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path: root/slideshow.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'slideshow.py')
1 files changed, 594 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/slideshow.py b/slideshow.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bc878c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slideshow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+# -*- mode:python; tab-width:4; indent-tabs-mode:t; -*-
+# slideshow.py
+# Classes to represent a deck of slides, and handle things like file I/O and
+# formats
+# B. Mayton <bmayton@cs.washington.edu>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+import os
+import gtk
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import gobject
+import logging
+from path import path
+from sugar.activity import activity
+class Deck(gobject.GObject):
+ __gsignals__ = {
+ 'slide-changed' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()),
+ 'slide-redraw' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()),
+ 'remove-path' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT,)),
+ 'deck-changed' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()),
+ 'local-ink-added' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_STRING,)),
+ 'remote-ink-added' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_STRING,)),
+ 'instr-state-propagate' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN,)),
+ 'lock-state-propagate' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN,)),
+ 'ink-submitted' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING)),
+ 'ink-broadcast' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
+ (gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING)),
+ 'update-submissions' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT,)),
+ 'instructor-ink-cleared' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT,)),
+ 'instructor-ink-removed' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_INT)),
+ }
+ def __init__(self, base="/nfs/show"):
+ gobject.GObject.__init__(self)
+ self.__logger = logging.getLogger('Deck')
+ self.__base = base
+ self.__is_initiating = True
+ self.__nav_locked = False
+ self.__active_sub = -1
+ self.__self_text = ""
+ self.__text_tag = None
+ # Compute the path to the deck.xml file and read it if it exists;
+ # otherwise we'll create a new XML Document
+ self.__xmlpath = os.path.join(base, "deck.xml")
+ self.reload()
+ def set_locked_mode(self, locked):
+ """ Setter method for the navigation lock flag"""
+ self.__logger.debug("Lock state: " +str(locked))
+ self.__nav_locked = locked
+ self.emit('lock-state-propagate', locked)
+ def set_is_initiating(self, is_init):
+ """ Setter method for the instructor flag """
+ self.__logger.debug("Instructor state: " +str(is_init))
+ self.__is_initiating = is_init
+ self.emit('instr-state-propagate', is_init)
+ def getIsInitiating(self):
+ return self.__is_initiating
+ def set_title(self, title):
+ self.__title = title
+ def get_title(self):
+ print 'get_title', self.__title
+ if len(self.__title) > 0:
+ return self.__title
+ else:
+ return "no title"
+ def reload(self):
+ self.__logger.debug("Reading deck")
+ if os.path.exists(self.__xmlpath):
+ self.__dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.__xmlpath)
+ else:
+ self.__dom = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
+ # Look for the root deck element; create it if it's not there
+ decks = self.__dom.getElementsByTagName("deck")
+ if len(decks) > 0:
+ self.__deck = decks[0]
+ nodes = self.__dom.getElementsByTagName("title")
+ if len(nodes) > 0:
+ self.__title = nodes[0].firstChild.data
+ else:
+ self.__deck = self.__dom.createElement("deck")
+ self.__dom.appendChild(self.__deck)
+ self.__title = 'new'
+ title = self.__dom.createElement("title")
+ title.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(self.__title))
