.
+ Like `-e', except output only the overlapping changes. *Note
+ Which Changes::.
+ Incorporate all unmerged changes from OLDER to YOURS into MINE,
+ surrounding all overlapping changes with bracket lines. *Note
+ Marking Conflicts::.
+ Like `-e', except bracket lines from overlapping changes' first
+ and third files. *Note Marking Conflicts::.
+ Output a tab rather than two spaces before the text of a line in
+ normal format. This causes the alignment of tabs in the line to
+ look normal. *Note Tabs::.
+ Treat all files as text and compare them line-by-line, even if they
+ do not appear to be text. *Note Binary::.
+ Output the version number of `diff3'.
+ Like `-e', except output only the overlapping changes. *Note
+ Which Changes::.
+ Like `-E', except output only the overlapping changes. In other
+ words, like `-x', except bracket changes as in `-E'. *Note
+ Marking Conflicts::.
+ Like `-e', except output only the nonoverlapping changes. </pre>
+<p> <b>Notes</b><br>
+ `diff3' normally compares three input files line
+ by line, finds groups of lines that differ, and reports each group of differing
+ lines. Its output is designed to make it easy to inspect two different sets
+ of changes to the same file. <br>
+ <br>
+ If `diff3' thinks that any of the files it is comparing is binary (a non-text
+ file), it normally reports an error, because such comparisons are usually not
+ useful. As with `diff', you can force `diff3' to consider all files to be text
+ files and compare them line by line by using the `-a' or `--text' options. <br>
+ <b><br>
+ </b>Multiple single letter options (unless they take an argument) can be combined
+ into a single command line argument.</p>
+<p>An exit status of 0 means diff3 was successful, 1 means some conflicts
+ were found, and 2 means trouble.</p>
+<p> <i>"One person can make a difference and every person must try"
+ ~ John
+ F. Kennedy</i></p>
+<p><b>Related bash commands</b>:<br>
+ <br>
+ <a href="cmp.html">cmp</a> - Compare two files<br>
+ <a href="diff.html">diff</a> - Display the differences between two files <br>
+ <a href="sdiff.html">sdiff</a> - merge two files interactively<br>
+Equivalent Windows commands: <a href="../term_tools/nt/comp.html">COMP</a> / <a href="../term_tools/nt/fc.html">FC</a> - Compare and display Characters/Lines which do not match.<br>
+(also the WINDIFF GUI)</p>
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