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path: root/site/app/controllers/collections_controller.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'site/app/controllers/collections_controller.php')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 910 deletions
diff --git a/site/app/controllers/collections_controller.php b/site/app/controllers/collections_controller.php
index e9b7bfd..da80d85 100644
--- a/site/app/controllers/collections_controller.php
+++ b/site/app/controllers/collections_controller.php
@@ -39,705 +39,75 @@
class CollectionsController extends AppController
var $name = 'Collections';
- var $beforeFilter = array('checkCSRF', 'getNamedArgs', '_checkSandbox', 'checkAdvancedSearch');
- var $uses = array('Addon', 'AddonCollection', 'Application', 'Collection', 'File',
- 'Platform', 'Preview', 'Translation', 'Version');
- var $components = array('Amo', 'CollectionsListing', 'Developers', 'Error', 'Helper', 'Image', 'Pagination', 'Session');
- var $actionHelpers = array('Html');
- var $helpers = array('Html', 'Link', 'Listing', 'Time', 'Localization', 'Pagination', 'Number', 'Form');
+ var $beforeFilter = array('checkCSRF', 'getNamedArgs', '_checkSandbox');
+ var $uses = array('Addon', 'AddonTag', 'Addontype', 'Application',
+ 'Feature', 'File', 'Platform', 'Preview', 'Tag', 'Translation',
+ 'Review', 'Version', 'Collection');
+ var $components = array('Amo', 'Image', 'Pagination', 'Session', 'Userfunc', 'Search');
+ var $helpers = array('Html', 'Link', 'Time', 'Localization', 'Ajax', 'Number', 'Pagination');
var $exceptionCSRF = array("/collections/install");
var $namedArgs = true;
var $securityLevel = 'low';
function beforeFilter() {
- $this->layout='mozilla';
- $this->publish('collapse_categories', true);
- $this->publish('collectionSearch', true);
- $this->pageTitle = 'Collections' . " :: " . sprintf(_('addons_home_pagetitle'), APP_PRETTYNAME);
- $this->publish('jsAdd', array('jquery.autocomplete.pack.js'), false);
// Disable ACLs because this controller is entirely public.
$this->SimpleAuth->enabled = false;
$this->SimpleAcl->enabled = false;
- // disable query caching so devcp changes are visible immediately
- if ($this->Session->check('User')) {
- foreach ($this->uses as $_model) {
- $this->$_model->caching = false;
- }
- }
- $this->publish('jsAdd', array('amo2009/collections', 'jquery-ui/jqModal.js'));
+ $this->layout='mozilla';
+ $this->publish('collapse_categories', true);
+ $this->pageTitle = 'Collections' . " :: " . sprintf(_('addons_home_pagetitle'), APP_PRETTYNAME);
function index() {
- /* TODO: preserve get params */
- $this->redirect('/collections/editors_picks');
- function _listing($collections, $pagination_options=array()) {
- $ids = array();
- foreach ($collections as $c) $ids[] = $c['Collection']['id'];
- $collections = $this->CollectionsListing->fetchPage($ids, $pagination_options);
- list($sort_opts, $sortby) = $this->CollectionsListing->sorting();
- $this->publish('sort_opts', $sort_opts);
- $this->publish('sortby', $sortby);
- $this->publish('collections', $collections);
- $this->set('tabs', $this->_collectionTabs());
- // if a collection was just deleted, show success message
- $this->publish('collection_deleted', $this->Session->delete('collection_deleted'), false);
- $this->publish('breadcrumbs', array(
- sprintf(___('addons_home_pagetitle'), APP_PRETTYNAME) => '/',
- ));
- $this->render('listing');
- }
- function _collectionTabs() {
- $tabs = array(
- array('href' => 'editors_picks',
- 'text' => ___('collections_index_li_editors')),
- array('href' => 'popular',
- 'text' => ___('collections_index_li_popular')),
- );
- if ($this->Session->check('User')) {
- $tabs = array_merge($tabs, array(
- array('href' => 'mine',
- 'text' => ___('collections_index_li_mine')),
- array('href' => 'favorites',
- 'text' => ___('collections_index_li_favorites')),
- ));
- }
- return $tabs;
- }
- function editors_picks() {
- $this->set('selected', 'editors_picks');
- $conditions = array('Collection.collection_type' => Collection::COLLECTION_TYPE_EDITORSPICK,
- 'Collection.listed' => 1);
- $this->Collection->unbindFully();
- $collections = $this->Collection->findAll($conditions, 'Collection.id');
- $this->_listing($collections);
- }
- function popular() {
- $this->set('selected', 'popular');
- $this->Collection->unbindFully();
- $collections = $this->Collection->findAll(array('Collection.listed' => 1),
- 'Collection.id');
- $pagination = array('sortBy' => 'subscribers DESC');
- $this->_listing($collections, $pagination);
- }
- function mine() {
- $this->Amo->checkLoggedIn();
- $this->set('selected', 'mine');
- $this->set('filler', sprintf(___('collections_index_filler_mine'),
- $this->Html->url('/collections/add')));
- $user = $this->Session->read('User');
- $collections = $this->Collection->execute(
- "SELECT Collection.id
- FROM collections AS Collection JOIN collections_users
- ON Collection.id = collections_users.collection_id
- WHERE collections_users.user_id = " . $user['id']);
- $this->_listing($collections);
- }
- function favorites() {
- $this->Amo->checkLoggedIn();