+ self.__deck.appendChild(title)
+ splash = self.__dom.createElement("slide")
+ layer = self.__dom.createElement("layer")
+ layer.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode("splash.svg"))
+ splash.appendChild(layer)
+ self.__deck.appendChild(splash)
+ print "Deck.__title=", self.__title
+ # Get the slides from the show
+ self.__slides = self.__deck.getElementsByTagName("slide")
+ self.__nslides = len(self.__slides)
+ self.__logger.debug(str(self.__nslides) + " slides in show")
+ self.goToIndex(0, is_local=False)
+ self.emit("deck-changed")
+ def save(self, path=None):
+ """Writes the XML DOM in memory out to disk"""
+ if not path:
+ path = self.__xmlpath
+ outfile = open(path, "w")
+ self.__dom.writexml(outfile)
+ outfile.close()
+ def rebuild_dom(self, title, slides):
+ dom = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
+ deck = dom.createElement("deck")
+ title = dom.createElement("title")
+ title.appendChild(dom.createTextNode("new"))
+ deck.appendChild(title)
+ for slide in slides:
+ deck.appendChild(slide)
+ dom.appendChild(deck)
+ return dom
+ def getDeckPath(self):
+ """Returns the path to the folder that stores this slide deck"""
+ return self.__base
+ def resizeImage(self, inpath, outpath, w, h):
+ # resize an image
+ pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(inpath, w, h)
+ #scaled_buf = pixbuf.scale.simple(w, h, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
+ pixbuf.save(outpath, "png")
+ def addSlide(self,file_path):
+ INSTANCE = path(activity.get_activity_root()) / 'instance'
+ filepath = path(file_path)
+ print 'addSlide file_path', filepath.exists(), filepath
+ filename = filepath.name
+ inpath = INSTANCE / 'deck' / filename
+ print 'inpath', inpath.exists(), inpath
+ path.copy(filepath, inpath)
+ outpath = path(activity.get_activity_root() ) / 'instance' / 'deck' / filename
+ print 'outpath=', outpath.exists(), outpath
+ self.resizeImage(inpath, outpath, 640, 480)
+ print 'outpath=', outpath.exists(), outpath
+ print 'get slide dimensions'
+ dims = self.getSlideDimensionsFromXML(0)
+ if dims == False:
+ wf = 640
+ hf = 480
+ else:
+ wf, hf = dims
+ w = str(int(wf))
+ h = str(int(hf))
+ print 'add slide', w, h
+ newslide = self.__dom.createElement("slide")
+ newslide.setAttribute("height", h)
+ newslide.setAttribute("title", "newslide")
+ newslide.setAttribute("width", w)
+ newlayer = self.__dom.createElement("layer")
+ txt = self.__dom.createTextNode(filename)
+ newlayer.appendChild(txt)
+ newslide.appendChild(newlayer)
+ self.__deck.appendChild(newslide)
+ print 'added slide', self.__dom.toxml()
+ self.save()
+ def removeSlide(self, n):
+ del self.__slides[n]
+ self.__dom = self.rebuild_dom("modified deck", self.__slides)
+ def moveSlide(self, f, t):
+ if f < t:
+ self.__slides.insert(t, self.__slides[f])
+ del self.__slides[f]
+ elif t < f:
+ self.__slides.insert(t, self.__slides[f])
+ del self.__slides[f+1]
+ self.__dom = self.rebuild_dom("modified deck", self.__slides)
+ def getSlideLayers(self, n=-1):
+ """Returns a list of the layers that comprise this slide"""
+ if n == -1:
+ n = self.__pos
+ slide = self.__slides[n]
+ self.__layers = slide.getElementsByTagName("layer")
+ layers = []
+ for l in self.__layers:
+ p = os.path.join(self.__base, l.firstChild.nodeValue)
+ layers.append(p)
+ return layers
+ def getInstructorInk(self):
+ self.__instructor_ink = []
+ instr = self.__slide.getElementsByTagName("instructor")
+ if len(instr) > 0:
+ self.__instructor_tag = instr[0]
+ pathtags = self.__instructor_tag.getElementsByTagName("path")
+ for pathstr in pathtags:
+ self.__instructor_ink.append(pathstr.firstChild.nodeValue)
+ return self.__instructor_ink
+ def getSelfInkOrSubmission(self):
+ if self.__active_sub == -1:
+ return (self.__self_ink, self.__self_text)
+ subtags = self.__slide.getElementsByTagName("submission")
+ if self.__active_sub > -1 and self.__active_sub < len(subtags):
