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path: root/websdk/hatta/parser.py
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1 files changed, 529 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/websdk/hatta/parser.py b/websdk/hatta/parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a76fa78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/websdk/hatta/parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import re
+import sys
+import unicodedata
+import itertools
+import werkzeug
+EXTERNAL_URL_RE = re.compile(ur'^[a-z]+://|^mailto:', re.I | re.U)
+def external_link(addr):
+ """
+ Decide whether a link is absolute or internal.
+ >>> external_link('http://example.com')
+ True
+ >>> external_link('https://example.com')
+ True
+ >>> external_link('ftp://example.com')
+ True
+ >>> external_link('mailto:user@example.com')
+ True
+ >>> external_link('PageTitle')
+ False
+ >>> external_link(u'ąęśćUnicodePage')
+ False
+ """
+ return EXTERNAL_URL_RE.match(addr)
+class WikiParser(object):
+ r"""
+ Responsible for generating HTML markup from the wiki markup.
+ The parser works on two levels. On the block level, it analyzes lines
+ of text and decides what kind of block element they belong to (block
+ elements include paragraphs, lists, headings, preformatted blocks).
+ Lines belonging to the same block are joined together, and a second
+ pass is made using regular expressions to parse line-level elements,
+ such as links, bold and italic text and smileys.
+ Some block-level elements, such as preformatted blocks, consume additional
+ lines from the input until they encounter the end-of-block marker, using
+ lines_until. Most block-level elements are just runs of marked up lines
+ though.
+ """
+ list_pat = ur"^\s*[*#]+\s+"
+ heading_pat = ur"^\s*=+"
+ quote_pat = ur"^[>]+\s+"
+ block = {
+ # "name": (priority, ur"pattern"),
+ "list": (10, list_pat),
+ "code": (20, ur"^[{][{][{]+\s*$"),
+ "conflict": (30, ur"^<<<<<<< local\s*$"),
+ "empty": (40, ur"^\s*$"),
+ "heading": (50, heading_pat),
+ "indent": (60, ur"^[ \t]+"),
+ "macro": (70, ur"^<<\w+\s*$"),
+ "quote": (80, quote_pat),
+ "rule": (90, ur"^\s*---+\s*$"),
+ "syntax": (100, ur"^\{\{\{\#![\w+#.-]+\s*$"),
+ "table": (110, ur"^\|"),
+ }
+ image_pat = (ur"\{\{(?P<image_target>([^|}]|}[^|}])*)"
+ ur"(\|(?P<image_text>([^}]|}[^}])*))?}}")
+ smilies = {
+ r':)': "smile.png",
+ r':(': "frown.png",
+ r':P': "tongue.png",
+ r':D': "grin.png",
+ r';)': "wink.png",
+ }
+ punct = {
+ r'...': "&hellip;",
+ r'--': "&ndash;",
+ r'---': "&mdash;",
+ r'~': "&nbsp;",
+ r'\~': "~",
+ r'~~': "&sim;",
+ r'(C)': "&copy;",
+ r'-->': "&rarr;",
+ r'<--': "&larr;",
+ r'(R)': "&reg;",
+ r'(TM)': "&trade;",
+ r'%%': "&permil;",
+ r'``': "&ldquo;",
+ r"''": "&rdquo;",
+ r",,": "&bdquo;",
+ }
+ markup = {
+ # "name": (priority, ur"pattern"),
+ "bold": (10, ur"[*][*]"),
+ "code": (20, ur"[{][{][{](?P<code_text>([^}]|[^}][}]|[^}][}][}])"
+ ur"*[}]*)[}][}][}]"),
+ "free_link": (30, ur"""[a-zA-Z]+://\S+[^\s.,:;!?()'"\*/=+<>-]"""),
+ "italic": (40, ur"//"),
+ "link": (50, ur"\[\[(?P<link_target>([^|\]]|\][^|\]])+)"
+ ur"(\|(?P<link_text>([^\]]|\][^\]])+))?\]\]"),
+ "image": (60, image_pat),
+ "linebreak": (70, ur"\\\\"),
+ "macro": (80, ur"[<][<](?P<macro_name>\w+)\s+"
+ ur"(?P<macro_text>([^>]|[^>][>])+)[>][>]"),
+ "mail": (90, ur"""(mailto:)?\S+@\S+(\.[^\s.,:;!?()'"\*/=+<>-]+)+"""),
+ "math": (100, ur"\$\$(?P<math_text>[^$]+)\$\$"),