- $this->set('selected', 'favorites');
- $this->set('filler', sprintf(___('collections_index_filler_favorites'),
- $this->Html->url('/pages/collector')));
- $user = $this->Session->read('User');
- $collections = $this->Collection->execute(
- "SELECT Collection.id
- FROM collections AS Collection JOIN collection_subscriptions
- ON Collection.id = collection_subscriptions.collection_id
- WHERE collection_subscriptions.user_id = " . $user['id']);
- $this->_listing($collections);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a collection if POSTed to, otherwise shows a collection creation form
- */
- function add() {
- $this->Amo->checkLoggedIn(); // must be logged in
- // view setup
- $this->layout = 'amo2009'; // TODO: remove this when the entire controller is amo2009-based
- $this->set('bodyclass', 'inverse collections-page');
- $this->publish('jsAdd', array('jquery.autocomplete.pack.js'));
- $this->publish('breadcrumbs', array(
- sprintf(___('addons_home_pagetitle'), APP_PRETTYNAME) => '/',
- ___('collections_breadcrumb') => '/collections'
- ));
- $initial_addons = array();
- if (!empty($this->params['url']['addons'])) {
- $_init_ids = explode(',', $this->params['url']['addons']);
- foreach ($_init_ids as &$_init_id) {
- if (!is_numeric($_init_id)) continue;
- $_addon = $this->Addon->getAddon($_init_id);
- if (empty($_addon)) continue;
- $initial_addons[] = array(
- 'id' => $_addon['Addon']['id'],
- 'name' => $_addon['Translation']['name']['string'],
- 'preview' => $this->Image->getAddonIconURL($_init_id)
- );
- }
- }
- $this->publish('initial_addons', $initial_addons);
- if (isset($this->data['Collection'])) {
- // clean up whitespace
- $this->data['Collection']['name'] = trim($this->data['Collection']['name']);
- $this->data['Collection']['description'] = trim($this->data['Collection']['description']);
- $user = $this->Session->read('User');
- $this->data['Collection']['user_id'] = $user['id'];
- $this->data['Collection']['application_id'] = APP_ID; // defaults to current app
- $this->data['Collection']['defaultlocale'] = LANG; // defaults to current lang
- $data = $this->data['Collection'];
- $this->Amo->clean($data);
- if ($this->Collection->save($data)) {
- $collectionid = $this->Collection->id; // new collection id
- $_coll = $this->Collection->findById($collectionid, array('Collection.uuid'));
- $this->Collection->addUser($this->Collection->id, $user['id'], COLLECTION_ROLE_OWNER);
- if (!empty($this->params['form']['addons'])) {
- // add-ons preselected
- $this->Amo->clean($this->params['form']['addons']);
- foreach ($this->params['form']['addons'] as &$addon) {
- $this->Collection->addAddonToCollection($collectionid, $user['id'], $addon);
- }
- }
- $this->Session->write('collection_created', $collectionid);
- $this->redirect("/collections/view/{$_coll['Collection']['uuid']}");
- return;
- } else {
- $this->set('form_errors', true);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Non-JS only: Adds an add-on to a collection, then redirects to display page
- */
- function addtocollection() {
- $this->Amo->checkLoggedIn(); // must be logged in
- if (empty($this->data['addon_id']) || empty($this->data['collection_uuid'])) {
- $this->flash(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'addon_id or collection_id'), '/', 3);
- return;
- }
- // create new collection if requested
- if ($this->data['collection_uuid'] == 'new') {
- if (is_array($this->data['addon_id']))
- $addonids = implode(',', $this->data['addon_id']);
- else
- $addonids = $this->data['addon_id'];
- $addonids = urlencode($addonids);
- $this->redirect("/collections/add/?addons={$addonids}");
+ function display($id = NULL) {
+ $this->set('jsAdd', array('jquery-ui/ui.core.min.js', 'jquery-ui/ui.accordion.min.js', 'jquery-ui/jqModal.js'));
+ $this->Amo->clean($id);
+ if (!$id || !is_numeric($id)) {
+ $this->flash(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'collection_id'), '/', 3);
- $this->Amo->clean($this->data);
- $addon_id = $this->data['addon_id'];
- $collection_id = $this->Collection->getIdForUUID($this->data['collection_uuid']);
- if (!is_numeric($addon_id) || !$collection_id) {
- $this->flash(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'addon_id or collection_id'), '/', 3);
+ $_conditions = array(
+ 'Collection.id' => $id,
+ 'Collection.listed' => 1,
+ );
+ $this->Collection->unbindFully();
+ $collection = $this->Collection->find($_conditions, null, null, 1);
+ if($collection == null) {
+ $this->flash(_('collection_not_found'), '/', 3);
- $user = $this->Session->read('User');
- $added = $this->Collection->addAddonToCollection($collection_id, $user['id'], $addon_id);
- // go to add-on's display page and display success message
- $this->Session->write('collection_addon_added', $this->data['collection_uuid']);
- $this->redirect("/addon/{$addon_id}");
- return;
- }
- function _getSortedAddons($collection_id) {
- $sort_options = array(
- 'date-added' => ___('collections_detail_sort_date'),
- 'name' => ___('collections_detail_sort_name'),
- 'popularity' => ___('collections_detail_sort_popularity')
- );
- // Fetch #1. What's in the collection?