+ active_subtag = subtags[self.__active_sub]
+ text = ""
+ texts = active_subtag.getElementsByTagName("text")
+ if len(texts) > 0:
+ if texts[0].firstChild:
+ text = texts[0].firstChild.nodeValue
+ pathlist = []
+ paths = active_subtag.getElementsByTagName("path")
+ for path in paths:
+ if path.firstChild:
+ pathlist.append(path.firstChild.nodeValue)
+ return (pathlist, text)
+ return None
+ def setActiveSubmission(self, sub):
+ self.__active_sub = sub
+ self.emit('slide-redraw')
+ def getActiveSubmission(self):
+ return self.__active_sub
+ def getSubmissionList(self, n=None):
+ if n is None:
+ n = self.__pos
+ subtags = self.__slide.getElementsByTagName("submission")
+ sublist = []
+ for subtag in subtags:
+ sublist.append(subtag.getAttribute("from"))
+ return sublist
+ def addSubmission(self, whofrom, inks, text="", n=None):
+ if n is None:
+ n = self.__pos
+ if n >= 0 and n < self.getSlideCount():
+ slide = self.__slides[n]
+ else:
+ slide = self.__slides[self.__pos]
+ newsub = self.__dom.createElement("submission")
+ newsub.setAttribute("from", whofrom)
+ substrparts = inks.split("$")
+ for part in substrparts:
+ if len(part) > 0:
+ newpath = self.__dom.createElement("path")
+ newpath.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(part))
+ newsub.appendChild(newpath)
+ subtext = self.__dom.createElement("text")
+ subtext.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(text))
+ newsub.appendChild(subtext)
+ subs = slide.getElementsByTagName("submission")
+ for sub in subs:
+ if sub.getAttribute("from") == whofrom:
+ slide.removeChild(sub)
+ slide.appendChild(newsub)
+ subs = slide.getElementsByTagName("submission")
+ if n == self.__pos:
+ self.emit('update-submissions', len(subs) - 1)
+ def addInkToSlide(self, pathstr, islocal, n=None):
+ """Adds ink to the current slide, or slide n if given. Instructor ink may be added to any slide;
+ but it only makes sense to add student ink to the current slide (n will be ignored)"""
+ if n is None:
+ slide = self.__slide
+ instr_tag = self.__instructor_tag
+ if instr_tag == None:
+ instr_tag = self.__dom.createElement("instructor")
+ slide.appendChild(instr_tag)
+ self.__instructor_tag = instr_tag
+ else:
+ if n < self.getSlideCount and n >= 0:
+ slide = self.__slides[n]
+ else:
+ slide = self.__slides[self.__pos]
+ instr_tags = slide.getElementsByTagName("instructor")
+ if len(instr_tags) > 0:
+ instr_tag = instr_tags[0]
+ else:
+ instr_tag = self.__dom.createElement("instructor")
+ slide.appendChild(instr_tag)
+ if not islocal or self.__is_initiating:
+ self.__instructor_ink.append(pathstr)
+ path = self.__dom.createElement("path")
+ path.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(pathstr))
+ instr_tag.appendChild(path)
+ else:
+ self.__self_ink.append(pathstr)
+ if not self.__self_ink_tag:
+ self.__self_ink_tag = self.__dom.createElement("self")
+ self.__slide.appendChild(self.__self_ink_tag)
+ path = self.__dom.createElement("path")
+ path.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(pathstr))
+ self.__self_ink_tag.appendChild(path)
+ if islocal:
+ self.emit("local-ink-added", pathstr)
+ else:
+ if n is None or n == self.__pos:
+ self.emit("remote-ink-added", pathstr)
+ def clearInk(self, n=None):
+ if n is None:
+ n = self.__pos
+ slide = self.__slides[n]
+ if self.__is_initiating:
+ self.clearInstructorInk(n)
+ self.emit('instructor-ink-cleared', n)
+ self_tags = slide.getElementsByTagName("self")
+ for self_tag in self_tags:
+ slide.removeChild(self_tag)
+ self.__self_ink = []
+ self.__self_ink_tag = None
+ def clearInstructorInk(self, n=None):
+ if n is None:
+ n = self.__pos
+ slide = self.__slides[n]
+ instructor_tags = slide.getElementsByTagName("instructor")
+ for instructor_tag in instructor_tags:
+ slide.removeChild(instructor_tag)
+ if n == self.__pos:
+ self.__instructor_ink = []
+ self.__instructor_tag = None
+ self.emit('slide-redraw')
