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path: root/pycha/polygonal.py
diff options
authorAgustin Zubiaga <aguzubiaga97@gmail.com>2012-01-21 03:07:43 (GMT)
committer Agustin Zubiaga <aguzubiaga97@gmail.com>2012-01-21 03:07:43 (GMT)
commit2d3266e0ff6c20ad65cc8b0ea842097276e2a5a8 (patch)
tree979d8e2d933c704e88503f06cb1090fff24a1892 /pycha/polygonal.py
parentd6132743eeb60c683c89e6dd8a4d27b5816ce00d (diff)
Pycha module added, icons added, charts.py file added, simplegraph now can create a bar chart
Diffstat (limited to 'pycha/polygonal.py')
1 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pycha/polygonal.py b/pycha/polygonal.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b470c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycha/polygonal.py
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+# Copyright(c) 2011 by Roberto Garcia Carvajal <roberpot@gmail.com>
+# This file is part of PyCha.
+# PyCha is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# PyCha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with PyCha. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import math
+import cairo
+from pycha.chart import Chart
+from pycha.line import Point
+from pycha.color import hex2rgb
+from pycha.utils import safe_unicode
+class PolygonalChart(Chart):
+ def __init__(self, surface=None, options={}):
+ super(PolygonalChart, self).__init__(surface, options)
+ self.points = []
+ def _updateChart(self):
+ """Evaluates measures for polygonal charts"""
+ self.points = []
+ for i, (name, store) in enumerate(self.datasets):
+ for item in store:
+ xval, yval = item
+ x = (xval - self.minxval) * self.xscale
+ y = 1.0 - (yval - self.minyval) * self.yscale
+ point = Point(x, y, xval, yval, name)
+ if 0.0 <= point.x <= 1.0 and 0.0 <= point.y <= 1.0:
+ self.points.append(point)
+ def _renderBackground(self, cx):
+ """Renders the background area of the chart"""
+ if self.options.background.hide:
+ return
+ cx.save()
+ if self.options.background.baseColor:
+ cx.set_source_rgb(*hex2rgb(self.options.background.baseColor))
+ cx.paint()
+ if self.options.background.chartColor:
+ cx.set_source_rgb(*hex2rgb(self.options.background.chartColor))
+ cx.set_line_width(10.0)
+ cx.new_path()
+ init = None
+ count = len(self.xticks)
+ for index, tick in enumerate(self.xticks):
+ ang = math.pi / 2 - index * 2 * math.pi / count
+ x = (self.layout.chart.x + self.layout.chart.w / 2
+ - math.cos(ang)
+ * min(self.layout.chart.w / 2, self.layout.chart.h / 2))
+ y = (self.layout.chart.y + self.layout.chart.h / 2
+ - math.sin(ang)
+ * min(self.layout.chart.w / 2, self.layout.chart.h / 2))
+ if init is None:
+ cx.move_to(x, y)
+ init = (x, y)
+ else:
+ cx.line_to(x, y)
+ cx.line_to(init[0], init[1])
+ cx.close_path()
+ cx.fill()
+ if self.options.background.lineColor:
+ cx.set_source_rgb(*hex2rgb(self.options.background.lineColor))
+ cx.set_line_width(self.options.axis.lineWidth)
+ self._renderLines(cx)
+ cx.restore()
+ def _renderLine(self, cx, tick, horiz):
+ """Aux function for _renderLines"""
+ rad = (self.layout.chart.h / 2) * (1 - tick[0])
+ cx.new_path()
+ init = None
+ count = len(self.xticks)
+ for index, tick in enumerate(self.xticks):
+ ang = math.pi / 2 - index * 2 * math.pi / count