- $addonIds = $this->Addon->getAddonsFromCollection($collection_id);
- // Set up pagination
- $this->Pagination->total = count($addonIds);
- $this->Pagination->show = 7;
- list($order, $limit, $page) = $this->Pagination->init();
- // Default sorting is by date added to Collection.
- if (isset($_GET['sortby']) && array_key_exists($_GET['sortby'], $sort_options)) {
- $sortby = $_GET['sortby'];
- } else {
- $sortby = 'date-added';
- }
- // Fetch #2. Sort and fetch paged addon ids.
- if ($sortby == 'date-added') {
- $field = 'addons_collections.added DESC';
- $extra = 'JOIN addons_collections ON Addon.id = addons_collections.addon_id';
- $pagedIds = $this->Addon->sorted($addonIds, $field, $limit, $page, $extra);
- } else {
- if ($sortby == 'popularity') {
- $field = 'weeklydownloads DESC';
- } else if ($sortby == 'name') {
- $field = 'name';
- }
- $pagedIds = $this->Addon->sorted($addonIds, $field, $limit, $page);
- }
- // Fetch #3! Pull useful addon data this time.
- $addons = $this->Addon->getAddonList($pagedIds,array(
+ $addonIds = $this->Addon->getAddonsFromCollection($id);
+ $addons = $this->Addon->getAddonList($addonIds,array(
'all_tags', 'authors', 'compatible_apps', 'files', 'latest_version',
foreach($addons as &$addon) {
- $a = &$addon['Addon'];
- // Get publish details for each add-on
- $publishDetails = $this->Addon->getCollectionPublishDetails($a['id'], $collection_id);
- $a = array_merge($a, $publishDetails);
- }
- return array($addons, $sort_options, $sortby);
- }
- function view($uuid = NULL) {
- if (!$uuid) {
- $this->flash(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'collection_id'), '/', 3);
- return;
+ $addonId = $addon['Addon']['id'];
+ $addon['Addon']['dateadded'] = $this->Addon->getDateAddedToCollection($addonId, $id);
- $id = $this->Collection->getIdForUuidOrNickname($uuid);
- if (!$id) {
- $this->flash(_('collection_not_found'), '/', 3);
- return;
- }
- $_conditions['Collection.id'] = $id;
- $collection = $this->Collection->find($_conditions, null, null, 1);
- list($addons, $sort_options, $sortby) = $this->_getSortedAddons($collection['Collection']['id']);
$this->publish('addons', $addons);
$this->publish('collection', $collection);
- $this->publish('sort_options', $sort_options);
- $this->publish('sortby', $sortby);
$this->pageTitle = $collection['Translation']['name']['string'] . " :: " . sprintf(_('addons_home_pagetitle'), APP_PRETTYNAME);
- // User-specific stuff.
- if ($this->Session->check('User')) {
- $user = $this->Session->read('User');
- $is_subscribed = $this->Collection->isSubscribed($id, $user['id']);
- if ($is_subscribed) {
- $action = $this->Collection->getUnsubscribeUrl();
- } else {
- $action = $this->Collection->getSubscribeUrl();
- }
- $this->publish('is_subscribed', $is_subscribed);
- $this->publish('subscribe_action', $action);
- $this->_getUserRights($user, $id);
- } else {
- // Use 0 as a dummy user.
