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path: root/apps/system/test/unit
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authorDaniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez@gmail.com>2013-02-06 16:36:20 (GMT)
committer Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez@gmail.com>2013-02-06 16:36:20 (GMT)
commit66dae0ccbc23f4df612711a2e61fadd9b15feb91 (patch)
treea069ef55f4d97b6419f38d8ce86eb19f5cc1f1e7 /apps/system/test/unit
parentb5b9e95e2f4c8ab19cef000c82fcfc0625c52666 (diff)
Empty the system pluginHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/system/test/unit')
-rw-r--r--apps/system/test/unit/style/lockscreen/images/mask.pngbin18182 -> 0 bytes
41 files changed, 0 insertions, 5664 deletions
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/_proxy.html b/apps/system/test/unit/_proxy.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2102451..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/_proxy.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- <title>Serve the tests</title>
- <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
- (function(window){
- var Loader = window.CommonResourceLoader = {},
- host = document.location.host,
- domain = host.replace(/(^[\w\d-]+\.)?([\w\d]+\.[a-z]+)/, 'test-agent.$2');
- Loader.domain = document.location.protocol + '//' + domain;
- Loader.url = function(url){
- return this.domain + url;
- }
- Loader.script = function(url, doc){
- doc = doc || document;
- doc.write('<script type="application/javascript;version=1.8" src="' + this.url(url) + '"><\/script>');
- return this;
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- }(this));
- </script>
- <style type="text/css" media="all">
- html,body,iframe {
- height: 100%;
- width: 100%;
- }
- </style>
-<!-- Test Agent UI will be loaded in here -->
-<div id="test-agent-ui">
-<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
- script('/common/test/test_url_resolver.js').
- script('/common/vendor/test-agent/test-agent.js').
- script('/common/test/agent_proxy.js');
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/_sandbox.html b/apps/system/test/unit/_sandbox.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 70d0efa..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/_sandbox.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- <title>Tests</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/vendor/mocha/mocha.css" />
- <style type="text/css" media="all">
- iframe {
- border: none;
- padding: 0px;
- }
- </style>
- <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
- </script>
-<div id="mocha">
-<div id="test">
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/app_install_manager_test.js b/apps/system/test/unit/app_install_manager_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e235e5..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/app_install_manager_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1036 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var mocksForAppInstallManager = [
- 'StatusBar',
- 'SystemBanner',
- 'NotificationScreen',
- 'Applications',
- 'UtilityTray',
- 'ModalDialog',
- 'ManifestHelper'
-mocksForAppInstallManager.forEach(function(mockName) {
- if (! window[mockName]) {
- window[mockName] = null;
- }
-suite('system/AppInstallManager >', function() {
- var realL10n;
- var realDispatchResponse;
- var realRequestWakeLock;
- var fakeDialog, fakeNotif;
- var fakeInstallCancelDialog, fakeDownloadCancelDialog;
- var lastL10nParams = null;
- var lastDispatchedResponse = null;
- var mocksHelper;
- suiteSetup(function() {
- realL10n = navigator.mozL10n;
- navigator.mozL10n = {
- get: function get(key, params) {
- lastL10nParams = params;
- if (params) {
- return key + JSON.stringify(params);
- }
- return key;
- }
- };
- realDispatchResponse = AppInstallManager.dispatchResponse;
- AppInstallManager.dispatchResponse = function fakeDispatch(id, type) {
- lastDispatchedResponse = {
- id: id,
- type: type
- };
- };
- realRequestWakeLock = navigator.requestWakeLock;
- navigator.requestWakeLock = MockNavigatorWakeLock.requestWakeLock;
- mocksHelper = new MocksHelper(mocksForAppInstallManager);
- mocksHelper.suiteSetup();
- });
- suiteTeardown(function() {
- AppInstallManager.dialog = null;
- AppInstallManager.msg = null;
- AppInstallManager.size = null;
- AppInstallManager.authorName = null;
- AppInstallManager.authorUrl = null;
- AppInstallManager.installButton = null;
- AppInstallManager.cancelButton = null;
- AppInstallManager.installCallback = null;
- AppInstallManager.cancelCallback = null;
- navigator.mozL10n = realL10n;
- AppInstallManager.dispatchResponse = realDispatchResponse;
- navigator.requestWakeLock = realRequestWakeLock;
- realRequestWakeLock = null;
- mocksHelper.suiteTeardown();
- });
- setup(function() {
- fakeDialog = document.createElement('form');
- fakeDialog.id = 'app-install-dialog';
- fakeDialog.innerHTML = [
- '<section>',
- '<h1 id="app-install-message"></h1>',
- '<table>',
- '<tr>',
- '<th data-l10n-id="size">Size</th>',
- '<td id="app-install-size"></td>',
- '</tr>',
- '<tr>',
- '<th data-l10n-id="author">Author</th>',
- '<td>',
- '<span id="app-install-author-name"></span>',
- '<br /><span id="app-install-author-url"></span>',
- '</td>',
- '</tr>',
- '</table>',
- '<menu>',
- '<button id="app-install-cancel-button" type="reset"' +
- ' data-l10n-id="cancel">Cancel</button>',
- '<button id="app-install-install-button" type="submit"' +
- ' data-l10n-id="install">Install</button>',
- '</menu>',
- '</section>'
- ].join('');
- fakeInstallCancelDialog = document.createElement('form');
- fakeInstallCancelDialog.id = 'app-install-cancel-dialog';
- fakeInstallCancelDialog.innerHTML = [
- '<section>',
- '<h1 data-l10n-id="cancel-install">Cancel Install</h1>',
- '<p>',
- '<small data-l10n-id="cancelling-will-not-refund">Cancelling ' +
- 'will not refund a purchase. Refunds for paid content are ' +
- 'provided by the original seller.</small>',
- '<small data-l10n-id="apps-can-be-installed-later">Apps can be ' +
- 'installed later from the original installation source.</small>',
- '</p>',
- '<p data-l10n-id="are-you-sure-you-want-to-cancel">' +
- 'Are you sure you want to cancel this install?</p>',
- '<menu>',
- '<button id="app-install-confirm-cancel-button" type="reset" ' +
- 'data-l10n-id="cancel-install">Cancel Install</button>',
- '<button id="app-install-resume-button" type="submit" ' +
- 'data-l10n-id="resume">Resume</button>',
- '</menu>',
- '</section>'
- ].join('');
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog = document.createElement('form');
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog.id = 'app-download-cancel-dialog';
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog.innerHTML = [
- '<section>',
- '<h1></h1>',
- '<p data-l10n-id="app-download-can-be-restarted">' +
- 'The download can be restarted later.</p>',
- '<menu>',
- '<button id="app-download-stop-button" class="danger confirm" ',
- 'data-l10n-id="app-download-stop-button">Stop Download</button>',
- '<button id="app-download-continue-button" class="cancel" ',
- 'type="reset" data-l10n-id="continue">Continue</button>',
- '</menu>',
- '</section>'
- ].join('');
- fakeNotif = document.createElement('div');
- fakeNotif.id = 'install-manager-notification-container';
- document.body.appendChild(fakeDialog);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeInstallCancelDialog);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeDownloadCancelDialog);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeNotif);
- mocksHelper.setup();
- AppInstallManager.init();
- });
- teardown(function() {
- fakeDialog.parentNode.removeChild(fakeDialog);
- fakeInstallCancelDialog.parentNode.removeChild(fakeInstallCancelDialog);
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog.parentNode.removeChild(fakeDownloadCancelDialog);
- fakeNotif.parentNode.removeChild(fakeNotif);
- lastDispatchedResponse = null;
- lastL10nParams = null;
- mocksHelper.teardown();
- MockNavigatorWakeLock.mTeardown();
- });
- suite('init >', function() {
- test('should bind dom elements', function() {
- assert.equal('app-install-dialog', AppInstallManager.dialog.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-message', AppInstallManager.msg.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-size', AppInstallManager.size.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-author-name', AppInstallManager.authorName.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-author-url', AppInstallManager.authorUrl.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-install-button',
- AppInstallManager.installButton.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-cancel-button',
- AppInstallManager.cancelButton.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-cancel-dialog',
- AppInstallManager.installCancelDialog.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-confirm-cancel-button',
- AppInstallManager.confirmCancelButton.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-resume-button',
- AppInstallManager.resumeButton.id);
- });
- test('should bind to the click event', function() {
- assert.equal(AppInstallManager.handleInstall.name,
- AppInstallManager.installButton.onclick.name);
- assert.equal(AppInstallManager.showInstallCancelDialog.name,
- AppInstallManager.cancelButton.onclick.name);
- assert.equal(AppInstallManager.handleInstallCancel.name,
- AppInstallManager.confirmCancelButton.onclick.name);
- assert.equal(AppInstallManager.hideInstallCancelDialog.name,
- AppInstallManager.resumeButton.onclick.name);
- });
- });
- suite('events >', function() {
- suite('webapps-ask-install >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- manifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- size: 5245678,
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev',
- url: 'http://fakesoftware.com'
- }
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- });
- test('should display the dialog', function() {
- assert.equal('visible', AppInstallManager.dialog.className);
- });
- test('should fill the message with app name', function() {
- assert.equal(AppInstallManager.msg.textContent,
- 'install-app{"name":"Fake app"}');
- });
- test('should use the mini manifest if no manifest', function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- updateManifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- size: 5245678,
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev',
- url: 'http://fakesoftware.com'
- }
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- assert.equal(AppInstallManager.msg.textContent,
- 'install-app{"name":"Fake app"}');
- });
- suite('developer infos >', function() {
- test('should fill the developer infos', function() {
- assert.equal('Fake dev', AppInstallManager.authorName.textContent);
- assert.equal('http://fakesoftware.com',
- AppInstallManager.authorUrl.textContent);
- });
- test('should tell if the developer is unknown', function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- updateManifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- size: 5245678
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- assert.equal('unknown', AppInstallManager.authorName.textContent);
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.authorUrl.textContent);
- });
- test('should handle empty developer object properly', function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- updateManifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- size: 5245678,
- developer: {}
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- assert.equal('unknown', AppInstallManager.authorName.textContent);
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.authorUrl.textContent);
- });
- test('should tell if the developer name is unknown', function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- updateManifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- size: 5245678,
- developer: {
- url: 'http://example.com'
- }
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- assert.equal('unknown', AppInstallManager.authorName.textContent);
- assert.equal('http://example.com',
- AppInstallManager.authorUrl.textContent);
- });
- test('the developer url should default to blank', function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- updateManifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- size: 5245678,
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev'
- }
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- assert.equal('Fake dev', AppInstallManager.authorName.textContent);
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.authorUrl.textContent);
- });
- });
- suite('install size >', function() {
- test('should display the package size', function() {
- assert.equal('5.00 MB', AppInstallManager.size.textContent);
- });
- test('should tell if the size is unknown', function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- manifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev',
- url: 'http://fakesoftware.com'
- }
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- assert.equal('unknown', AppInstallManager.size.textContent);
- });
- });
- suite('callbacks >', function() {
- suite('install >', function() {
- var defaultPrevented = false;
- setup(function() {
- AppInstallManager.handleInstall({preventDefault: function() {
- defaultPrevented = true;
- }});
- });
- test('should dispatch a webapps-install-granted with the right id',
- function() {
- assert.equal(42, lastDispatchedResponse.id);
- assert.equal('webapps-install-granted',
- lastDispatchedResponse.type);
- });
- test('should prevent the default to avoid form submission',
- function() {
- assert.isTrue(defaultPrevented);
- });
- test('should hide the dialog', function() {
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.dialog.className);
- });
- test('should remove the callback', function() {
- assert.equal(null, AppInstallManager.installCallback);
- });
- });
- suite('show cancel dialog >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- AppInstallManager.showInstallCancelDialog();
- });
- test('should show cancel dialog and hide dialog', function() {
- assert.equal('visible',
- AppInstallManager.installCancelDialog.className);
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.dialog.className);
- });
- });
- suite('hide cancel dialog >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- AppInstallManager.hideInstallCancelDialog();
- });
- test('should hide cancel dialog and show dialog', function() {
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.installCancelDialog.className);
- assert.equal('visible', AppInstallManager.dialog.className);
- });
- });
- suite('confirm cancel >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- AppInstallManager.handleInstallCancel();
- });
- test('should dispatch a webapps-install-denied', function() {
- assert.equal(42, lastDispatchedResponse.id);
- assert.equal('webapps-install-denied', lastDispatchedResponse.type);
- });
- test('should hide the dialog', function() {
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.installCancelDialog.className);
- });
- test('should remove the callback', function() {
- assert.equal(null, AppInstallManager.installCancelCallback);
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- suite('duringInstall >', function() {
- var mockApp, mockAppName;
- function dispatchEvent() {
- var e = new CustomEvent('applicationinstall', {
- detail: { application: mockApp }
- });
- window.dispatchEvent(e);
- }
- suite('hosted app without cache >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockAppName = 'Fake hosted app';
- mockApp = new MockApp({
- manifest: {
- name: mockAppName,
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev',
- url: 'http://fakesoftware.com'
- }
- },
- updateManifest: null,
- installState: 'installed'
- });
- MockSystemBanner.mTeardown();
- dispatchEvent();
- });
- test('should not show the icon', function() {
- assert.isUndefined(MockStatusBar.wasMethodCalled['incSystemDownloads']);
- });
- test('should not add a notification', function() {
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 0);
- });
- test('should display a confirmation', function() {
- assert.equal(MockSystemBanner.mMessage,
- 'app-install-success{"appName":"' + mockAppName + '"}');
- });
- });
- function beforeFirstProgressSuite() {
- suite('before first progress >', function() {
- test('should not show the icon', function() {
- var method = 'incSystemDownloads';
- assert.isUndefined(MockStatusBar.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should not add a notification', function() {
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 0);
- });
- suite('on downloadsuccess >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- // reseting these mocks as we want to test only one call
- MockNotificationScreen.mTeardown();
- MockStatusBar.mTeardown();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- });
- test('should not remove a notification', function() {
- var method = 'decExternalNotifications';
- assert.isUndefined(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should not remove the download icon', function() {
- var method = 'decSystemDownloads';
- assert.isUndefined(MockStatusBar.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should display a confirmation', function() {
- assert.equal(MockSystemBanner.mMessage,
- 'app-install-success{"appName":"' + mockAppName + '"}');
- });
- });
- suite('on downloaderror >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- // reseting these mocks as we want to test only one call
- MockNotificationScreen.mTeardown();
- MockStatusBar.mTeardown();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadError();
- });
- test('should not remove a notification', function() {
- var method = 'decExternalNotifications';
- assert.isUndefined(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should not remove the download icon', function() {
- var method = 'decSystemDownloads';
- assert.isUndefined(MockStatusBar.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- });
- });
- }
- function downloadErrorSuite(downloadEventsSuite) {
- suite('on downloadError >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- // reseting these mocks as we only want to test the
- // following call
- MockStatusBar.mTeardown();
- MockSystemBanner.mTeardown();
- MockModalDialog.mTeardown();
- });
- function downloadErrorTests(errorName) {
- test('should display an error', function() {
- var expectedErrorMsg = knownErrors[errorName] +
- '{"appName":"' + mockAppName + '"}';
- assert.equal(MockSystemBanner.mMessage, expectedErrorMsg);
- });
- test('should not display the error dialog', function() {
- assert.isFalse(MockModalDialog.alert.mWasCalled);
- });
- }
- function specificDownloadErrorSuite(errorName) {
- suite(errorName + ' >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadError(errorName);
- });
- downloadErrorTests(errorName);
- });
- }
- var knownErrors = {
- 'FALLBACK_ERROR': 'app-install-generic-error',
- 'NETWORK_ERROR': 'app-install-download-failed',
- 'DOWNLOAD_ERROR': 'app-install-download-failed',
- 'MISSING_MANIFEST': 'app-install-install-failed',
- 'INVALID_MANIFEST': 'app-install-install-failed',
- 'INSTALL_FROM_DENIED': 'app-install-install-failed',
- 'INVALID_SECURITY_LEVEL': 'app-install-install-failed',
- 'INVALID_PACKAGE': 'app-install-install-failed',
- 'APP_CACHE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR': 'app-install-download-failed'
- };
- Object.keys(knownErrors).forEach(specificDownloadErrorSuite);
- suite('GENERIC_ERROR >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadError('GENERIC_ERROR');
- });
- test('should remove the notif', function() {
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 0);
- });
- test('should remove the icon', function() {
- var method = 'decSystemDownloads';
- assert.ok(MockStatusBar.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- beforeFirstProgressSuite();
- downloadEventsSuite(/*afterError*/ true);
- });
- });
- }
- suite('hosted app with cache >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockAppName = 'Fake hosted app with cache';
