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path: root/apps/system/js/app_install_manager.js
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authorDaniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez@gmail.com>2013-02-06 16:36:20 (GMT)
committer Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez@gmail.com>2013-02-06 16:36:20 (GMT)
commit66dae0ccbc23f4df612711a2e61fadd9b15feb91 (patch)
treea069ef55f4d97b6419f38d8ce86eb19f5cc1f1e7 /apps/system/js/app_install_manager.js
parentb5b9e95e2f4c8ab19cef000c82fcfc0625c52666 (diff)
Empty the system pluginHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/system/js/app_install_manager.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 443 deletions
diff --git a/apps/system/js/app_install_manager.js b/apps/system/js/app_install_manager.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 146a01b..0000000
--- a/apps/system/js/app_install_manager.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var AppInstallManager = {
- mapDownloadErrorsToMessage: {
- 'NETWORK_ERROR': 'download-failed',
- 'DOWNLOAD_ERROR': 'download-failed',
- 'MISSING_MANIFEST': 'install-failed',
- 'INVALID_MANIFEST': 'install-failed',
- 'INSTALL_FROM_DENIED': 'install-failed',
- 'INVALID_SECURITY_LEVEL': 'install-failed',
- 'INVALID_PACKAGE': 'install-failed',
- 'APP_CACHE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR': 'download-failed'
- },
- init: function ai_init() {
- this.dialog = document.getElementById('app-install-dialog');
- this.msg = document.getElementById('app-install-message');
- this.size = document.getElementById('app-install-size');
- this.authorName = document.getElementById('app-install-author-name');
- this.authorUrl = document.getElementById('app-install-author-url');
- this.installButton = document.getElementById('app-install-install-button');
- this.cancelButton = document.getElementById('app-install-cancel-button');
- this.installCancelDialog =
- document.getElementById('app-install-cancel-dialog');
- this.downloadCancelDialog =
- document.getElementById('app-download-cancel-dialog');
- this.confirmCancelButton =
- document.getElementById('app-install-confirm-cancel-button');
- this.resumeButton = document.getElementById('app-install-resume-button');
- this.notifContainer =
- document.getElementById('install-manager-notification-container');
- this.appInfos = {};
- window.addEventListener('mozChromeEvent',
- (function ai_handleChromeEvent(e) {
- if (e.detail.type == 'webapps-ask-install') {
- this.handleAppInstallPrompt(e.detail);
- }
- }).bind(this));
- window.addEventListener('applicationinstall',
- this.handleApplicationInstall.bind(this));
- this.installButton.onclick = this.handleInstall.bind(this);
- this.cancelButton.onclick = this.showInstallCancelDialog.bind(this);
- this.confirmCancelButton.onclick = this.handleInstallCancel.bind(this);
- this.resumeButton.onclick = this.hideInstallCancelDialog.bind(this);
- this.notifContainer.onclick = this.showDownloadCancelDialog.bind(this);
- this.downloadCancelDialog.querySelector('.confirm').onclick =
- this.handleConfirmDownloadCancel.bind(this);
- this.downloadCancelDialog.querySelector('.cancel').onclick =
- this.handleCancelDownloadCancel.bind(this);
- // bind these handlers so that we can have only one instance and check
- // them later on
- ['handleDownloadSuccess',
- 'handleDownloadError',
- 'handleProgress',
- 'handleApplicationReady'
- ].forEach(function(name) {
- this[name] = this[name].bind(this);
- }, this);
- window.addEventListener('applicationready',
- this.handleApplicationReady);
- },
- handleApplicationReady: function ai_handleApplicationReady(e) {
- window.removeEventListener('applicationready',
- this.handleApplicationReady);
- var apps = e.detail.applications;
- Object.keys(apps)
- .filter(function(key) { return apps[key].installState === 'pending'; })
- .map(function(key) { return apps[key]; })
- .forEach(this.prepareForDownload, this);
- },
- handleApplicationInstall: function ai_handleApplicationInstallEvent(e) {
- var app = e.detail.application;
- if (app.installState === 'installed') {
- this.showInstallSuccess(app);
- return;
- }
- this.prepareForDownload(app);
- },
- handleAppInstallPrompt: function ai_handleInstallPrompt(detail) {
- var _ = navigator.mozL10n.get;
- var app = detail.app;
- // updateManifest is used by packaged apps until they are installed
- var manifest = app.manifest ? app.manifest : app.updateManifest;
- if (!manifest)
- return;
- this.dialog.classList.add('visible');
- var id = detail.id;
- if (manifest.size) {
- this.size.textContent = this.humanizeSize(manifest.size);
- } else {