- $this->_getUserRights(array('id' => 0), $id);
- }
- // was the collection just created? show success message
- $collection_created = $this->Session->read('collection_created');
- if ($collection_created == $id) $this->Session->delete('collection_created');
- $this->publish('collection_created', ($collection_created == $id));
- $rss_url = sprintf('/collection/%s?format=rss', $collection['Collection']['uuid']);
- $this->publish('rssAdd', array(
- array($rss_url,
- sprintf(___('collection_detail_rss_title'),
- $collection['Translation']['name']['string']))
- ));
if (isset($_GET['format']) && $_GET['format'] == 'rss') {
- $this->publish('atom_self', $rss_url);
$this->publish('rss_title', $collection['Translation']['name']['string']);
$this->publish('rss_description', $collection['Translation']['description']['string']);
- return $this->render('rss/collection', 'rss');
- }
- $this->publish('breadcrumbs', array(
- sprintf(___('addons_home_pagetitle'), APP_PRETTYNAME) => '/',
- ___('collections_breadcrumb') => '/collections'
- ));
- $this->render('detail');
- }
- /**
- * Subscribes user to the collection
- */
- function subscribe($ajax = null) {
- $this->_subscribe_unsubscribe($ajax);
- }
- /**
- * Unsubscribe a user from a collection
- */
- function unsubscribe($ajax = null) {
- $this->_subscribe_unsubscribe($ajax);
- }
- /**
- * Combined function for subscribing/unsubscribing. Action is determined by
- * $this->action.
- * @access private
- * @param string $ajax undefined or 'ajax' for no-frills rendering
- * @return bool render()ed successfully?
- */
- function _subscribe_unsubscribe($ajax = null) {
- $this->Amo->checkLoggedIn(); // must be logged in
- $this->publish('is_ajax', ($ajax == 'ajax'));
- if (!in_array($this->action, array('subscribe', 'unsubscribe'))) {
- $this->flash(___('error_access_denied'), '/', 3);
- return;
- }
- if (empty($this->params['form']['uuid'])) { // uuid needs to be POSTed
- $this->flash(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'uuid'), '/', 3);
- return;
- }
- $uuid = $this->params['form']['uuid'];
- $id = $this->Collection->getIdForUuidOrNickname($uuid);
- if (!$id || !is_numeric($id)) {
- $this->set('success', false);
- return $this->render('subscribe');
- }
- $user = $this->Session->read('User');
- if ($this->action == 'subscribe') {
- $result = $this->Collection->subscribe($id, $user['id']);
- } else {
- $result = $this->Collection->unsubscribe($id, $user['id']);
+ $this->render('rss/collection', 'rss');
- $collection = $this->Collection->findById($id, array('id', 'name'), null, -1);
- $this->set('success', $result);
- $this->publish('collection', $collection);
- // set up view and render result
- $this->publish('breadcrumbs', array(
- sprintf(___('addons_home_pagetitle'), APP_PRETTYNAME) => '/',
- ___('collections_breadcrumb') => '/collections'
- ));
- return $this->render('subscribe');
- /**
- * Edit collection
- */
- function edit($uuid = null) {
- $this->Amo->checkLoggedIn(); // must be logged in
- // disable query caching so changes are visible immediately
- $this->Collection->caching = false;
- if (empty($uuid)) {
- $this->flash(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'collection_id'), '/', 3);
- return;
- }
- $id = $this->Collection->getIdForUuidOrNickname($uuid);
- if (!$id) {
- $this->flash(_('collection_not_found'), '/', 3);
- return;
- }
- // access rights
- $user = $this->Session->read('User');
- $this->publish('user', $user);
- $rights = $this->_getUserRights($user, $id);
- if (!($rights['writable'] || $rights['isadmin'])) {
- $this->flash(___('error_access_denied'), '/', 3);
- return;
- }
- if (!empty($this->data)) {
- // Delete collection?
- if (isset($this->data['action']) && $this->data['action'] == 'delete-coll') {
- if (!$rights['atleast_owner']) {
- $this->flash(___('error_access_denied'), '/', 3);
- return;
- }
- $this->Collection->delete($id);
- $this->Session->write('collection_deleted', true);
- $this->redirect("/collections");
- return;
- }
- // regular save
- $success = $this->_saveCollectionEdit($id, $rights);
- if ($success) {
- // grab updated collection nickname/uuid
- $updated = $this->Collection->findById($id, array('nickname', 'uuid'));
- $this->publish('collection_saved', true, false);
- if (empty($updated['Collection']['nickname']))
- $this->publish('collection_url', "/collection/{$updated['Collection']['uuid']}");
- else
- $this->publish('collection_url', "/collection/{$updated['Collection']['nickname']}");
- } else {
- $this->set('form_errors', true);
- }
- }
- // get collection data for display (and publish to view)
- $this->_getCollectionDataForView($id);
- // view setup
- $this->layout = 'amo2009'; // TODO: remove this when the entire controller is amo2009-based