+ "mono": (110, ur"##"),
+ "newline": (120, ur"\n"),
+ "punct": (130,
+ ur'(^|\b|(?<=\s))(%s)((?=[\s.,:;!?)/&=+"\'—-])|\b|$)' %
+ ur"|".join(re.escape(k) for k in punct)),
+ "table": (140, ur"=?\|=?"),
+ "text": (150, ur".+?"),
+ }
+ def __init__(self, lines, wiki_link, wiki_image,
+ wiki_syntax=None, wiki_math=None, smilies=None):
+ self.wiki_link = wiki_link
+ self.wiki_image = wiki_image
+ self.wiki_syntax = wiki_syntax
+ self.wiki_math = wiki_math
+ self.enumerated_lines = enumerate(lines)
+ if smilies is not None:
+ self.smilies = smilies
+ self.compile_patterns()
+ self.headings = {}
+ self.stack = []
+ self.line_no = 0
+ def compile_patterns(self):
+ self.quote_re = re.compile(self.quote_pat, re.U)
+ self.heading_re = re.compile(self.heading_pat, re.U)
+ self.list_re = re.compile(self.list_pat, re.U)
+ patterns = ((k, p) for (k, (x, p)) in
+ sorted(self.block.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1][0]))
+ self.block_re = re.compile(ur"|".join("(?P<%s>%s)" % pat
+ for pat in patterns), re.U)
+ self.code_close_re = re.compile(ur"^\}\}\}\s*$", re.U)
+ self.macro_close_re = re.compile(ur"^>>\s*$", re.U)
+ self.conflict_close_re = re.compile(ur"^>>>>>>> other\s*$", re.U)
+ self.conflict_sep_re = re.compile(ur"^=======\s*$", re.U)
+ self.image_re = re.compile(self.image_pat, re.U)
+ smileys = ur"|".join(re.escape(k) for k in self.smilies)
+ smiley_pat = (ur"(^|\b|(?<=\s))(?P<smiley_face>%s)"
+ ur"((?=[\s.,:;!?)/&=+-])|$)" % smileys)
+ self.markup['smiley'] = (125, smiley_pat)
+ patterns = ((k, p) for (k, (x, p)) in
+ sorted(self.markup.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1][0]))
+ self.markup_re = re.compile(ur"|".join("(?P<%s>%s)" % pat
+ for pat in patterns), re.U)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self.parse()
+ @classmethod
+ def extract_links(cls, text):
+ links = []
+ def link(addr, label=None, class_=None, image=None, alt=None,
+ lineno=0):
+ addr = addr.strip()
+ if external_link(addr):
+ # Don't index external links
+ return u''
+ if '#' in addr:
+ addr, chunk = addr.split('#', 1)
+ if addr == u'':
+ return u''
+ links.append((addr, label))
+ return u''
+ lines = text.split('\n')
+ for part in cls(lines, link, link):
+ for ret in links:
+ yield ret
+ links[:] = []
+ def parse(self):
+ """Parse a list of lines of wiki markup, yielding HTML for it."""
+ self.headings = {}
+ self.stack = []
+ self.line_no = 0
+ def key(enumerated_line):
+ line_no, line = enumerated_line
+ match = self.block_re.match(line)
+ if match:
+ return match.lastgroup
+ return "paragraph"
+ for kind, block in itertools.groupby(self.enumerated_lines, key):
+ func = getattr(self, "_block_%s" % kind)
+ for part in func(block):
+ yield part
+ def parse_line(self, line):
+ """
+ Find all the line-level markup and return HTML for it.
+ """
+ for match in self.markup_re.finditer(line):
+ func = getattr(self, "_line_%s" % match.lastgroup)
+ yield func(match.groupdict())
+ def pop_to(self, stop):
+ """
+ Pop from the stack until the specified tag is encoutered.
+ Return string containing closing tags of everything popped.
+ """
+ tags = []
+ tag = None
+ try:
+ while tag != stop:
+ tag = self.stack.pop()
+ tags.append(tag)
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ return u"".join(u"</%s>" % tag for tag in tags)
+ def lines_until(self, close_re):
+ """Get lines from input until the closing markup is encountered."""