- mockApp = new MockApp({
- manifest: {
- name: mockAppName,
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev',
- url: 'http://fakesoftware.com'
- }
- },
- updateManifest: null,
- installState: 'pending'
- });
- MockSystemBanner.mTeardown();
- dispatchEvent();
- });
- function downloadEventsSuite(afterError) {
- var suiteName = 'on first progress';
- if (afterError) {
- suiteName += ' after error';
- }
- suiteName += ' >';
- suite(suiteName, function() {
- setup(function() {
- // reseting these mocks as we want to test only the following
- // calls
- MockNotificationScreen.mTeardown();
- MockStatusBar.mTeardown();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(NaN);
- });
- test('should add a notification', function() {
- var method = 'incExternalNotifications';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 1);
- assert.ok(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('notification should have a message', function() {
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.querySelector('.message').textContent,
- 'downloadingAppMessage{"appName":"Fake hosted app with cache"}');
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.querySelector('progress').textContent,
- 'downloadingAppProgressIndeterminate');
- });
- test('notification progress should be indeterminate', function() {
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.querySelector('progress').position, -1);
- });
- test('should request wifi wake lock', function() {
- assert.equal('wifi', MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.topic);
- assert.isFalse(MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.released);
- });
- suite('on downloadsuccess >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- });
- test('should remove the notif', function() {
- var method = 'decExternalNotifications';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 0);
- assert.ok(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should release the wifi wake lock', function() {
- assert.equal('wifi', MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.topic);
- assert.isTrue(MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.released);
- });
- });
- test('on downloadsuccess > should remove only its progress handler',
- function() {
- var onprogressCalled = false;
- mockApp.onprogress = function() {
- onprogressCalled = true;
- };
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(10);
- assert.isTrue(onprogressCalled);
- });
- test('on downloadsuccess > should display a confirmation',
- function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.equal(MockSystemBanner.mMessage,
- 'app-install-success{"appName":"' + mockAppName + '"}');
- });
- suite('on indeterminate progress >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(NaN);
- });
- test('should keep the progress indeterminate', function() {
- var progressNode = fakeNotif.querySelector('progress');
- assert.equal(progressNode.position, -1);
- assert.equal(progressNode.textContent,
- 'downloadingAppProgressIndeterminate');
- });
- });
- suite('on quantified progress >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(10);
- });
- test('should have a quantified progress', function() {
- var progressNode = fakeNotif.querySelector('progress');
- assert.equal(progressNode.position, -1);
- assert.equal(progressNode.textContent,
- 'downloadingAppProgressNoMax{"progress":"10.00 bytes"}');
- });
- });
- if (!afterError) {
- downloadErrorSuite(downloadEventsSuite);
- }
- });
- }
- beforeFirstProgressSuite();
- downloadEventsSuite(/*afterError*/ false);
- });
- suite('packaged app >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockAppName = 'Fake packaged app';
- mockApp = new MockApp({
- manifest: null,
- updateManifest: {
- name: mockAppName,
- size: 5245678,
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev',
- url: 'http://fakesoftware.com'
- }
- },
- installState: 'pending'
- });
- dispatchEvent();
- });
- function downloadEventsSuite(afterError) {
- var suiteName = 'on first progress';
- if (afterError) {
- suiteName += ' after error';
- }
- suiteName += ' >';
- suite(suiteName, function() {
- var newprogress = 5;
- setup(function() {
- // resetting this mock because we want to test only the
- // following call
- MockNotificationScreen.mTeardown();
- MockSystemBanner.mTeardown();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(newprogress);
- });
- test('should add a notification', function() {
- var method = 'incExternalNotifications';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 1);
- assert.ok(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('notification should have a message', function() {
- var expectedText = 'downloadingAppMessage{"appName":"' +
- mockAppName + '"}';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.querySelector('.message').textContent,
- expectedText);
- });
- test('notification progress should have a max and a value',
- function() {
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.querySelector('progress').max,
- mockApp.updateManifest.size);
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.querySelector('progress').value,
- newprogress);
- });
- test('notification progress should not be indeterminate',
- function() {
- assert.notEqual(fakeNotif.querySelector('progress').position, -1);
- });
- test('should request wifi wake lock', function() {
- assert.equal('wifi', MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.topic);
- assert.isFalse(MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.released);
- });
- suite('on downloadsuccess >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- });
- test('should remove the notif', function() {
- var method = 'decExternalNotifications';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 0);
- assert.ok(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should release the wifi wake lock', function() {
- assert.equal('wifi', MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.topic);
- assert.isTrue(MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.released);
- });
- });
- test('on downloadsuccess > ' +
- 'should not break if wifi unlock throws an exception',
- function() {
- MockNavigatorWakeLock.mThrowAtNextUnlock();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.ok(true);
- });
- test('on downloadsuccess > should display a confirmation',
- function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.equal(MockSystemBanner.mMessage,
- 'app-install-success{"appName":"' + mockAppName + '"}');
- });
- test('on indeterminate progress > ' +
- 'should update the progress text content',
- function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(NaN);
- var progressNode = fakeNotif.querySelector('progress');
- assert.equal(progressNode.textContent,
- 'downloadingAppProgressIndeterminate');
- });
- suite('on progress >', function() {
- var size, ratio;
- var newprogress = 10;
- setup(function() {
- size = mockApp.updateManifest.size;
- ratio = newprogress / size;
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(newprogress);
- });
- test('should update the progress notification', function() {
- var progressNode = fakeNotif.querySelector('progress');
- assert.equal(progressNode.position, ratio);
- assert.equal(progressNode.textContent,
- 'downloadingAppProgress{"progress":"10.00 bytes",' +
- '"max":"5.00 MB"}');
- });
- });
- if (!afterError) {
- downloadErrorSuite(downloadEventsSuite);
- }
- });
- }
- beforeFirstProgressSuite();
- downloadEventsSuite(/*afterError*/ false);
- suite('on INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE downloaderror >', function() {
- test('should display an alert', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadError('INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE');
- assert.isNull(MockSystemBanner.mMessage);
- assert.isTrue(MockModalDialog.alert.mWasCalled);
- var args = MockModalDialog.alert.mArgs;
- assert.equal(args[0], 'not-enough-space');
- assert.equal(args[1], 'not-enough-space-message');
- assert.deepEqual(args[2], { title: 'ok' });
- });
- beforeFirstProgressSuite();
- downloadEventsSuite(/*afterError*/ true);
- });
- });
- suite('cancelling a download >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp = new MockApp({ installState: 'pending' });
- MockApplications.mRegisterMockApp(mockApp);
- dispatchEvent();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(10);
- });
- test('tapping the notification should display the dialog', function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- assert.isTrue(fakeDownloadCancelDialog.classList.contains('visible'));
- });
- test('tapping the container should not display the dialog', function() {
- fakeNotif.click();
- assert.isFalse(fakeDownloadCancelDialog.classList.contains('visible'));
- });
- test('should set the title with the app name', function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- var title = fakeDownloadCancelDialog.querySelector('h1');
- assert.equal(title.textContent, 'stopDownloading{"app":"Mock app"}');
- });
- test('should add the manifest url in data set', function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- assert.equal(fakeDownloadCancelDialog.dataset.manifest,
- mockApp.manifestURL);
- });
- test('should hide the notification tray', function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- assert.isFalse(MockUtilityTray.mShown);
- });
- test('cancelling should hide the dialog only', function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog.querySelector('.cancel').click();
- assert.isFalse(fakeDownloadCancelDialog.classList.contains('visible'));
- assert.isFalse(mockApp.mCancelCalled);
- });
- test('accepting should hide the dialog and call cancelDownload on app',
- function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog.querySelector('.confirm').click();
- assert.isFalse(fakeDownloadCancelDialog.classList.contains('visible'));
- assert.ok(mockApp.mCancelCalled);
- });
- test('accepting should hide the dialog but not call cancelDownload ' +
- 'if app is uninstalled',
- function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- MockApplications.mUnregisterMockApp(mockApp);
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog.querySelector('.confirm').click();
- assert.isFalse(fakeDownloadCancelDialog.classList.contains('visible'));
- assert.isFalse(mockApp.mCancelCalled);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('restarting after reboot >', function() {
- var mockApp, installedMockApp;
- setup(function() {
- mockApp = new MockApp({
- updateManifest: null,
- installState: 'pending'
- });
- installedMockApp = new MockApp({
- updateManifest: null,
- installState: 'installed'
- });
- var e = new CustomEvent('applicationready', {
- detail: { applications: {} }
- });
- e.detail.applications[mockApp.manifestURL] = mockApp;
- e.detail.applications[installedMockApp.manifestURL] = installedMockApp;
- window.dispatchEvent(e);
- });
- test('should add a notification for the pending app', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(50);
- var method = 'incExternalNotifications';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 1);
- assert.ok(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should not add a notification for the installed app', function() {
- installedMockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(50);
- var method = 'incExternalNotifications';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- });
- suite('humanizeSize >', function() {
- test('should handle bytes size', function() {
- assert.equal('42.00 bytes', AppInstallManager.humanizeSize(42));
- });
- test('should handle kilobytes size', function() {
- assert.equal('1.00 kB', AppInstallManager.humanizeSize(1024));
- });
- test('should handle megabytes size', function() {
- assert.equal('4.67 MB', AppInstallManager.humanizeSize(4901024));
- });
- test('should handle gigabytes size', function() {
- assert.equal('3.73 GB', AppInstallManager.humanizeSize(4000901024));
- });
- test('should handle 0', function() {
- assert.equal('0.00 bytes', AppInstallManager.humanizeSize(0));
- });
- });
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/battery_manager_test.js b/apps/system/test/unit/battery_manager_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ee85f86..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/battery_manager_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var mocksForBatteryManager = [
- 'SettingsListener',
- 'SleepMenu',
- 'GestureDetector'
-mocksForBatteryManager.forEach(function(mockName) {
- if (! window[mockName]) {
- window[mockName] = null;
- }
-suite('battery manager >', function() {
- var realBattery;
- var screenNode, notifNode, overlayNode;
- var mocksHelper;
- var tinyTimeout = 10;
- suiteSetup(function() {
- mocksHelper = new MocksHelper(mocksForBatteryManager);
- mocksHelper.suiteSetup();
- realBattery = BatteryManager._battery;
- BatteryManager._battery = MockNavigatorBattery;
- // must be big enough, otherwise the BatteryManager timeout occurs
- // before the different suites execute.
- BatteryManager.TOASTER_TIMEOUT = tinyTimeout;
- });
- suiteTeardown(function() {
- mocksHelper.suiteTeardown();
- BatteryManager._battery = realBattery;
- realBattery = null;
- });
- setup(function() {
- mocksHelper.setup();
- var batteryNotificationMarkup =
- '<div id="system-overlay" data-z-index-level="system-overlay">' +
- '<div id="battery">' +
- '<span class="icon-battery"></span>' +
- '<span class="battery-notification" '+
- 'data-l10n-id="battery-almost-empty">Battery almost empty' +
- '</span>' +
- '</div>' +
- '</div>';
- screenNode = document.createElement('div');
- screenNode.id = 'screen';
- screenNode.innerHTML = batteryNotificationMarkup;
- document.body.appendChild(screenNode);
- overlayNode = document.getElementById('system-overlay');
- notifNode = document.getElementById('battery');
- MockNavigatorBattery.level = 1;
- PowerSaveHandler.init();
- BatteryManager.init();
- });
- teardown(function() {
- mocksHelper.teardown();
- screenNode.parentNode.removeChild(screenNode);
- });
- function sendScreenChange(val) {
- var detail = { screenEnabled: val};
- var evt = new CustomEvent('screenchange', { detail: detail });
- window.dispatchEvent(evt);
- }
- function sendLevelChange(level) {
- MockNavigatorBattery.level = level;
- var evt = new CustomEvent('levelchange');
- MockNavigatorBattery.mTriggerEvent(evt);
- }
- function sendChargingChange(val) {
- MockNavigatorBattery.charging = val;
- var evt = new CustomEvent('chargingchange');
- MockNavigatorBattery.mTriggerEvent(evt);
- }
- suite('"level is near empty" notification >', function() {
- function assertDisplayed() {
- assert.ok(overlayNode.classList.contains('battery'));
- }
- function assertNotDisplayed() {
- assert.isFalse(overlayNode.classList.contains('battery'));
- }
- teardown(function(done) {
- // wait for the notification timeout
- setTimeout(done, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- suite('init >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- MockNavigatorBattery.level = 0.02;
- BatteryManager.init();
- });
- test('display notification', function() {
- assertDisplayed();
- });
- });
- suite('battery goes empty >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- sendLevelChange(0.05);
- });
- test('display notification', function() {
- assertDisplayed();
- });
- test('do not display twice', function(done) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- sendLevelChange(0.02);
- assertNotDisplayed();
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- suite('charging >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- sendChargingChange(true);
- });
- test('hide notification', function() {
- assertNotDisplayed();
- });
- test('not charging > show notification', function() {
- sendChargingChange(false);
- assertDisplayed();
- });
- suite('goes up >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- sendLevelChange(0.2);
- });
- test('hide notification', function() {
- assertNotDisplayed();
- });
- suite('not charging >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- sendChargingChange(false);
- });
- test('should not display', function() {
- assertNotDisplayed();
- });
- test('goes empty again > display notification', function() {
- sendLevelChange(0.02);
- assertDisplayed();
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- suite('screen goes off > battery goes empty >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- sendScreenChange(false);
- sendLevelChange(0.05);
- });
- test('no notification', function() {
- assertNotDisplayed();
- });
- test('screen goes on > display notification', function() {
- sendScreenChange(true);
- assertDisplayed();
- });
- });
- });
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/date_picker_test.js b/apps/system/test/unit/date_picker_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 51d8867..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/date_picker_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-suite('date picker', function() {
- var subject;
- var Calc;
- var triggerEvent;
- teardown(function() {
- var el = document.getElementById('test');
- el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
- });
- setup(function() {
- var div = document.createElement('div');
- div.id = 'test';
- document.body.appendChild(div);
- subject = new DatePicker(div);
- Calc = DatePicker.Calc;
- subject._position = new Date(2012, 1, 1);
- });
- suite('Calc', function() {
- var mocked = {};
- function mock(fn, value) {
- if (!(fn in mocked)) {
- mocked[fn] = subject[fn];
- }
- subject[fn] = function() {
- return value;
- };
- }
- teardown(function() {
- var key;
- for (key in mocked) {
- if (mocked.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- subject[key] = mocked[key];
- }
- }
- });
- setup(function() {
- subject = DatePicker.Calc;
- });
- suite('#isSameDate', function() {
- test('same day', function() {
- assert.isTrue(subject.isSameDate(
- new Date(2012, 1, 1, 8),
- new Date(2012, 1, 1, 23)
- ));
- });
- test('same day different month', function() {
- assert.isFalse(subject.isSameDate(
- new Date(2012, 2, 1, 8),
- new Date(2012, 1, 1, 8)
- ));
- });
- });
- suite('#isToday', function() {
- test('when given is today', function() {
- var result = subject.isToday(new Date());
- assert.isTrue(result, 'should be true when given today');
- });
- test('when given is not today', function() {
- var now = new Date();
- now.setDate(now.getDate() - 1);
- var result = subject.isToday(now);
- assert.isFalse(result, 'should be false when given is not today');
- });
- });
- suite('#isPast', function() {
- test('when date is passed', function() {
- var date = new Date();
- date.setTime(Date.now() - 1000);
- var result = subject.isPast(date);
- assert.isTrue(result, 'should be true when given is in the past');
- });
- test('when given is in the future', function() {
- var date = new Date();
- date.setTime(Date.now() + 100);
- var result = subject.isPast(date);
- assert.isFalse(result,
- 'should return false when date is in the future');
- });
- });
- suite('#isFuture', function() {
- test('when date is passed', function() {
- var date = new Date();
- date.setTime(Date.now() - 100);
- var result = subject.isFuture(date);
- assert.isFalse(result);
- });
- test('when given is in the future', function() {
- var date = new Date(Date.now() + 100);
- var result = subject.isFuture(date);
- assert.isTrue(result);
- });
- });
- suite('#dateFromId', function() {
- var id;
- var result;
- var date = new Date(2012, 7, 3);
- setup(function() {
- id = subject.getDayId(date);
- });
- test('id to date', function() {
- assert.deepEqual(
- subject.dateFromId(id),
- date
- );
- });
- });
- test('#getDayId', function() {
- var result = subject.getDayId(
- new Date(2012, 3, 7)
- );
- assert.equal(result, '2012-3-7');
- });
- suite('#relativeState', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mock('isToday', false);
- });
- test('when in the past', function() {
- mock('isPast', true);
- var state = subject.relativeState(
- new Date(1991, 1, 1),
- new Date(1991, 1, 1)
- );
- assert.equal(state, subject.PAST);