- $this->set('bodyclass', 'inverse collections-page');
- $this->publish('jsAdd', array('jquery-ui/ui.core.min', 'jquery-ui/ui.tabs.min',
- 'jquery.autocomplete.pack.js'));
- $this->publish('breadcrumbs', array(
- sprintf(___('addons_home_pagetitle'), APP_PRETTYNAME) => '/',
- ___('collections_breadcrumb') => '/collections'
- ));
- }
- /**
- * get collection data for collection edit page (and publish it to view)
- * @param int $id collection ID
- * @return void
- * @access private
- */
- function _getCollectionDataForView($id) {
- $this->Collection->unbindModel(array('hasAndBelongsToMany'=>array('Addon')));
- $collection = $this->Collection->findById($id);
- $this->data['Collection'] = $collection;
- // translations
- $translations = $this->Collection->getAllTranslations($id);
- $this->publish('translations', $translations);
- // addons
- $addons = $this->AddonCollection->getAddonsFromCollection($id);
- $this->publish('addons', $addons);
- $addons_noscript = array();
- foreach ($addons as &$addon) {
- $addons_noscript[$addon['AddonCollection']['addon_id']] = $addon['Addon']['Translation']['name']['string'];
- }
- $this->publish('addons_noscript', $addons_noscript);
- // collection icon
- $this->publish('iconurl', $this->Image->getCollectionIconURL($id), false);
- // prepare applications
- global $app_shortnames, $app_prettynames;
- $appoptions = array();
- foreach ($app_shortnames as $sn => &$no) {
- $appoptions[$no] = $app_prettynames[$sn];
- }
- $this->publish('appoptions', $appoptions, false);
- // prepare collection types
- $this->publish('collection_types', array(
- Collection::COLLECTION_TYPE_NORMAL => ___('collections_type_normal'),
- Collection::COLLECTION_TYPE_AUTOPUBLISHER => ___('collections_type_autopublisher'),
- Collection::COLLECTION_TYPE_EDITORSPICK => ___('collections_type_editorspick')
- ), false);
- // get existing publishers and managers
- $publishers = $this->Collection->getUsers($id, array(COLLECTION_ROLE_PUBLISHER));
- $publishers_noscript = $managers_noscript = array();
- foreach ($publishers as &$p) {
- $publishers_noscript[$p['User']['id']] = $p['User']['email'];
- }
- $managers = $this->Collection->getUsers($id, array(COLLECTION_ROLE_ADMIN));
- foreach ($managers as &$m) {
- $managers_noscript[$m['User']['id']] = $m['User']['email'];
- }
- $this->publish('publishers', $publishers);
- $this->publish('publishers_noscript', $publishers_noscript);
- $this->data['Publishers']['p_onlyme'] = (int)empty($publishers);
- $this->publish('managers', $managers);
- $this->publish('managers_noscript', $managers_noscript);
- $this->data['Managers']['m_onlyme'] = (int)empty($managers);
- }
- /**
- * save collection data from edit page
- *
- * @param int $id Collection ID
- * @param array $rights user rights array from _getUserRights()
- * @return bool successfully saved?
- * @access private
- */
- function _saveCollectionEdit($id, $rights) {
- $disallowed_fields = array('uuid', 'access', 'subscribers',
- 'created', 'modified', 'downloads');
- if (!$rights['isadmin']) $allowed_fields[] = 'collection_type';
- $collectiondata = $this->Amo->filterFields($this->data['Collection'],
- array(), $disallowed_fields);
- $this->Collection->id = $id;
- list($localizedFields, $unlocalizedFields) = $this->Collection->splitLocalizedFields($collectiondata);
- // clean up whitespace
- foreach ($localizedFields as $field => &$translations) {
- foreach ($translations as $lang => &$l_string) {
- $l_string = trim($l_string);
- $this->params['form']['data']['Collection'][$field][$lang] = $l_string;
- }
- }
- $valid_translations = $this->Collection->validateTranslations($localizedFields);
- if ($valid_translations) {
- $this->Amo->clean($localizedFields);
- $this->Collection->saveTranslations($id, $this->params['form']['data']['Collection'], $localizedFields);
- }
- // handle icon removal/upload
- if (!empty($this->data['Icon']['delete'])) {
- $unlocalizedFields['icontype'] = '';
- $unlocalizedFields['icondata'] = null;
- } elseif (!empty($_FILES['icon']['name'])) {
- $iconData = $this->Developers->validateIcon($_FILES['icon']);
- if (is_array($iconData)) {
- $unlocalizedFields = array_merge($unlocalizedFields, $iconData);
- }
- }
- // field post-processing
- if (!isset($unlocalizedFields['listed'])) $unlocalizedFields['listed'] = 0;
- if (!empty($unlocalizedFields['nickname']))
- $unlocalizedFields['nickname'] = preg_replace(INVALID_COLLECTION_NICKNAME_CHARS,
- '_', mb_strtolower(trim($unlocalizedFields['nickname'])));
- if ($success = $this->Collection->save($unlocalizedFields)) {
- // save noscript data
- if ($rights['atleast_manager']) {
- // save users
- $this->_saveCollectionEditUserData($id, 'Publishers');
- $this->_saveCollectionEditUserData($id, 'Managers');