+ def removeInstructorPathByUID(self, uid, n=None):
+ if n is None:
+ n = self.__pos
+ needs_redraw = False
+ slide = self.__slides[n]
+ instructor_tags = slide.getElementsByTagName("instructor")
+ if len(instructor_tags) > 0:
+ instructor_tag = instructor_tags[0]
+ else:
+ return
+ path_tags = instructor_tag.getElementsByTagName("path")
+ for path_tag in path_tags:
+ if path_tag.firstChild:
+ pathstr = path_tag.firstChild.nodeValue
+ path_uid = 0
+ try:
+ path_uid = int(pathstr[0:pathstr.find(';')])
+ except Exception, e:
+ pass
+ if path_uid == uid:
+ instructor_tag.removeChild(path_tag)
+ needs_redraw = True
+ if n == self.__pos and needs_redraw:
+ self.emit('remove-path', uid)
+ def removeLocalPathByUID(self, uid, n=None):
+ if n is None:
+ n = self.__pos
+ slide = self.__slides[n]
+ if self.__is_initiating:
+ self.emit('instructor_ink_removed', uid, n)
+ tags = slide.getElementsByTagName("instructor")
+ else:
+ tags = slide.getElementsByTagName("self")
+ if len(tags) > 0:
+ tag = tags[0]
+ else:
+ return
+ path_tags = tag.getElementsByTagName("path")
+ for path_tag in path_tags:
+ if path_tag.firstChild:
+ pathstr = path_tag.firstChild.nodeValue
+ path_uid = 0
+ try:
+ path_uid = int(pathstr[0:pathstr.find(';')])
+ except Exception, e:
+ pass
+ if path_uid == uid:
+ tag.removeChild(path_tag)
+ def doSubmit(self):
+ inks, text, whofrom = self.getSerializedInkSubmission()
+ self.__logger.debug("Submitting ink: " + str(inks) + " text: " + text)
+ self.emit('ink-submitted', inks, text)
+ def doBroadcast(self):
+ inks, text, whofrom = self.getSerializedInkSubmission()
+ self.emit('ink-broadcast', whofrom, inks, text)
+ def getSerializedInkSubmission(self):
+ sub = ""
+ text = ""
+ if self.__active_sub == -1:
+ self_tags = self.__slide.getElementsByTagName("self")
+ if len(self_tags) > 0:
+ texts = self_tags[0].getElementsByTagName("text")
+ if len(texts) > 0:
+ if texts[0].firstChild:
+ text = texts[0].firstChild.nodeValue
+ for path in self_tags[0].getElementsByTagName("path"):
+ sub = sub + path.firstChild.nodeValue + "$"
+ return sub, text, "myself"
+ else:
+ sub = ""
+ whofrom = "unknown"
+ subtags = self.__slide.getElementsByTagName("submission")
+ if self.__active_sub > -1 and self.__active_sub < len(subtags):
+ active_subtag = subtags[self.__active_sub]
+ text = ""
+ whofrom = active_subtag.getAttribute("from")
+ texts = active_subtag.getElementsByTagName("text")
+ if len(texts) > 0:
+ if texts[0].firstChild:
+ text = texts[0].firstChild.nodeValue
+ pathlist = []
+ paths = active_subtag.getElementsByTagName("path")
+ for path in paths:
+ if path.firstChild:
+ sub = sub + path.firstChild.nodeValue + "$"
+ return sub, text, whofrom
+ def getSlideThumb(self, n=-1):
+ """Returns the full path to the thumbnail for this slide if it is defined; otherwise False"""
+ if n == -1:
+ n = self.__pos
+ slide = self.__slides[n]
+ thumbs = slide.getElementsByTagName("thumb")
+ if len(thumbs) < 1:
+ return False
+ return os.path.join(self.__base, thumbs[0].firstChild.nodeValue)
+ def setSlideThumb(self, filename, n=-1):
+ """Sets the thumbnail for this slide to filename (provide a *relative* path!)"""
+ if n == -1:
+ n = self.__pos
+ slide = self.__slides[n]
+ thumbs = slide.getElementsByTagName("thumb")
+ for t in thumbs:
+ slide.removeChild(t)
+ thumb = self.__dom.createElement("thumb")
+ thumb.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(filename))
+ slide.appendChild(thumb)
+ def getSlideClip(self, n=-1):
+ """Returns the full path to the audio clip for this slide if it is defined; otherwise False"""
+ if n == -1:
+ n = self.__pos
+ slide = self.__slides[n]
+ clip = slide.getElementsByTagName("clip")
+ if len(clip) < 1:
+ return False
+ return os.path.join(self.__base, clip[0].firstChild.nodeValue)
+ def setSlideClip(self, filename, n=-1):
+ """Sets the clip for this slide to filename (provide a *relative* path!)"""