- });
- test('when in the future', function() {
- mock('isPast', false);
- var state = subject.relativeState(
- new Date(1991, subject.today.getMonth(), 1),
- new Date(1991, subject.today.getMonth(), 1)
- );
- assert.equal(state, subject.FUTURE);
- });
- test('when is in a different month in the past', function() {
- mock('isPast', true);
- var state = subject.relativeState(
- new Date(1991, subject.today.getMonth() - 1, 1),
- new Date(1991, subject.today.getMonth(), 1)
- );
- assert.include(state, subject.PAST);
- assert.include(state, subject.OTHER_MONTH);
- });
- test('when is in a different month in the future', function() {
- mock('isPast', false);
- var state = subject.relativeState(
- new Date(1991, subject.today.getMonth() + 1, 1),
- new Date(1991, subject.today.getMonth(), 1)
- );
- assert.include(state, subject.FUTURE);
- assert.include(state, subject.OTHER_MONTH);
- });
- test('when is today', function() {
- mock('isToday', true);
- var state = subject.relativeState(new Date(1991, 1, 1));
- assert.equal(state, subject.PRESENT);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('#_daysIn', function() {
- test('leap year', function() {
- var result = subject._daysInMonth(2012, 1);
- assert.equal(result, 29);
- });
- test('normal', function() {
- var result = subject._daysInMonth(2012, 0);
- assert.equal(result, 31);
- });
- });
- suite('#_renderDay', function() {
- test('simple', function() {
- var date = new Date(2012, 1, 27);
- var result = subject._renderDay(date).firstChild;
- var html = result.outerHTML;
- assert.ok(html);
- assert.equal(result.dataset.date, Calc.getDayId(date));
- assert.include(html, '27');
- });
- test('today', function() {
- var date = new Date();
- var result = subject._renderDay(date);
- assert.ok(result.classList.contains('present'));
- });
- test('past', function() {
- var date = new Date(2009, 1, 1);
- var result = subject._renderDay(date);
- assert.ok(result.classList.contains('past'));
- });
- test('future', function() {
- var date = new Date();
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + 2);
- var result = subject._renderDay(date);
- assert.ok(result.classList.contains('future'));
- });
- });
- suite('#_renderWeek', function() {
- var days = [
- new Date(2012, 0, 29),
- new Date(2012, 0, 30),
- new Date(2012, 0, 31),
- new Date(2012, 1, 1),
- new Date(2012, 1, 2),
- new Date(2012, 1, 3),
- new Date(2012, 1, 4)
- ];
- var result;
- setup(function() {
- result = subject._renderWeek(days);
- });
- test('container', function() {
- assert.equal(result.tagName.toLowerCase(), 'ol');
- assert.ok(result.outerHTML);
- });
- days.forEach(function(day) {
- test('week day ' + day, function() {
- var expected = subject._renderDay(day);
- assert.include(result.outerHTML, expected.outerHTML);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('#_renderMonth', function() {
- function weekHtml(start, end) {
- var range = Calc.daysBetween(start, end);
- return subject._renderWeek(range).outerHTML;
- }
- test('Feb 2012', function() {
- var month = 1;
- var year = 2012;
- var result = subject._renderMonth(year, month);
- var html = result.outerHTML;
- assert.ok(html, 'has contents');
- assert.include(
- html,
- weekHtml(new Date(2012, 0, 29), new Date(2012, 1, 4)),
- 'has first week'
- );
- assert.include(
- html,
- weekHtml(new Date(2012, 1, 5), new Date(2012, 1, 11)),
- 'has second week'
- );
- assert.include(
- html,
- weekHtml(new Date(2012, 1, 12), new Date(2012, 1, 18)),
- 'has third week'
- );
- assert.include(
- html,
- weekHtml(new Date(2012, 1, 19), new Date(2012, 1, 25)),
- 'has fourth week'
- );
- assert.include(
- html,
- weekHtml(new Date(2012, 1, 26), new Date(2012, 2, 3)),
- 'has fifth week'
- );
- });
- });
- suite('prev/next', function() {
- var calledWith;
- setup(function() {
- subject.display(2012, 0, 1);
- });
- test('#next', function() {
- subject.next();
- assert.equal(subject.year, 2012);
- assert.equal(subject.month, 1);
- });
- test('#previous', function() {
- subject.previous();
- assert.equal(subject.year, 2011);
- assert.equal(subject.month, 11);
- });
- });
- suite('prev/next with last day of a month', function() {
- var calledWith;
- setup(function() {
- // init as 2012/3/31
- subject.display(2012, 2, 31);
- });
- test('#next', function() {
- subject.next();
- // should be 2012/4/30
- assert.equal(subject.year, 2012);
- assert.equal(subject.month, 3);
- assert.equal(subject.date, 30);
- });
- test('#previous', function() {
- subject.previous();
- // should be 2012/2/29
- assert.equal(subject.year, 2012);
- assert.equal(subject.month, 1);
- assert.equal(subject.date, 29);
- });
- });
- suite('#display', function() {
- var year = 2012;
- var month = 11;
- var date = 1;
- var calledWith;
- setup(function() {
- calledWith = null;
- subject.onmonthchange = function() {
- calledWith = arguments;
- };
- subject.display(year, month, date);
- });
- test('initial render', function() {
- assert.deepEqual(
- calledWith[0],
- new Date(year, month),
- 'should fire onmonthchange'
- );
- assert.equal(subject.year, 2012);
- assert.equal(subject.month, 11);
- assert.equal(subject.date, 1);
- assert.ok(subject.monthDisplay);
- });
- test('second rendering', function() {
- subject.display(2011, 2, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(
- calledWith[0],
- new Date(2011, 2),
- 'should fire onmonthchange again'
- );
- assert.equal(subject.year, 2011);
- assert.equal(subject.month, 2);
- assert.equal(subject.date, 1);
- assert.ok(subject.monthDisplay);
- });
- });
- suite('setters', function() {
- test('#value', function() {
- var calledWith;
- var date;
- subject.onvaluechange = function() {
- calledWith = arguments;
- }
- subject.value = date = new Date(2012, 1, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(subject.value, date);
- assert.deepEqual(calledWith, [date, null]);
- });
- });
- suite('dom events', function() {
- function triggerEvent(element, eventName) {
- var event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
- event.initEvent(eventName, true, true);
- element.dispatchEvent(event);
- }
- setup(function() {
- subject.display(2012, 1, 1);
- });
- test('select', function() {
- var calledWith;
- subject.onvaluechange = function() {
- calledWith = arguments;
- }
- var target = subject.element.querySelector('[data-date="2012-1-1"]');
- triggerEvent(target, 'click');
- assert.ok(target.classList.contains('selected'), 'adds selected class');
- assert.deepEqual(
- subject.value,
- new Date(2012, 1, 1),
- 'changes value'
- );
- assert.deepEqual(
- calledWith,
- [new Date(2012, 1, 1), new Date(2012, 1, 1)],
- 'calls onvaluechange'
- );
- triggerEvent(
- subject.element.querySelector('[data-date="2012-1-2"]'),
- 'click'
- );
- assert.ok(!target.classList.contains('selected'), 'clears past selected');
- });
- });
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/identity_test.js b/apps/system/test/unit/identity_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 150944c..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/identity_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-// ensure its defined as a global so mocha will not complain about us
-// leaking new global variables during the test
-if (!window.TrustedUIManager) {
- window.TrustedUIManager = true;
-suite('identity', function() {
- var subject;
- var realL10n;
- var realTrustedUIManager;
- var realDispatchEvent;
- var lastDispatchedEvent = null;
- suiteSetup(function() {
- subject = Identity;
- realTrustedUIManager = window.TrustedUIManager;
- window.TrustedUIManager = MockTrustedUIManager;
- realL10n = navigator.mozL10n;
- navigator.mozL10n = MockL10n;
- realDispatchEvent = subject._dispatchEvent;
- subject._dispatchEvent = function (obj) {
- lastDispatchedEvent = obj;
- };
- });
- suiteTeardown(function() {
- window.TrustedUIManager = realTrustedUIManager;
- subject._dispatchEvent = realDispatchEvent;
- navigator.mozL10n = realL10n;
- });
- setup(function() {});
- teardown(function() {
- MockTrustedUIManager.mTeardown();
- });
- suite('open popup', function() {
- setup(function() {
- var event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'open-id-dialog',
- id: 'test-open-event-id',
- showUI: true
- });
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- });
- test('popup parameters', function() {
- assert.equal(MockTrustedUIManager.mOpened, true);
- assert.equal(MockTrustedUIManager.mName, 'persona-signin');
- assert.equal(MockTrustedUIManager.mChromeEventId, 'test-open-event-id');
- });
- test('frame event listener', function() {
- var frame = MockTrustedUIManager.mFrame;
- var event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
- event.initCustomEvent('mozbrowserloadstart', true, true, {target: frame});
- frame.dispatchEvent(event);
- assert.equal(frame, lastDispatchedEvent.frame);
- assert.equal('test-open-event-id', lastDispatchedEvent.id);
- });
- });
- suite('close popup', function() {
- setup(function() {
- var event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'received-id-assertion',
- id: 'test-close-event-id',
- showUI: true
- });
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- });
- test('close', function() {
- assert.equal(false, MockTrustedUIManager.mOpened);
- assert.equal('test-close-event-id', lastDispatchedEvent.id);
- });
- });
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/lockscreen_test.js b/apps/system/test/unit/lockscreen_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7258670..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/lockscreen_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var mocksForStatusBar = ['SettingsListener'];
-mocksForStatusBar.forEach(function(mockName) {
- if (! window[mockName]) {
- window[mockName] = null;
- }
-suite('lockscreen', function() {
- var mocksHelper;
- var realSettingsListener, realMozL10n;
- var fakeLockscreenPanel;
- var red_png, green_png;
- suiteSetup(function() {
- mocksHelper = new MocksHelper(mocksForStatusBar);
- mocksHelper.suiteSetup();
- realMozL10n = navigator.mozL10n;
- navigator.mozL10n = MockL10n;
- red_png =
- green_png =
- });
- suiteTeardown(function() {
- mocksHelper.suiteTeardown();
- navigator.mozL10n = realMozL10n;
- });
- setup(function() {
- fakeLockscreenPanel = document.createElement('div');
- fakeLockscreenPanel.classList.add('lockscreen-panel');
- fakeLockscreenPanel.setAttribute('data-wallpaper', '');
- document.body.appendChild(fakeLockscreenPanel);
- mocksHelper.setup();
- });
- teardown(function() {
- fakeLockscreenPanel.parentNode.removeChild(fakeLockscreenPanel);
- mocksHelper.teardown();
- });
- test('wallpaper has vignette effect', function(done) {
- LockScreen.updateBackground(red_png);
- (function checkCanvas() {
- var canvas = fakeLockscreenPanel.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
- if (!canvas) {
- setTimeout(checkCanvas, 10);
- return;
- }
- var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
- var top_pixel = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data;
- assert.equal(top_pixel[0], 77);
- assert.equal(top_pixel[1], 0);
- assert.equal(top_pixel[2], 0);
- var center_width = Math.floor(canvas.width / 2);
- var center_height = Math.floor(canvas.height / 2);
- var center_pixel = ctx.getImageData(center_width, center_height,
- 1 , 1).data;
- assert.equal(center_pixel[0], 251);
- assert.equal(center_pixel[1], 0);
- assert.equal(center_pixel[2], 0);
- done();
- })();
- });
- test('multiple wallpaper updates only keep one canvas', function(done) {
- function waitFirstUpdate(callback) {
- var first_canvas = fakeLockscreenPanel.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
- if (!first_canvas) {
- setTimeout(waitFirstUpdate, 10, callback);
- return;
- }
- setTimeout(callback, 10);
- }
- function waitSecondUpdate(callback) {
- var second_canvas = fakeLockscreenPanel.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
- var ctx = second_canvas.getContext('2d');
- var top_pixel = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data;
- // Canvas is not green yet
- if (top_pixel[1] == 0) {
- setTimeout(waitSecondUpdate, 10, callback);
- return;
- }
- setTimeout(callback, 10);
- }
- LockScreen.updateBackground(red_png);
- setTimeout(waitFirstUpdate, 10, function then() {
- LockScreen.updateBackground(green_png);
- setTimeout(waitSecondUpdate, 10, function then2() {
- assert.equal(fakeLockscreenPanel.getElementsByTagName('canvas').length, 1);
- done();
- });
- });
- });
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mobile_operator_test.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mobile_operator_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6204217..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mobile_operator_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-/* This should live in the shared directory */
-'use strict';
-suite('shared/MobileOperator', function() {
- var MockMobileConnection;
- var BRAZIL_MCC = 724;
- setup(function() {
- MockMobileConnection = {
- voice: {
- network: {
- shortName: 'Fake short',
- longName: 'Fake long',
- mnc: '6'
- },
- cell: { gsmLocationAreaCode: 71 }
- },
- iccInfo: { spn: 'Fake SPN' }
- };
- });
- suite('Worldwide connection', function() {
- test('Connection with short name', function() {
- var infos = MobileOperator.userFacingInfo(MockMobileConnection);
- assert.equal(infos.operator, 'Fake short');
- assert.isUndefined(infos.carrier);
- assert.isUndefined(infos.region);
- });
- test('Connection with long name', function() {
- MockMobileConnection.voice.network.shortName = '';
- var infos = MobileOperator.userFacingInfo(MockMobileConnection);
- assert.equal(infos.operator, 'Fake long');
- assert.isUndefined(infos.carrier);
- assert.isUndefined(infos.region);
- });
- test('Connection with SPN display', function() {
- MockMobileConnection.iccInfo.isDisplaySpnRequired = true;
- var infos = MobileOperator.userFacingInfo(MockMobileConnection);
- assert.equal(infos.operator, 'Fake SPN');
- assert.isUndefined(infos.carrier);
- assert.isUndefined(infos.region);
- });
- test('Connection with SPN display and network display', function() {
- MockMobileConnection.iccInfo.isDisplaySpnRequired = true;
- MockMobileConnection.iccInfo.isDisplayNetworkNameRequired = true;
- var infos = MobileOperator.userFacingInfo(MockMobileConnection);
- assert.equal(infos.operator, 'Fake short Fake SPN');
- assert.isUndefined(infos.carrier);
- assert.isUndefined(infos.region);
- });
- test('Connection with roaming', function() {
- MockMobileConnection.voice.roaming = true;
- var infos = MobileOperator.userFacingInfo(MockMobileConnection);
- assert.equal(infos.operator, 'Fake short');
- assert.isUndefined(infos.carrier);
- assert.isUndefined(infos.region);
- });
- test('Connection with roaming and SPN display', function() {
- MockMobileConnection.voice.roaming = true;
- MockMobileConnection.iccInfo.isDisplaySpnRequired = true;
- var infos = MobileOperator.userFacingInfo(MockMobileConnection);
- assert.equal(infos.operator, 'Fake short');
- assert.isUndefined(infos.carrier);
- assert.isUndefined(infos.region);
- });
- });
- suite('Brazilian connection', function() {
- test('Connection ', function() {
- MockMobileConnection.voice.network.mcc = BRAZIL_MCC;
- var infos = MobileOperator.userFacingInfo(MockMobileConnection);
- assert.equal(infos.operator, 'Fake short');
- assert.equal(infos.carrier, 'VIVO');
- assert.equal(infos.region, 'BA 71');
- });
- test('Connection with unknown mnc', function() {
- MockMobileConnection.voice.network.mcc = BRAZIL_MCC;
- MockMobileConnection.voice.network.mnc = 42;
- var infos = MobileOperator.userFacingInfo(MockMobileConnection);
- assert.equal(infos.operator, 'Fake short');
- assert.equal(infos.carrier, '72442');
- assert.equal(infos.region, 'BA 71');
- });
- test('Connection with unknown gsmLocationAreaCode', function() {
- MockMobileConnection.voice.network.mcc = BRAZIL_MCC;
- MockMobileConnection.voice.cell.gsmLocationAreaCode = 2;
- var infos = MobileOperator.userFacingInfo(MockMobileConnection);
- assert.equal(infos.operator, 'Fake short');
- assert.equal(infos.carrier, 'VIVO');
- assert.equal(infos.region, '');
- });
- });
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_app.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_app.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d34051..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_app.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var idGen = 0;
-function MockApp(opts) {
- /* default values */
- this.origin = 'https://testapp.gaiamobile.org';
- this.manifestURL = 'https://testapp.gaiamobile.org/manifest' +
- idGen + '.webapp';
- this.manifest = {
- name: 'Mock app'
- };
- this.removable = true;
- this.installState = 'installed';
- this.downloadAvailable = false;
- this.downloadError = null;
- this.downloadSize = null;
- this.mId = idGen++;
- this.mDownloadCalled = false;
- this.mCancelCalled = false;
- /* overwrite default values with whatever comes in "opts" from the test */
- if (opts) {
- for (var key in opts) {
- this[key] = opts[key];
- }
- }
-MockApp.prototype.download = function() {
- this.mDownloadCalled = true;
-MockApp.prototype.cancelDownload = function() {
- this.mCancelCalled = true;
-MockApp.prototype.mTriggerDownloadAvailable = function(size) {
- this.downloadAvailable = true;
- this.downloadSize = size;
- if (this.ondownloadavailable) {
- this.ondownloadavailable({
- application: this
- });
- }
-MockApp.prototype.mTriggerDownloadSuccess = function() {
- this.downloadAvailable = false;
- this.downloadSize = null;
- if (this.ondownloadsuccess) {
- this.ondownloadsuccess({
- application: this
- });
- }
-MockApp.prototype.mTriggerDownloadError = function(error) {
- this.downloadAvailable = true;
- this.downloadSize = null;
- this.downloadError = {
- name: error || 'UNKNOWN_ERROR'
- };
- if (this.ondownloaderror) {
- this.ondownloaderror({
- application: this
- });
- }
-MockApp.prototype.mTriggerDownloadProgress = function(progress) {
- this.progress = progress;
- if (this.onprogress) {
- this.onprogress({
- application: this
- });
- }
-MockApp.prototype.mTriggerDownloadApplied = function() {
- this.downloadAvailable = false;
- this.downloadSize = null;
- if (this.ondownloadapplied) {
- this.ondownloadapplied({
- application: this
- });
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_applications.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_applications.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b3e765..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_applications.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-var MockApplications = (function() {
- var mockApps = {};
- function getByManifestURL(url) {
- return mockApps[url];
- }
- function mRegisterMockApp(mockApp) {
- mockApps[mockApp.manifestURL] = mockApp;
- }
- function mUnregisterMockApp(mockApp) {
- mockApps[mockApp.manifestURL] = null;
- }
- function mTeardown() {
- mockApps = {};
- }
- return {
- getByManifestURL: getByManifestURL,
- mRegisterMockApp: mRegisterMockApp,
- mUnregisterMockApp: mUnregisterMockApp,
- mTeardown: mTeardown
- };
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_apps_mgmt.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_apps_mgmt.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 948ef02..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_apps_mgmt.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-var MockAppsMgmt = {
- getAll: function mam_getAll() {
- var request = {};
- setTimeout((function nextTick() {
- if (request.onsuccess) {
- var evt = {
- target: {
- result: this.mApps
- }
- };
- request.onsuccess(evt);
- if (this.mNext) {
- this.mNext();
- }
- }
- }).bind(this));
- return request;
- },
- applyDownload: function mam_applyDownload(app) {
- this.mLastAppApplied = app;
- },
- mApps: [],
- mLastAppApplied: null,
- mNext: null,
- mTeardown: function mam_mTeardown() {
- this.mLastAppApplied = null;
- this.mApps = [];
- this.mNext = null;
- },
- mTriggerOninstall: function mam_mTriggerOninstall(app) {
- if (this.oninstall) {
- var evt = {
- application: app
- };
- this.oninstall(evt);
- }
- var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