- } // at least manager
- // add-ons
- // remove old add-ons
- if (!empty($this->data['Addons']['delete'])) {
- foreach ($this->data['Addons']['delete'] as &$_aid) {
- $this->AddonCollection->deleteByAddonIdAndCollectionId($_aid, $id, ($rights['atleast_manager'] ? null : $user['id']));
- }
- }
- // add new add-ons
- if (!empty($this->params['form']['q'])) {
- $_aids = explode(',', $this->params['form']['q']);
- foreach ($_aids as &$_aid) {
- $_aid = trim($_aid);
- if (!empty($_aid)) {
- $_addon = $this->Addon->getAddon($_aid);
- if (!empty($_addon) && in_array($_addon['Addon']['status'], $valid_status))
- $this->Collection->addAddonToCollection($id, $user['id'], $_aid);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $success;
- }
- /**
- * save user data (managers/publishers) for collection edit
- * @param int $id collection ID
- * @param string $type "Publishers" or "Managers"
- * @return void
- * @access private
- */
- function _saveCollectionEditUserData($id, $type) {
- switch ($type) {
- case 'Publishers':
- $onlyme_fieldid = 'p_onlyme';
- break;
- case 'Managers':
- $onlyme_fieldid = 'm_onlyme';
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- if (isset($this->data[$type][$onlyme_fieldid]) && $this->data[$type][$onlyme_fieldid]) {
- // remove all existing users with this role
- $this->Collection->removeAllUsersByRole($id, $role);
- } else {
- // remove old users
- if (!empty($this->data[$type]['delete'])) {
- foreach ($this->data[$type]['delete'] as &$_pid) {
- $this->Collection->removeUser($id, $_pid);
- }
- }
- // save new users
- if (!empty($this->data[$type]['new'])) {
- $_emails = explode(',', $this->data[$type]['new']);
- foreach ($_emails as &$_em) {
- $_em = trim($_em);
- if (empty($_em)) continue;
- $_uid = $this->User->findByEmail($_em, array('id'));
- if (empty($_uid)) continue;
- $this->Collection->addUser($id, $_uid['User']['id'], $role);
- }
- }
- // don't publish them back to the view
- $this->data[$type]['new'] = '';
- }
- }
- /**
- * get user rights for a specific collection
- * @param array $user array from user model
- * @param int $collection_id
- * @return array of booleans ('writable', 'isadmin', 'atleast_manager',
- * 'atleast_owner', 'role')
- * @access private
- */
- function _getUserRights($user, $collection_id) {
- $writable = $this->Collection->isWritableByUser($collection_id, $user['id']);
- $isadmin = $this->SimpleAcl->actionAllowed('Admin', 'EditAnyCollection', $user);
- $role = $this->Collection->getUserRole($collection_id, $user['id']);
- $atleast_manager = ($isadmin || in_array($role, array(COLLECTION_ROLE_ADMIN, COLLECTION_ROLE_OWNER)));
- $atleast_owner = ($isadmin || $role == COLLECTION_ROLE_OWNER);
- $this->publish('writable', $writable, false);
- $this->publish('isadmin', $isadmin, false);
- $this->publish('atleast_manager', $atleast_manager, false);
- $this->publish('atleast_owner', $atleast_owner, false);
- $this->publish('role', $role, false);
- return array(
- 'writable' => $writable,
- 'isadmin' => $isadmin,
- 'atleast_manager' => $atleast_manager,
- 'atleast_owner' => $atleast_owner,
- 'role' => $role
- );
- }
- /*** Fashion Your Firefox ***/
* Special "interactive collections" page for first-time users
@@ -747,28 +117,28 @@ class CollectionsController extends AppController
// XXX: for accessibility (bug 462411), we use a hand-bundled accordion
// + core jquery UI file. Once jquery UI is updated to post-1.6.2rc2,
// the regular jquery UI accordion should be used (cf. jquery ui bug
// 3553, http://ui.jquery.com/bugs/ticket/3553)
$this->set('jsAdd', array('jquery-ui/jq-ui-162rc2-accordion-bundle-a11y.min.js', 'jquery-ui/jqModal.js'));
$this->set('cssAdd', array('collection-style'));
$addonIds = $this->Addon->getCategorizedAddonsFromCollection(1); // special collection ID
$addons = array();
foreach ($addonIds as $catid => $cataddons) {
$addons[$catid] = $this->Addon->getAddonList($cataddons, array('files', 'latest_version', 'list_details'));
$this->publish('addons', $addons);
// prepare view, then render
$this->publish('suppressHeader', true, false);
$this->publish('suppressLanguageSelector', true, false);
$this->publish('suppressCredits', true, false);
$this->pageTitle = 'Fashion Your Firefox';
* installation dialog for collections
* @param string $method 'html' (with layout) or 'ajax' (without)
@@ -778,7 +148,7 @@ class CollectionsController extends AppController
if (!empty($_POST['addon'])) {
$addons = $this->Addon->getAddonList($_POST['addon'], array(
'compatible_apps', 'files', 'latest_version', 'list_details'));
// XXX: ugly hack allowing signed add-ons to be installed separately
// due to bug 462108 and 453545. The DB doesn't know which ones are
// signed or not so we need to hardcode them here.