+ if n == -1:
+ n = self.__pos
+ slide = self.__slides[n]
+ clips = slide.getElementsByTagName("clip")
+ for clip in clips:
+ slide.removeChild(clip)
+ thumb = self.__dom.createElement("clip")
+ thumb.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(filename))
+ slide.appendChild(thumb)
+ def setSlideText(self, textval):
+ self.__self_text = textval
+ if self.__text_tag:
+ if self.__text_tag.firstChild:
+ self.__text_tag.firstChild.nodeValue = textval
+ else:
+ self.__text_tag.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(textval))
+ def doNewIndex(self):
+ """Updates any necessary state associated with moving to a new slide"""
+ self.__slide = self.__slides[self.__pos]
+ self_ink = self.__slide.getElementsByTagName("self")
+ self.__instructor_tag = None
+ self.__self_ink_tag = None
+ self.__instructor_ink = []
+ self.__self_ink = []
+ self.__self_text = ""
+ self.__text_tag = None
+ self.__active_sub = -1
+ if len(self_ink) > 0:
+ self.__self_ink_tag = self_ink[0]
+ texttags = self.__self_ink_tag.getElementsByTagName("text")
+ if len(texttags) > 0:
+ self.__text_tag = texttags[0]
+ else:
+ self.__text_tag = self.__dom.createElement(text)
+ self.__text_tag.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(""))
+ self.__self_ink_tag.appendChild(text)
+ pathtags = self.__self_ink_tag.getElementsByTagName("path")
+ for pathstr in pathtags:
+ self.__self_ink.append(pathstr.firstChild.nodeValue)
+ else:
+ self.__self_ink_tag = self.__dom.createElement("self")
+ self.__slide.appendChild(self.__self_ink_tag)
+ self.__text_tag = self.__dom.createElement("text")
+ self.__text_tag.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(""))
+ self.__self_ink_tag.appendChild(self.__text_tag)
+ if self.__text_tag.firstChild:
+ self.__self_text = self.__text_tag.firstChild.nodeValue
+ self.emit("slide-changed")
+ self.emit("update-submissions", self.__active_sub)
+ self.emit("slide-redraw")
+ def goToIndex(self, index, is_local):
+ """Jumps to the slide at the given index, if it's valid"""
+ self.__logger.debug("Trying to change slides: locked? %u, instructor? %u, is_local? %u",
+ self.__nav_locked, self.__is_initiating, is_local)
+ in_range = index < self.__nslides and index >= 0
+ if (self.__is_initiating or not is_local or not self.__nav_locked) and in_range:
+ self.__logger.debug("Changing slide to index: %u", index)
+ self.__pos = index
+ self.doNewIndex()
+ else:
+ self.__pos = index
+ print 'invalid index', index
+ def getIndex(self):
+ """Returns the index of the current slide"""
+ return self.__pos
+ def next(self):
+ """Moves to the next slide"""
+ self.goToIndex(self.__pos + 1, is_local=True)
+ def previous(self):
+ """Moves to the previous slide"""
+ self.goToIndex(self.__pos - 1, is_local=True)
+ def isAtBeginning(self):
+ """Returns true if show is on the first slide in the deck"""
+ if self.__nslides < 1:
+ return True
+ if self.__pos == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def isAtEnd(self):
+ """Returns true if the show is at the last slide in the deck"""
+ if self.__nslides < 1:
+ return True
+ if self.__pos == self.__nslides - 1:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def getSlideDimensionsFromXML(self, n=-1):
+ """Returns the dimensions for the slide at index n, if they're specified"""
+ if n == -1:
+ n = self.__pos
+ slide = self.__slides[n]
+ wstring = slide.getAttribute("width")
+ hstring = slide.getAttribute("height")
+ if wstring != '' and hstring != '':
+ return [float(wstring), float(hstring)]
+ return False
+ def getSlideCount(self):
+ return self.__nslides