- evt.initCustomEvent('applicationinstall',
- true, false,
- { application: app });
- window.dispatchEvent(evt);
- },
- mTriggerOnuninstall: function mam_mTriggerOnuninstall(app) {
- if (this.onuninstall) {
- var evt = {
- application: app
- };
- this.onuninstall(evt);
- }
- var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
- evt.initCustomEvent('applicationuninstall',
- true, false,
- { application: app });
- window.dispatchEvent(evt);
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_asyncStorage.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_asyncStorage.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a657e8b..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_asyncStorage.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var MockasyncStorage = {
- mItems: {},
- setItem: function(key, value, callback) {
- this.mItems[key] = value;
- if (typeof callback === 'function') {
- callback();
- }
- },
- getItem: function(key, callback) {
- var value = this.mItems[key];
- // use '|| null' will turn a 'false' to null
- if (value === undefined)
- value = null;
- if (typeof callback === 'function') {
- callback(value);
- }
- },
- removeItem: function(key, callback) {
- if (key in this.mItems) {
- delete this.mItems[key];
- }
- if (typeof callback === 'function') {
- callback();
- }
- },
- mTeardown: function() {
- this.mItems = {};
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_chrome_event.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_chrome_event.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 40555f9..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_chrome_event.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-function MockChromeEvent(detail) {
- this.type = 'mozChromeEvent';
- this.detail = detail;
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_custom_dialog.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_custom_dialog.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ed4b927..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_custom_dialog.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-var MockCustomDialog = {
- show: function(title, msg, cancel, confirm) {
- this.mShown = true;
- this.mShowedTitle = title;
- this.mShowedMsg = msg;
- this.mShowedCancel = cancel;
- this.mShowedConfirm = confirm;
- },
- hide: function() {
- this.mShown = false;
- },
- mShown: false,
- mShowedTitle: null,
- mShowedMsg: null,
- mShowedCancel: null,
- mShowedConfirm: null,
- mTeardown: function teardown() {
- this.mShown = false;
- this.mShowedTitle = null;
- this.mShowedMsg = null;
- this.mShowedCancel = null;
- this.mShowedConfirm = null;
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_gesture_detector.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_gesture_detector.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b66e51c..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_gesture_detector.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var MockGestureDetector = function() {};
-MockGestureDetector.prototype = {
- startDetecting: function() {},
- stopDetecting: function() {}
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_l10n.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_l10n.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 35b01d8..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_l10n.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var MockL10n = {
- get: function get(key, params) {
- if (params) {
- return key + JSON.stringify(params);
- }
- return key;
- },
- DateTimeFormat: function() {}
-MockL10n.DateTimeFormat.prototype = {
- localeFormat: function mockLocaleFormat(time, strFormat) {
- return '' + time;
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_manifest_helper.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_manifest_helper.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 34f9a13..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_manifest_helper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-MockManifestHelper = function(manifest) {
- for (var prop in manifest) {
- this[prop] = manifest[prop];
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_mobile_operator.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_mobile_operator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 430a613..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_mobile_operator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var MockMobileOperator = {
- userFacingInfo: function mmo_userFacingInfo(mobileConnection) {
- return {
- 'operator': this.mOperator,
- 'carrier': this.mCarrier,
- 'region': this.mRegion
- }
- },
- mOperator: '',
- mCarrier: '',
- mRegion: ''
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_modal_dialog.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_modal_dialog.js
deleted file mode 100644
index beb452e..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_modal_dialog.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-var MockModalDialog = {
- mMethods: [
- 'alert'
- ],
- mPopulate: function mmd_mPopulate() {
- this.mMethods.forEach(function(methodName) {
- this[methodName] = function mmd_method() {
- this.mMethodCalled(methodName, Array.slice(arguments));
- };
- }, this);
- },
- init: function mmd_init() {
- this.mMethods.forEach(function(methodName) {
- this[methodName].mWasCalled = false;
- this[methodName].mArgs = null;
- }, this);
- },
- mMethodCalled: function mmd_mMethodCalled(name, args) {
- this[name].mWasCalled = true;
- this[name].mArgs = args;
- },
- mTeardown: function mmd_mTeardown() {
- this.init();
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_battery.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_battery.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5145de1..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_battery.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-(function() {
- var props = ['level', 'charging'];
- var listeners;
- function mnb_init() {
- props.forEach(function(prop) {
- Mock[prop] = null;
- });
- listeners = {};
- }
- function mnb_addEventListener(evtName, func) {
- listeners[evtName] = listeners[evtName] || [];
- listeners[evtName].push(func);
- }
- function mnb_removeEventListener(evtName, func) {
- if (listeners[evtName]) {
- var listenerArray = listeners[evtName];
- var index = listenerArray.indexOf(func);
- if (index !== -1) {
- listenerArray.splice(index, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- function mnb_mTriggerEvent(evt) {
- var evtName = evt.type;
- if (listeners[evtName]) {
- listeners[evtName].forEach(function(listener) {
- if (listener.handleEvent) {
- listener.handleEvent(evt);
- } else {
- listener.call(Mock, evt);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- var Mock = {
- addEventListener: mnb_addEventListener,
- removeEventListener: mnb_removeEventListener,
- mTeardown: mnb_init,
- mTriggerEvent: mnb_mTriggerEvent
- };
- mnb_init();
- window.MockNavigatorBattery = Mock;
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_moz_mobile_connection.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_moz_mobile_connection.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fb05aaa..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_moz_mobile_connection.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-(function() {
- var props = ['voice', 'cardState', 'iccInfo', 'data'];
- function mnmmc_init() {
- props.forEach(function(prop) {
- Mock[prop] = null;
- });
- }
- var Mock = {
- addEventListener: function() {},
- mTeardown: mnmmc_init
- };
- mnmmc_init();
- window.MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection = Mock;
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_moz_telephony.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_moz_telephony.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 21f461c..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_moz_telephony.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-(function() {
- var props = ['active', 'calls'];
- var listeners;
- function mnmt_init() {
- props.forEach(function(prop) {
- Mock[prop] = null;
- });
- listeners = {};
- }
- function mnmt_addEventListener(evtName, func) {
- listeners[evtName] = listeners[evtName] || [];
- listeners[evtName].push(func);
- }
- function mnmt_removeEventListener(evtName, func) {
- if (listeners[evtName]) {
- var listenerArray = listeners[evtName];
- var index = listenerArray.indexOf(func);
- if (index !== -1) {
- listenerArray.splice(index, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- function mnmt_mTriggerEvent(evt) {
- var evtName = evt.type;
- if (listeners[evtName]) {
- listeners[evtName].forEach(function(listener) {
- if (listener.handleEvent) {
- listener.handleEvent(evt);
- } else {
- listener.call(Mock, evt);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- var Mock= {
- addEventListener: mnmt_addEventListener,
- removeEventListener: mnmt_removeEventListener,
- mTeardown: mnmt_init,
- mTriggerEvent: mnmt_mTriggerEvent
- };
- mnmt_init();
- window.MockNavigatorMozTelephony = Mock;
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_settings.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_settings.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b0de8a..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_settings.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-(function(window) {
- var observers = {},
- settings = {},
- removedObservers = {};
- function mns_mLockSet(obj) {
- for (var key in obj) {
- settings[key] = obj[key];
- }
- }
- function mns_addObserver(name, cb) {
- observers[name] = observers[name] || [];
- observers[name].push(cb);
- }
- function mns_removeObserver(name, cb) {
- removedObservers[name] = removedObservers[name] || [];
- removedObservers[name].push(cb);
- }
- function mns_createLock() {
- return {
- set: mns_mLockSet
- };
- }
- function mns_mTriggerObservers(name, args) {
- var theseObservers = observers[name];
- if (! theseObservers) {
- return;
- }
- theseObservers.forEach(function(func) {
- func(args);
- });
- }
- function mns_teardown() {
- observers = {};
- settings = {};
- removedObservers = {};
- }
- window.MockNavigatorSettings = {
- addObserver: mns_addObserver,
- removeObserver: mns_removeObserver,
- createLock: mns_createLock,
- mTriggerObservers: mns_mTriggerObservers,
- mTeardown: mns_teardown,
- get mObservers() {
- return observers;
- },
- get mSettings() {
- return settings;
- },
- get mRemovedObservers() {
- return removedObservers;
- }
- };
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_wake_lock.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_wake_lock.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c9ff845..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_navigator_wake_lock.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-(function() {
- var lastWakeLock,
- throwAtNextUnlock;
- function mnwl_requestWakeLock(lock) {
- lastWakeLock = {
- released: false,
- topic: lock,
- unlock: function() {
- if (throwAtNextUnlock) {
- throwAtNextUnlock = false;
- }
- this.released = true;
- }
- };
- return lastWakeLock;
- }
- function mnwl_teardown() {
- lastWakeLock = undefined;
- throwAtNextUnlock = undefined;
- }
- function mnwl_throwAtNextUnlock() {
- throwAtNextUnlock = true;
- }
- window.MockNavigatorWakeLock = {
- requestWakeLock: mnwl_requestWakeLock,
- mTeardown: mnwl_teardown,
- mThrowAtNextUnlock: mnwl_throwAtNextUnlock,
- get mLastWakeLock() {
- return lastWakeLock;
- }
- };
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_notification_helper.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_notification_helper.js
deleted file mode 100644
index adb80f9..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_notification_helper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-var MockNotificationHelper = {
- send: function(title, body, icon, clickCB, closeCB) {
- this.mTitle = title;
- this.mBody = body;
- this.mIcon = icon;
- this.mClickCB = clickCB;
- this.mCloseCB = closeCB;
- },
- mTitle: null,
- mBody: null,
- mIcon: null,
- mClickCB: null,
- mCloseCB: null,
- mTeardown: function teardown() {
- this.mTitle = null;
- this.mBody = null;
- this.mIcon = null;
- this.mClickCB = null;
- this.mCloseCB = null;
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_notification_screen.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_notification_screen.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c88a90..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_notification_screen.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-var MockNotificationScreen = {
- wasMethodCalled: {},
- mockMethods: [
- 'incExternalNotifications',
- 'decExternalNotifications',
- 'updateStatusBarIcon'
- ],
- mockPopulate: function mockPopulate() {
- this.mockMethods.forEach(function(methodName) {
- // we could probably put this method outside if we had a closure
- this[methodName] = function mns_method() {
- this.methodCalled(methodName);
- };
- }, this);
- },
- init: function mns_init() {
- this.wasMethodCalled = {};
- this.mockMethods.forEach(function(methodName) {
- this[methodName].wasCalled = false;
- }, this);
- },
- methodCalled: function mns_methodCalled(name) {
- this.wasMethodCalled[name] =
- this.wasMethodCalled[name] ? this.wasMethodCalled[name]++ : 1;
- this[name].wasCalled = true;
- },
- mTeardown: function mns_mTeardown() {
- this.init();
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_settings_listener.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_settings_listener.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a4da7f..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_settings_listener.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-var MockSettingsListener = {
- observe: function msl_observe(name, defaultValue, cb) {
- this.mName = name;
- this.mDefaultValue = defaultValue;
- this.mCallback = cb;
- },
- mName: null,
- mDefaultValue: null,
- mCallback: null,
- mTeardown: function teardown() {
- this.mName = null;
- this.mDefaultValue = null;
- this.mDefaultCallback = null;
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_sleep_menu.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_sleep_menu.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b883dc..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_sleep_menu.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var MockSleepMenu = {
- startPowerOff: function(){}
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_statusbar.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_statusbar.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8813a3b..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_statusbar.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-var MockStatusBar = {
- notificationsCount: null,
- wasMethodCalled: {},
- methodCalled: function msb_methodCalled(name) {
- this.wasMethodCalled[name] =
- this.wasMethodCalled[name] ? this.wasMethodCalled[name]++ : 1;
- },
- updateNotification: function(count) {
- var number = new Number(count);
- this.notificationsCount = number.toString();
- this.methodCalled('updateNotification');
- },
- updateNotificationUnread: function(unread) {
- this.mNotificationUnread = unread;
- },
- mNotificationUnread: false,
- mTeardown: function teardown() {
- this.notificationsCount = null;
- this.mNotificationsUpdated = false;
- this.mNotificationUnread = false;
- this.wasMethodCalled = {};
- },
- incSystemDownloads: function msb_incSystemDownloads() {
- this.methodCalled('incSystemDownloads');
- },
- decSystemDownloads: function msb_decSystemDownloads() {
- this.methodCalled('decSystemDownloads');
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_system_banner.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_system_banner.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e40d26a..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_system_banner.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-var MockSystemBanner = {
- show: function(message) {
- this.mShowCount++;
- this.mMessage = message;
- },
- mShowCount: 0,
- mMessage: null,
- mTeardown: function teardown() {
- this.mShowCount = 0;
- this.mMessage = null;
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_trusted_ui_manager.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_trusted_ui_manager.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 672ed47..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_trusted_ui_manager.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var MockTrustedUIManager = {
- open: function(name, frame, chromeEventId) {
- this.mOpened = true;
- this.mName = name;
- this.mFrame = frame;
- this.mChromeEventId = chromeEventId;
- },
- close: function() {
- this.mOpened = false;
- },
- mOpened: false,
- mName: null,
- mFrame: null,
- mChromeEventId: null,
- mTeardown: function teardown() {
- this.mOpened = false;
- this.mName = null;
- this.mFrame = null;
- this.mChromeEventId = null;
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_updatable.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_updatable.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 33f5fb8..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_updatable.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-function MockAppUpdatable(aApp) {
- this.app = aApp;
- this.mDownloadCalled = false;
- this.mCancelCalled = false;
- this.mUninitCalled = false;
- MockAppUpdatable.mCount++;
-MockAppUpdatable.mTeardown = function() {
- MockAppUpdatable.mCount = 0;
-MockAppUpdatable.mCount = 0;
-MockAppUpdatable.prototype.uninit = function() {
- this.mUninitCalled = true;
-MockAppUpdatable.prototype.download = function() {
- this.mDownloadCalled = true;
-MockAppUpdatable.prototype.cancelDownload = function() {
- this.mCancelCalled = true;
-function MockSystemUpdatable() {
- this.size = null;
- this.name = 'systemUpdate';
- this.mDownloadCalled = false;
- this.mCancelCalled = false;
- this.mUninitCalled = false;
- MockSystemUpdatable.mInstancesCount++;
-MockSystemUpdatable.mInstancesCount = 0;
-MockSystemUpdatable.mTeardown = function() {
- MockSystemUpdatable.mInstancesCount = 0;
- delete MockSystemUpdatable.mKnownUpdate;
-MockSystemUpdatable.prototype.uninit = function() {
- this.mUninitCalled = true;
-MockSystemUpdatable.prototype.download = function() {
- this.mDownloadCalled = true;
-MockSystemUpdatable.prototype.cancelDownload = function() {
- this.mCancelCalled = true;
-MockSystemUpdatable.prototype.rememberKnownUpdate = function() {
- this.mKnownUpdate = true;
-MockSystemUpdatable.prototype.forgetKnownUpdate = function() {
- delete this.mKnownUpdate;
-MockSystemUpdatable.prototype.checkKnownUpdate = function(callback) {
- if (this.mKnownUpdate && typeof callback === 'function') {
- callback();
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_update_manager.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_update_manager.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 86cb4b9..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_update_manager.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var MockUpdateManager = {
- addToUpdatesQueue: function mum_addtoUpdateQueue(updatable) {
- this.mLastUpdatesAdd = updatable;
- },
- addToUpdatableApps: function mum_addToUpdatableApps(updatable) {
- this.mLastUpdatableAdd = updatable;
- },
- removeFromUpdatesQueue: function mum_removeFromUpdateQueue(updatable) {
- this.mLastUpdatesRemoval = updatable;
- },
- addToDownloadsQueue: function mum_addtoActiveDownloads(updatable) {
- this.mLastDownloadsAdd = updatable;
- },
- removeFromDownloadsQueue:
- function mum_removeFromActiveDownloads(updatable) {
- this.mLastDownloadsRemoval = updatable;
- },
- downloadProgressed: function mum_downloadProgressed(bytes) {
- this.mProgressCalledWith = bytes;
- },
- startedUncompressing: function mum_startedUncompressing() {
- this.mStartedUncompressingCalled = true;
- },
- requestErrorBanner: function mum_requestErrorBanner() {
- this.mErrorBannerRequested = true;
- },
- checkForUpdates: function mum_checkForUpdate(forced) {
- this.mCheckForUpdatesCalledWith = forced;
- },
- mErrorBannerRequested: false,