@@ -795,7 +165,7 @@ class CollectionsController extends AppController
$this->publish('addons', $addons);
// fetch all platforms
$platforms_all = $this->Platform->findAll();
@@ -804,7 +174,7 @@ class CollectionsController extends AppController
$platforms[$pf['Platform']['id']] = $pf['Translation']['name']['string'];
$this->publish('platforms', $platforms);
// prepare and display view
$this->pageTitle = 'Collections' . " :: " . sprintf(_('addons_home_pagetitle'), APP_PRETTYNAME);
$is_ajax = ($method=='ajax');
@@ -835,7 +205,7 @@ class CollectionsController extends AppController
$addons = array();
$this->publish('addons', $addons);
$this->set('cssAdd', array('collection-style'));
$this->publish('suppressHeader', true, false);
$this->publish('suppressLanguageSelector', true, false);
@@ -843,235 +213,4 @@ class CollectionsController extends AppController
$this->pageTitle = 'Fashion Your Firefox';
- /*** END Fashion Your Firefox ***/
- /*** AJAX Handlers ***/
- /**
- * AJAX action for looking up add-ons to add to a collection
- */
- function addonLookup() {
- global $valid_status;
- // Rather than change our cake parameter regex, use a normal get var
- $name = $_GET['q'];
- $this->Amo->clean($name);
- // search conditions
- $conditions = array(
- 'Addon.status' => $valid_status,
- 'Addon.inactive' => 0
- );
- if (mb_strlen($name) >= 4) { // fuzzy matching on long names only
- $conditions['Translation.name'] = "LIKE %{$name}%";
- } else {
- $conditions['Translation.name'] = $name;
- }
- $addons = $this->Addon->findAll($conditions,
- array('Addon.id', 'Addon.name'), 'Translation.name');
- if (!empty($addons)) {
- foreach ($addons as &$_addon) {
- // add icons
- $_addon['Addon']['iconpath'] = $this->Image->getAddonIconURL($_addon['Addon']['id']);
- }
- } else {
- $addons = false;
- }
- $this->publish('addons', $addons);
- $this->render('ajax/addon_lookup', 'ajax');
- }
- /**
- * central JSON dispatcher for AJAX requests
- */
- function json($action, $additional = '') {
- switch ($action) {
- case 'nickname':
- $json = $this->_checkNickname();
- break;
- case 'user':
- $json = $this->_handleUser($additional);
- break;
- case 'addon':
- $json = $this->_handleAddon($additional);
- break;
- default: $json = array(); break;
- }
- $this->publish('json', $json, false);
- $this->render('json', 'ajax');
- }
- /**
- * AJAX: check if collection nickname is already used
- */
- function _checkNickname() {
- $this->Amo->checkLoggedIn(); // must be logged in
- if (empty($this->params['url']['nickname'])) {
- return $this->Error->getJSONforError(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'nickname'));
- }
- $nickname = preg_replace(INVALID_COLLECTION_NICKNAME_CHARS, '_',
- mb_strtolower(trim($this->params['url']['nickname'])));
- if ($nickname != mb_strtolower($this->params['url']['nickname']))
- return array(
- 'error' => 1,
- 'error_message' => ___('collections_edit_nickname_error'),
- 'nickname' => $nickname
- );
- $taken = $this->Collection->isNicknameTaken($this->params['url']['nickname']);
- return array(
- 'error' => 0,
- 'nickname' => $nickname,
- 'taken' => (int)$taken
- );
- }
- /**
- * AJAX: Add / remove user to/from this collection's roles
- */
- function _handleUser($action) {
- if (empty($action)) return $this->Error->getJSONforError(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'action'));
- if (empty($this->params['form']['collection_id'])) return $this->Error->getJSONforError(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'collection_id'));
- $this->Amo->checkLoggedIn(); // must be logged in
- $collection_id = $this->params['form']['collection_id'];
- $role = @$this->params['form']['role'];
- $email = @$this->params['form']['email'];
- $user_id = @$this->params['form']['user_id'];
- $user = $this->Session->read('User');
- $rights = $this->_getUserRights($user, $collection_id);
- if (!$rights['atleast_manager']) return $this->Error->getJSONforError(___('error_access_denied'));
- switch ($action) {
- case 'add':
- if (empty($email)) return $this->Error->getJSONforError(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'email'));
- $roles = array('publishers' => COLLECTION_ROLE_PUBLISHER, 'managers' => COLLECTION_ROLE_ADMIN);
- if (empty($role)) return $this->Error->getJSONforError(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'role'));
- $newuser = $this->User->findByEmail($email, array('id'));
- if (!empty($newuser)) {
- if ($this->Collection->getUserRole($collection_id, $newuser['User']['id']) === false) {
- $this->Collection->addUser($collection_id, $newuser['User']['id'], $roles[$role]);
- return array('id' => $newuser['User']['id'], 'email' => $email);
- } else {
- return $this->Error->getJSONforError(___('error_user_exists'));
- }
- } else {
- return $this->Error->getJSONforError(___('error_user_notfound'));
- }
- break;
- case 'del':
- if (empty($user_id))
- return $this->Error->getJSONforError(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'user_id'));
- if ($this->Collection->removeUser($collection_id, $user_id) !== false) {
- return array('id' => $user_id);
- } else {
- return $this->Error->getJSONforError(___('error_user_notfound'));
- }
- break;
- default:
- return $this->Error->getJSONforError(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'action'));
- }
- }
- /**
- * AJAX: Add / remove add-on to/from this collection
- * @param string action one of add, del, savecomment
- * @param int collection_id (optional)
- * @param string collection_uuid (optional)
- * Either collection_id or collection_uuid must be specified, but not both.