- this.size.textContent = _('unknown');
- }
- // Wrap manifest to get localized properties
- manifest = new ManifestHelper(manifest);
- var msg = _('install-app', {'name': manifest.name});
- this.msg.textContent = msg;
- if (manifest.developer) {
- this.authorName.textContent = manifest.developer.name || _('unknown');
- this.authorUrl.textContent = manifest.developer.url || '';
- } else {
- this.authorName.textContent = _('unknown');
- this.authorUrl.textContent = '';
- }
- this.installCallback = (function ai_installCallback() {
- this.dispatchResponse(id, 'webapps-install-granted');
- }).bind(this);
- this.installCancelCallback = (function ai_cancelCallback() {
- this.dispatchResponse(id, 'webapps-install-denied');
- }).bind(this);
- },
- handleInstall: function ai_handleInstall(evt) {
- if (evt)
- evt.preventDefault();
- if (this.installCallback)
- this.installCallback();
- this.installCallback = null;
- this.dialog.classList.remove('visible');
- },
- prepareForDownload: function ai_prepareForDownload(app) {
- var manifestURL = app.manifestURL;
- this.appInfos[manifestURL] = {};
- // these methods are already bound to |this|
- app.ondownloadsuccess = this.handleDownloadSuccess;
- app.ondownloaderror = this.handleDownloadError;
- app.onprogress = this.handleProgress;
- },
- showInstallSuccess: function ai_showInstallSuccess(app) {
- var manifest = app.manifest || app.updateManifest;
- var name = new ManifestHelper(manifest).name;
- var _ = navigator.mozL10n.get;
- var msg = _('app-install-success', { appName: name });
- SystemBanner.show(msg);
- },
- handleDownloadSuccess: function ai_handleDownloadSuccess(evt) {
- var app = evt.application;
- this.showInstallSuccess(app);
- this.onDownloadStop(app);
- this.onDownloadFinish(app);
- },
- handleDownloadError: function ai_handleDownloadError(evt) {
- var app = evt.application;
- var _ = navigator.mozL10n.get;
- var manifest = app.manifest || app.updateManifest;
- var name = new ManifestHelper(manifest).name;
- var errorName = app.downloadError.name;
- switch (errorName) {
- var title = _('not-enough-space'),
- buttonText = _('ok'),
- message = _('not-enough-space-message');
- ModalDialog.alert(title, message, {title: buttonText});
- break;
- default:
- // showing the real error to a potential developer
- console.info('downloadError event, error code is', errorName);
- var key = this.mapDownloadErrorsToMessage[errorName] || 'generic-error';
- var msg = _('app-install-' + key, { appName: name });
- SystemBanner.show(msg);
- }
- this.onDownloadStop(app);
- },
- onDownloadStart: function ai_onDownloadStart(app) {
- if (! this.hasNotification(app)) {
- StatusBar.incSystemDownloads();
- this.addNotification(app);
- this.requestWifiLock(app);
- }
- },
- onDownloadStop: function ai_onDownloadStop(app) {
- if (this.hasNotification(app)) {
- StatusBar.decSystemDownloads();
- this.removeNotification(app);
- this.releaseWifiLock(app);
- }
- },
- hasNotification: function ai_hasNotification(app) {
- var appInfo = this.appInfos[app.manifestURL];
- return appInfo && !!appInfo.installNotification;
- },
- onDownloadFinish: function ai_onDownloadFinish(app) {
- delete this.appInfos[app.manifestURL];
- // check if these are our handlers before removing them
- if (app.ondownloadsuccess === this.handleDownloadSuccess) {
- app.ondownloadsuccess = null;
- }
- if (app.ondownloaderror === this.handleDownloadError) {
- app.ondownloaderror = null;
- }
- if (app.onprogress === this.handleProgress) {
- app.onprogress = null;
- }
- },
- addNotification: function ai_addNotification(app) {
- // should be unique (this is used already in applications.js)
- var manifestURL = app.manifestURL,
- manifest = app.manifest || app.updateManifest,
- appInfo = this.appInfos[manifestURL];
- if (appInfo.installNotification) {
- return;
- }
- var newNotif =
- '<div class="fake-notification">' +
- '<div class="message"></div>' +
- '<progress></progress>' +
- '</div>';
- this.notifContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', newNotif);
- var newNode = this.notifContainer.firstElementChild;
- newNode.dataset.manifest = manifestURL;
- var _ = navigator.mozL10n.get;
- var message = _('downloadingAppMessage', {
- appName: new ManifestHelper(manifest).name
- });
- newNode.querySelector('.message').textContent = message;
- var size = manifest.size,
- progressNode = newNode.querySelector('progress');
- if (size) {
- progressNode.max = size;
- appInfo.hasMax = true;
- }
- appInfo.installNotification = newNode;
- NotificationScreen.incExternalNotifications();
- },
- getNotificationProgressNode: function ai_getNotificationProgressNode(app) {