+ x = (self.layout.chart.x + self.layout.chart.w / 2
+ - math.cos(ang) * rad)
+ y = (self.layout.chart.y + self.layout.chart.h / 2
+ - math.sin(ang) * rad)
+ if init is None:
+ cx.move_to(x, y)
+ init = (x, y)
+ else:
+ cx.line_to(x, y)
+ cx.line_to(init[0], init[1])
+ cx.close_path()
+ cx.stroke()
+ def _renderXAxis(self, cx):
+ """Draws the horizontal line representing the X axis"""
+ count = len(self.xticks)
+ centerx = self.layout.chart.x + self.layout.chart.w / 2
+ centery = self.layout.chart.y + self.layout.chart.h / 2
+ for i in range(0, count):
+ offset1 = i * 2 * math.pi / count
+ offset = math.pi / 2 - offset1
+ rad = self.layout.chart.h / 2
+ (r1, r2) = (0, rad + 5)
+ x1 = centerx - math.cos(offset) * r1
+ x2 = centerx - math.cos(offset) * r2
+ y1 = centery - math.sin(offset) * r1
+ y2 = centery - math.sin(offset) * r2
+ cx.new_path()
+ cx.move_to(x1, y1)
+ cx.line_to(x2, y2)
+ cx.close_path()
+ cx.stroke()
+ def _renderYTick(self, cx, tick, center):
+ """Aux method for _renderAxis"""
+ i = tick
+ tick = self.yticks[i]
+ count = len(self.yticks)
+ if callable(tick):
+ return
+ x = center[0]
+ y = center[1] - i * (self.layout.chart.h / 2) / count
+ cx.new_path()
+ cx.move_to(x, y)
+ cx.line_to(x - self.options.axis.tickSize, y)
+ cx.close_path()
+ cx.stroke()
+ cx.select_font_face(self.options.axis.tickFont,
+ cx.set_font_size(self.options.axis.tickFontSize)
+ label = safe_unicode(tick[1], self.options.encoding)
+ extents = cx.text_extents(label)
+ labelWidth = extents[2]
+ labelHeight = extents[3]
+ if self.options.axis.y.rotate:
+ radians = math.radians(self.options.axis.y.rotate)
+ cx.move_to(x - self.options.axis.tickSize
+ - (labelWidth * math.cos(radians))
+ - 4,
+ y + (labelWidth * math.sin(radians))
+ + labelHeight / (2.0 / math.cos(radians)))
+ cx.rotate(-radians)
+ cx.show_text(label)
+ cx.rotate(radians) # this is probably faster than a save/restore
+ else:
+ cx.move_to(x - self.options.axis.tickSize - labelWidth - 4,
+ y + labelHeight / 2.0)
+ cx.rel_move_to(0.0, -labelHeight / 2.0)
+ cx.show_text(label)
+ return label
+ def _renderYAxis(self, cx):
+ """Draws the vertical line for the Y axis"""
+ centerx = self.layout.chart.x + self.layout.chart.w / 2
+ centery = self.layout.chart.y + self.layout.chart.h / 2
+ offset = math.pi / 2
+ r1 = self.layout.chart.h / 2
+ x1 = centerx - math.cos(offset) * r1
+ y1 = centery - math.sin(offset) * r1
+ cx.new_path()
+ cx.move_to(centerx, centery)
+ cx.line_to(x1, y1)
+ cx.close_path()
+ cx.stroke()
+ def _renderAxis(self, cx):
+ """Renders axis"""
+ if self.options.axis.x.hide and self.options.axis.y.hide:
+ return
+ cx.save()
+ cx.set_source_rgb(*hex2rgb(self.options.axis.lineColor))
+ cx.set_line_width(self.options.axis.lineWidth)
+ centerx = self.layout.chart.x + self.layout.chart.w / 2
+ centery = self.layout.chart.y + self.layout.chart.h / 2
+ if not self.options.axis.y.hide:
+ if self.yticks:
+ count = len(self.yticks)
+ for i in range(0, count):
+ self._renderYTick(cx, i, (centerx, centery))
+ if self.options.axis.y.label:
+ self._renderYAxisLabel(cx, self.options.axis.y.label)
+ self._renderYAxis(cx)
+ if not self.options.axis.x.hide:
+ fontAscent = cx.font_extents()[0]
+ if self.xticks:
+ count = len(self.xticks)