- mLastUpdatesAdd: null,
- mLastUpdatableAdd: null,
- mLastUpdatesRemoval: null,
- mLastDownloadsAdd: null,
- mLastDownloadsRemoval: null,
- mProgressCalledWith: null,
- mCheckForUpdatesCalledWith: null,
- mStartedUncompressingCalled: false,
- mTeardown: function mum_mTeardown() {
- this.mErrorBannerRequested = false;
- this.mLastUpdatesAdd = null;
- this.mLastUpdatableAdd = null;
- this.mLastUpdatesRemoval = null;
- this.mLastDownloadsAdd = null;
- this.mLastDownloadsRemoval = null;
- this.mProgressCalledWith = null;
- this.mCheckForUpdatesCalledWith = null;
- this.mStartedUncompressingCalled = false;
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_utility_tray.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_utility_tray.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bf8a8b..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_utility_tray.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-var MockUtilityTray = {
- show: function() {
- this.mShown = true;
- },
- hide: function() {
- this.mShown = false;
- },
- mShown: false,
- mTeardown: function teardown() {
- this.mShown = false;
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_window_manager.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mock_window_manager.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 331e254..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mock_window_manager.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-var MockWindowManager = {
- getDisplayedApp: function mwm_getDisplayedApp() {
- return this.mDisplayedApp;
- },
- kill: function mwm_kill(origin) {
- this.mLastKilledOrigin = origin;
- },
- mDisplayedApp: '',
- mLastKilledOrigin: '',
- mTeardown: function() {
- this.mDisplayedApp = '';
- this.mLastKilledOrigin = '';
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/mocks_helper.js b/apps/system/test/unit/mocks_helper.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 40c8689..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/mocks_helper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-var MocksHelper = function(mocks) {
- this.mocks = mocks;
- this.realWindowObjects = {};
-MocksHelper.prototype = {
- setup: function mh_setup() {
- },
- suiteSetup: function mh_suiteSetup() {
- this.mocks.forEach(function(objName) {
- var mockName = 'Mock' + objName;
- if (!window[mockName]) {
- throw 'Mock ' + mockName + ' has not been loaded into the test';
- }
- this.realWindowObjects[objName] = window[objName];
- window[objName] = window[mockName];
- }, this);
- },
- suiteTeardown: function mh_suiteTeardown() {
- this.mocks.forEach(function(objName) {
- window[objName] = this.realWindowObjects[objName];
- }, this);
- },
- teardown: function mh_teardown() {
- this.mocks.forEach(function(objName) {
- var mockName = 'Mock' + objName;
- var mock = window[mockName];
- if (mock.mTeardown) {
- mock.mTeardown();
- }
- });
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/notifications_test.js b/apps/system/test/unit/notifications_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e323f07..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/notifications_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var mocksForNotificationScreen = ['StatusBar', 'GestureDetector',
- 'SettingsListener'];
-mocksForNotificationScreen.forEach(function(mockName) {
- if (! window[mockName]) {
- window[mockName] = null;
- }
-suite('system/NotificationScreen >', function() {
- var fakeNotifContainer, fakeLockScreenContainer, fakeToaster,
- fakeButton, fakeToasterIcon, fakeToasterTitle, fakeToasterDetail;
- var mocksHelper;
- suiteSetup(function() {
- mocksHelper = new MocksHelper(mocksForNotificationScreen);
- mocksHelper.suiteSetup();
- });
- suiteTeardown(function() {
- mocksHelper.suiteTeardown();
- });
- setup(function() {
- fakeNotifContainer = document.createElement('div');
- fakeNotifContainer.id = 'desktop-notifications-container';
- // add some children, we don't care what they are
- fakeNotifContainer.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
- fakeNotifContainer.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
- function createFakeElement(tag, id) {
- var obj = document.createElement(tag);
- obj.id = id;
- return obj;
- };
- fakeLockScreenContainer = createFakeElement('div',
- 'notifications-lockscreen-container');
- fakeToaster = createFakeElement('div', 'notification-toaster');
- fakeButton = createFakeElement('button', 'notification-clear');
- fakeToasterIcon = createFakeElement('img', 'toaster-icon');
- fakeToasterTitle = createFakeElement('div', 'toaster-title');
- fakeToasterDetail = createFakeElement('div', 'toaster-detail');
- document.body.appendChild(fakeNotifContainer);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeLockScreenContainer);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeToaster);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeButton);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeToasterIcon);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeToasterTitle);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeToasterDetail);
- mocksHelper.setup();
- NotificationScreen.init();
- });
- teardown(function() {
- fakeNotifContainer.parentNode.removeChild(fakeNotifContainer);
- fakeLockScreenContainer.parentNode.removeChild(fakeLockScreenContainer);
- fakeToaster.parentNode.removeChild(fakeToaster);
- fakeButton.parentNode.removeChild(fakeButton);
- mocksHelper.teardown();
- });
- suite('updateStatusBarIcon >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- NotificationScreen.updateStatusBarIcon();
- });
- test('should update the icon in the status bar', function() {
- assert.ok(MockStatusBar.wasMethodCalled['updateNotification']);
- assert.equal(2, MockStatusBar.notificationsCount);
- });
- test('external notif should not be able to decrease the global count',
- function() {
- NotificationScreen.decExternalNotifications();
- assert.equal(2, MockStatusBar.notificationsCount);
- });
- test('external notif should increase the global count',
- function() {
- NotificationScreen.incExternalNotifications();
- assert.isTrue(MockStatusBar.mNotificationUnread);
- assert.equal(3, MockStatusBar.notificationsCount);
- });
- test('external notif should decrease the global count',
- function() {
- NotificationScreen.incExternalNotifications();
- MockStatusBar.mNotificationUnread = false;
- NotificationScreen.decExternalNotifications();
- assert.isFalse(MockStatusBar.mNotificationUnread);
- assert.equal(2, MockStatusBar.notificationsCount);
- });
- test('should change the read status', function() {
- NotificationScreen.updateStatusBarIcon(true);
- assert.isTrue(MockStatusBar.mNotificationUnread);
- });
- test('calling addNotification without icon', function() {
- var toasterIcon = NotificationScreen.toasterIcon;
- var imgpath = 'http://example.com/test.png';
- var detail = {icon: imgpath, title: 'title', detail: 'detail'};
- NotificationScreen.addNotification(detail);
- assert.equal(imgpath, toasterIcon.src);
- assert.isFalse(toasterIcon.hidden);
- delete detail.icon;
- NotificationScreen.addNotification(detail);
- assert.isTrue(toasterIcon.hidden);
- });
- });
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/statusbar_test.js b/apps/system/test/unit/statusbar_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fba5c54..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/statusbar_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var mocksForStatusBar = ['SettingsListener', 'MobileOperator'];
-mocksForStatusBar.forEach(function(mockName) {
- if (! window[mockName]) {
- window[mockName] = null;
- }
-suite('system/Statusbar', function() {
- var fakeStatusBarNode;
- var mocksHelper;
- var realSettingsListener, realMozL10n, realMozMobileConnection,
- realMozTelephony,
- fakeIcons = [];
- suiteSetup(function() {
- mocksHelper = new MocksHelper(mocksForStatusBar);
- mocksHelper.suiteSetup();
- realMozL10n = navigator.mozL10n;
- navigator.mozL10n = MockL10n;
- realMozMobileConnection = navigator.mozMobileConnection;
- navigator.mozMobileConnection = MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection;
- realMozTelephony = navigator.mozTelephony;
- navigator.mozTelephony = MockNavigatorMozTelephony;
- });
- suiteTeardown(function() {
- mocksHelper.suiteTeardown();
- navigator.mozL10n = realMozL10n;
- navigator.mozMobileConnection = realMozMobileConnection;
- navigator.mozTelephony = realMozTelephony;
- window.SettingsListener = realSettingsListener;
- });
- setup(function() {
- mocksHelper.setup();
- fakeStatusBarNode = document.createElement('div');
- fakeStatusBarNode.id = 'statusbar';
- document.body.appendChild(fakeStatusBarNode);
- StatusBar.ELEMENTS.forEach(function testAddElement(elementName) {
- var elt = document.createElement('div');
- elt.id = 'statusbar-' + elementName;
- elt.hidden = true;
- fakeStatusBarNode.appendChild(elt);
- fakeIcons[elementName] = elt;
- });
- // executing init again
- StatusBar.init();
- });
- teardown(function() {
- mocksHelper.teardown();
- fakeStatusBarNode.parentNode.removeChild(fakeStatusBarNode);
- MockNavigatorMozTelephony.mTeardown();
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.mTeardown();
- });
- suite('system-downloads', function() {
- test('incrementing should display the icon', function() {
- StatusBar.incSystemDownloads();
- assert.isFalse(fakeIcons['system-downloads'].hidden);
- });
- test('incrementing then decrementing should not display the icon',
- function() {
- StatusBar.incSystemDownloads();
- StatusBar.decSystemDownloads();
- assert.isTrue(fakeIcons['system-downloads'].hidden);
- });
- test('incrementing twice then decrementing once should display the icon',
- function() {
- StatusBar.incSystemDownloads();
- StatusBar.incSystemDownloads();
- StatusBar.decSystemDownloads();
- assert.isFalse(fakeIcons['system-downloads'].hidden);
- });
- test('incrementing then decrementing twice should not display the icon',
- function() {
- StatusBar.incSystemDownloads();
- StatusBar.decSystemDownloads();
- StatusBar.decSystemDownloads();
- assert.isTrue(fakeIcons['system-downloads'].hidden);
- });
- /* JW: testing that we can't have a negative counter */
- test('incrementing then decrementing twice then incrementing should ' +
- 'display the icon', function() {
- StatusBar.incSystemDownloads();
- StatusBar.decSystemDownloads();
- StatusBar.decSystemDownloads();
- StatusBar.incSystemDownloads();
- assert.isFalse(fakeIcons['system-downloads'].hidden);
- });
- });
- suite('signal icon', function() {
- var dataset;
- setup(function() {
- dataset = fakeIcons.signal.dataset;
- });
- test('no network without sim, not searching', function() {
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.voice = {
- connected: false,
- relSignalStrength: null,
- emergencyCallsOnly: false,
- state: 'notSearching',
- roaming: false,
- network: {}
- };
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.cardState = 'absent';
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.iccInfo = {};
- StatusBar.update.signal.call(StatusBar);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.roaming, 'true');
- assert.notEqual(dataset.emergency, 'true');
- assert.isUndefined(dataset.level);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.searching, 'true');
- });
- test('no network without sim, searching', function() {
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.voice = {
- connected: false,
- relSignalStrength: null,
- emergencyCallsOnly: false,
- state: 'searching',
- roaming: false,
- network: {}
- };
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.cardState = 'absent';
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.iccInfo = {};
- StatusBar.update.signal.call(StatusBar);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.roaming, 'true');
- assert.notEqual(dataset.emergency, 'true');
- assert.isUndefined(dataset.level);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.searching, 'true');
- });
- test('no network with sim', function() {
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.voice = {
- connected: false,
- relSignalStrength: null,
- emergencyCallsOnly: false,
- state: 'notSearching',
- roaming: false,
- network: {}
- };
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.cardState = 'pinRequired';
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.iccInfo = {};
- StatusBar.update.signal.call(StatusBar);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.roaming, 'true');
- assert.notEqual(dataset.emergency, 'true');
- assert.equal(dataset.level, -1);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.searching, 'true');
- });
- test('searching', function() {
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.voice = {
- connected: false,
- relSignalStrength: null,
- emergencyCallsOnly: false,
- state: 'searching',
- roaming: false,
- network: {}
- };
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.cardState = 'ready';
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.iccInfo = {};
- StatusBar.update.signal.call(StatusBar);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.roaming, 'true');
- assert.notEqual(dataset.emergency, 'true');
- assert.equal(dataset.level, -1);
- assert.equal(dataset.searching, 'true');
- });
- test('emergency calls only, no sim', function() {
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.voice = {
- connected: false,
- relSignalStrength: 80,
- emergencyCallsOnly: true,
- state: 'notSearching',
- roaming: false,
- network: {}
- };
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.cardState = 'absent';
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.iccInfo = {};
- StatusBar.update.signal.call(StatusBar);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.roaming, 'true');
- assert.notEqual(dataset.emergency, 'true');
- assert.isUndefined(dataset.level);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.searching, 'true');
- });
- test('emergency calls only, with sim', function() {
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.voice = {
- connected: false,
- relSignalStrength: 80,
- emergencyCallsOnly: true,
- state: 'notSearching',
- roaming: false,
- network: {}
- };
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.cardState = 'pinRequired';
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.iccInfo = {};
- StatusBar.update.signal.call(StatusBar);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.roaming, 'true');
- assert.equal(dataset.emergency, 'true');
- assert.equal(dataset.level, '-1');
- assert.notEqual(dataset.searching, 'true');
- });
- test('emergency calls only, in call', function() {
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.voice = {
- connected: false,
- relSignalStrength: 80,
- emergencyCallsOnly: true,
- state: 'notSearching',
- roaming: false,
- network: {}
- };
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.cardState = 'pinRequired';
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.iccInfo = {};
- MockNavigatorMozTelephony.active = {
- state: 'connected'
- };
- StatusBar.update.signal.call(StatusBar);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.roaming, 'true');
- assert.equal(dataset.level, 4);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.emergency, 'true');
- assert.notEqual(dataset.searching, 'true');
- });
- test('emergency calls only, dialing', function() {
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.voice = {
- connected: false,
- relSignalStrength: 80,
- emergencyCallsOnly: true,
- state: 'notSearching',
- roaming: false,
- network: {}
- };
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.cardState = 'pinRequired';
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.iccInfo = {};
- MockNavigatorMozTelephony.active = {
- state: 'dialing'
- };
- StatusBar.update.signal.call(StatusBar);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.roaming, 'true');
- assert.equal(dataset.level, 4);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.emergency, 'true');
- assert.notEqual(dataset.searching, 'true');
- });
- test('emergency calls, passing a call', function() {
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.voice = {
- connected: false,
- relSignalStrength: 80,
- emergencyCallsOnly: true,
- state: 'notSearching',
- roaming: false,
- network: {}
- };
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.cardState = 'pinRequired';
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.iccInfo = {};
- StatusBar.update.signal.call(StatusBar);
- var activeCall = {
- state: 'dialing'
- };
- MockNavigatorMozTelephony.active = activeCall;
- MockNavigatorMozTelephony.calls = [activeCall];
- var evt = new CustomEvent('callschanged');
- MockNavigatorMozTelephony.mTriggerEvent(evt);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.roaming, 'true');
- assert.equal(dataset.level, 4);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.emergency, 'true');
- assert.notEqual(dataset.searching, 'true');
- });
- test('normal carrier', function() {
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.voice = {
- connected: true,
- relSignalStrength: 80,
- emergencyCallsOnly: false,
- state: 'notSearching',
- roaming: false,
- network: {}
- };
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.cardState = 'ready';
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.iccInfo = {};
- StatusBar.update.signal.call(StatusBar);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.roaming, 'true');
- assert.equal(dataset.level, 4);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.emergency, 'true');
- assert.notEqual(dataset.searching, 'true');
- });
- test('roaming', function() {
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.voice = {
- connected: true,
- relSignalStrength: 80,
- emergencyCallsOnly: false,
- state: 'notSearching',
- roaming: true,
- network: {}
- };
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.cardState = 'ready';
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.iccInfo = {};
- StatusBar.update.signal.call(StatusBar);
- assert.equal(dataset.roaming, 'true');
- assert.equal(dataset.level, 4);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.emergency, 'true');
- assert.notEqual(dataset.searching, 'true');
- });
- test('emergency calls, roaming', function() {
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.voice = {
- connected: false,
- relSignalStrength: 80,
- emergencyCallsOnly: true,
- state: 'notSearching',
- roaming: true,
- network: {}
- };
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.cardState = 'ready';
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.iccInfo = {};
- StatusBar.update.signal.call(StatusBar);
- assert.notEqual(dataset.roaming, 'true');
- assert.equal(dataset.level, -1);
- assert.equal(dataset.emergency, 'true');
- assert.notEqual(dataset.searching, 'true');
- });
- }),
- suite('operator name', function() {
- setup(function() {
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.voice = {
- connected: true,
- network: {
- shortName: 'Fake short',
- longName: 'Fake long',
- mnc: 10 // VIVO
- },
- cell: {
- gsmLocationAreaCode: 71 // BA
- }
- }
- MockNavigatorMozMobileConnection.iccInfo = {
- isDisplaySpnRequired: false,
- spn: 'Fake SPN'
- }
- });
- test('Connection without region', function() {
- MobileOperator.mOperator = 'Orange';
- var evt = new CustomEvent('iccinfochange');
- StatusBar.handleEvent(evt);
- assert.include(fakeIcons.label.textContent, 'Orange');
- });
- test('Connection with region', function() {
- MobileOperator.mOperator = 'Orange';
- MobileOperator.mRegion = 'PR';
- var evt = new CustomEvent('iccinfochange');
- StatusBar.handleEvent(evt);
- var label_content = fakeIcons.label.textContent;
- assert.include(label_content, 'Orange');
- assert.include(label_content, 'PR');
- });
- });
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/style/lockscreen/images/mask.png b/apps/system/test/unit/style/lockscreen/images/mask.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e1b8cf5..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/style/lockscreen/images/mask.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/updatable_test.js b/apps/system/test/unit/updatable_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7af2abf..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/updatable_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var mocksForUpdatable = [