+ self.line_no, line = self.enumerated_lines.next()
+ while not close_re.match(line):
+ yield line.rstrip()
+ line_no, line = self.enumerated_lines.next()
+# methods for the markup inside lines:
+ def _line_table(self, groups):
+ return groups["table"]
+ def _line_linebreak(self, groups):
+ return u'<br>'
+ def _line_smiley(self, groups):
+ smiley = groups["smiley_face"]
+ try:
+ url = self.smilies[smiley]
+ except KeyError:
+ url = ''
+ return self.wiki_image(url, smiley, class_="smiley")
+ def _line_bold(self, groups):
+ if 'b' in self.stack:
+ return self.pop_to('b')
+ else:
+ self.stack.append('b')
+ return u"<b>"
+ def _line_italic(self, groups):
+ if 'i' in self.stack:
+ return self.pop_to('i')
+ else:
+ self.stack.append('i')
+ return u"<i>"
+ def _line_mono(self, groups):
+ if 'tt' in self.stack:
+ return self.pop_to('tt')
+ else:
+ self.stack.append('tt')
+ return u"<tt>"
+ def _line_punct(self, groups):
+ text = groups["punct"]
+ return self.punct.get(text, text)
+ def _line_newline(self, groups):
+ return "\n"
+ def _line_text(self, groups):
+ return werkzeug.escape(groups["text"])
+ def _line_math(self, groups):
+ if self.wiki_math:
+ return self.wiki_math(groups["math_text"])
+ else:
+ return "<var>%s</var>" % werkzeug.escape(groups["math_text"])
+ def _line_code(self, groups):
+ return u'<code>%s</code>' % werkzeug.escape(groups["code_text"])
+ def _line_free_link(self, groups):
+ groups['link_target'] = groups['free_link']
+ return self._line_link(groups)
+ def _line_mail(self, groups):
+ addr = groups['mail']
+ groups['link_text'] = addr
+ if not addr.startswith(u'mailto:'):
+ addr = u'mailto:%s' % addr
+ groups['link_target'] = addr
+ return self._line_link(groups)
+ def _line_link(self, groups):
+ target = groups['link_target']
+ text = groups.get('link_text')
+ if not text:
+ text = target
+ if '#' in text:
+ text, chunk = text.split('#', 1)
+ match = self.image_re.match(text)
+ if match:
+ image = self._line_image(match.groupdict())
+ return self.wiki_link(target, text, image=image)
+ return self.wiki_link(target, text)
+ def _line_image(self, groups):
+ target = groups['image_target']
+ alt = groups.get('image_text')
+ if alt is None:
+ alt = target
+ return self.wiki_image(target, alt)
+ def _line_macro(self, groups):
+ name = groups['macro_name']
+ text = groups['macro_text'].strip()
+ return u'<span class="%s">%s</span>' % (
+ werkzeug.escape(name, quote=True),
+ werkzeug.escape(text))
+# methods for the block (multiline) markup:
+ def _block_code(self, block):
+ for self.line_no, part in block:
+ inside = u"\n".join(self.lines_until(self.code_close_re))
+ yield werkzeug.html.pre(werkzeug.html(inside), class_="code",
+ id="line_%d" % self.line_no)
+ def _block_syntax(self, block):
+ for self.line_no, part in block:
+ syntax = part.lstrip('{#!').strip()
+ inside = u"\n".join(self.lines_until(self.code_close_re))
+ if self.wiki_syntax:
+ return self.wiki_syntax(inside, syntax=syntax,
+ line_no=self.line_no)
+ else:
+ return [werkzeug.html.div(werkzeug.html.pre(
+ werkzeug.html(inside), id="line_%d" % self.line_no),
+ class_="highlight")]
+ def _block_macro(self, block):
+ for self.line_no, part in block:
+ name = part.lstrip('<').strip()
+ inside = u"\n".join(self.lines_until(self.macro_close_re))
+ yield u'<div class="%s">%s</div>' % (
+ werkzeug.escape(name, quote=True),
+ werkzeug.escape(inside))
+ def _block_paragraph(self, block):
+ parts = []
+ first_line = None
+ for self.line_no, part in block:
+ if first_line is None:
+ first_line = self.line_no
+ parts.append(part)
+ text = u"".join(self.parse_line(u"".join(parts)))
+ yield werkzeug.html.p(text, self.pop_to(""), id="line_%d" % first_line)
+ def _block_indent(self, block):
+ parts = []
+ first_line = None
+ for self.line_no, part in block:
+ if first_line is None:
+ first_line = self.line_no
+ parts.append(part.rstrip())
+ text = u"\n".join(parts)
+ yield werkzeug.html.pre(werkzeug.html(text), id="line_%d" % first_line)