- * @param int addon_id
- */
- function _handleAddon($action) {
- global $valid_status;
- if (empty($action)) return $this->Error->getJSONforError(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'action'));
- if (empty($this->params['form']['addon_id']) || !is_numeric($this->params['form']['addon_id'])) return $this->Error->getJSONforError(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'addon_id'));
- if (!empty($this->params['form']['collection_id']) && is_numeric($this->params['form']['collection_id'])) {
- $collection_id = $this->params['form']['collection_id'];
- } elseif (!empty($this->params['form']['collection_uuid']) &&
- ($collection_id = $this->Collection->getIdForUuidOrNickname($this->params['form']['collection_uuid'])) > 0) {
- // no-op
- } else {
- return $this->Error->getJSONforError(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'collection_id'));
- }
- $this->Amo->checkLoggedIn(); // must be logged in
- $addon_id = $this->params['form']['addon_id'];
- $user = $this->Session->read('User');
- $rights = $this->_getUserRights($user, $collection_id);
- if (!($rights['writable'] || $rights['isadmin'])) return $this->Error->getJSONforError(___('error_access_denied'));
- switch ($action) {
- case 'add':
- if ($this->AddonCollection->isAddonInCollection($addon_id, $collection_id))
- return $this->Error->getJSONforError(___('error_addon_exists'));
- $addon = $this->Addon->getAddon($addon_id);
- if (empty($addon) || !in_array($addon['Addon']['status'], $valid_status))
- return $this->Error->getJSONforError(___('error_addon_notfound'));
- if (false !== $this->Collection->addAddonToCollection($collection_id, $user['id'], $addon_id)) {
- return array(
- 'id' => $addon_id,
- 'name' => $addon['Translation']['name']['string'],
- 'iconURL' => $this->Image->getAddonIconURL($addon_id),
- 'date' => strftime(_('date'), mktime()),
- 'publisher' => $this->Html->linkUserFromModel($user)
- );
- } else {
- return $this->Error->getJSONforError(___('collection_error_saving_addon'));
- }
- break;
- case 'del':
- if (!$rights['isadmin'] && !$rights['atleast_manager']) {
- // publisher's own add-on?
- $res = $this->AddonCollection->deleteByAddonIdAndCollectionId($addon_id, $collection_id, $user['id']);
- } else {
- $res = $this->AddonCollection->deleteByAddonIdAndCollectionId($addon_id, $collection_id);
- }
- if ($res) {
- return array('id' => $addon_id);
- } else {
- return $this->Error->getJSONforError(___('collection_error_deleting_addon'));
- }
- break;
- case 'savecomment':
- if (!isset($this->params['form']['comment'])) return $this->Error->getJSONforError(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'comment'));
- $comment = strip_tags(trim($this->params['form']['comment']));
- $addon = $this->AddonCollection->find(array('addon_id'=>$addon_id, 'collection_id'=>$collection_id), array('user_id'));
- if (empty($addon)) return $this->Error->getJSONforError(___('error_addon_notfound'));
- if (!$rights['isadmin'] && !$rights['atleast_manager']) {
- // publisher's own add-on?
- if ($addon['AddonCollection']['user_id'] != $user['id']) return $this->Error->getJSONforError(___('error_access_denied'));
- }
- if (!$this->AddonCollection->setComment($collection_id, $addon_id, $comment)) {
- return $this->Error->getJSONforError(___('collection_error_saving_comment'));
- } else {
- return array(
- 'addon_id' => $addon_id,
- 'comment' => $comment
- );
- }
- break;
- default:
- return $this->Error->getJSONforError(sprintf(_('error_missing_argument'), 'action'));
- }
- }