- 'CustomDialog',
- 'UpdateManager',
- 'WindowManager',
- 'UtilityTray',
- 'ManifestHelper',
- 'asyncStorage'
-mocksForUpdatable.forEach(function(mockName) {
- if (!window[mockName]) {
- window[mockName] = null;
- }
-suite('system/Updatable', function() {
- var subject;
- var mockApp;
- var realDispatchEvent;
- var realL10n;
- var mocksHelper;
- var lastDispatchedEvent = null;
- var fakeDispatchEvent;
- suiteSetup(function() {
- realL10n = navigator.mozL10n;
- navigator.mozL10n = {
- get: function get(key) {
- return key;
- }
- };
- mocksHelper = new MocksHelper(mocksForUpdatable);
- mocksHelper.suiteSetup();
- });
- suiteTeardown(function() {
- navigator.mozL10n = realL10n;
- mocksHelper.suiteTeardown();
- });
- setup(function() {
- mockApp = new MockApp();
- subject = new AppUpdatable(mockApp);
- subject._mgmt = MockAppsMgmt;
- fakeDispatchEvent = function(type, value) {
- lastDispatchedEvent = {
- type: type,
- value: value
- };
- };
- subject._dispatchEvent = fakeDispatchEvent;
- mocksHelper.setup();
- });
- teardown(function() {
- MockAppsMgmt.mTeardown();
- mocksHelper.teardown();
- subject._dispatchEvent = realDispatchEvent;
- lastDispatchedEvent = null;
- });
- function downloadAvailableSuite(name, setupFunc) {
- suite(name, function() {
- setup(setupFunc);
- test('should add self to the available downloads', function() {
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatesAdd);
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatesAdd.app.mId,
- mockApp.mId);
- });
- suite('first progress', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(42);
- });
- test('should add self to active downloads', function() {
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsAdd);
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsAdd.app.mId,
- mockApp.mId);
- });
- test('should start with first progress value', function() {
- assert.equal(42, subject.progress);
- });
- });
- });
- }
- suite('init', function() {
- test('should keep a reference to the app', function() {
- assert.equal(mockApp, subject.app);
- });
- test('should handle fresh app with just an updateManifest', function() {
- var freshApp = new MockApp();
- freshApp.manifest = undefined;
- subject = new AppUpdatable(freshApp);
- assert.equal(freshApp, subject.app);
- });
- test('should add itself to updatable apps', function() {
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatableAdd, subject);
- });
- test('should remember about the update on startup', function() {
- asyncStorage.mItems[SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG] = true;
- var systemUpdatable = new SystemUpdatable();
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mCheckForUpdatesCalledWith, true);
- });
- downloadAvailableSuite('app has a download available', function() {
- mockApp.downloadAvailable = true;
- subject = new AppUpdatable(mockApp);
- });
- test('should apply update if downloaded', function() {
- mockApp.readyToApplyDownload = true;
- subject = new AppUpdatable(mockApp);
- // We cannot test for this._mgmt methods because it's created in
- // a constructor, so we check if the window is killed because
- // WindowManager.kill() is also called in applyUpdate() method
- assert.equal(MockWindowManager.mLastKilledOrigin, subject.app.origin);
- });
- });
- suite('infos', function() {
- suite('name', function() {
- test('should give a name for system updates', function() {
- subject = new SystemUpdatable(42);
- assert.equal('systemUpdate', subject.name);
- });
- test('should give a name for app updates', function() {
- assert.equal('Mock app', subject.name);
- });
- });
- suite('size', function() {
- test('should give packaged app update size', function() {
- assert.equal(null, subject.size);
- });
- test('should return null for hosted apps', function() {
- mockApp.updateManifest = null;
- subject = new AppUpdatable(mockApp);
- assert.isNull(subject.size);
- });
- test('should update size on download available', function() {
- mockApp.updateManifest = null;
- subject = new AppUpdatable(mockApp);
- assert.isNull(subject.size);
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable(45678);
- assert.equal(45678, subject.size);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('actions', function() {
- suite('ask for download', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- subject.download();
- });
- test('should call download on the app', function() {
- assert.isTrue(mockApp.mDownloadCalled);
- });
- });
- suite('download system update', function() {
- setup(function() {
- subject = new SystemUpdatable(42);
- subject._dispatchEvent = fakeDispatchEvent;
- subject.progress = 42;
- subject.download();
- });
- test('should send download message for system updates', function() {
- assert.equal('update-available-result', lastDispatchedEvent.type);
- assert.equal('download', lastDispatchedEvent.value);
- });
- test('should add system updates to active downloads too', function() {
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsAdd);
- assert.equal(subject, MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsAdd);
- });
- test('should start system updates with progress 0 too', function() {
- assert.equal(subject.progress, 0);
- });
- test('should do nothing if already downloading', function() {
- lastDispatchedEvent = null;
- subject.progress = 42;
- subject.download();
- assert.equal(subject.progress, 42);
- assert.isNull(lastDispatchedEvent);
- });
- });
- suite('cancel app update download', function() {
- setup(function() {
- subject.cancelDownload();
- });
- test('should call cancelDownload on the app', function() {
- assert.isTrue(mockApp.mCancelCalled);
- });
- });
- suite('cancel system update download', function() {
- setup(function() {
- asyncStorage.setItem(SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG, true);
- subject = new SystemUpdatable(42);
- subject.download();
- subject._dispatchEvent = fakeDispatchEvent;
- subject.cancelDownload();
- });
- test('should send cancel message', function() {
- assert.equal('update-download-cancel', lastDispatchedEvent.type);
- });
- test('should remove the downloading flag', function() {
- assert.isFalse(subject.downloading);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('events', function() {
- suite('apps events', function() {
- // This function checks that we release the callbacks properly
- // at the end of a download. Assumes subject.download() was called.
- function testCleanup() {
- test('should stop responding to progress', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(42);
- assert.notEqual(subject.progress, 42);
- });
- test('should stop responding to error', function() {
- MockUpdateManager.mErrorBannerRequested = false;
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadError();
- assert.isFalse(MockUpdateManager.mErrorBannerRequested);
- });
- test('progress should be reset', function() {
- assert.isNull(subject.progress);
- });
- }
- downloadAvailableSuite('ondownloadavailable', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- });
- suite('ondownloadavailable when not installed', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.installState = 'pending';
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- });
- test('should not add self to the available downloads', function() {
- assert.isNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatesAdd);
- });
- test('should not answer to progress', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- });
- });
- suite('downloadavailable at init when not installed', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.installState = 'pending';
- subject = new AppUpdatable(mockApp);
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- });
- test('should not add self to the available downloads', function() {
- assert.isNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatesAdd);
- });
- test('should not answer to progress', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- });
- });
- suite('ondownloadsuccess', function() {
- test('should remove self from active downloads', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(42);
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval.app.mId,
- mockApp.mId);
- });
- test('should not remove self if not downloading', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- });
- test('should remove self from available downloads', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(42);
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatesRemoval);
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatesRemoval.app.mId,
- mockApp.mId);
- });
- suite('application of the download', function() {
- test('should apply if the app is not in foreground', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- MockWindowManager.mDisplayedApp =
- 'http://homescreen.gaiamobile.org';
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNotNull(MockAppsMgmt.mLastAppApplied);
- assert.equal(MockAppsMgmt.mLastAppApplied.mId, mockApp.mId);
- });
- test('should wait for appwillclose if it is', function() {
- var origin = 'http://testapp.gaiamobile.org';
- mockApp.origin = origin;
- MockWindowManager.mDisplayedApp = origin;
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNull(MockAppsMgmt.mLastAppApplied);
- var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
- evt.initCustomEvent('appwillclose', true, false,
- { origin: origin });
- window.dispatchEvent(evt);
- assert.isNotNull(MockAppsMgmt.mLastAppApplied);
- assert.equal(MockAppsMgmt.mLastAppApplied.mId, mockApp.mId);
- });
- test('should kill the app before applying the update', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.equal('https://testapp.gaiamobile.org',
- MockWindowManager.mLastKilledOrigin);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('ondownloaderror', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadError();
- });
- test('should request error banner', function() {
- assert.isTrue(MockUpdateManager.mErrorBannerRequested);
- });
- test('should remove self from active downloads', function() {
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval.app.mId,
- mockApp.mId);
- });
- test('progress should be reset', function() {
- assert.isNull(subject.progress);
- });
- test('should still answer to progress events', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(42);
- assert.equal(42, subject.progress);
- });
- });
- suite('onprogress', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- });
- test('should send progress to update manager', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(1234);
- assert.equal(1234, MockUpdateManager.mProgressCalledWith);
- });
- test('should send progress delta to update manager', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(1234);
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(2234);
- assert.equal(1000, MockUpdateManager.mProgressCalledWith);
- });
- });
- suite('ondownloadapplied', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadApplied();
- });
- testCleanup();
- });
- });
- suite('system update events', function() {
- setup(function() {
- subject = new SystemUpdatable(42);
- subject._dispatchEvent = fakeDispatchEvent;
- subject.download();
- });
- suite('update-downloaded', function() {
- setup(function() {
- asyncStorage.setItem(SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG, true);
- var event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-downloaded'
- });
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- });
- test('should reset the downloading flag', function() {
- assert.isFalse(subject.downloading);
- });
- test('should reset SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG', function() {
- assert.isUndefined(asyncStorage.mItems[SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG]);
- });
- testSystemApplyPrompt();
- });
- suite('update-prompt-apply', function() {
- setup(function() {
- asyncStorage.setItem(SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG, true);
- MockUtilityTray.show();
- var event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-prompt-apply'
- });
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- });
- test('should reset SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG', function() {
- assert.isUndefined(asyncStorage.mItems[SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG]);
- });
- testSystemApplyPrompt();
- });
- suite('update-error', function() {
- setup(function() {
- subject = new SystemUpdatable(42);
- var event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-error'
- });
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- });
- test('should request error banner', function() {
- assert.isTrue(MockUpdateManager.mErrorBannerRequested);
- });
- test('should remove self from active downloads', function() {
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- assert.equal(subject, MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- });
- test('should remove the downloading flag', function() {
- assert.isFalse(subject.downloading);
- });
- });
- suite('update download events', function() {
- var event;
- setup(function() {
- subject = new SystemUpdatable(98734);
- subject.download();
- });
- suite('when the download starts', function() {
- setup(function() {
- event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-download-started',
- total: 98734
- });
- });
- test('should clear paused flag', function() {
- subject.paused = true;
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- assert.isFalse(subject.paused);
- });
- });
- suite('when the download receives progress', function() {
- setup(function() {
- event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-download-progress',
- progress: 1234,
- total: 98734
- });
- });
- test('should send progress to update manager', function() {
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- assert.equal(1234, MockUpdateManager.mProgressCalledWith);
- });
- test('should send progress delta to update manager', function() {
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- event.detail.progress = 2234;
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- assert.equal(1000, MockUpdateManager.mProgressCalledWith);
- });
- });
- suite('when the download is paused', function() {
- setup(function() {
- asyncStorage.setItem(SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG, true);
- event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-download-stopped',
- paused: true
- });
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- });
- test('should set the paused flag', function() {
- assert.isTrue(subject.paused);
- });
- test('shouldn\'t signal "started uncompressing"', function() {
- assert.isFalse(MockUpdateManager.mStartedUncompressingCalled);
- });
- test('should not reset SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG', function() {
- assert.isTrue(asyncStorage.mItems[SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG]);
- });
- });
- suite('when the download is complete', function() {
- setup(function() {
- asyncStorage.setItem(SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG, true);
- event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-download-stopped',
- paused: false
- });
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- });
- test('should clear the paused flag', function() {
- assert.isFalse(subject.paused);
- });
- test('should signal the UpdateManager', function() {
- assert.isTrue(MockUpdateManager.mStartedUncompressingCalled);
- });
- test('should not reset SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG', function() {
- assert.isTrue(asyncStorage.mItems[SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG]);
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- function testSystemApplyPrompt() {
- test('apply prompt shown', function() {
- assert.isTrue(MockCustomDialog.mShown);
- assert.equal('systemUpdateReady', MockCustomDialog.mShowedTitle);
- assert.equal('wantToInstall', MockCustomDialog.mShowedMsg);
- assert.equal('later', MockCustomDialog.mShowedCancel.title);
- assert.equal('installNow', MockCustomDialog.mShowedConfirm.title);
- });
- test('utility tray hidden', function() {
- assert.isFalse(MockUtilityTray.mShown);
- });
- test('apply prompt cancel callback', function() {
- assert.equal(subject.declineInstall.name,
- MockCustomDialog.mShowedCancel.callback.name);
- subject.declineInstall();
- assert.isFalse(MockCustomDialog.mShown);
- assert.equal('update-prompt-apply-result', lastDispatchedEvent.type);
- assert.equal('wait', lastDispatchedEvent.value);
- });
- test('canceling should remove from downloads queue', function() {
- subject.declineInstall();
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- assert.equal(subject, MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- });
- test('apply prompt confirm callback', function() {
- assert.equal(subject.acceptInstall.name,
- MockCustomDialog.mShowedConfirm.callback.name);
- subject.acceptInstall();
- assert.isFalse(MockCustomDialog.mShown);
- assert.equal('update-prompt-apply-result', lastDispatchedEvent.type);
- assert.equal('restart', lastDispatchedEvent.value);
- });
- }
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/update_manager_test.js b/apps/system/test/unit/update_manager_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b2ef4c..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/update_manager_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1449 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var mocksForUpdateManager = [
- 'StatusBar',
- 'SystemBanner',
- 'NotificationScreen',
- 'UtilityTray',
- 'CustomDialog',
- 'SystemUpdatable',
- 'AppUpdatable',
- 'SettingsListener',
- 'asyncStorage'
-mocksForUpdateManager.forEach(function(mockName) {
- if (! window[mockName]) {
- window[mockName] = null;
- }
-suite('system/UpdateManager', function() {
- var realL10n;
- var realWifiManager;
- var realRequestWakeLock;
- var realNavigatorSettings;
- var realDispatchEvent;
- var apps;
- var updatableApps;
- var uAppWithDownloadAvailable;
- var appWithDownloadAvailable;
- var fakeNode;
- var fakeToaster;
- var fakeDialog;
- var fakeWarning;
- var tinyTimeout = 10;
- var lastDispatchedEvent = null;
- var mocksHelper;
- suiteSetup(function() {
- realNavigatorSettings = navigator.mozSettings;
- navigator.mozSettings = MockNavigatorSettings;
- realL10n = navigator.mozL10n;
- navigator.mozL10n = MockL10n;
- realWifiManager = navigator.mozWifiManager;
- navigator.mozWifiManager = {
- connection: {
- status: 'connected'
- }
- };
- realRequestWakeLock = navigator.requestWakeLock;
- navigator.requestWakeLock = MockNavigatorWakeLock.requestWakeLock;
- realDispatchEvent = UpdateManager._dispatchEvent;
- UpdateManager._dispatchEvent = function fakeDispatch(type, value) {
- lastDispatchedEvent = {
- type: type,
- value: value
- };
- };
- mocksHelper = new MocksHelper(mocksForUpdateManager);
- mocksHelper.suiteSetup();
- UpdateManager.TOASTER_TIMEOUT = 0;
- });
- suiteTeardown(function() {
- navigator.mozSettings = realNavigatorSettings;
- realNavigatorSettings = null;
- navigator.mozL10n = realL10n;
- navigator.mozWifiManager = realWifiManager;
- navigator.requestWakeLock = realRequestWakeLock;
- realRequestWakeLock = null;
- UpdateManager._dispatchEvent = realDispatchEvent;
- mocksHelper.suiteTeardown();
- });
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager._mgmt = MockAppsMgmt;
- apps = [new MockApp(), new MockApp(), new MockApp()];
- updatableApps = apps.map(function(app) {
- return new AppUpdatable(app);
- });
- MockAppsMgmt.mApps = apps;
- uAppWithDownloadAvailable = updatableApps[2];
- appWithDownloadAvailable = apps[2];
- appWithDownloadAvailable.downloadAvailable = true;
- fakeNode = document.createElement('div');
- fakeNode.id = 'update-manager-container';
- fakeNode.innerHTML = [
- '<div class="icon">',
- '</div>',
- '<div class="activity">',
- '</div>',
- '<div class="message">',
- '</div>'
- ].join('');
- fakeToaster = document.createElement('div');