+ def _block_table(self, block):
+ first_line = None
+ in_head = False
+ for self.line_no, line in block:
+ if first_line is None:
+ first_line = self.line_no
+ yield u'<table id="line_%d">' % first_line
+ table_row = line.strip()
+ is_header = table_row.startswith('|=') and table_row.endswith('=|')
+ if not in_head and is_header:
+ in_head = True
+ yield '<thead>'
+ elif in_head and not is_header:
+ in_head = False
+ yield '</thead>'
+ yield '<tr>'
+ in_cell = False
+ in_th = False
+ for part in self.parse_line(table_row):
+ if part in ('=|', '|', '=|=', '|='):
+ if in_cell:
+ if in_th:
+ yield '</th>'
+ else:
+ yield '</td>'
+ in_cell = False
+ if part in ('=|=', '|='):
+ in_th = True
+ else:
+ in_th = False
+ else:
+ if not in_cell:
+ if in_th:
+ yield '<th>'
+ else:
+ yield '<td>'
+ in_cell = True
+ yield part
+ if in_cell:
+ if in_th:
+ yield '</th>'
+ else:
+ yield '</td>'
+ yield '</tr>'
+ yield u'</table>'
+ def _block_empty(self, block):
+ yield u''
+ def _block_rule(self, block):
+ for self.line_no, line in block:
+ yield werkzeug.html.hr()
+ def _block_heading(self, block):
+ for self.line_no, line in block:
+ level = min(len(self.heading_re.match(line).group(0).strip()), 5)
+ self.headings[level - 1] = self.headings.get(level - 1, 0) + 1
+ label = u"-".join(str(self.headings.get(i, 0))
+ for i in range(level))
+ yield werkzeug.html.a(name="head-%s" % label)
+ yield u'<h%d id="line_%d">%s</h%d>' % (level, self.line_no,
+ werkzeug.escape(line.strip("= \t\n\r\v")), level)
+ def _block_list(self, block):
+ level = 0
+ in_ul = False
+ kind = None
+ for self.line_no, line in block:
+ bullets = self.list_re.match(line).group(0).strip()
+ nest = len(bullets)
+ if kind is None:
+ if bullets.startswith('*'):
+ kind = 'ul'
+ else:
+ kind = 'ol'
+ while nest > level:
+ if in_ul:
+ yield '<li>'
+ yield '<%s id="line_%d">' % (kind, self.line_no)
+ in_ul = True
+ level += 1
+ while nest < level:
+ yield '</li></%s>' % kind
+ in_ul = False
+ level -= 1
+ if nest == level and not in_ul:
+ yield '</li>'
+ content = line.lstrip().lstrip('*#').strip()
+ yield '<li>%s%s' % (u"".join(self.parse_line(content)),
+ self.pop_to(""))
+ in_ul = False
+ yield ('</li></%s>' % kind) * level
+ def _block_quote(self, block):
+ level = 0
+ in_p = False
+ for self.line_no, line in block:
+ nest = len(self.quote_re.match(line).group(0).strip())
+ if nest == level:
+ yield u'\n'
+ while nest > level:
+ if in_p:
+ yield '%s</p>' % self.pop_to("")
+ in_p = False
+ yield '<blockquote>'
+ level += 1
+ while nest < level:
+ if in_p:
+ yield '%s</p>' % self.pop_to("")
+ in_p = False
+ yield '</blockquote>'
+ level -= 1
+ content = line.lstrip().lstrip('>').strip()
+ if not in_p:
+ yield '<p id="line_%d">' % self.line_no
+ in_p = True
+ yield u"".join(self.parse_line(content))
+ if in_p:
+ yield '%s</p>' % self.pop_to("")
+ yield '</blockquote>' * level
+ def _block_conflict(self, block):
+ for self.line_no, part in block:
+ yield u'<div class="conflict">'
+ local = u"\n".join(self.lines_until(self.conflict_sep_re))
+ yield werkzeug.html.pre(werkzeug.html(local),
+ class_="local",
+ id="line_%d" % self.line_no)
+ other = u"\n".join(self.lines_until(self.conflict_close_re))
+ yield werkzeug.html.pre(werkzeug.html(other),
+ class_="other",
+ id="line_%d" % self.line_no)
+ yield u'</div>'
+class WikiWikiParser(WikiParser):
+ """A version of WikiParser that recognizes WikiWord links."""
+ markup = dict(WikiParser.markup)
+ camel_link = ur"\w+[%s]\w+" % re.escape(
+ u''.join(unichr(i) for i in xrange(sys.maxunicode)
+ if unicodedata.category(unichr(i)) == 'Lu'))
+ markup["camel_link"] = (105, camel_link)
+ markup["camel_nolink"] = (106, ur"[!~](?P<camel_text>%s)" % camel_link)
+ def _line_camel_link(self, groups):
+ groups['link_target'] = groups['camel_link']
+ return self._line_link(groups)
+ def _line_camel_nolink(self, groups):
+ return werkzeug.escape(groups["camel_text"])