+ for i in range(0, count):
+ self._renderXTick(cx, i, fontAscent, (centerx, centery))
+ if self.options.axis.x.label:
+ self._renderXAxisLabel(cx, self.options.axis.x.label)
+ self._renderXAxis(cx)
+ cx.restore()
+ def _renderXTick(self, cx, i, fontAscent, center):
+ tick = self.xticks[i]
+ if callable(tick):
+ return
+ count = len(self.xticks)
+ cx.select_font_face(self.options.axis.tickFont,
+ cx.set_font_size(self.options.axis.tickFontSize)
+ label = safe_unicode(tick[1], self.options.encoding)
+ extents = cx.text_extents(label)
+ labelWidth = extents[2]
+ labelHeight = extents[3]
+ x, y = center
+ cx.move_to(x, y)
+ if self.options.axis.x.rotate:
+ radians = math.radians(self.options.axis.x.rotate)
+ cx.move_to(x - (labelHeight * math.cos(radians)),
+ y + self.options.axis.tickSize
+ + (labelHeight * math.cos(radians))
+ + 4.0)
+ cx.rotate(radians)
+ cx.show_text(label)
+ cx.rotate(-radians)
+ else:
+ offset1 = i * 2 * math.pi / count
+ offset = math.pi / 2 - offset1
+ rad = self.layout.chart.h / 2 + 10
+ x = center[0] - math.cos(offset) * rad
+ y = center[1] - math.sin(offset) * rad
+ cx.move_to(x, y)
+ cx.rotate(offset - math.pi / 2)
+ if math.sin(offset) < 0.0:
+ cx.rotate(math.pi)
+ cx.rel_move_to(0.0, 5.0)
+ cx.rel_move_to(-labelWidth / 2.0, 0)
+ cx.show_text(label)
+ if math.sin(offset) < 0.0:
+ cx.rotate(-math.pi)
+ cx.rotate(-(offset - math.pi / 2))
+ return label
+ def _renderChart(self, cx):
+ """Renders a polygonal chart"""
+ # draw the polygon.
+ def preparePath(storeName):
+ cx.new_path()
+ firstPoint = True
+ count = len(self.points) / len(self.datasets)
+ centerx = self.layout.chart.x + self.layout.chart.w / 2
+ centery = self.layout.chart.y + self.layout.chart.h / 2
+ firstPointCoord = None
+ for index, point in enumerate(self.points):
+ if point.name == storeName:
+ offset1 = index * 2 * math.pi / count
+ offset = math.pi / 2 - offset1
+ rad = (self.layout.chart.h / 2) * (1 - point.y)
+ x = centerx - math.cos(offset) * rad
+ y = centery - math.sin(offset) * rad
+ if firstPointCoord is None:
+ firstPointCoord = (x, y)
+ if not self.options.shouldFill and firstPoint:
+ # starts the first point of the line
+ cx.move_to(x, y)
+ firstPoint = False
+ continue
+ cx.line_to(x, y)
+ if not firstPointCoord is None:
+ cx.line_to(firstPointCoord[0], firstPointCoord[1])
+ if self.options.shouldFill:
+ # Close the path to the start point
+ y = ((1.0 - self.origin)
+ * self.layout.chart.h + self.layout.chart.y)
+ else:
+ cx.set_source_rgb(*self.colorScheme[storeName])
+ cx.stroke()
+ cx.save()
+ cx.set_line_width(self.options.stroke.width)
+ if self.options.shouldFill:
+ def drawLine(storeName):
+ if self.options.stroke.shadow:
+ # draw shadow
+ cx.save()
+ cx.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)
+ cx.translate(2, -2)
+ preparePath(storeName)
+ cx.fill()
+ cx.restore()
+ # fill the line
+ cx.set_source_rgb(*self.colorScheme[storeName])
+ preparePath(storeName)
+ cx.fill()
+ if not self.options.stroke.hide:
+ # draw stroke
+ cx.set_source_rgb(*hex2rgb(self.options.stroke.color))
+ preparePath(storeName)
+ cx.stroke()
+ # draw the lines
+ for key in self._getDatasetsKeys():
+ drawLine(key)
+ else:
+ for key in self._getDatasetsKeys():
+ preparePath(key)
+ cx.restore()