- fakeToaster.id = 'update-manager-toaster';
- fakeToaster.innerHTML = [
- '<div class="icon">',
- '</div>',
- '<div class="message">',
- '</div>'
- ].join('');
- fakeDialog = document.createElement('form');
- fakeDialog.id = 'updates-download-dialog';
- fakeDialog.innerHTML = [
- '<section>',
- '<h1>',
- 'Updates',
- '</h1>',
- '<ul>',
- '</ul>',
- '<menu>',
- '<button id="updates-later-button" type="reset">',
- 'Later',
- '</button>',
- '<button id="updates-download-button" type="submit">',
- 'Download',
- '</button>',
- '</menu>',
- '</section>'
- ].join('');
- fakeWarning = document.createElement('form');
- fakeWarning.id = 'updates-viaDataConnection-dialog';
- fakeWarning.innerHTML = [
- '<section>',
- '<h1>',
- 'Updates',
- '</h1>',
- '<p>',
- '</p>',
- '<menu>',
- '<button id="updates-viaDataConnection-notnow-button" type="reset">',
- 'Not Now',
- '</button>',
- '<button id="updates-viaDataConnection-download-button" type="submit">',
- 'Download',
- '</button>',
- '</menu>',
- '</section>'
- ].join('');
- document.body.appendChild(fakeNode);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeToaster);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeDialog);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeWarning);
- mocksHelper.setup();
- });
- teardown(function(done) {
- // We wait for the nextTick in order to let the UpdateManger's
- // timeouts finish (they are all set to 0)
- setTimeout(function() {
- UpdateManager.updatableApps = [];
- UpdateManager.systemUpdatable = null;
- UpdateManager.updatesQueue = [];
- UpdateManager.downloadsQueue = [];
- UpdateManager._downloading = false;
- UpdateManager._uncompressing = false;
- UpdateManager.container = null;
- UpdateManager.message = null;
- UpdateManager.toaster = null;
- UpdateManager.toasterMessage = null;
- UpdateManager.laterButton = null;
- UpdateManager.downloadButton = null;
- UpdateManager.downloadDialog = null;
- UpdateManager.downloadDialogTitle = null;
- UpdateManager.downloadDialogList = null;
- UpdateManager.lastUpdatesAvailable = 0;
- MockAppsMgmt.mTeardown();
- mocksHelper.teardown();
- fakeNode.parentNode.removeChild(fakeNode);
- fakeToaster.parentNode.removeChild(fakeToaster);
- fakeDialog.parentNode.removeChild(fakeDialog);
- lastDispatchedEvent = null;
- MockNavigatorWakeLock.mTeardown();
- MockNavigatorSettings.mTeardown();
- done();
- });
- });
- suite('init', function() {
- test('should get all applications', function(done) {
- MockAppsMgmt.mNext = function() {
- done();
- };
- UpdateManager.init();
- });
- test('should create AppUpdatable on init', function(done) {
- MockAppUpdatable.mTeardown();
- MockAppsMgmt.mNext = function() {
- assert.equal(MockAppUpdatable.mCount, apps.length);
- done();
- };
- UpdateManager.init();
- });
- test('should bind dom elements', function() {
- UpdateManager.init();
- assert.equal('update-manager-container', UpdateManager.container.id);
- assert.equal('message', UpdateManager.message.className);
- assert.equal('update-manager-toaster', UpdateManager.toaster.id);
- assert.equal('message', UpdateManager.toasterMessage.className);
- assert.equal('updates-later-button', UpdateManager.laterButton.id);
- assert.equal('updates-download-button', UpdateManager.downloadButton.id);
- assert.equal('updates-download-dialog', UpdateManager.downloadDialog.id);
- assert.equal('updates-viaDataConnection-dialog',
- UpdateManager.downloadViaDataConnectionDialog.id);
- assert.equal('updates-viaDataConnection-notnow-button',
- UpdateManager.notnowButton.id);
- assert.equal('updates-viaDataConnection-download-button',
- UpdateManager.downloadViaDataConnectionButton.id);
- assert.equal('H1', UpdateManager.downloadDialogTitle.tagName);
- assert.equal('UL', UpdateManager.downloadDialogList.tagName);
- });
- test('should bind to the click event', function() {
- UpdateManager.init();
- assert.equal(UpdateManager.containerClicked.name,
- UpdateManager.container.onclick.name);
- assert.equal(UpdateManager.requestDownloads.name,
- UpdateManager.downloadButton.onclick.name);
- assert.equal(UpdateManager.cancelPrompt.name,
- UpdateManager.laterButton.onclick.name);
- assert.equal(UpdateManager.cancelDataConnectionUpdatesPrompt.name,
- UpdateManager.notnowButton.onclick.name);
- assert.equal(UpdateManager.requestDownloads.name,
- UpdateManager.downloadViaDataConnectionButton.onclick.name);
- });
- });
- suite('events', function() {
- suite('app install', function() {
- var installedApp;
- setup(function() {
- MockAppUpdatable.mTeardown();
- UpdateManager.init();
- installedApp = new MockApp();
- installedApp.downloadAvailable = true;
- MockAppsMgmt.mTriggerOninstall(installedApp);
- });
- test('should instantiate an updatable app', function() {
- assert.equal(MockAppUpdatable.mCount, 1);
- });
- });
- suite('app uninstall', function() {
- var partialApp;
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.init();
- UpdateManager.updatableApps = updatableApps;
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- partialApp = {
- origin: appWithDownloadAvailable.origin,
- manifestURL: appWithDownloadAvailable.manifestURL
- };
- });
- test('should remove the updatable app', function() {
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.updatableApps.length;
- MockAppsMgmt.mTriggerOnuninstall(partialApp);
- assert.equal(initialLength - 1, UpdateManager.updatableApps.length);
- });
- test('should remove from the update queue', function() {
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length;
- MockAppsMgmt.mTriggerOnuninstall(partialApp);
- assert.equal(initialLength - 1, UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length);
- });
- test('should remove from the update queue even if no downloadavailable',
- function() {
- uAppWithDownloadAvailable.app.downloadAvailable = false;
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length;
- MockAppsMgmt.mTriggerOnuninstall(partialApp);
- assert.equal(initialLength - 1, UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length);
- });
- test('should call uninit on the updatable', function() {
- var lastIndex = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length - 1;
- var updatableApp = UpdateManager.updatesQueue[lastIndex];
- MockAppsMgmt.mTriggerOnuninstall(partialApp);
- assert.isTrue(updatableApp.mUninitCalled);
- });
- });
- suite('system update available', function() {
- var event;
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.init();
- event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-available',
- size: 42
- });
- UpdateManager.handleEvent(event);
- });
- test('should add a system updatable to the updates', function() {
- var lastIndex = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length - 1;
- assert.equal(undefined, UpdateManager.updatesQueue[lastIndex].app);
- });
- test('should init the updatable with the download size', function() {
- var lastIndex = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length - 1;
- assert.equal(42, UpdateManager.updatesQueue[lastIndex].size);
- });
- test('should not add or instanciate a system updatable if there is one',
- function() {
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.handleEvent(event);
- assert.equal(UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length, initialLength);
- assert.equal(MockSystemUpdatable.mInstancesCount, 1);
- });
- test('should remember that update is available', function() {
- assert.isTrue(UpdateManager.systemUpdatable.mKnownUpdate);
- });
- });
- suite('no system update available', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.init();
- });
- test('should not remember about the update', function() {
- assert.isUndefined(UpdateManager.systemUpdatable.mKnownUpdate);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('UI', function() {
- setup(function() {
- MockAppsMgmt.mApps = [];
- UpdateManager.init();
- UpdateManager.updatableApps = updatableApps;
- });
- suite('downloading state', function() {
- test('should add the css class if downloading', function() {
- UpdateManager._downloading = true;
- UpdateManager.render();
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isTrue(css.contains('downloading'));
- });
- test('should remove the css class if not downloading', function() {
- UpdateManager._downloading = true;
- UpdateManager.render();
- UpdateManager._downloading = false;
- UpdateManager.render();
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('downloading'));
- });
- test('should show the downloading progress if downloading', function() {
- UpdateManager._downloading = true;
- UpdateManager.render();
- assert.equal('downloadingUpdateMessage{"progress":"0.00 bytes"}',
- UpdateManager.message.textContent);
- });
- test('should not show the toaster if downloading', function(done) {
- UpdateManager.TOASTER_TIMEOUT = tinyTimeout;
- UpdateManager._downloading = true;
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- setTimeout(function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.toaster.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('displayed'));
- UpdateManager.TOASTER_TIMEOUT = 0;
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 1.5);
- });
- test('should show the available message if not downloading', function() {
- UpdateManager.updatesQueue = updatableApps;
- UpdateManager.render();
- assert.equal('updateAvailableInfo{"n":3}',
- UpdateManager.message.textContent);
- });
- });
- suite('progress display', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.updatesQueue = [uAppWithDownloadAvailable];
- var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
- evt.initEvent('click', true, true);
- UpdateManager.startDownloads(evt);
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- UpdateManager.downloadProgressed(1234);
- });
- test('downloadedBytes should be reset by startDownloads', function() {
- var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
- evt.initEvent('click', true, true);
- UpdateManager.startDownloads(evt);
- assert.equal('downloadingUpdateMessage{"progress":"0.00 bytes"}',
- UpdateManager.message.textContent);
- });
- test('downloadedBytes should be reset when stopping the download',
- function() {
- UpdateManager.removeFromDownloadsQueue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- assert.equal('downloadingUpdateMessage{"progress":"0.00 bytes"}',
- UpdateManager.message.textContent);
- });
- test('should increment the downloadedBytes', function() {
- UpdateManager.downloadProgressed(100);
- assert.equal('downloadingUpdateMessage{"progress":"1.30 kB"}',
- UpdateManager.message.textContent);
- });
- test('should not update if bytes <= 0', function() {
- UpdateManager.downloadProgressed(-100);
- assert.equal('downloadingUpdateMessage{"progress":"1.21 kB"}',
- UpdateManager.message.textContent);
- });
- test('should display the notification', function() {
- assert.isTrue(fakeNode.classList.contains('displayed'));
- });
- });
- suite('uncompress display', function() {
- var systemUpdatable;
- setup(function() {
- systemUpdatable = new MockSystemUpdatable();
- });
- suite('when we only have the system update', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(systemUpdatable);
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(systemUpdatable);
- UpdateManager.startedUncompressing();
- });
- test('should render in uncompressing mode', function() {
- assert.equal(UpdateManager.message.textContent,
- 'uncompressingMessage');
- });
- });
- suite('when we have various ongoing updates', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatableApps(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(systemUpdatable);
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(systemUpdatable);
- UpdateManager.startedUncompressing();
- });
- test('should stay in downloading mode', function() {
- assert.include(UpdateManager.message.textContent,
- 'downloadingUpdateMessage');
- });
- suite('once the app updates are done', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.removeFromDownloadsQueue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- UpdateManager.removeFromUpdatesQueue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- });
- test('should render in uncompressing mode', function() {
- assert.equal(UpdateManager.message.textContent,
- 'uncompressingMessage');
- });
- });
- });
- });
- suite('container visibility', function() {
- suiteSetup(function() {
- UpdateManager.TOASTER_TIMEOUT = tinyTimeout;
- });
- suiteTeardown(function() {
- UpdateManager.TOASTER_TIMEOUT = 0;
- });
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- });
- teardown(function(done) {
- // wait for all actions to happen in UpdateManager before reseting
- setTimeout(function() {
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- suite('notification behavior after addToDownloadsQueue', function() {
- setup(function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('displayed'));
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- });
- test('should be displayed only once', function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isTrue(css.contains('displayed'));
- assert.equal(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled['incExternalNotifications'], 1);
- });
- test('should not be displayed after timeout', function(done) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isTrue(css.contains('displayed'));
- assert.equal(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled['incExternalNotifications'], 1);
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- });
- suite('notification behavior after addToDownloadsQueue after timeout', function() {
- setup(function(done) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('displayed'));
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- done();
- });
- });
- test('should not increment the counter if already displayed', function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isTrue(css.contains('displayed'));
- assert.equal(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled['incExternalNotifications'], 1);
- });
- });
- suite('displaying the container after a timeout', function() {
- setup(function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('displayed'));
- });
- test('should display after a timeout', function(done) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isTrue(css.contains('displayed'));
- assert.equal(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled['incExternalNotifications'], 1);
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- test('should not display if there are no more updates', function(done) {
- UpdateManager.updatesQueue.forEach(function(uApp) {
- UpdateManager.removeFromUpdatesQueue(uApp);
- });
- setTimeout(function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('displayed'));
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- test('should display an updated count', function(done) {
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(updatableApps[1]);
- setTimeout(function() {
- assert.equal('updateAvailableInfo{"n":2}',
- UpdateManager.message.textContent);
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- suite('update toaster', function() {
- test('should display after a timeout', function(done) {
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('displayed'));
- setTimeout(function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.toaster.classList;
- assert.isTrue(css.contains('displayed'));
- assert.equal('updateAvailableInfo{"n":1}',
- UpdateManager.toasterMessage.textContent);
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 1.5);
- });
- test('should reset toaster value when notification was activated', function(done) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(updatableApps[1]);
- assert.equal('updateAvailableInfo{"n":1}',
- UpdateManager.toasterMessage.textContent);
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- test('should show the right message', function(done) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- assert.equal('updateAvailableInfo{"n":1}',
- UpdateManager.toasterMessage.textContent);
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- test('should hide after TOASTER_TIMEOUT', function(done) {
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(updatableApps[1]);
- setTimeout(function() {
- setTimeout(function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.toaster.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('displayed'));
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- });
- test('should add a new statusbar notification', function(done) {
- var method1 = 'incExternalNotifications';
- setTimeout(function() {
- assert.ok(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method1]);
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- });
- suite('no more updates', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.container.classList.add('displayed');
- UpdateManager.updatesQueue = [uAppWithDownloadAvailable];
- UpdateManager.removeFromUpdatesQueue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable);
- });
- test('should hide the container', function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('displayed'));
- });
- test('should decrease the external notifications count', function() {
- var method1 = 'decExternalNotifications';
- assert.ok(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method1]);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('after downloads', function() {
- test('should check if new updates where found', function() {
- var uApp = updatableApps[0];
- UpdateManager.updatableApps = updatableApps;
- UpdateManager.downloadsQueue = [uApp];
- UpdateManager.removeFromDownloadsQueue(uApp);
- assert.equal(uAppWithDownloadAvailable.app.mId,
- UpdateManager.updatesQueue[0].app.mId);
- });
- });
- suite('error banner requests', function() {
- suiteSetup(function() {
- UpdateManager.TOASTER_TIMEOUT = tinyTimeout;
- });
- suiteTeardown(function() {
- UpdateManager.TOASTER_TIMEOUT = 0;
- });
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.init();
- UpdateManager.requestErrorBanner();
- });
- teardown(function(done) {
- // wait for all actions to happen in UpdateManager before reseting
- setTimeout(function() {
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- test('should wait before showing the system banner', function(done) {
- assert.equal(0, MockSystemBanner.mShowCount);
- setTimeout(function() {
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- test('should show after NOTIFICATION_BUFFERING_TIMEOUT', function(done) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- assert.equal(1, MockSystemBanner.mShowCount);
- assert.equal('downloadError', MockSystemBanner.mMessage);
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- test('should show only once if called multiple time', function(done) {
- UpdateManager.requestErrorBanner();
- setTimeout(function() {
- assert.equal(1, MockSystemBanner.mShowCount);
- done();
- }, tinyTimeout * 2);
- });
- });
- suite('humanizeSize', function() {
- test('should handle 0', function() {
- assert.equal('0.00 bytes', UpdateManager._humanizeSize(0));
- });
- test('should handle bytes size', function() {
- assert.equal('42.00 bytes', UpdateManager._humanizeSize(42));
- });
- test('should handle kilobytes size', function() {
- assert.equal('1.00 kB', UpdateManager._humanizeSize(1024));
- });
- test('should handle megabytes size', function() {
- assert.equal('4.67 MB', UpdateManager._humanizeSize(4901024));
- });
- test('should handle gigabytes size', function() {
- assert.equal('3.73 GB', UpdateManager._humanizeSize(4000901024));
- });
- });
- });
- suite('actions', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.init();
- });
- suite('start downloads', function() {
- var systemUpdatable, appUpdatable, evt;
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.init();
- systemUpdatable = new MockSystemUpdatable();
- appUpdatable = new MockAppUpdatable(new MockApp());
- appUpdatable.name = 'Angry birds';
- appUpdatable.size = '423459';
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatableApps(appUpdatable);
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(appUpdatable);