- var appInfo = this.appInfos[app.manifestURL];
- var progressNode = appInfo &&
- appInfo.installNotification &&
- appInfo.installNotification.querySelector('progress');
- return progressNode || null;
- },
- handleProgress: function ai_handleProgress(evt) {
- var app = evt.application,
- appInfo = this.appInfos[app.manifestURL];
- this.onDownloadStart(app);
- var progressNode = this.getNotificationProgressNode(app);
- var message;
- var _ = navigator.mozL10n.get;
- if (isNaN(app.progress) || app.progress == null) {
- // now we get NaN if there is no progress information but let's
- // handle the null and undefined cases as well
- message = _('downloadingAppProgressIndeterminate');
- progressNode.value = undefined; // switch to indeterminate state
- } else if (appInfo.hasMax) {
- message = _('downloadingAppProgress',
- {
- progress: this.humanizeSize(app.progress),
- max: this.humanizeSize(progressNode.max)
- });
- progressNode.value = app.progress;
- } else {
- message = _('downloadingAppProgressNoMax',
- { progress: this.humanizeSize(app.progress) });
- }
- progressNode.textContent = message;
- },
- removeNotification: function ai_removeNotification(app) {
- var manifestURL = app.manifestURL,
- appInfo = this.appInfos[manifestURL],
- node = appInfo.installNotification;
- if (!node) {
- return;
- }
- node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
- delete appInfo.installNotification;
- NotificationScreen.decExternalNotifications();
- },
- requestWifiLock: function ai_requestWifiLock(app) {
- var appInfo = this.appInfos[app.manifestURL];
- if (! appInfo.wifiLock) {
- // we don't want 2 locks for the same app
- appInfo.wifiLock = navigator.requestWakeLock('wifi');
- }
- },
- releaseWifiLock: function ai_releaseWifiLock(app) {
- var appInfo = this.appInfos[app.manifestURL];
- if (appInfo.wifiLock) {
- try {
- appInfo.wifiLock.unlock();
- } catch (e) {
- // this can happen if the lock is already unlocked
- console.error('error during unlock', e);
- }
- delete appInfo.wifiLock;
- }
- },
- dispatchResponse: function ai_dispatchResponse(id, type) {
- var event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
- event.initCustomEvent('mozContentEvent', true, true, {
- id: id,
- type: type
- });
- window.dispatchEvent(event);
- },
- humanizeSize: function ai_humanizeSize(bytes) {
- var _ = navigator.mozL10n.get;
- var units = ['bytes', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'];
- if (!bytes)
- return '0.00 ' + _(units[0]);
- var e = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024));
- return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, Math.floor(e))).toFixed(2) + ' ' +
- _(units[e]);
- },
- showInstallCancelDialog: function ai_showInstallCancelDialog(evt) {
- if (evt)
- evt.preventDefault();
- this.installCancelDialog.classList.add('visible');
- this.dialog.classList.remove('visible');
- },
- hideInstallCancelDialog: function ai_hideInstallCancelDialog(evt) {
- if (evt)
- evt.preventDefault();
- this.dialog.classList.add('visible');
- this.installCancelDialog.classList.remove('visible');
- },
- showDownloadCancelDialog: function ai_showDownloadCancelDialog(e) {
- var currentNode = e.target;
- if (!currentNode.classList.contains('fake-notification')) {
- // tapped outside of a notification
- return;
- }
- var manifestURL = currentNode.dataset.manifest,
- app = Applications.getByManifestURL(manifestURL),
- manifest = app.manifest || app.updateManifest,
- dialog = this.downloadCancelDialog;
- var title = dialog.querySelector('h1');
- title.textContent = navigator.mozL10n.get('stopDownloading', {
- app: new ManifestHelper(manifest).name
- });
- dialog.classList.add('visible');
- dialog.dataset.manifest = manifestURL;
- UtilityTray.hide();
- },
- handleInstallCancel: function ai_handleInstallCancel() {
- if (this.installCancelCallback)
- this.installCancelCallback();
- this.installCancelCallback = null;
- this.installCancelDialog.classList.remove('visible');
- },
- handleConfirmDownloadCancel: function ai_handleConfirmDownloadCancel(e) {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- var dialog = this.downloadCancelDialog,
- manifestURL = dialog.dataset.manifest;
- if (manifestURL) {
- var app = Applications.getByManifestURL(manifestURL);
- app && app.cancelDownload();
- }
- this.hideDownloadCancelDialog();
- },
- handleCancelDownloadCancel: function ai_handleCancelDownloadCancel(e) {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- this.hideDownloadCancelDialog();
- },
- hideDownloadCancelDialog: function() {
- var dialog = this.downloadCancelDialog;
- dialog.classList.remove('visible');
- delete dialog.dataset.manifest;
- }