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(systemUpdatable);
- UpdateManager.container.click();
- evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
- evt.initEvent('click', true, true);
- });
- suite('data connection warning', function() {
- var downloadDialog;
- setup(function() {
- downloadDialog = UpdateManager.downloadDialog;
- });
- test('should switch the online data attribute when online',
- function() {
- downloadDialog.dataset.online = false;
- window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('online'));
- assert.equal(downloadDialog.dataset.online, 'true');
- });
- test('should leave the online data attribute true when online',
- function() {
- downloadDialog.dataset.online = true;
- window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('online'));
- assert.equal(downloadDialog.dataset.online, 'true');
- });
- test('should switch the nowifi data attribute when connected',
- function() {
- downloadDialog.dataset.nowifi = true;
- window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('wifi-statuschange'));
- assert.equal(downloadDialog.dataset.nowifi, 'false');
- });
- test('should switch the nowifi data attribute when disconnected',
- function() {
- downloadDialog.dataset.nowifi = false;
- navigator.mozWifiManager.connection.status = 'disconnected';
- window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('wifi-statuschange'));
- assert.equal(downloadDialog.dataset.nowifi, 'true');
- });
- });
- test('should enable the download button', function() {
- var downloadButton = UpdateManager.downloadButton;
- assert.isFalse(downloadButton.disabled);
- });
- suite('with all the checkboxes checked', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.startDownloads(evt);
- });
- test('should download system updates', function() {
- assert.isTrue(systemUpdatable.mDownloadCalled);
- });
- test('should call download on checked app updatables', function() {
- assert.isTrue(appUpdatable.mDownloadCalled);
- });
- });
- suite('with no checkbox checked', function() {
- setup(function() {
- var dialog = UpdateManager.downloadDialogList;
- var checkboxes = dialog.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]');
- for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
- var checkbox = checkboxes[i];
- if (checkbox.checked) {
- checkbox.click();
- }
- }
- UpdateManager.startDownloads(evt);
- });
- test('the download button should be enabled', function() {
- assert.isFalse(UpdateManager.downloadButton.disabled);
- });
- test('should still download system updates', function() {
- assert.isTrue(systemUpdatable.mDownloadCalled);
- });
- test('should not call download on unchecked app updatables',
- function() {
- assert.isFalse(appUpdatable.mDownloadCalled);
- });
- });
- suite('with only app updates', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.removeFromUpdatesQueue(systemUpdatable);
- UpdateManager.container.click();
- });
- suite('unchecking all the checkboxes', function() {
- var dialog, downloadButton;
- setup(function() {
- dialog = UpdateManager.downloadDialogList;
- var checkboxes = dialog.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]');
- for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
- var checkbox = checkboxes[i];
- if (checkbox.checked) {
- checkboxes[i].click();
- }
- }
- downloadButton = UpdateManager.downloadButton;
- });
- test('should disable the download button', function() {
- assert.isTrue(downloadButton.disabled);
- });
- suite('then checking one back', function() {
- setup(function() {
- var checkbox = dialog.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]');
- checkbox.click();
- });
- test('should enable the download button back', function() {
- assert.isFalse(downloadButton.disabled);
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- suite('cancel all downloads', function() {
- var systemUpdatable;
- setup(function() {
- systemUpdatable = new MockSystemUpdatable();
- UpdateManager.updatableApps = updatableApps;
- [systemUpdatable, uAppWithDownloadAvailable].forEach(function(updatable) {
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(updatable);
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(updatable);
- });
- UpdateManager.cancelAllDownloads();
- });
- test('should call cancelDownload on the app updatables', function() {
- assert.isTrue(uAppWithDownloadAvailable.mCancelCalled);
- });
- test('should call cancelDownload on the system updatable', function() {
- assert.isTrue(systemUpdatable.mCancelCalled);
- });
- test('should empty the downloads queue', function() {
- assert.equal(UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length, 0);
- });
- test('should leave the updates available', function() {
- assert.equal(UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length, 2);
- });
- });
- suite('download prompt', function() {
- setup(function() {
- MockUtilityTray.show();
- var systemUpdatable = new MockSystemUpdatable();
- systemUpdatable.size = 5296345;
- var appUpdatable = new MockAppUpdatable(new MockApp());
- appUpdatable.name = 'Angry birds';
- appUpdatable.size = '423459';
- var hostedAppUpdatable = new MockAppUpdatable(new MockApp());
- hostedAppUpdatable.name = 'Twitter';
- UpdateManager.updatesQueue = [hostedAppUpdatable, appUpdatable,
- systemUpdatable];
- UpdateManager.containerClicked();
- UpdateManager._isDataConnectionWarningDialogEnabled = true;
- UpdateManager.downloadDialog.dataset.nowifi = false;
- });
- suite('download prompt', function() {
- test('should hide the utility tray', function() {
- assert.isFalse(MockUtilityTray.mShown);
- });
- test('should show the download dialog', function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.downloadDialog.classList;
- assert.isTrue(css.contains('visible'));
- });
- test('should set the title', function() {
- var title = fakeDialog.querySelector('h1');
- assert.equal('numberOfUpdates{"n":3}', title.textContent);
- });
- suite('update list rendering', function() {
- test('should create an item for each update', function() {
- assert.equal(3, UpdateManager.downloadDialogList.children.length);
- });
- test('should render system update item first with required',
- function() {
- var item = UpdateManager.downloadDialogList.children[0];
- assert.include(item.textContent, 'systemUpdate');
- assert.include(item.textContent, '5.05 MB');
- assert.include(item.textContent, 'required');
- });
- test('should render packaged app items alphabetically with checkbox',
- function() {
- var item = UpdateManager.downloadDialogList.children[1];
- assert.include(item.textContent, 'Angry birds');
- assert.include(item.textContent, '413.53 kB');
- var checkbox = item.querySelector('input');
- assert.equal(checkbox.type, 'checkbox');
- assert.isTrue(checkbox.checked);
- assert.equal(checkbox.dataset.position, '1');
- });
- test('should render hosted app items alphabetically with checkbox',
- function() {
- var item = UpdateManager.downloadDialogList.children[2];
- assert.include(item.textContent, 'Twitter');
- var checkbox = item.querySelector('input');
- assert.equal(checkbox.type, 'checkbox');
- assert.isTrue(checkbox.checked);
- assert.equal(checkbox.dataset.position, '2');
- });
- });
- });
- test('should handle clicking download in the data connection warning dialog', function() {
- UpdateManager.downloadDialog.dataset.nowifi = true;
- var evt = {
- preventDefault: function() {},
- type: 'click',
- target: UpdateManager.downloadViaDataConnectionButton
- };
- UpdateManager.requestDownloads(evt);
- MockasyncStorage.getItem('gaia.system.isDataConnectionWarningDialogEnabled', function(value) {
- assert.isFalse(value);
- });
- assert.isFalse(UpdateManager._isDataConnectionWarningDialogEnabled);
- assert.equal(UpdateManager.downloadDialog.dataset.dataConnectionInlineWarning, 'true');
- MockasyncStorage.mTeardown();
- });
- test('should handle clicking download when using data connection in the first time', function() {
- UpdateManager.downloadDialog.dataset.nowifi = true;
- var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
- evt.initEvent('click', true, true);
- UpdateManager.requestDownloads(evt);
- var css = UpdateManager.downloadViaDataConnectionDialog.classList;
- assert.isTrue(css.contains('visible'));
- });
- test('should handle clicking download when using wifi', function() {
- UpdateManager._isDataConnectionWarningDialogEnabled = false;
- var calledToMockStartDownloads = false;
- var realStartDownloadsFunc = UpdateManager.startDownloads;
- UpdateManager.startDownloads = function() {
- calledToMockStartDownloads = true;
- };
- var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
- evt.initEvent('click', true, true);
- UpdateManager.requestDownloads(evt);
- assert.isTrue(calledToMockStartDownloads);
- UpdateManager.startDownloads = realStartDownloadsFunc;
- });
- test('should handle cancellation on the data connection warning dialog', function() {
- UpdateManager.cancelDataConnectionUpdatesPrompt();
- var css = UpdateManager.downloadViaDataConnectionDialog.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('visible'));
- css = UpdateManager.downloadDialog.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('visible'));
- });
- test('should handle cancellation', function() {
- UpdateManager.cancelPrompt();
- var css = UpdateManager.downloadDialog.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('visible'));
- });
- test('should handle confirmation', function() {
- UpdateManager._isDataConnectionWarningDialogEnabled = false;
- var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
- evt.initEvent('click', true, true);
- UpdateManager.requestDownloads(evt);
- var css = UpdateManager.downloadDialog.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('visible'));
- css = UpdateManager.downloadViaDataConnectionDialog.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('visible'));
- assert.isTrue(MockUtilityTray.mShown);
- assert.isTrue(evt.defaultPrevented);
- });
- });
- suite('cancel prompt', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager._downloading = true;
- MockUtilityTray.show();
- UpdateManager.containerClicked();
- });
- test('should show the cancel', function() {
- assert.isTrue(MockCustomDialog.mShown);
- assert.isFalse(MockUtilityTray.mShown);
- assert.equal('cancelAllDownloads', MockCustomDialog.mShowedTitle);
- assert.equal('wantToCancelAll', MockCustomDialog.mShowedMsg);
- assert.equal('no', MockCustomDialog.mShowedCancel.title);
- assert.equal('yes', MockCustomDialog.mShowedConfirm.title);
- });
- test('should handle cancellation', function() {
- assert.equal('um_cancelPrompt',
- MockCustomDialog.mShowedCancel.callback.name);
- UpdateManager.cancelPrompt();
- assert.isFalse(MockCustomDialog.mShown);
- });
- test('should handle confirmation', function() {
- assert.equal('um_cancelAllDownloads',
- MockCustomDialog.mShowedConfirm.callback.name);
- UpdateManager.cancelAllDownloads();
- assert.isFalse(MockCustomDialog.mShown);
- });
- });
- suite('check for updates', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.init();
- });
- test('should observe the setting', function() {
- assert.equal('gaia.system.checkForUpdates', MockSettingsListener.mName);
- assert.equal(false, MockSettingsListener.mDefaultValue);
- assert.equal(UpdateManager.checkForUpdates.name,
- MockSettingsListener.mCallback.name);
- });
- suite('when asked to check', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.checkForUpdates(true);
- });
- test('should dispatch force update event if asked for', function() {
- assert.equal('force-update-check', lastDispatchedEvent.type);
- });
- test('should set the setting back to false', function() {
- var setting = 'gaia.system.checkForUpdates';
- assert.isFalse(MockNavigatorSettings.mSettings[setting]);
- });
- });
- test('should not dispatch force update event if not asked', function() {
- UpdateManager.checkForUpdates(false);
- assert.isNull(lastDispatchedEvent);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('queues support', function() {
- suite('updates queue', function() {
- suite('addToUpdatesQueue', function() {
- setup(function() {
- var installedApp = new MockApp();
- var updatableApp = new MockAppUpdatable(installedApp);
- var pendingApp = new MockApp({ installState: 'pending' }),
- uPendingApp = new MockAppUpdatable(pendingApp);
- UpdateManager.updatableApps = [updatableApp, uPendingApp];
- UpdateManager.init();
- });
- test('should add the updatable app to the array', function() {
- var updatableApp = UpdateManager.updatableApps[0];
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(updatableApp);
- assert.equal(initialLength + 1, UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length);
- });
- test('should render', function() {
- var updatableApp = UpdateManager.updatableApps[0];
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(updatableApp);
- assert.equal('updateAvailableInfo{"n":1}',
- UpdateManager.message.textContent);
- });
- test('should not add app if not in updatableApps array', function() {
- var updatableApp = new MockAppUpdatable(new MockApp);
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(updatableApp);
- assert.equal(initialLength, UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length);
- });
- test('should add a system update to the array', function() {
- var systemUpdate = new MockSystemUpdatable();
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(systemUpdate);
- assert.equal(initialLength + 1, UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length);
- });
- test('should not add more than one system update', function() {
- var systemUpdate = new MockSystemUpdatable();
- UpdateManager.updatesQueue.push(new MockSystemUpdatable());
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(systemUpdate);
- assert.equal(initialLength, UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length);
- });
- test('should not add if app already in the array', function() {
- var updatableApp = UpdateManager.updatableApps[0];
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(updatableApp);
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(updatableApp);
- assert.equal(initialLength, UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length);
- });
- test('should not add if downloading', function() {
- UpdateManager._downloading = true;
- var updatableApp = UpdateManager.updatableApps[0];
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(updatableApp);
- assert.equal(initialLength, UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length);
- });
- test('should not add a pending app to the array', function() {
- var updatableApp = UpdateManager.updatableApps[1];
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatesQueue(updatableApp);
- assert.equal(UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length, initialLength);
- });
- });
- suite('removeFromUpdatesQueue', function() {
- var updatableApp;
- setup(function() {
- var installedApp = new MockApp();
- updatableApp = new MockAppUpdatable(installedApp);
- UpdateManager.updatableApps = [updatableApp];
- UpdateManager.updatesQueue = [updatableApp];
- UpdateManager.init();
- });
- test('should remove if in updatesQueue array', function() {
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.removeFromUpdatesQueue(updatableApp);
- assert.equal(initialLength - 1, UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length);
- });
- test('should render', function() {
- UpdateManager.removeFromUpdatesQueue(updatableApp);
- assert.equal('updateAvailableInfo{"n":0}',
- UpdateManager.message.textContent);
- });
- test('should remove system updates too', function() {
- var systemUpdate = new MockSystemUpdatable();
- UpdateManager.updatesQueue.push(systemUpdate);
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.removeFromUpdatesQueue(systemUpdate);
- assert.equal(initialLength - 1, UpdateManager.updatesQueue.length);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('downloads queue', function() {
- suite('addToDownloadsQueue', function() {
- var updatableApp;
- setup(function() {
- var installedApp = new MockApp();
- updatableApp = new MockAppUpdatable(installedApp);
- UpdateManager.updatableApps = [updatableApp];
- UpdateManager.init();
- });
- test('should add the updatable to the array', function() {
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(updatableApp);
- assert.equal(initialLength + 1, UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length);
- });
- test('should add system updates too', function() {
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(new MockSystemUpdatable());
- assert.equal(initialLength + 1, UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length);
- });
- test('should not add more than one system updates', function() {
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(new MockSystemUpdatable());
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(new MockSystemUpdatable());
- assert.equal(initialLength + 1, UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length);
- });
- suite('switching to downloading mode on first add', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(updatableApp);
- });
- test('should add css class', function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isTrue(css.contains('downloading'));
- });
- test('should ask for statusbar indicator', function() {
- var incMethod = 'incSystemDownloads';
- assert.ok(MockStatusBar.wasMethodCalled[incMethod]);
- });
- test('should request wifi wake lock', function() {
- assert.equal('wifi', MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.topic);
- assert.isFalse(MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.released);
- });
- });
- test('should not add app if not in updatableApps array', function() {
- var updatableApp = new MockAppUpdatable(new MockApp);
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(updatableApp);
- assert.equal(initialLength, UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length);
- });
- test('should not add if already in the array', function() {
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(updatableApp);
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(updatableApp);
- assert.equal(initialLength, UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length);
- });
- });
- suite('removeFromDownloadsQueue', function() {
- var updatableApp;
- setup(function() {
- var installedApp = new MockApp();
- updatableApp = new MockAppUpdatable(installedApp);
- UpdateManager.init();
- UpdateManager.addToUpdatableApps(updatableApp);
- UpdateManager.addToDownloadsQueue(updatableApp);
- });
- test('should remove if in downloadsQueue array', function() {
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.removeFromDownloadsQueue(updatableApp);
- assert.equal(initialLength - 1, UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length);
- });
- suite('should switch off downloading mode on last remove', function() {
- setup(function() {
- UpdateManager.removeFromDownloadsQueue(updatableApp);
- });
- test('should remove css class', function() {
- var css = UpdateManager.container.classList;
- assert.isFalse(css.contains('downloading'));
- });
- test('should remove statusbar indicator', function() {
- var decMethod = 'decSystemDownloads';
- assert.ok(MockStatusBar.wasMethodCalled[decMethod]);
- });
- test('should release the wifi wake lock', function() {
- assert.equal('wifi', MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.topic);
- assert.isTrue(MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.released);
- });
- });
- test('should not break if wifi unlock throws an exception',
- function() {
- MockNavigatorWakeLock.mThrowAtNextUnlock();
- UpdateManager.removeFromDownloadsQueue(updatableApp);
- assert.ok(true);
- });
- test('should remove system updates too', function() {
- var systemUpdate = new MockSystemUpdatable();
- UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.push(systemUpdate);
- var initialLength = UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length;
- UpdateManager.removeFromDownloadsQueue(systemUpdate);
- assert.equal(initialLength - 1, UpdateManager.downloadsQueue.length);
- });
- });
- });
- });